Dig In

On this week’s Dig Inspiration, host Jess Gaedeke reflects on her conversation with Nikkia Reveillac, former insights leader at Netflix, Twitter, and Colgate Palmolive, on how Nikkia’s “hunch” about Netflix’s brand problem shaped her insights approach, why crafting a “sexy memo” is a game-changer for driving executive alignment, and the role of curiosity and human connection in making insights a core organizational partner.

What is Dig In?

Welcome to Dig In, the podcast brought to you by the minds at Dig Insights. We're interviewing some of the most inspiring brand professionals in marketing, innovation, and insights to discover the story behind the story of their most exciting innovations.

Jess (00:00)
Welcome to dig inspiration, a quick recap where we dig deeper into the story behind the story. In each of these bite sized episodes, I'll revisit key moments from our incredible guests and the most inspiring parts of the stories they share. And today we're dropping a quick reflection on some of the most memorable parts of my talk with Nikkia Reveillac. She's former insights leader at Netflix, Twitter and Colgate and currently leader in a whole host of ways, including her own podcast, which we did not get to, but I'm going to drop a little bit of knowledge on that here in this quick chat today. So my three key points that I took away from this conversation first, I kind of loved this idea of she had a hunch that Netflix had a brand problem.

all those signals in the data, right? So that a lot of brand tracking research and other ongoing streams of longitudinal information, how do we diagnose the problem and develop an actionable plan for the brand? And I think this might seem like almost a simple concept to act on a hunch, but I actually think it shows courage that we can sometimes lose today in insights.

And I want to see more of this from insights leaders. How can you use your industry and your insights expertise, but couple that with the intuition that you've developed over years in this discipline and dive into some of those exploration areas, like in this case, you know, Netflix has a brand

I just think that hunch went a long way and obviously had a huge impact on the company.

So the second point that I just loved, I'm gonna try to figure out how to use this phrase in my daily life, is the idea of the sexy memo. And not only the significance that that held at a company like Netflix, which was super data driven, that encourages dissent, that has this idea of break this apart, beat it up kind of culture. So that was important, but how to leverage the senior leaders to advocate for you and deliver your message.

All of that was kind of wrapped up into this sexy memo idea. And I heard a lot of gratitude from Nikkia to that CCO who served as a really important mentor on that sexy memo and delivering that at the sort of brand retreat meeting. But I also was thinking myself of how grateful I'm sure that CCO was to have someone like Nikkia.

to really forward the team's thinking on this topic and bring those insights to bear. And I'll bet that that person was very proud to represent that work in that setting. So I can't say enough about the sexy memo and how I'm gonna steal it.

And I really loved how she articulated what role insights should be in the organization. She described it almost like a personality. She talked about as an insights person, you want to be desired, you want to be sought after, you want to be necessary. And I just think of all the human skills that you need to really pull that off and be that type of persona and partner in an organization.

I just found that to be really compelling and memorable. And it kind of leads me to my overall takeaway of Nikkia as a person. You can just really see that her inherent curiosity about humans is part of her DNA. And I just really enjoy knowing her. And what I love seeing that on display is in her latest endeavor, which is hosting her own podcast. I'm really bummed I didn't dig into this in our conversation, but I have listened to quite a few episodes, really enjoying it. So her podcast is called

the significance of others. And she delves into really unfiltered stories of friendship. She invites two good friends to join her, sort of explore the essence of their friendship. It's a fascinating conversation. And I'll just say it hits home for someone like me. I'm a woman in my forties trying to keep up with the family, career, and just life. And so, you know, the ability to reserve time for friendships in my adult life has been a challenge.

And I find this podcast really inspiring to hear how other friends do it. So check it out, the significance of others, and you can see Nikkia's bright light on display.

Well, that's your Dig inspiration recap for the week. We would love to hear your takeaways and thoughts on the conversation. So please do visit the link in the description and leave us a comment.