Material Retail Dumps

Our stakeholders recently asked us - Why? Why are you starting a podcast? How will it help anyone? Oh boy were we ready for that question! Listen now and you'll learn why we launched the Podcast and what you can expect from listening.

Show Notes

Material Retail Dumps is a short-form podcast with brief but valuable content for independent retailers selling clothing, home goods, stationary and more. As business owners we don't have time for a 30-minute lesson with a ton of banter, that's why we created our podcast. We get straight to the meat of the topic and aim to give you actionable information that will help you optimize your retail operations and make more money every day. 

What is Material Retail Dumps?

Material Retail Dumps is a short-form podcast with brief but valuable content for independent retailers selling clothing, home goods, stationary and more. As business owners we don't have time for a 30-minute lesson with a ton of banter, that's why we created our podcast. We get straight to the meat of the topic and aim to give you actionable information that will help you optimize your retail operations and make more money every day.

Material Retail Dumps. What and why!

We’ve recorded 10 episodes as of now, this will be number 11 and the feedback has been amazing so far, for that, I’d like to thank our listeners, readers, and guests. We are looking forward to our next milestone of 25 episodes and from there 100 episodes.

Material Retail Dumps is a short-form podcast with brief but valuable content for independent retailers selling clothing, home goods, stationary and more. As business owners we don't have time for a 30-minute lesson with a ton of banter, that's why we created our podcast. We get straight to the meat of the topic and aim to give you actionable information that will help you optimize your retail operations and make more money every day.


Our stakeholders recently asked us - Why? Why are you starting a podcast? How will it help anyone? Oh boy were we ready for that question!

We talk to hundreds of owners on a regular basis and it’s clear that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some owners are expert buyers and always have the best selections in store. Others are social butterflies and can create communities around their businesses. Other owners are aggressive entrepreneurs who are expert operators, squeezing every last bit of profit out of a business. One thing was clear, there is no “secret sauce” to running a successful store. You can be an organized type A personality or a disorganized creative, and have the same odds at success.

When creating Material Retail Dumps - we asked ourselves the same question we ask ourselves when building our software tools. It’s the core to everything we do at Material, it’s the first question that gets asked an answered. What can we do to help increase the odds that our retailers succeed? How can we help a retailer make more money by doing more sales, saving time, or saving money?

We wanted to create a place for people to come and pick up a quick bit of knowledge on a topic they may not have thought about in a few months or years, so we started Material Retail Dumps.

That’s the basis for Material Retail dumps. Short form education for independent retailers with no strings attached. Noone will try to sell you something, no ads, no plugs, no paying to play, no secret member only clubs and events. Just come listen, learn, and apply some practices to your business in your own way.

When listening to Retail Dumps you’ll hear from our employees, other store owners, and industry experts. Each will bring their own opinion and view of the industry and they are coming to share knowledge.

In one episode you may hear a CEO of a marketing agency who will save you money and headache when it comes to trying paid ads. In another you might hear from a Material Retail employee who connects the dots from 12 different boutique owners operating with a successful strategy and packages it into a 5 minute actionable episode. Lastly, and definitely our favorite by far, you’ll hear from other owners.

We believe most retailers are non-competitive and can benefit greatly from becoming smarter together. Just imagine how much you can learn and apply to your business if you could converse with other independent retailers on a regular basis. I know I’ve been at a trade show, had a 2 minute conversation with another owner and left the conversation thinking, wow that’s actually going to help me in my business.

Are you a creative genius with a strong personality and struggle hiring and retaining employees ? Listen to our series on employees and you’ll be able to level up your hiring game. Allowing you to lean harder on your strengths.

For a business looking to grow and increase sales, We feel that it is not okay to keep doing business as usual, you have to always look for new strategies and tools to improve. This became really clear during COVID, the businesses that have been selling online since 2015 were ready, while others who were slower to adopt new technology needed to figure it out at that moment. To help, we will continue to ask and answer the tough questions with a broad range of topics. Our main focus will be, customer engagement, employee engagement, and operational excellence.

As owners if we can have motivated employees, excited customers, and operate a strong effeincelty, what can stop us? Likely nothing, Pandemic? Inflation? Recession, we’ll be ready to tackle any challenge that gets thrown at us.