Hope On The Rise

What is Hope On The Rise?

Daily wisdom and biblical principles for enriching your life with Dr. Bob Rhoden

The disciples had worked hard fishing all night on the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum but had not caught anything. They were dealing with the reality of being at the end of their rope for this fishing excursion. Jesus came along got into Simon Peter’s boat and pushed out a little from the shore and used it as a platform to teach the people. When he finished teaching he said to Simon Peter, “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch”. Simon Peter an experienced fisherman knew that typically deep water fishing was for nighttime and since it was now daylight what Jesus said did not make sense to him. But he acquiesced and responded, “Because you say so I will let down the nets”.
To their surprise they hauled in such a large catch of fish they had to signal their partners in another boat to come and help them.
The text says they were astonished at the catch. Jesus uses the moment to call Simon Peter to follow him with the promise that from this point forward you will be fishers of men. The narrative says in Luke 5:11 they left everything and followed him.
Years ago at an event where Beth Moore the popular Bible Teacher was speaking a woman asked Beth during the Question and Answer time “What’s the knot in your rope?” In other words what do you hold onto when you’re sliding down a rope palms burning and blistering and all your formulas failing. Beth’s answer was John 15:9. “As the father has loved me so I love you. Now abide in my love.”
All of us need a knot in our rope to hang onto when things don’t seem to be working out. For Beth it’s John 15:9. For Simon Peter it’s because you say so. My knot is Psalm 71:14, “But as for me I will always have hope”.
So what’s the knot in your rope?
And that’s Hope on the rise for now!