We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. Good morning. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection broadcasting right here. It K u n v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. Welcome to my show, if you've been listening for quite some time, thank you for tuning in every week, I have listeners that contact me and say hey, you know what I hear you show early Sunday morning, when I'm getting ready for church or just getting ready to start my day, I have my cup of coffee, and you have very valuable information to share with the listeners and I continue doing it. Continue your success in, you know promoting understanding insurance. I'm an insurance broker. And I've been in insurance businesses. So 9097 Good puts me around about 27 years in the business. And I celebrated my 27th year, the day before Thanksgiving this year, yay. 27 years in the business. And I absolutely love what I do. I love talking to people finding out their concerns when it comes to insurance. And you know, insurance at times can be very complicated. Or it can be very simple. You know, people always when they listen to these car insurance commercials on the radio, and then when they say the car shows silly commercials on television is always looking for you know, save 20%. Save this, save that. But you have to understand when they're talking about saving, you know, call save 20% That's a that's a nationwide average. They're not talking about us and southern to that, let's get this straight. They're really not talking about us and so that we pay some of the highest car insurance rates in the nation, I think we're around the fifth highest overall insurance rates overall and stayed in the bad not to companies. I mean, including the companies that represent too, but I'm just saying overall, all the insurance company, all the major insurance companies, when they're talking about save 20% They're not talking about us, we're car insurance. However, if you are looking for a vehicle, and this just happened just a few days ago, I received a call they wanted auto insurance quote, they pay cash for the car. And buyer beware always when you buy a pre owned vehicle, run a CARFAX it is necessary for you to get the history of the car, do not pay cash for a car without running the history of the vehicle. Now the title may say it's a clean title is very easy to wash a title and what do I mean by that? So sell us a car then for an example. A car or total loss, whether there was a flood or someone stole a car and damaged the vehicle, or they was in a car accident and the vehicles was repaired. It was deemed a total loss from an insurance company. They said it's a total loss we're gonna pay the insurer it off your car is a total wreck, right? So sometimes people buy the cars back from the insurance company. And they get these cars repaired. Now the state that they're in, they have a what we call a salvage title because now the vehicle has to be retitled to the insurance company. Because now the insurance company owns the car they will set it back to the insured or if they want to back or other people. They'll sell the car back but it'll come back as a salvage title. Now how do you get rid of a salvage title when it says salvage because it's hard to sell a car with the salvage title unless a person is just looking for the parts only. What they do is they they sell it in a different state. And it's called Washington the title so a state receives it get it registered in a different state. And they get a they wash it from a salvage title and a person oh well I had the car rebuilt and you know did all the repairs necessary repairs, and so they give you a clean title. It doesn't state on the title that the car was damaged. Buyer Beware, buyer beware. Anytime you're purchasing a vehicle, run a CARFAX Now there's different websites you can go to. It may It costs you a small fee, but it's worth it in the long run. I've had people contact me, and they want a quote for car insurance. And the fun. They just I just bought this car, pay cash for it. And I had to tell them the bad news, I had to be a bearer of bad news. And I told them, This is a salvage title vehicle, the insurance companies will not insure your car. Because I only use premium insurance companies. By the way, I don't use, you know, substandard car insurance companies, I only use premium car insurance companies representing as a broker, I only want to find his quality insurance companies for my customers and my listeners, when they listen to his radio program. I only use premium car insurance companies. Also premium life insurance companies, homeowners insurance companies Been there done that don't want to do that anymore. With the substandard carriers. There's a lot of a lot of work. And it's a lot of disappointment. So when people contact me and you bought this car from an individual or you bought it, pay cash for it, and now you realize is very difficult to get it insured. Just News You Can Use get a CARFAX you may have to pay whatever the small fee is, is worth it versus paying 1000s of dollars for a car that you cannot get insured. Now, it may be an insurance company out there and it will insure it but they only gonna insure it for liability only no collision or comprehensive audit. Or if you go to one of these car lights, you know is that telling me want to see the Carfax regardless of the car lot. I want to see the Carfax if it's a pre owned car, my name is Dawn Marquez, this is News You Can Use. This is your insurance connection. My contact number 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My office location is right in the heart of a beautiful city, Las Vegas, Nevada, on a corner of Sahara Rancho. In the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor at work by appointment, my business hours Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm 702. To three 626 24 I want to thank the listeners that contacted me made an appointment showed up and purchase home auto. Yes. And life insurance. Is that time of the year. Oh, everyone had an amazing Christmas, I want to say Happy New Year to everyone. You know, this year is coming going so quickly. I don't make New Year's resolutions. I just start whatever it is I need to do I started today, why should I wait to the first of the year because I don't like to procrastinate. You know, procrastinate, you have a list of procrastinations. If you sit down and started writing all the things you want to get done. And you'll say to yourself, you know, I'm gonna start writing everything I want to get done, I'm gonna start writing it down and start checking off one thing at a time. And you may quickly find out that your procrastination has been six months, a year, two years, you procrastinate on the same thing. So you have a list of procrastinations. But if you start checking those procrastinations off, like for instance, I'm gonna contact Don Marquez that's on your list of to do to do lists. But that was over a year ago. And you still procrastinate. And you're getting older. And if you're talking about life insurance, we're basing the rates on your age, procrastination is not good. Make a resolution to start today. Whatever it is, you have to do. You know, first of the year, that number one, I'm gonna stop smoking or lose weight, right? Those are number one or two neck and neck. You can start today, why not start today? I know as New Year's Eve. This is Sunday New Year's Eve. But this is news you can use throughout the year. So don't just procrastinate and say you know, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna go to the gym and start working out. I'm gonna stop smoking, I'm gonna drink last. I'm gonna lose weight. While I'm a read more watch less television star today. And whatever you decide after the first of the year to do, don't procrastinate. Just write a list of things down and start doing it. Make that your resolution. Stop procrastinating. And when it comes to me, and I've had people come to me and said, You know, I've been listening to this program on K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. I've heard you on Sunday mornings. And you know, that was that I've been listening to you for over nine months or over a year, over a year. And you know, I picked up the phone and made their contact. And I appreciate it. But you know, you was a year younger a year ago, and you're in life insurance rates could have been a year a lot less because you were younger. I can write up a life insurance policy to up to 85 years. From day one. Right before day one person is born up to 85 years. And the rates are based on your age. Not good to procrastinate when it comes to life insurance. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. If you're just tuning in for the very first time. Welcome to the show. I broadcast here K u one V 91.5, jazz and more every Sunday morning, from 8am to 830. And I want to thank staff members for allowing me to this opportunity. My engineer could put me on time, Mr. West Knight, thank you so much for all the things you do. And Dr. Ridley, thank you for calling me and asking me to I want to come on this radio program. I absolutely love it. This has been a challenging year

Unknown Speaker 10:52
2023. For a lot of us, you know, we have to deal with inflation. This is post COVID. We're paying for COVID I think we're paying for it all the money the corporation's loss. Now we're paying for. But one thing is consistent in the insurance industry. The life insurance rates we don't we don't inflate the life insurance rates is based on your health and your age and the medications you're taking. That's why it's not good to procrastinate when it comes to buying life insurance. Now when when you have insurance on your job, you don't receive a policy you receive, okay, you have three times your salary, ask for the policy. Read it. If you don't understand it, bring it into me. A lot of times you know what those job policies, you may only be covered, why are you working? They are exclusions to those policies. And you can't take the policy with you when you retire. Or if you do, for instance, your postal workers is reduced your people to work for the county, they may offer the coverages but as you age, because now you're out of the group, it can get very expensive, very fast. Let's get yourself a permanent life insurance policy, something that you can look forward to in the future. To borrow money against the policy if you need to. If you have an emergency if you ever need to borrow the money against a life insurance policy, let's sit down and have a really good conversation about your life insurance. You know, life insurance is a living benefit. It's just not about death. But when it comes to death, and it happens for all of us don't say if something happens to me, is going to happen someday. It's going to happen someday. Sometimes, you know, I like to sit around and watch old movies. You know when they are like really old movies. I enjoy watching old movies. I like to the old cars going up and down the boulevard. I like the clothes they wore because everybody was suited. Women men wear suits with ties and a hat. Like back east and and women wear dresses not like it is today. You know, my my like it is today. These kids run around, walk around their saggy saggy pants. You know, so you can see the underwear. But I watched I watched the old movies because I really liked the style. You know, people were very stylish back then. But I think to myself, all those people are gone. You know those movies that were made in the 30s and 40s. A lot of those people not living anymore. They're they're up in their 90s Well, in a late 80s or 90s. You know, and how quickly time passes by. I was on Facebook. And I saw this picture of this young girl looking looking at herself in the mirror. Right? She was looking at herself in the mirror. And then she was an older lady well in her 80s Probably in her mid 80s. And it said the captive said enjoy it now because time goes by very quick. So it's not good to procrastinate. Set your goals. Set your goals now because you look at it. The first city right we're at the first of the year. We're all celebrating the new year between 24. Now, right after the new year, of course we have the Super Bowl, you know, because you still you know you got to do lists, but you haven't done anything. Because we're still celebrating. We have Martin Luther King holiday. We have the Super Bowl. We have right after that wasn't right after that. Valentine's Day. I mean it says 123 I mean he's right in order, you know just celebration of celebrations at the celebration. Now you well into April taxes and you still haven't done anything on a to do list especially when it comes to contacting me. You don't have to wait April. You can start today at 702-236-2624 I know it's Sunday morning and sometimes on Sunday I will answer my calls. However, if you do call me and I don't answer leave a message I will call you back 702-236-2624 702 to three six to six to four, our team member for your power of attorneys medical and financial power of attorneys. Last Will and testaments promissory notes. If you need to get your speeding ticket reduced down to a parking ticket, we have a team member, her name is Christine Barnard, her phone number is 702-857-4401 702-857-4401 Christine binotto. Team member, she can also help to put a loved one on a deed of your home. So your home will will avoid probate. When that time comes. And it comes from all of us. We need to plan for the future. We need to plan for the future. Now. All these all these parties were having family get togethers, football games, we get together once a game sit down and have dinner together. Have a conversation with your loved ones. Do you have life insurance? Have a conversation with them? And if they tell you I don't want to talk about that I you know, I don't need this. And I don't need that? Well, I need to know. You need to tell them I need to know. Because I don't want to be responsible for paying for your funeral. Well, I don't care what you do. To me, that's the best excuses that you already know that I already know how it goes. And yeah, and it's mostly men. It's unfortunate, but it's true. Mostly means that you know, they always ask, why do you why you want to kill me? No, no one wants to go to prison behind you. Okay, no one wants to do that. They just want to make sure you're not putting them in more debt than they already in and say that to them. Mom, Dad, I don't want to go in more debt. I already have debt. I don't need any more debt. You don't want to talk about it? Well, we need to talk about it. Because I may have to be the one to pay for your services. Well, I have life insurance. You know, I've had a policy with who is the beneficiary? Where is the policy, because I don't want to tear up your home, looking for the life insurance policy. serious conversations, I'm bringing out the policy, you don't understand it. They don't understand it. I offered no obligation insurance reviews 702-236-2624. We'll sit down together at my office. And we'll review the policy. And if you have a good policy, I'll push it back. So keep this or if you have a loved one is borrow the money against the life insurance policy, and never pay any money back. Let's find out how much the policy is worth. When you borrow money. Every year, every seven years, that policy doubles every year, it accumulates interest on the money borrowed. And that money will be borrowed plus interest against the face amount of the life insurance policy. Think about it. Have you borrowed money, okay, I need $5,000 Because, you know, I needed to repair my roof on the house, my transmission went out of my car, I mean, things do come up. And it's good to be able to go to your life insurance policy and borrow the money and find a way to pay some of it back, if not all of it and you don't have to pay it back all at once. You can pay it back a little at a time. But you have to contact your life insurance company to let them know what what your intentions are. My name is Dawn Marquez, this is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624. Now if you have family members with lupus, diabetes, my history of cancer on dialysis, liver or kidney disease with more than 12 months to live. Let's sit down have a real conversation about getting those loved ones insurance. I can assure them up to 85 years on I've had calls. My dad is 88 We need some life insurance on it. It's too late. Too late for that. You know things you need to know about. You know about funerals today. If you have a loved one that's a veteran, which is totally misunderstood. If they only dependent on the veterans VA benefits to bury them, it may or may not happen. I am also a veteran. And I know for a fact the only thing that the VA was going to offer me is a plot in the Boulder City Cemetery. Now you can put your name on the list for a plot now you don't have to wait. But that's that's that's an absolute service for service members and I want to say service members thank you for your services. But you know this is a way to save money by registering your name at the Boulder City Cemetery. Not only you could be buried there but also your spouse to or your significant other. Okay, is information that Boulder City Cemetery could will will provide you with now you understand the funeral costs in the end And the cemetery costs two separate cost. So when you go to when you go to a funeral there, they'll offer the funeral home services, that does not include the cemetery services. Okay, that's a whole nother cost. And to bury a loved one in the cemetery, yes, there are costs alone. It just, you know, it can get very expensive, really quick dependent on the headstone. You know, I for the holidays, you know, I put flowers on my wife's grave, my mother in law's grave, and my mother and Dad's grave.

Unknown Speaker 20:30
I do, I mean, I just do it for the holidays. And I know some people don't. I mean, I think about it sometimes, but I've been doing it for so long now. I just, I just feel like it's just something I have to do. And you know, it's not always easy to put flowers on my loved ones graves. But I do it because I still want to celebrate them by putting flowers on the grave. And, but you know, I go through in my life, I rewind, back when that day happened. And I went through the whole process, in my mind, going into the funeral home making arrangements. And I was thankful that I had life insurance, you know, to continue the things that I were doing not to go into debt, because my family, you know, it doesn't make it wouldn't make any sense, by me offering life insurance, and not have life insurance on my loved ones. Or people that matter to me in my life. You know, families out here in the valley, everyday, they're bearing their loved one. But a lot of times to when they go to their funeral home, and experience what it cost to bury a loved one, it is financially devastating. You know, it doesn't, you know, either pay now or pay later. And it's a lot easier to chip away at it today. A living benefit and just look at it as a savings account. Don't look at it like oh, you just waiting on me to data collect you. No, no, no, I'm not waiting on you to I want you to be around for a long time. But I'm not trying to be financially devastated when you do go and you will go, all of us we'll let you know, I want to talk to you about the simple process of making your you know, making a wish list. If you want to do that, and you can make a wish list. Or you can come in, we can we can review your current life insurance policy. Now what is a wish list? It is a wish list. My final wishes as an organizer is to let your loved ones know what you want. There's many times when loved ones want to be cremated. But they didn't tell you in in the family members. And what are you gonna do with the earth. This is why it's always necessary to have a conversation, especially when your loved ones are getting older. Again, I can write a life insurance policy up to 85 years young, I make it really easy, real simple. My office located on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US Bank building located on the eighth floor 702 to three 620-624-7022 362624. Now, if you have a life insurance policy, and you've let it lapse, you probably could reinstate the life insurance policy. Because you listen to this program and you say to yourself, you know, I had a policy but I let it lapse six months ago. And I asked you this question. If you let your life insurance policy lapse, okay, did you let your cable TV lapse? Do you still have cable but no life insurance. And a lot of you listening to this program right now have cable TV, getting ready to watch all the games on all these different networks, but no life insurance. And you know, cable TV now is very or satellite television is very expensive. But you haven't but you pay on two over, you know, $200 a month for television, when that used to be a free service, but you don't have any life insurance. If in fact you do have a life insurance policy, and it did lapse. There is a reinstatement clause within the life insurance policy. You can reinstate it. Oh, well we call redated you have to contact your life insurance company. Or you can contact me and we can go over if there's there is a possibility to reinstate your life insurance policy. Now you may have to pay back premiums or they may can rebate it and start fresh from that date without having to go to a physical if necessary. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez. This is your insurance connection. Now let's say the owner of the policy if you have a loved one going into a nursing home and they do have a life insurance policy. The nursing home could make may make us assign themselves to your loved ones life insurance policy. If, at that time before you take your loved one into the nursing home, you want to do a change of ownership on the life insurance policy. change of ownership means now the person that is insured still is insured, your loved one is still insured. But now you're the owner of the policy. You can make any changes bank account information, any changes to the policy, you know, you could pay for the policy, because your loved one when they go to into the nursing home, a lot of their money will go to the nursing homes to those facilities. But but you want to make sure the policy doesn't lapse. So you're gonna have to do a change of ownership. Now how you work out the finances, you can work that out with between you and your loved one. But you don't want the nursing home to be owners of the policy, where when that loved one do pass away, the love on a loved one life insurance policy, the benefit goes to the nursing home happens all the time. Because people procrastinate. Now, if you're talking about quitting smoking, and you've taken out a life insurance policy, and you was a smoker at the time when you took it out, if you're tobacco free for 12 months, you can get you can be reevaluated to get to non smokers rate. Let me say that again. If you are a smoker, and you get thinking about getting life insurance or you are a smoker when you purchase your life insurance policy 12 months tobacco free, you can get re reevaluated for lower insurance rate. Because we all know smokers pay more for life insurance because there's a much higher risk 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez. I'm gonna own it an insurance broke current want to raise Las Vegas, Nevada. I attended here at UNLV. You know, it's such such a different campus now when I came from when I was here in the 70s. But you know, love coming here every week, love broadcasting on on this station, 91.5 Jazz and more. I do pay for this radios as a show. Because I've had kind of people contact me asked me, you know, how can I do this, just wanna let you know, those were people out there, I do pay for this time on the air on the air is a donation for the for UNLV and K u and v 91.5. Jazz or more, I want more than news you could use a grace period on a life insurance policy could be up to 36 months. Sometimes people purchase life insurance and we have mail or you know they purchase life insurance by way of you know, go online and they purchase a driveway by their computer. They will be up to a three year grace period. And some of you may be insured they want. Let's go over it line by line. The insurance companies have insurance agents for a reason. We're gonna make sure that you fully understand what you're purchasing and not just guessing what you're getting. Because you're looking at price. You're not looking at the contents of the information with in the contract a life insurance policy is a contract I want to say Happy New Year to everyone. Happy belated. Merry Christmas. And let's stop procrastinating. Let's make that list of to do lists. And don't wait you know let's act now. Not today but for for the rest of our lives. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My name is Dan Marquez. This is your insurance connection. We'll do this again next week. Celebrate but you know don't drink and drive. Just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

Transcribed by