Photo Breakdown

Planning a family vacation and want to document it perfectly? It's time to elevate your travel photography game without lugging around heaps of gear. Learn how to pack smart and keep things light, capturing those special moments effortlessly.

"When you're traveling with family, keep it minimal. One camera, one lens, and you're good to go."

Don't let heavy gear weigh you down. Listen in as I share how to pack smart and light for your next family vacation. Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in turning your travel snapshots into lasting memories! 

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Creators & Guests

Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Father, Photograper, Community Builder, Podcaster

What is Photo Breakdown?

Photo Breakdown is a podcast in which we explore the world of photography with a trusted guide, host Scott Wyden Kivowitz. His expertise and passion bring the industry to life as we explore the stories, trends, and ideas shaping it today. Join us as we dissect everything from incredible photographs and creative techniques to the latest gear releases and hot topics in the photography community.

In each episode, we break down what’s happening behind the scenes - whether it’s making a powerful image, a candid discussion on industry trends, or a reflection on the tools and technology changing how we make photographs. You’ll get insights, expert opinions, and a fresh perspective on what’s top of mind for photographers right now.

Anticipate short, engaging episodes brimming with ideas and inspiration. Be part of the conversation by sharing your thoughts, voice notes, and comments. Your participation is what makes our community vibrant and dynamic.

It’s more than just photography - everything that makes photography tick.

Photographer's Guide to Family Vacation Packing

[00:00:00] So you're going on a trip. You're going on vacation. You're a parent of some sort. And you who are going on a family holiday, a family vacation, whatever you call it, and you want to pack. For. Documenting your trip beyond just. Your phone. Okay. I don't care. You're an Android user or an iPhone user. Either way. A camera. We'll produce better results than your phone.

[00:00:30] Okay. Now I understand. If you.

[00:00:36] Don't have a camera, right. The phone is better than nothing. Right. But. This podcast, this video. Is. Basically for photographers to see. So with that said, you likely have a camera now. What I would do and what I do do. Is not bring a whole bunch of gear when I go on a family trip. [00:01:00] I keep it minimum. Keep it minimal. Here's what I do. First of all I pack one camera. One lens. And that lately. That camera is an icon ZF, or if you're not in the U S that F and with that is a 35 millimeter 1.8 lens. Simple. Diverse. great.

[00:01:22] In low light. Fantastic lens affordable ends. And the Nikon ZF or Zed F is also a fantastic camera. Compact. Very very durable, fast.

[00:01:37] Just a beautiful daily camera. I have an entire video and blog article all about that camera, which I will link to in the description to that for this episode now.

[00:01:50] With that. Typically, I use a spider holster for holding my camera on my hip at any given time. But with the ZF. [00:02:00] I actually put on a shoulder strap. Especially for a daily use. So I can just throw it over my shoulder. I many times I have it cross body, not just around my neck. It's cross body. so it's not even over the shoulder, it's kind of just across like a sling would be. And I carry that. One battery. One in the camera. One extra battery and then one memory card.

[00:02:25] And then I've got the. Second memory card slot also there. Right? And.

[00:02:32] Back at the hotel back at the Airbnb, wherever it might be, I will keep extra batteries. I will keep the charger. I will keep extra memory cards, but when I'm out and about, and I'm photographing the family or I'm captain some videos. I'm going very minimal. Okay. Now, if I am on the beach. If I'm at a waterpark. I'm at a splash pad.

[00:02:58] If I'm somewhere near water, [00:03:00] I'm not bringing the Nikon body. In that case, I'm either bringing one or two cameras. So, and I plan ahead depending on what the trip entails. I'm either going to bring a GoPro. Because that allows me to just any environment will allow me to just be in and get, in many cases, better video quality.

[00:03:19] And even it can do stills. Than a phone can do, plus I'd rather have the GoPro.touch sand and hit water if it has to, rather than my iPhone, which while it is. Waterproof to a point. It's also a bit of a lifeline, right? Your phone is your, you live through your phone a lot, right? Your device becomes a part of you. And if it gets destroyed, that could be a problem, especially if you're on a trip, right?

[00:03:44] So you want to make sure that your phone is safe. So with that said, the GoPro is what I would bring out. Of the bag. When I'm near water or near sand.

[00:03:56] Near snow, right? Whatever it might be. and I will hand [00:04:00] hold that. If I have to.

[00:04:03] But. The other option is the Insta go.

[00:04:08] 3S okay. This is a very compact. I think I've mentioned this previously, but it's a very compact video and, and still action cam type thing. That has many different mounts and even comes with a necklace. Mount is magnet. It comes with a hat clip Mount. And it's lightweight. Barely know it's there. And it could just be capturing the moment. But my favorite part about that camera is like, you can literally set it to just record in intervals and you never have to think about it for an entire day. So. That is another thing.

[00:04:42] Okay. Now both of those can be recharged as well as the Nikon ZF. So it really, all three can be recharged with USBC. So when I'm traveling, I could just bring one. You know, power block for USB-C to either off any, all three of those devices and charge, whatever [00:05:00] needs to be charged at that given point. Now I will put actual chargers in my luggage. Whatever luggage I might be carrying or checking, whatever. Because that way I can charge multiple at once.

[00:05:12] However,

[00:05:14] For out and about. One cable. One power brick more than enough or one battery backup, which can also. Recharge my phone. So very lightweight, very lightweight, very minimal. and I will throw that again, depending on the trip. I will either have a sling bag, like a very.sort of like a, a hip bag. Or a very small compact backpack. Now my, the backpack that I currently use this from think tank, which is a very compact one. This is, if I'm not bringing a laptop, it does have a laptop sleeve. But.the one that I got is for a 13 inch. And my laptop is actually a 14 inch.

[00:05:55] It does fit, but it's really tight. And so I only use that bag when I don't need to bring [00:06:00] a laptop because it is very, very compact, very light. I love the bag. Doesn't even look like a camera bag.but if I. Don't need as much stuff in it. Then I will actually just throw everything in a little bling that holds. The Nikon ZF with a 35 lens. and is this perfectly compact?

[00:06:20] Just the way it needs to be so very minimal. I don't bring much because I'm there too. Get away. From the day to day, I'm there to get away from the grind of the photography business. And to just enjoy time with family. But I still want to capture the moment in the best possible quality that I can. So that's my recommendation to you, whether it is a small Fuji X 100 type camera, whether it is a Leica. Whether it is the Rico, whatever it is that floats your boat. It doesn't matter. But compact is the way to go for trips. [00:07:00]

[00:07:00] Compact is the way to go when you're there for yourself for your family. And just to get away and clear head and not work. Pack light. Pack smart.

[00:07:13] And if you've got a questions about traveling, For yourself. Beyond this. Feel free to send me a message. Happy to answer.