The Web Canopy Studio Show

Wireframes are a crucial component of any successful website build or redesign.

In part 1, John Aikin talked through two major wireframe concepts:

  1. Where to get started
  2. How to start thinking about answering questions based on what people actually need

In part 2, John goes through the process of wireframing a homepage using his tried and true methods. Along with that example, John shows the different sections someone could use as a starting point for any website framework they would like to build. 

This episode is for you if you have started to wireframe your website page and are having trouble moving forward with the different sections on the page. 


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What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

Hey, what's up everybody. In this episode, we are going through wire frames, part two. So a couple episodes go, we walk through wire frames, part one. We talked about how to get things going, how to get things started, how to start thinking about answering questions in the right way based off of what people actually need. And so in this episode, we are going through an actual homepage wire frame, as an example, and showing you the different sections that you could use as a starting point for any framework that you wanna start building for your own website. My name is John Aikin. I am the CEO of Web Canopy Studio, and I did get new glasses. Thank you for noticing this is the website conversion show.
I wanna give a high level overview of how some of those frameworks might play out when you're building a homepage. So the wire frame playbook inside of, of what we're doing. I go through these sections of the homepage. This is an, an example of a homepage. You don't have to do it this way, but I can tell you if you followed this, when you're going through a homepage, you're gonna have an amazing, amazing page that converts very well. Or does the takes, has the user take an action at a very high rate if you have the right people and you're saying the right things following this framework. And so what does that look like? Well, you'll start to see how I'm playing into pain agitate solution. You'll start seeing how I'm providing proof and we're doing all these different things that I had just mentioned on some of these frameworks.
Okay. So to start, we have, at the very top, we have a header, right? Again, we have two seconds, two seconds to capture the attention. So you could play with hook story offer. You could play with a lot of different pieces of that. However, we're putting together this and saying, we have a punchy statement, a short description, and a call to action hook story offer, right? That is literally the header of the, of the website. That's what we're trying to aim for. And then you'll see all these green boxes on this that we put together here. These green boxes represent value proposition and a diagram. The value propositions are literally taking a, a sales statement and it's saying, Hey, this is a way to solve a problem. And here's a diagram to show you how that works. Diagram images. They sell considerably better than just statements.
So can we visually tell a story of what that looks like? Then we have testimonials you'll see that those are listed here in these yellow boxes and the testimonials are intended to be not one big slider of testimonial. I think that's a, a very incorrect way to treat a social proof. Do not include a slider. I mean, yes, we have a lot of modules that do that. If you want to. It's fine. I would recommend having an individual section though, as your primary focal point for your testimonial. Just one at a time. Now, maybe you, this testimonial has three across the top. Like the example that you'll see when you, you look into the wire frame playbooks, however, it's a testimonial section, all right. And it's not going to be the only, there's several there's five. I think on this example, then we go through problem statements.
You have these problems, solution statement, here's a solution to those problems. Then we go through a how it works diagram. So if I'm gonna talk about a product or a system or a service, I'm gonna give an extremely high level overview of the four steps of how that actually works in a diagram, again, another value proposition, another testimonial, another value proposition, and an authority statement around the awards or the recognition. So we're giving proof we're backing up what it is that we are saying. Then I'm gonna go back to another value proposition, and then I'm gonna talk about what they tried and why it didn't work. So I'm invalidating, okay. I'm invalidating what other people have done or where they probably are right now, cuz essentially I am saying the value propositions are like individual features of a product. Okay. It's like we might have 10 features of, of this software and I'm gonna make a value proposition, an individual one for each of those features, needs, features, benefits, things like that.
And I might have a diagram if I can, cuz again, visuals are gonna sell that a lot more than just statements of what that does and it could just be icons. It could just be a visual rep representation. That way could be a screenshot of the product. So those value propositions are going to help me considerably more. And then I'm going to also provide, I, I showed you we had awards previously. Okay. And then we had testimonials. So social proof and then I'm going to show them what they tried. You probably are doing this or you've tried this in the past and here's why that sucks. Here's why that didn't work. I'm gonna throw stones at that and burn those bridges of our competitors. I'm gonna provide another solution statement for why this is a great solution for you. There's probably a CTA inside of there.
We're gonna provide client logos, a list of banner of all the different notable logos notice. That's not at the very top. I think that's kind of played out a little bit. We're seeing less and less. That that is a super important thing at the top of the page. However, if it's all going down through all of these micro yeses that people are making, if you will, you could easily say, oh and by the way, if we've worked with brands, just like NBC, Coca-Cola all these, you know, big name products and so on, then steps to get started. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3, you just go through boom, boom, boom. Put your email in, sign up for a thing. And then boom, you're ready to go again. Testimonials another value proposition, a hard CTA, which is like straight up calling them out. You need to do this now because your life's at stake, boom, book a call another testimonial.
Then we offer a lead magnet. If they haven't booked a demo, they could get the five step checklist for why they need to do X, Y, Z, or how to do that. Then we have the final footer CTA, which should be on all pages. It's like the bottom footer of the website and then the actual footer. All right, everybody. So that about sums it up for our big section around wire frames on the podcast. This, again, just a quick takeaway from, from this episode, this is a framework, right? It's a starting point. It is not an by law thing that you have to follow. This is not how we make even every one of our client websites follow this exact process because everything is different. So my recommendation to you is, think about the sections and the answers that you have to have and how those sections can play into the content that you're putting on site.
Think about that and, and where specifically your website might fall within. Okay. How, how aware is my audience? How, how much pressure is my competition putting on this kind of content as well and use that as a source to try and evaluate what kind of information that you need to have in order to answer those right kind of questions. So again, this is a framework, this is a guide, use it as a resource. You don't have to use this as the tried and true. This has to be my, my method for websites. So that is it. That is all we have for today. If you have not done so yet, please go to web canopy, and take the website conversion assessment. You're gonna get about 30 questions. It's gonna ask you some really great questions about where you feel you stand on your website and based off of the information that you provide, you will be given a personalized, customized report of things that you should do to fix that and to make things perform better on your website. I think that's it again, my name is John Aikin. I'm the CEO of web canopy studio. And this was the website conversion show. We'll see you guys. Bye.