The Man Warrior King Podcast

Do you feel like your prayers rarely or never get answered? Have you ever felt frustrated by that? Confused? Like God doesn't seem to act as alive as he says he is? The truth is, there's an epidemic of answer-less prayers going up from the men in the church today. It may very well be that we've forgotten how to pray in REAL faith. And we don't pray in the way that Jesus told us to. If you want to live like a warrior then you need to know how to do battle with prayer. You need to know what your commander has told you to do. And you need to stop praying according to the old religious mindset.

Believe, and speak to your mountain.

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If you haven't yet, be sure to grab The DNA of a Man.

Visit the Man Warrior King store for additional resources and trainings:
  • Man:Conqueror - Your guide to building confidence, the kingdom way.
  • Husband:Rebuilt - How to stop pushing your wife away and start attracting her again.
  • Take Back Your Marriage - Overthrow the myths that the church has accidentally passed on to us men that have kept us spinning our wheels in building a fiery, passionate, fulfilling marriage.

Creators & Guests

Matt Hallock
Founder of Man Warrior King and author of The DNA of a Man

What is The Man Warrior King Podcast?

You want to live a life on fire and on mission.

You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks.

You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work.

You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you.

You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost.

You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve.

You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you.

You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep…I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.”

...And you want to know just how to get there.

Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable.

You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.

Matt Hallock:

You wanna live a life on fire and on mission. You wanna be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what anyone thinks. You wanna face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment with your wife, with your kids, on the street, at work. You wanna bring yourself to the table and to stop bringing the watered down, nice, what everyone wants version of you. You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter what it costs you.

Matt Hallock:

You wanna love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve. You want a husband well. You want a father well. You wanna shepherd your life well. You wanna be a safe pillar for anybody around you.

Matt Hallock:

You wanna experience God for real to not just believe, but to know that he's got you and that he'll show up on your behalf, that he'll show up through you. You wanna get to the end of your race and say, yep, I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I'm all in. And you wanna know just how to get there. Welcome to Man Warrior King.

Matt Hallock:

I'm your host, Matt Howlett. Congratulations. You're among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You're among the chosen answering the call to rise above yourself. You're in the forge being stripped down and strengthened, and you will rise stronger, solid, unshakable.

Matt Hallock:

You are a man. You're a warrior. You are a king. Good morning, and welcome to another episode of the Man Warrior King podcast. I'm your host, Matt Halleck.

Matt Hallock:

I am the founder of the Man Warrior King movement and the author of the book, The DNA of a Man, and the leader of the men's group coaching, the ranks of a duel. It's good to have you with me this morning. And this morning, I wanna I wanna talk to you about the mountain in your life. Last couple of weeks, been recording a couple episodes on the DNA of a warrior, and this this is gonna fall under that category as well. We as Christians, obviously, part of part of a central part of our life as a Christian is prayer.

Matt Hallock:

And I believe that in many ways, we we normally get prayer right, and in many ways, we often get prayer wrong. So if you find yourself right now in a position in life where you've got some things that are that are coming at you, that feel difficult to deal with, that are things that you want to see change, I have a question for you, which is how is it that you're praying about these things? I think there's an epidemic, actually. It's a pretty pretty it's a pretty significant epidemic that is not good, and it's it's an epidemic of non answered prayer. And if we were all in a room right now and I asked you to raise your hands if if you feel like usually your significant prayers for things to change don't get answered.

Matt Hallock:

I would I would guess that the majority of the room would have your hand raised. And this is not as it should be. A lack of answered prayer is not something that we should make our peace with and come up with with some good reasons as to why it's not getting answered and then just, you know, say, oh, well, and move on and try to deal. That is not okay. It's not okay with me, and I don't believe it's okay with Jesus.

Matt Hallock:

I believe it's passive, and I believe that it is a giving up and a giving over of your right, your inheritance, and and in essence, really, your duty as a kingdom man. According to scripture, all of your prayers should be getting answered for the most part. Unless you hear specifically from God a very clear no, Your prayers should be getting answered, and that's a very, very big statement. Really? All my prayers should be getting answered, every single one of them.

Matt Hallock:

I don't know, man. You tell me. You tell me. I can think of at least I can think right now, I have 3 specific verses in my head that say that all of your prayers will get answered. You have Mark 11.

Matt Hallock:

You have John 15, and you have I think it's in one of the other John epistles, like 1st, 2nd, or 3rd John. Mark 11, Jesus says, whatever you ask, believe that you have already received it, and it'll be done for you. He says whatever you ask, if you believe and you don't doubt in your heart. John 15 says that if if you abide in me and my words abide in in you, then you'll ask whatever you wish, and my father in heaven will give it to you. And then I believe, again, it's in one of the Johns where where he says if we if we pray to him, we know that he hears us.

Matt Hallock:

And if he hears us, then we know that we have the things that we have asked of him. Those things are not qualified. They they don't have any qualifiers in those verses. It's whatever you ask, Whatever you wish. This is the those things are huge, and we we don't live in awe of just those three verses.

Matt Hallock:

I believe if you want your life to change, you could spend all of your time meditating on those three verses. That would be a good use of your time because there is so much there that most of us do not experience, and we don't really even try to. We inject qualifiers into those verses. Well but that's, you know, as long as you're praying, according to God's will. Yeah.

Matt Hallock:

Okay. May yeah. Maybe. Sure. I don't see that in the verse, though.

Matt Hallock:

And then, obviously, I'm not saying to go out and start praying for all the sin that you can get into your life. Of course not. I think assuming you're a man of God who wants good things in your life and who wants his heart. Yeah. And you're not perfect.

Matt Hallock:

But it seems to me like if if that describes you, then these verses are yours. You also have Psalm 37:4 that says, if you delight yourself in the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart. It doesn't mean that it doesn't say that he will give you the desires of God's heart. And I still hear qualifiers arising in your mind, and I would just like to ask you for a moment to silence them for a second and to be a little kid with this and to hear your dad telling you, hey. Whatever you ask for, I'll do it for you.

Matt Hallock:

What do you want? But but do you have an understanding of God as a dad, as that kind of dad who's like, hey, son. Every day is your birthday. What do you want today? I'll do it for you.

Matt Hallock:

I know it sounds ridiculous, but the verses in the Bible are sometimes really ridiculous. So why do we try to tame them and make them fit into our humdrum lives instead of let them be fierce and ferocious and unleashed and rise to the level of scripture so that we become fierce and ferocious and unleashed. You should be seeing answers to your prayers. And I'm not saying that you will that that it that you should, a 100% of the time, see the answer that very same day. It doesn't always happen.

Matt Hallock:

But what scripture does say is that you need to believe that the moment you asked, it became yours. That's faith. Faith says this is a done deal. It's mine even when you don't see it yet. So on the one hand, you may not see the answers right away, but on the other hand, your prayer got answered right away.

Matt Hallock:

All the promises of God are yes and amen, and so be it in Jesus. They're not yes and amen in your qualification. And if you if you earned it, if you've been clean enough, if you have been maturing enough, if you've been, going through the the correct steps for growth and for success and pro productivity and prosperity, then you get a yes. No. It's in Jesus and his righteousness.

Matt Hallock:

You get a yes and you get a so be it. All the promises of God. And I would I would offer to you that the promises of God are way more far reaching in your current life than you might realize. That he has promises for pretty much every single area of your life. You wanna be a man with more influence?

Matt Hallock:

You have a promise for that. You wanna have a thriving, sexy, passionate marriage? You've got promises for that. You want to stop living from paycheck to paycheck, you've got promises for that. You wanna be free of the addiction.

Matt Hallock:

You wanna be free of the inner struggle. You wanna be free of the emotions on the inside that just don't let go of you. You have promises for that. You want to be healthy and not sick. You have promises for that.

Matt Hallock:

And it says every one of the promises of God is yes and amen in Jesus because of Jesus. So with all of that foundation, I wanna talk to you about the mountain. And I wanna ask you, how do you pray about the mountains in your life that don't wanna move? A lot of guys stay in a questioning and polite posture when praying about situations that they would love to see change in their life. God, would you please heal my wife's body?

Matt Hallock:

If it's your will, would you please heal her. But if but if you don't, god, then would you please just would you please comfort her and comfort me and and help us to get through this? I'm sorry, but I'm gonna just call it, man. That that kind of praying, it doesn't do anything. That kind of praying won't see answers.

Matt Hallock:

That kind of praying doesn't have any balls. It doesn't. And in both Mark chapter 11, and I believe it's Matthew chapter 17, Jesus says, say to the mountain, Be uprooted and cast into the sea, and it'll go. See that the kind of praying that I just that I just modeled for you, the bad kind of praying of the ballast kind of praying. It is not obeying Jesus, actually.

Matt Hallock:

It's disobedient, And it's not from faith. And it says that anything not from faith is sin. So so think about this. Is the prayer that you are engaging in sinful because you're not praying with faith. I mean, let that sink in.

Matt Hallock:

I know that's harsh, but I'm just I'm just trying to take what his word says at face value. Could it be that your prayers aren't getting answered because they are sinful? And not because you're asking for sinful things, but because the manner in which you are praying for good things is sinful because there's no faith present. And it's disobedient. See, Jesus said, not ask me to move the mountain for you.

Matt Hallock:

Not ask me politely. Be very polite about it. Make sure that I really, really know that you only want it if it's my will. No. He didn't say any of that.

Matt Hallock:

He just said, speak to it. You talk directly to the issue. Talk directly to the problem, and you tell it what it's gonna do. You command it to go. You command it out.

Matt Hallock:

And it's a whole different kind of praying. And it requires something of you to rise up on the inside and something that might have been laying with cobwebs for a long time. It requires this thing in you that says, wait. I am a son of the most high God. Wait.

Matt Hallock:

I am a king in the earth, and this thing does not fit under my dominion. And it definitely doesn't fit under the rulership of Jesus. And so as his ambassador, as his regent, I am going to decree that this thing is no longer welcome. And when I decree it, I have it. And if I don't see it change right away, then I don't quit, And I don't automatically give up at first at the first time that I don't see success.

Matt Hallock:

Nobody in the earth succeeds if they always quit after round 1, not a single person. So why do we Christians quit after round 1 of praying? Come on. We can do better than this. We can do way better.

Matt Hallock:

He says, don't grow weary in doing good because in due time, you're gonna get a harvest. And imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. You gotta change how you pray. Man, if you want support in that, you better join us in the ranks of a duel because we are learning this and working at it and growing in it. Don't forget to leave a review on the podcast wherever you listen.

Matt Hallock:

Spotify, Apple, Amazon now. And, hey, if you've read the DNA of a Man, wherever you bought it, if you bought it directly from from me or you bought it on Amazon, would you mind going to Amazon and leaving a review? That would be so incredible, so helpful. For the last couple of years, I will I will admit this movement has slowed, and it's not for any reason other than other than my own my own it's my own responsibility. But it it's not gonna stay slow for very much longer.

Matt Hallock:

We're doing this thing, and I really want men to get their hands on the book and the books that are coming. My wife and I are working on another one right now for marriage, and it's different than any marriage book you've ever read. I guarantee you. At least it's different than any Christian marriage book you've ever read. This is happening, gentlemen.

Matt Hallock:

So please go to Amazon. Leave a review for the DNA of a man. Leave a review for the podcast. Come check out the ranks of a duel. You can contact me directly through the website if you are interested in that.

Matt Hallock:

Man warrior Bless you, gentlemen. Love you. This is Matt Halleck signing off and thanking you again for being a part of the Man Warrior King community. If you want more, head over to man warrior, and please remember to take just a couple seconds to subscribe on Itunes and to leave a 5 star rating and a review so that more and more men can join us as we become awesome.

Matt Hallock:

You are a kingdom man. Go out, take more ground, push back darkness. Remember, you bring value into your home, your work, and your circle. You are not a taker. You are a giver.

Matt Hallock:

Abundance is your atmosphere.