Anime Book Club

The bird is the word on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 38 & 39

Show Notes

Episode 38 - The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1

Episode 39 - The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2

What is Anime Book Club?

Pat and Matt watching anime two episodes a week until the sun goes dark.

Yeah, Welcome to the Anime Book Club today, we'll be discussing Jojo's bizarre adventure.

The Stardust crusaders, episodes 38 39.

I'm Pat Matt.

How's it going matt, I'm saying it's me going great, you poke them on today, matt, matt, matt, matt, matt, matt, matt matt.


Another Yeah, I guess what Everyone, you found another matt and Pat duo that seems to do stuff together on the internet.

I'm annoyed that somehow not rare.

And then there's one person who has both of them, like the game theory together.

Yeah, bag has both of our names of but so much more money than we'll ever see in our Oh boy.

Yeah, but I would say we maybe have better brains than him.

Why am I wait?


Who cares about the game theory guy, joe joe time.

Okay, I'm being mean.

He's got three channels now, you can take it what you're saying.

So I could we could take him.

Okay, if we get to sneak up on.

There are there's a game theory for you.

Can we take you all by surprise Anyway, this is an animal podcast.

We watch a serving size of animal every week.

Sometimes it's two episodes.

Sometimes it's three uh we've been tackling jojo's bizarre adventure from the beginning and today we'll be discussing too.

I would say great episodes, These were brutal.

That's what I like this.

We now have put put this, put this asshole on Mount Rushmore of jo jo villains.

Yeah, No, no, seriously, he might, this might be the most competent villain we've seen and all of Stardust crusaders.

I'm thinking next to steely dan next to steely dan.

Of course, yeah, be a bridge for me, joe joe.

Uh huh.

But yeah, let's let's just jump right into this episode 38.

The gatekeeper of hell, pet shop part one.

Uh First off, I gotta ask you a fast, have you ever heard of the Pet Shop Boys?

No, not at all, not even.


I ah I mostly know of pet shop from the joe joe fighting game.

He's one of the characters in most tournaments ban him because he's very hard to hit.

That sounds about right, did they ban gigi to then?



Um so anyway, we open up on paul giraffe who is wearing a blanket, the top of his head I guess to protect yourself from the heat.

I had a weird moment where I'm like that long hair dude looks a lot like palm giraffe was very confused.

We then got a really weird um extended bit where like homeless dude slash beggar sits down next to polygraph and keeps coaching towards them and they do like a little scooch war like over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and um the guys like this is my begging turf and we get the best payoff somewhere like when they were in that area where the police tried to uh arrest polygrapher find him for having a bag of trash in the trash.

Uh Palmer off is the bag of trash this time.

Um he just looks so down on his luck that people actually start handing him money because they just assumed pulled her up, sitting on the ground is a beggar.

I actually had the same reaction you did when we saw palm around with a blanket over his head.

I thought for a minute that his hair had just gotten like that's what it looks like when it goes down.

It was so hot that it just get, it was austin on it or something.

This hot.

This heat my law.

Gloria's locks.

It was a really fun animation kind of thing.

Um Yeah, it's, it's a crazy kind of thing Abdel shows up and he's like, hey paul giraffe, give that guy your money because you're the beggars area and we get an extended chat about this thing called the beggars Association.

How begging is professionally, I don't know, seems kind of weird to me.

I wasn't going to question this authenticity.

Just wanted to move past it.


So we're going to continue to move past it.

Um because the beggar immediately recognizes abdel is a fortune teller who fled Egypt because he was going to be murdered, which I like that little bit of world building.

Um after all it goes like, yeah, I'm that dude.

However, we're back and we're looking for this building.

Ed man.

I love this reveal the beggar that pulls off his big close, isn't it like a three piece suit.

Look at the suit.

Suit almost.

He's like in a suit suit.

This guy's designed it's ridiculous and it gets it like a fancy card.

It's like I'll find it in three hours.

Zoom bigger the way bigger away.

I know this entire city like the back of my hand.

Um I did not realize that three hours was actually a really good number because I had forgotten that they have been apparently wandering around Cairo for like four days.

So three hours actually seems like a pretty good bet.

that was three hours for him to find it.

And she's like yeah it's like three hours I'll find this place.

Um And then Palmer, I've noticed that Iggy is gone and we get the intro so you know stand a little intro stuff.

Good stuff.

Uh Now we get basically the plot of the episode which is such a great twist is it's basically whilst walking around and dicking about Iggy accidentally finds Dios Palace which is I think that's a wonderful twist.

Uh huh.

If only they used Iggy as an actual teammate.


So what if they just tried to get lost?

They would have found it.

Um But yeah yes It's a cutie again to that's the design.

We're going with the rounder one.

Ah You beat me to it.


I was like yes yes it is round gigi this time um round Iggy.

It's not square.

Iggy squaring You would have won this fight quickly, swearing you would have farted.

We don't see Brown.

Do we ever see, wait do we ever see Rounding the far?

I don't know that we have I think only square eggy farts yet again bigger luke.

Um basically we see two dogs like to normal looking dogs show up, they gotta bark at Iggy.

Iggy gives them is like I'm a badass aura and they wander off as dogs do they then make the worst decision of their life.

They see like um I guess maybe they're attracted by the shadow of it or whatever.

They see like a bird shadow under a gate and try to climb under the gate and that they are brutally murdered.

It is you know it's jo jo villains around the corner.



It's literally just the animal version of a jo jo episode.

Yeah what's the dog dead count right now and joe joe.

It's getting pretty High man.


Maybe we have uh why am I blanking on the name of Jonathan's dog?

I don't remember his name either.

It's been so long.

You you killed so and so rest in peace.

Mr Barkey misread recipes.

Mr Barkey you remember you we remember you we kind of remember you.

Why can't I remember the name of jo jo's dead dog google it right now yeah there we go.

Oh my God.

One of the auto completes is dead dog count wow.

See so yeah, this is a thing.

Why do dogs die so much in jo jo is something that people ask.

Danny, Danny the dog.

All right, Danny like the street.


There we go.

Yes or the ambulance.

Yeah, now an ambulance.

According to Reddit as of two years ago, nine dogs in total have died in Jojo's bizarre adventure.

That sounds low.

That means more dogs are going to die.

We haven't seen them all yet.

Exactly, Exactly, man, I don't like this.

So we're going to dog.

There'll be other things.

Um anyway, these dogs are murdered by our villain who is a bird that apparently has ice powers.

The Navia.

I'm glad that you made the navy a joke.

I should have.

Oh, that's such a good joke.

Does she have, does she have a pet shop skin?

She should.

Oh, she really should please riot fix this.

Get her a little war hat.

Anyway, the ice dog, I'm kind of happy that their censorship because we don't really see the dogs get murdered too badly.

Um actually, no, we totally do.

But then you get to see the bodies get sucked under the gate and that's kind of terrifying.

We get this weird thing where it looks like the bird has like camera eyes.

Is this a stand because they just think bird eyes work that way.

You know, I think from from our narrator not to spoil a narrator in the future.

I think that they think that that's how bird eyes work.

Okay because it looks like mechanical noises changes colors and like zoom nature's cameras.

The bird I but you have bird.

I uh the bird notices that are fake beggar friend is here and he's just standing out there holding a photo of the place and he's like ah it's only took me two hours and then he notices there's like a big shadow around him and he looks up and there's a comically large icicle it like right above it.

Like how did the cops explain this?

But you have the the yeah magic bullet.

You know it's that old that old rigmarole you shoot somebody with an ice bullet, there's no evidence, dead guy in an elevator pull the water.

How did it happen?

Um But yeah more so than that it drops the giant killer not only on the guy but it demolishes him, he is just a smear onto his broken car is rather brutal.

Well then give the I don't know weird revelation and what kind of becomes the crunch in the next episodes.

Uh The show is gonna narrate Iggy's thoughts and we got a voice actor for E.


For the rest of the episode.

The woman, I think it sounds like a woman, it's not Goku but it's definitely a woman, it's the only one the only actor I acknowledge is Goku whatever her Davis.

Um But yeah then we get the narrator cutting in where he's like yo guess what?

Birds have always been historically significant to Egypt ever heard of Horace.

Yeah birds.

Anyway, this bird's name, Pet shop and his stand is named Horace.

It almost takes like it's a joke, everything, but the name almost takes away from the moment of horror were in his pet shop, it is kinda funny cause every time so yo pet shop Mhm But yeah, we have pet shop, the bird named pet shop, if he does a lot of thinking and uh just a ton of monologue, inner monologue ng I wrote in my notes that I love pet shops, design and style, like this is a medicine as bird, let me guess specifically when he lands he lands, he's like look at that.

Yeah, he stands right next to uh Iggy, he just gets the medicine, he gets his own menacing, yeah he's super menacing um and then it was just like I love the thing where he's like I just want the simple things in life and then uh basically blames the joe stars for kidnapping and forcing me to the stupid thing and he's like I cannot believe the pet shop wants to kick my ass and he decides you know what I'm gonna pretend to be a dumb dog and that whole sequence is incredible, like hyper, he he like chases his tail, he like makes big dumb eyes, it's awesome, I love dumb Maggie Doug Doug Miggy is pretty cool.

We get pet shop.

Getting to be awesome.

Wait, let me ask you, how did you think this is going to play out?

Because we see a car driving towards pet shop.

Did what happened be what you think or did you think this was gonna happen?

I thought that guy was going to die.


I thought it was gonna write a bunch of ice.



It's like it's like an ice pillar or something.

Yeah, but no, pet shop is like last second swoops under his car.

Um and it flies off.

So much so that the guy like gets out of his car is like, oh my God, that birds such a badass.


Pet shop is, he wouldn't just make a pillar advice.

He is a trained professional killer.

Yeah, he's cold blooded man.


Cold blood in the ice.

Oh, that's a good point.

I wonder if they see the Well, I think maybe it's manipulating the water or something.

Like I think, do people see reds, magicians fire?

Do they though?

Because I don't know this stuff has been pretty ambiguous so far.

Well, I think maybe they see the ice.

Maybe they don't see what we eventually see.

We barely even see that for a second.

Mm Anyway, pet shop has flown off looks like a scot free.

However, a dumb child shows up saying the dead in any of the names of his dead dogs.

Um uh which I did not write down, No, not the dumb child.

It was a chippy and Tony.


Chibi and rookie.

There we go, Chippy and pucci, which he says a whole bunch Bucci but Bucci anyway, he notices, it's like, oh, where are my dogs?

Oh no, he's like, oh there's a, there's a collar covered in blood that looks just like my dog's collar.

You know what?

Forget the dead dog count.

How about the dead dog in front of child owner count?

Oh man.

Yeah, they don't just kill dogs on this show, they make sure it counts.

Yeah, scarring.

There's mental scarring.

Whatever dogs are never killed, jesus.

It's like, it's like a wrestling thing.

They never, they never waste a dog murder.

There's always character building, it's always part of the angle.

Um But yeah, the boy decides that he's going to try and get underneath of the gate and he's like, oh no, and Iggy notices that the boy is like going under there and he's like, well fuck him and he walks off, which you know what total Iggy uh the kid is that horrified to discover the pet shop is just eating the dog heads and I'm really okay.

They, they we can see what's going on, but there's at least just enough censorship I believe so to kind of cover up what's happening?

Oh God, that's horrifying the way he's eating it too because it's like ripping off a bit and he's like he's eating it like a birdie.

So I was like choking down, he's like, yeah, he's having a good time and the boy is not down for it.

Um the boy was freaking out at seeing the dead dog heads and the bird pet shop comes up, looks like he's gonna murder the boy and then boom, anime time, Iggy shows up and he does the yada yada, he does the jokes are a thing in his head and admits he has a soft spot for kids that like dogs.

So we've learned more about, we've learned more about Iggy in that moment.

It is a joe starr man.

Hell yeah.

On the tough streets in new york, made a name for himself and now he's all he needs a dog, Speedwagon.

Yeah, exactly, like a poodle or something that's like wiggy someone to turn him straight, something to be like, oh my God, Iggy kicked pet shop out of the way and now the boy can escape.

Actually, literally what I'm doing this, we've become Speedwagon, That's the point of this podcast.

I guess we could not have a more admirable goal Speedwagon, if only basically Iggy, that barks of the kid, I was trying to imagine.

I was surprised they didn't have like subtitles or what he was saying to the child, but he just like, you remember, what do you imagine is like get out of your stuff, get out of you, idiot, you're gonna get me murdered, dumb child.

Uh and the fight begins Iggy summons the fool and pet shop is like oh man this guy's a stand user and then we get hashtag falcon facts.

Oh yeah, it's like the second time we got falcon facts, isn't it?

So the earlier falcon facts about the historical importance of falcons in Egyptian Lord.

Now we get general facts about falcons.

Falcons are apparently dope and they can swoop.

I love that they have like this almost hyper realistic picture of a falcon while they're giving those facts and it just looks so dumb by comparison.

It's kinda like this because you know falcons got like the, the eyes aren't completely um what's the term for them being forward facing?

Yeah, they're kind of on the side there like a hammerhead right?

It was really stupid, goddamn I forget the anatomical terms for that.

But yeah, they're to the side which they're not nearly as aggressive looking as bad shops is right now.

Yeah, it's a little, it's like, hey everybody, it's me a bird of a bird and it kind of undermines things but we can forget about all that because pet shop smirks, he turned to speak into a grin, it scares the shit out of Iggy and he's like birds, can't smirk, how did that bird just smirk dude dude dude, pet shops marked.

That was so goddamn cool.

It's hard to, it's hard to over sell that if I, if this were early twitter, I would try to get an account that would be a good gamer tag pet pet shop smirk.

Yeah, you know that's pretty good one.

Yeah, Good one.

I like that one.

But yeah, it's fucking smirks, he bends the peak, he knows he's going to kill that dog.

Yeah, he's like ha ha ha three dogs today.

Um and then they just kind of give up the idea that it's an inner monologue and it just looks like he is now just talking, yep, they move his mouth for almost all of it from now on.

Yeah, he's just like funk this.

Um and that pet shop activates his ice powers.

We see that uh Agee's paws are stuck to the ground but he's able to use the fool to escape.

Um We get a cut back to paul, paul, McGrath who is now smoking again because that is what defines him as a man.

Ever since his sister died, smoking seems to be paul and wraps thing and toilets, but toilets had been a while, it's been a while.

He like, was like, I'm not about toilets, I'm about smoking.

Like he really, he really wanted to define himself, he went off and bought himself a really fanciful hat, kind of like the abdel revelation was like, this is a, this is a polar of adventure, I don't want this.

He's like, oh God, I'm the toilet guy, I can't let that stay, I'm not toilet boy robert Sapolsky after trying to change too bad, he just switched to smoking Bad luck pornographic them cancer sticks.


But is the 80's um Let me see here, he's smoking and he and Abdel have a debate about like you know the bigger guy and you know what his deal is and all that kind of stuff.

And then paul starts arguing with joseph about Iggy and you know, just like you have to have some irony where it's like, oh Iggy is definitely out there doing nothing for nobody just to kind of make him seem like an idiot.

Um And then we cut back to the fight.

Um God yeah, was that one, Was that the moment when Abdel was talking about the beggar?

No, no, not the like, oh you must have done something, this is just like a, it was like, we need to just keep waiting.

No one knows this city better than old beggar.

Um When we come back to Iggy who's hiding around a quarter but is quickly discovered by pet shop and we get a color color shift of purple.

And we've got a kind of dope chase sequence where pet shop basically becomes like a jet firing missiles at Iggy blows up a truck?

Yeah, we got a truck casualty, A truck explodes.

Um And it basically culminates to the point where it looks like he's gonna get hit but he's he's escaped down a manhole.

Um He's flooded to the sores and starts complaining like he's on like you know he's upside down and he's like oh God my paws are all jacked and smells down here.

But at least I'm down here and then there's surprise, real pet shop.

That was so incredible.

I had to pause and laugh for like three minutes straight.

Yeah, that he followed him.

It's just like he's like I'm down in the sewers and then he looks over and pet shop is just flying full speed at him already.

Full like dead pan face on him, like the murder face on that.

Yeah, like but the thing is he didn't go down the same manhole, He either went down a different manhole, he's coming from the sewers and it is such an incredible reveal that I thought it was the funniest goddamn thing I've seen in the show.

I was right there with you because just the sheer relentlessness of pet shop is so add purple pet shop.

Once he's got his target, he don't give up.

Oh let's stop if literally any of Dios assassins had pet shops tenacity.

Yeah, he should have said pet shop sooner.

Yeah, like this is the real assassin.

Like Holy ship.

Pet shop.

Pet shops not here to play games.

Exactly deal like this bird, we have bird.

Um Yeah, I don't know if he ever had what I think pet shop appeared briefly in a previous episode.

I thought he had a period at one point in time, he might have, but I'm pretty sure that pet shop totally showed up for like half a second.

Um We got a bit where it looks like Iggy has given a direct hit.

We actually see his head popped right off, except he's been totally narrow toed.

Uh and that's what I wrote in my notes in our a totem, because it would turn out that was the fool and he's like, my stead could shape change, you dipshit.

And um the pet shop like slaps uh the fool slaps pet shop in the chest, It gets like a real deep gash and we see pet shop like land on the ground and it was kind of, I thought of like adult swimming kind of animation to at least a little bit where pet shop is like laying on the ground, you're like, oh God, but he's not um he doesn't lose his composure for that long though, if I'm gonna be completely honest.

Um he gets up and God, I don't know why I love this scene so much, but Pet shop uses um the tip of his feathers to like pull like, get a little blood out of his chest wound and then licks it, like also keeping murder face going in and he's like, oh my God, he's like Bruce lee.

Uh No, he's talking, he really feels like he's a he's a joe star on this team, doesn't he?

Yeah, it's like, oh my goodness, he was one of them all along.

Who would have thought he was barking all the kind of way they talk.

He was going to get pets shopping out.

He was like, you know, I don't have to kill you, I'm not going to go near that mansion.

Leave me alone.

Yeah, it's like, hey, we both hurt each other, we're totally fine.

And then he just the lick blood thing and he's like, oh God, jesus, you can't be bargained with.

I suppose that seems to be the message you're giving me.

That seems to be the message you're giving me uh does not lose eye contact this entire time either.

Unbroken in a magical kind of way that is at this moment, the pet shop summons Horace, which is like a creepy robot dinosaur and we'll never see it again.

Yeah, we see a little bit of it.

It acts like a missile platform on his back.



But yeah, you're right, once they leave this horse is only visible while they're underground.

I don't know if that's the rule or not.

But yeah, so then we see that all these ice missiles that um he's been firing off like a jet like a jet.

Would it turns out that all of those are actually coming from the multiple hands of Horace who's visible to?

So his question was horse invisible this whole time then to stand users.

Maybe, maybe it's moving kind of quick or it's obscured or he's able to just like something it really quickly like you get to kind of feel like with how the fight turns that he's like using his powers a little bit stronger so I can't tell if like he's like subbing him long enough to like freeze ice and then fire, I'm not sure.

Also don't know if the jo jo and amy knows the answer to that question.

That's fair.

That's just usually how this works out isn't it?

But yeah we get more of a g attempting to flee a pet shop fired a bunch of ice.

It's actually kind of neat chase.

Iggy can move quick, he gets like bounced around and instead of like getting decapitated whenever the ice missiles hit him it causes him to like kind of explode and bounce around kind of like a pinball.

Hey it's it's good it's frenetic, it's it's some pretty good action up until he finally gets a paw stuck in ice and the episode ends with pet shop firing another barrage of ice missiles at a trapped gigi he's dead continue.

Yeah basically.


Uh The narrator comes out it's like Iggy retired.

But yeah we get it to be continued.

I mean this is what is literally like they pause for credit so I think we should just keep rolling right?

Um We're back to where we were it picks up where we left off the ice missiles have crossed a bunch of MS to kick up or whatever and it is revealed underneath the miss pet shop kind of clears it that Iggy like bit off his own leg and that jumped into the water.

But like the second or third time that the navy a I'm sorry, um Pet shop, that pet shop has waited for dust to clear after blowing up Iggy Hey, in this, in this fight, he's not going to get dust in his eyes is a professional goddamn is he is.

He's a gash time professional.

He then looks at like the water because you see like there's a pool of blood in the water, there's bubbles.

So I couldn't tell if he was waiting, he was probably just like me, he was waiting to see if he was going to come back up and we get a great uh serial killer look for pet shop.

Like he stops and looks at the camera and then we have the intro one more time serious look, that's a lot of bones.

Can I come in with his own going going grandson man, what is life?

Let's sit here.

Somebody call a bone doctor, get a bone doctor here.

Um but God, it's it's it's pretty good.

It's pretty good.

Uh We now get the scene I think you were thinking of where um after the intro we come back to the gang who have now become officially tired of waiting for the beggar most of them, like, oh, I guess you couldn't find it.

And I was like, wait a minute.

Here's an idea what if he did find it and we forgot that we were setting into a place filled with murderous stand user sudden realization about how dumb that was like, oh crap.

It's like, oh, wait a minute, That's right.

If he did his job, he's totally dead.

Mm I don't know.

I don't even admit like I feared this was what was going to happen.

I was like, wait a minute.

You should have mentioned it man for God with uh huh.

But yeah, after that funny little thing, it is revealed that Iggy basically Shawshank redemption him way through like a pipe.

It is now hiding in the water.

Um, he's formed fooled to like kind of like a little sandy glue underneath the water with two little long cords that are reaching above.

So he has an air supply and his plan is just to wait it out.

Just hide in the water.

And then at some point make his way back to the Speedwagon Speedwagon Speedwagon foundation to get a new prosthetic leg.

It's assuming a lot about the Speedwagon foundation or his ability to bark his way into a new leg.


Also where did you get the bandages from God?

I am so embarrassed how much later into my notes that shows up uh huh.

Um, I like a couple seeds go by before I go like wait a minute.

Is he where you're seeing where advantages?


Somehow we got bandages to put over the leg I guess.

Bit off very iggy ugly.

Did I guess?

Yeah, who knows?

He's very talented.

Um but he doesn't have too much of reprieve.

We we get a bit where pet shop, we hear him enter the water and we get fucking facts.

Part three hashtag shocking facts about how they've got like a whole boatload of air sacs or something.

I kind of zoned out.

I miss read it at first.

I was really confused because it starts off with it is not impossible for a bird to dive underwater.

As if to immediately justify that this bird is diving like I don't know, like 20 ft underwater.

Yeah, they're like birds do it all the time to eat fish.

I just read that.

I thought it said it is impossible for a bird to dive underwater.

It's like, oh ship, oh my God, this bird is so important.


So when it ended explaining how a bird dives underwater, I had to go back and reread, man was confused.

The only thing that stuck out of my head where he's like, you can strangle a burden would last a while.


Not that I know.

I know.

Anyway, anyway, back to the back to the show.

Um but yeah, that whole thing where he talks about striking like a bird.

I was like uh the narrator like that one bird.

Do you like it?

And um after that narration is one of my notes.

I know wait gigi has bandages, okay start to get insights to the narrator's character.

He's a person with a bird fetish and we don't like it.

Yeah, he's like oh man, when you see the light come out of their little bird eyes, then I go hit the narration booth for jo jo uh Iggy is basically discovered by pet shop at that point we got a great little thing, we're like an icicle shoots into the dome and then he sees pet shop through the ice.

Oh that murder look is still there.

It's great.

Pet shop is so cool.

I love the shop has Iggy's number, he's been got sick, he's had not a second to rest basically.

Like he's got one good head in and that's about it.

It is all it has been um oh I forgot to mention um not that I think it would work like this, but he used the power of Pet shop, used the power of Horace to apparently freeze his wound close.

Yeah, that was a little confusing.

Like he cauterized with ice basically wouldn't re melt or something actually keeps it cold.

I have the skin or I don't know to me that seems like he made it worse.

But anyway Pet shops red Eddie swimming around in the water which would only melt his whatever.

Anyway ah it is revealed that after a little bit of ah after a little bit of him like flying around, we have an underwater fight where he launches missiles and then it's discovered that the little ice dome that uh he's hiding it has arms and he starts smacking the missiles and he eventually smacks one back at the pet shop and finally scores another hit against are powerful bird villain.

I think I read on the wiki that original manga, it was just a dome rather than shaped like the fool originally.

So some guy was like, hey guys, we should make a look like the fool actually.

That might be in the first episode when you use it for the first time to defend himself.

Uh I think that's what yeah, I think that's what it said it was.

But yeah, he gets a big solid hidden on the bird's wing, which is funny because it doesn't even look like he's doing like big Popeye swings.

He's like uh is, he can't see, he's just swinging the arms, he could apparently here to know how many there are whatever he's making.

He's usually dog echo location and he scores a hit.

Pet shop is uh not that it seems to slow him down at all, but he has taken a wound in one of the wings.

Um Upon getting hurt.

Pet shop I think realizes he probably shouldn't be playing around with iggy and starts freezing the water around to crush Iggy alive.

So he's he's freezing the water around the dome and it's slowly collapsing and among itself.

Um there's no way he's getting out of this one.

So eggy that proclaims like this is just not his day, which I think is a hilarious thing for a dog to think, so this is just not my day and he starts digging deep underground.

Um wait this is my favorite part, oh man, yeah, you know what, I'm not even gonna make me a little bit deeper underground, finds a cave await pet shop is in the cave, his eyes were glowing in the dark, uh huh.

It's like, I don't know, best shop is in cave, oh no, this is pet shop, like I get in here, he's already there, it's like like he knew he would dig down or something, it's incredible.

Pet shop was looking at him and without no shut it is hard without seeing his eyes without seeing the cold deaf and murder in pet shops size.

It's hard to state how awesome this looks.

It's so funny, it is so goddamn funny and it's so incredible and Iggy basically laments he's like oh God is that pet shop opens his mouth and he's like preparing like an ice beam, like napa from D.



He's referring a mouth beam.

So he's like oh God I'm either gonna drown from above or get icicle speared from below and then uh the Georgia music kicks in and he's like screw that so he un summons the full which causes the water to rush in and the water pressure basically bumps into him forces him forward.

And like yet again full jo jo dramatic music.

He zooms at pet shop and then bites down on pet shops beak which causes I guess pet shop to explode and it's kind of cool.

It is, he didn't like that either.

They look at yeah it's the one time that they switch for murderers like oh no oh dear um Eddie and he wins the fight, Iggy swims to the surface but it looks like he runs out of energy and he's like uh looks like I'm gonna drown and then we get like fucking cowboy bebop choir music flashback to the amazing life of Iggy.

Oh man yeah we do because he's gonna die, He's gonna totally die.

uh 1985 or 989 I think 89, that's right dog science doesn't exist back then.

Uh we get a beautiful flashback of Iggy's life growing up in the tough streets of new york.

Yeah but he he had late, he was beating up other dogs and then he had like there's a series, I'm gonna throw the trash, he's got like the lady in the tramp dog.

Yeah he's like the king of dogs in new york before abdel and that asshole joseph came to take him from it.

Well it was like Speedwagon foundation people and abdel and then at the end it's revealed that joseph is there and you see Abdal like beat up, we got to see Red magician, which is one of magicians, read one of my favorite stands for a brief second in that flashback magician's Red magician's Red, we also see the, the coffee gum thing, which I guess was just luck or is that what after all had on his hands?

But he fits it to a guy who's in a cage if he did not ask for this, I actually feel kind of bad reflecting upon the life that Iggy had.

Um I also wrote Yeah, just pour digi that you're saying you didn't ask for this to get dragged into this, it was going to fight for anyone.

Yeah, and he was, he got forced into it.

Um and I also said this, this flashback does the most important to give her, It confirms the existence of both square and round Iggy because they are shown in rapid succession and you can easily see the two different designs one after another.

It like bright contrast, so there is square and round icky.

Um and I refuse to believe in my notes that he was going to die and right after I wrote that he is saved by random stupid boy who pulls them out of the water and as he random stupid stupid boy saves him.

He's like I saw you struggle a dog and I saved you Because I was about to say 1985 biggie dies.

You get his dates like 1919, it'll be like 1982 - 1985 KK.

Like what they did with uh Jonathan Jonathan, the only one who has died so far.

Um But yeah, then the narrator confirms that because pet shop, is it a person he is allowed to die?

He's decided yeah, wasn't that horrifying?

They finally killed one.

I liked that shop a lot and they blew up his head.

They might want to come back whenever I want, rehabilitated pet shop, Bring It Back in Part seven.

Um But yeah, we cut back to the team paul.

Giraffe is still complaining about Iggy, you know just really layer in the irony or whatever.

That Metro stops the game.

He's like I sent something and it's Iggy Iggy comes around the corner end of my notes.

I'm like I guess he escaped the child, what the hell is going on?

Um And pulled her?

I was like oh my God he's hurt and ah everyone is like oh yeah you found the shot shot at a g killer man right about to die.

Pet shop is a great face.

Yeah it's at that moment between the two of them is great.

I'm going to make that my fucking desktop background.

That's wonderful.

Um But yeah, so uh they discover Iggy, like you have all the obvious things were falling around looks like a tool and everyone's like oh my goodness.

Well at least Gigi's uh Iggy's beat up all to hell but his wounds were treated well and I'm like huh?

I guess maybe that boy could do never buy cat toys back.

Best boy back.

Best boys like yeah the Speedwagon foundation helped Iggy just like they helped my eyes Got some Red 80s as Fox sunglasses as he walks in.

Yeah he's got sunglasses and he's got ice cars and the best boys back.

The best boy is back.

So excited about that.

I was worried he was blind for a second.

Yeah I think he wanted to trick the team too.

It seems like it's a like the whole team is so much happier.

It makes a bigger deal about Kahkonen Abdel return.

Yeah they really did.

Like even Jetro goes like it's cat coin like he doesn't smile the way the others do but he does repeat like uh he doesn't joe joe in a general way he does with him.

It's like he is smiling and I feel like Iggy is totally forgotten and undermined by the revelation of a coin or E.


Yeah you're right.

They weren't even really freaking out too bad about him being beat up like oh ship and then stand on this.

Yeah I honestly I really expected this episode to end with someone going.

It gets a lazy way about dog what's he never does anything and I'm walking out and no one never knowing what he did.

Yeah, I was expecting him to die and they'd be like that, oh man, that would have been so dark.

Anyway, uh they're all before the loving can continue, Iggy jumps out of joseph's arms and starts walking in a director like, wait, they want to take us somewhere and get going.

It's like, yeah, he thinks we're all, he basically to summarize what he says, like he probably hates us and he doesn't care about anything, but now Iggy needs revenge.

He's part of the team now.

Yeah, and at that exact moment, for whatever funny reason, uh a tow truck toes by the beggars car.

So they were like, oh God, he's super dead blood of the covenant better than the blood of the wound.

My friend, they're brothers, they're just like whatever.

Real funny when I was like, wait a minute, crushed car, just a pool of water, How is this happening?

Well, I watch Columbo, so let me decide.

Yeah, yeah, it's so Columbia, Goddammit Jetro, we got a big color shift as they all start walking towards the mansion, we got a thing where I can't tell if they can't see the mansion yet, or if it's just the audience, they can see it, Is that paul and I was like, I feel like it's Doom and joseph is like that's not doom, It's an aura of pure evil and we get a great gang all stepping up together at the same time moment as they have found the mansion.

That's What Dana, they're all back.

5 - five.

It's so great.

The narration that goes, the narrator cuts back and he goes, it's spooky evil time and he does a little recap of the season again, which was I feel far less effective than the last time they did a recap you, I felt emotional when they did the previous recap when they react when they got into Egypt.

Yeah, yeah, I felt really emotional about the journey and this felt like, oh they ended, they didn't have enough content.

This, this felt like a stretch.

Um I rather the, the added most of this, like the all the scenes were living the past was what they added to the, to the enemy.

Okay, so yeah, maybe they were light on time and they do another like, Hey, it's been 50 days so holly, it's like make or break time for holly.

So uh it is episode 39.

So apparently the next 10 episodes take place in a day I guess.

Also they're they're playing stand proud again though, man.

Yeah, the first intro, the, the original intro of, of Stardust Crusaders is playing during this time to bring you back some nostalgia.

It felt good, joe starr Bloodline yet again for almost no reason right now and then holly just hanging out like floating naked.

Yeah, we're just kind of weird, like right in front of joseph's face was like my naked dead daughter, I have to help my naked dead daughter, someone help me help my naked dead daughter.

Um But yeah, it kind of hammers into the fact that this is going to be big and it did make me as much as I wasn't as affected by it, I did go like oh sh it it's on right.

Yeah, so that I felt like it achieved its purpose of doing that because then it goes well, this is why we're here.

Everyone is here for a reason.

Yeah, yeah, God they give everyone reasons to be here, it's like paul McGrath is loyal, but you know what?

He still has a, they have to like justify paul not to be like he's still a little bummed about the mind control.

But yeah, we get we get everyone's motivations and it wraps up with joe crow being like, so we just beat the shed out of this deal guy, this is over right?

I do like that, he's phrasing and beat the sh it out.

Well I'm fairly sure the only way this works is if they Murdered after 100% murder this dude.

Yeah, it's like we gotta get that.

That won't be hard.

We've accidentally killed people challenged him to a poker just fine.

But yeah, but then we get the great revelation where Iggy notices that unlike last time the gate is now wide open um and then the game kind of walked through the gate and joseph, I'm walking into the courtyard, it's like holy sh it this is probably a big super trap.


Which I think is a really funny, like, why didn't we think of this sooner?

Yeah, there we go.

Um But yeah, he's like, this is a big super trap and before he goes, like guys, this is super trap, the front door opens and they all immediately walked through the front door.

Hold on.

There's two things I got addressed before we walked in the door.

Um First was when they were going over, everyone's reason for being there.

Like most of them are pretty good.

General went last, but when they got the Higgins, Higgins here for revenge.

Now he's all about revenge.

It's like we got like meaningful things from everyone else, like about how much they've come on their own spiritual journeys and Iggy Iggy wants blood is just pure hate.

And second when they're looking at the house, there's this moment we're like, wait deals in there and then all of a sudden the camera pans to the window where there's curtains.

Yeah, I I just thought, wouldn't it be hilarious of deal was looking at that curtain and just like quickly closed.

That would be pretty good.

I'm like, oh shut up tim.


I don't think he saw me actually, now that we're saying this, I feel like I skipped when they found the house I think.

And I don't know why George Soros says something so obvious but I think it's like the one of the picture I didn't strike with me but that's great.

It's a really dumb line but I you know what whatever but now everyone's in front of the door and yet again like this whole weird thing where it's like oh this is a trap, the door and the same thing.

You're like joseph, it's like polygraph, don't walk in.

I couldn't tell him.

It's like no you're right.

That's what yeah.

Hold her off.

Don't go with their first.

They know their weakest link.

Damn it.

They know it.

But before paul, giraffe can walk in and part of it's like, oh my God, this hallway goes out forever.

A dude just fucking hovers at them like horror movie style.

Yeah he just kind of moves in.

It just hovers at him and he's got earrings to say T.


And he's like, hey I'm the butler and then the episode ends.

Oh I love looking down this hallway though.

This was bugging me where first cause we looked down the hallway as a long as hallway with a whole bunch of those like I don't know what those arches are called but you see them in like that sort of uh like Middle Eastern architecture kind of doorways and it has like the first thing I'm just bugging me is that looks nothing like the house like there's no way the hallway coexists with what they're looking at it from the outside.

And then immediately after, I think that paul and I was like, this must be an illusion, right?

Like Goddammit, polygraph will be smarter than me.

Oh God, this whole thing is an illusion.

And we got hover man hovered, hovered dude shows up and as he's floating towards them, they're like, wait, is that an enemy stand user?

I said it was like uh yeah, okay.

Uh I'm so ready for whatever this assholes power is.

I think it's gonna be fun.

Oh it looks great.

And he's got, he's got a big heart on his chest to which I guess is Dios theme like hearts.

Yeah, I'm into the hard thing.

Like I think there was a hard on pet shop wasn't there?

There might have been.

Yeah, he had like a hard helmet.

Yeah, the designer pet shop was great.

I'm never going to get every pet shop.

Pet shop was so good.

Pet shop is like easily one of my favorite characters.

Like you might have killed one of the humans.

I don't think he would have.

Oh yeah, no, like we're lucky that Iggy was the one that fought him.

Like this would have been a really bad episode for paul, giraffe um, brings the toilet water on them.

Yeah, he freezes the twill.

This toilet is, I've frozen into the toilet.

Merci beau coup Oh um oh God, it's so funny.

But yeah, I like this episode, this episode's dope no yeah, these were fun episodes, just a ship like it was carried almost like I don't want to diminish Iggy because he was fantastic in these episodes, it was great.

Finally getting big is a character.

Yeah, but goddamn if pet shop wasn't carrying it so hard.

Holy ship, Yeah.

Pet shop, my love of pet shop became so strong by the end of this so much so that I actually felt a little bad when he was killed.

No right, just like wait, why you gotta do pet shop like that because an animal I guess you can die because I guess every and other animal dies in this show, like certainly no one will care mostly about the bird.

I disagree, he was in the tunnel Pat, he was in the tunnel the whole time, I was in the tunnel, he dug, he was at the sewers the whole time and he was in the tunnel the whole time.

I honestly thought Iggy had made like a tactical move when he jumped like I didn't think it was just a retreat.

I thought he assumed like well I'm in the sewers, no way that stupid bird can fly down here and use the advantage of the air against me and then he was there there, I've gotta dig down deep.

Oh God, he's at the bottom of the hole.

Pet shops the best.

No mercy from Bed shop man.

And I kept waiting and God I am so so I don't want to say proud or whatever, but like pet shop never talks.

I was waiting for pet shop to talk, nope.

That's part of what made him so scary.

Yeah, it's just the silent menacing beast.

It's just there menacing.

Oh my goodness, so much menacing.

So good.

One of the best fights.

I really if we go back this and maybe make our top 10 stand users from this season.

Oh pet shops up in top five at least Pet Shop's Gotta Be Top five.

Maybe that's what we'll do.

Instead of doing uh watching four fucking episodes for the finale We do three and save the last episode of that do like a top 10 list following the last episode we might have I don't know, I don't know where those three are going to end.

It might not be possible.

I know, I know, I just their episodes a lot we're almost there too.

We're getting real close.

I know.

And then oh well we'll see if we take a sabbatical, watch something else short in between three and 4 or jump right into four, Which is floating heart.

Butler is two episodes at least.

Yeah, floating heart.

Butler is going to be in there.

I've learned that I don't want to look ahead anymore because I've we're gonna get to the stuff that I remember.

So I'm very worried like the stuff that I kind of don't remember, we're still in.

So like, I don't want to look ahead.

I know the name of the next episode.

You want to spoil what, what the new guy's name is.

Oh, how could his name spoil it?

I would completely spoil it.

All right.

You know what it would be increasing?

Yeah, it takes me um his name is, let me look it up to be sure I remembered it correctly because I don't want to be like, joseph here and intentionally miss name him.

That is a hint for you because his name is Darby.


So all right, let's play a game.

Is it father?

Brother, son.

It's done.

I'm 100% hands down on son.


I guess he does have that weird stuff on his face.

You know what I'm going to say, Brother?

The Dobbie Dobbie Boys.

He looks he doesn't look old.

He doesn't look young enough to be a son.

I forgot how old because how young DRB?

God, that's right.

They're both the how do we know that?

He wasn't old?

I misremembered one of them is the other, but he's got the same metal shit on his face.

So turns out it runs in the family.

But Darby was a gambler and this Darby is the player.

Oh God, today we play Jenga.

So almost you think it's going to be another game episode?

I'm not sure.

But I would say that I'm down for whatever it is very excited.

I've got a deck of Pokemon cards.

What's the 80's?

So he's like, I've got it.

There are there are no you guys see the first episode of Dragon Ball, I think it's gonna be huge.

Like hold on enemy magic.

The gathering was around by then.

Wasn't it magic?

The Gathering.

I might have been the 90s, first year, 1993 93.

Okay, so we're not there yet.

He invented it.

He made it if he invented imagine Yeah, he's got the first deck.

Dragon Ball Z premiered that year.

Oh so you guys hear the go codes?

That alien?

There's nuts.

I thought he was just a monkey boy, turns out he's an alien, he's wild, He's got a son of Darby, the player.

Alright, I think I've read it worthwhile, you know, I probably ran out a while ago.

Worthwhile things to say running on fumes, running on fumes.

But you know what, these pet shop forever.

Solid episode go anime.

He could have become the retired.

I've seen him in a bird rocking chair.

There's so many fun.

Read the book.

Um steely dan.

What if he had teamed up with steely dan.

Uh huh I imagine the whole horse.

Uh the whole horse.

Um pet shop team up man.

That would be hilarious because because whole horses, not all business.

However, how screwed would they have been if jake, I'll worked with pet shop boom in because like ice could be reflective, ice can be, he just put reflections anywhere.

Even if he misses your dead.


You're doomed all over.


They didn't they needed a better manager for team assassin.

Yeah, they they booked raw.

They booked they booked some wrong stables.

Like the parents are off Like whatever.

Do you have literally put zero effort into this ship?

He just found people and send them out there.

He didn't try.

You there?

You two work together in our team Nu there boy.

What day is it?

But yeah, it's too funny.

Yeah, I'm excited for next week.

We will watch those episodes and we watch them.

I I think about about to fall asleep on my microphone, so I'm gonna say book out.

Yeah, look at no.