IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry

The IT Matters Podcast is about IT matters and matters pertaining to IT.In this episode of IT Matters, host Aaron Bock interviews Will Friedrich, Director of Strategy and Consulting at Experis.Conversation Highlights: Will explains how he began working with the cloud and how the cloud has evolved over the past two decades (4:08)Why companies should consider adopting the cloud (8:15)The general use cases for the cloud (13:08)What the cloud actually is, and how business leaders should look...

Show Notes

The IT Matters Podcast is about IT matters and matters pertaining to IT.

In this episode of IT Matters, host Aaron Bock interviews Will Friedrich, Director of Strategy and Consulting at Experis.

Conversation Highlights: 

  • Will explains how he began working with the cloud and how the cloud has evolved over the past two decades (4:08)
  • Why companies should consider adopting the cloud (8:15)
  • The general use cases for the cloud (13:08)
  • What the cloud actually is, and how business leaders should look at it (16:43)
  • How cloud fin ops increases cross-functional efficiency within an organization (18:53)
  • The challenges of scaling appropriate cloud spend to an organization (25:19)
  • Who is usually championing cloud fin ops in an organization and how that role is evolving (30:12)
  • Advice for smaller companies looking to adapt the cloud (33:15)
  • Will’s prediction for the landscape of cloud competition in the next 5-10 years (37:23)
  • The #1 piece of advice Will would give to millions of young people starting their career in IT, in his technology state of the union address (47:44)

Resources Mentioned: 

About Will Friedrich:
Will Friedrich is the VP of IT Solutions with Experis, a global leader in IT professional resourcing and managed services. For the past 17 years, he has forged a career in technology, serving and leading in various PMO functions as well as product marketing, software portfolio delivery, IT infrastructure, cloud, and tech business management consulting functions. Will is a husband, proud father of two fantastic kids, and loves golfing, surfing, and college football Saturdays.

What is IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry?

Welcome to the Opkalla IT Matters Podcast, where we discuss the important matters within IT as well as the importance of IT across different industries and responsibilities.

About Opkalla:
Opkalla helps their clients navigate the confusion in the technology marketplace and choose the technology solutions that are right for their business. They work alongside IT teams to design, procure, implement and support the most complex IT solutions without an agenda or technology bias. Opkalla was founded around the belief that IT professionals deserve better, and is guided by their core values: trust, transparency and speed. For more information, visit or follow them on LinkedIn

Narrator: Welcome to the IT
Matters podcast, where we

explore why it matters and
matters pertaining to it. Here's

your host, Aaron Bach.

Aaron Bock: Welcome again to the
IT Matters podcast. As you

heard, I'm your host, Aaron
Bock, and super excited about

this episode today, I hope you
guys have been doing well, we

are talking to Will Friedrich,
who is the Director of Strategy

and Consulting at Experis. Will
is here in Charlotte. And I'm

gonna let him introduce himself
here in a second. But today's

gonna be a really interesting
conversation. We've been talking

a lot about general IT trends,
we're gonna get a little bit

deeper today and where Will
specializes, which is cloud fin

ops and fin ops. What is that?

How does it affect us? Very
excited about this episode

today, because I think a lot of
you out there, whether you're in

IT or in a finance or other
function, know about the cloud

have heard about the cloud?

There's a lot that we do know,
and there's a lot we don't know.

And I think that what Will does
is a great general practice that

we all need to be aware of. So
before we get too deep, Will I

will turn it over to you. Thanks
for joining the show. Do you

want to tell the listeners a
little bit about yourself?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, sure.

Thanks, Aaron. Thanks for having
me. Yeah. So again, Will

Frederick like you mentioned
Director of Strategy and

Consulting for Experis. Experis
is a IT staffing and consulting

services and solutions provider,
part of the Manpower brand was

previously with ettain Group and
we were recently acquired by

Manpower and integrated with
Experis so it's been a whirlwind

last few months with integration
and extremely busy and yeah, you

know, 17 year career for me thus
far in technology, I've had

various roles within PMO
functions, product leadership, a

lot of software delivery, which,
you know, curtailed into Agile

Delivery and DevOps, those types
of things. Spent some time in IT

services and infrastructure
leadership and cloud and some

TBM consulting. On the personal
side, the husband proud father

of two terrific kids and love to
surf, play golf, you know, very

young sports, all of that and
love, you know, college

football, so college football
Saturday's around the corner and

can't wait for that.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, absolutely.

Before the show, Will was
telling me because I knew he was

a Georgia fan. So I assumed the
whole family was but it sounds

like there's a little bit of
conflict in the household.

Will Friedrich: Yeah, yeah, half
the family. So my side, Georgia

Bulldogs. I went to College of
Charleston, so no football,

we're still undefeated. My
wife's there, Buckeyes. So take

it or leave it. And, and my son,
he inexplicably found Clemson on

his own. I think as he was
coming into football, they won

the national championship in
2018. Trevor Lawrence, Tigers,

Dabo, the energy, the orange, I
think he just gravitated towards

it. So he's a Clemson fan. He's
the black sheep in the college

football dynamic.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, maybe they'll
all be at one conference in

order to you never know. Well,
thank you for joining. And I

guess before we get started,
because you just mentioned about

four acronyms that I think maybe
some listeners might not know.

So you said TBM? Can you can you
just define TBM for the

listeners just so they get a
little bit more your background?

Will Friedrich: Sure. So that's
technology business management,

which is a larger governing
model for IT and business

structure organizations that are
focused on their IT operations,

cloud thin ups, it becomes part
of that as companies begin to

adopt the cloud more and more.

PMO was another one, you know,
project and program management

office. So in a lot of
instances, and in my experience,

it's been helping to lead a
shared service across an

enterprise where we help to
manage and run various

technology projects from IT
operations, systems, support

upgrades, app dev, all of those
types of things.

Aaron Bock: Great. So you said
seven, you've had a 17 year

career in IT or around IT. And
now cloud fin ops is kind of a

specialty. But Cloud has not
really been around for 17 years

in the in the mass media or in
mass companies. So when did you

start dealing with the cloud
working with the cloud become

interested in the cloud? How did
it start? Just give a little

more details there?

Will Friedrich: Sure. For me,
personally, in my career, it

started around 2015 2016. I was
working for an IT integrator,

based in Charlotte and our data
center practice and our security

practice started to get into
Cisco's Software Defined

Networking offering which was
cloud based and they were

starting to acquire different
private cloud platforms to help

enable that kind of technology.

And the fin ops piece came much,
much later. I mean, as a cost

management discipline for the
cloud, it's really, I would say,

three years old, in terms of a
real concentrated focus. Cloud

providers services have been
around in the case of Amazon,

AWS, as early as 2006. But then
focusing on the cost impact of

that as a discipline, you know,
2018 2019, around that

timeframe. So there's roughly a
12 year gap between when the

capabilities were available,
migrations really started to

move in that direction. And
then, you know, a decade later,

people are starting to realize
that there is a need to focus on

the cost impact,

Aaron Bock: what is the reason
you think, for the 12 year gap

for people started becoming
interested in in fin ops, and

really cost optimization of the

Will Friedrich: Yeah, and I
think from the providers, you

know, taking the big three, for
example, you know, across AWS

and Azure GCP, you know, within
their, their platforms, they've

had cost management tools to
various degrees, with its cost

Explorer for AWS, the cost
manager piece, the cost

management portal for Azure. And
so but that's kind of been in a

in a vacuum, what the cloud fin
ops discipline and through the

fin ops foundation is attempting
to do is say, there's a much

more intentional and consistent
orchestration of different

stakeholders across an
organization that should be

paying attention to this, as
opposed to engineers pushing a

button and making a purchase in
a vacuum. And as opposed to the

finance and back office
function, looking at their

reporting in a vacuum. And if
these two groups aren't talking,

you're still going to get
surprised when you have over

provisioning that leads to cost
overruns, you overcommit your

vacancies too high, you know,
all those types of things. So I

really think that this, this
emergence of different

stakeholder groups that
traditionally don't interact

with each other, now need to
come together to keep this

working consistently. And to
mature, this focus is really

important. And two of those
stakeholder groups are, you

couldn't be further apart in
terms of where traditional IT

was with a central procurement
group and those types of things

to where it is now, you know,
highly distributed, meaning the

finance and back office team now
working with engineering, and

now working with IT ops, and so
I think, back to your question

about why did it take so long, I
think it's because it's this

recognition of there are groups
of people that that, within a

corporate culture need to come
together and start working

together in a different way.

It's not as simple as just
having, you know, a basic cost

management capability and inside
of the inside of the tool,

Aaron Bock: well, and then I
guess, you know, what we see

with our customers is that we've
got, you know, if you look at

the bell curve of technology,
you've got customers who are

cutting edge, they're way ahead.

They were born in the cloud,
they're already on all the, you

know, cloud services, native,
etc. And then you've got the

traditional, you know, we're in
the southeast where there's a

lot of manufacturing,
traditional folks, that haven't

really even kind of said yes to
the cloud yet. So I think my

prediction is probably part of
that reason is that you still

don't have a 100% adoption in
the cloud, if you, you know,

we're getting closer to more
people accepting it fully. But

my question for you would be,
let's go back to, before we get

into really deep into Cloud fin
ops, and, and that the

collaboration between
departments, I think we hear a

lot, you know, from like a CFO
or CEO, like, why, why change?

Why go to the cloud? What are
the benefits? So maybe speak to

that? You know, for those folks
that are listening, that are not

on the cloud? Or we're very
little on the cloud? Like, why

should they even consider it?

Why are all these big companies
and why is there so much

emphasis on going to the cloud?

Will Friedrich: I think the
emphasis for going to the cloud

has been this momentum of the
architectures of software have

Aaron Bock: Do you think that
was sped up because of COVID. Or

changed dramatically over the
last several years. And so in

terms of companies undertaking a
digital first strategy, you

know, you hear about digital
transformation, those types of

buzzwords, the underlying
principle of software

development in that pursuit is
service oriented architecture,

right, highly distributed. And
anything you could go so far as

to say, you know, the
microservices and being able to

develop with with those types of
that type of architecture, to

support that you need a highly
distributed architecture as code

architecture as a service to
facilitate that. So your

computer, your storage, and
networking resources have to

adapt to that type of
application. And so I think

that's one of the one of the
main reasons for for moving to

the cloud. The other is the
performance that the cloud

providers can can provide scale
infinitely faster than you can

purchase new gear, refresh your
hardware, and you're seeing the

impacts of companies believing
that notion, the annual growth

rate for a cloud consumption,
and it's really, when I say

cloud consumption, I'm talking
about infrastructure as a

service and platform as a
service. There's various product

segments, but but those two main
ones kind of driving things at

the top, it's growing at a 14,
15% annual growth rate clip, and

that number alone doesn't really
mean much. But when you put it

in context, and you compare it
to an annual growth rate with

traditional IT gear, you know,
that's growing at about 1.3%.

So, and at some point, and some
some suggests there was an

article in, I think, ZDNet,
through the IDC research, they

took out an article that said,
you know, for the first time

ever, the the forecasted spin
for for cloud services, you

know, shared services is going
to eclipse traditional IT for

the first time in real dollars.

So you're starting to see that
do you think that that was

happening already? And COVID
just Is it coincidence that

people became more distributed?

Will Friedrich: Well, it was
happening before. COVID

certainly had an impact, but it
was more than just COVID. At the

time, there was you can imagine
a lot of the cloud providers,

their sales forces, their
reseller channels, their partner

groups really began to push
cloud services, which is good

because the performance, it is
in some respects, a better

performing IT infrastructure
than what you're using on prem

it provided that your use cases
aligned with what you need it

for, well, these groups began to
really push that and so

companies got caught up in it.

And the way that you provision
cloud services is completely

different than the way that you
do it on on prem. And a lot of

companies got caught up in the
just like for like matching,

whatever we're doing on prem,
Let's replicate that in the

cloud, we're simply just going
to lift and shift it, and they

over provisioned. And then on
top of that, they started

looking at all the discounts
they could achieve, if they

commit to certain resources in
advance, commit to certain

terms. And so then they over
commit, so now you're burning

the candle at both ends, you
don't have the right

architecture in the cloud,
you're overpaying for your

prepaid service, you're not
using it the way that you

purchased it. And so now you
have a mismatch. And then they

get their cloud bills. And
they're huge. And they don't

know why. And in a lot of cases,
they don't know where this is

coming from. So I think that
that's the cloud adoption has

really accelerated, but there
was kind of this synthetic

business driver that got people
kind of backwards. And now, you

know, you read about CIOs doing
the unthinkable there, they're

moving back, they're taking
things back out and building,

you know, on prem data centers,
and investing more in that

because they either migrated
inappropriately did it too soon,

too fast too much. And they
didn't really give themselves

the right ROI window based on
the level of their investment.

So they they invest. And the
level of investment probably

needed a five to seven year ROI
window. And they've got a two

year horizon and it doesn't
match. And they're, they're

moving back.

Aaron Bock: So let's come back
to that, because we've seen some

of it. And I'm interested to
hear your perspective. Let's go

back to the you know, maybe it's
the CFO or the CEO who goes to a

conference or hears this or is
hearing it from others, you need

to be considering the cloud, you
said something just there.

That's really important, if you
have the right use cases. So

like if you're talking to that
CFO who's not sure because

they're not as intimate with it,
as you know, an IT director or

CIO or someone like that. What
are the general use cases for

cloud at this point? And then I
would ask you like, what advice

would you give them to start,
like figuring out well, how do

we go to the cloud? Is it 100%?

Like, what percentage is the
right percentage for us?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, I think
the big thing is how much of

your business is being driven by
a technology experience that

that needs to be readily
available? So you're you're

talking about these hybrid use
cases, for service oriented

infrastructure. It's a lot of
custom when mobile application

development, and how much do you
need that performance to be at

its peak, that doesn't mean peak
usage, and you're maximizing the

CPU that you're that you're
trying to drive, but it's how

much of your business is really
innovation through through

software? I think those make
easier candidates to justify

migrating because you're gonna
have a hard time supporting that

software innovation and
supporting your application

development teams long term, if
you're limiting them with just

what you've been able to
purchase in a one or three year

cycle in an on prem data center.

Aaron Bock: Can you give an
example like you can be any

company in the world? You know,
probably probably one that

people have heard of, like, what
would be an example of someone

who's innovating through
software in your eyes? Like how

are they doing that? Like just
so that our listeners if they're

not as if they're not as exposed
to this concept? They understand


Will Friedrich: Yeah, I think
SAAS companies may make really

good that software as a service
companies make good candidates

for this. They're not the only
ones. I mean, huge enterprises

that are in all kinds of
industries segments are moving

to the cloud, and rightfully so
that they're moving all their

production workloads, their
websites, all their traffic to

the cloud. But I the the
example, I always use is the

Netflix model, but it's not
relegated to just companies like

Netflix anymore. You know,
almost every company that we

deal with, is building software
and enabling technology inside

of their four walls, just like
Netflix would that they're

building services. They're
they're building software

themselves. And they're
investing in their application

development, as opposed to
simply just outsourcing it and

says, Oh, well, that company
developed our website, they

built this app, I don't really
know, you know, we really own

the code and that sort of thing.

So I think Netflix is a great
example. It's that software as a

service, and the underlying
infrastructure that supports

that is coming from coming from
the cloud.

Aaron Bock: I think that's a
really good example. And I

think, if I remember, and I
can't cite the source, but

Netflix was one of the largest
cloud spends in like one of the

last couple years, I forget
which cloud they're in, but

their their cloud spend was
enormous, but they could show an

ROI because of all of the other
factors that they don't have to

deal with with traditional
infrastructure. As we look

forward on this podcast, we talk
a lot about trends, we talk a

lot about what's happening. So I
would say the cloud has been a

trend for I don't know, probably
since 2015. Or before that, you

know, you keep hearing about it.

You go to Gartner Seminars, you
go to different things and

everyone's cloud cloud cloud.

2022, I would say when we hear
the cloud, think of

hyperscalers, like, define the
cloud, like what is it is just

the hyperscalers? Is it? Is it
you're you're putting

infrastructures of service and
you know, local colo that's

offering it like what is cloud
in your eyes? And what the way a

CFO or CIO should look at it?

Will Friedrich: Yeah. That's one
of the interesting things about

the cloud now is that there are
1000s of service use available

across different providers to do
different things. But by and

large, if you're talking about
infrastructure as a service,

you're talking about compute
storage, and networking. And

then platform as a service,
you're talking about resources

that are packaged together
either for you've got security

monitoring, you've got
telemetry, monitoring, you've

got certainly containers, right.

So you're, you're deploying
containers, and positioning your

service oriented applications
through through containers. And

that's a performance scalable,
being able to have a highly

distributed model to have
software distributed in that

fashion. So you have all those
components. And then you have

all kinds of purchasing options,
pricing models and alternatives

that you're evaluating to figure
out, well, given that that's my

menu, what's the best way to
actually put this into

production. 1000s of use cases,
all dependent on what you're

trying to get out of the
application. But that's really

where cloud thin ops can help
because that discipline is

there's whether it's a central
team, or distributed segment

teams that are working with
product groups, and helping

bridge the gap between finance
and engineering, to help them

understand that if the
engineering team is validating

that this is the architecture
they're going with, and these

are the resources they've
selected, let's make sure that

they've got the right mix. And
let's make sure that we're

making the right purchases to
give them the infrastructure

that they need. It's really
taking all the capabilities you

associated with your on prem
data center, and having somebody

else provide it, you just have
to be much smarter, and much

more deliberate about how you
can consume it. Because it's not

the water cooler that gets
delivered to your office every

month. It's a sprinkler system
that if you don't turn it off,

the bill keeps running. So it's
a completely different metered

billing model.

Aaron Bock: That's a great
analogy for for, I guess, for

the listeners, let's talk a
little bit about specifically

like what you do now for
Experis, like when people engage

you like, because I think what
we what I want to do is define

cloud fin ops, in the sense of
like, what is that for an

organization? Is it a
department? Is it a role under

finance? Is it a role in IT? You
do it as a consultant, like so

when would a customer engage you
and maybe if you can share, you

don't want to share names, but
share an example or a story

about when you've come into a
customer? And it's a mess, or,

they very much need what you do
explain that for our listeners.

Will Friedrich: Yeah, sure. So a
couple of things. One, just in

terms of the term cloud fin ops,
so the reason why I keep putting

cloud in front of that the
organizations that are governing

this, they generally don't they
call it thin ops, in

practicality and then working
with customers. One of the

problems that presents is that
fin ops in general refers to a

collection of financial
operations that a business might

undertake. So separate from that
general term, thin ops, the way

that these organizations are
using it for the cloud is really

a combination of you know, Fin
coming from financial

management. And then the ops
piece coming from a combination

of DevOps and data ops
enablement, that's used to

actually bring financial
management best practices for

the cloud to life. So there is
an engineering discipline within

this. But really, when when we
engage customers, when we engage

them in this discipline on
different levels, from an

Experis perspective, we have
consulting services in that we

can help organizations with
maturity assessments, helping

them to look at, you know,
stakeholder interviewing, and an

environment discovery, we can
help them with baselining, their

their KPIs, and their OKRs. And
all the metrics that you would

use to drive proficiency in
trying to get better at managing

and even getting to a certain
point where you're optimizing

Cloud Spin. And then we help
organizations build teams. So

the notion of the last couple of
years, it's come to light as

this, this notion of the fin ops
team was kind of like an agile

delivery pod. But this group is
central, it's usually within the

CIOs purview, sometimes
reporting up to a kind of a

combined function between CIO
and CFO. And it works with

different stakeholder groups.

And they're really the air
traffic control function within

this organization to make sure
that, you know, as you're

developing processes, and as
you're developing workflows, and

then as you're applying
automation to those processes to

get better about reviewing
reports, making real time

decisions on Cloud Spin, and
being able to drive certain

operations metrics, they're
there to make sure that those

groups keep the same autonomy,
like particularly on the

engineering side that they've
worked so hard to achieve

through agile and Kanban. All
those types of delivery models,

they want to keep that autonomy,
they just want to increase the

awareness and the impact of what
they do, what impact does that

have on the business? What
impact does that have on what

the finance procurement and back
office groups now have to deal

with as a result of what they're
doing for for resource

purchasing. And so it's an
orchestration of different

groups, that all are trying to
do the right thing. By managing

cloud cost, they're just each
doing it in a vacuum, and not

communicating. So it's really a
team that facilitates so when

when clients come to us, we're
really helping them to do just

that. In a lot of instances,
they're past the point of

determining whether or not the
cloud is for them. They're in

the throes of a migration plan,
where they need to have a

concerted effort at looking at
cost management, or they have a

lot of applications that are
born in the cloud, they're

operating post migration, but
there's still that that

consistent focus on needing to
achieve cost management, you

have to make sure that these
things aren't, are wildly out of

control, I think I saw that
cloud as an enterprise level of

expense, in many instances is
second only to payroll. So if

you're not paying attention to
that, it can get wildly out of

control. And so there is there
is a need. And there's an

associated ROI with investing in
a a fin ops, consulting, service

and assessment to help you
understand where you are today.

And where you need to get to.

And there's also an ROI for
having a team and also staffing

full time dedicated roles that
aren't just doing fin ops on the

side, while they're doing other
things, but there's a real push

to have dedicated fin ops
practitioners in your

organization, that are doing
these types of things as a full

time job. So we help customers
in all three of those areas. And

one of the examples I you know,
to your to your point without

naming names, although based on
where we got them to, they

probably wouldn't mind name
dropping, but but I won't. It

was a organization that that
used Azure, and they got caught

up in in the all too common.

Well, we just moved, we just we
just shifted because that's when

we work with a vendor as what we
decided to do. And it was really

a decision made in a vacuum that
really required a lot of

analysis, that that just didn't
happen. You doing it right, the

first time will save you so much
pain later in in trying to put

out fires on the backend. So
they lifted and shifted. And

they did some of the things that
I alluded to earlier, they, they

just simply replicated from a VM
perspective, what they had,

which they didn't need to the
cloud has gotten much better

giving you more than what you
would generally associate the on

prem equivalent, so they had too
much. And then they put too many

prepaid commitments. So one of
the things you can do is that

you can get a discount above and
beyond an on demand service rate

that a cloud provider might give
you for a certain service, let's

say a compute instance. And if
you commit to that in advance,

you can achieve a certain
discount, and that's dependent

on your ability to make sure
that you actually use the

commitment for what you
purchased it for and many

organizations don't or they
purchase for A three year term

and in their environment, their
usage, their their designs and

things change, their
infrastructure needs change. And

then what happens is they've
already purchased the

commitment. And now they're back
to consuming the on demand rate

once that configuration is a
mismatch, or or they're beyond


Aaron Bock: We're actually seems
a little tangent, but like what

we're seeing, like in the
infrastructure space and the

cloud, one of the software's or
technologies that seems to be

popping up more and more as like
a trend is the reserved

instance, and whatever it's
called for each cloud, but like

the, you know, basically prepaid
usage or the reserved instance,

we're seeing, basically, the
ability for tech software, you

can put a software on there
where you can actually sell off

instances you might not use that
you initially reserved, and

basically broker those so that
you're right sizing because, to

your point, so many customers
are struggling with, I don't

know how to predict my cloud
spend for three years. So I'm

just going to purchase, you
know, whatever they kind of tell

me in a calculator in a vacuum,
and it's not right.

Will Friedrich: Yeah, well, then
those secondary markets are, are

part of it. The other part is,
you're limited certain resources

won't let you do that you can
convert some you can't convert

others you can resize, you can
always purchase more, you can't

purchase less than those types
of things. So there's different

restrictions on on what you can
and can't do. And one of the

things that we will work with
this this customer on is that a

committed savings plan is
probably more conducive to their

needs than then reservation
instance, that's really the most

mature version of trying to get
a committed purchase to get a

discount residence was really
require you to understand that

the technical need for something
like that savings plans and and

even you know, Google's got the
sustained usage plan, the more

you use, the more you save that
type of thing. You can know less

about the underlying technical
use case for that resource and

still feel more confident in
doing those types of commitments

than you can with a reservation.

But, you know, those are some of
the nuances that when we start

working with customers, they
didn't even realize they could

do that. Or if they could, where
in the tool, would I use that?

And it's not so much whether or
not they made the right

commitment, or whether or not
they're looking at the right

report, it's that no one really
owned it. So when a condition in

their clients environment
changes, how do you react to

that? If there's a process in
place, and certain people

working on it, they can really
handle any anything that might

come their way?

Aaron Bock: Do you think the
misscopings that happen or the

lift and shift decision that's
made in a vacuum-- Do you think

that there's something driving
that you think it's lack of

knowledge? Do you think it's
that there are people are

running like a tool one time and
saying, well, like, let's run it

on our environment, and this is
what it's telling us, we should

be in this cloud, and here's how
we should do it. Like, what's

driving that? Because what would
always baffles me is I hear

customers over and over and
over. And if you're in this

space long enough, you hear
that's the problem with the

cloud, the you lift and shift
the costs get out of control,

and then it's hard to manage
them. So you, you know, you

think well, that will never
happen after a couple years when

you hear it every single time
when that's the warning about

the cloud, but it still does all
the time. Why does it happen so

often? Because it just easy to
miss? Is it a is it that people

focus on more than technology?

And they don't think about the
process and the people?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, that's a
great question. In my experience

and our experience working with
customers, it's that from a

culture and team perspective,
there's the capability teams can

do it. Teams can provision their
own cloud resources and

engineering teams and a lot of
sense, particularly mature ones.

They love that autonomy, and
rightfully so, I mean, the cloud

gives them that ability, they
ought to take advantage. What's

missing is the accountability.

There's there's no performance
KPI, there's no right sizing

score, there's no show back or
chargeback relative to the spend

impact of their decision.

There's nothing that comes back
to them that says, Yeah, you

were able to push that button.

But here's, here's what it did.

Here's the impact. And here's
what it means for you. And in

the case of chargebacks, and
organizations are trying to put

in place real chargebacks back
to the product teams P&L for how

they consume cloud resources.

Because in a sense, it it
generally speaking, it's not the

best idea to then try to
centrally control all of the

Cloud Spin and try to recreate a
procurement bottleneck that

often existed in the traditional
IT spin. So if teams are going

to continue to be distributed,
autonomous, doing that the

procuring the resources that
they need provisioning, the

resources, they need to build
their apps as quickly as they

need to. Don't get in the way of
that but create a mechanism for

them to be accountable for it.

And obviously, that
accountability and that that

transparency with other teams,
drives the kind of behavior

where all of a sudden, it's not
an unintentional abuse of the

availability of that resource.

It's a more intentional
stewardship over what they're

doing for the for the business.

And that's what we try to do.

And what we have done working
with customers trying to

increase their awareness and
close the gap between

capability. Yes, you can do it.

But accountability, what does it
mean for the business?

Aaron Bock: Who, when you
deliver your consulting, and

whatever that package may look
like, if it's there's an output

or, you know, I imagine there's
some sort of analysis that you

guys would do, who in the
organization is usually the

champion for really promoting a
fin ops culture? Especially for

the cloud? Is it usually coming
from the financial viewpoint? Or

do you see it a lot of times
coming from within IT, they just

don't know how to sell it, or
they don't know how to champion

it, if you will?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, our
champions have come from the

technologists, I use that term
generally. So sometimes it's the

CTO CIO, of those are different
functions, we have clients, but

those are two different roles,
depending on what they're

they're doing even even CDOs,
you know, Digital Officers that

understand that they're
responsible for that they they

may run the IT groups that
support the design and

engineering teams, one of the
things that I think will happen

more, and this is coming from
some of the data that's coming

through the fin ops foundation,
you know, they do the state of

thin ops report every year. And
in the 2022 findings, the

percentage of practitioners that
took the survey that identified

themselves as coming from a
financial or back office

function was less than 10%,
combined across all those types

and including procurement. And
we'd like to see that increase,

because I think that the cloud
thin ops focus is has done great

things for technologists who
already understand the cloud

already understand the nature of
the services, and to some

degree, they understand the
pricing models. But the finance

team is really just on the other
end of this, like a fire hose

trying to ingest all these
different changes in a

completely different cost model.

So when we conduct assessments,
for example, and we do

stakeholder interviews, we
absolutely have a concerted

effort to bring in financial
leaders. So it's usually a

there's a role within a lot of
organizations, we work with a

digital controller. So this is a
person who is essentially a

controller and all the functions
that you would associate a

financial controller for. But
they're they're focused on the

expenses for digital projects,
product development, and

software development. So we had
one customer where our main

sponsor was a CIO, but
ultimately, who they delegated

to help us navigate the
environment, help us do our

discovery, help us do our
interviews, and together our

information was a digital
controller, which was actually

very helpful because she could
help navigate both the tech

side, the business side, there
was a procurement function, who

definitely felt like they needed
a role in this new dynamic. And

you certainly didn't want to
alienate that group. But yeah, I

think it's interesting, as a
result of this type of emerging

discipline, our champions roles
are also changing. And it's kind

of exciting to see, you know, a
digital controller, that wasn't

a role I was working with from
the client side two years ago.

Aaron Bock: That's awesome. You
are talking about enterprises.

When you talk about Digital
Officers and CTOs and CIOs, I

assume you're working a lot with
enterprises, I guess. We do have

some listeners that are smaller
companies, mid market size

companies, who may not have all
those roles, who may not have

the ability to have like a full
fin ops group. So for a smaller

company, mid mid market, you
know, lean IT staff, maybe who

doesn't have the cloud
capabilities? How do they do

fin ops? Without, you know,
having all this expertise, and

how do they train their folks to
really, to use the cloud to the

best way possible, but not

Will Friedrich: Yeah, I think
you're dipping your toe is

always a good measure. One of
the things that we advise

clients on is not to get caught
up in the the allure of

transformation, I have to
completely reinvent our culture

and our operations and
everything, etcetera, in some

arbitrary time box timeframe,
but we always say is take

incremental steps, right? A lot
of times you there is no ROI for

building a thin ops team. If
your spend is at a certain

level, let's let's say that that
spin is less than 5 million a

year, the waste associated with
that spin, which if it's on par

with industry average, it's
probably 30%. And so, you know,

a fin ops team could could
grossly exceed what you're

already overspending. So I think
coming up with champions who

want to learn more about that
discipline and can do it part

time and then as the need
develops, as your spend

increases, you move more
workloads and applications into

the cloud, you become more
dependent on those services. You

may have the justification for
having full time roles, but I

think for smaller organizations
relatively having a part time

focus across different types of
roles, I think business and data

analysts, product owners, and of
course, you know CTOs and CIOs,

but even just VPs of product ,VP
of IT, that those roles can

really get behind that kind of
effort. Because we really do

see, again, relative your
comment about midsize companies.

It's a grassroots movement in
terms of the internal need, at

the going back to the finop
survey, only 46% of the we need

to focus on fin ops comes from a
C level directive. Now we expect

that that's going to increase
significantly in the years to

come. As it becomes more of a
budget item, hey, we've got to

we got to best to address this
problem because it's leading to

overspend. But you know, roughly
44% of that came from people

lifting their head saying this
is a problem, I want to spend

more time looking at our cloud
bill, I want to dig into the

data to find out what's going on
where these anomalies are coming

from while we're overspending.

And so curiosity really helps,
too. So but I think, you know,

going back to where in smaller
companies does this come from?

I'd like to see it come from
analysts and product leads that

are looking at this saying, I'm
in charge of the p&l of this of

this product, and I'm consuming
this service, I'm probably doing

my organization a disservice by
not by not paying attention to

the kind of the cause and effect
of, of what we're doing with

Cloud Spin.

Aaron Bock: I think that's
great. And I think that there's

a lot of things that people can
do, you know, one of the things

that we see a lot is the
adoption of the cloud for a

small organization or mid mid
sized organization, you know,

they're not even to the fin ops
conversation, they're trying to

figure out, do we have the
personnel that understand the

cloud, that are interested in
doing it? Are they, you know, do

you have people in the
organization who are afraid of

change, and I think, depending
on where you're at, and the type

of companies you're working
with, that's a real

conversation, too. And so, it's
getting them to understand a fin

Ops is probably down the road,
but it can be started,

basically, when you go to the
cloud. And when you do that, and

you put that mindset, when
you're going to the cloud, you

will be better off down the
road, because you have a

practice for managing cloud
spend, which is one of the, you

know, I would say top three
problems that people would say

if they're going to the cloud.

So I think we agree with that
for, you know, kind of to wrap

up and not immediately. But I
have a couple questions for you

future looking, because we've
been talking about a lot about

fin ops now. So general question
about the cloud. So we've got

really right now with the hyper
scalers, you've got, you know,

you've got Google who's a
distant third. And then he got

Azure and AWS for Microsoft,
Azure GCP for Google, and then

you've got AWS for Amazon, those
are sort of the three I know

you've got Oracle, you've got I
think Alibaba is sometimes in

the mix, you've got some others,
but make a prediction. What do

you think is going to happen
with? Do you think there's going

to be more competition in five
years? And where will that come

from? Or do you think that these
three behemoths will just

continue to take off? And when
we talk about cloud and 5-10

years, we're still gonna be
talking about the same three


Will Friedrich: Yeah, I think
where you'll see more players

coming in is in hybrid cloud
solutions. I mean, you're

already seeing that even even
with larger companies, you know,

IBM and Oracle spend a lot of
time in hybrid cloud. But in

terms of companies that have a
public cloud first strategy,

that's the level of service that
the type of performance they're

looking for. Those three
organizations are really in such

a position to just from a level
of investment perspective, to

really give those organizations
best of breed, I don't think

you're going to see things like
all of a sudden GCP overtakes

AWS and Azure starts to eat
major chunks of AWS market share

what I do think you'll see, and
this is just me personally

looking at data talking to
customers, and we're finding out

that more customers are adopting
a multi cloud strategy across

public providers. You know, in
even just a couple of years ago,

the main mindset was almost a
default of well, most of our

stuff is in Azure, therefore,
we're going to use Azure going

forward. And the problem with
that is no one provider can

cover every single use case,
you're going to need as a

customer from a from a cloud
service perspective. So we still

advocate for a one for one, you
know, resource or cloud provider

to application ratio. But
application A could be in Azure

application B could be in AWS,
and you could leverage the

different providers, and that's
good from an innovation

perspective. What that will also
do is grossly complicate your

ability to manage costs across
different providers. So the

other piece of innovation that
we will certainly see in the fin

ops realm develop is a whole
slew of providers that are

creating third party tools that
can help you aggregate all of

this information coming from
your different public providers

and help you assess your usage
patterns from Azure from AWS

from GCP. And what does that
mean for your overall spend? And

how's it going to help you make
decisions towards your spending

goals? So I don't think you're
going to see major changes in

market share relative to who's
first, second, third. But what I

do think you'll see is a larger
focus on multi cloud strategy

across the public providers.

Aaron Bock: What do you think
would slow down the adoption of

cloud at the rate we're going
right now? If there is anything?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, well, I
mentioned it earlier, I think

organizations are already doing
this, they're moving. And then

they either move too much too
fast too soon. And they did not

give themselves the right ROI
horizon. And then they they

can't save face to their
constituency, they can't go to

their board, they can't go to
their customers, they can't go

to their leadership and say,
this, this investment was worth

it. They're, they're forced from
a dollars and cents perspective,

to go back to to on prem. So I
think there's definitely a need

to make sure you have the right
candidate to move to the cloud.

And make sure that cost
management is part of your

migration plan, not something
that you focus, once your

workload has been transitioned,
once your application has been

moved. It's not too late at that
point. But it's certainly more

expensive to fix it.

Aaron Bock: Yeah. It's like your
personal budgeting and your

household or it's like personal
spending, you don't just look at

it once a year and say, Oh, we
spent way too much on so and so

you look at it every month, you
look at it every couple of

weeks, that's generally who
manages their money the best is

those who know, kind of what
they're spending and when

they're spending and how they're
spending and planning for

spending. It's no different for
a large company with the cloud,

it's looking at it all the time,
have a way to assess, have a way

to understand when there's peaks
and valleys, and the more you

can do that and get ahead of it,
the better you will be at

managing your cost.

Will Friedrich: And quickly to
that point, one, one comment to

that is one of the things that
we see with with our clients,

for example, is when we do the
stakeholder interviews, and we

talk to the finance team, what
they're used to is a a

purchasing cycle where you might
purchase gear for two years, but

you're purchasing for
anticipated growth, and you make

that purchase up front. You
don't do that in the cloud, you

don't have to you purchase for
what you need, then, because

when you do get to the point
where you need more, you need to

horizontally scale, vertically
scale, whichever the case, you

can do it in real time. So don't
don't get caught up in trying to

purchase for three years like
you did traditionally, even even

that simple dynamic of how it
worked in cap X and how it works

in this op X model. It's it's
totally different. And companies

that don't pay attention to that
wonder why they spent too much

and they did. They they they
they bought too much of the


Aaron Bock: we get the question
sometimes can you cap X cloud?

Do you think there will ever be
a way to cap X cloud spend? What

do you think about that comment?

And what are you seeing?

Will Friedrich: Yeah, well,
companies do that. Now. I think

sometimes when that comment is
made, it's in the context of

when you purchase a commitment.

And it doesn't really matter
what the vehicle is could be a

reservation instance, could be a
savings plan could be a

sustained usage. But when you're
making that commitment, there's

a weighted average cost of
capital calculation that a lot

of organizations make because
that that prepayment, no matter

how many instances or services
you're running concurrently,

could be in the hundreds of
1000s of dollars. And so you're

weighing that investment versus
some of the other CapEx

investments that the company
might make. And once you get

past that, you you then make
that purchase and amortize it

over the term that you purchased
it for. So there are a lot of

times they consider those those
commitment based purchases to be

capital expenditures, even
though the on demand consumption

of that resource would be would
be an OP X type type of model.

So we're already seeing that
today. And a lot of companies do

that they treat that commitment,
like a project, which is which

is actually a good a good
strategy, because it takes you

through the breakeven and takes
you through the weighted average

cost of capital calculation to

Aaron Bock: do you see, you
know, I guess I hate to go back

to this, but you mentioned this,
and you kind of brought up

something that I've heard a
couple times recently, you know,

customers, your traditional
providers, when you think of

traditional infrastructure, you
know, they always Microsoft is a

perfect example with your your
email licensing, O365 M365. You

would sign an EA and you commit
to levels of spin blah, blah,

blah. I've heard more recently,
companies, enterprises a lot of

times who are in a battle with
certain you know, okay, do we go

Azure? Do we go GCP they're
probably not looking at the

multi cloud as much as they
should be. But let's just say

that they're getting a sweet
deal. Air quotes on that, like

from one of the cloud providers
to say, hey, commit to this

level of spend. Do you think
that those are good things for

companies or because because I
look at it and say, If you

commit to a level spend, you're
you're basically forcing

yourself to get to some level
that you might not need to. And

so you're finding any way to do
it, I could see why you think

it'd be good because hey, we got
to get there one way or another.

So let's just commit. But I also
see that it could prevent people

from really embracing fin ops to
say, Are we spending the right

amount of money? Or okay, we
spend our money, we spend our

commitment, that's great, where
they're like, I doesn't

incentivize you to optimize. And
that's my big problem with it.

I'm curious, your thoughts?

Will Friedrich: Yeah. Well, in
the case of Microsoft, for

example, there's the agreement,
which depending on what kind of

agreement you signed, it's
really entitlement, right? What

type of discounts or, what type
of access to consume services

across the board do you have and
then within that, you can still

make targeted commitment
purchases, based on what you

need. And so there's different
use cases for whether or not you

would you would do that. So
you'd have an enterprise

agreement, that that is based on
some overall consumption model,

and you would put your highest
volume, most sustained, least

likely to change most dependable
workloads, you can put those

through a one year commitment,
let's say even a three year,

again, depending on what the
workloads are doing. But for

your product development, and
for your r&d and things that

need to change on a dime. That's
risky. And so you might not

necessarily commit to those, you
might work Spot Instances, for

example, you might try to work
those into your plan, those

actually carry deeper discounts
than reservations themselves.

And if you use them
appropriately, you can achieve

bigger discounts for
applications you're developing

where your resource needs could
change significantly, your usage

patterns do this, they spike up
and down. They're not very

consistent. So again, it comes
back to use case but I think

it's always the right
combination. I don't the

providers have set customers up
to get trapped in the is an

enterprise agreement or not,
it's a commitment or not, I

think those are good. In certain
cases, I think where you need

flexibility, they might not be
as good could be riskier and

more expensive in the long run
to commit to something now,

there's other avenues to get to
that saving.

Aaron Bock: Yeah, and I don't
mean to say they're always bad,

I just see in certain situations
where it's, it's two-one, it's

like you said, multicloud, which
I agree that you need to really

consider multi cloud approach. I
just think that I see it in the

light of there's too many,
there's too much being put into

one just because of a number
that was put out. And I think

it's lack of understanding of
what what you should andcould be

doing. So I definitely agree
with you. And I think there's

always you know, a use case. And
there's always a scenario that

does work and doesn't work for
the listeners. And this is kind

of how we always close our
episode. Will, by the way, this

has been a super insightful
show. I think a lot of folks

will learn a lot from this
really appreciate you sharing,

you're giving a State of the
Union, the Will Friederick State

of the Union in front of a
million, 10 million people,

however many people you want to
give a lot of people and you get

to give one piece of advice. It
can be general it general cloud,

specifically about fin ops and
ops in general. What advice do

you give to people?

Will Friedrich: That's a good
question, you know, Aaron, I

think of it like this, I'll
think that I'm imagining myself

speaking to, let's say 10
million young people early in

career first or second year. And
this is something that I helped

with, you know, coaching our
teams, help coaching staff,

whatever the case, and even
something that I pay attention

to as I'm as I'm doing it,
borrowing from there, there's a

book by Dr. Jordan Peterson.

It's called 12 rules for life.

And it's really an anecdote to
empower you as an individual to

help you be more valuable to
yourself, your community, your

organizations, and one of the
rules is be precise in your

speech. And when I read that,
and I read the chapter

corresponding to that rule, it
really, really hit home with me.

And you see that a lot in
professional and personal life.

And I think it comes down to not
spending too much time making

generalist claims about whatever
it is that you're talking about,

whether you're talking to a
customer, whether you're talking

to a partner, whether you're
talking to whatever it is, in a

professional sense. So I would
say I always try to encourage

people to at a certain point,
that that claim should be backed

by a piece of data. And then
that data point is used to

substantiate that claim. And
then coming up with, you know,

putting that data point in
context. So going back to the

comment I made about compound
annual growth rate between Cloud

Spin and traditional it spin. I
think a lot of people could go

out there and make the claim
that the cloud is great, and

it's growing and all these types
of things. But look at the

numbers. And then what are the
numbers suggest, right? And you

could even go out and say
something like, well, Cloud is

growing in the US across two
segments by 15% a year but what

does that mean? Compared to
what? And when. So when you look

at that compared to traditional
spend, it's like, wow, 15% is a

lot more than 1.3%. Those two
growth trajectories are not even

on the same plane. That's just
kind of a silly example in the

context of this conversation.

But but it really goes back to,
you know, being precise in your

speech, and being able to use
data and information to back up

your claims. I think it really
helps conversations and really

gets to the heart of what you're
trying to say. So that would be

my tidbit for for young
professionals, I would say.

Aaron Bock: We appreciate you
sharing that. Will, we

appreciate you joining the show
today. Thank you for sharing all

the information that you have.

Will, how can people get in
touch with you if they want to

reach out?

Will Friedrich: Yeah,
absolutely. You can reach me

through LinkedIn, that's
probably my preferred social

media outlet. Or you can you can
reach me through email

And yeah, I would love to chat
fin ops and to chat cloud and

services. I'm a community member
of the fin ops foundation so you

can find me on their Slack
channel. So all of those are


Aaron Bock: Well, thanks for
joining Will, we will put the

information in the show notes.

Super insightful. I hope you all
enjoyed this episode. Thanks for

listening. And I hope you guys
have a great rest of the day.

Narrator: Thanks for listening.

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