Twist My Arm Podcast

Welcome back to Quest Me! The podcast that takes you on a quest through the latest Star Wars project!

For the next 7 weeks we will be discussing and breaking down The Acolyte episode by episode!

On this weeks episode of Quest Me, Nate from the Rocky Mountain Sports Room Podcast joins us to talk about # TheAcolyte Episode 7; Choice. Is the series getting better or as this episode a little lackluster? Did the "Twist" hit as hard as the creators wanted? What have been your thoughts of The Acolyte up to now?

Bar Far Away Recipe
The Power of Two
1 oz black magic rum
1 oz Dead Head rum
1 oz lime juice
.5 oz demerara syrup
.5 oz elderberry syrup
Please Drink Responsibly

Be sure to follow Nates podcast Below
Rocky Mountain Sports Room Podcast on Facebook
RSMR Youtube Page

Follow Justin on Instagram HERE
Follow Phil on
Twitter HERE
Take a peek at Phils Blog,
"The Swords of the Ancients" HERE

Be sure to follow Quest Me(TMA) at the links below!

Opening music
Arrival in utopia by soundbay

Closing Music
Mysterious Sci Fi

The opinions expressed in this podcast are just that, opinions. Copyright TMA Studios. All Rights Reserved

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What is Twist My Arm Podcast?

Welcome to the Twist My Arm Podcast! We're here to twist your arm into something new!

hello everyone and welcome

back to quest me the star

wars podcast that takes you

on a quest through legends

and new canon of course my

name is josh I'm your

forever host and of course

we are part of the twist my

arm podcast you can find us

anywhere just by searching

twist my arm that's youtube

twitter facebook instagram

tiktok all those places

just search twist my arm

and you'll find us

This season,

we're talking about The Acolyte,

probably one of the more

controversial shows since Obi-Wan Kenobi,

funny enough.

But it's been a fun ride.

This week, Justin, unfortunately,

had a weird mishap with the schedule,

and he's not going to be here tonight.

But that's okay.

We wish him a very happy

trip to wherever vacation

destination he is going.

We do, however,

have our good friend Phil here today.

Thanks for being here, Phil.

Good to be here, as always.

If you ever, like,

forgot that your flight was

indeed today and not tomorrow,

would you live through the night?


No, I would not.

I just...


I wish Justin the best of luck with

his endeavor.


But I'm glad that you didn't

forget any trips or

anything and that you're

still here with us.

Or the time being.


How's the Ren Faire going?

Ah, you know, it's not going too bad.

We're just over halfway through,

and we are heading into

Pirate Invasion weekend

this Saturday and Sunday.

Oh, that's got to be a good weekend,


It's the best.

It is, unfortunately,

also supposed to be the

hottest weekend of the

whole festival so far.

They're talking like...

heat warnings like triple

digit heat warnings up and

down the front range so

gotta stay hydrated like I

was just actually like

water hydrated yeah yeah

because you're gonna be in

that crazy costume and like

it's gonna be hot as hell

So I wish you the best of

luck on that and definitely

stay hydrated.

And people that are going to

the Ren Faire or doing

anything out in that heat, stay hydrated.

And like Phil said, with water, not booze,

it's not the same.

Drink water.

Speaking of drinking water,

we have a very wonderful

friend of mine on the show today.

He actually was on the

second ever episode of the

Twist My Arm podcast.

You can go all the way back

in the Twist My Arm Classic

episodes and find him.

The episode here with Mr. Nate.

Thanks for coming back, sir.

Josh, it's absolutely great to be here,


It's crazy.

I know you came on the Rocky

Mountain Sports Room.

We got to have you on there as a guest.

Steve, Ben, our other hosts,

if you're listening,

I'll just say it was really

nice to have somebody on

the show that actually

knows something about basketball.

Hopefully we can have you

back because I'm tired of

listening to those guys.

talk football and then pivot

over to thinking they have

an opinion that weighs in on the Nuggets.

But now that I've started that fight,

which wasn't intended to start, yeah,

I mean, it's great to be here.

Excited to talk to Star Wars.

Phil, it's nice to meet you.

Likewise, man.

I would not go to the Ben's

Fair this weekend with that

heat if you paid me,

if I did not have to dress

up like a pirate.

It's been hard to pry me

outside in the 90s.

Hey, that's fair enough, man.

It's all good.

Yeah, there's no way.

I have a hard time just

going outside right now.

I mean, it's humid as hell in Nebraska.

So with the heat,

you add the humidity and

it's pretty rough.

But like, man, going to the red,

just going out at any point

in time during a heat wave

like that does not sound

like a good time to me.


Yeah, but thank you guys for being here.

I am excited to talk about this week.

You know,

I watched this episode the other

day and I was having a

really bad toothache.

And I was kind of medicated

and fell asleep.

I was falling in and out of

sleep during the episode.

And from what I saw,

I literally just thought I

was watching Episode 3, Destiny.

um which is why I called

this episode the director's

cut destiny the director's

cut because it seemed like

it was just when I first

did the whole thing named

the episode and everything

it was like well it's just

like episode three but with

10 minutes of extra footage

so it's like a director's cut but

Upon second watch,

I actually had a lot more

fun when I was coherent and awake.

This episode was actually really,

really good.

So I do have some qualms with it,

especially that music at the end.


I'm just going to bring it up now.


Why vocals?


Just the pop aspect in general,

that's never been a thing,

especially like, you know,

English language pop music.

And not in any universe.

yeah kind of thing I

listened to the whole song

the second time through I

listened to the whole thing

I gave it a good old

college try and I just

can't I it was very out of

pocket I think for star

wars did you guys listen to

the whole thing song and

like any credits of this

one or something yeah yeah

all right because I told

you I just watched this one

like not today but last night

I guess I skipped bits for

the first week correctly.

I did not catch that.

I'm going to go back.

That sounds ridiculous.

It was a choice.

Is this as bad as suddenly

busting into a pop song at

Jabba's level of music?


it was just a little jarring given the

tone of the ending of things.

It just didn't seem like it

lent itself to a happy, like,

pop song ending.

Yeah, no, it was... No, and thanks, Jesse,

for being here.

Oh, shit.

He says, unfortunately,

that song was solid.

And, I mean, for a pop song,

it's a cool song, but, like,

I just... You know?

Are we talking Hayley Swift?

Not to be that guy.

He also says not to be that guy,

but Star Trek actor has a

single called Twin Flames.

I mean, that's normal.

Star Trek also had a musical episode,

which was groundbreaking,

and it was really good.

But, like,

they're a little more

experimental over there,

and Star Trek always has

been a little more experimental.

Star Wars has always kind of

stuck to a certain formula

when it comes to, you know,

their scores and their soundtracks.

And so it just...

me I don't know I just don't

think uh no and he's right

it's not a he says just oh

no happy song it's not it's

about like the episode

basically it's very very

sad but um just the fact

that it's a pop song was

weird to me so let's go

back and check it out I

know it I might be coming

back around tomorrow josh

what are you talking about

that's the track of the year

It threw me a little bit.

I will admit it threw me a little bit,

but I did appreciate it

more on a second listen through.

I mean, okay.

That's fair.

Again, it's a good song.

I just don't think it was

really meant to be there.

It was weird.

Anyway, we'll move on from there.

We are seven episodes deep.

Thanks, Jesse.

um so we're seven episodes

deep now and we have one

episode to go and we got

pretty much all the answers

um from previous episodes

except for like chimera we

didn't get any answers

about chimera or anything

like that but that was to

be expected with a

flashback episode yes um

nate what have been

You know, actually, before I get into that,

I'm sorry.

I need to start.

I'm getting too far ahead of myself.

You've always liked Star Wars,

for the most part.

Oh, yeah.

What got you into Star Wars?

I really can't remember the

first time I saw Star Wars.

I know that, you know,

there's a lot of cool

things about growing up nowadays.

The kids have and everything like that.

But something that they

won't have is like a huge...

cabinet of totally legally

recorded tv movies right

and so just going through

all of those tapes and

finding the one that star

wars like you know empire

strikes back I turn to the

jedi and just watching them

and fast forward to the

commercial breaks and like

I don't think I actually

saw the theatrical cuts

until you re-release in

theaters I saw them out

like I didn't see the you

know a new rope until I had

already seen empire strikes

back like 50 times as a kid

So, yeah, I mean, I've got,

I think I've gotten into a

more visible spot,

but I'm not sure what I'm

thinking right now.

Somewhere up there in the

background of crap that

might be going behind me,

I've still got the, like,

eight VHS tapes left, and six of them are,

you know,

the original trilogy and the

director's cut.


Right, so, been a huge Lifetime fan.

You know,

I think one of the times we

talked to Star Wars on a podcast,

you know, it might have been

back in the beginning days

of twist my arm and you

guys are like okay so

you're like a purist when I

was saying I didn't really

recognize these new star

wars movies they didn't

feel like star wars and

I'll take the prequels and

all like star wars this

really has been my first

like re-engagement with

star wars since the

skywalker trilogy kind of

just pushed me away and honestly like

was to turn on the fence

about watching it.

And then you said, hey,

would you plan on watching it?

We'd love to have that come on the show.

And I thought, hey, all human humor, Josh.

It can't be worse than Solo, right?

Actually, it's a bloody surprise.

It's not, you know,

blowing my mind or anything like that.

But we talked about before

we started shooting, right?


I'm surprised that if anything Disney

has created,

if anything's going to create

backlash and have fans saying,

we don't like this,

this one would be the last

one I would expect.

That confuses me more than anything.

Like, again,

it's not the greatest thing

they've ever made,

but I've been pretty

confident this season so far.


So, all in all,

you've thought the Acolyte has been, like,



are you excited for the season finale?

I'm excited, and I'm worried.

Like, I was worried... Oh, my God.

I mean,

we talk about it a few different times,

and I was worried during the series.

A lot of us around Carrie and Moss.

But he's dead as long as we

don't flash back again.

So I think we should be OK.

I was worried once we got to

about episode five or so, like, OK,

you guys only have eight episodes.

Did you write yourself into a corner?

And then, you know,

this last director's cut of episode three,


where we got to see what really

happened 16 years ago.

That was awesome.

But all I could think the

whole time I was watching it was crap.

I think there's only 45

minutes left to wrap this up.

And I know it's not a movie.

It's a show, but season two isn't a given.

And wherever they're going with it,

it's just,

I hope they're able to pull it

all off in like 45, 50 minutes.

And I'm really hoping they

don't cop out because, you know,

I think there was some

serious cop out in the

Captain Kennedy trilogy.

And I feel like so far

they're leaning into some

of that darker side of the

force type stuff and the

fact that not everybody's perfect.

And I'm hoping that that leaves it.

I hope this season ends

leaving me wanting more of

feeling like some dark

times might be ahead, you know,

and not falling into that

trap of wanting to wrap

everything up and make

everybody feel good.


I'm enjoying it.

I'm excited for the finale,

but I'm worried they're not

going to stick the link.


Yeah, that's a very fair assessment.

I do love the dark side

aspect of this show.

That's been my favorite part.

That's been the biggest draw

to this show since they announced it,

was that it's going to be

more of a dark side story

and less of a heroic,

triumphant Jedi story.

And I do agree.

I would like this show to

end with a little bit more

Jesse Says question.

Will the show end on a cliffhanger,

angling for a second season?

And I think there's already

cliffhangers going on right now.

The Senate wanting to do an

audit on the Jedi is a pretty big...

like storyline that they

could run with in the

second season um now with

this episode we have a

character that's missing

that could show up in the

second season with a story

arc um and who knows what's

gonna happen in the season

finale like we could be

left with a ton of questions so um

yeah this episode was really

good it it got us through

like brendak finally that's

like been our biggest thing

is I just wanted to know

what happened on brendak um

my synopsis for this was

and again I wrote this

like a while ago and it's

it's in the director's cut

of episode three we get 10

minutes of never before

seen footage we finally get

to see what happened all

that time ago on brendak

but was it satisfying or

were we left with more

questions and answers see I

wrote that before I watched

it again but then after I i

watched it again I was like

well it's just too funny I

gotta leave it in so

We did actually get a lot of

questions answered,

but we did get a lot more

questions kind of thrown at us.

So we'll get into those as they arise.

But, Phil,

what were your impressions of Episode 7?

What were your thoughts after watching?

overall uh I well we got to

see the same uh we got to

see the same director uh

koganata was back uh

directing this which only

made sense since he had

directed the uh previous

flashback episode right um

it's kind of interesting

because like outside of a

lot of south korean film

work most of his stuff is uh

like done a supplemental videos.

Like he does essays and

things to go as extras on

criterion collection releases.

So he's got an incredible

eye and it was just fun to

see him kind of show off as

a director a little more.

But I think it was necessary

to have him back behind the

camera for this episode in

order to make that whole

structure still feel like

the same time period,

to make it feel like the same event.

And to be fair,

I bet he just directed both

episodes at the same time.



But regardless,

being able to have him have

that perspective on both of

these parts of the story.


And have that eye for that

perspective to tell the

story that he did was pretty well done.

And to be able to set it up

and frame it so that we got

enough of a different perspective,

enough of a different bit

of story with this.

I do like how much of the

same kind of stuff we saw in the overlap,

but getting it from, you know,

not the same exact same camera angles,

not getting all of the

exact same elements.

It definitely,

I think it definitely nailed that whole,

the whole Rashomon effect

that it's been going for,

that the series has been going for.


That was one of my questions, actually,

was where do we stand with

the whole Rashomon thing?

I think it was well done.

All right.

But I've also re-watched

Rashomon fairly recently,

like within the last few months,

to just kind of have

that... Not even

specifically because of this,

but honestly just because I

like Kurosawa as a filmmaker.


well but it does it does

help kind of gives you a

better idea of I should go

I need to go back and watch

that so I can actually know

where they're pulling their

you know inspirations from

because yeah I like talking

about it but of course I'm

like oh I've only read you

know the synopsis of the

movies and like I just have

never had access to that

kind of stuff so yeah

I'm sure with the internet now,

I'm sure I could find it pretty easily.

Yeah, I enjoyed it.

And I can almost guarantee

you I'm going to rate this

one higher than you.


My rating has already gone

up a lot since the second watch of it.

But I also know I...

I'm coming into this,

as I do any of these stories,

I'm coming in with an

English major's perspective

on narrative structure and

things like that.

And with that perspective,

is it living up to what it

was kind of putting down?

Yeah, no, I mean,

it's hitting a lot of the

pretty consistent story beats.

I think it's actually being...

I think it's being better paced.

I honestly think that we could get,

we could have gotten some

more characterization.

Jesse mentioned Torben again here.


we see a lot from him in this episode

in a very few scenes.

I think we got solid

characterization out of everybody.


Fascinating to see the

conflict in the Jedi's

motives throughout this episode.

Yeah, absolutely.


what did you think about after this


What were your thoughts as

far as how the flashback

was handled and stuff?

I thought it was really good.

Honestly, I'm a fan of show, don't tell.

If you want to write a book, write a book.

That's awesome.

I can't tell you how loud I

cheered when she died like

10 seconds into the show.

I was like, thank God.

Oh my God.

I did not want to have to watch her.

Probably really not.

Watch the matrix.

Tell me her best scene in the matrix.

We're not just saying Neo.

She's terrible.

She was decent.


Not my point.

It was a lot better than I

thought it would be.

It honestly was.

I was worried, like I said, pacing-wise,

that they don't have time

to go back and retell that

part of the story.

But it was visual storytelling.

So much of it was subtle.

They could have easily come in and said,

oh, this part's different,

or really made sure to call

your attention to it.

And, you know...

as we sit here and talk about it more,

I'm realizing I really does

deserve at least a second viewing, but,

um, just the, the slight differences,


Like why they were there,

the actual motives of what

brought them there and what

they actually saw and what actually, um,

you know,

the actual decision that's all

made in terms of actually saving or not,


not pay and what that meant and


And just the, the fact that,

They kind of just let you

watch it and internalize

what didn't jive with the

version that you were told before.

I thought very well into the

kind of ending of just like,

we're not telling the

council what happened.


want to make sure everybody knows that.

Yeah, that was interesting.

I feel like Indara is just kind of like,

I don't know,

she really likes keeping secrets.

There's one big thing that I

think she's kind of keeping

a secret about later on,

but we'll get into that.

I did want to just kind of

talk about the very beginning.

They've been on this island

or whatever this planet for

seven weeks and they're

just now noticing the witches are there.

I don't... Are they that inept?


is that... Are the Jedi just not that

good right now?

Are we supposed to believe that?

Or were they really... See,

I guess going back and thinking about it,

were they more just, like,

exploring the entire planet

and now they're just

finally running into these witches?

I don't know.

That was my kind of impression,

was that they'd been

assigned to Brendock and

had been there for a while.

Just given Torben's level of patience,

it didn't seem like that

was the kind of...

stress that would have built

up after like a week long

camping trip to go do some

surveys um but my guess is

they had been elsewhere on

brendok and just ended up

near the uh the coven at

the wrong time or the right

time I mean we'll we'll see

yeah and that's another

theory and yeah actually um

but it's hard to say if

that would make it more you

know harder for them to be

found by non-jedi

definitely but but you

think jedi would be able to

sense that either way right

if there's suddenly a big

gap in the force

just like a void somewhere

I'm thinking about that

myself in the sense of the

prequels right they all the

time mention that the dark

side has kind of clouded

their vision or it's tough

to see and those types of

things and I was kind of

thinking maybe it was

something like that but

like you know even are they

like they're force

sensitive but you can't

really classify them as

Sith or Jedi they're like

primal force users I don't know

exactly but to me I i agree

with you I think they've

been there for a while and

eventually just stumbled

across them so there's uh

leslie headland actually

talks about that um there's

an interview that she talks

about the witches and

they're not fully night

sister but they're like

kind of in between

um so there's there's more

like I have a pretty fun

piece of that interview

later on about one of these

witches and uh it it kind

of leads to a another

thread that could be filled

up in later seasons and

even later on in like canon

you know what I mean if

gosh I guess at the

beginning it's basically just introducing

all of the jedi and how and

how torben's an impatient

whiny little uh and and

indara's like the leader

kalnaka's you know the

muscle and it seems like

yeah the tech guy you're

right and the metal

detector guy that's weird

but soul is like this very eager to please,

but also like wanting to like wanting,

he gets ahead of himself.

Like, you know,

he's talking about his Padawan or how,

you know,

there's an instance where Indara

and him are talking and she's like,

that's why I have a Padawan

and you don't.



And that's actually part of,

that's my one-chimer.

I'm going to do this like we did last week,

and I'm actually going to

play my segments as they appear.

So that is my one-chimer,

and I'm going to play it right now.

I was disturbed.

I'm balanced.

You were disturbed.

Do not confuse Torben's

feelings with your own.

I do not tell him answers to

ease his mind I teach him

to seek the answers for himself

so that to me just proved

how much of a leader indara

was in this whole um

scenario this whole scene

and like how much better of

a jedi she is than soul at

the moment um because right

after that is basically

when you know she's like oh

you disagree and he's like

you know and then she says

that's why I have a padawan

so that kind of also gives

us this idea that soul is

you know like he wants that

kind of padawan and that

leads in later on with osha

and how like it's kind of a

weird obsession I feel like

it's such a nice it's such

a nice parallel to kymere

they they both just want an

apprentice they want an acolyte mm-hmm

So we have that kind of dark

mirror there for soul.

And I'm sure that that is

probably the most

terrifying thing about

Chimera's existence to him is very much a,

that could have been me.

Yeah, man.


and I want to know Chimera's backstory

more than anything.

Was he there?

Because we didn't really see

how May survived.

So what happened with that?

But this actually getting

into Soul and his obsession

with these girls.

He finds the girls.

He stumbles upon the girls in this meadow.

That's actually Justin's

Sarlacc killer scene at the

5 minute and 44 second mark.


where he walks into the meadow with that.

What tree is that again?

Uh, the Boonta tree.


So yeah,

he's like stumbles in the Boonta

tree and here's the little

girls playing and he starts

kind of watching them and

gets all worried because

coral shows up and kind of, she's like,

Oh, you're breaking the rules.

Blah, blah, blah.

What were your like,

impressions of of soul now

what is it is he like

slowly in these scenes

changing your mind about

him because by the end of

this episode I feel like I

respected him a little less

oh I i think we're

definitely supposed to see

this as kind of a um he'd

been on a pedestal and now

we see that that pedestal is broken

yeah um we had so much of

just kind of osha's uh and

uh arguably even uh jackie

and yord's opinions of him

uh shaping so much of what

we saw um we saw the

repentant uh old man we

didn't see the impulsive um

kind of reckless Jedi.

So, yeah.

So we see him now and we,

we see him arguably make a

mistake from the beginning that,

that none of this ever should have,

you know, really spiraled the way it did.

Nate, what about you?

What did you think about

Saul's character in general?

On our show, he's been kind of a staple.

We've really enjoyed him as

a character and as an actor,

but I think this episode, for me at least,

it kind of, like I said,

I lost a little respect for

the character.


And I can get that.

I can.

I mean,

I will say coming into this episode,

Firmly my favorite character on the show.

And not necessarily because

he was this pillar beacon of light.

I just love his character.

I think the gentleman who's

acting is fantastic.

I was playing him.

So that didn't change per se,

but it's maybe bringing him down a notch.

Kind of.

here's the thing is it was

16 years earlier, right?

If this was cutting to two

years ago or months ago or

something that happened the

week before the show

started and stuff like that,

that would have impacted it a lot more.

And like, I liked what you said there,

Bill, as far as it being like,

we've seen the repentance old man,

like if anything helped

gave me just more insight

into what probably is more, uh,

cautious and, and, um,

stoic and those types of

things at the time that we

see him in the show proper.

We heard about that 16 years ago,

but we still use a 15 and a

half or 16 year time gap basically there.

That's what happened after

that until the show started.

And for a parallel, even within Star Wars,

we have prequel Obi-Wan

versus original trilogy Obi-Wan.

We see him

making mistakes with his own

padawan and you know

dealing with the

consequences they're in

yeah I mean honestly you

think about it we don't

really see that many uh uh

jedi like power when they

were younger seemed to just

be calm and cool and not

have anything like you know

I mean even yeah um may and osha

you know,

whatever force sensitivity they

are further developed.

They're neither of them like calm, cool,


Oh, not by, not by any means,

but they are also children

who are growing up in such

a drastically different force tradition.

They're, they're still,

they are still growing up with the force,

much like any of the Jedi

growing up at the temple would be doing.

They're still growing up,

being trained in ways to

manipulate the energy around them.

But throughout that whole thing,

we see just kind of the

differences between those

two styles of force manipulation,

of force utilization.

I lost my thread there.

No, you're good.

You're good.

It all just kind of comes

back around to Sol being a

bit of an asshole.

Yeah, no, I mean, a little bit.

Especially towards the end

when he chooses one.

And it's all kind of his fault.

It's a mix of...

Torben and his fault.

By the end of this, I'm like, oh yeah,

this is definitely painting

the Jedi in a terrible light.

I think it's showing that

they never were all-knowing.

That they've always been...

They were never infallible.

They've always been just...

regular people who have some, you know,

need to build.

Everyone has issues.


Um, back to, to finish up Justin's, uh,

starlight killer scene.


So his.



and I just wanted to make sure that I

got his comments out there.


He says,

Phil did a pretty cool action shot,

so I did a cool wide shot of the forest.

Reminds me of my happy place,

sort of like South Carolina

wilderness with a twist of Colorado.

A cozy forest retreat.

And it's very true.

It does look like a nice,

cozy little area that you

could set up camp in.

To finish up, Jesse says,

I like that we get a really

good reason for Soul to be

reluctant to use his

lightsaber these days.

And yes,

that is probably one of the

coolest scenes that we will

get to in a minute.

Right now,

Soul is talking to the twins and

he kind of like stalks them a little bit.

He follows them and like

does all the thing.

And this actually gets us to

Nate's Sarlacc killer scene.

which comes at the 8 minute

and 13 second mark with

soul scaling up the wall of

the I'm just going to call

them as they are the night

sister castle um why did

you pick this particular

shot for your scene nate I

mean I definitely thought

it was beautiful in terms

of just capturing like the

the planet and how sort of

natural and wild it is but

then also there's a

structure here that really

has that feeling of I don't

want to say permanence but

it's been a very very very

long time um and just I

don't know that was a

beautiful shot and just the

anticipation of like what

is going to be seen and

what's going to happen once

he actually climbs up to

the top and gets in there

and um just I know they

used a lot of g uh

throughout this whole thing because

where I felt like they put a

lot of effort into making

it look plain and that's

not a compliment in most

faces but just there's

nothing really flashy even

on there it's just like

beautiful shot of this

castle as you put it right

just there in the midst on

the planet and it captures

the whole vibe of really

that that whole planet just in one shot

Yeah, for sure.

And it's a nice wide shot

for Phil because Phil loves

his wide shots.

I do love me my establishing shots.


and I really like the whole castle scene.

It just looks so Star Wars-y,

especially when he's

walking up to the gate of it.

It's a super cool castle.

And even the inside,

we get such a good look of

the inside of that castle as well.

And later during the battle

when the witches are all up

with their bow and arrows and stuff,

it was pretty cool.

um great pick for sure uh

speaking of knight sisters

man we're just blowing

through these segments

right now um the the next

one chimer that we kind of

get to and we'll we're

gonna discuss it a little

bit because um there's some

implications here but

justin's one chimer is this scene

A force called here.

I think they're witches.

Night sisters.

We do not have all the information.


night sisters don't raise younglings,

let alone train them.

So this is right after Sol

kind of sees all the

witches and what's going on

with the girls and stuff.

And they just blatantly

bring up Nightsisters.

And Indara really drives it

home that Nightsisters don't have kids.

They don't do that kind of thing.

So I really,

really like this because I've

said it from the beginning

that they're Nightsisters.

And, you know...

The magic scenes kind of prove that,

I guess.

It's like early stages of

Nightsisterism or something.



and I really like that they bring

that up and actually talk about it.

And it looked like Kelnaka

was pretty worried when they bring it up.

He's like, what?

What do you mean, Nightsisters?

I can't handle that kind of shit.

What did you think, Nate, about them?

Do you know much about Nightsisters at all,

other than... I don't know

a ton of the lore about them, no.

I mean, is that fully, like,

affiliated with the dark side?

Because that's unusual.

Kind of.

It's more like Ra's al Ghul

type of stuff where they're like rogue.

They use the force in their

own way and they like to

resurrect people from the

dead and that kind of thing.

They were in Clone Wars, big in Clone Wars,

had some good things in Rebels.


and then they were introduced a little

more in live action in Ahsoka.

So, uh,

definitely the idea that they would

be from the sense of, you know, such, uh,

hey, they're not like, because they, it,

I guess bringing up the fact

that they wouldn't train

their younglings like that

as proof that they can't be Nightsisters,

to me, rang more as proof.

It was like, okay, well,

clearly you don't know

everything about them.

You know what I mean?

Like, well, they would never do that.

I mean,

you're just reading from a textbook

that you read in Coruscant forever.

Like, you've never actually met them.

Whoever wrote that book may

never have actually met them.

Like, you know what I mean?


they're operating on a lot of



They did use a lot of crazy

Nightsister magic, though.

For instance, Coral disappears at the end.

She just fades into dust.

And we never see her again.

She just disappears.

And so one thing about the

Nightsisters that was really cool,

Leslie Hedlund had this interview.

I got this from Nerdist.

And she does say that, and she quotes,

what I will say as a tease,

if we are able to explore this story more,

her species, talking about coral,

will tell you a little bit

more about where she ends up.

So her species is a Zabrak, right?


Yeah, Zabrak,

which is Darth Maul's species, right?

And his brothers,

they were that same species.

And Zabraks were heavily

affiliated with Nightsisters.

And they were on Dathomir.

They basically resided on Dathomir.

And so the big theory is

that she will end up on

Dathomir and kind of be a

Zabrak Nightsister.

Kind of establishing the

order that we later see on Dathomir.

yeah so that I like like we

were talking about earlier

that could be a really cool

thread that they could talk

about going into later

seasons you know especially

if if any of these

characters survive osha or

may or you know chimer or

whatever um they could go

on a on a hunt for coral to

see you know see if they

can find her then they you

know and it'd be it'd be a

fun story so um

it was a good pick for

justin thanks justin I hope

you're having a good flight

right now and and I hope

you're still alive sir um

they they kind of go into

like discussions about more

discussions about why

they're there and um they

discussed a virgins

So this is the whole reason.

This is the biggest part of

the show right now that

everyone is freaking out

about is the virgins of the Force.

And that's why they're there.

Back to, I guess, my one-chimer.

Was that my one-chimer that I just played?

I can't remember.

But back to my one-chimer.

Sol tells Torben about the virgins and

And people are really upset

because they think that

Anakin was the only one

that should have had a

vergence when these twins

were another vergence.


do you think they ruined Star Wars

with this?

Do you think Anakin's soul

has been ruined with this?

Not by any means.

Not at all.

That's literally as much

time as you really want to spend on it.

Because I am in the same boat.

It's a big galaxy.

And it's not a true vergence.

It's a vergence created by the witches.

It's like Thanos snapping

his fingers and creating

that big cosmic blast that they see.

A man-made or a being-made cosmic blast,

whereas an actual star blow-up

to give that kind of cosmic

blast that would be natural.

So in the same sense,

the birth of Anakin and his

virgins would have been a

natural one that,

if we get into more stories

of Plagueis and things,

was kind of caused by their...

dealing with the dark side

but in at a surface level

anakin was like the natural

virgins whereas the twins

are a more man-made one so

I think the word the

ruining star wars uh bit is

a little tiring

They're now just kind of

looking for things to bitch about.

And so, like I said,

I just wanted to ask you

what you thought about that really quick.

Nate, what about you?

Do you think... I think they

brought that up a few times

throughout all the movies, right?

And just so it stands to

reason that even long before, you know,

back in the old Republic era,

they still would have been

going around looking for those instances,


And that

when it's it's clearly not

something that is a new

idea when like obi-wan

brings it up about anakin

in front of the council for

the first time and uh you

know mace windu's I believe

it was mace windu very

suspiciously like you

believe this is centered

around a person like that

that in and of itself make

an incredibly incredibly unique self

Just the fact that they

stumbled across one and

these twins are a part of

it does not immediately

elevate them to that level of like, okay,

then they're saying they're

as powerful as Anakin or

anything like that.

But also in the point of the

big galaxy and it's hundreds of years.

I mean,

I'm probably screwing with the

timeline of people's

far enough removed that like

any of these characters

that are living in the old

republic era are myths by

the time we get to the

actual proper canon era of

star wars so I don't see it

impacting it but we talked

about it before we started

recording right like some

people just they have that

head canon and something

violates it then it's just

zero out of ten you killed

my childhood you know stop

ruining star wars

Yeah, agreed.

And I'm glad that not

everyone's a hater and that

not everyone's making up

excuses to hate the show.

Excuse me, I swallowed my water.

I'm telling you, man,

five minutes into the show,

I thought I was going to

have to come on and be like,

so do you want me to tell

you how I really feel or do

you want me to keep talking

and listening?

I honestly thought it was

going to be a lot of just

I don't know.

The first 10 minutes or so

didn't give me the best first impression.

I know what they were going for.

It probably pulled a lot of

the younger audience.

But for me,

it put me on the fence and told

me to actually kind of sit

down a bit and started telling a story.

And I was like, all right, I'll sit down.

I'll invest my time.

Yeah, for sure.

Jesse says,

I don't think Anakin was made

by a vergence.

Wasn't there more of an

intent behind his creation?

I mean, according to the comics and stuff,

there was like Plagueis and

Sidious were messing with

the dark side and trying to

create life themselves.

And the Force kind of

responded and created life in Shmi.

Although there are a couple

comics that kind of imply

that Palpatine created

Anakin through the Force

and basically put her in Shmi.

So there's... I mean,

there's weird things out there, but...

essentially anakin was like

in episode one when he's

talking to mace windu you

know he says you believe

the virgins is this boy

yeah when they were talking

when qui-gon was talking to

me in episode one right uh

he writes just says there

was a father right I feel

like we've got an almost

exact copy of that line from

the witches when they were

asked what their father was, right?

Yep, pretty much, yeah.

And I love the idea with May

and Osha that they may have

initially been, that you know,

the intent may have

initially been to create

one powerful being split

into those two bodies,

but the twin aspect of

things was intentional.

yeah and on the subject of

twins see this is perfect

this is actually phil's it

brings us into phil's one

chimer so I'm gonna go

ahead and play that really

quick someday those noble

intentions you all have

will destroy every jedi in the galaxy

So their noble intentions

are to come take the twins

because they're the virgins in the Force,

and they're supposed to

take this virgins back to the Council.

But as she says,

their noble intentions will mess them up.


why did you pick this particular line?

I just thought it was good

foreshadowing because we as

viewers know that these Jedi are doomed.

at least three of them anyway.

So probably two.

And we know that further down the line,

we run into the Clone Wars

and Order 66 and the Jedi

being wiped out.


how much of that was because

of the altruism because of the,

the attempt to be, you know,

the noble Jedi, you know,

because of all of their

well-meaning intent to go

save this young slave boy

from his life of poverty on Tatooine.

Now, suddenly everything's blown up.


But yeah, that was,

that was why I picked that one.

I was like, that's,

it's a nice bit of build up

to the inevitable fate of

the Jedi down the line.


It's, it's like you said,

it's really good

foreshadowing and it's just a really,

I like that actress a lot.

She delivers that line really well.

She's so good.

I think she did really good.

She did really well in this entire,

like her few scenes that she had,

but yeah,

i really yeah I really liked

their whole discussion

there um and you can

definitely see the

difference between coral

and mother anasea like yeah

you know one wants peace

the other one just really

wants to rip their heads

off so that's a zabrak for you though

let's see we did okay we did

kind of find out a little

later on just on this topic

of twins that they were

split they might have been

one being that was split

into two and that might

have been the virgins that happened and

i mean technically speaking

that's what happens with

identical twins anyway but

but they made it they made

it seem like identical like

it would have some some

differences yeah these

twins had zero differences

at all yeah I mean they

were we can see that one of

them's taller than the

other one but like that's

that's just me um it'll be

illusion for me josh

it's uh it's just it was a

strange kind of tidbit I

don't really know how to

take that like is that

supposed to make them even

more special or does that

mean that one of them's

expendable or can they not

exist not both of them yeah

that would that would be

the direction I'd go with

the imbalance if they're not both alive


Like a dyad, kind of?


But unable to survive without the other.

I guess it'd be stronger

than a dyad because in Star Wars,

Rey was able to live after Kylo Ren died.

But that would actually be

kind of interesting to see.

Maybe they lose their powers

or they gain strength

whenever they're around

their sister or something.

Who knows?

Power of one, power of two.

You know,

if it's not being like this night now,

maybe they're both... They

both seem to be equal parts

light and dark,

as far as when you look at them, really,

once you've gotten through

a few episodes.

So maybe that's part of

what's keeping them balanced, right?

And if that goes out,

then May or Osho or whoever survives,

I don't see them both being

alive after the next episode.

I think one of them will be,

but I don't think they'll both live.


Well, on that note,

we're going to split this

episode up a little bit.

And we're doing things a

little differently over here at Quest Me.

We've been having a lot of

fun talking about Star Wars so far.

It's been almost an hour

talking about the Acolyte.

So I figured we could take a

short little trip

To a bar far away,

where Phil tells us what

we've been drinking tonight.

All right.

So tonight's cocktail is The Power of Two.

This is... What a segue into this.

I know, right?


Oh, yeah.


So the power of two is a bit

of a riff on a gimlet or a daiquiri,

more of a riff on a daiquiri.

It's rum, lime juice and syrup.

But in this case,

I went with Black Magic Rum, because one,

it's thematically just always fun.

And two,

it's kind of my standard bar

staple for dark rums.

So an ounce of Black Magic Rum,

an ounce of Deadhead Rum,

which is one that I've

utilized in a few different

tiki-inspired cocktails,

another just different

style of dark spiced rum.

An ounce of lime juice,

a half ounce of Demerara syrup,

and a half ounce of elderberry syrup.

The elderberry syrup I

actually got from one of my

coworkers at the Renaissance Fair.

So I didn't make it, but it is homemade.

But it is just...

Now we can say you smell of elderberries.

Yes, exactly.

But it is just gorgeous color.

Yeah, look at that.

Oh, my God.

I say it every week.

They're always just so freaking fancy.

It's a fun hobby.

Yeah, I love it.

But yeah,

it is kind of tart because of the

elderberry syrup and the lime.

But it's balanced really

well with the flavor

profiles of the two different rums.

It's delicious.

Please drink responsibly.

Yes, as always.


Thank you, Phil.

We'll have the rest of you

in the show notes.

Yep, as always.

To kick things off for the

second half here, Jesse asks,

do we think either twin

switches sides now that

they have more perspective

on what happened?

Osha feels angry.

Maybe Mae is more understanding.

That's actually a good

question that I had written

down about the two.

um I don't I actually think

osha is gonna switch sides

and more agree with may at

this point that they're

gonna kind of take over and

maybe even both of them

team up to kill soul and

that was the vibe I was

getting from the very end

of uh last week's episode

when uh when osha puts on kymere's helmet

yeah yeah there's and I'm

out of okay are we gonna

see her actually like I i

think we will see her at

least pretend to switch

sides though how much of

that is actually her

feeling that way and how

much of that is just kind

of getting revenge on

chimera for what he's done

to kind of turn her sister

uh down the path she's on


and I wouldn't blame either one of them.

After seeing that story and

what actually happened, I definitely,

I'm kind of like, yeah, Mae,

do what you got to do.

I mean, those guys kind of... See,

Mae knows that happened, right?

Osha still doesn't know

that's what happened.


And while Mae's been

learning all this truth,

or at least what we're

letting her believe is the

truth from Sol...

Osh's head's been filled up by time here,


That's how you say it.

Time here, yep.

I was like, just call him a stranger.

That was easier, right?

But, God, switch sides?

I don't know.

I mean, my only question would be,

would they end up on the

same side as each other at the end?

Or did they both end up flopping?

I'm with you, Phil.

That's where I start to have

slight worries that they might cop out.

I got a little bit of vibes

of where it's like,

not to bring up anything

salt in the wound type thing, right?

Where it's like, oh my god,

Rey might actually just

join Kylo Ren and join the

dark side and how dark would that be?

And then they totally went

in the opposite direction.

I'm kind of hoping they go

somewhere with this whole

OSHA dark side potential type thing.


I mean,

we'll see when you start to say that,

though, then, because at first you said,

like, Sol's not going to survive.

He's the best character he has to.

We started talking about this,

and I'm like, hey, he's dead, you know,

over or under in the first

half of the episode.

Yeah, like, and I mean, I would think that,


I would just get rid of all of those Jedi,

and let's focus on a story of Chimere,

Osha, and Mei.

And, like,

have them going around the

galaxy and kind of finding

new little Sith, you know what I mean?

And then you could introduce

your Plagueis and do all that stuff.

But I do like this thing of

if Osha turns against Sol,

do the sisters join Coral

and start the Nightsisters on Dathomir?

um that is a possibility uh

just because you know the

twins were slated to run

the coven and so if they

were to you know go who

knows maybe one of them

dies and the other one ends

up bringing them back to

life and they're like holy

shit there's something to

let's let's start a

religion over it you know

there there could be some

major event that sparks

that and I would be all about it

them on the run trying to

find a planet for them to live on,

you know, and by the end of the season,

they get to be on Dathomir.

But I don't think it's going

to go in the Nightsister

route because this is about

a Sith acolyte.

It's supposed to be more

about how the Sith infiltrated, you know,

the Jedi, basically.


They did.

I mean, they got Count Dooku.

They had Sifo-Dyas.

They got their hands into a lot of stuff.

So I think this is kind of

the beginnings of that.

Beginnings of the Nightsisters.

They could do a cool spinoff

with Coral where she goes

to Dathomir and you see that.

I liked Coral.

I liked her character and I

liked the actress.

She did a really good job.

Especially this episode.

Her battle scenes with Sol

were super cool.

right after right after soul

kills mother anasea oh my

god she like turns into

that like smoke plume

that's funny that's my

starlight killer scene um

but she turns into that

smoke plume it's at the 28

minute 46 second mark and

like the jedi just kind of

freak out they have no idea

what what the fuck's going

on uh because this suddenly

turned into an episode of

lost and jj abrams wasn't even around

See, I never watched Lost,

so I have no idea.

It was interesting to see

Soul just whoop out his

lightsaber immediately and

go for the kill.

His combat instincts are top-notch.

Well, and at the beginning of the series,

and basically the whole series,

he's been all about not

pulling his weapon.

Do you think this has

something to do with that?

I would absolutely say that

this is why he is so

reluctant to draw his

lightsaber later on.


Yeah, same.

I just got to have somebody

else clarify that for me.

I think it's definitely a

strong possibility.

I think it's the strongest

contender we've got for why

he is relatively pacifist

at this point in his career.

right um but yeah just this

this whole 10 seconds of

the episode was really

really cool um the effects

on mother anisea were

top-notch with her like

turning into like a weird

demon and then coral like

getting into her fight

stance getting ready to

just mess things up and

then get into that little

scuffle with soul the

choreography on that was really cool um

And when the random

explosion happened is when

he finally disarms her and

gets her kind of off his back.

But that's that's one of my

qualms with this episode is

the random explosion.


I assumed that we would get an answer

for how that happened.


why there was those giant... Why

there were big explosions

in the building just from a

small fire that May had lit.

Did the fire really get that big?

I don't... Did the candles

burn hot enough to melt steel beams?

Did we go in on that route?


It was very clearly more of

a kerosene lantern,

a kerosene lamp kind of thing.

I did notice some oil on the ground.


there was fuel that had spilled all over.

I actually love that we got

to see that portion of

things from Mae's perspective.


And just realize, oh, you know, yeah,

she wanted to burn her sister's book,

but she was not intending for it to...

She was very clearly caught

off guard by how quickly it burned.


Leading her to drop the lamp.

It just seemed fishy to me

that it was just kind of

one of those deus ex machina.

It's like, here's a big explosion.

But I mean,

back to just the May aspect of it, though,

it makes more sense in

character for what we knew

of May at the time.

It makes more sense for it

to have been an accident

than for her to suddenly just be like, no,

if I can't have you,

I'm going to kill you.



All right.

I don't know.

Just kind of proves that

Mae's kind of a little dick.

I'm not saying she's a great person,

but... But she was

influenced by Coral pretty

heavily on that.

Oh, yeah.


really got into her head and was like,

go stop your sister.

Go keep her from getting out.

So, I mean, she's, you know, what,

10 years old or something.

So, of course,

she's heavily influenced by her mom.

And she was doing whatever she could.

To me,

it just didn't seem like that was

very plausible, I guess.

It is space.

It's Star Wars.

I can't...

i can't go down that road

it's it is what it is it's

made for kids and some

things are not meant to

really be explained so and

the explosion did kind of

kick off everything else so

you know all right we'll

move on from that and get

to the really fun stuff the

fight scenes um

These were some of the

better fight scenes of our

Star Wars live action Disney Plus series,

for sure.

The fight with Chimera.

This is the second best

fight scene of the series.

Don't get that wrong,

because the Chimera fight

is by far the best fight in the series,

if not in all of Disney Plus.

But this one is a very close second.

And it was a lot of fun to

finally see the Wookiee.

We have been waiting.

Phil has been waiting very,

very patiently.

After seeing those scenes in the trailer,

we've been waiting almost

two months to see Kellogg in action.

yeah and he finally did and

it was wonderful um he's

he's taken over by the

witches and he's you know

doing his his wookie thing

and phil's starlight killer

scene comes in during this

scene with one of the

coolest shots for sure it's

at the 32 minute 36 second

mark and it is soul dodging

kel naka so go ahead phil

take take it away


this whole sequence within this fight

was so, so well choreographed.


it was just watching Kalnaka fighting

so hard to protect himself, but also not,

you know,

watching soul fight so hard to

protect himself,

but not to kill Kalnaka in the process.

Um, very defensive for sure.

Incredibly defensive.


Especially when faced with

an opponent who is not only

physically much larger and

stronger than you,

but is also at least as

skilled in force and is

able to utilize all of

those abilities against you.

I mean, if this were a video game,

this would be the boss

fight you'd be dreading.

you know yeah you're not

wrong um and I think I i

mean was he being

controlled by all of those

witches all of them were

connected to him yeah I

mean that was that was the

power of many at work and

did they all die like I i

don't that was the the vibe

I got from it was that they

were so in tune for this

that the feedback uh caused

when indara you know broke

kilnaka free uh at the very

least incapacitated all of

them whether or not they

were actually dead who

knows but they were as they were

they were not functional

they were they were not

conscious and it explains

why I mean it explains why

we see them all drop like

as a you know drop the way

they did uh because we

talked you know a few weeks

ago we talked about the

potential for them to have

been poisoned with the bunta tree

With the leaves for the Bunta tree.

And just the idea that all

of them would have reacted

within the same rough time

period across age and species,

that all of them would have

reacted the same way to the

Bunta is a little weird.

It's not how poison works.


And I just, it was,

I don't feel like they all

died right there.

I feel like the,

what killed them was the

castle collapsing.

Yeah, no,

I think it was more likely that

any of them who did die

outright died because of

the fire and the castle collapsing,

not because,

but they were very clearly

incapacitated by Indara

forcing them out of that control loop.

yeah it seemed like I mean

it was a kind of a brutal

neck snap I feel oh yeah oh yeah

Maybe that was something.

It was such a force.

The neck snap was so strong

that it killed them all.

That was just kind of weird to me as well.

They didn't really go into

great detail about that.

Maybe that's on purpose.

Maybe some of them survived

and they're with Coral.

It could be that the only

one who actually died that

night was Mother Anisea.

Yeah, that's very true.

I do have to say that fight

was pretty awesome.

I was a little worried it might be silly.

Like, I don't want to hate on Yoda.

I love Yoda.

You always hear that he used

to be an amazing swordsman.

But like,

one and two is swords fight

especially the one against

dooku which is kind of

silly looking I mean it

honestly kind of is like

and I thought they did a

really good job I was like

okay cool like that's like

a wookiee jedi like

fighting that's what I

would expect to see um you

know I did think it was a

little bit funny when soul

like managed to disarm him

at one point um or when he

gets disarmed at one point

just because it was like


That's exactly what you want.

Now you're in a hand-to-hand

fight with a wolf.

That's much better.

I loved the other shot I was

considering pulling for

this was the one of Kelnaka

grabbing Torben and pulling

him up off of the ground

with the force in order to

slam him into the wall.

yeah I mean torben deserved

everything he got in this

episode but like he did get

pretty beat up yeah I did

like his uh great shot by

the way great pick for that

shot thank you um I did

like his scene with uh when

they showed mother and say

you're getting into his

head and like what and

seeing what he saw yeah

yeah no that was like spectacular

And she really played on his like,

I want to go home thing.

And I mean, they got to go home.

It was not the way they went

back to Coruscant.

Wasn't the way they really

intended on going back to Coruscant,

but he did get to go back home.

I think he was like really upset once,

you know,

they sent him off and then they

didn't go back home the first time,

you know, he was like, God,

damn it she promised me that

we'd go back home I just

want to stop eating these

porgs or whatever um so

yeah the the fight though I

mean all all the way

through like even with the

bow and arrows with torben

deflecting all those things

that's a night sister thing

too you know having the the

bow and arrow oh yeah it's

very very close

And Torben's combat skills

were not anything to sneeze at.

I mean, he was good.


Especially for, you know, a Padawan.


I like when he tie-boated up when he

went double time.


And started spinning the

blade way faster to block all the arrows.

Like, that was a really cool scene.

And just all around,

even when Indara shows up and, you know,

saves the day, basically.


I know you were hating on

Carrie Ann Moss a little bit earlier,

but she was pretty good in this episode.

It's not just emote.

I just want to see her

really have an argument with somebody.

She can raise a voice.

If you watch every movie she's been in,

whether she's telling

someone she's in love with them,

whether she's telling

someone she's worried or

they need to panic,

it is the same monotone delivery.

I'll give her a little bit

of a pass for two reasons in this.


she's playing a Jedi who's kind of

supposed to be that way.

And two is they got the same

exact type of performance

out of Liam Neeson when

they asked him to play.

So I just, I'm not a fan of her.

So I was really happy to see

that she's kind of

relegated to like a supporting character.

I think another reason for that too,

and I could just wait,

I touched with like who's

hot and in popular stuff

that is and everything,

but like the rest of the

cast is not really anybody

where I'm pointing at them and be like,

Oh, it's the guy from that.

They're like, Oh yeah,

I've seen her in this.

Like it's, I mean,

you would get lost in your character.


So, you know, that being said,

he did do pretty good in

this episode compared to, um, you know,


when they very initially first sort

of showed her in the show,

when she had those first

few dialogues before getting killed,

I was like, oh, God, no.



I feel like I'm the only person that

got hooked by being like, whoop,

she's dead.

That's why.

I've never heard of anyone

hating on Carrie Ann Moss.

But I see it.

I see where you're coming

from now that you bring

those things to light.

It makes sense.

But I loved her interaction

with Sol in the very end of

this episode when she grabs him.

I think that was her

strongest acting in the season for sure.

And you can tell she's like,

I should punch you so many

times in the face right now.

But I'm just going to tell

you that I'm going to cover your ass.

Yeah, when she told me,

that's not for her.

Basically, at this point,

you've created such a mess.

Now you have to drink it.

I really did like all of

their performances in this.

Torben being a whiny little

girl the whole time about

wanting to go home was great.

Kel Naka,

I mean... What do you think

Torben's feelings are on sand?

I bet he thinks it's coarse

and gets everywhere.

It is irritating.


um yeah and kelnaka was

great uh he yonas uh yonas

what's what's suetama yeah

thank you yeah he played

chewy in the later episodes

he's played chewy for a

while now so he always does

a good job um and yeah I

loved I love the wookiee

roar when he's charging

during these fights and

like jumping and getting

all crazy so wookiee with a

lightsaber man it's horrifying

Yeah, very, very fun, fun battle scene,


and a good way to wrap up that

initial story from episode three.

We did get a lot of

questions answered on this.

There were a couple.

new questions though I feel

like I mean last week I

kind of went back to last

week's note notes and we

the biggest question I had

was what the hell happened

on brendock so we got that

answer that was the biggest

one the other question was

who's chimer and where does

he come from that will

hopefully come in the next

episode at least maybe give

us a little bit of insight

um but now we have you know

where's coral where did she

end up going because she just disappeared

And even Leslie Hedlund in

that interview said, no body, no death.

So she's clearly still alive somewhere.

What did they actually tell the council?

This is where I get into the

Indara's secretive side,

because what did they

really tell the council?

And are we actually going to see that?

And then the third question

that that brings up,

and this goes back to right

before they go attack the castle.

And Indara's like, go out to camp.

I'm going to talk to the council,

and we'll see what we're going to do.

Did she actually talk to the

council right there?

Did she actually call them

and get in touch?

Or did she just tell Sol, you know,

we're not going to mess with these girls.

We're not going to take them.

We're just going to sweep

this under the rug and

leave these people alone.

Because to me, with her later cover up,

it seems like it's a lot

easier to cover something

up that wasn't mentioned before.

Do you think, like,

I think she might be a

little bit more secretive

than she kind of leads on.

I think what they tell the

council is going to be a

lot closer to what we saw

in episode three, right?

In terms of that sort of

distorted version of events.

And part of why Osha

remembers it the way that she does.

If that's the version she

was hearing the whole time

that she was training under Sol.

yeah that's fair it just

seemed I don't know it

seemed fishy her just kind

of digging into her a

little bit and it kind of

makes me think maybe she's

still alive at the same

time because if she's

really good at keeping

secrets and doing that kind

of thing what's who's to

say she's not still alive

yeah all right you're right

you're probably the only

one you asked where where's

chimera come from who is he right did i

Did I just read this as a fan theory?

Did I invent this myself?

Or imagine a scene in there?

Haven't we gotten some

indication that he was a

Padawan at some point?

Some indications, some hints,

but no official confirmation.

I think the biggest theory

right now is that he was

Venestra Rose's apprentice

a long time ago.

The green lady with the whip.

I think that's the going theory right now.

Which is, it's funny you bring that up.

So, Nate actually, his one-chimer,

I allowed this to happen

because he's never been on

Quest Me before.

And I always like to ask

people how they've liked

the entire episode.

And we went through that earlier.


um nate's one timer is

actually chimer from last

week and so it I was like

it has to be really good if

you know if we're pulling

from another episode

another episode and I was

like this is great so let's

play this one really quick

and then we'll talk about

it if you keep me here soul

comes to you he's found me

before and his strength in

the force is very powerful

do you think that his strength

That's your strength in the Force, Osha.

Yeah, right.

And I think he goes on to

say they probably should

have told you that or

someone should have told you that.


the fact that he was able to find her

was not because Sol was so

powerful with the Force and

all those things.

It's because he is so

powerful with the Force.

That's actually how they

stumbled across her in the first place.

And like that, to me...

When I say, like,

maybe she flips sides and

that type of thing,

I kind of hope that she does.


that in combination now with what her

sister knows about what

really happened that night,

it just undercuts, like,

so much of what she's

probably built her life and

her beef around his soul, this, like,

savior who's so powerful, this and that.

It's like, no, no, no,

you're the powerful one.


he found you because you were

flashing like a lighthouse.

And just like that also,

I think maybe that's where

if it wasn't ever expressed these days,

like in that scene,

I very much got that feeling of like,

he sounds like a jaded Padawan,

like a former, a jaded former Padawan.


I'm really glad that you

bring that up because God, you know,

I just this has been a great episode.

But because one of my last

questions of this was,

was sold that bad of a

master that OSHA failed?

And I think it kind of

correlates with Sol being

so gung-ho to get a Padawan

and doing it a little bit

early and kind of failing

Osha more than she failed

out of the Jedi Academy.

And I bet a lot of that is

because she is so powerful

and he didn't really know

how to handle that.

so yeah I i like that I like

that line a lot especially

for you know this episode

because it does kind of

prove that they were there

for the twins and for that

virgins the virgins was

basically them and so you

know if they weren't as

powerful in the force I

mean you even saw may

defend herself against

coral like coral started

swinging on her and she like

blocked her her blows and

kind of pushed her back and

that's when coral was like

yeah go get your sister

you're a badass you know

you can do this so they

were powerful in the force

like from the get-go and I

think you're right that um

that chimera is kind of

getting into osha's head

there and and I don't even

know if he's lying to her

by saying that is the thing

right no he's not I love this so much

And it also felt like in that moment,

if she heard it,

that she probably felt a

tinge of her ability to

relate to what maybe she

must have learned from him

and heard from him and how

maybe he's not just this

evil person who corrupted her sister.

Maybe he has some truth.

And I don't think he is lying.

I think that, like I said,

he's just getting into her

head and bringing more

stuff to light that she's

thinking about that she

never thought about before.

Or at least from different perspectives.

Yeah, exactly.


To wrap that up, Jesse asks,

do you think soul lives

through the next episode?

No, I do not.

I think that all four of

those Jedi are going to end

up being gone by this.

And I think we're going to

have more of a Vernestra

row story moving forward.

And we also got to make room

for Yoda moving forward if

they have another season

because they got to bring Yoda in.


Come on.

Come on.

He's alive.

He's there.

Let's do it.

um and talk about kalnaka

did we not talk about

kalnaka I thought we did

that was that yeah that was

like a 15 minute old post

before oh okay okay my bad

yeah god I'm sorry nah nah

that was that was jesse's

talking asking us to talk

about kalnaka when we were

talking about oh okay oh okay

um so yeah like I said there

was that one question was

sold that bad of a master

and then finally we still

don't know how may survived

or where chimera came from

I'm pretty sure we're going

to get those answers here

in the next episode at

least partial answers so um

I believe that's all that I

have for my notes did you

guys have anything else

that you wanted to cover

before we get into the ratings

We talked pretty good, man.

I'm glad we've been able to come on.

Like I said, if I had to follow an episode,

I'm glad it's one not like episode three,

where I said as much as I liked it,

I don't know what they're doing.

It was a lot of questions

after episode three, that's for sure.

Yeah, no,

I think we've pretty solidly

covered stuff so far.


Well, then let's do this.

Let's get on to the last segment.

It's the Tusken Raider,

the part of the show where

we rate each episode.

Excuse me.

So let's see.

We're going to rate this

episode out of 10.


What should we do?




10 Wookies?


I don't know.

10 Ghosts.

10 Force Witches.

I don't know.

10 Porgs.

Let's rate it out of 10 Porgs.


1 out of 10.

Nate, if you had to rate this episode,

what would you rate this

episode out of 10?

probably give it a good

solid seven I think if it

hadn't been for the fact

that it followed what I

think was the strongest

episode in the entire

season by far I thought it

was really good it was

definitely in the better

half of you know what we

had seven episodes so far

I'd put it in the top three

it's just that was episode

six was a tough one to

follow I thought that was

pretty much perfect so yeah good seven

All right.

Phil, what about you?

I got to agree.

It was a very last week's

episode was a very,

very tough episode to follow.

That said, for the Rashomon aspect,

for the combat sequences,

for the for the answers and

for those new questions,

I'm going to give it an eight.

All right.

That's fair.

I started this episode, like I said,

I was so in and out of

sleep during the first watch.

And what I saw during the first watch,

it was very,

so I started it with a five

because I always do my initial rating.

And I started with a five.

Then as I started kind of

like thinking about it,

I brought it up to a six

and then I watched it again

and I brought it up to a full on 7.5.


and I think for all those same reasons

that you guys talked about,

the one thing that keeps it

from being an eight or

higher is that damn song at the end.

I still don't think it needs to be there.

And just, you know,

the random explosions and stuff.

It's just, I don't know.

I would have liked to see a

little bit more of like, I don't know.

Those are my dumb little qualms.

But other than that,

I did really like this episode,

and I'm extremely excited for the finale.

I'm not as excited for Quest

Me to kind of go away for a little while,

but I believe the next

thing we're talking about

is probably going to be Skeleton Crew.

We might have a few little

episodes sprinkled in here and there,

some book club episodes, but...

yeah this is uh next week we

have what aaron aaron's

gonna be on she's it's

gonna be a tough one for

her that's a that's a big

episode for her so I'm sure

she's gonna bring the heat

though it'll be good she's

excited to come back yeah

um so nate why don't you uh

go ahead and tell the the

listeners where they can

find your podcast and kind

of what you guys do yeah so

uh rocky mountain sports

room or you might see abbreviated rms

You can find us under that on YouTube.

You can also find us there

on TikTok as well.

It's a quiet time of year as

far as YouTube longer

format content goes right now,

but currently trash talking

all 32 teams in the NFL in

the run-up to the playoffs.

the nflc I'm not saying

we're getting any death

threats but I've been

getting a lot of insults

about my looks so it's a

wonderful series it's a

wonderful series like each

they go through each team

and it's like the miami

dolphins are trash why

here's why yeah we had to

record a few times because

he was like you're

screaming why don't you

turn your mic off and do it

again right but uh so we

talk local sports we uh you know

Definitely going to be

breaking down every single

Nuggets game this season.

Going to be talking a lot

about things as far as how

that team moves forward.

You know, as I said before,

I'm a huge Nuggets fan,

so we've talked a lot about

Nuggets on there.

As I said,

it's kind of the low part of the

season right now,

so if you're looking for us,

I would look on TikTok.

You can find us on Facebook

under Rocky Mountain Sportsroom as well,

which links to all that same content.

But as we get into the season,

we'll have a more longer format

you know podcasts kind of

breaking down the games and

what went well and you know

trying to make sense of why

we're 5-12 I do not have

high hopes for these Broncos

No, no, me either.

I'm right with you.

I still love my team, of course,

but I'm right with you.

Of course,

all those links are in the show

notes and I will try and

link some fun little TikTok

videos in those show notes

as well because those

little trash videos are a good time.

I really had fun coming on

the show and talking

basketball and sports with you guys.

I'm a big fan of sports.

Anytime you want me back,

just give me a call.

I'll be there.

Vice versa.

um thank you again for

coming thanks phil for

being here it's always

great to talk star wars

with uh with um we're gonna

try and do a little bit of

a sign off here and then

I'll play the closing video

so basically what we do

nate is is I point at your

screen and you go I'm nate

and then that's it I think

I know right yes correct so

for quest me I have been your host

I'm Nate.



All right.

So for a quest me, I have been your host.

I'm Nate.

I'm Phil.

And the second take is

always the best take.

Of course, my name is Josh.

Thank you all for checking

out Quest Me this week.


Jesse and everyone that was in the chat.

It's always fun to hang out with you guys.

As always, we will be back next week.

May the force be with you.

Thank you.