The Audit

For the final episode of The Audit season three, Dave and Josh are joined by comedian and actor Wyatt Cenac. These old-school chums engage in a wide-ranging exploration of their favorite PragerU topics, including abortion, climate change, guns, pornography, and “woke” investing.

PragerU videos discussed this week:
For Star Trek fans out there, here’s a link to the Bad Faith podcast episode where Wyatt and Josh debate whether or not the Federation is a space navy.

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A transcript of this episode is available here.

What is The Audit?

In The Audit, comedian Dave Anthony and screenwriter Josh Olson audit a variety of online classes, docuseries, and other media products created by noxious political figures and boil them down to the good stuff. By which they mean… the bad stuff.

With the rise of MasterClass, TED talks, and celebrity biographies, the country’s political elite are bombarding us with information so we can be just like them. But who has time to devote to all that self-congratulatory navel-gazing?

That’s where The Audit comes in. Dave, Josh and a rotating coterie of guest hosts will consume depraved educational content for the time-pressed listener, then regurgitate a short-form review detailing the sociopathy and insanity baked into the messages. It’s like listening to someone present a book report — except all of the authors are deranged lunatics who are poisoning American culture.

[Auto-Generated Transcript]

Josh Olson 00:00
To introduce the show that if

Dave Anthony 00:03
you're listening to the audit with Josh and Dave on the lever, you can do better. You're listening to Josh and Dave You can do better. You are listening to Josh and Dave on the audit on the lever network or whatever it is a collection of lefty garbage

[MUSIC] 00:41
you seen our schools as a back brace or if they fail pass good while you got your Trapper Keeper round on this agent jam champagne it is a yacht

Josh Olson 01:32
Senator Ricky Gervais but I tweeted something that I'm very proud of just a minute ago. Prager you who we follow religiously. They also have these dumb questions. They tweeted out a better name for the department of education would be dot dot dot. And I replied department of free education. Yep, yep. Yep. Yep. So so this is it. Last week, we went out with our deep dive into the finances and the history of this wonderful organization that we've gotten to know so well, the good folks at Prager, you. And we want to go out with something lighter, because I thought last week was kind of a bummer. Overall, you know, 100 trillion dollars and this unstoppable fucking machine that's just like killing people right and left and destroying the fucking world and making the Arab

Dave Anthony 02:28
American history that you just described. Right.

Josh Olson 02:33
And I thought we go on with another fun one. So we've got the very great, very great Wyatt Cenac joined us, too. Do what people do when they come on our show. I can't believe we still get people to come on the show. And do this thing.

Dave Anthony 02:51
They're confused,

Josh Olson 02:53
I guess. But it's it's a funny one. It's a lot of laughs and you'll we'll enjoy it but I don't know man. We think like what what's your at the at the end of this thing? Are you changed? Dave? Have you transmogrified? Have you? Know, do you have any any any final thoughts on Prager you before we wrap this one up and move on to our next?

Dave Anthony 03:18
I mean, it's what it's everything I thought it was like I knew what it was going in. So final thoughts? No, but people just need to be aware of what it is and like I said make videos on Tiktok or YouTube or whatever. disputing what they say and taking him down but you know, it's a giant machine that's just has way more money than us and unless we take away all the rich people's money this is what they'll keep doing.

Josh Olson 03:47
Not not an untrue thing. You have said my friend. The question is though, is there anything because we know they're listening? I mean, this is the fun thing we know for a fact they are listening to the show now. And we know we gave them a scare couple weeks ago when we found their top secret evil fortress of solitude and knocked on the door and said we were here for their tax returns what is it that we can do? I mean, what can we do I'm not talking about like what the public can do or what you know the media can do or do like I I've been giving it some thought. And I think that when your enemy shows you a weakness when they show you their throat, you should sink your teeth into it as deeply as you can. And I think the weakness at Prager you we have discussed this boy Dave is looking at me like really talking about the weakness Praeger you is this Jill Simonian person.

Dave Anthony 04:46
She's definitely not bright when it comes to media.

Josh Olson 04:49
There's there's a lot of kind of like lizard intelligence with some of the people that Prager you and certainly Dennis Prager knows how to communicate terrible ideas. But she's just dumb. I can't. They were happy. Clearly they weren't she stopped when she made a video that she tweeted out of her listening to our show and her response to our comments were to Yep, see it for yourself because there's no words. It's just her making faces. And the show she does are really bad. She's in charge of their kids shows. And she does seem to be if there is a direct link between Prager you and say proud boys and sort of more overt, ugly hate groups. It's clearly through Jill cuz she's involved with this Glendale school district stuff. And and I think she's the weak link over there, Dave, I think I can't imagine these kids shows are, we know they're not successful. We know almost nobody's watching them. But I can't imagine that they are hitting the numbers that they had hoped for, or desire when they brought her in. And I think the fact that she shut up quickly, after a couple of back and forth with us on Twitter, indicates that she has now been sort of roped in line with the overall overall Prager philosophy of like, ignore any criticism. And I would just want to say to Prager, you know, you don't have to wait the allotted period of time to make it look like there's no connection to get rid of this creature. You could just fire her now it would be fine. Like everyone knows she's awful. And to her I would say that there's probably nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. They are there on to you, they can't possibly be happy about you. But of the off off off chance that they're not getting rid of you that they're actually thinking about giving you another chance. Don't Don't Don't overthink it, you know, don't get nervous on the job. Don't you know? Let it make you clumsy or stupid. Don't fuck it up.

Dave Anthony 06:55
Revisit Mount Rushmore maybe it shouldn't be a lump of clay with four toes

Josh Olson 07:02
I've never we were a visual thing before that her Mount Rushmore if you've not seen her Mount Rushmore, we've tweeted how many times it's a lump of orange clay with a quarter a nickel a dime and a penny and

Dave Anthony 07:17
she's I used to when I was a kid, there was a guy was like, I don't remember what his art thing was. But he would come to our school with a bunch of like, garbage like leftover crap like cans and and balls and twine. And he would go glue a bunch of stuff together and make art and it was one of the best days every year of school every kid look forward to it because you just take a bunch of stuff and make whatever you wanted. And, and every single thing that I made out of just absolute and total trash was 10,000 times better than whatever Gil makes over there.

Josh Olson 08:00
Yeah. Yeah, that's it's astonishing. She can't be long for employment at Prager you

Dave Anthony 08:06
she can't because because you don't get to fail as a right winger you you can be super offensive and say something you know about pedophiles and actual accident, right you're you're washed out but but you know you have there's just a long record of right wingers being completely useless and failing. And so Jill could very well end up living her life spinning her wheels, basically in a closet while nobody notices and getting paid. And thinking she's accomplishing something when actually she's just essentially talking to curtains like a crazy person.

Josh Olson 08:51
And here's my question, because I'm constantly fascinated by human psychology. In that scenario, does she know she's absolutely incompetent and useless and she's just not happily? She thinks she's doing something she thinks she's

Dave Anthony 09:05
she thinks she's accomplishing something. When anybody who has ever had a child is like this person has no idea what's happening. Like she seems like someone who spent a lot of time around cats not humans and doing art for cats and movies for cats. It's pretty spectacular how bad it is. And I personally hope she just stays where she is getting paid. Making nothing for nobody and thinking she's doing something because I couldn't imagine a greater hell I mean, it's like it's like a comedian who just does stand up but never in a club just always on always online and thinks people are watching and no nobody's watching

Josh Olson 09:47
bowling alleys

Dave Anthony 09:49
Yeah, bowling alleys.

Josh Olson 09:51
Jesus, I guess do you think her family know she's an idiot?

Dave Anthony 09:57
I don't know. I mean, you know they train they take If they can take the kids when they're done they take the kids and then the kids are raised in that environment so the kids you know unless they're lucky and break out of it and college or something they're just they're just doomed to you know be like like Dennis preggers kid who gets to make a living being consultant for Prager you and just, you know, taking in a few $100,000 to just be a fail son, like, nice job, buddy,

Josh Olson 10:24
Jesus, these are these are grim lives some of these people live

Dave Anthony 10:30
I mean, look, they think they're doing something they're they're churning out pure idiocy and you know, they're talking to the converted like that. I highly doubt aside aside from getting it in schools, which they're definitely trying to do because they somehow think that they're grooming of children isn't the same as what they accuse others of doing. Yeah, it's it's just garbage other than other than the schools, it's garbage. And you know, if teachers bring that in, then we should be able to make hell hell on earth for those teachers if we find out.

Josh Olson 11:04
I just Yeah, I can't imagine that any kids anywhere are looking at the kids stuff. Prager you and going, Oh, I gotta watch this all the way through.

Dave Anthony 11:13
And let me say this to you, Jill, if you're listening, you've given me a great idea. Matt, is to go into right wing school districts when you're having your board meetings. And do what you fucking do. Cause fucking hell bring my lefty queer buddies over. We stand around our fucking dresses. And we demand we demand you put our agenda in those fucking schools and get rid of your bullshit patriotic garbage. How about we go to Riverside, San Bernardino are one of your shit piles and do that? Because if you don't think I'm fucking doing that, if fucking thinking of doing that, if you don't think I can get a bunch of fucking lefties to do that. And throw it back in your deck hole of a shit fuck town. Fuck you. I can any fucking day of the week. You don't think we would fucking enjoy that you dumb ass all? Holy shit. We just don't have the fucking time. But God forbid we do Jill because I will come up to your fucking Podunk. Fuck all and start the shit in your fucking town. And watch you cry like a fucking asshole. You dip shits. It goes both ways. Motherfuckers you wanted to see disruption? Let's go. You're so fucking stupid. You don't realize it can happen both fucking ways. You want to come to Glendale? And fuck with my schools? How about I go to shit fuck town and fuck with your school's idiot. Anyway, I had that to say.

Josh Olson 12:42
This podcast is brought to you by deliver the award winning reader supported investigative news outlet. If you'd like to support the show, there are a few ways you can do it. Like what Dave they can become a paid supporter to the lover. But

Dave Anthony 12:55
honestly, I am this is something I'm going to put in motion is going to start going.

Josh Olson 13:01
I just thought that was the why the

Dave Anthony 13:03
fuck Shouldn't we? Why in the fuck shitting me?

Josh Olson 13:07
Like, can I finish my ad? And then we can talk about it.

Dave Anthony 13:09
Yeah, go ahead.

Josh Olson 13:13
You have a page Word. The letter gives you access to all sorts of bonus content of liver premium podcast feed extended interviews and get us a day early. If you'd like to make a one time contribution that goes to well help Dave's little plan. You can leave us a tip at labor You'll see a button for the tip jar that'll take you to our Venmo page or go directly we are at the audit at Venmo on our businesses. If you you can follow us if you're on Twitter, we're at the audit podcast. You can email us at the audit podcast at Gmail. Or are we on? Are you on? Are we on blue sky? Or on blue sky?

Dave Anthony 13:56
Now just you and I are individually?

Josh Olson 13:59
If I mean Dave on blue sky, Dave's got 400 followers and I have 200

Dave Anthony 14:05
more people come on

Josh Olson 14:06
okay for like 800 or some 800. Wow. And no Jill Simonian. But yeah, that's an interesting idea. I mean, why don't why doesn't that happen more often? Yeah, I

Dave Anthony 14:18
mean, look, they're like the the thing they don't understand is the thing that they think that they're teaching that we're teaching to our kids that's so offensive, but it's actually all made up right CRT Marxism, blah, blah, blah. It's all just the most made up nonsense. This stuff that we find offensive, they are actually fucking teaching in their schools. They actually are teaching it so this isn't hard to do. And this is where Joe would put up a video of her you know, rolling her eyes and oh, like what teaching patriotism? Yeah, actually teaching people lies about the past would be offensive. Yeah.

Josh Olson 14:56
What you're reading it was at fourth grade. You have an agenda in fourth grade. I skip fourth grade. So I don't know that may be why I'm fucked up. I didn't. I never took patriotism.

Dave Anthony 15:06
Well, you know what I mean, the whole the whole the whole. The whole teaching method is just hilarious nonsense. Like, like I had to tell him I had to tell my child that the FBI did indeed tell Martin Luther King to kill himself. Yeah. Why isn't that taught in your schools? Jail?

Josh Olson 15:23
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That kind of stuff. Facts suck. That's an interesting idea. It's worth it's worth exploring. And to be clear in school districts, none of us have kids.

Dave Anthony 15:37
Absolutely. I don't need to have a kid to go scream at your school district, school district, to go into your school district meetings and stand in front of the podium and take them over and scream and then go outside and threaten parents. I actually don't need to be in your school district. I can just do that. Because that's part of the wonderful America that the people that Prager, you and other right wing organizations have created. And there's no reason why we don't go on the offensive.

Josh Olson 16:06
And if you're listening to this, and you want, you want some support, you want people to know about it. But your school district and your hope and desire to go do what we're talking about. Just kind of come at us on Twitter and will will will, will will blast it out. So people will see it. Having to do that. I think it's a great idea. Why the fuck not? Right. Yeah. It's wonderful. Well, listen, it has been a blast doing Prager, you. I'm, I'm I'm not entirely sad that it's over. But I have a feeling we'll be revisiting them in some form or other In fact, we have a video coming out in a week or two. That's That's pretty great. You will all see that. And yeah, I don't know. Anything else for the troops before we're gonna take no more of our extended breaks and drink ourselves into a coma for the rest of the summer. Probably. Anything else? You want to say to the listeners, Dave?

Dave Anthony 17:09
No, I'm sorry.

Josh Olson 17:13
That's the content you're paying for? Would you support us here at the audit? For everything all right, well, we are gonna go out with a happy one. I don't know if it's happy. But it's funny. The great wide snack being held down and forced to watch some Prager you videos. Have a great, great summer you all, we love you. Appreciate you and we hear you. And we would like to continue grooming you in the future. So yeah,

Dave Anthony 17:45
we want to groom the show. We'll be back

[MUSIC] 17:54
if you finally had enough of him being college left wing, get yourself a real degree from Prager University

Dave Anthony 18:12
have you watched much Praeger you in your time on Earth?

Wyatt Cenac 18:18
Is this where I reveal that I got a master's degree from Prager University

Josh Olson 18:27
this would be a good place.

Wyatt Cenac 18:29
I also went there for culinary school and they did a they did a driver's ed. And it was a good it was a good deal. I could get all three for the price of one. One degree. So

Josh Olson 18:50
here's my What would you learn to make at Prager you culinary school um, die that would be like aside from what like hotdogs and french fries. Oh, not French fries.

Wyatt Cenac 19:01
I this is this is what I'm I wish I could share those secrets with you. But I'm not allowed. I can only cook for other Prager alum.

Josh Olson 19:14
Have you watched any of these before? Have you stumbled across them? I can't imagine you're on Facebook. Nor can I imagine a lot of your friends posting these on. I will see what they're for.

Wyatt Cenac 19:23
I've never I've never seen these. Yeah, I've not i I'm not really on Facebook. And so yeah, I'm not i i know of Prager University. I but I've never seen their ads is this this is an ad of some kind. No,

Josh Olson 19:43
no, these are so they have hundreds of these fun. They do some longer form talk shows. Candace Owens has a show. The woman who's introducing the thing we're about to see as a show but they do hundreds of these five minutes. I don't know what do you call like presentations on on various subjects in which they explained things

Dave Anthony 20:01
over a topic. Yeah.

Josh Olson 20:04
For one of their kitchen

Wyatt Cenac 20:05
master class, but for a very specific type of person. Master class that they can. Five minutes. Yeah, that's right. All right, I'm in.

Josh Olson 20:17
Let's just go into the first one. This is hosted by she's very popular. We've talked recently about what happens if Dennis Prager dies. I think Amala Kenobi is going to is going to be at least one of their main people, don't you Dave? She's a 20 Something daughter. She claims a radical leftist who also claims to have a Black Lives Matter tattoo somewhere that she will never show us. But she watched a couple of Dennis Prager videos, and she left the left. And now she's one of their main kids outreach. People so

Wyatt Cenac 20:50
so this is dangerous. This could also radicalize me.

Dave Anthony 20:54
Yeah, yeah, you could walk away.

Josh Olson 20:56
But the good news is neither the videos we're showing you have Dennis Prager and because he's he's the master at this. I wouldn't do that to you. Why? Because I know you're strong and good, man. But I would I would hate to see you broken

Wyatt Cenac 21:07
in fine. Yeah. But I'm also very impressionable.

Josh Olson 21:15
Sorry, she's anyway, she asked a good question and this one and then proceeds to answer it. All right.

[VIDEO] 21:21
Why do you hate conservatives? Well, let's not say hate. Let's say dislike because you don't really hate anyone. You may dislike them. I do.

Josh Olson 21:33
Yes. I

Dave Anthony 21:34
hate. No, I hate I absolutely hate conservatives. And I hate a lot of people. Like that's really that's a terrible assumption to make about. Especially me. Yeah. So

Wyatt Cenac 21:42
why do you hate conservative? So she's asking that of Prager University students or just in general

Josh Olson 21:50
Oh, of I think I think he's got their dream version realities. These are being watched by liberals who are going Oh,

Wyatt Cenac 21:56
all right. So really, all they're doing is just

Josh Olson 21:59
reinforcing their audiences. Stereotypes I got I got some white, you seem like someone who goes through life kind of moderating it somehow I can't imagine you exploding and rage at somebody.

Wyatt Cenac 22:19
I've had to deal with contractors for the last few years. Yeah. My tolerance level for for people has diminished greatly.

Josh Olson 22:33
Let's let's find out why. Why you hate conservatives, sure,

[VIDEO] 22:36
because they want to ban abortion. Conservative say they're all for freedom. But when it comes to a woman's freedom to choose what she wants to do with her own body, they sing a different tune. You may dislike them because they oppress people of color and deny the fact that America is systemically racist, conservative say that everybody is equal regardless of race, and that racism has little to no effect on the daily lives of people of color. So they just ignore the issue altogether. You may dislike them because they don't believe in climate change. Scientists keep telling us we're overheating the planet and conservatives don't seem to care. They're more concerned about profits than people. But what good is money? If you have no planet to spend it on? You may dislike them because they're obsessed with guns. How are we ever going to stop porn violence? If

Wyatt Cenac 23:26
everything she seems to be saying is like, I don't know why. Why is she even having this conversation with her like with us? And in a tone that seems to be like, I'm about to reveal that all of that is not true. Correct. Seems very weird at this point. Right now. It just seems like she's auditioning for like a late night political comedy show. Sir desk. Well,

Josh Olson 24:00
she's setting this up. I mean, are you prepared to be knocked for a loop? Because I'm sitting here going? Yeah, this is all right. Yeah.

Wyatt Cenac 24:06
All right. Yeah.

Josh Olson 24:08
I hope you're ready for this. Okay.

[VIDEO] 24:10
We don't get guns off the streets. And how are we ever going to get guns off the streets? If conservatives block every common sense gun law? You may dislike them because they're so intolerant. What's the harm of calling somebody by their preferred pronouns? Why can't conservatives just show some compassion? Instead of obsessing over every kind of behavior they don't like, you may dislike them, because if they got their way they get rid of democracy and establish an authoritarian theocracy.

Wyatt Cenac 24:41
Yeah, yeah. And so far if this Yeah, if, if this were her like platform for the fact that she's running for city council and kind of like, okay, yeah, she seems she seems to get it. She's got a cool tattoo.

Josh Olson 25:00
She won't show us

Wyatt Cenac 25:02
while she's got the one on her arm there she's got like a fool.

Josh Olson 25:05
Oh yeah, no but she has a Black Lives Matters tattoo somewhere.

Wyatt Cenac 25:09
Right? Yeah. Well that you know you don't want to show everybody that that's it's Yeah, that could be it's personal. That's

Josh Olson 25:17
why we've made before that my Black Lives Matter tattoo eat the tramp stamp. So

Wyatt Cenac 25:21
that's Yeah. And that's and we thank you for that

Josh Olson 25:29
only very special people find out I care.

Wyatt Cenac 25:32
Yeah, every time we go to

[VIDEO] 25:39
state Hello, fascism. After all that you might sum up conservatives with one word. If any of this resonates with you, I get it. I've

Wyatt Cenac 25:51
it's an expression. And what's the word? You've, you've left us with an expression. But sure, that's the sound effect

[VIDEO] 26:03
in there. But in this surprise me, I found they actually have reasons for thinking the way they do.

Dave Anthony 26:10
What's No.

Wyatt Cenac 26:12
I know, I know that people have reasons for thinking things. Yep. That's pretty, you know, that's pretty core to the way humans operate. I think you've just given all the reasons you. You already you already gave them this is. I don't want to I don't want to critique the editor here. But I feel like this is where you start the video. And then get into all the stuff but you know, I'm not another let's hear what let's hear what she says

[VIDEO] 26:47
on abortion. To start, we can agree that no one likes abortion. Oh.

Dave Anthony 26:55
Hold on. I like abortion. Yeah.

Wyatt Cenac 26:59
But yeah, I don't I don't know that there's anyone who's I don't I don't think there's ever been a poll that was like 100% of people say abortion icky. Yeah, that's not. And I also don't know, I'd be very curious. How are you defining abortion? Because yeah, I feel like you're giving a very, very specific idea for something that is a very broader term than how you're using it. But that's just me a doctor.

Josh Olson 27:41
I think when they talk about abortion, they're talking about that thing that happens at like, eight months and three weeks where they just cut the woman off or on the machete, take the baby out and smash its head with a mallet. I think that's yeah, right. I call that

Wyatt Cenac 27:52
well. That's I feel like that's the that's like the weird thing about it is like abortion is like many things and they're just really isolating on like, oh, it's it's one thing it's not like it's it's one very specific medical procedure when it's not even that

Josh Olson 28:14
Yeah, yeah. Pills it's this it's that I mean, I'm definitely if the fetus is able to enunciate please God no, I want to live I am 100% opposed to it. And even then,

Wyatt Cenac 28:27
but also Okay, when are we when are we declaring a fetus a fetus? I mean if we really want to get we really want to get specific I mean, some could say that we is walking talking fetuses that we are that our true birth doesn't begin until death Yeah, so yeah, I'm

Josh Olson 28:57
third I just opened up in white

Wyatt Cenac 29:01
yeah that's right. And this ignore ignore the the fog of smoke that is in this room right now.

[VIDEO] 29:13
Is a clear divide on the issue. Progressives focus their attention on the mother conservatives while they have compassion for the mother focus their attention on the baby.

Wyatt Cenac 29:23
Because mom's

Dave Anthony 29:29
Well, so what is the mother in this circumstance?

Wyatt Cenac 29:32
Feels like the idea that it's a competition becomes some weird like, competition. Like it's America's Got Talent. Mother versus fetus edition.

Josh Olson 29:49
Doesn't she blows the argument because if she had stuck with fetus, because to me, I'm immediately like, it's weird that using the term baby because as soon as that baby's is the light of day, you motherfuckers don't give a shit about it. So differentiated if he told me he said we care about fetuses, I go, Okay, I can't argue, you know, that's, that's a tighter argument on your part.

Wyatt Cenac 30:12
But also the only thing about leaving the but also the idea that like her statement is like, we care about the mother, but not as much as the baby. And so if the mother were to die, delivering the baby, like, we still care more about the baby, and the baby would be fine without a mother. So true care right there. That's, like, that's why the mother is kind of secondary to this. It's really that baby, that you know, that motherless baby, that those baby that really is the one that's the true star of the show. And that's who gets the rose this week.

Josh Olson 31:06
And also, again, to your question of who is this for? Who is who they think is watching this? Who? Oh, wow, really? I did not know that. Conservatives say they care more about that I that that is news to me. How do you give me this information, I have a whole new appreciation for the anti choice movement.

Wyatt Cenac 31:22
Also, I do I will to give to give this person some credit. The fact that they say progressives care about the mother, I appreciate that, because it'd be very easy for them to just come in and say like, oh, conservatives care about protecting babies, but the idea that, like, there's a certain grace that you're the and empathy for progressives that you're saying, well, progressives care, they care about the mother, which I feel like, is also sort of undercutting an argument there where you're saying, right, see that living person right there. That like, yeah, the person like, who for whatever reason, in this image, their back is turned to us. But we care about that person

Josh Olson 32:15
who wearing seems to be wearing.

Wyatt Cenac 32:18
Yeah, we care about that business lady. And that's something about that is wrong. God forbid, you care about the business lady. Looking down in a way that makes me wonder if she's about to eat her lunch.

Josh Olson 32:41
Or her assistant?

Wyatt Cenac 32:43
Equally, because she's a working lady.

Josh Olson 32:45
Oh, you bring up a good point. Like, imagine if their graphic was, you know, 16 year old black girl.

Wyatt Cenac 32:52
Right? Yeah, the fact that it's like, what seems to be a working, working white lady. That's also I feel like, I mean, I'm sure we're gonna get into it on the race when we get to the race section. But this does feel like this kind of weird, like, you're not showing me a real person. You're showing me a character from a cell phone video game. Yeah.

[VIDEO] 33:24
They see a human being growing in a mother's womb as innocent and vulnerable. Those babies deserve to be protected since they obviously can't protect them. Those

Wyatt Cenac 33:33
mothers are those mothers are guilty. They are guilty and invulnerable.

Josh Olson 33:41
That is That is so true. They're guilty

Wyatt Cenac 33:43
because they had sex. That is their crime. They had sex. Oh, are they? They are witches. And writing a broomstick is just code for a penis. That's what we have to.

Josh Olson 34:12
I feel like why it's auditioning to do Prager, you.

Wyatt Cenac 34:16
Again, you I told you. The concern is that I get radicalized. And next thing you know, I like it's me and that it's me and that lady doing videos together. Cooking Show.

[VIDEO] 34:35
Primitives don't deny that racist people exist. But when it comes to the narrative of systemic racism, conservatives are unconvinced. Yeah, of course there are disparities. I'm

Josh Olson 34:45
convinced they're there. No, no, hang on. I don't agree what I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting to hear. I'm waiting to hear your

Dave Anthony 34:53
there's no evidence of racism.

Wyatt Cenac 34:56
You haven't made a strong enough case for me about endemic racism. So I'm just going to continue to enjoy the benefits of this system. That disenfranchises people until you can make a strong enough argument that I would be willing to give up these advantages that I have. So yeah, good luck with that. Anyway, I'm gonna get this bank loan and get my house refinanced at a rate higher than you'd ever see. But keep working on it. Also, I just I there's, I do feel like if Brianna Joy gray ever needs to cause play as somebody or just make her own. I feel like she could make a bunch of fake Prager U videos. And here's your real test of systemic racism, if you could get Brianna to make some some fake Prager University videos, and then sort of put them in the world and see if the same people who watch these videos, watch Brianna's which wind up going to like ridiculous places. See if they know the difference. Because I feel like that's your real test of does systemic racism, in fact, exist? If the people watching these videos actually couldn't tell the difference between this host and Brianna Joy gray as this host?

Josh Olson 36:34
Oh my god. I also just we just bought it for me. It's the partner. Yeah, they're just not convinced yet as though that's the general right wing response to anytime you point out systemic racism, they go well, I don't know. I'm eating.

Wyatt Cenac 36:50
They want to believe there are a bunch of scaly there were a bunch of molders, who are full in on these UFOs called racism. And there are a bunch of skeptical skellies that, you know, every now and again, they see an alien but they're like, I think that was just like a floater in my eye or something

[VIDEO] 37:19
in this country, but why assume that these disparities are because of racism, good schools, good parents, good habits and good communities would go much further toward alleviating poverty and expanding opportunity.

Josh Olson 37:32
What? But But

Wyatt Cenac 37:36
sure, good schools. Okay. Well, why not been fun, the schools that systematically seem to be the underfunded ones, which also seem to have high populations of black and brown people. Yeah, like maybe. So it sounds like what you're, you're kind of making the argument for progressives. Yeah. For Republicans to fund conservatives to fund schools. They seem reluctant to do that, when those schools have black and brown children in them. But it's not it's not racism. It's not it's not racism at all scaly. You keep you keep. You keep doing that skeptic thing, Skelly. I forgot the

Josh Olson 38:30
underlying all this is is is their belief that schools will be better if teachers were better if they're just better people, the communities would be better if the people who lived in them were just better people, that people in self children would be better if their parents were just better people. So this sort of connects and makes sense in their sort of bizarre worldview.

Wyatt Cenac 38:54
I also though, I wonder for, I wonder if there are conservatives who are watching these videos, and they're equally offended? And they're like, No, I don't give a shit about good schools for brown people. Fuck that. I, I give I give a shit about trying to destroy the public school system in favor of privatized education. Whether that's private schools or charter schools. I'm just in this to make money. Do I send my kids to charter schools? No. Do I send them public schools? No, I send them to a private school. And then I have my stock in the charter school system. And the only way that that keeps growing is if I kill this other thing. I'm about profit, baby. Whoo hoo. I'm offended at you, lady.

[VIDEO] 39:54
Then a lifetime of racial justice movements. By the way, these rules apply To everyone regardless of skin color on climate change, conservatives have very little faith in computer models that have been inaccurately predicting disaster for nearly half a century.

Josh Olson 40:12
Oh, this is a good one I've done I've lived this

Wyatt Cenac 40:14
is I like the little salmon. That right? They have little faith in computer models. And they just say just trust almanacs. You know, what's never been wrong as bad almanac it's always told me it's always somehow magically figured out what the weather is gonna be like, in April a year from now. And you can just trust it.

Josh Olson 40:51
But dig so what's what's Yeah, cuz they this is one of their core things I see more and more now, like what I've been told me is gonna happen five years for 40 years.

Dave Anthony 41:00
So yeah, so they've taken like, like a Time Magazine headline that said, like, you know, the Ice Age just coming back as which isn't science. That's not that's just Time Magazine. At the reality is, it is inaccurately predicted, because climate change is so much worse than what the models have been saying. Right. Unfortunately,

[VIDEO] 41:25
I just have a lot of faith, however, and human ingenuity to overcome climate. What is air conditioning?

Josh Olson 41:31
Yeah, I mean, what is

Dave Anthony 41:43
what is ice? Fucking magnets?

Wyatt Cenac 41:45
How do they work? Human ingenuity at its best. Yeah. No longer do we have to wear wool suits in the summer and pass out in Rockefeller Center. Hotdog August day. We have air conditioning. Thank goodness, we have that thing that that weird filter that we now have to change out every every month. So that it doesn't respiratory problems. Air conditioning? Yeah, that's it. So we'll just keep building we'll just keep building things till we create a biodome, because we've destroyed we've made the actual surface of the planet unlivable.

[VIDEO] 42:42
Nothing but a human adaptation to the environment. See Miami or Phoenix for further reference. This is not to say we should simply do nothing.

Wyatt Cenac 42:52
Wait. So if you're saying it's an adaptation does that also then is that A is that an acknowledgment that evolution is real?

Josh Olson 43:01
Oh, yeah. Boy, I just got fired from Prager, you.

Wyatt Cenac 43:05
Again, I'm telling you, I think I think they're I think there's some angry conservatives who are watching this, I think they watch this. And they're just like, This is why we don't let the colors do these things.

[VIDEO] 43:18
Power, for example, holds so much promise as a renewable and safe energy source. Conservatives don't understand why environmentalists oppose it. It makes them skeptical and suspicious that the real agenda behind the environmentalist movement is not saving the planet, but giving more power to the government to control people's lives. Oh,

Wyatt Cenac 43:38
no, we were just talking about

Unknown Speaker 43:41
what just happened. I paused it.

Wyatt Cenac 43:44
She She was saying that apparently conservatives are just like, they're just really big into nuclear power. You know, they don't trust 50. Or they don't trust 50 years of computers, but they will trust nuclear power. I also enjoy the way she's talking about conservatives. I know we were just earlier talking about Star Trek. And she's talking about conservatives, as though she was someone talking about like the Romulans and just kind of like, trying to trying to just give us all the information before a first contact where it's like, just so you know the Romulans like this. And when you when you reach for your glass, only reach for your glass with your left hand. If you reach with your right hand, they'll see it as a declaration of war. And by the way, they believe that nuclear power is just it's a better power. They understand that they don't understand if you start talking about hydro electricity, they they get very angry, and they'll probably want to pull out their face. Okay, I

Josh Olson 45:01
have to, I have to ask you about this has nothing to do with any of us. But as driven, it's driven me nuts my entire life, how every time the Federation goes up to meet an alien species, they have to go through that process, they're gonna meet with them. And you get the sense that none of the alien species ever sit down and go, be careful not to like, try to easily rake the first officer, they really don't like that. Like, they don't give a shit. They don't they just do whatever they want to do. And Federation always has to be the people are like, well, we have to put up with the fact that like, you know, they just they just pick their nose throughout the entire meal. It's, it's, well, it's

Wyatt Cenac 45:32
a very, it's there's a very patriarchal approach to this. And I mean, I think this was when we were talking space, Navy stuff a while back. It's a very patriarchal approach to assume that, okay, we need to go down on this planet and check in on these savages. They don't call them savages anymore. They just call them confused backwards people. But it's very much like, we need to go check in on them. So we should develop and devise protocols versus the people who are saying like, we're just happy living our lives on this planet. We don't really need any ding dongs to show up in their with their magic glitter, their magic glitter fax machines, where they show up and they're like, Hey, we can give you a replicator technology like now we've been good farm in the land. We're okay. We just didn't decide to put up a giant sign that said Leave us alone. And now you're

Josh Olson 46:38
putting the show notes. I should put a link to the I think was Brianna drag race podcast that why went on and within the two of us got into it. And we're in winter, huge Star Trek fan. And yeah, his argument was the Federation is basically a space Navy. And I will say, while I pretty much I've gotten very used to winning every argument because I spend most of my time arguing with Dave Anthony. Why Why? Why kick my ass

[VIDEO] 47:02
on guns. We all want to live in a safe society. This is why firearms are regulated in every No,

Josh Olson 47:10
don't we?

Dave Anthony 47:12
I don't know. Dangerous, terrible.

Wyatt Cenac 47:16
Yeah. Dave, you're always talking about how you, you want to live like that one movie that I've heard the name of where it's like the purge. Yeah. That's why That's why we call purge Anthony.

Dave Anthony 47:33
I've always felt that the best way to raise a child is to have them prepared for every single for surance. Once they went they admitted they step outside or even inside on a particular night, but they should always be ready for danger and death. And they should see death constantly.

Josh Olson 47:54
That's yeah, my son is just about he's threatening to start walking soon. And I can't wait to just let them out on the street and, you know, start living in absolute terror that

Wyatt Cenac 48:04
a million has taken the crime scenes

[VIDEO] 48:10
in their state. But we know bad guys will always find a way to get guns. See you Chicago and Baltimore for further reference.

Josh Olson 48:21
Cities are packed.

Dave Anthony 48:22
Chicago. So when you think of Chicago and Baltimore, what do you think of?

Wyatt Cenac 48:28
I think of the Cubs and

Dave Anthony 48:35
it's weird, they don't bring up like rural Georgia where the rate of have one other one a lot of guns in like rural Georgia, Georgia, where the rate of people being shot is actually much higher than in those cities. She's saying because in all the rural areas, there's less people but more shootings per person. But anyway,

Wyatt Cenac 48:55
right. But also in rural Georgia. Like we've, you know, we've the local news in rural Georgia has already been sort of undermined, and there are no local papers to report those. So it's not becoming national news in the same way. Yeah, because they don't have a local they don't have a local newspaper anymore. Because be like, Hey, we should all be talking about the fact that all our neighbors, their shot guns keep going off in each other's faces. Maybe this maybe there's an epidemic here. But oh, we don't have we don't have a newspaper anymore. So I guess we'll just pray on it. Yeah, also, I will say, I take I take a certain amount of umbrage which is a word I don't I don't use that often, but it was my word of the day. I take some umbrage at just this general bad guys. As though we live in some world where bad guys aren't human beings that are making choices and some of those choices are terrible choices, but we're not getting into like, oh, Is there stuff we could be doing to try to, like, help people before they become bad guys, we, we could maybe do things but it's more just this what are you gonna do there's just bad guys around they just there's just bad guy university that's going in there recruiting kids off the streets of Baltimore in Chicago and they've just turned them into bad guys they're just there's nothing we can do we're we're helpless to bad guys so because we're helpless to bad guys that are just maybe born that way we're not sure but whatever it is,

Josh Olson 51:03
yeah, that's the problem. The problem with your school that's doing a bad people idea is that that is kind of a system and then you'd have to acknowledge there are systemic problems so I think they just fall back right

Wyatt Cenac 51:12
Yeah, but that but it's that weird thing of like yeah, there's just bad guys there's nothing we can do about it. Except these late stage abortions with guns

[VIDEO] 51:23
that's why conservatives want guns to protect themselves from the bad guys it's not much more complicated than that

Dave Anthony 51:32
it's just it's just a delightfully just be racist just this is just pure like the all the white people are scared that's all this is ever fucking Ben for that. Yeah.

Wyatt Cenac 51:46
And the bad guys the nebulous bad guys, we we don't know. What qualifies a bad guy is a bad guy is a bad guy. Someone who breaks into your house or is a bad guy, a person with a Black Lives Matter tattoo that they won't show you

Josh Olson 52:07
know, now that you can see I think is the problem. It's the lens you can see

[VIDEO] 52:11
on tolerance. Conservative see tolerance as a two way street. If someone demands to be addressed by certain pronouns, and considers it intolerant if you don't comply, conservatives wonder why that is an intolerant.

Dave Anthony 52:25
What are you talking about? Like, if I go up to you and I go, Hey, call me Dave. And you're like, Okay, Frank, then you know, you're a fucking asshole. Like, I want you to call me what I want you to call me. What's What's your fucking problem?

Wyatt Cenac 52:39
Yeah, that like, that seems so that's very much. Yeah. In by that by by that analogy. It's like, No, I see you as a frank. And I don't care that I don't care that it's your name. But your name is Dave that that's what you want to call yourself. I a complete stranger. Choose to call you Frank.

Josh Olson 53:06
And you're intolerant that that upsets you? I hereby declare that this Amala and we're gonna just start I'm gonna start calling her a douche nozzle. That's it. That's her name. That's what I call her and she's prom with her own tolerance.

Wyatt Cenac 53:20
I'm gonna call her bizarro because she's Briana she's bizarre obreon

Josh Olson 53:33
me I'm explaining how conservative good

[VIDEO] 53:36
i are a conservative gonna be so mad at Miss worthy of respect than anyone elses. On authoritarianism. Whenever conservatives win political power, they're typically trying to cut taxes and regulations make the government smaller and bolster constitutional freedoms like that of speech and religion. That doesn't sound very authoritarian does it? aggressive policy?

Wyatt Cenac 53:59
Yeah. Cuz you know, you know, you know, you know, authoritarian government is definitely big government it's not the smallest government you can find one person rules them all.

Dave Anthony 54:14
Yeah, so if they wanted smaller government that means they're shrinking when they get in there, they shrink the military, they shrink the police force. FBI all those things get smaller, right?

Wyatt Cenac 54:25
No, those are those are those are safety things those are to protect from the bad guys. Yeah. Oh, you need those. Those are just those are just different guns. So that's not government. No, no, those are just gardens. No, but let's

Josh Olson 54:43
let's be clear, it has gotten fucking weirder. Because after the the FBI raided Trump's place, remember this and all of a sudden you had like Republicans calling?

Dave Anthony 54:51
Yeah, we were like, Yeah, let's go.

Josh Olson 54:54
Let's go. Yeah, where would I stand with you? Marjorie Taylor Greene. Yeah, it just got so fucking weird. It's Yo, what's up is down what do you call, breathe Zara. Zara

[VIDEO] 55:07
always raises taxes, expands regulations, increases the size of government and now curtails free speech to

Dave Anthony 55:16
the government has been passing the the progressives just keep passing laws to stop free speech. They keep making you use pronouns they did the congressional pronoun bill passed that was obviously a problem Yep.

Josh Olson 55:36
Mike Biden would not shut up he was like, if you don't vote for this, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna pass on myself. It was scary. It was very very scary

[VIDEO] 55:45
but conservative that sounds authoritarian

Josh Olson 55:48
regulating spending regulations to like make sure that the milk you drink doesn't kill you.

Dave Anthony 55:52
Yeah. Hey, what am I don't want piss in my milk. Is that is that going to be a problem? Is that big government?

[VIDEO] 55:58
Well, now that you've heard a few of their arguments do you dislike conservatives less than you did before?

Dave Anthony 56:03
More? I hate them more.

Josh Olson 56:06
did not think it was possible I

Dave Anthony 56:07
think happened. I don't know what she thinks she thinks she did something. Anything

Josh Olson 56:13
she does she thinks she explained something that you don't

Wyatt Cenac 56:16
know she's got kind of like a little wink of like, Ah, I won. Yeah. Bizarro do good job or bizarro do bad job. bad job.

[VIDEO] 56:33
I'm on weapon OB host of unapologetic Prager for Prager University.

Josh Olson 56:40
That's, that's not that's not who you are. That is not your name that we refuse to call you. And whatever our pronouns are, refused to use them. And

Wyatt Cenac 56:47
she would respect that she, she would totally respect that. As a conservative.

Josh Olson 56:54
Exactly. Exactly. Wow, that was that was glorious way before we have another one. But I know I promise you it'll be an hour. I didn't realize this would be so rich.

Wyatt Cenac 57:07
Yeah. I mean, if anything, I'm signing up for the Prager U newsletter. I know I'll be watching the rest. I'm going to run out a movie theater.

Josh Olson 57:25
This one is a new guy. We haven't seen any this guy's videos yet. He's got a few Dave his name's Andy puzzler. You know, he's made some news. He was a former CEO of CK e which is the parent company of Carl's Jr. and Hardee's. He was an economic adviser to Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. During his time at CK EA they paid $20 million over class action lawsuits due to overtime violations. He and his wife contributed over $300,000 to Trump's campaign. He then became a senior economic adviser to the Trump campaign. He was Trump's nominee to head the Department of Labor. There was a lot of pushback from Democrats because he mistreated his workers opposed minimum wage and supported automation. I found a great article where he talked about automation. He doesn't believe in 100% automation ultimately at the minute but he he felt that increased automation could be a welcomed development. Because machines were quote, always polite. They always upsell they never take a vacation. They never show up late. There's never a slip and fall or an age sex or race discrimination case when machine. But he does not support full automation. However, this is true, because it would make it hard to build a company culture.

Dave Anthony 58:33
Well. With machines, I think, a pretty cool culture and it certainly

Josh Olson 58:39
didn't like him. Because they they're conservative find out that it turned out his housekeeper was an undocumented worker and he hadn't paid taxes for her. So the night before his confirmation hearing, he withdrew his nomination.

Dave Anthony 58:52
I love that. I love that he he did all that terrible shit. And then they're like, You didn't pay taxes for your, like all of the bad shit. And then they're like, No, that's the one.

Josh Olson 59:03
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this is this is his entree. It's called ESG woke to broke.

[VIDEO] 59:13
Why do millions of people invest in retirement accounts? Well, the answer is obvious to have money to live on. When you're no longer working. The best way for those accounts to grow is to invest in companies to make a profit. less profit for those companies means less money for retirement. That might seem like common sense, but it's becoming less common, thanks to a new investment strategy called ESG. ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. If you're wondering what that means you're not alone. Generally, it means that a company's first concern should no longer be how much money it makes, but rather how much social good it does. In other words, get woke, or get shamed. If you're an oil company, for example, you You're out of luck. Because by the nature of your business, it's assumed you're destroying the planet.

Josh Olson 1:00:05
Why would that be assumed? Yeah.

Dave Anthony 1:00:08
There's actually a long historical record of these companies themselves, doing studies on their own output, and they are indeed destroying the planet. So, by their very own definition, they're destroying the planet. So it's not really assumed as much as what's happening.

Wyatt Cenac 1:00:27
But maybe they think if they destroy it, they'll be another cooler new planet grows from the remain.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
Never mind that you're powering homes and hospitals, that doesn't count. In fact, if you're a company just trying to make a profit, you're the problem. ESG proponent Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum puts it this way. We can't continue with an economic system driven by selfish values, such as short term profit, the message is clear. We need es

Wyatt Cenac 1:01:03
saying let's stay selfish. This is why it's ESG or be selfish. And I say be selfish.

Dave Anthony 1:01:23
Why would we act like we're part of a large global community? Yeah, we can make money.

Wyatt Cenac 1:01:30
Yeah. Whoever is the chum in the water. That's them. But I'm a shark baby.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:40
From ourselves. Really, the pursuit of profits is fueled many of mankind's greatest innovations and greatest companies name on

Dave Anthony 1:01:49
we put lead and we put lead in gasoline.

Wyatt Cenac 1:01:54
I feel like all the things he's gonna name it's like McDonald's. Oh, you mean that company that has done more to kind of just push like fatty awful foods to people? Yeah, that one and Marlboro? Oh, sure. Yeah. Great company. Yeah, they push profits. And they did some amazing things for humanity. Yeah. Vegan Smith and Wesson. Like no one ever got hurt.

Josh Olson 1:02:26
i A friend of mine many years back took $1,000 and and did a project ICO. I mean, he just wanted to see it work out. He invested in evil. And he just invested solely in companies that were absolutely ruthless and immoral and did terrible things created terrible products. And he made a fortune.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
It led Elon Musk to build electric cars. Andy Grove?

Wyatt Cenac 1:02:48
Sure. Yeah. Okay, let's let's talk about Elon Musk. He's a total great guy. Oh, my gosh, what? Zero and, you know, as long as we don't talk about all those people who are fucking getting sick in his cobalt mines. Yeah, and, and granted, sorry, I know, they're not his cobalt mines. They're just general cobalt mines that are polluting water and getting people sick. And he doesn't want to have any sort of regulation over them or have any responsibility. But yeah, let's let's, but he's a fucking hero. Okay, Andy Grove, who's this guy?

Josh Olson 1:03:22
But I guess before I last night, I was on a lift. I know this is happening. I don't understand maybe what you guys can explain because I never bothered to look into it. But it took a lift last night. And for the first time ever, I was in Elon's car, a Tesla. And my understanding of people who drive for lifts. I mean, I know several of them is these are not people who as a rule can afford Tesla's but they're not Tesla Lyft drivers, I don't get it. And I got in the car. And I sat down and I saw it. And first I tried to open the window and realize it was the button supposed to lock the door couldn't get either to work. As the car took up, took off, I realized there was something inside of the size of an iPad right next to the driver. And I was like, Oh my fucking god, I want a Tesla. And honestly, it was a terrifying 15 minute ride because those things are not safe. And you can't get out of them. When they catch on fire brand. There's all kinds of horrible shit. And it's like he's been he's been juking stats forever. They've been paying off people who lose loved ones or lose arms in accidents.

Wyatt Cenac 1:04:21
And as a CEO, I mean, there's like discrimination lawsuits against the dude. But yeah,

Josh Olson 1:04:26
oh, god. Yeah, I mean, yeah, the corporate culture is terrible. My favorite thing is that with a self drive function, if you get into an accident, the self drive function turns off one second before the collision, so that they are not actually liable. Oh, responsible.

Wyatt Cenac 1:04:48
Smart thinking that's why people call him that's why people call them real life Tony Stark, because we all know that Tony Stark the first thing he thinks of as an avenger is how much collateral damage can I create

Unknown Speaker 1:05:06
Andy Grove to design computer chips, and Reed Hastings to develop the world's most popular streaming service?

Josh Olson 1:05:13
That's Netflix he's talking about and that's that's why are you annoyed

Wyatt Cenac 1:05:17
by it? Yeah, yeah.

Josh Olson 1:05:20
Yeah, we're all about to get a strong strike. Because anymore. Let's do

Wyatt Cenac 1:05:26
something about like, and yeah, Netflix was created, you know, that thing that's totally undermined television.

Josh Olson 1:05:37
It's why we're all doing podcasts now. Instead of working on

Wyatt Cenac 1:05:40
something that's undermine TV and movies. Yeah. And destroyed blockbuster. Remember that?

Josh Olson 1:05:47
Well, yeah. You told me we love them.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:50
brings to commercial airplanes too. Yes, solar panels and wind turbines came about because of the desire for profit. Profit is why you have a job clothes, a house food, and every other necessity. Yeah, hold on.

Dave Anthony 1:06:04
No, no, no, no. We have our inventions come out of the government research and development. Like, you just do the COVID vaccines, but there's just tons of shit that comes out of like, research and development that our government is doing and then all of a sudden some company has it makes money. Yeah, that's what it is.

Wyatt Cenac 1:06:28
Velcro. That's I feel like the one that that's always my go to is velcro. That was NASA created Velcro.

Dave Anthony 1:06:35
Yeah. Tons of stuff has come from space exploration and military stuff. That's where all radar and all that shit comes from, like, you know, remote sensing space sticks. That's

Wyatt Cenac 1:06:48
not let's I hear what you're saying, Dave, but I feel like you're not really appreciating Velcro.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:57
Not to mention luxuries. It's the reason why you can live in Phoenix and stay cool. or live in Buffalo and stay warm. The genius wait.

Josh Olson 1:07:06
It's also the reason why you have to have air conditioning and Phoenix Oriole fighting die. But let's there's

Dave Anthony 1:07:11
no actual. I can live in Buffalo in a system in which there's no profit for energy companies and still be warm. Does he know how a lot of the world works? A lot of the world works by not profiting off of utility companies. They're government owned.

Wyatt Cenac 1:07:33
Yeah, but where's the fun in that

Unknown Speaker 1:07:42
capitalism is it requires businesses to do good things for society to make a fuck. Fuck. What is he? Ready PGD

Dave Anthony 1:07:53
is killed so many fucking Californians? Holy shit. They're burning us. They've given us cancer.

Wyatt Cenac 1:08:03
Yeah. Yeah. So the genius of capitalism is that it requires businesses to do good things for society to make a profit. So then that would explain why tobacco companies spend so much money to sort of create pseudoscience to say that there was nothing wrong with cigarettes. Sure, okay. Yeah. The amount of money and explains

Dave Anthony 1:08:31
explains the Sacklers. Right. Yes.

Wyatt Cenac 1:08:35
100%. Yeah, the Sackler is genius capitalists that did great things. Great. Yeah.

Josh Olson 1:08:47
I had a friend a couple of weeks ago, who was sort of getting my views like why you socialist man, why would you want to be a socialist? And 10 minutes later, was complaining about? Oh, I got it. I apologize. Why? And I'm way behind on my MCU movies. You're not like, like Chang sidekick, or no,

Wyatt Cenac 1:09:02
no, no. And I

Josh Olson 1:09:05
you feel you feel like someone that I could see you like popping up and be like, yeah,

Wyatt Cenac 1:09:09
no, I'm, I'm on nobody's radar in that way.

Josh Olson 1:09:16
My brain is complaining about how like Marvel Comics barely exist anymore. They don't put any effort into them. And now it's all these fucking movies. And I'm like, dude, five minutes ago, you're asking me what I'm socialist. It's like you're answering your own question.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:28
Think about it. If you want to start a business, whether it's a dog hotel or a shoe factory,

Wyatt Cenac 1:09:33
those are your only two.

Josh Olson 1:09:40
Those are both kind of nice things too.

Wyatt Cenac 1:09:42
You can only do one, one or the other. And don't don't come to me and say you want to make a shoe company that just makes shoes for dogs. That's not allowed. It's a shoe company or to dog hotel.

Josh Olson 1:09:55
What if you want to start a cigarette factory? How about that helps

Unknown Speaker 1:09:59
others At a price they can afford if you want to track the wages genius of

Wyatt Cenac 1:10:05
capitalism is it allows people to do good things. What are the good things? I'm very curious to hear what this guy would say. The good things are of a dog hotel Well, you know, sometimes when like a dog, there's a dog that's stepping out on a dog wife and wants to have an affair to get away from

Dave Anthony 1:10:36
you know, when you're when you're homeless, and you're walking down the street and you look in a room, and there's a dog sitting on a bed watching HBO.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
Dog safe working conditions, otherwise nobody will work for you. If you want.

Josh Olson 1:10:57
Yes, that's true. If you have a large factory that's making a big product. If you don't have safe conditions, no one's gonna want

Dave Anthony 1:11:05
but they have but Okay,

Josh Olson 1:11:07
let's move on. I can't imagine anyone. They don't want

Dave Anthony 1:11:11
nobody wants to work in any shoe factory. Whether it's safe or not. No one's like, oh, fuck, I get to work in a shoe factory. It's safe. Nobody wants to work in a shoe factory.

Wyatt Cenac 1:11:23
unless it were safe and benefits. I feel like if there were great benefits and you can buy a home whether you're working at a shoe factory, I'm sure there'd be somebody who was like, I love stitching this leather. But what if your shoe factory is run like Amazon where it's like oh my god, I'm peeing in the shoes we don't sell because I'm not allowed to go the bathroom so I've just got a boot here. I got a I got a I got two left to left cowboy boots that I'm just paying in. I pee in one and I poop in the other

Josh Olson 1:11:57
wow I thought it was trying to remember a thing but I was wrong but I just went in to Google and I typed in shoe factory fire don't go to Google and type in shoe factory fire because apparently these things just go this is horrifying. Do not if you're working in a shoe factory quit go to Amazon right now. You're safer. No no, you got to treat why you don't know it's like if you open a shoe factory it will burn with everyone inside it's just like it seems like it's a one to one corollary This is horrifying.

Wyatt Cenac 1:12:30
Well the only reason that the Amazon factories aren't burning with everyone inside is because they have all those P bottles

Josh Olson 1:12:36
That's Right exactly. Although they also it's a problem they sell shoes

Unknown Speaker 1:12:41
customers not only will you have to make a good product, but you'll need to cultivate a good reputation that means treating those customers well and offering competitive prices I mean

Josh Olson 1:12:55
have you guys noticed lately like when you call customer service for anything it's so fucking good just down the line all these companies are just spending more and more money on making sure that

Wyatt Cenac 1:13:06
also I feel like this guy has never been to like the supreme store in New York I don't know that those I don't know that the folks working there are treating the customers good but for some reason there's still a line out the door and around the block to overpay for for a pair of escape pants

Unknown Speaker 1:13:27
in free enterprise system you can't make money without providing a social good

Dave Anthony 1:13:33
What are you talking about?

Wyatt Cenac 1:13:41
Hey guys don't go so hard on the pods I don't even know he's he he ran Carl's Jr. Parties the same place the exact same fast food joint that for some reason he made the brilliant decision to have all of the ones on the East Coast be called Hardys and all the ones on the West Coast be called Carl's Jr. No know consolidation that's a that's a brilliant man right there. So

Josh Olson 1:14:20
how many times how many times have you found yourself you need to get a scratch that fast food edge and you're all gonna look McDonald's Jack in the Box Burger King again but Hardee's or curl who goes oh thank god a Hardee's

Wyatt Cenac 1:14:35
but also, think about the business decision where you've said oh you know what? I'm gonna pay Paris Hilton a shit ton of money to do a Carl's Jr. Ad where she's eating a cheeseburger on a car. Also though we sell this burger at Hardee's. So I guess I'm gonna have to make two versions of this commercial I don't know if they ever made the Hardys version, but I know like, there was a Carl's Jr. Commercial where they paid Paris Hilton a lot of money. And in my head, I feel like, well, if you're a good capitalist, you have a national chain, that you've for some reasons. Half the country knows it as one thing and the other half knows it as the other. Do you just have to make two versions of all your commercials? Let's seems wasteful, I guess anyway,

Dave Anthony 1:15:38
saying I don't understand capitalism. You're clearly not getting it. By

[VIDEO] 1:15:43
its very nature. Conscientious.

Dave Anthony 1:15:48
When I think that's the word I usually think of when I think of caps also kind love. Cut cuddly

Unknown Speaker 1:15:56
turns out them that profit isn't selfish. It motivates us to contribute our talents to help others. He

Dave Anthony 1:16:03
can we just say that most of the CEOs are fucking psychopaths, like it is it is a it is a a system that allows psychopaths to rise to the top very quickly, because they if you don't care about human life, you don't have to burden yourself with that, and you make tons of money.

Wyatt Cenac 1:16:23
Yeah, I would agree with that.

Josh Olson 1:16:27
I gotta you know, most, you know, they brought up why I bought a blockbuster before and I just, I, you know, their policy. And I've seen a lot of kind of romanticization of them lately. And their corporate policy was they would target neighborhoods in which mom and pop stores were doing particularly well. And they would open up across the street or down the block for them. And just demolish them with with massive, massive, massively larger collections of film. So like, you go in one of those mom and pops and you want a Top Gun. And it would be out because it was a popular movie, but they kept going with other stuff. And you got fucking blockbuster. They had 50 copies of it. They could afford to do that. That was their corporate policy. There's a market here. Let's crush the locals.

Wyatt Cenac 1:17:05

Dave Anthony 1:17:06
Are you saying that's not good? Because all he heard was that I can get top gun on a Wednesday?

Josh Olson 1:17:11
Yeah, that's kind of good.

Wyatt Cenac 1:17:13
Yeah, is this system. And in doing so, I was gonna say and in doing so, that sweet couple that own the old video stores who live a few blocks away. I'm making sure that they don't live a few blocks away anymore. Because they, they can't afford their house because their business is gone. But hey, you know what I hear they're higher and at the shoe factory denigrated

Unknown Speaker 1:17:40
profit. It lessens the incentive and the means to do good. Without profits. Companies won't have the capital to provide jobs, pay investors or fund innovation. But that's the world ESG wants you to live in a world where profit takes second place to a preoccupation with income inequality, race and gender sensitivity and climate alarmism.

Josh Olson 1:18:06
Well, that sounds terrible. Oh, my God, wouldn't it be amazing?

Dave Anthony 1:18:10
I like this stuff.

Josh Olson 1:18:12
Like, yeah, you're right.

Dave Anthony 1:18:15
That was second to those links. By the way, there aren't CO out there are co op companies like in Spain, as well as like 5000. People, they, they, they, you know, the workers make all the profit and, and they all take care of each other and take care of themselves. And it's a community thing. That's that's, you know, it all works within the system, if you want it to

Josh Olson 1:18:38
be better if they are automated, better if they were automated.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:41
But even if you wanted to address those concerns, how would

Josh Olson 1:18:45
even even if you wanted to if you're asked

Wyatt Cenac 1:18:48
not Not that you should

Unknown Speaker 1:18:51
help you do it? That's a fair question, because there's no consensus on ESG standards. Here's a good example, three self proclaimed ESG watchdogs have given Tesla three completely different ratings, best, worst and middling. In capitalism. There's a simple metric to determine success, how much money you're making.

Dave Anthony 1:19:16
So a hedge fund has been going around buying up hospices, and one of the reasons they're doing that is because they know that they built the government for Medicare money, because no one is actually checking up on dying people. And so they're massively profiting off of hospice, which obviously means they're probably rationing, pain medication and things like that. And anyway, they're profiting so

[VIDEO] 1:19:44
under ESG, there's no such thing. It's a judgment call to make ESG investment strategies even more problematic. According to Meyer Statman, Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University, in the long run ESG investors are likely to earn lower after fee returns than non ESG. Investors?

Josh Olson 1:20:05
That is correct. That is correct. I told you earlier about my friend who invested in evil. He made a lot more money doing that than he would doing if he invested in companies that are not equally evil. Yes, that is true. And by the way, he's just put his finger on the problem with

Dave Anthony 1:20:18
going to my broker who I visit once a day, I always say, which companies are doing the most harm? And how can I invest in them? Right? Because I know that's gonna make me money. And that's all that fucking matters. is sweet, sweet money.

Josh Olson 1:20:34
That's what do you say?

Wyatt Cenac 1:20:35
Oh, also, if there's anyone I'm going to listen to. It's the stat man Meier stat man, wire stat then.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:49
Over a period of say, 30 years, those fees alone could cost you hundreds,

Josh Olson 1:20:53
Scatman Crothers Meyer, Meyer, stat minute tried.

Dave Anthony 1:20:56
They try it. That's all that matters.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:00
Scott mentioned the 1000s of dollars. So if ESG endangers profits, offers no clear metric for success, and is a mediocre investment. Why is it even a thing? Well, for two main reasons,

Wyatt Cenac 1:21:14
because it also stands for extremely sexy girls. Come on, ladies. Come on out here. Once a Go Go dancers to sell you on the idea of corporate responsibility.

[VIDEO] 1:21:31
First ESG allows people like Larry Fink CEO of Blackrock, the world's largest investment company, to feel good about themselves. It's a Get Out of Jail Free card for guilty billionaires, what they Preen in the New York Times he's he's a monster.

Josh Olson 1:21:45
He's not wrong about that monster. Yeah, he's

Dave Anthony 1:21:49
also this monster can act like he's cool. He's a demon.

Wyatt Cenac 1:21:54
Yeah. Yeah. And bad on him for feeling guilty about

Josh Olson 1:22:02
what I mean this is this is the chink in the armor that he's he's attacking is that a lot of these companies use AI to help me quote unquote, like woke, you know, advertising and imagery to, you know, peddle the same bullshit they've always been peddling. He's, he's not. And he's taking advantage of that fact here to kind of, you know, come close to making almost an argument. But this is not the guy.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:25
And the rest of us are stuck with the bill. And second, it's about control. ESG, enables an enlightened elite to tell everyone else how to run their companies, submit to ESG, or you won't get that loan or that investment, whether or not it's good for your bottom line, and your shareholders. That's how companies and hold.

Dave Anthony 1:22:45
This is just

Josh Olson 1:22:46
he's talking between your bottom line and your shareholders.

Dave Anthony 1:22:48
It's talking about public pressure. That's always it's always been this has always been a thing. People have always been like, Hey, don't do that. And then they if the company asked to change, they will. I mean, this is, this has always been a thing. And it's not

Wyatt Cenac 1:23:02
as though capitalism doesn't allow also for a small group of entitled elites to determine what they what they think how people should behave and operate. It's not as though Twitter is being run by an entitled rich person, capitalist who's saying, Oh, yes, I, I hear that. I hear the will of the people and I and I trust that it's like, what a fucking cracker. What a cracker is shit.

Josh Olson 1:23:41
Titled elites, he means like black people.

Wyatt Cenac 1:23:44
Right? Yeah, that's, that's Elon Musk. On the other hand, yeah, sure. You can be he can tell us what to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:54
economies and other people go from woke to broke, including your 401 K. So if somebody tries to sell you on environmental, social and governance investing, hold on tight to your wallet, and to your girls. ESG is coming for both. I'm Andy puster, senior fellow at the School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University, for Prager University.

Dave Anthony 1:24:16
I mean, this is why so one of the woke things that drives me crazy is that now on chocolate, it says slavery free. This is what he's taught. This is what he's talking about. Like people were like, Hey, can we please not use child slavery for chocolate production? And eventually Hershey's is like, okay, but obviously that hurts profits. So you guys understand? Right? So that's right.

Josh Olson 1:24:44
And they weren't doing anything wrong.

Dave Anthony 1:24:45
They were making chocolate. Do you like chocolate?

Josh Olson 1:24:50
Okay, who doesn't like chocolate? And they

Dave Anthony 1:24:53
will and you can make money money in chocolate. Still there slavery.

Wyatt Cenac 1:24:57
Well, but the thing that but the thing with Hershey's, and this is the same thing with Tesla and the cobalt mines is they aren't doing any sort of oversight on where they're sourcing their cobalt or their chocolate from. And, and so that is, yeah, the purely capitalist approach is, I don't care where you get it, just get it and get it as cheaply as possible. So I can turn it around and sell it to somebody at a premium. And then somebody finds out oh, by the way, the place we got it from their slaves, and the capitalist is like, why are you telling me this? What like, I'm just why. Why did you come into my office to just tell me this? Do you want me to feel away? Please leave? And elitist? Yeah, title.

Josh Olson 1:25:59
Here's my question. I always find me something. There's a flaw on my part. It's like, does this guy believe anything? How do you make this argument and not notice as you're making it? They just contract? All the way through?

Dave Anthony 1:26:10
Yeah. I mean, this guy's just, this is just an evil guy. Like he doesn't. I mean, he's basically explaining why you shouldn't have a conscience. He's, that's what this whole thing was. He's, he like, he genuinely believes this. He's, he's, this is who he is. He's like, Yeah, you shouldn't care about anything but money. Do we not?

Wyatt Cenac 1:26:30
Also, so why is Pepperdine? I don't, I don't know, anything about Pepperdine. I feel like I remember seeing them maybe many, many years ago and like the NCAA Tournament and they, why on earth? Why on earth? are they letting this person teach people? His idea of capitalism, like that, like, as bad as Prager University is I feel like somebody needs to talk to whoever is the Regents at Pepperdine, and say, Hey, you have you watched this video that he made for for a rival school? That just seems like, just from like from he's being a pure capitalist, or he's like, I know I work for this one school, but I'm also going to work for this other school on the side. But I like look, I went to the University of North Carolina, if all of a sudden there was a professor who was doing double double dipping at Duke. I feel like people would get pretty upset. Like

Josh Olson 1:27:45
yeah, it's and who does he root for the playoffs when it's pepper?

Dave Anthony 1:27:50
That's a tough one. Pepperdine is one of the

Wyatt Cenac 1:27:53
hate. Baseball is the first half on the Pepperdine side. And then the second half. He switches switches. His Jersey Pepperdine

Dave Anthony 1:28:01
is one of the most conservative private religious school and they that was where Kenneth Starr was my special prosecutor.

Josh Olson 1:28:11
Yeah, so they're fine with these clowns.

Wyatt Cenac 1:28:14
Okay, yeah. Then my apologies I'm sorry keep doing terrible work

Josh Olson 1:28:31
I'm really sad to Prager you, I think is keep doing the work. Jesus Christ. Oh, quiet man. Thank you for joining us for this did we was this I don't know like you come out of it. Changed it anyway.

Wyatt Cenac 1:28:45
I mean, if the next one of these you Do you happen to see someone who might look like talking about you know, the, the problems that progressives don't want you to know. Don't be surprised. Just and some of that is just because as the PUDs already stated, the rise of Netflix has destroyed everything else so I just want to go back jobs are Yeah, yeah, there's no MCU then I've got to get into the Prager cinematic universe.

Josh Olson 1:29:28
I'm telling you man you need to be you need to be like like one of the things about the X Men are like I swear to God I'm gonna get one of those movies one day there's gonna be Wyatt like Firon CG power beams out of his hands that you know if

Wyatt Cenac 1:29:45
Yeah, look if it if it if it helps me get a roof. Replace my roof then. Sure. Hand me that hand me that power glove and I will. I will blast whatever needs to be blasted beautiful.

Josh Olson 1:29:59
Oh, Awesome, man. Well thank you for good reason.

[MUSIC] 1:30:03
Good morning class. Today we're learning all about socialism, deviant sex and devil worship. And how cool semi science fiction is next week. If you finally had enough of him beat college left wing. Get yourself a real degree from Prager University. Gates is here to give everyone free vaccine sciences commie plot. Our professors can't be bought all textbooks are Soros free at Prager University My pronouns are no more guilt. No more blame no more head to toe white male shame, no waves on your family tree Prager University.

Josh Olson 1:31:19
We want to thank our incredible support team. Brian siano, our free floating agent of chaos aka research guy

Dave Anthony 1:31:28
and also Colin McCoy who does all of our music. You can also find him he out there and music world He is known as diesel boots.