The Adventures of Bud & Herb

Bud and Herb find themselves in the Big House after being caught fleeing Castle Dinglehopper and with the disappearance of Da’ryl X’orrin so too goes their only chance of knowing the fate of little Theo Diggle. How will Bud and Herb find their way out of this pickle?

Crygglinexxerflump “Bud” Buddlicker, Pickle Grimsby, and Sheriff Thorne: Evan Bivins
Herb, Deputy Richard Dickinson, and Theo Diggle: Anna Fitzgerald
Da’ryl X’orrin and Spif’f the Guard: Seth McKay
Kwill the Guard: Matthew Bivins
Gerty McGillicuddy: Alison Kendrick

Directed by: 
Sarah Mobley

Written/Created by:
Anna Fitzgerald
Evan Bivins

Produced & Edited:
Anna Fitzgerald
Evan Bivins
Mathew Bivins
Alison Kendrick

Sound Design:
Evan Bivins

Poster & Character Art:
Bridgit Connell

Special Thanks:
Alejandro Tey
Greg Hess

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Creators & Guests

Anna Fitzgerald
Evan Bivins
Alejandro Tey
Alison Kendrick
Matthew Bivins
Sarah Mobley
Seth McKay

What is The Adventures of Bud & Herb?

The Adventures of Bud & Herb is a new podcast from The Pocket Dimension. One part immersive audio drama and one part Dungeons & Dragons game where the dice tell the story and anything can happen. Follow along as best friends Bud and Herb hunt a cryptid that terrorizes their sleepy little town of Mystra’s Glen.

The Adventures of Bud & Herb: The Vision

Bud: [00:00:00] The sleepy, idyllic town of Mystra's Glen is home to a predator. A beast walks the outskirts silent, yet deadly. Who will fall prey to its nightmarish stench? This is Mysteries of the Verdant Valley.

Herb: Welcome back, folks, to another episode of Mysteries of the Verdant Valley. I'm Herb.

Bud: And I'm Bud, and well folks, this is a new one. We are coming to you from, you guessed it, jail.

Herb: Doing time in the big house.

Bud: That's right, we're in the pokey, the slammer, the clink, the stockade. We got caught red handed trying to sneak out of Mayor Dinglehopper's castle, and now we're cooling our heels in the crowbar hotel.

Herb: Fortunately though, they didn't take our Mycorder away.

Bud: I know, Herb. That was quick thinking for you to hide it in your mushroom patch.

Herb: Thanks. [00:01:00] Getting thrown in jail isn't the worst part, though. I mean, we're wasting precious time in here while Theo is out there all alone.

Bud: That's right. And that two timing snake in the grass, Da'ryl, done run off with our best chance of finding him. Gerty's crystal ball.

Herb: I can't believe he did that. I was just starting to like him.

Bud: I know man I feel real sorry about that, Herb. I cannot help but feel responsible. I guess you can't really never trust a rogue, but I just didn't think Da'ryl would do us dirty like that, letting us take the fall while he's skittered off with our loot.

Herb: It's not your fault, Bud. I mean, it is what it is. But what are we going to do? How are we going to find Theo without Gerty's ball?

Bud: I do not know Herb. But look, don't you worry. We're gonna think of something. We've been in, in tighter spots than this. Am I right?

Herb: I mean physically, uh, metaphorically? I guess so, yeah.

Bud: Yeah. Okay, good. So just keep your chin up and we're gonna find 'em. But we gotta get outta here. [00:02:00] You know what I'm saying? We gotta put our heads together and we gotta... Herb, hang on. What, what are you doing?

Herb: Sorry, sorry, Bud. I'm just giving you a little bit of an orange spritz.

Bud: Orange Spritz? Herb, we gotta focus, man. We got did you hear me? We gotta get out of here. We ain't got time to play with perfume and braid each other's hair and @#$% like that.

Herb: Look. First of all, neither of us have any hair. And second of all, you're still covered in Dinglehopper dookies.

Bud: I am. Wow. You know how when you smell something that smells bad for a really long time and you finally just kind of get used to it, you don't smell it no more? I just stopped smelling it.

Herb: Not me. I'm still smelling you, Bud.

Bud: Ah, fair, fair. Um, this orange spritz is actually pretty nice though. So, okay, let's get back to it. What do we know?

Herb: Well, one thing is for sure. We cannot wait on the sheriff to let us out. You're pretty small. I don't have any butter, but [00:03:00] we could cover you in some tomato juice, make you all slippery, then I could smoosh you between the bars. You could sneak off, grab your lockpicks, and then let me out. Bada bing, bada boom.

Bud: Okay, alright, well, yes, I am pretty small, that is true, but, you know, my head is, is kinda, people say it's kinda big. I'm not sure it's gonna fit through them bars.

Herb: Well, let's try.

Bud: I, no, I'm saying I don't know, Herb.

Herb: Look. Pick a bunch of tomatoes from my shell garden, please.

Bud: Okay, uh, well, the cherry tomatoes are these bigguns?

Herb: The bigguns!

Bud: Okay, here you go.

Herb: Okay, just put them on the floor. Put them on the floor.

Bud: There, okay, there they are.

Herb: Stomp!

Bud: Oh, we're really doing this.

Herb: We're doin' it! Come here!

Bud: Okay, okay. Oh, wait, hang on, hang on now.

Herb: Let's just get this all over. Come here. Behind the ears.[00:04:00]

Bud: Oh, Herb, man, I don't think this is natural.

Herb: It's all natural!

Bud: No, no, man, this feels more like sticky than slippery, you know what I'm sayin'?

Herb: It's great for your skin though.

Bud: Oh! Oh! Herb! Ow! My eyes! Herb! That stings, man! Watch where you sticking that @#$%!

Herb: Oh, sorry. Okay, let's give it a whirl. You ready?

Bud: No!

Herb: Is anybody coming?

Bud: I don't know, I can't see nuthin'!

Herb: Here we go!

Bud: Wait, wait. Ow, ow, ow, ow

Herb: Is it working?

Bud: Herb! No, no, it's not working, man. Stop. Ow.

Herb: Gosh, you really do have a big head.

Bud: I done told you, man. I done told you.

Herb: Well, let's see. I do have plenty of carrots on my shell. Maybe we could just chew a set of keys.

Bud: Ooh, or a lockpick. Are carrots hard enough to pick a lock though?

Herb: I mean, they're pretty crunchy.

Bud: Well, let's try it. [00:05:00] Wow, Herb, these carrots are good.

Herb: Thanks. Hey, wait! Are you eating them? We're supposed to be making keys.

Bud: I ain't eaten since lunch, man. I'm starving.

Herb: Me neither.

Bud: Ooh, you got any of that dip? You got some of that, um, what do you call it, that hummus, don't ya?

Herb: Not that kind of hummus.

Bud: Okay.

Thorne: Oy, spit that out!

Bud: Oh ho ho, well if it ain't Mystra's Glen's finest, Officer Thorne and Deputy Dickcheese. I assume you're here to let us go?

Thorne: Sheriff Thorne. And you ain't going nowheres!

Bud: You can't keep us in here, man, we ain't done nothing.

Herb: Yeah! You're infringing on our rights as sovereign citizens of Sigea to investigate and cultivate. We're being held without charge, which is illegal. Plus, we ain't done nothing.

Thorne: Oh, you done [00:06:00] plenty.

Bud: We already done told you, man. We got lost. We ended up in them tunnels. We didn't know we was trespassing, alright? Are you seriously gonna charge us for an innocent mistake?

Herb: Yeah! Those tunnels are not well marked at all. Anybody could wander in there.

Thorne: Shut it! Now, where were yous between the hours of 5:00pm and midnight, Thursday night?

Bud: What, what the, what does that got to do with anything?

Thorne: Where were you? Turtle, you first.

Herb: My name is Herb.

Thorne: Turtle. Where was you?

Herb: I was with Bud.

Thorne: Where?

Herb: Uh, well, from around 5:00pm until 10:00pm. We were at Bud's shop working on our fungcast, Mysteries of the Verdant Valley. Don't forget to like and follow!

Thorne: And after 10:00pm?

Herb: Mmm, after 10:00pm? Let's see. Oh! We were out at the Cinderwood doing an interview with [00:07:00] Grondar.

Thorne: Pawsniff? For how long?

Herb: Till about midnight. You can ask him yourself.

Thorne: Oh we will, you can count on that, Lovey. Imp! What about you?

Bud: Imp? You talking to me?

Thorne: You see any other shorties about. Well?

Bud: Well, what Herb said.

Thorne: And did you see anyone else between the hours of 5:00pm and midnight?

Bud: Well, I mean, just Pickle, but

Thorne: Who's Pickle?

Bud: Well, Pickle. You know, my shop assistant. But they ain't

Thorne: Deputy, do you know this Pickle person?

Deputy Dickinson: There's only one dumbass in town with a name as stupid as Pickle.

Bud: Hey! @#$% you Dickcheese.

Deputy Dickinson: They're talking about Pickle Grimsby, sir.

Thorne: Pick them up for questioning.

Bud: The @#$% you say? Pickle didn't do nothin'!

Thorne: And Pawsniff, too. Now, you lot moved to Mystra's Glen not so long ago, ain't that right?

Herb: Yeah, I guess I mean, not too, too long ago.

Thorne: So, one could say you're strangers to this [00:08:00] community, relatively speaking, that is.

Bud: Ah, I wouldn't say strangers.

Thorne: You've embedded yourselves rather quickly, set up shop even.

Herb: Well, we love it here. Mystra's Glen is our home.

Thorne: Oh, I'm sure you do. What's not to love? A quiet little place, as pretty as a picture, where nothing bad ever happens. No violence, no thieving, no crime to speak of. Not until you lot darkened our doorstep, that is.

Herb: But, what do you mean?

Bud: What are you sayin' man?

Thorne: Shut it! Last night, a child goes missing. Tonight, a magical item of great value was stolen from Mayor Dinglehopper's home.

Herb: Hang on a minute. What are you insinuating, sir?

Thorne: I ain't insinuating nothing. I'm saying you lot are under arrest for the kidnapping of Theodore Diggle, breaking and entering of Mayor [00:09:00] Dinglehopper's home, and theft of personal property amounting to grand larceny.

Bud: Have you lost your Gods damn mind? That's @#$% crazy, man.

Herb: We didn't kidnap Theo! We're trying to find him!

Bud: You can't do this, man!

Thorne: Oh, you'll find I can. You ain't got no alibi for your whereabouts last night.

Herb: We told you, we were with Pickle and Grondar.

Thorne: Oh, right, right. Your accomplices. And they's gonna be joining you in this cell shortly.

Bud: How stupid are you, man? You got us locked up in here while a scared little boy is out there and you ain't doing @#$% to find him.

Thorne: What'd you call me?

Bud: Stupid.

Thorne: Don't you call me stupid.

Bud: Oh yeah. You're so stupid they had to burn the school down to get you out of third grade.

Thorne: You'd best watch your mouth.

Bud: You're so stupid, you locked yourself in the bathroom and @#$% your pants.

Herb: Yeah! You are so stupid! If [00:10:00] you were a potato, you'd be a stupid potato!

Bud: Good one, Herb. And, and, you're so ugly, when you were born, the doctor slapped your mama.

Thorne: Oh, oh, see how it is. You need a lesson in manners. Deputy, teach him how to respect his betters.

Bud: Betters? Oh, you gotta be kidding. Okay, okay, whoa, hang on now. Ow! Ow, man, ow! Stop it!

Herb: Nobody hurts my BUDDIES! RAGE! AH!

Bud: Herb! Herb! Calm down, man. You gotta calm down.

Herb: But they can't do this! It's not right!

Bud: I know. I know. But you're only making it worse, man. I promise. Just, you gotta cool out.

Thorne: That's right. Now we can add assaulting officer of the law to your charges.

Bud: This is @#$% [00:11:00] up, man.

Thorne: Deputy, get up you ponce and go pick up their accomplices.

Deputy Dickinson: Yes, sir.

Thorne: And you lot, I suggest you make yourselves nice and comfortable. You're gonna be here a long time.


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Bud: Ugh, they gone?

Herb: I think so.

Bud: Well, that didn't go great.

Herb: Not really. Are you okay, Bud?

Bud: Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. That deputy hits like a flumph.

Herb: I don't know, it looked like it hurt.

Bud: No, naw, naw, it didn't, it didn't hurt none.

Herb: I heard [00:13:00] you say ow.

Bud: No, no you didn't.

Herb: I definitely did.

Bud: No, no, no, I said wow, cause I was so amazed at how much it didn't hurt.

Herb: Um, actually, what you said was, and I quote, Ow! Stop! Ow, ow, ow! Herb, help me please.

Bud: No. Okay. Haha. No. No. I did not say that.

Herb: We can play back the tape if you want.

Bud: Okay, fine. fine. It hurt. Are you happy?

Herb: I mean, no, but I thought so.

Bud: What are we gonna do now, man? We're stuck in here, Deputy Dicksack is going to round up Pickle and Grondar, and Theo is out there somewhere. Man, this really went tits up. Maybe we're just not cut out to be adventurers no more. I don't know.

Herb: Oh, Bud, I don't think that's true. I mean, maybe we're not cut out for adventuring anymore. Maybe we are. But regardless, we cannot let them get to Pickle and Grondar and throw their asses in here with us.

Bud: Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. No [00:14:00] time for moping. Let's get the hells out of here.

Herb: That's right. We could try to make the carrot lockpicks again if you want.

Bud: Well, you know what? They were tasty, but I hate to break it to you. It probably wasn't gonna work.

Herb: Are you sure? I mean, the carrots were really crisp.

Bud: They were super crisp, but this is an iron gate. Might be a little bit crispier.

Herb: Hmm.

Bud: Huh. Um, look. There's a way out of here. We just gotta put our heads together, right?

Herb: I mean, okay. How about this? What if you act like they hit your head a little bit too hard and you need a doctor? Then, when they come in here, we just ambush them.

Bud: Oh, okay, the old honey badger trap. Yeah. Yeah. The thing is, I think they're pretty much on high alert after you kicked old Deputy Dicksack in the nuggets so hard he'll be tasting dick for a week.

Herb: Yeah. Hmm. Maybe.

Bud: Yeah. Well, keep thinking. Let's see. Hmm. [00:15:00] Hmm. Well, what about? Nah, nah, that wouldn't work.

Herb: No, no, no, tell me, tell me. There are no bad ideas.

Bud: Well, what about the floor?

Herb: What about the floor?

Bud: It is made of dirt.

Herb: Oh! We could dig! Yeah!

Bud: Yeah man! Problem is, we ain't got no shovels, and that would take forever, so...

Herb: No, no, no, no, no. We don't need no shovels.

Bud: What do you mean?

Herb: All we need is my bare claws. Turtlefolk are excellent diggers.

Bud: Oh, really?

Herb: Yeah!

Bud: I mean, that's still gonna take forever, though, so.

Herb: No, no, no. I can dig freakishly fast. I mean, you've seen my garden, right?

Bud: Damn, Herb, you weren't kidding! At this rate, we'll be out of here in no time!

Herb: I told ya!

Bud: Herb, Herb, chill!

Herb: Oh!

Bud: I think somebody's coming!

Herb: Quick! Okay, help me move the bench over the hole.

Kwill: Move it!

Pickle: Get off of me!

Kwill: We caught one of your accomplices.

Herb: Pickle!

Spiff: Back away from the door! I said [00:16:00] get back or the Halfling gets a walloping!

Kwill: Okay, you. Get in there.

Herb: You didn't have to throw Pickle on the ground!

Kwill: Ha, ha, ha! Pickle! Its name was Pickle.

Spiff: Ha, ha, ha! It was funny though!

Kwill: Okay, okay, hey now, hey, whoa, whoa. What's that pile of dirt on the ground?

Herb: That's the dirt from my shell garden.

Spiff: I'm sorry, your what?

Herb: My vegetable garden. It's molting.

Bud: Yeah, she's moltin'. It's natural.

Herb: It's natural.

Spiff: Molting eh? You hear that, Kwill? This turtle comes with their own veggies!

Kwill: That's right, that's right. Everything you need for a turtle stew all in one sweet smelling package.

Spiff: Oh yeah, Kwill is a right good cook.

Kwill: Indeed. Gonna have us a right [00:17:00] good feast, we will.

Spiff: Yeah, we will. Delicious. Mm.

Bud: That's @#$% up, man.

Kwill: Come on. Pipe down before we have to teach you another lesson.

Spiff: Yeah, pipe down.

Bud: You're talking about eating a person here.

Spiff: Toodleoo, losers.

Kwill: Taste ya laters!

Herb: I had no idea that jail in Mystra's Glen was going to be this dark.

Bud: So dark. Pickle! Oh my god. Are you alright?

Herb: Here. Let me help you up.

Pickle: Oh. Thanks, Herb.

Bud: Oh my gods. We're so sorry we got you caught up in all of this.

Pickle: It's okay.

Bud: No, no, no, it's not okay. It's that damn Drow Elf. I never should have trusted him. If Da'ryl hadn't have run off without us, we wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place.

Herb: But don't worry, Pickle. We have a plan. We're digging a tunnel.

Bud: That's right. We're going to get out of here. We gotta get to Grondar before they do. Pickle, grab that bench over there [00:18:00] and move it over here.

Pickle: Guys!

Bud: What?

Pickle: We don't have much time.

Bud: Uh, yeah, we know.

Pickle: Look to see if the guards are coming.

Bud: Pickle, what are you up to?

Herb: Looks like the coast is clear.

Pickle: I snuck this past the guards.

Bud: A handkerchief?

Pickle: Nope.

Bud: Oh! A portable hole!

Pickle: We're here to rescue you!

Herb: Wait. Who's we?

Da'ryl: Ah!

Bud & Herb: Da'ryl!!

Bud: You two timing son of an ogrillon!

Herb: Bud, he's here to help!

Bud: He can help himself to my foot up his ass! You left us twistin' in the wind to get snatched up by Johnny Law, you double crossing snake!

Da'ryl: Just calm your ass down.

Bud: Don't you tell me to calm down. Imma calm the hells up @#$%! Imma stick my foot so far up your ass you gonna...

Herb: Bud, zip it! Pickle, Da'ryl, thanks for coming to the rescue. But wouldn't it work a little bit better if you weren't in the jail with us?

Da'ryl: I mean, well, yes, and I've got that covered, so keep an eye out while I work on this lock.

Herb: Okay.

Bud: Somebody [00:19:00] better start doing some 'splainin' right now.

Da'ryl: Yeah, yeah, as soon as I heard the Sheriff in the tunnel, I cast invisibility on myself, okay? If I could've cast it on you two, I would've.

Bud: Well, it's the thought that counts.

Da'ryl: Look, I had the crystal ball. If I had been caught as well, we would have all been in jail, and the ball would have been lost.

Herb: Oh, that was quick thinking, Da'ryl. Wasn't it, Bud?

Da'ryl: Yes.

Bud: I suppose.

Da'ryl: Yes, it was, it was. I followed you and the sheriff back to the jail, and staked it out, hoping I might find a way to free you. But, the place was crawling with guards. They've obviously ramped up security, and even still being invisible, it was way too risky. Then, I saw the deputy with a group of guards leave the jail. I overheard him giving orders to arrest Pickle here at your shop. It was then that I knew what to do.

Pickle: Da'ryl got too the shop right before the deputy did. He explained the whole plan. He was going to get in one of our portable holes, and I replaced my handkerchief with it and then let myself get [00:20:00] caught.

Herb: Wow, smart!

Bud: Uh, okay, I gotta hand it to y'all. That is pretty damn genius. Except, this place is crawling with guards! How are we getting out? I mean, we can't just walk out.

Da'ryl: Yeah, you know me better than that, right, Bud? I've got one more trick up my sleeve.

Herb: Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit. You look just like Sheriff Thorne, Da'ryl.

Da'ryl: And that's exactly the point. Now, everybody inside the portable hole, and I'll get us out of here looking just like your dear sheriff.

Bud: Hang on, hang on, slow your roll, Sheriff Da'ryl. You can't just look like Thorne. If we're gonna get out of here, you gotta be able to sound like him too. So, let's hear it, what you got?

Da'ryl: Okay, let me see. Ahem. Oy you lot!

Bud: Wow, that, that's pretty good.

Da'ryl: Obviously. Ah, look, someone's coming. Quick! All of you in the hole.

Pickle: Smells like beans in here!

Da'ryl: Mind your hands and feet. Look out, quick.

Herb: Wait, wait, Da'ryl! Take the [00:21:00] Mycorder. We've got to get this for the show!

Da'ryl: Okay.

Bud: Good thinking, Herb.

Da'ryl: Now, shh!

Kwill: Who's ready for some turtle pie?

Spiff: I am!

Da'ryl: Oy, you lot!

Kwill: Oh, oh, Sheriff, sir. I didn't see you come back here.

Da'ryl: Shut it! Would either of you like to explain to me where in the Nine Hells our prisoners are?

Kwill: But they're right in the cell, sir, right?

Spiff: Yeah, look.

Da'ryl: Do they look they're in the cell?

Spiff: They were there just a few minutes ago, sir. We promise!

Da'ryl: Shut it! They're not there now, are they? It looks like they've dug themselves a nice little tunnel and gone about their merry way on your watch!

Kwill: God. We're sorry, we're sorry, sir.

Spiff: So so sorry sir.

Da'ryl: Shut it!

Spiff: Okay.

Da'ryl: I should let me doggo eat your twigs and berries for supper. Get a party together and find them before I unleash the hounds!

Spiff: Yes [00:22:00] sir! Yes, sir! Not my berries! I love my berries!


Gerty: I'm coming! Oh, Sheriff Thorne, how unexpected. What may I do for you?

Da'ryl: Right, my disguise, sorry. One second here. Hello.

Gerty: Oh, dear gods! Who on Sigea are you?

Da'ryl: Apologies, madam. My name is Da'ryl. I am an associate of Bud and Herb.

Gerty: Oh, have you seen them? Did they send you? I was expecting them some time ago.

Da'ryl: Yes, actually, I have some important news. May I come in?

Gerty: Oh, yes, yes, right this way. Are Bud and Herb coming?

Da'ryl: They're right here, [00:23:00] actually. Uh, one second. And, uh, ah, here.

Herb: Oh, wow, we made it.

Bud: Gods dang it, Da'ryl. Just take your sweet ass time, why don't ya?

Da'ryl: Look. I moved as quickly as I could, okay? Mystra's Glen is on high alert. Guards everywhere.

Gerty: Herb! Bud! I have been waiting for you for hours! Where have you been?

Herb: Sorry, Gerty. Things got a little complicated.

Bud: Oh, you can say that again.

Herb: But, we're here, and we have your crystal ball.

Gerty: Thank the gods, where is it?

Herb: It's in the hole. Hold on. Hey, Pickle, could you, could you grab it for us? Oh, uh, Gerty, by the way, this is Pickle. They work at Bud's shop. Pickle, this is Gerty. She's a fortune teller.

Gerty: I prefer spiritual medium, dear. It's nice to meet you, Pickle.

Pickle: Oh, it's nice to meet you, too. Here's Ah! Here's Ah! Wow, this is heavy. Here's your crystal ball, ma'am.

Gerty: Joyous day! Kathy! I thought you were lost [00:24:00] to me forevermore!

Da'ryl: Hang on. Your, uh, crystal ball has a name?

Gerty: They name themselves.

Herb: Wait. It's alive?!

Pickle: Can it talk?

Gerty: In a manner of speaking.

Bud: Uh, okay. I hate to break up your reunion, but can we get this show on the road?

Herb: Yeah. Can you tell us where Theo is?

Gerty: Yes, yes, you're right. Let's get down to business. But first, we must prepare the scrying chamber. Mr. Da'ryl, please draw the curtains. Pickle, Bud. Can you help move this table and these chairs together?

Bud: Okay.

Gerty: Herb, dim the oil lamps, would you?

Herb: How's that?

Gerty: Perhaps a skosh brighter. Ooh. Back down a touch. Perfect. Right there. Now, light these candles here.

Herb: Okay.

Gerty: And do you see that incense there? Hand that to me, please. Oh, and Bud, over there. Fetch Theo's drawing of Todd the Cinderwood Walker and Herb the Brazier, please.

Bud: Oh, my God. Can we make you a sandwich while we're at it?

Pickle: Oh, what are all these chairs for?

Gerty: For all of you, of course. If I had more time, perhaps I could scry on Theo on my own, [00:25:00] but under the circumstances, I will need all of your help.

Herb: Help how?

Gerty: All of you sit down. I will explain.

Herb: Okay.

Gerty: When it's time, I'm going to ask you to focus all of your attention, all of your concentration on Theo.

Da'ryl: And that will help enhance the clairvoyance, or?

Gerty: And the clairaudience.

Da'ryl: Oh, whoa.

Gerty: And yes. Or at least that's my hope. Your energies can help sharpen its focus, as it were.

Bud: Yeah, but none of us really knows Theo. I mean, except for you and Herb, I guess.

Gerty: True, true. But you are here because you care about him. All of you have gone to great lengths to help find him. This energy ripples out into the cosmos and the cosmos listens. It watches. It knows. Let us pray that is enough for we only have one chance at this.

Herb: One chance?

Gerty: Yes. Theo's drawing is a crucial component for this ritual, and for it to work, it must [00:26:00] be sacrificed in the process and we only have the one.

Bud: Oh my gods. Can't we tear it in half or something?

Gerty: I'm afraid that's not how it works. Now, before we get started. I just need to warm up. Oh, my, I, oh, oh, oh, oh! Red leather, yellow leather. A, E, I, O oh! M, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m,

Bud: What the

Gerty: E, a, u, a. E, a, u, a, e, a, u, a, oh! Okay, okay. And now we begin. I will ask you all to join hands, close your eyes, turn your mind's eye inward, and focus on Theo. Picture him sitting in his favorite tree, drawing. Listening to the MycoWave with his brother Dougie. In the warm embrace of his mother Rosie. Pickle, please place Theo's drawing in the brazier.

Pickle: [00:27:00] Like that?

Gerty: Perfect, dear. Now, you must all be completely silent while I call upon The Weave.

Bud: Shhh. Herb be quiet.

Herb: I am being quiet. You're being loud.

Gerty: Ahem.

Da'ryl: Hey, both of you, pipe down.

Gerty: Herb, you know Theo best. When I complete the invocation, alight the drawing with this candle.

Herb: Okay.

Gerty: Deep breath, everyone. Eldriar Shantu Velosmir, Tal Karasi Ilnen Val Nosir, Aranus Dor, Mishkaval, Theosha, Kareen, Torasol, Thrandor, Akshir, Dosikal, Morn, Kantoshiel, Fenasorn.

Bud: That's spooky as @#$% [00:28:00] y'all.

Da'ryl: Yeah, that was wild.

Gerty: Darkness. Naught but darkness all around.

Herb: Can you see anything at all? Kathy ain't showing me @#$%!

Gerty: Wait! A faint phosphorescent glow of lichen? What is that?

Bud: What's what?

Gerty: Theo. I think I see him. But just barely. It's so dark.

Herb: He's alive! Theo's alive?

Gerty: He's not moving. Or perhaps, cannot move? He is imprisoned.

Bud: Imprisoned? Oh, no!

Herb: Do you see Todd? Do you see the Cinderwood Walker?

Gerty: I do not see the beast, no.

Da'ryl: Is there any clues, uh, something to identify the place with?

Gerty: Roots! Hanging down from the ceiling and they sway, as if their own accord.

Bud: Oh man, come on come on. Is there anything else?

Herb: Anything at all?

Gerty & Da'ryl: Shh!

Bud: What the hell? Herb, I think the MycoWave just turned on all by itself!

Theo: [00:29:00] Mama? Dougie? Are you there?

Bud: It's theo!

Theo: It's Todd. I'm scared. There are people here. Mama?

Herb: Bud! It's just like what happened to Dougie!

Bud: Gerty, I think your vision connected to the MycoWave!

Dinglehopper: It's too soon. The Diggle boy has promise, but he's not ready. Do whatever you have to. Just make this disappear.

Gerty: Oh!

Herb: What? What? What? What? What?

Da'ryl: Holy!

Herb: What happened? What happened?

Da'ryl: Gerty, are you all right?

Gerty: The connection is broken. The beast. It is there.

Bud: Did it see you?

Gerty: [00:30:00] I don't know.

Herb: Are you alright, Gerty? You look like that really took it out of ya.

Pickle: Here have some water, Gerty.

Gerty: Thank you dear Pickle.

Herb: Was, was that?

Bud: The Mayor!

Herb: And Sheriff Thorne. They're with Theo?

Bud: But The Walker was there too!

Herb: What is going on here, Bud?

Bud: Dinglehopper said Theo had promise.

Herb: Promise for what?

Bud: I don't know and it don't sound like we want to find out. We got to find Theo now. Herb, get your meat tenderizer. It's time we come out of retirement.

Herb: Let's go!


Anna Fitzgerald: The Adventures of Bud and Herb is brought to you by The Pocket Dimension. Created and written by Anna Fitzgerald and Evan Bivins. Episode 5, The Vision, stars Evan Bivins as Crygglinexxerflump "Bud" Buddlicker, Pickle Grimsby, and Sheriff Thorne. Anna Fitzgerald as Herb, Deputy Richard Dickinson, and Theo [00:31:00] Diggle. Seth McKay as Da'ryl X'orrin and Spiff the Guard. Matthew Bivins as Kwill the Guard, and Alison Kendrick as Gerty McGillicuddy. Directed by Sarah Mobley. Produced and edited by Anna Fitzgerald, Evan Bivins, Matthew Bivins, and Alison Kendrick. Sound design by Evan Bivins. Original character art and poster by Bridgit Connell and special thanks to Alejandro Tey and Greg Hess. Please consider supporting our show by becoming a patron at Or find us on YouTube and all other socials @enterthepocketdimension.