Effekt AP

There's a man goin' round, taking names,
And he decides who to free and who to blame,
Everybody won't be treated all the same 

Content Warning: This story will involve reports of confederate racism.

We are sharing one of our playtests for Tales of the Old West, the game we are creating. As is the nature of the beast, the rules are ever changing and the current iteration (available exclusively to Stationary and Privileged Patrons) has a number of differences from what you hear in this episode. This session was recorded in May 2023.
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What is Effekt AP?

Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I cannot share those memories as you must have known my father was an abolitionist, as was I, and I only joined it when the North invaded Virginia.

Dave (GM):

Those 31st infantry guys, they get a key. Fellows are after them. They're trying to drag a cock into it.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Although I did ask that you left and not bring the shit to this town.

Dave (GM):

Just wait a minute, guys. Just wait. Don't do anything stupid. We've got a deal. You want the leaders.

Dave (GM):

You want the captains.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You are. You

Dave (GM):

are. This man here was our captain. He was the one behind it, and he draws a gun and points it in your direction.

Dave (GM):

I'm Dave. I am the GM and co designer of Tales of the Old West.

Marion Freeman:

I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.

Nathaniel Horcock:

My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston. Who really were behind the massacre? Was it us?

Nathaniel Horcock:

You I think you

Dave (GM):

guys are now probably riding up here

Nathaniel Horcock:

just about hearing some of this. This is This is going well. Who said this, Elliot? Or Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Hey. It was your friend.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No worry. No. I thought I thought I thought it was gonna be 2 months was gonna be the git. He's the he was the killing one, wasn't he? McDermott.

Nathaniel Horcock:

McDermott. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

He was the one who was enjoy really enjoyed acting like

Marion Freeman:

was the one who's yeah. The

Dave (GM):

senior one.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. He's already shitting himself.

Dave (GM):

No. No. Elliot was the other one, the other second lieutenant. Alright.

Marion Freeman:

So who's the guy who's his friend?

Nathaniel Horcock:

None of them. None of them. He just knew them all. Just knew them.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. One of them was slightly more. No.

Dave (GM):

One of

Marion Freeman:

them was slightly less involved.

Nathaniel Horcock:

The excellent. Elliott. Elliott. Oh, no. That was.

Marion Freeman:

Who is slightly less involved with the one that's now holding

Dave (GM):

he's aiming. He's not aiming

Nathaniel Horcock:

at you.

Dave (GM):

He's just holding in

Nathaniel Horcock:

your direction using it to point it out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

So I just shoot him like captain Malcolm Reynolds in in in the thing with the Reavers coming in Yeah. Early episode. Can I just do that?

Dave (GM):

You can do what you like. I mean Where

Marion Freeman:

are you just visiting? So coming up here, I'm seeing any Yep. Who I don't like. There's 3 people I don't like.

Dave (GM):

Yes. So you're coming riding up towards here now.

Marion Freeman:

That's Andy. Yep. That's Elliot.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Marion Freeman:

Looking again at him. These are the black guys.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

What's the range here?

Dave (GM):

So the whole thing from one to another is a 100 feet. So the range from there to there is 60 feet, something like that. So it's gonna be

Marion Freeman:

medium, probably. Range? I've got medium range gun. I can do medium range. What's that?

Marion Freeman:

Minus 1?

Dave (GM):

It probably is, isn't it? See, I don't think we've really used negatives for ranges in the games that we've been playing.

Marion Freeman:

Well, I can't be shooting at long range. I really want this to count. So So I think so I

Dave (GM):

think there was a there was a there was a question here about should the ranges if your gun is in range because the ranges aren't that long for most things.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Should it should we just not worry about negatives?

Marion Freeman:

So only when it's beyond range as

Dave (GM):

it were. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

But it's okay. Well, just

Dave (GM):

thinking it Let's do that

Marion Freeman:

for another game. Let's just not worry about this time.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

See how we go. So I've got 8 dice.

Dave (GM):

So you'll get this action, and then it'll be initiatives.

Marion Freeman:

And then we'll do initiative. Cool? Mhmm. I'm

Nathaniel Horcock:

just gonna just I'm just gonna do the form. I'm just gonna do a form. The form is What are you

Dave (GM):

trying to do and say?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm just gonna snarl

Marion Freeman:

at the

Nathaniel Horcock:

area and say, you lying gutless.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. And then he said it's Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Marion Freeman:

Let let him do his role first.

Dave (GM):

You're trying to

Nathaniel Horcock:

With the form, would you say you lying gutless back stabbing, little, you know, really really bit this Right. The swinging up. This look like I can't pronounce it now. Let's see. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Hello. You really upset my feelings. No. Actually, you really hurt my feelings. I'm gonna go home and cry

Dave (GM):

now. Okay. So you failed.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And you're not pushing? I'm

Nathaniel Horcock:

not pushing.

Dave (GM):

Okay. You kind of Any ones on trouble? One one. I'm gonna

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Are you pushing? Push.

Dave (GM):

Okay. It's 2 successes with 1 trouble. Oh.

Marion Freeman:

2 more troubles. Oh, that's nice. Okay. Any more trouble? No more trouble.

Marion Freeman:

And I'm gonna buy off that point of trouble because I want this to work.

Dave (GM):

Right. Because that's so that's 2 faith in total.

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Okay. You've hit him. Now you've hit him with which weapon?

Marion Freeman:

With the walker.

Dave (GM):

K. What's the glove?

Marion Freeman:

I didn't do plus 2 for the walker, actually. Let's roll those 2 for the walker. Oh, that was always gonna be a 6.

Dave (GM):

You did push those. Oh, you did push those. Again. Okay. This is Elliot you're shooting.

Marion Freeman:

And damage of your walker is 2.

Dave (GM):

K. So he goes down to 43. What are you doing with your other 3 successes?

Marion Freeman:

Now what do we you you've been you've been having we think about crits.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So we decided that you would roll just one crit, but you could use your other successes to increase either the tens or the units.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. Oh, no. Okay. I'm just thinking this through for the benefit of the plate.

Dave (GM):

I think that was

Nathaniel Horcock:

what we agreed

Dave (GM):

on that.

Marion Freeman:

I could have said because I did say, but I didn't actually specify that's what I was doing. I mean, you know, he said it's notes. So I could have said, I'm shooting him in the head. That would have been a negative of

Dave (GM):

Minus 2 or 3. Short.

Nathaniel Horcock:

We're called short.

Dave (GM):

I can't remember if we have got the update. I don't think I've got them here. It's either minus 2 or minus 3. Probably minus 3, I would say.

Marion Freeman:

And it strikes me if an average role on d six is 3, the value of spending 2 of those successes on improving the crit. So now hold on. To crit, I just So you'd want success.

Dave (GM):

So you can To

Marion Freeman:

hit cost 1.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. To crit,

Marion Freeman:

cost 1.

Dave (GM):

So you have 2 successes left.

Marion Freeman:

Two successes, you could do that up to a headshot, effectively.

Dave (GM):

You could add 2 to the unit dice if you wanted to.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. That's what I will do. K. Black is tens. No.

Marion Freeman:

Good. Unit dice, I don't mean to you I'll come to the hedge.

Dave (GM):

So you need to

Marion Freeman:

you need You said I could choose tens or units.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You're probably gonna go for units. It's hard units. Ones. Units.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But I think you can choose once you the only thing is you choose once you've rolled.

Marion Freeman:

Oh, okay.

Dave (GM):

So you roll it, and then you can modify it.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. So black is 10s.

Dave (GM):

So what we got?

Marion Freeman:

23. So I'm gonna move that up to 43.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Or is would is 25 worse than 40? Always

Marion Freeman:

always what's 25?

Dave (GM):

25, you shoot them in the foot. 43, you shoot them in the groin.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Neither of them are gonna kill them.

Marion Freeman:

I shoot them in the foot, though. What's what's with that? So we shouldn't really No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You shouldn't know.

Dave (GM):

So that this

Marion Freeman:

is what this is the

Dave (GM):

thing we're trying to avoid, actually.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, meta gaming like that. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Because we're not going, yeah. What's the error? Because the way we had done it was you roll if

Marion Freeman:

you had 2 extra success,

Dave (GM):

you could roll crisps 3 times and take the one you wanted.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And take the dice?

Dave (GM):

And you're like, oh, is that is is Achilles tendon better than gut chop? But so he wants to make it one roll. So I think maybe what it should be is you with this, you say, I'm gonna roll, and I'm gonna use my 2 successes to increase the units. All units. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Before you roll. Before you roll, and then that is your output.

Marion Freeman:

I did say tens. So that puts up to 43, which is 40, yeah, 43, which is what?

Dave (GM):

Skewered groin. Yeah. Oh, that's not smart.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's hurtful. That's painful.

Dave (GM):

So he suffers one damage for every labor move or fighting role he makes. He's not gonna kill him, but he's got a 33% chance of losing his ability to have children.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I definitely that's gonna be all his mind somehow.

Dave (GM):

Okay. So he's What was that? 43 down. One damage from labor movement fighting. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I take it you're all an initiative card.

Marion Freeman:

Well, now I gotta back out sack.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I'm down to Mexico now. I'll

Dave (GM):

start with I'll start with Andy, seeing your the one in the middle. Okay. So So high is good.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So 2.

Dave (GM):

Base base is counted high, so 2 is true. So it's just worst possible. Okay. So And you Jack was on shouting.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

They go on sixes, and the 31st go on.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Check first.

Dave (GM):

So Tony goes first. With the with the ringing of a gunshot, there are shrieks and screams. Mhmm. And the townsfolk stop running to get out of

Nathaniel Horcock:

get out of the job. Do you change initiative each round or is it

Dave (GM):

Yes. You draw each round.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Alright.

Dave (GM):

Well, as you started shooting as Elliott is pointing a gun

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

at Warcock, I'm gonna draw my Colt 45 and also shoot at Elliott. Okay? Now I'm still on horseback here. Does that affect? So that would give you minus 2 shooting from horseback.

Dave (GM):

So I get 5 I'm afraid you're taking that

Marion Freeman:

as well.

Dave (GM):

And dice. Yeah. Use a Yeah. Yeah. That's fine.

Dave (GM):

So the pistolator gives me plus 1. Plus 1 to pistol? Yeah. Level 1. I have got level 2, but presumably both levels apply?

Dave (GM):

Yes. Absolutely. What does level 2 allow you to do? Level 2 means that, I basically roll 2 crits and choose the normal, which completely goes against exactly what we're trying to do. Maybe that could be something like you get to

Nathaniel Horcock:

choose what the tens day

Dave (GM):

is, and then you roll them. That's a cool shot. This level 2 of, though. It could then just be Bonus to court shots.

Marion Freeman:

Well, not a bonus, but less of a less of a cost charge.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. Because I think

Nathaniel Horcock:

so you have

Dave (GM):

plus 2 from my government. I get minus 2 because I felt I'm still on horseback. Because I think doing the rolling more than 1 and choosing just breaks the emotion. So Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

And I think you've gotta you've gotta choose your your terms or

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. And then you and then you just take what you get.

Dave (GM):

So that might be then, yeah, I'll put bonus to court shot, but it'll be less negative or no negative. Okay. Yes. Go ahead then. 10.

Dave (GM):

Do you have left? I have 6. Okay. I get 2 successes. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Did you wanna push? No. I'll go with that, I think, at this point. So it's, 3 damage. Okay.

Dave (GM):

And one crit. Yep. Okay. So roll your crit down. So what do we say my pistolier level 2 does now?

Dave (GM):

It's gonna be bonuses to call shots. So it's not gonna affect crit roll at all.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. I'll

Dave (GM):

go with yellow first.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Hold on.

Dave (GM):

Hang on.

Marion Freeman:

Okay. Well,

Dave (GM):

I've rolled I've rolled it, mate. 51. I was gonna say, let's not change it mid game.

Marion Freeman:

No. Let's change it mid game. We've just done that.

Dave (GM):

I think I mean, because because that's the rule we had. I'm changing it right before it applies. 50 1 or So I think you get to roll twice.

Marion Freeman:

This is the last time you ever rolled twice.

Dave (GM):

Or 16.

Marion Freeman:

Well, 51 then.

Dave (GM):

You've got all the Not necessarily. Not necessarily. K. 16.

Marion Freeman:

Geez. You would never do anything.

Dave (GM):

I know. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I think you should just go the highest when you roll 2 dice and yet you Yeah. It makes sense. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Because the niche is better than 50 And he's gonna die in he's gonna bleed out in Alright. 16.

Marion Freeman:

Let's have that one.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I'll go with that. In 6 I would be down in 6 rounds. Please.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I thought that was probably

Dave (GM):

Sorry. 7 rounds. So I think also on this table, there should be a thing. So the effects

Nathaniel Horcock:

The steps

Dave (GM):

are really quite minimal. If they

Nathaniel Horcock:

all called 45 seconds.

Marion Freeman:

You just

Dave (GM):

had a bullet go through you. So what's the steps?

Nathaniel Horcock:

And I don't

Dave (GM):

have a leap of

Nathaniel Horcock:

depth and we're dying in 35 seconds.

Dave (GM):

Essentially We can we can

Marion Freeman:

redig that, I think.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. I think the the table is It's

Marion Freeman:

also I'm thinking, I you know, I just shot him through the groin. That's gonna hurt.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

I mean, okay. He's gonna take time and show you down the boobies, but surely, the movement is gonna be great.

Dave (GM):

Oh. My guts. Yeah. But we don't

Nathaniel Horcock:

have that as a Yeah.

Dave (GM):

As a dynamic in the game at all. And there is the downside of doing something like that is that you then maybe give them a resist role to avoid being stunned, but then they get another dice roll.

Marion Freeman:

No. No. No. I mean, groin shot. Who's avoided being stunned?

Marion Freeman:

Have you ever seen

Dave (GM):

that in any media at all? No. But, again, so the other thing is that we could put for groin shots say, we could put it in here.

Nathaniel Horcock:

But groin shot should be fatal because you got a big artery in the groin, haven't you?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I mean, it's yeah. It doesn't mean your your nuts are blown off.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I mean but there is a big artery around the groin area. You should be.

Dave (GM):

You're not so good. Run off. Well, there is a 30% chance of losing your ability

Marion Freeman:

to have children. I lost my ability in Game of Thrones. I don't remember awarding a 33% So different game, Ben.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That was called a lance in your to your bollocks, I think that was.

Dave (GM):

The point I was gonna make though was if we make some of these like that one,

Nathaniel Horcock:

an automatic slam for a round

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. For a player, that might be a death sentence.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Yep.

Dave (GM):

Which might be fine. Yeah. But it might not be

Nathaniel Horcock:

as well. It's just just just my thought. Because then

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I'm not sure, you know, if this was meant to be a deadly game for players.

Dave (GM):

It is. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And it and it is a deadly game for players.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

But yeah. I think I think Elliott has has fallen to the ground.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Even though he can still act, he was going to die quite soon. Next is

Nathaniel Horcock:

The posse.

Dave (GM):

The the posse guys. So they're kinda taken by surprise by this. They are kinda scattering of cover.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Okay. Some posse. Let's be yours. It'd be the, it's

Dave (GM):

the bad guys now. Okay. Elliott has got his gunpoint in the inauguration, so he is gonna fire.

Marion Freeman:

Hold on. I just shot him in the groin. I mean, this this is what I mean.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He's he's been shot in the he's on the ground.

Marion Freeman:

Surely his his gun is now pointing down at his feet like that's oh, fuck.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And he's been shot in the fire as well.

Dave (GM):

How the hell? So, yeah, going by the rules as written, Yeah. As they're currently written. Okay. There's no reason why you shouldn't act.

Nathaniel Horcock:

But surely, you must get some margins. I mean, if you're bleeding to death, you're gonna be a bit weak.

Marion Freeman:

Well, you can't take a hit point for just that's

Dave (GM):

usually Right. Well, on the basic on the rules as they're written, no, we won't.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, if it

Dave (GM):

was in a fist fight, he would, but not in a because it's labor move while fighting. Oh, right. He's he's just firing his gun. Swap playtesting, swap. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Swap playtesting. I mean, this is based very much on on the 3 league versions. Mhmm. But it's only really in this game where the inconsistencies and the kind of isn't that a bit of a weak effect with that

Nathaniel Horcock:

injury coming up coming out?

Dave (GM):

Because I think the effect should be more severe. Even if on these ones, he does still get to act, it should say minus 2 to all roles or something like, as if he had conditions. So I'm okay. I'm gonna give him minus 2, but he's still gonna shoot you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Nice. Thank you. Can I use my last 2 faith points to give him another one?

Dave (GM):

So he's down to 2 on his quick, and he's got 2 aiming. He's very good in a in a punch up.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Is he?

Dave (GM):

He won't be doing any punch ups at his eyes. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I think he's gonna be hot weekend.

Dave (GM):

And his gun is no good, and he loses 2 dice. He's got 2 dice.

Nathaniel Horcock:

2 dice. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Although he's gonna aim. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Well, let's face it. He has

Dave (GM):

he has

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay. Yes. Yeah.

Marion Freeman:

Raise it and point it at you now. Pute.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, boring.

Marion Freeman:

Fuck you. Fuck you, Adia. What do you

Nathaniel Horcock:

mean I'm boring? Okay. Hang on. I have a bit of GM bias there. Boring.

Dave (GM):

I think some tension. Okay. Nixon Reed is gonna go for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 because you are both shooting in that direction. He's going for E10. Oh, here we go again.

Marion Freeman:

No. I'm sorry. No.

Dave (GM):

I'm done. He's gonna draw his pistol. He hasn't drawn his pistol. So he just gets a normal shot. He does have pistol here.

Dave (GM):

So he gets 7 dice, and his gun is the same. So he gets no modify modifier for that. And he's got 2 gun, but that doesn't apply on this shot.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Fucking hell.

Marion Freeman:

On the plus side, he does get a face point.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm sorry, Tony. Really? Fuck.

Dave (GM):

That's a hit for for 2 damage.

Marion Freeman:

A generous GM would just give 3 extra points of damage.

Dave (GM):

I I am gonna give you 5 points of damage, Tom. Okay. So there's a cover. It comes off. Grit.

Dave (GM):

Grit. Quick.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Grit. Quick.

Dave (GM):

Grit. And it's 5. So yeah. I'm I was thinking I could give you 2 of them 1 crit. But then yellow Quick.

Dave (GM):

I would have 16.

Marion Freeman:

So odd numbers.

Dave (GM):

Oh, quick

Nathaniel Horcock:

first. Yeah. Not quick first. You're right.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Quick first. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Sorry. My bad.

Dave (GM):

The other thing we could think about is just to say you can take

Nathaniel Horcock:

the damage and fly there. Simplify it slightly.

Marion Freeman:

Nah. I like it this way.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I don't mind it this way.

Marion Freeman:

At one point, it's almost not really a hit, but that in

Dave (GM):

Just slowing you down. Yeah. Yeah. That's fair.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Brother brotherly love there.

Dave (GM):

And and well, I think under the circumstances, I think that's fair. And the other one, McDermott is going Sorry, James.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, good. What's it?

Marion Freeman:

What's it? They're gonna count me because I'm black, I guess.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Actually, they should be going for you. So I think Will Demick is gonna

Marion Freeman:

shoot you because He's sexy.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well done. He

Dave (GM):

is the most nasty race. He's one of them. And I think actually makes absolutely sense for him to go for you because you're shooting and you are African American. So he gets he's gonna draw his gun as well. He gets a save number of dice.

Dave (GM):

He gets 7 dice.

Marion Freeman:

See, that's what you want, mate.

Dave (GM):

K. That's a hit. Wow. Two points of damage. And now, Andy, it's your action.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Matt goes before me. He's on 3.

Marion Freeman:

I do go.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. Everybody goes

Marion Freeman:

before Andy. That's Jesus. Yeah. Looks like it. Standby.

Marion Freeman:

Standby. Look. Look. Look. Right.

Marion Freeman:

Yep. Which means I

Dave (GM):

have to a fast action

Nathaniel Horcock:

to prepare it by copying it, and then you get the bonus for the gun in shooting it.

Marion Freeman:

So so that's plus 2, but I'm on the back of a horse.

Dave (GM):

That's minus 2.

Marion Freeman:

That's minus 2. Horse isn't particularly moving, but I guess No.

Dave (GM):

It's still you having to control the horse at the same time.

Marion Freeman:

So, that is

Dave (GM):

There are talents that allow you to shoot from horseback without the negative.

Marion Freeman:

That is still 8 dice.

Dave (GM):

Who are you shooting at?

Marion Freeman:

You guys have just shot at me with Germa. Okay?

Dave (GM):

How many of you have left?

Marion Freeman:

I jumped down to 1 and I am going to one success so far. And one trouble. And 2 tube trouble. Four troubles. It's on the other device, but

Dave (GM):

luckily, it's on the Okay. So is that a hit still there It's a hit. For the moment. So your trouble, 2 dice. Roll the dice and add them together.

Marion Freeman:

Chen. Of course. Now I get a bodysuit.

Dave (GM):

Your bullet was a dolt. And otherwise, successful attack does no damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So I think, yeah, you can you can hear it. Yeah. My my it

Dave (GM):

was fire. Yeah. The gun I hope that the gun's jammed because the chamber has turned,

Nathaniel Horcock:

but that bullet has just gone. Andy, you were actually So alright. So I have a Colt 45 electronic, and I'm thinking because I've got 3 pixels and 2 there on there. I'm gonna draw the Colt 45, and you could do this fanning attack, you said?

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, that's what I'm doing. I dropped the draw dropped 1 knee and do a fanning attack on the 2 step on the

Dave (GM):

2 still standing. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Good to to test the fanning rules.

Dave (GM):

I need to find them again.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This empties the gun, though, doesn't it? Yes?

Dave (GM):

It will empty the gun.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So just bear with me. Ken, we have funny rules on there because I'm not sure where I've got them in here.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Here we go. Yeah. I got

Dave (GM):

that. Okay. Okay. Your weapon's gonna be single action.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It is.

Dave (GM):

Yep. Must have at least 4 bullets left. It's full.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

You must have 2 hands free. It's a 2 handed attack, and you must have all your actions available. Okay. So to find your weapon, you gain -2 to your aiming role.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. To your

Dave (GM):

shooting role. If you wish to target more than one enemy with your fanning attack, you suffer an additional minus 1 per extra target.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. Let me see if I still want.

Marion Freeman:

How many dice have you got there?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I did have 7. I'm gonna drop it down. That's Go 5. 4.

Marion Freeman:

But you you rolled twice.

Dave (GM):

So every fan he gets at, the first success counts as 2 hits as if it were 2 separate attacks.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, damn. Sorry.

Dave (GM):

These can be hit the same target or be split across 2 targets. The 2 hits both count a separate attacks and each delivers damage equal to the damage rating for the weapon. Further successes can be used in the following ways. To have a 3rd bullet, strike a 3rd target if this intention was declared before the dice rolled or to add 1 or more bonus effects from the extra successes to any or all of the successful strikes you have. These successes are used in the usual way.

Dave (GM):

So if you got one extra, you can have a crit on somebody or

Nathaniel Horcock:

So there's 4 dice then we're gonna get 4 dice. If I get to a

Marion Freeman:

special success that is used

Dave (GM):

to increase

Nathaniel Horcock:

roll. 4 roll.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. The success is equals 2 attacks.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. The first successor. Okay.

Dave (GM):

The damage the damage of each subsequent hit is 2 instead of

Nathaniel Horcock:

1. Right. So many buttons. Oh, well, here we go. Solid.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Nope. But I'm gonna put I got the thing. I'm gonna push it as I've got no Yeah. Will you?

Marion Freeman:

They should all be

Nathaniel Horcock:

red, but What about they're all

Dave (GM):

They're all

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

They're all 4 again?

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

That's what I want you to hear.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. 2 sixties.

Dave (GM):

Okay. And no trouble?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No trouble at all.

Dave (GM):

What's the damage of the gun? 3. 3. So Nixon takes 2 to that and so does he. 3.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. And 1. I don't know. 33. And you've got your second success.

Dave (GM):

You can either use to have a crit on one of them Mhmm. Or you could do an extra an extra hit which does, with Fanning, 2 points of damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, what the hell?

Marion Freeman:

So here

Dave (GM):

we have a again, so the other thing we have with fanning is because it's so inaccurate. I've put that if you score a critical injury, you roll twice and take the lesser of the two results. Mhmm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Could you scrap that and just say, it's less accurate. There's more bullets flying around. Mhmm. So because I feel a lot

Dave (GM):

of just of hitting them in the face are just as Because Do you agree?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. I agree.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, Marshall say I've

Marion Freeman:

received the questions. You always

Nathaniel Horcock:

been gay.

Marion Freeman:

It would be unfair to Danny.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It would be unfair.

Dave (GM):

It would be unfair to Danny. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm gonna say Redford.

Dave (GM):

And which one are you hitting with?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm gonna go for the one I was supposed troublemaker. McDermott. McDermott. Yeah. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. That is 44. 44.

Dave (GM):

Let me find it. It's got injuries table again. Ruptured spleen. You fit him in the guts. Minus 1 to all physical actions and minus 2 to resilience.

Dave (GM):

He is going to die from this, but not quickly. He's gonna die in a day. 24 hours. Okay. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

You've given him a nasty Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. That's a lot.

Dave (GM):

You hit him in the guts. Next round. Tony, you're actually new cards. Oh, no. It's a really yep.

Dave (GM):

New cards. Yep. K. I'll just go around this time. Andy?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Alright. A little bit like that. The

Dave (GM):

the bad guys and the the other guys. Okay. The bad guys are going first.

Nathaniel Horcock:

They say it's a 3rd cock. I'll go I'll go with it.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Elliott

Nathaniel Horcock:

with 3 successes on his resilience role is fight fighting on. Reed with one success, and his residual is fighting on,

Dave (GM):

and McDermott is fighting on. So, Elliot, he is going to shoot at you again, Andy. Oh,

Nathaniel Horcock:

just okay.

Dave (GM):

Hang on.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I didn't shoot at him.

Dave (GM):

You're in his sights, basically. So he's gonna aim.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

So he's got 4 dice. He has 6 with aiming.

Marion Freeman:

He has a double action gun,

Dave (GM):

does he? Either's that's a good point. Let me just check. I think he might do. Let me that's a referencing in here to find the rhythm of pages for everything.

Dave (GM):

So he has got a 18 60 army. Oh, no. It's a single. So he gained plus 1 for being a single action, but he loses his aiming bonus. K.

Dave (GM):

He hits you, Andy. Now? That's 2 points of damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. What come what does that come off?

Dave (GM):

One off quick, one off quick.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Okay. Reid, I think it was only you, wasn't he, Tay?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yep. And he'll, again, shoot at you again.

Dave (GM):

He's got the same gun, so he's gonna have to prepare. So he's got 2.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So he got 5. So he

Dave (GM):

got 6 in total for this one. Yeah. I got it. Oh, 5. And he misses.

Dave (GM):

He does have 2 guns, so he's gonna do a quick shot. But he loses 4 dice,

Nathaniel Horcock:

and he misses.

Marion Freeman:

How quick is he down? Mhmm. How quick is he down?

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

Down 2. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yep. He's down 2 2.

Dave (GM):

And then McDermott is gonna do the same with you, Matt. He's got fast tutor, though. So he's got a pair 3

Marion Freeman:


Nathaniel Horcock:

And aim.

Dave (GM):

He's got 3, 4, 5. That'd be 7 dice. Okay. That's a big hit. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So that's 2 points of damage, 3, 4 points of damage, and I'm gonna roll a crit. I love I love Romani Crits, but I just I hate them as well. Yeah. I kinda feel I ought to.

Marion Freeman:

But I don't know. I don't know. I don't

Dave (GM):

know why the character. Which dog do you want those tens?

Marion Freeman:

YouTube. K. It's all awful.

Dave (GM):

White tens.

Marion Freeman:

44. I

Nathaniel Horcock:

think there's another role

Dave (GM):

to believe that. You're shutting the gut, Matt. Yeah. You need some Minus 1 to all physical actions, minus 2 to resilience, and you were gonna die in 2 days unless you just don't trust it. Resilience.

Marion Freeman:

I love a lot of resilience dice. Anyway, never mind.

Dave (GM):

Fours and fives.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I did fives, so I

Dave (GM):

I might no. I might have actually not taken off there.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. Alright.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. That's okay. That's that's a fair point. It's the posse's action. They are they're basically taking some cover.

Dave (GM):

They've all drawn weapons, but they're not shooting at the moment. Uh-huh. 9, tone. I'm feeling a bit vulnerable up here, so I'm gonna get off my horse and try and find some cover

Marion Freeman:

over here.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. You can get yourself behind the so that building there is 12. Is that the post house? Yep. So you can get yourself in cover.

Dave (GM):

I guess that'll be my forward action.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. Dismounting and doing that will be Andy, your action. My action. So since I've dropped the, Colt 45 is empty Yep.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm going to draw my naval ones. Now can I draw both guns, or can I just just draw 1?

Dave (GM):

Well, the rules stay as they're as written that it takes a fast action to draw a weapon.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Now I I just wonder if 2 weapons, it's you got 2 arms. I can't even wonder whether that has

Marion Freeman:

you got 2 arms now, though?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I've still got 2 arms. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

I'm gonna I'm gonna allow you

Nathaniel Horcock:

to draw both guns in one fast action. Right. Okay.

Dave (GM):

Because you're not going, uh-huh. You just go

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of the same length of action. Mhmm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. I'll do that. So alright. You're gonna allow me to fire both of them. Yes?

Nathaniel Horcock:

As we go?

Dave (GM):

So you've got you can have a normal shot

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. And then you've got your Which is only minus 2 now because I've got as I've got 2 guns too.

Dave (GM):

Yes. Yeah. Okay. Really? Get your free quick shot.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. But I don't know. Too. Well, I'm getting pissed off of being shot at by Elliott for nothing. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So I think, the first So I'm on it down to 2. It's a shooting, isn't it? So that's 4. 6 days. So that's 1, 2.

Nathaniel Horcock:

6. 1st shot's going to go at the Dermott, the, him.

Dave (GM):

The right Dermott? Yeah. The the the bad one.

Nathaniel Horcock:

The bad one. Yes. Yeah. So not all bad. And then there's a lot of the quick shot will go at Elliott.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yep. So your shot on McDermott.

Nathaniel Horcock:

One hit.

Dave (GM):

Jake, did you wanna push that?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I've got a one oh, that's That's not on the trouble, is it? No. No.

Dave (GM):

So that you could you can that one doesn't okay. That one could be rerolled

Nathaniel Horcock:

that one. If it's not on trouble, then Alright. Okay.

Dave (GM):

So you could fish.

Nathaniel Horcock:

How many how many things have I got there? I still got 2 points left. Oh, the hell. Well, should I oh, looks to it. Another hit.

Dave (GM):

Okay. That is a trouble.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's trouble. So I barely it was that 1 a year solid. So I'm down to 1 fake fake point now. Faith point? Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Faith point.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. And

Dave (GM):

so, okay, you got 2 successes. Mhmm. The first one does damage.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

What are you gonna do with the other one? You can do a crit with it, of course.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'll do dam I'll do a crit with, say, red. I want red first, some green.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

25. 25. You shot him in the foot. Minus 220 physical task. He is not gonna be running anywhere.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He's not gonna die from that though. Okay. And then, the one against, Elliott, isn't it? Yep. So that's minus 2.

Dave (GM):

So I believe it was 4.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So it's 4 dice. And they're all trouble dice, aren't they?

Dave (GM):

Yes. Yep. There's only 4 dice.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Okay. No. I'm not gonna push them that. I'm not pushing that.

Dave (GM):

K. That's a miss. Yep. Okay. Matthew, your action.

Marion Freeman:

Right. I'm reviewing. Sorry. My my ketchup is giving me minus 2 resilience. What else?

Dave (GM):

Minus 1 to all physical actions.

Marion Freeman:

Right. So

Dave (GM):

That'd be minus 1 to shooting.

Marion Freeman:

I'm on 5 shooting. 4 shooting with a minus 1. I'm still on the horse. I'm gonna stay on the horse because getting off the horse is gonna kill me.

Dave (GM):

So You need medication because you you

Nathaniel Horcock:

will bleed out. You've got to put it lodged in your gut at the moment.

Dave (GM):

How long do I got

Marion Freeman:

to live?

Nathaniel Horcock:

2 days. Yes.

Marion Freeman:

2 days. Back area. Just to shut my phone.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

McDermott. I'm out of I'm out of faith.

Dave (GM):

Are you down to 1 plate, are you?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Down to 1 plate.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Just one minute. So is

Dave (GM):

that just one hit?

Marion Freeman:

A one hit, but it's 3 points. No. Two points of damage.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah. He's still hanging on just about. Yeah, next round. Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

Thank you. Did you chuck those cards back in?

Dave (GM):

No. I just put them on the bottom. Okay. Tone. No.

Dave (GM):

Andy. Let me

Nathaniel Horcock:

find the guy.

Dave (GM):

Matthew, the bad guys, the posse.

Marion Freeman:

Break them down, Tony. Break them down.

Dave (GM):

Yeah, Tony. Your action. Okay. I'm going to aim and shoot at the fuck, are they shooting me? A reed, is that Reid?

Dave (GM):

I think it was, wasn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Nixon Reid. So I'm quite down on my quick.

Dave (GM):

So my my aiming, I'm only down to 2. I get plus 1 for my crystal clear talent. I get plus plus 2 for aiming. I also get plus 2 for my gun bonus. Oh, yeah.

Dave (GM):

So I think

Nathaniel Horcock:

that's it.

Marion Freeman:

Awesome quick. Come on, mate. 1. Okay. Cool.

Dave (GM):

Thought I'd been a bit short. And that's 3 successive soils. Stick with that. So it's 3 damage. Yep.

Dave (GM):

And then he's prob he's been quite bad at damage already.

Marion Freeman:

He's issued yet?

Dave (GM):

Reid. So I think I'll,

Nathaniel Horcock:

think he's well, he's gonna be broken,

Dave (GM):

whatever happens. You can crit him. Okay. I'll crit him then if in that case.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And is that you've got extra I've

Dave (GM):

got 2 additional successes then. So it's one for the crit. So plus 1 bonus to tens or units. Units. So yellow is the tens.

Dave (GM):

I'm gonna add 1 to the units. So that's 26. 26. Well, there isn't so. He just reduced just your maximum.

Dave (GM):

Okay. You've, you've shot him in the upper leg. You can see the blood begin to

Nathaniel Horcock:

splurt out. You've obviously hit something very, critical.

Dave (GM):

The blood is coming out. He's gonna be dead in 15 seconds. Yeah. The posse, they are still

Nathaniel Horcock:

Got confused.

Dave (GM):

Holding their keeping their powder literally keeping their powder dry. It's their actions. So Elliott, throws down his gun and surrenders.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

Says don't shoot. Don't shoot. And McDermott does the same.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Matthew, your action

Dave (GM):

if you wanted to do something.

Marion Freeman:

Carefully. Carefully. No. No. I don't

Nathaniel Horcock:

You're still my horse horse, aren't you?

Marion Freeman:

I will put up my gun now and ride as carefully as the horse can damage. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

You're 44 waiting. Okay. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Where was Elliot wounded?

Marion Freeman:

Elliot. Oh, Elliot. No. Ball shot off. He's wounded in the thigh and something else.

Marion Freeman:

I mean

Dave (GM):

Now I guess those 2, I think, for Elliot. So he's not gonna die yet. McDermott will, unless he gets medical aid because he's shot in the gut. Mhmm. He's bleeding.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That was one of yours at

Dave (GM):

1, wasn't it? But he'll

Nathaniel Horcock:

he he'll die in 24 hours.

Dave (GM):

Okay. But Reid is Reid is dying. Mhmm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

But as it's on the ground, I wasn't like They're all down.

Dave (GM):


Marion Freeman:

So I'm riding in, and I'm saying to the posse, This man is innocent of the massacre. Whatever they said.

Dave (GM):

The point is to him.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Okay. I was in the bedroom, but he wasn't there.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Make a performing Do

Nathaniel Horcock:

you want a dice?

Marion Freeman:

You want you want to help me commit something.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. Not to. Yes. That's right. That's right.

Marion Freeman:

I mean, 4 dice, 5 dice.

Dave (GM):

One success. Okay. Did you wanna push that?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. It's No.

Marion Freeman:

No. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I think it's like a one

Dave (GM):

time At one

Marion Freeman:

point, I don't if you take that last point, you're down to 0. Do you have negative effects?

Dave (GM):

It does have negative effects.

Marion Freeman:

What negative effect does it have?

Dave (GM):

K. If you get down to 0 faith, you suffer from shaking faith. You cannot push your roles, trouble

Nathaniel Horcock:

or active on every role.

Dave (GM):

Fight back for a

Marion Freeman:

game or something.

Dave (GM):

You can't buy off trouble. Yeah. No. I'm not You can't gain faith through normal means, and you need to you need to restore your faith in 1 of 3 ways.

Marion Freeman:

I'm not pushing. I've sent my piece bleeding out. Am I gonna give myself more bad luck? Fuck off.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. Don't move.

Dave (GM):


Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. It's my dice. It's

Marion Freeman:

Well, it it just rolled.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, it's early.

Marion Freeman:

Haven't got any success.

Dave (GM):

Dice and no successes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So they might they might

Dave (GM):

be beginning at least to believe they Yeah. They're not immediately discounting what you're saying. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And I'm walking up to Elliot, so then here he's on the ground. You see sees all the wood on the in the pot. Was it

Dave (GM):

Elliot's been shot shot in the gut in the nuts and in the leg.

Nathaniel Horcock:

In the leg. I'm gonna put my foot on the wound wound on his leg. Yes. I'm gonna say, you lying, Peter.

Dave (GM):

Okay. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Really. We're gonna say alright. So what I need to roll

Dave (GM):

And what are you trying to achieve?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm gonna say because

Dave (GM):

hold on.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I'm gonna say. Who's who's this fan we keep having the grief with?

Marion Freeman:

McGinn. McGinn. Don't bring them into this.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. No. Well

Dave (GM):

There is there is a bit of a crowd. Obviously, the fighters, you can see the blessings are up on their veranda watching events. Mhmm. There are people with tickets. People kind of looking out from around fences and through windows, obviously, trying to keep out of the way of the bullet, but watching and listening to the

Nathaniel Horcock:

most important part. I'll just put my little, my foot on his little wounded leg. The gun down and just say, give me one good reason why why I should not.

Dave (GM):

Not kill you? Okay. Are you

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I gotta squeaky. You get me. I get me.

Dave (GM):

I think yeah. Make a presents or before me roll. I have some presents on my sandwiches. Yeah. Probably presents.

Dave (GM):

I will give you plus 2 for

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

I will add to plus 3.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That's great.

Dave (GM):

Not only having won the gunfight, but also exerting the pain on him.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And let's see how he He's got a lot of them up with a

Marion Freeman:

really good reason.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So that'd be 6 then because I'm down to, presences before. That's my 3 year 6. I think it's gonna squeaky voice. Maybe my tongue is tired from the night before. No.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It's not. 2 3 successes.

Dave (GM):

3 okay. Well, you got 2 dice. Yeah. He he can't. He's he's he's he's he's, yeah, he's beaten.

Dave (GM):

Mhmm. He's, you know, he's saying,

Nathaniel Horcock:

you should've helped us if we didn't. No. You dragged me brought him here to drag me to lie to drag me into the shit. That was it. That was your whole thing, wasn't it?

Nathaniel Horcock:

There's no way of this.

Dave (GM):

Those bastards will kill us all now anyway.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. Actually, I'm only gonna do everybody's watching, are they?

Marion Freeman:

Pick. I don't think they're watching. People watching.

Dave (GM):

It's up to you.

Marion Freeman:

You could let these these guys you guys will probably kill

Nathaniel Horcock:

him. Mhmm.

Marion Freeman:

They might kill you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Might might kill me. Yes. Indeed.

Marion Freeman:

In a way, this is bad. I always have not seen

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Yeah. You're on

Dave (GM):

with guts out. Yes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Holding your guts in.

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. Well,

Dave (GM):

I'm I think can I have a resilience test, please, at minus 2? Minus 2. Because of your wound?

Marion Freeman:

Yeah. But I have one hertz and nothing in resilience.

Dave (GM):

Okay. You can't succeed the role then, I don't think. Well, I think maybe you get one die anyway. I have, like, minimum of 1 dice.

Marion Freeman:

Shoot him. Looks like you're hiding the truth. And

Nathaniel Horcock:

then Fooling

Marion Freeman:


Dave (GM):

Yeah. I think you're all down on the ground bleeding.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You're you're

Dave (GM):

getting some help.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So I'll I'll look at the posse then. Yes.

Dave (GM):

They're all still a bit jumpy. Obviously, suddenly, you know, this this fight happened before just as they arrived. Yeah. They are arms are shouldered in your direction, but they're not they're not firing. One of them sort of steps out whilst the others stay stay in cover.

Dave (GM):

And he says, what's your name? The only time it's coming useful.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yes. Indeed. Alright. Look. My name, Nathaniel Hawcock.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You just look at him.

Dave (GM):

And your connection to these men?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. And he points to them. Points to the 3 men lying on

Dave (GM):

the ground. I think at this

Nathaniel Horcock:

point, Reed goes

Dave (GM):

or is it McDermott? Mhmm. Read's already dead. McDermott breathes the last. He had a second one.

Dave (GM):

He got a shot through his thigh. I love it. 24 hours. Oh. Oh.

Dave (GM):

Meredith? Oh, shit.

Nathaniel Horcock:

He just died. No. I was in the same regimen as that. You can okay. You can feel the tension.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Mhmm.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. I would no. Movies always go

Nathaniel Horcock:

click click. Click click. But this

Dave (GM):

way, they did that about

Nathaniel Horcock:

5 hours ago. Yeah. So they've gone to already

Marion Freeman:

ready. They might just ease it off one evening.

Dave (GM):

Thank you. And just a dramatic effect. So what that man said was true?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. I wasn't there. I got back after the massacre. Well, you've only got my word, haven't you?

Dave (GM):

Oh, that man beating in the dust over there seemed to say the same thing.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. But isn't it a bit oh, isn't isn't it a bit suspect to the fact that here they come lead trying to lead what am I trying to say?

Marion Freeman:

Of course. Did you point you at me then?

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. No. Aye. So Yes.

Marion Freeman:

There's one of you

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, no. I thought he was pointing. I thought you were

Dave (GM):

pointing to.

Nathaniel Horcock:

To him. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

So then, yeah, this man in the dust because before he fell off his horse Yeah. He said,

Nathaniel Horcock:

yes. I don't know what you've heard about

Dave (GM):

this man. He's untrue.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I was yes. I was yes. But I wasn't there at the massacre. I had no I had no part in the massacre. Colonel was his name.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Colonel Keith. Yeah. Colonel We're calling Keith. We're calling Keith.

Dave (GM):

McCorley Keith.

Nathaniel Horcock:

McCorley Keith was a weak man, and he couldn't control the regiment.

Dave (GM):

Elliott pops up and says to to the guy who's who's who's walking you know, the the guy from the 31st Infantry. He says, look, Sanford, I know where the colonel is. If you promise to let me live, I'll tell you. He's the man you really want.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I'd like to turn to him just so why don't you shut up? Just turn to him.

Dave (GM):

I'm trying to save my life here, man.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Maybe you should have thought about that.

Dave (GM):

Make a performing role. Okay.

Nathaniel Horcock:

This is a matter of catch. What happens when you lose use all your flavor?

Dave (GM):

How much faith you got left? 1. This could be the point when you want to

Nathaniel Horcock:

Use it.

Dave (GM):

Use that, you know.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. Right. So it's

Marion Freeman:

Nothing many mishaps. Hey? Not while I'm bleeding here.

Nathaniel Horcock:

So Very dice, isn't it? And then it's green.

Dave (GM):

Oh, for fuck's sake. That's

Nathaniel Horcock:

quite a few more ones. There. Yeah. No 6 seasons, in fact. You can You can't

Dave (GM):

push, but you got at least 2 tall.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Mhmm. Okay.

Dave (GM):

And then you'd be down to 0. Right?

Nathaniel Horcock:

So you couldn't push every every roll, every you get trouble just

Dave (GM):

on a normal push as well. Mhmm.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, what the fuck? Oh, dead.

Dave (GM):

So it's a green one you can re roll. Yeah. It's only the ones on the

Jimmy Harlesden:

Oh, right.

Dave (GM):

The ones on the trouble that you

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, Okay. Yeah. Oh, 2 successes.

Dave (GM):

Another another trouble.

Nathaniel Horcock:

No. You had to mention that one, didn't you?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. So your faith is now down to 0. Yeah.

Nathaniel Horcock:

And I've got pushed. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

And you got 3 double dice?

Nathaniel Horcock:

No one. What's it? Or 3?

Dave (GM):

Yeah. 3.

Nathaniel Horcock:

3. There's 3 of the rest of the world. So we've

Dave (GM):

got 3, 6, and Adam together. This is too much trouble. Well, 3 ones. 2. Worst.

Nathaniel Horcock:

2. Yeah. I got it. 4 bollocks. 1.

Dave (GM):

7. 7. That could be worse. 2. That sounds like it could be worse.

Nathaniel Horcock:

It could be an 18. That can even be rough.

Dave (GM):

Your words and actions have gone down very badly, and you blustered to cover it up.

Nathaniel Horcock:

You lose your next round.

Dave (GM):

It doesn't matter too much. But, yeah, you did get 2 successes. Okay. Okay. So came on.

Dave (GM):

So they got 2 successes. So they're not really believing you.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And he says, if, prove to me that these men aren't your comrades.

Nathaniel Horcock:

That seems to be an easy decision to make now. Yeah. It doesn't it?

Marion Freeman:

We while you murder them people.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Blah blah. Lucky me. Yeah.

Dave (GM):

Children are dead already, aren't they? Children are dead. But you've got Elliot here. He's like, you've got your foot on his leg still.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Well, I don't know. I actually took my foot off

Dave (GM):

for a minute. Okay.

Marion Freeman:

And you've got to take an empathy role to kill him?

Dave (GM):

You would have to fail, empathy role.

Nathaniel Horcock:

How many times can I roll empathy?

Dave (GM):

It's well, you you would roll your, dossity, and you need to fail

Nathaniel Horcock:

just to put your guard in. That's 4 dice then. So if

Dave (GM):

you want to just kill him

Nathaniel Horcock:

Okay. Which is what you've been invited to do, obviously. Yeah. You'd fall In fact, I've been actually in fact, I've been shooting him.

Dave (GM):

I know, but now it's cold blood.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Because this is 4 sixes, isn't it? Failed. You failed the robot.

Dave (GM):

You can kinda

Nathaniel Horcock:

locate them.

Dave (GM):

Are you doing that? You don't need to take a rope in the shot. You can just could've Just do it. Put Brian in there. Yes.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Bam. Mhmm. I've shot people with cold blood after the thing when they murdered him, and I shot the guy who

Dave (GM):

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Elliot goes down. He's dead.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Oh, he's on down the ground. I didn't like.

Dave (GM):

Yeah. But as he goes over. There's a a few shrieks

Nathaniel Horcock:

from the people who are watching. Yeah. My reputation is gonna be minus 500.

Dave (GM):

And so this guy walks up to you.

Nathaniel Horcock:

The others are still covering you. Uh-huh.

Dave (GM):

Say if you wanna

Nathaniel Horcock:

do anything, Tony, whilst this is going on.

Dave (GM):

Well, I'll probably just walk out and see what's going on, but I'm not I don't think I'm Getting involved. To get involved at this point.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

And he says, my name is Jake Sanford, sergeant of the 31st Infantry Regiment USCT. Stated at Fort Pillow in April 18/64. You are?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I, he he he opens up a little book. Mhmm. He's flicking through it. Captain Nathaniel Hawcock.

Dave (GM):

Hawcock. Hawcock. Captain Nathaniel Hawcock of the 7th Confederate Cavalry.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Yeah. I can't deny it. I'm not going to deny it.

Dave (GM):

And he look and he looks around, looks back through his men, and he looks around and sees there's quite a lot of people Love it. Gathering around. And he takes out a pencil out of his top thing and he licks it. You see it make a line mark on his book. Well, as he's doing that,

Nathaniel Horcock:

you can see him go through the book and cross out 3 other names. Uh-huh.

Dave (GM):

He says, he says, now leave it, guys. That's enough.

Nathaniel Horcock:


Dave (GM):

they go down to delivery. Mhmm. And he then comes back and goes into the Trails Hotel for some breakfast

Nathaniel Horcock:

with these men.

Dave (GM):

What are you guys doing? Is it Matt's live there?

Nathaniel Horcock:

I think you need doctor.

Dave (GM):

Have we got a is there a doctor in town? There probably is a doctor in town.

Nathaniel Horcock:

I've got I've got dusty 2 doctorings 1, where you got lots.

Dave (GM):

I have no doctoring.

Nathaniel Horcock:

Do you? I'm not dusty.

Jimmy Harlesden:

I said no. You're already ready.

Marion Freeman:

Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable, used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.