Man On FIRE Podcast with David Mehler

Welcome to the Man On FIRE Rising Podcast, where men are supported, challenged and held accountable to become better fathers, husbands and leaders and live a life with more passion, power and a deeper sense of purpose.

Many men find themselves at a crossroads in life, where they realize that having everything they were promised would bring them joy, happiness, and fulfillment instead has left them feeling empty. In this episode, Man On FIRE Mentor, David Mehler explores the internal struggle faced by many successful men. He describes how adhering to societal expectations of success - such as attaining wealth, a spouse, a family and material goods - often fails to bring personal fulfillment and joy. Through inspiring stories and powerful insights, David will help you break free from this illusion and help you develop the mindset needed to overcome limiting beliefs and cultural promises that were imposed on us.

If this resonates with you,  it's time to take the next step in reigniting your FIRE and get ready to listen to this awesome podcast! Discover the source of true happiness, fulfillment, joy, and freedom within yourself.

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What is Man On FIRE Podcast with David Mehler?

The Man On FIRE Podcast is your #1 trusted resource for learning to grow and become the Man and King you were born to be. You’ll hear directly from David Mehler as he provides tools, tips, and strategies for your business, relationship, body, heart, and mindset. This is a must-listen for the man that is ready to rise into his passion, power, and purpose, and live into his full potential!

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[00:00:00] All right, guys. Welcome to the Man on FIRE Rising podcast. This is your host, David Mehler, and I'm coming to each and every one of you live. I want to dive into a very hot topic that a lot of men right now are struggling within their lives. And I know this because I have been working with men since 10 years ago, roughly since the year 2014 where I've had the honor, I've had the sacred privilege of literally serving over 10, 000 men.

[00:00:35] And you start to notice, uh, patterns that evolve within these men. They start to get very vulnerable and share with you very profoundly what's really going on for them. And one of the greatest struggles that a Man has Is when he finds that he has everything that he was told was going to bring him joy, was going to bring him happiness, was going to bring him fulfillment, was going to bring him into the feeling of being free.

[00:01:03] He followed all the rules. He did what he was supposed to. He went to college, you know, high school, then college, then went to graduate school and got the amazing job, made all of the money, got the wife, had the kids, has the car. Has the fancy cars, has all the jewelry, has the summer house, has the winter house, maybe has some toys, a boat or a plane.

[00:01:27] I did everything they told me I was supposed to do. I dotted my I's, I crossed my T's. So how is it that I feel empty on the inside in a life that is so full on the outside? And there's a terror to this. There's a profound vulnerability of not wanting to allow yourself to be exposed. Most men hide this.

[00:01:49] Most men put on a good front. Most men will pretend to be the rock and the martyr, and they'll bury themselves in taking care of everything and everyone else other than themselves. And this is a very lonely and a very scary place for a Man to be in. This is exactly the type of Man that we serve in our brotherhood.

[00:02:10] Yes, a lot of different types of men find their way into the Man on FIRE community, and we're here to do our absolute best in helping just about everybody. But the main person that we really are serving in our Man on FIRE community is this exact type of Man that I'm speaking to, where he's accomplished it all.

[00:02:28] He had the successes, he has the has the plaques, he has the awards, he made the money, he has the beautiful family. So how is it, how is it that on the inside I still feel empty? And that, as I just shared a moment ago, is a very scary and a lonely place for a Man to be. Because then we start to question, well, what's the point?

[00:02:48] What's the point of life? I mean, I was told that if I did all of these things, I would truly be happy. I was told if I do all these things or did all these things that I would be promised freedom. I'd be promised fulfillment. Like what kind of a joke is this? Maybe there's anger. Maybe there's anger at whoever taught you those rules.

[00:03:04] Maybe it's anger in whoever you honor as your higher power. There's frustration, there's sadness, there's anger, there's confusion. Where do I go from here? What's the point? What's the meaning of my entire life?

[00:03:18] We help him, uh, pick this apart and put his life back together again. And it's such an honor and it's such a privilege to be able to help men recognize that a lot of what's really going on. is that we as men are set up to fail. We are set up with the false and the fake promise that if we get these things that are external to us, we get the things that are outside of us, the car, the house, the boat, the plane, the wife, the kids, the money, the awards, the plaques, the trophies, the achievements, the successes.

[00:03:55] If we get all of these things, we're finally going to feel okay. So we were set up. To fail, because what ends up happening, and this is very common obviously with Many professional athletes, Many millionaires, Many billionaires, is they, they arrive, they achieve their goals. And then they're faced with that deep emptiness, the deep sadness of, I thought that this was going to remove that pain.

[00:04:21] I thought that this was going to make it all better. I thought that once I arrived here, once I conquered my goals and I arrived at my destination, that I'd finally feel free. Only to wake up the next day or a few days later and the emptiness is still there. And so where Man on FIRE comes into this equation is that we help a Man recognize that it was never about the externals and attaching to them as being the things that are going to validate you and the things that are going to give you these feelings of freedom and fulfillment and joy.

[00:04:54] It's more about being able to ultimately cut the cord to anything that's outside of yourself. Just like so Many men come to us and they want to know, well, how do I get back with my wife or how do I get back our trust and the love and the intimacy? And we always tell this Man the same thing. There's no magical pill, potion, lotion, or genie.

[00:05:11] There's no magical sentence or phrase that we can ever share with you to tell somebody this is all about you recognizing that you have to get yourself back. You have to get back your FIRE. You have to get back to being the real you. You have to fill your own cup, fill your own FIRE, stoke your own FIRE, ignite your own FIRE, find the passion inside of you so that you can cut the cord of codependency to anything that is externally sourced, anything that is outside of you, whether that is your wife, whether it's a car, whether it's a home, whether it's money, anything that is not you.

[00:05:48] It's all about cutting the cord so that there's no codependent relationship. There's no neediness. There's no frenetic energy. There's nothing where you feel that something outside of me is going to finally give me that feeling because Many of you will learn, no, it won't. And that's why we're left with this empty feeling on the inside.

[00:06:07] And for Many men, very sadly, I'm just going to speak this into existence because it's true, because in working with over 10, 000 men, you get to understand what is true and what is not true. Regardless of what books say, you get to have this real life experience. And what's true is this is where Many men actually contemplate not wanting to be here anymore.

[00:06:25] Literally taking their own life. Because they don't know where to begin. They don't know how to get out of this hole. They don't know how to get out of this sadness, out of this frustration, out of this anger. Out of this deep well of sadness where sometimes it feels like there's no way out. But there is.

[00:06:42] There is. And this is what we teach at Man on FIRE. We teach that the way out is in. The way out is through. The way out is to deeply surrender into what's always been there. And to face and feel exactly what you've been running from your whole life with the false promise that when I finally have these things, then I'll finally feel like I'm enough.

[00:07:02] And if this is speaking to you, for the Man that needed to hear this today, then you'll know, no it's not. That's not how it works. This is about a Man's honest truth. Desire and hunger with humility to start to build himself up from the inside out. It's about reigniting that spark, reigniting that flame, reigniting that FIRE that's deep inside of you that's ready to burn where you can learn how to find that passion, how to find that joy, how to find that freedom and fulfillment and love for yourself.

[00:07:37] And you don't have to get it from anything that's external to you and the beauty and the magic of that. Is that when you have that, then all the things that are external to you, now you have such a healthy relationship with those things. Because you don't need anything from them. There is no co dependency.

[00:07:54] You're not relying on them to give you a certain feeling. Which will never be sustained, which is why so Many marriages end. Which is why the millionaires and the billionaires still have these same problems that somebody that's homeless has. Because none of that will remove the pain. So for the Man that needed to hear this today, if you want to start learning how to take a deep dive into reigniting your FIRE and finding the source for where you can really have true happiness and true fulfillment and true joy and true freedom,

[00:08:26] To help you take your next step. Also make sure you're on the lookout because over the next couple of months, we're going to be offering up lots of free workshops to support all the guys out there. We are here at Man on FIRE to support our fellow brothers. It's with so much love and so much gratitude and so much reverence.

[00:08:44] It's your Man on FIRE mentor. Here's to you guys rising with passion, with power and purpose.