The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast

In the upcoming episode of The Keeper League Podcast, get ready to dive deep into all the action from Round 8 of the AFL Fantasy season. Join your host Heff as he teams up with special guest Jordan D'Sena to break down the crucial fantasy performances from each game. Whether you're managing your lineup in a draft or keeper league, Heff and Jordan provide analysis and valuable insights into standout players and hidden gems. Tune in to gain a competitive edge and make informed decisions for your fantasy team. This episode is your essential guide for navigating the complexities of AFL Fantasy as the season progresses.

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Creators & Guests

Ryan 'Heff' Gerlach
Co-founder and host of The Keeper League Podcast

What is The Keeper League - AFL Fantasy Podcast?

An AFL Fantasy Podcast that doesn't focus on the superstars. We look at the up-and-comers and the lesser-known players to help you win your draft and keeper leagues.


G'day listeners and welcome back to another episode of the Keeper League podcast.

With the AFL Fantasy podcast that doesn't talk about the surf stars.

When they talk about the list of knowns and the players who will bring value to your draft and Keeper League teams,

my name is Heff and tonight welcoming back to the show Jordy De Senna how I met.

Good thanks for having me back here. It's been, yeah, seen you quite a few times between Paul's.

It's been, right?

Yeah, been hanging out a bit, been coming to your gigs.

Yeah, thanks for that.

No, no, no.

Last time we hung out was, we walked to the showdown from your work on Thursday night.

Yeah, great night.

Yeah, I know, and that's the first game as well to go into, so very, very frustrating game.

Yeah, very, very lackluster game as well, like just annoying.

And we went up at any point for Paul game, so it was just so, yeah, just so down.

We'll talk about it in more depth in terms of fantasy players soon, but like it was probably like,

it's the first time I've gone to showdown lost and just gone.

No, well, like, not actually like, yeah, for you purely because like over the weekend,

I've had about five people that are like notorious, like Ken Hinkley lovers come up to me and go,

you know what, I think you're right, Heff.

I think he needs to go.

I just felt so good about it.

I felt so good about it a week, but likely apparently Bebo is going to get the sack before him,

which is bullshit, but anyway.

I saw today that he's fine, like, Bebo has to make finals or something.

Yeah, right.

Automate him.

Automate him, so I don't know, like that's pretty much to me riding on the wall for a coach right there.

Like, what's the point of even keeping him now?

Yeah, like it's over, like a second now.

And just giving assistant a chance to prove himself, there's no point.

Don't you agree?

I know, obviously, all those fantasy players get him back in the team.

Definitely need those fantasy players back in there.

All right, we'll, I guess, duck in the show in a second,

but thanks to Game Day Squad, we spin the wheel every Monday night and see if we can win some lucky listeners a pack.

I think it's a common pack, but the best pack you can get for the classic competition.

So anyway, list of names is loaded up.

Let's spin it right now.

And spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.

Congratulations to...

Oh, the Dependable Barriers.

So, for me, no.

Not sure if that's come up yet or any.

I don't think it's come up on this competition, but I've seen it before.

Yeah, I think, I think I've seen a Twitter account on that, so...

Yeah, maybe it's the same one.

Yeah, well, congratulations to the Dependable Barriers.

Getting contact me with me on any of the socials or via the email.

Address and confirm your details, and then I'll send you the pack.

Quite a appropriate name because we did see Dependable Barriers, what, 10,000, the Spinal...

That was a week before, wasn't it?


But we saw Todd Goldstein's 10,000 hit out on the weekend.

So that was pretty exciting.

Okay, it was in a bit of form as well, I don't know.

Absolutely. We'll talk about Dependable Barrier actually.

I think I've got him in the show, Doc, so we won't see when we get to that one.

But anyway, yeah, if you want into that, there's a link in the description below.

Likewise, as I link to our membership content there, if you wanted to support the podcast as well,

it's getting to a pretty slow part of the year.

Members are dropping off, like people that just don't renew or whatever, which is fine.

But if you do listen and you do want to support the show and keep it going in the future,

please click that link and consider signing up, supporting the show and keeping it going into the future.

All right, well, we've already had a bitch about the showdown.

We may as well just get stuck into the games, don't you think?

Yeah, all right.

The showdown. First player I want to talk about is Darcy Foggy.

He scored 92 points. I guess my question is, could this be the resurgence?

He's been disappointing all year, and I think he needed to show something in this game.

I picked him up, actually, as a streamer option.

I would have picked him up in the draft anyway, but when I was at the Shabie drafts, Scott, who was there,

said it would just point it out, Croes have a lot of Thursday and Friday night games,

and we played Saturday lockouts. I was like, pick up Fog just as a streamer,

because he'll kick a bag every day on the front of the night and put up good scores.

This is the first time he's done it, and I forgot to set my emergency,

because we're at the pub before the game.

So, anyways, what do you thought? Could this be the resurgence?

I think maybe. Yeah, I just want to say just a little bit more from him,

like, I was looking at his scores today, and like a couple weeks ago, he put up a 19,

and even against North, last week, he put up a 60, so I think, yeah, good streamer option

if he does have that early game. But yeah, I just want to see a little bit more.

So, hopefully this is that resurgence, because obviously, is he fifth year now maybe?

Could be even more than that, maybe. Yeah, I think, obviously,

I think he's going to be a gun in the future, and obviously, text is there.

Does he need text to retire? That's the question everyone's asked.

Yeah, so, once text goes here, it's supposed to be the gun.

Yeah, I don't know. I probably wouldn't have confidence putting him on field, and, yeah, I mean, streamers as well.

Like, there could be another Juicy matchup, so I probably just want to see a little bit more.

Yeah, I think he's a perfect, like, like, loophole streamer, kind of option at the moment.

But if he does start kicking a few bags and get a bit of confidence out of the game,

someone we could consider. All right, so Josh Warhol, like, someone I just reluctant,

like, sometimes when I do the show, Doc, it's just, like, it's quite a good score.

I could tip the cap, or I could just speed the shot, but I'm not mentioning him,

because, like, he's not relevant. And Josh Warhol was kind of like, oh, he first came to the side,

but he's kind of done what our boy, Mark Kane, did a few weeks ago where he had back to back good scores.

So, 88 points this week. I think he had a similar score last week, he gets north Melbourne.

I think that's probably the operative there, but players are key to Fenty Roll, or a taller,

it's almost like a third to it. Now, is the kind of the second key, isn't he?

But they've got a lot of taller players back there. And I've brought a bat scene as well.

Yeah, so he was probably playing that third tall role, but he was playing more of the key role last week.

But yeah, putting out his good numbers, but, like I said, we'll keep coming back to Mark Kane.

That guy had back to back 90s. Everyone was jumping on it, and I think he's put up a good score, so...

Yeah, I think he's gone for these 50s.

I mean, Warhol does play a different kind of footy in your brain.

Yeah, and I was actually looking at scores, and he's only actually had one score under 70 for the year.

That's pretty good.

Warhol? So, he's actually stayed between that 70 and 88, well, for seven games.

Okay, maybe not...

I guess there's a bit of more confidence to, like, you know, if you don't have seven games,

but I would almost... If you've got injuries and stuff, you could even potentially feel them deep.

Oh, maybe I should have spoken about it before this.

I did not realise that.

It's funny how you...

Yeah, I was like, yeah, he just had one bad one against Carlson with a 47, but...

Yeah, but that's pretty tough for one player.

That's pretty tough for one player.

Yeah, maybe he's one to consider then, pardon me.

I think about Josh Roll, if you need a D5 type of thing.

So, Lucky Show came back into the side a few weeks ago.

He's had back-to-back good scores playing on that wing. Again, forgot to set my shavé line up,

so he was on the bench with no emergency on him again.

I could have probably won my game this week if I'd actually set my emergency properly,

but whatever.

Thoughts on Show, Wings, not a favourable role, but he has been a kind of...

He has looked like a fantasy player in the past.

Yeah, and, like, he got 100 last week as well.


So, and let's switch full game time.

Obviously, there's a bit of sub-games at the start.

So, you know, it gives you confidence.

I think if you can stream him with those Thursday Fridays, that would be ideal.

But, again, injury-wise, like, he's probably proven if you really do need him to put him at a M7.


For the time being.

Obviously, yeah, wing up and down, but 186 in the last two, that's pretty convincing for me to give me confidence if I need to play him.

For context, I'm top four in my league, and I am playing Xavier Dersmart as my M7.

And, like, my team's one of the better ones, you know what I mean?


So, like, players like him are handy to have in that rock, because when you plan a 12-team league, especially the mids bat, so deep, that you need, you're going to be fielding guys at this.

So, yeah, it's not the worst option.

Max Michael only, I think, is still a tip of the cap with his 84 points, because he's a defender first and foremost.

But, he is the type of player that can attack the footies.

So, like, in the future, I don't think would be like out of the realms of possibility that he could be a good scorer.

I just think his importance to the crows as a defender first is too important for them right now, given they just got, I say a lack of options, but they made our forward line look like a piece of shit, so, I don't know.

I agree, I think, just to be cap, I second you player, but yeah, definitely you want to watch the years of it.

Yeah, definitely.

Moving on to some port players now, Miles Bergman had 102 points.

His lower score, so I used to go three 80 plus scores and roll your 2GIR for the podcast. He had, I think it was like an 80, 79, 80, 100 or something like that.

So, like, over the four weeks, his lower score is 79, and he's listed as a defender.

He's going to be in mid-only next year, because he plays on that wing, but I think we have to make him 2GIR for the podcast now.

He's picked up in 2M2 leagues.

That's good.

Maybe because I've, yeah, I picked him up years ago and thinking, hoping for this, so it's great to see him doing the 80 plus average, especially as a defender for this year.

I've jumped on a lot of these guys at the right time, like, just as they're hitting that 80 plus mark this year.

I think, I thought my team was a bit down and out, but because I think I've picked up a few of these guys, just hit up the right turn.


Yeah, it's going to be going, okay.

Yeah, definitely.

Jordan Sweetsie, the other one, so 88 points, he's going to be a handy own when sawed out.

That's like a given, right?

Because he's what he's had 100 plus score, and I think he went huge in Super Coach as well, and then 70 in Super Coach in 80 this week in fantasy or something like that.

I think it was, but yeah, I don't know.

I think he could be more than just the solo replacement.

I think he could prove himself as a number one rock.

I had my doubts last week, he gains, who was it against?

I can't remember.

Was it the MCG?

Oh, it was against Colin, wouldn't we play two of them?

Two of them?


Just two, three, three, four, yeah.

I had my doubts in that game, because he didn't look great, but again, first game blues or whatever.


Then he's coming in and look like a pretty solid number one rock.

What are your thoughts?

I agree with you.

And also, like 88 points, Rob is actually really restricted rock as well.

So, yeah, I agree.

I think he could push that number one, spot 100%, and be unreal, if Solo could sneak forward status or something, and then they could sort of...

I think if Solo comes back on the side, they're both ruined in fantasy though.


Like everything even matters at that point.


The only way, like, if Solo sneaks for status, then sweet goes out, maybe.

That'd be good, yeah.

Just don't say happening.

Like, I see sweet as a two-good option.

He's massive.

I think you're most likely to see them playing TAN in which we'll kill them later on.

I think there's probably more of a likely option, but hopefully you have a new coach by then.

I won't matter.

Carl Navus is calling on to a Friday night cracker.

I probably should tell my super coach story for this one.

Yeah, I know.

I've got a complaint from one person.

My NK is always complained as well.

We talk too much about the classic format on this, but it's mainly just a player comes up who's relevant in all three formats.

You just kind of bring it up.

But my super coach VC, I was forced into vice-captaining day course because I had no other loop option.

He was the only person that played before.

So, lucked out with a 150 from a captain, vice-captain in this game.

That's all I wanted to mention.

And I got the message.


That's what made this game.

I feel like it should have been more because that goal was in saying.

I was watching the scores and for those who don't follow Supercouch's going, I don't actually know how it works.

And I think Jaden Pappowski was complaining yet again.


That's what they're not knowing how they work.

And I do want to bring, like, the reason why I'm talking more about Supercouch, just for everyone listening, is that, like,

I want to do more Supercouch content because there is more Supercouch.

There are Supercouch keyplates out there.

And I want to know more about the game.

To actually, like, I just stand for those people that play those kind of leagues.

So that's why I'm talking about He's more a bit dumb.

Yeah, like, I watched the scores and Dekos got 17 points for that last goal.

And I was like, I don't know, I feel like that should be more.

Yeah, I'm not understanding how like it works.

Because you were winning the game.


I don't hear, I'd heard, like, every time before, like, if you win the game, we'll keep the match winner.

You just get a huge boost to scoring.


I was expecting, like, 100 plus or something like that, like a huge boost.

Or you know, like, last year, he's 17.

When Houston keep that goal, he has the siren.


He scored, like, boost it up massively.

And I thought that was going to be Dekos.

Yeah, I thought the same thing was a bit disappointing.

And 150, it could be good if it was 170, VCR.

I was a bit disappointed with just the 17 point at on the end of the game.

I think it might have actually gone up to 21 after that, but I still don't know.

We still don't feel like enough.


Anyway, Mike Pitnet, 73 points, just a handy backup rock option.

But do you just get the feeling that he could be dropped in Tongue Dekoning?

I do.

What do you think Tongue Dekoning just is working too well on the four line?

I don't know.

I feel like my pitriot is like a really high-level.

Like a really highly rated Rucket Couton.

They love him as a heat-swit, hit-out-to-advain-a-type guy.

I just can't trust it.


I mean, it's good that there's these rucks available that are putting our options, and you can just sort of pick one up

that you need if you've got injuries and stuff, but I don't know.

I just, like, Dekoning was actually killing it when Pitnet was in there.

I think it's just more like to know.

It's that extra forward option.

I think they feel like they're more dangerous with three.

But the fact is, since they've been running with it, they've lost two games doing it.

So, I don't know.

Like, they have, well, no, one was against the Crowe.

I guess, calling what a quality opposition.

Have they lost three games?

I've also stood along as well.

They've lost three.


They've lost three games in the time since they've been running with two rucks.

Three out of four, I don't know if that's the catalyst, but it's something.

There's been a bit of talk about it.


The two rucks set up, so...


I don't know.

Like, good that he's put up with points just hard to know if he's going to be in the side, I think.

Well, if Pinnett does come out, they probably could play an extra midfielder in Matt Kennedy,

but it's one of the pat ourselves on the back for that one.

Because I think we mentioned that as soon as Cheri comes back, like, what happens?

And I was like, "My God, feels he goes back forward, but he got subbed straight away."

So, yeah, he's been Mr. Fixett for a few weeks and then, yeah,

as soon as they're, like, they're kind of fully fit in the midfielder and they've got to fully fit defense.

Here you get subbed out.

I guess, 100 points last week he got.

I'm in the forward.

I know he's subbed.

Like, I just, yeah, I thought I'd put that in there because Pinnett did a talk last week,

even in classic everywhere, keepers.

Yeah, well, I know they do have a few defenders to come back, but like,

Zach Williams got injured again and he's been playing a half-back role as well.

So, just watch the sale of half-ó ¡®d then, yeah.

Maybe he's a Mr. Fixett, so Garnie goes back.

Well, he's done, he did the back role a couple weeks in a row, like, when people got injured, like, for half a game type thing.

So, I just don't think they would ever intentionally start him there.

It's more like, "Oh, someone's injured, we're a man down, you go play there."

We'll see how it happens.

Scott Pettabrie, we did talk about him before when the Dependent Breeze came up.

I just think he's a person, like, a person that you can get really cheap to get you, like,

he got, "No, no, I'm points this week and I'll wait for that every week."

But, pretty much guaranteed an 80-plus most weeks, and like, he's gonna retire in the next year or so.

If the person he owns him, I know the person he owns him in our league is top of the league, so I won't be able to get him.


But if he was on the bottom, like, owned by the bottom of the ladder or someone in the bottom for whatever,

he's just someone you could off-up, like, off-right, like, you might have been able to off-up someone like,

"I'm just trying to think of my team who I could actually give."

Like, I could off-right, someone like Massimo Danbroseo or like...

Someone that's sort of young- -Yeah, maybe even like, like, Jyke Clark, who's touted to be, you know, he sucks at the moment,

but he's touted to be like a future gun.

You might be able to just get that knowing, like, knowing that they're going to retire in the next few years,

and they'll get something back at least, type of thing.

And, yeah, you might miss out on those kids, but like, if you're contending, you don't really care

because you're trying to get the flag now.

So, yeah, just an idea.

I could not think of any other better options.

I always just make it back to my team.

So, my leaguemate's going to be thinking there's going to be a trade coming for him or something,

but that's not what I meant.

He's just so good.

Jack, Chris, just interesting to note, he had 93 points, so he had a big CBA bump,

but DeGoe and Mitchell were out.

Mitchell's going to miss again, because he had a pen of silence, I saw that.

I saw that on his full Magnets Instagram, so, I mean, I don't know how long that's going to be.

They reckon definitely this week, maybe next week is more.

Yeah, so...

And I think DeGoe is going to be another week, as well as a groin.

So, watch that, Chris.

Chris has been penalty-free.


And DeGoe, so that's probably the main three.

Yeah, because DeGoe's a lot bigger.

Yeah, a lot bigger.

Yeah, bump as well.

All right, John Noble, the next one, anyone points.

If he's still floating all the way, but I did the way of Wipe-Hod today,

random numbers, and I think he...

I don't think he was under the 40% threshold anymore, so he's been picked up enough leagues.

But yeah, he was scored like that every two weeks.

For like, he's proven his point now in the side.

100%, he's not going out again.

Any other players from that game?

Yeah, so I just saw a mention Lucky Sullivan, so he obviously was the sub,

but he came on and got 57 points, 43% game time, so good points per minute.

And obviously the whole preseason was about Finn McCray being that sort of that next man in.

And looks up with DeGoe and Titch out.

Sullivan might be the next man in ahead of McCray, so...

Yeah, I think he's probably going to be there again this week.

And yeah, if you can get a full game, maybe he could push out at 80.

I'm not sure, but...

He did get 30% of the CBAs in 43% game time, so that's a really good sign.

If he's going to be playing that midfield, because yeah, if they're needing extra players to go in there,

he could play West Coast this week as well.

So if you're really struggling for midfielders, it would be great if you could stream,

but obviously it's on a Sunday, I think, they're playing.

But if you really like, there's nothing there, it could be quite...

Could be, yeah, a sneaky one to pick up.

Yeah, my goodness for a week.

Might be even one if the classic formats as they're rookie if you're targeting.


There's not a lot out there at the moment, and just could be someone to go down to.

We could surprise you and outperform their high-er-break even, really.

Sinny Swans versus J.O.S. Giants.

J.O.S. were really disappointing this game.

I did lose a few to injury, Tom Green and things like that, but yeah, I've expected a bit more of a fight,

but I guess it was in the SCG that Sinny do play very well as well.

But in terms of the city players that perform well, Wilhaewood had 109 points.

I feel like Wilhaewood has never been talked about ever in any type of circle,

and now apparently he's going to make like a 600, 700K contract in South Australia.

Have you been hearing this as well?

Yeah, it's come into poor or close.


The thing is, it's a pretty good point.

Most of the good teams in the competition and teams that win flags have very good small forwards.


Because the game so congested, it's very hard for Ki for us to take months these days.

You need either good crammers or guys that can get back quickly on turnover,

like Slingshot type play as well.

So I kind of do see the point, but it seems like a lot of money for someone like Wilhaewood

who just seems pretty run of the mill in that role.

But anyway.

And it's hard, yeah, it's so hard to predict, especially fantasy-wise, right?


Well, yeah, fantasy-wise doesn't really matter.

But look at Bobby Hill.

I don't think he's kicked the goal for a few weeks, but still like one immigrant final of his own boots.

They do kind of have their value.

But anyway, Tim of the cap to Wilhaewood on his pro is 109 points.

Keep 4 goals to get there.

I won't be doing that every week.

I said that about Jake Wadam, as well.


And Rampy, another tip of the cap.

97 points.

Just had a heap of kicks in a wet weather game, which is just a bit of an anomaly.

And just no one else was really doing anything in that backline.

So I think he just kind of was the other, just the spare player out there and just got heaps of kicks from there.

The GWS players are more interesting.

Now, we've had a few questions about James Petley, because he did have 60% of the cent about 10 minutes on the weekend,

which was the most for the season.

It scored 115 points on the back of that.

Do you think that's just a Tom Green beneficiary?

Can Elyah being out?

You think it's just a flow-on effect from that?

I think so.

And I definitely watch the team's sheets.

I'm pretty sure Kog is going to be back.

Tom Green is a test, so he might be a one-week.

Sounds like he will be back.

If he's definitely not named, I would be looking at Petley off the wavours,

because I think there's a role there for the week.

But I was watching the game and I feel like maybe he had a little bit of a cooler, like a cooler role.

I did have a heap of tackles as well.

Yeah, so it's interesting what they do, even if Tom Green and Kanye play,

if they like him being a tagger or a cooler, I think the week before he had 30% CBAs.

Obviously, Kog's still out there.

He's definitely one to watch.

Definitely one to watch, but it's hard to say right now, but he's on everyone's wavours and he's a forward.

That's a thing.

I wasn't the first to get a tagger, but you probably wouldn't be considering.

But given that false status, it's like, you just get players that are worth the punt and he's probably worth the punt.

Yeah, 100%.

Finn Callahan is probably two good for the podcast now as well.

His squad 100 points is bumped though, has been since Kenileh has been out as well.

So there's just so many factors going on in that G-D-Bass midfield,

but scoring makes him two good for the podcast at the moment.

Just a gun coming through.

Yeah, it's great to see.

Yeah, breaking out.

The other one is Brent Daniels 90 points. He's probably two good for the pod just given that he's got an 80+ average after what eight rounds.

Now seven games are something for him.

And he's picked up on all the leagues, so like forward options.

Yeah, coach is out.

Great option this year.

We picked him up with the forward options that we got.

Yeah, definitely.

And then Callahan Ward, I'll say it again, like William Smith had 80 points again.

Just like he's like the Pendlebury better lesser version, just like you could get him for so cheap if a shit team owns him.

Just solid.

Yeah, and he plays that 80 plus or scores the 80 from the M7 role each week.

The St. Kool-Averse is North Melbourne game.

Did you think North Melbourne would show a bit more in this game?

I showed nothing.

Yeah, I know.

I remember the first ten minutes and then Saints just took it away.

But yeah, pretty worrying.

I keep listening to the Xavier Ellis and he's got a bet on that no team will win this year.

Yeah, really wants North to not win a game so he could have his bet.

So who knows?

It's just like just any team.

What is one team that just doesn't win a game?

So North is that team.

Yeah, these back in the game.

Well, I think he, every region, he had it for West Coast and now he's right in North.

Yeah, it's hard to see them winning a game at the moment.

So I don't know.

Yeah, this would be the way Saint could have been playing, although they almost beat Port the week before.

But anyway, that's another story.

I mean, you thought North might be able to give this one a shake, but not even Saint's going to top of them.

I think they were down.

They were up for a little bit at the start and then.

Yeah, they started, okay.

And then the Saints just, yeah, took it away.

So if you're showing a lot of Saints, probably a couple of them are tipped at the cap.

So Josh battled Dugel Howard.

Like, there was just obviously a lot and a lot of targets out forward for North Melbourne.

I think Lucky only got his hands on the footy late and put up a respectable score,

but I think he did everything in the last quarter.

Just heaps of marks, I think in that backline.

So tip of the caps to battle and Dugel Howard.

92 points and 88 points respectively.

The shining light, though, is Darcy Wilson.

He's actually become like a fieldable, like good option given that he's got that four status as well.

What are your thoughts there?

Oh, gun.

Like, you know, we were talking about him, you know, the top five sort of fantasy coming out this year.

And he's proven that ends, you know, that wing and pushing forward three goals.

Like, and even in, like, looking at classic and super coach, like he put up big numbers as like a super coach as well.

And like, it's just a great sign to see, you know, it's that he was a rising star as well a couple weeks ago.

Yeah, great signs.

Like a testament to how good he's playing.

Like he's now like a startable, like, option in your classic format.

So he should be on your field in your draft and your K-Plegs as well.

I'm saying so if he's not on there, get him on there because, yeah, four status kick three goals on the weekend.

But like he scored 80 plus, I think the week before with maybe keeping one, but yeah, yeah, like he still does enough.

I reckon if you look at his scores last three or four weeks, he's been, you know, 70 80 plus.

Yeah, yeah.

And that's and played port last week was supposed to be touch match up.

Yeah, of match up and fantasy.


Got 88.

No, got 92.

92 was a, yeah.


And the other one that was interesting is Jack Hayes.

So welcome back to him here at 87 points.

Like he, or he doesn't look like he should be a good scorer.

But he'll always take like a few marks up Ford kick a couple of goals.

Like do you remember his day, boo?

Oh, wasn't that one 20?

Yeah, it was.

Like it's huge.

Like, and he goes into the rock as well and gets a bit time.

Like, I don't know.

He's good enough to be listed on a, on a team.

And the thing is a rock Ford as well as me.



So maybe he's just straight forward.


Yeah, I think you're right.

Actually, he's straight forward because he can't pick him up as a rockman.

Hopefully does get enough status to get that.

Well, it doesn't really matter.

You want him as a forward anyway.

Yeah, you're going to do that part role, especially because like it just improved their midfield

like having him having him in there as well.

And then improve their forward lines as well.

So did cause, I know like he was only coming back from injury, but Max King like literally did nothing for the game as well.

I was playing someone and obviously like he put Max in show on field,

because I put him on to playing north.

I put it at least when he got like 36 or something.

Yeah, 26 or something.

Yeah, 26, 21 points or something.

Cost me the game again, one single match up.


But anyway, I was throwing it right.

No, good.

Maybe not to North Melbourne.

I guess we just talk about their backline here because like she's removed into the midfield.

So that's been a big talking point.

There is a question about him later.

So we won't move on to talk about that too much until we get to the questions.

But really it's just bumped up Fisher and Macurcher, hasn't it?

Oh, 100%.

We've already made Macurcher too good for the podcast, but Zach Fisher had 103 points.

And I guess yeah, with she's playing the midfield, him Macurcher's pick up the slack across that half backline.

I think they're going to be like, I know everyone traded Zach Fisher last week because

or in the classic formats because he had known the sub.

But I think he's going to be pretty good from now on.

I agree.

And he actually had his six keycaps as well.

So he led the keycaps.

Yeah, we she's gone.

So I'm going to take it.


So I mean, especially as a forward, like I'm even thinking I've seen trades today in classup,

people looking at trading back in.

Like he's so cheap and especially as a forward and a draft.

It's great to see.

So yeah, if you're worried about him, if you're worried about him after last week in your K-Police,

don't be because yeah, I think he stays on the side for a while now.

And George Warlord had 91 points.

He should be 2G for P given his potential.

Like he's not, he's not a valuable one way of wise.

Like he's too highly owned, but looks so composed and experienced with the footy.

Like that goal, he kicked near the start.

Just looked like a player, being a player for 10 years, you know.

Like, absolute nuts.

So again, not 2G for P just yet, but should be in the near future.

And I mentioned it like he before that with the 82 points, I dropped him in Shoeva in the draft league.

And this was his first good score, but 2G I was late in the game and it was dead.

So that's really just a tip of the cap as well.

Onto the Melbourne versus Jolongame, I didn't actually watch this game.

So you're going to have to do a lot of the heavy lifting here, because I'll let you watch this one.

And I watched the West Coast, Essend and Blockbuster.

But Steven May, I wanted to make him too good for the podcast last week, but Jake said no.



Just because he said wouldn't trust him to put up those kind of scores each week, I think.

But another hundred plus, another hundred plus score.

What do you think the catalyst for him is?

Oh, I think he's like, he's the keeper.

He's taking, he took eight kickouts.

Like that's 24 points.

That's 24 free points.

The thing is though, he's always like, I think last year, he averaged seven kickouts as well.


And that's the reason why he's like, I think Essend, I'm sorry, Essend, Melbourne have been like,

when you watch him, they do a lot of the switch around the half back line as well.

So if he's not taking kick-ins, he's generally getting a market in that kind of kick from one side to the other.

They're not like rushing the ball forwards as well either.

This game is pretty low-scoring.

A lot of their games have been low-scoring because they're simply not attacking,

but they're also not letting their opponents score as well.

So they do a lot of that.

Plus he just gets intercepts.

Like Jake Leaver as well, 96 points.

They both take heaps of intercept marks as well.

So I think he's just picked up a few more intercepts and a few more of those switch around kicks next to bumping him up to like that.

And there's been a few injuries like Salem and Bale, you've been out.

So you know, maybe just using Leaver and May is the main guys.

And May's got a good leg on him.


You leave it to those kind of quicker distributes.

He's one of those ones where he's the key position, but he actually is good at the switch, good at the kick-outs.


You can do it all.


It's a good podcast for 2024.

He was on the way.

There's a few weeks going on, keeper.

I think we talked about him last time.

And I want to buy a guy, mate's pizza-mouse, try to, I know he's benefited.

I reckon he's probably the type.

He's probably the type that we have to bring back like in the pre-season.

Because like you probably will go back next year or something will happen.

Or yeah, like you won't get Salem out.

You won't get Bale out for the year.

You won't get, you know, all those players missing something.


But this year everything's just working for him.

Caleb Windsor, you send me a text on Saturday night saying,

I know how it's just saying, I want to talk about Windsor.


It's the floor of yours.

There you go.

I'm just so impressed within, like obviously, like I took him pretty high on all my keeper leagues.

I was pretty hot on him.

But it's just great to see him put up nine and nine points.

He's got the rising star this week, which is unreal.

But yeah, obviously he's on that wing roll.

And he's obviously a rookie, so it can be a bit up and down.

But just show that, you know, eighth game, nine and nine points.

And just loved his work rate.

Like he's just running and getting plus sixes.

So he's getting those plus sixes on the wing.

And then there were a couple of rundown tackles in the forward 50-were.

You know, he got hold on the ball when he kicked a goal and he just missed another one.

He could have had three goals.

Yeah, right.

And that's, I mean, in Super Coach, he got like a 130.


So it's just really good signs.

I just, I just feel like I see him in a couple of years, like playing.

I mean, obviously, their midfield is stacked.

But I just, I feel like he could go inside one day or like play 30% inside and like wing and inside.

Like wing and inside roll.

And he just, I don't know, sort of like, he just reminds me a bit of like a paidy Smith or something with that wing.

So inside was just a big call.

But I know.

He's just with that same kind of pedigree, I guess.

Yeah, and he's got the speed.

So yeah, just really impressed with him.

I think keeper league owners will be impressed.

Obviously, a forward as well this year, but we'll lose that status.

But, yeah, I'm pretty high on him in in keepers.

The other Melbourne player that I'm like, well, there's a couple more to talk about.

But Ed Langdon as well is two good for the podcast again, as well as given his scoring.

And I think it's kind of what I was saying before about Melbourne, just not rushing things.

And like it allows the wings to kind of push up, get a few kicks.

I didn't see this game.

And I'm not sure what his mark number is actually where I probably should check that.

But I've got a, I've just got a feeling that those ruxi just, sorry,

those wings are just being brought into that game into the game a little bit more just due to like not rushing the ball forward.

So what do you have Ed Langdon?

Seven marks.

That's pretty decent for a, for a winger as well.

So that kind of helps him, I think, there as well.

And the other one's Tom Sparrow, just a good score, 82 points playing that mid forward role.

Like there'll be games very stuck forward a lot more than he should be,

but there will be games where things come off as well.

What do you get?

You know, he didn't kick a goal as well.

So that's probably decent to see that he did that without actually scoring goals and just kind of getting a few extra possessions as well.

The only other one I want to talk about from the cat's perspective was Tom Atkins.

101 points.

We say back in the midfield this week.

He was like 60% CBAs, I'm pretty sure.

And, yeah, Dange was obviously out, but Brune went down in, and he went off with the shoulders.

So, yeah, like obviously he was pretty much the main guy in there,

but it was a real contested game with Payne Melbourne, 11 tackles.


So, I think the other one is, well, half it was, half it dropped out.

Yeah, half it wasn't playing in here.

Yeah, that's right.

So the midfield was pretty much like Atkins, Bowes and Gathrey, I think.


Is that Gathrey?

Yeah, I can't.

Yeah, I can't.

Actually, is that Gathrey as the other one?

Now, is he a Tugor for the podcast again?

Because like, we said he's scoring, well, I said he's scoring, but I had just come inside of a Stuart out,

but Stuart came back in, and he scored a hundred and a 13.

I haven't been tracking, but yeah, he's got the 13s a lot.


That's pretty good.

He's at 380 plus scores and wrote it.

So technically, Tugor for the podcast, like is he the now that distributed guy is,

well, maybe Stuart playing his own, or he's probably been, or what,

sort of been chose going more into the midfield.

Stuart playing more defensive, probably as well.

So that probably helps him.

It's just like a few things, just if that just adds to his scoring.

So he's probably too good for the podcast as well.

We're read out a few gold members here just to say thank you for signing up and supporting the show.

So thank you to Angelo Agisalau.

I hope Agisalau, there's a lot of, I can so bad at pronouncing some names.

So you got a better attempt at that one.

No, I think that's pretty, Agisalau.


I think I'll get it just so hopefully it's correct.

Michael Welton, Alex Fuglesling, Fuglesling, James Belett, or Belay, I'm not sure.

David Grant, Daniel Pierce, Luke Brasundale, Christopher Jackson, Joe Sullivan, Jacob Sproul,

Michael O'Locklin, or Sydney fame, Troy Woodruff, Jamie Mott, Wayne Keith,

and Michael Barard. That was one of the more difficult list of names.

Hopefully the next one too bad.

The West Coast vs. Essinne game, tip of the cap straight up, Tom Barard's age three points,

Jack Williams, 76 points, kicked three goals to get there.

I'm not interested in any of those, but good scores on the weekend.

Although Bras can be a right if he takes a few marks in defense, but yeah,

it doesn't happen often enough for me.

The only thing I wanted to mention from one of the things from the West Coast side of things,

is, Hully Reed, last minute of the game, clutch to his hamstring, running for a ball,

going out of bounds, and then ran straight to the bench, like hobbling.

I saw that.

But then came back on, like for the last 30 seconds or whatever.

So, yeah, there's a talk of his hamstring.

If he's out, we saw Jack Petruchelli go nuts last week as that, just jumping in the same roll.


Jumping in the exact same roll.

So, if just monitor, or maybe just preemptively, if you've got a spare spot, pick up Petruchelli now,

because he could do another 100 plus score next week if he reads it out.

And you think they'll manage Reed maybe in the year as well?

Yeah, exactly.

As well, like, if they rest him even later on, you've got Petruchelli there, so it's good call.


The other one was Bailey Williams, like, 80 on points, like, I don't think we need to say too much.

Just number one, rock in any side, should go at the 80 mark, so especially if you're a bigger,

a bigger one.

There's so many of these rocks, 80s, you can just pick up.

It's pretty handy this year.


We've had them last year because I had a rock donut in the fall.

Oh, yeah, it's right.


Big eye, wasn't it?


Yeah, big eye and a dinner, a replacement.

Scott Lasse was my only other guy.

So maybe it does, 94 points, he's just such a tease.

Teasing you again.

Yeah, I did have him on field.

I've got a plan at the moment because I've got Mitch and Parker sitting in the pine.

Got a plan at the moment.

And yeah, he just gets it done for me.

I think it's 72 last week, so it wasn't awful either.

Like, it's enough.

I'll take a 70 from an M7.

So I wonder if, like, because the wing roll, like, I don't know, I've always got a thing about a bigger ground, like an MCG or Optus.

Playing a wing, one-row wing player.

I talk about Jeremy Scharfer in the next game in a sec, but he did a similar type of thing.

He looked putrid the week before, although that was an Optus week before.

But anyway.

Well, Optus, I think, is a B.

Oh, right.

Yeah, he should have Optus.

Yeah, he was good at the G, but I don't know.

I think that we just did one of those stuff on the wings, one of those.

I think that G.E. is one of those.

I think that's one of the wings, one of those.

Yeah, I think that's the thing.

But I've got the same thing.

Optus or M.C.G.

Usually is pretty your right for wingers.


And then Todd Goldstein got his 10,000 hit outs.

And it's a quarter-82, I think it was.

Does he hold as a number one or does Draper come back in?

Well, Draper's in a bit of heat at the moment.


So he probably needs to prove himself.

Come back.

I thought, what was the comment?

It was something about another team.

It was about Bevor.

Or was it, "Eldy, you should leave?"

Or, "I was a Bevor."

And then you said, "Bevor."

And it was McCray, Bailey Dahl, Caleb Daniel.

Should go elsewhere.

Should go.

Should be, and Bailey Smith.


Should be, if Bevor stood there, they should, they'll

procrastinate at the end of the year.

Why do you get suspended for that?

Like, surely you shouldn't, you shouldn't, I know you shouldn't say.

But like, suspending a player for like, well, we're just dropping him from you.

Yeah, they said injured, but obviously Brad Scott, there's a bit of, yeah,

I saw something quite heated on.

He was, he wasn't, he wasn't happy about it.

Surely, like, you pull him aside, so hey, just don't do that anymore.

That's not a good look.


I think that's probably the best way to manage it.

And then he just doesn't ever do it again.

So, it costs the heat for a week.

And then he doesn't do it again, but anyway, Brad Scott will do what Brad Scott needs to do.

Let's move on to the Richmond versus free mantle.

Oh, sorry, on that drape, he got dropped to our waiver wire and then picked up straightaway.

Because he got that four-status layer, everyone's kind of, yeah, hoping that's...

And if Goldie goes down or he plays number one later in the year,

like it's pretty, pretty handy, but you think Goldie's going to be the man at the moment?


Freeo versus Richmond at the G.

So Matthew Johnson had 97 points.

I think this was just a, I think it like five extra CBAs with five being out,

kind of eight into a couple of those there.

And I think just being an easy and easy opposition as well.

It did give me hope that once five retired, he could be a handy option.

Like we saw her last year when he got inside time.

Yeah, and they're like the same height and build.

Like, there's just that big body, like, tall, midfielder, so it is good signs.


It's kind of playing like Monday's role, like before you retired.


Like that, you just playing out in the wing.

On the wing.

Like putting inside midfielder playing out in the wing, you know what I mean?

And then needs to, yeah, just needs someone like five.

We just need an opportunity in that midfielder.

But behind so wrong, brace or young, it's pretty tricky.

No, he's going to take some time.

And even when he does get a role, he's no guarantee.

But like, he's the type of player that if he was at another club or higher up in that pegging order,

you'd probably expect some bigger scores from him.



And then Jeremy Sharp, we talked about 86 points.

There's a few wingers that score better at the MCG last week.

I talked about Jake Lloyd averaging 101 at the MCG.

I think Jeremy Sharp is probably averaging 80 plus there as well.

I didn't run the numbers this week, but I do remember another good score a few weeks ago when he was playing at the G2.


Yeah, maybe just think about some wingers at the G a little bit more, because they seem to be scoring better there.

And Josh Tracy is technically too good for the podcast.

84 points, I think he said, yeah, 380 plus is an array of four goals.

He needs to score goals to score well, to keep goals score well, but he just keeps doing that.

He's just been so solid, since he's come in the Arkansas.

He's awesome.


He just takes grabs and up the ground to it, which is up.

Look at any score.

It's just so you can give your confidence and just put that straight on field.

What do you take on the Nat 5 sub, the Darcy sub?

That's just load management, right?

Yeah, I was pretty out.

It's a bit annoying, because I had him in my super coach, and it was good that he texted me because I was out of gig,

he said 5 hours, lucky I was out of switchered out.

Who did you put on?

I put Garcy here on, he got 68.

That's pretty good.

I put Harvey Gallagher on for like a 40 I think it was.

Yeah, and 5 got 17 or something, so like it was an extra 40 points, 50 points, which is thanks for that.

No, it was a good, no worries.

But yeah, I think load management, it just would have been nice if they just sort of maybe set it during the week or something,

or just sort of come out, there was just no, I'll see how that massive game last week.

Sometimes they sort of go, you know, you're hearing West Coast saying about Yo, maybe getting a rest soon and now he's injured.

So they could have maybe--

He didn't screw that, but yeah.

He didn't look pissed off about it.

Like he was pretty just sitting there like, yeah, I'm sub, like it's what it is.

I think it was probably even before last game, it's like next week you're having a rest, so I think.

And then that might be even why, you know, the trainer thought is like, why would you make him sub after he's had such good game?

Like he's back, let's keep them momentum going, but he probably went hard last week knowing that he was going to be rested this week as well.

So that could be a fact.

And they got Sydney this week at home, so he made sent on matchup, it makes sense.

Yeah, it needs to kill this week and then.

Yeah, but I think you can, yeah, I wouldn't be too, like as long as he's playing, he seems to be putting out some good scores.

You just got to be on that.

Like we played Rodding Lockout in R.D., so it was, it was like, our coach was able to just flick him off, you know,

but obviously not everyone plays Rodding, so just want to try and keep on top of it if he's going to get a rest.

Yeah. And going on to the, the Darcy sub as well, I think Sam Nase-Muth was subbed out, so they just rolled Darcy off to kind of preserve him as well.

So like, don't make too much of that Darcy and then Jackson don't get excited as well.

Yeah, I've got Darcy and Meek.

Oh, I played Darcy.

I mean, we'll talk about the Rucks next, but yeah, pretty much, you know, the 60 and got doubled by my bench, Ruck.

Oh, that's a perfect segue to move into Western Bordogg's versus Hawthorne.

First player I wanted to talk about, there was Lloyd Meek.

Is he too good for the podcast?

I think he is.


He's killing it.

You, I mentioned it a few weeks ago.

He's got that, he's like, good, like good game for a race.


The only issue with him ever was that they were playing Reaves ahead of him and he's never playing in the soul.

Yeah, I can't have two of them.

But once like he got going, he's clearly the better fantasy Ruckman and probably the better Ruck,

like even though his tap works, maybe not as good, but that's only because Ned Reaves is a million feet tall.

Like, might not be as good in the hit-out and stuff like that, but Jesus weighed better around the ground and does enough in the contest to affect it.

So yeah, like he took it for the podcast at the moment, so what on to Lloyd Meek there?

The only other thing was more of like a structure thing is Blake Hardwick, 82 points.

He actually switched back to defense like any squad better there, obviously.

But I was like, I think the last time I saw him, well, no, I don't know.

When they come up against good opposition, they play him up forward.

But I thought that'd keep him there up forward just because they were chance for winning as well.

Because he's quite good when he takes a mark.

I think he sprayed a set shot on the weekend, but usually you're back him into kicking as well.

So to see him go back was probably good for owners given now that he's got that forward status.

I think he has gone back before and he just ends up forward. He's going to keep swinging, but his capable of putting up 80s still while doing that.

So, think that's the positive there.

100% I'm looking at him as well this week on our waiver because that forward status and it's very dry.


And they brought in that cash idea as a forward.

You actually looked alright.

And I think they'll get mech of the respect. So it just depends what they want to do with their forward line.


I think Deer gets another week or two different on his way played.

And the only other one from this game is James Harms. He was pretty putrid last week, but 101 points.

He's playing half-back row, which is probably his best place for fans. He's going given. He's got the forward status as well.

So he's the type of player that'll probably get dropped in a few weeks, but.

It's hard to know.

I think it's come out today that Libba has got some concussion symptoms.

So they're going to be easy out indefinitely now.

So I've got a boarder of change.

I'm Libba trade requests.

Do you own Libba?

No, no, no.

I'm trying to give him to me for Mason Wood.

No, they're trying to pull all of us.

But I think Ed Richards, he only had, he was playing half-forward this week.

So I think with Libba out, I think maybe he goes back in.

So we're injuring you see if Harms just stays half-back if Richards goes in and takes Libba's role.

But then there's also Sanders in the twos if he ever wants to play him.

There's so many moving parts.

I would love to see Harms owner.

So I'd love to keep for half-back as a forward bar.

You just can't count on it.

You just can't count on it.

But you might happen.

On the Brisbane Lions versus Gold Coast Suns, a final match round.

Truly a game that looked like two teams just did not give a shit.

The rest of the country didn't care about it.

So why should they?

Yes, because it was we being on a Sunday night late as well.

I was ready to like trade in my super coach.

It was like, I didn't wait for Lockout to end us with a bit.

Did the podcast notes and got out of the office?

And like, Neil and Zorke are on a hundred half-time.

I don't know, it's ridiculous.

Just man up.

I don't know.

How is that possible?

I don't know.

I think Jane put his set to have two players do it at half-time.

They're just running ridiculous.

First one with the Gold Coast Suns, I'll talk about as we'll pay out.

So he's kind of picked up his scoring last few weeks.

And I guess there's a few factors here because like, Lakotius went forward again

and Flanders went into the midfield.

So the only thing is, it's bad timing because he was one of the players

that when they went up to Darwin last year at the same time,

just fell off an absolute cliff because it was so slippery greasy.

Distributors like him couldn't get their hands on the ball.

The only players that were good in these conditions were Tacklers.

Matt Raleigh.

Yeah, pretty much.

Yeah, yeah.

That's actually why I'm kind of considering trading closely over Graham.

Like, because I think Graham's a good Tackler and things like that.

So he's any streamers or if you've got Graham on your bench and you're drafting K-Plex,

he might be someone to consider over the next few weeks as a stream

just given the conditions of probably going to suit him as well.

I'm looking at the same.

And I think Gold Coast, they're just obviously trying things.

They obviously are getting pumped, so the Harleys just sort of...


Going on like, "Flanders mid, Lakotius fours," which is good for power,

but then I fetch so many other...

There would have been like, like, Lakotius owners.


I'm happy that he's gone back forward, you know?

So you don't really know what's happening and then Darwin for the next two weeks is interesting.


No, it's going to keep...

Like, if you've got Gold Coast players that aren't inside mids and Tacklers like...

That's like Flanders as well.

Does Flanders go as well up there if he's playing off the half-backline?

In the midfield he probably goes a little bit better,

but I think it's going to be interesting to see where he's played,

but he's too good for the podcast anyway.

Speaking of too good for the podcast, Jarrah Berry, 131 points, so...

Where has this come from?

Well, yeah, I was talking about it.

I've been talking about it for the last three weeks.

Like, it looked like...

The last few weeks it looked like his role had not changed at all.

I think it maybe just like a few less distributors off the half-backline like people going down

and he was kind of pushing pretty deep back there,

so Mata just being used more as like a defensive wingman kind of thing.

But this week he was playing in the mids.

Like, I think he had sent about...

A few CBIs, so...


I don't know if we made it official last week, but he's too good for the podcast.

So well done to those who picked him up on playing the owner of him this week.

Hopefully he has a stinker.

Darcy Wilmot and Connor McKenna both had 97 points each.

Like, Anzworth went down with concussion, I think it was.

Two people did their ACL when this game was in the car.

And Starkovitch was...

Yes, that's such a laid-out.

And they've got their broad-in, they played him forward,

so it was basically Wilmot and McKenna's ball-back there.


And it was that type of game where like, you know,

it was just driven from half-backed one as well.

Just continued rebounding from there.

So good scores.

Let's hopefully see it happen again.

I'm not sure if it will.

Harry Sharp's an interesting one, because like, score 87 points.

And he's always had like, his first game, he always calls pretty well.

Like, I think a lot of people brought him in a few years ago as a cash-cow.

And he was dropped like two weeks later, or something like that,

because he scores well early.

But, I don't know if he's a tease or like, because he is a winger after all.

But he's like a pretty hard runner.

Like, there's gut-running, good runner wingers like a generally okay score is

because they just work all day and get to contest, to contest, to contest.

Like someone like Ed Langdon, for example.

So, I don't know, like, he's one that intrigues me.

Like, I reckon he'd be like a stash option if he was unwaverized.

Like, just pick up maybe, it could be used as one of those M7 types

we've been talking about in a pod.

I would like to see a bit more, but yeah.


You're good to see him come along.

And the other one is Kyle Lohman.

I think he's up for a bit of a boost now.

MacArthur is out, Bailey is out.

And the other two points in the week and he was really lively.

I think he got a goal, but he just did like the contest of things as well.

Six marks, two, six tackles.

Like, the role's not great for fantasy, but there's no reason why I don't think he could match

like a Zach Bailey type scoring.


It's just that he's probably not getting the midfield time that Bailey does that, so.

Yeah, but it seems he's cemented his spot for two weeks, which is good sign.

And I think he went 100 in Super Coach as well.


So, I was looking at him a few weeks ago.


I've got him on the bench as well.

Yeah, but a cash gen there.

But like if you're in Super Coach draft format as well, he might just think about there as well.

Yeah, sure.

All right.

Let's see end of the players in all the games.

Let's do the gold members read for this week.

Thank you to Liam Ryan of the West Coast Eagles.

Thank you.

A few, same names here.

Jordan Burgess, look G. Dion Shaw, Scott Pitterway, Dane Bedgavitch, Jake the snake Jackson.

Good name.

Mark Kempster, the Proust Moose, Jordan Darling, Owen Geds, Bradley Dunmore, Oliver Simpson, Nick

Monroe and James Davies, such an easier list of names to read out that time.

That's good.

Thank you to all of you for signing up and thank you to all of you for having easy to pronounce surnames.

Let's move on to the questions and we could even wrap this up under an hour.

That never happens, George.

So, you know, really efficient tonight.

I think the first couple of in an hour, so there you go.

Yeah, there you go.

Get in quicker.

I'm speedier.

I think we've got enough that a 2G4P these days.

We can't cut the list down a little bit as we get through them.

But get some questions.

So, human wants to know, oh, this is a good one.

Subrall, hurt, fight and Darcy.

What time on ground percentage do more leagues use and should it be more like 25% to avoid the sub?

First of all, what does your lead do?

Well, I think we actually had, last year we had 20%, then the subrall came in and we voted to put it at 40% this year because of the subrall.

Because we thought that, yeah, obviously it's a bit harder to predict.

So, we did 40%.

Now Darcy, as I said before, I had Darcy and I think he came in at 45, so I just had to cop that.

But he got a 60, so it's not bad.

So, that's what we play is 40%.

Yeah, I mean, what's the ideal percentage?

Do you have a, in your lead?

No, we've got 20%.

And it doesn't seem to be so pointless. All it ever does is we'll prevent, if someone gets named the sub, especially when you're opposition, you beauty, they've got the sub.

That means a free hit to you, but they always just come in the last quarter and get under 20% and then their bench comes on.

Or people have used their loophole, it stuffs it up as well.

So, first of all, be grateful if we had a rolling lockout.

Definitely have a rolling lockout.

If your team's, if your lead's not crazy and not, doesn't have a rolling lockout, they'll mind.

Have one, because if you care about your fantasy, let's just start adjusting, let's try to get the best calls we possibly can.

And then, I guess the second thing as well is, I reckon you should have a higher threshold, because then if someone's the sub, they still cop the hit for it.

You should be picking players that are likely to make the team.

You know how to mean?


I see it as no different as backing a doughnut type thing.

You've got to use your nows to pick a player that's not going to be the sub.

I do feel there are exceptions with certain sounds.

There's like no one would have picked five being the sub and stuff like that.

But I think it should be higher to cover those ones.

Yeah, it's so that it's just not the people being rewarded for having the sub that only comes on in the last quarter.

You know what I mean?

That makes sense.

Yeah, no, no.

Yeah, I think, yeah.

I mean, yeah, I don't know.

40%, I think another league is about that as well.

So, I don't know. That's just what I've been using.

In a perfect world, it would only take genius sports to add maybe a few lines of code that if sub trigger emergency.

You know what I mean?


Just make them emergency of the sub.

You get your thing, but instead of having to do thresholds and stuff like that.

And then maybe even not have emergencies, just have the highest player on your bench comes on for whoever's out.

You know what I mean?

And then if you have two people, like you have a sub and a zero, you get both your emergencies.

And then the traders were talking about it on their part. They're like, maybe we should have an extra position on the tee.

And if one score drops off per week, these are the things that were happening.

Yeah, yeah.

Today's code.

It's just, it's great.

It's just hard.

Hopefully they just cut the sub rule next year.

Yeah, 100%.

And then everyone hates it.

The coaches hate it.

No one likes the sub rule.

Or just name them from the fucking emergencies like last year.

Why put five in the bank?

Yeah, saying, you know straight up.

Yeah, why do we do that?

Why don't we just name, I guess there needs to be some flexibility in your team sheets, but like name your sub on Thursday.

And up with the teams like there's so many solutions for this.

Anyway, that's the rant over Richard Eliadus, I test long term, not just from one game.

What do you think of she's all as the mid forward a stock up or stocks down?

Or is that a rat emoji?

I can't really see.

It does.

Oh, it's like a cheese, maybe she's a cheese or maybe.


I don't know.

I wasn't that impret like watching it.

I was like, because I had him captain.

So I was watching him like in, I mean, I don't know what you're about.

Classic a bit here and super, but I had him captain.

And I was watching him and I wasn't too impressed with it, but obviously it's a moving role that I think is going to be better for their team moving forward.

But if he is has for if you can get forward status in the future and he's in say a 90 guy, like that's valuable.

Oh, yeah.

So it's, I understand that I guess people when they draft players that always want these 110s, 120 guys.


But if she's was a 90 forward, if that's where he projects to, that's like, will be like a to be real.

That's really handy.


Like you got to think about this forward.

You got to think about this in relative to the position.

So for this year, it sucks given that he's a defender.


Is it a fender only?



He's probably going to be a defender mid and that's not what you want really.

And it's going to suck for this year, but in forwards where you compare what he can do as a forward mid type thing.

So yeah, again, that 90 average, he's a top one or two.

You know what I mean?

So it's it's kind of it doesn't matter.

It's kind of irrelevant.

He's going to be one number one or two defender this year and going forward if he does get forwards status.

He's going to be one or two forward.

He's going to score lower.

But when you compare it to the rest of the competition, the rest of the teams in your leg, like it's perfectly fine.

So he's exactly.

Yeah, I think it's just it's wherever wherever he plays, he's going to be near the top of that position.

I think so maybe just not as if he's mid only.

That's probably the only thing you don't agree.

I agree.

I'm still hot.

And he's a long term.





Craig Frederick is at time to send Alex with it and back to the wire.

I'm assuming he got dropped again on the weekend.

And if that's the case, I think he might have played.

I did watch the game.



We was there.

That's all right.


I didn't notice him though.

Maybe that 20 disposal for Marx.


Three examples come of heartbreak.

I don't know.

I probably not to the wire.

Like depending on the like he's got potential.

I don't know if I'll be dropping him just yet.


Now he's scoring well enough to be kept.

It's just that with those midfielders, there's so many that score pretty well back there as well.

So yeah.

Not just yet because it depends what's on your way of what I was.


I would be quite exactly.

But yeah.

At Liam, AFLW Fantasy wants to know where do you think Sam Durham can get for a season long


He's got pretty high hopes here.

95, 95, 100.

I personally think he'd be lucky.

If he's lucky and everything goes the way he could average AD this year.

What do you think?

I agree.

He's going off like 72 at the moment.

I think you push that to AD.

They've got merit.

They've got parish.

They've got these top guys.

They've got set of fields.

They've got set of fields as well.

I just don't think he's can be a 90.

80 is pretty serviceable as a inside time.

Do you think set of fields comes back into the team straightaway?

Or do you think he has a run of the toes for a bit?

Well, probably.

They go on well enough for the audience.

Probably too.

Like they made Hobb's sub on the weekends.

Maybe they will call it a cool well.

Yeah, maybe too.

If it was that they've sort of got that midfield mix, they've sort of figured it out.

Either way, I just don't see Durham shifting in what his role is.

That kind of truly inside contested, get the handball out type thing.

I don't see an avenue to more scoring for him.

That's all.

@lildrip wants to know our short and Oliver back to being viable options.


I think especially in the Super Coach format.

I think he's got these options today.

Yeah, yeah.

Super Coach, 100%.

In fantasy.


Oliver maybe not as much in fantasy.

He's doing the Super Coach work.

But I think he's just going to get the bulk touches.

I think Melbourne are getting the--

They're changing game style.

They're a lot slower and that sort of stuff with the way that--

He's either a trooper truck is just a bit lower.

They're all their output.

But I think they're still back to viable options.

They're still primos.

They're still going to score.

Short definitely because I just think there's no one else back there to do anything.

I think his issues have just been fitness in the past, injuries and stuff like that.

I think he's going to be fine.

Matt W wants to know, do you think Melbourne and Brisbane have their neck?

Next, Ruckman after Gourney and Mac and Ernie on their list.

For the Melbourne side of things, I think they are eyeing off--

Because I don't think they really have--

I don't think they have another Ruck listed on their--

This like fantasy Ruckman anyway.

I think they've got the dude from Brisbane that they picked up as break glass in case of emergency.

What was he's known?

I cannot remember his name.

Yeah, either.

I look at the state league numbers here.

But yeah, so they've got Kalani White as a father's son.

That's Jeff White's son.

Oh, OK.

So I think he's going to be-- I don't know that because Cadmick Donald was--

I asked him to-- he's this exact same question in the pre-season who he thought the next

Ruck for Melbourne is going to be.

So they got Kalani White.

For the Lions, I think they've got once clear standout Ruckman in the twos playing at the


And I'll just give you his name in a second.

Oh, they got Darcy Ford, obviously.

But Henry Smith and Carl and Lane are two that they've got--

they're rucking in the twos as well.

It's probably going to be between one of those two.

But Henry Smith averaging 90 at the VFL level at the moment from five games this year.

So he might be someone that they could use at some stage.

Darcy Ford was only drafted a few years ago, but I think he's a mature age, like he's a

bit older as well.

So I think Brisbane and Mike go with one of those guys, or they hit the draft.

And I think Melbourne are areing off of that Kalani White to be their long term prospect.

But again, he hasn't-- he's only getting drafted this year, I think.

So if he is off in--

And Gorn is what, 33?


Yeah, so need to do something quick.

They always trade for players.

That's the other thing.

Being a Melbourne club is so he's a pick up like stopgaps for them.

And there's so many other like there's Rucks.

Yeah, you can find Rucks.

I'm trying to work out the Melbourne--

Tom Fleton was the Brisbane guy that they got down.

That was just annoying me.

But anyway.

This one is-- Jazz wants to know, thoughts on Hawthorne, young guys going forward.

Day, McDonald, Mackenzie Ward.

Day I'm fine with.

He's like clearly on like a bit of a restriction plus coming back from a long laugh.

Well last week there was a restriction on minutes because I think he had like 60% time on


And then this week I think he scored-- where is he?

He scored real shit.

He actually had the time on ground up this week.

But I just think he's lacking fitness.


I just from being out.

He's a guy and you can't like--


He's a star.

So he's just coming back.

McDonald, I'm more than happy with given that he puts up good scores playing.

Pretty much predominantly as a Ford.

He's fine.

He's like Toby Green kind of mold.

You know what I mean?

He'll be fine.

Mackenzie's done enough things to like he's played midfield roles.

He played wing roles and stuff like that.

But he's shown me enough in terms of just, you know, those glimpses of like, you know, hope

there that he could be good.

Ward's the one that worries me the most.

But I'm worried about Ward as well.

I think he's going to be a resign to being a wingman.

I think they've got the midfield future set up plus they probably add to it again in the

off season through the draft.

And then I reckon Ward probably sits on the outside for the time being, which starts

this development on the weekend because he's been out on the side.

He sort of played, he played hard for it.

He did, so maybe they're trying something there with Ward because, yeah, he sort of hasn't

quite hit that wing.

That might really sort of go inside.


That might be something to look at for potential for status.

But I do remember starting on the wing a bit as well, so a bit of a split.

Yeah, a bit of a split.

Yeah, but, yeah, I mean, I, again, I think I came on here and I took him pick 60 and a start

up this year and, and, yeah, I just thought he was going to go inside and had the junior

stuff, but, yeah, they're, they're on it, but hopefully he can turn it around.

And the last one is Ninja Lou Reefe wants to know does Charlie Lazaro?

Does he get another chance this season and get back into North's best, 22?

I think it's a chance again.

North will try so many different things this season.

So I'd be very shocked if Lazaro doesn't play another game this season.

It's more like whether he can capitalize on it, that type of thing.

And I think he just like, like, there's every chance that like, you know, we saw like Tom

Powell just get thrown forward for a game.

So we'll Phillips and Simkin can have a go.


And then Phillips gets turf this week, Simkin goes in like, there's every chance he has

a game here and there where he is given like 60% CBAs, starting to see what he can do.

Like it's just not something I don't think you can rely on.

They're just going to try so many different things this season and he's still always going

to be behind L.D.U. and Ward, Lord Lord as well, like calling a warlord.

That's a fun, fun to know.

But yeah, I think L.D.U. could be a, a biolife for, yeah, I think people should start,

because I think Soar is in it.


And I, I know this is off top of the loop, but he, he, in our keeper, he got traded today.

You know, really?

Because I know and it's just frustrated with it.

And I, you know, and let's talk about him moving to another club.


So he could be a good, but if someone's frustrated, you could, you could try and buy him



But he, yeah, he's playing a bit sore.

So yeah, I like that.

I like that as a biolife candidate for sure.

Anyways, let's wrap it up there.

That's pretty much just over 60 minutes there.

So well done.

We got there in the end.

Um, any gigs coming up, anything you want to plug in your music?

Um, just set the, the Ramsgate next couple months on a Friday.

So that's, yeah, come down.

Um, and yeah, I'm going to start hitting the studio now and recording.

Um, yeah, it winters actually really good because it's sort of, it's, it's, it's, yeah, gigs

done down.

Yeah, gigs done down a bit, which is great to actually, um, record and, and make some new


So, I'll keep it on that.

Yeah, definitely.

Um, and then subscribe to your, um, Spotify page.


You subscribe to people on Spotify?

Yeah, you follow.

Follow, yeah, follow you on, uh, Spotify.

So if you add to playlist, all of that stuff helps.


Oh, sick.


Definitely do that.

And then if any new music drops as well for people out there in the coming months,

yeah, it'll, it'll pop up on the release radar.

Sweet, perfect.

All right.

Well, get around our stuff at Keep a League pod, way less, um, creative, uh, enjoy, but, uh,

keep a League pod.

That's great.

I'm liking you, TikToks.

On TikTok, yep, the, on Instagram, same thing goes Instagram, but give us a follow somewhere,

putting all the episodes up on YouTube if you want to watch them in full as well.

Now, I think we got 100 people watching it last week.

It's not too bad for something that had like, what, five youth week before.


It's growing a little bit.

Oh, that's great.

Yeah, yeah.

Social media pages were there sign up as a member if you want to support the podcast

and, yeah, pretty much wraps it up.

We'll talk to you next week.

See you later.