Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to get as fit as possible Scott has agreed to do his weekly check-ins live on this show.  This week was full of highs and lows and we will discuss those.

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We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Nassau every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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Sit back, relax, enjoy the show.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the holiday

edition of the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey.

As I was off work today and

able to easily schedule this today.

Yesterday was insane with

everything I had going on.

And I appreciate Cheryl for

allowing us to move that to today.

So thank you for joining.

Thank you, Ken.

Thank you, Damien, for being here.

And anybody else who's in the chat.

Appreciate you all.

What is going on?


No worries, man.

Like it is what it is.

We always got,

got to work around the work schedule,

you know,

the full-time pay the bills type

of a thing.


I also had a doctor's

appointment right when we

were supposed to go on the air.

So, yeah.

So, I mean,

I know it's not weight loss related,

but it is relevant to your, your journey.

I know you're back on antibiotics now,

but so what was the conclusion with the,

uh, random sponge leftover?


So yesterday was to

determine if there was any

damage done internally to

the nasal passage from that being there.


And really nothing

significant damage was done

other than that there's

still infection in there.

Yeah, that just sucks.

But nothing like no damage

to the actual structure of

the nose or the sinus.


Okay, good.


I'm really proud of you for this past


I know that you went to the

Olympic trials with your mom.

How was that?

It is one of those experiences.

It is like a lifetime memory

that will always be there.

to be so if people probably

don't know this in 1986 all

the way back like before

textbooks and and and

pencils uh I actually made

the u.s swimming nationals

Um, and that was not an Olympic year.

It was just nationals in Orlando, Florida.

Um, I, it was a big trip.

We went down to do that.

So now kind of like 40 years

later going to the U S Olympic trials,

which is the national

competition for the United States, uh,

and seeing the best of the best.


and the cool thing is I got to see the

event that I swam in high

school and college, um,

on Saturday night, which was super cool.

Got to compare my times way

back then to what they are today.

And it's just amazing where,

where athletics is.

It was a cool venue, football field.

They built a pool on the field,

filled it with fire

hydrants from outside.

And then they're going to

drain it back out.

They're going to purify it

all and drain it back into

the river when it's all done.


You got Damien looking for

some hot photos of Scott.

From back in the day.

There are pictures of young

Scott in Speedos.

Why didn't they have tech

suits when I was around?

There's so much more

coverage to the tech suits

they wear today than the

Speedos we had in the 80s.

Yeah, it's funny.

But I mean,

one of my main goals for you in

our check-in last week was like,

You know, when you're out of your routine,

it's like really hard for

you to stay consistent with

your tracking.

And you tracked this weekend,

which I was like super happy with.

And it's really not about

even if what you logged was

100 or 200 calories off.

It's like we've got a ballpark figure.

We know about where you were.

It holds you accountable to

how many times you're eating, you know,

what little random snacks

you might be grabbing.

So I'm happy that you did

that this weekend.

So I was really proud of that.


we ate a good breakfast before we left.

I will admit my blood sugar

dipped right after the

prelims in the morning

because it had been from

breakfast till then since I had eaten.

And so we rushed to get

something to eat right after.

My mom is aware of all that

kind of stuff and how it

can affect someone.

And so we just went and did that.


I think that it's so important, like,

you know, it's hard

It's hard for some.

So it's really easy for me

to remember when I'm going

to be gone all day to make

sure I have a couple of snacks with me.

I call like my ice meals.

Like I told you.


I mean, it was like,

but when I leave my house

and I know I'm going to be

gone from like 7 a.m.

until who knows when I

always bring like a protein

bar or like a jerky stick

or something just to have

it just in case an apple, just something.

So like, just in case.

Because what if you are like

so in the moment that you

don't even want to leave for lunch?

Like now you have something

at least to hold you over.

So it's just a good habit

for people to get into just

to always have something if

you know you're going to be

gone for that long, you know?

So there's no downside to doing that,

you know?

So bring a little fanny pack.

They were very restrictive

in what you could take in.


It had to be in a clear plastic bag.


You got checked as you went in.

Well, they got,

they got clear fanny packs.

There was no food though.


So like, that's the only thing, but I,

we could have eaten

something like a protein

bar on the way in.




In the Uber on the way to the venue.

Yeah, exactly.

It's just having something with you.

And then father's day didn't

do much for father's day.




we got back from Indianapolis at like



my mom left at one and then I was home

alone all day.



My wife and daughter went to

Pennsylvania spend with my wife's father.

Um, and it was a bummer.

I put it in my weekly

check-in that like my

daughter didn't even call that day.

And it was really kind of a bummer.

Have you talked to her about that?

I did.


Was there a reason?

Did you just forget?



Don't need to go into it.

No, it's not personal.

I just,

I don't know how much of it I truly


but she said that she thought I

was going to be with my mom

all day and want to interrupt that.

But if I'm with my mom,

she can still call.

Like we can have a two

minute conversation.

If I'm being honest,

it was probably a harmless, oh shit,

forgot to call dad.

And that was her coverup story.



But we talked it out Monday

night and it's all good now.



So how are you feeling this

week in terms of hunger, appetite,

all that good stuff?

I mean, checking was pretty much standard,

but I like to always just

double check with you.


No real... Like I'm just

eating on schedule.

I'm not like... Yeah.

I did have like...

I did have cravings for ramen yesterday.

So I made ramen and did I, or was that,

I made ramen and bone broth one day.


And I was craving it.


I don't know that I saw that,

but I could be, I might've missed it.

I know you had some sushi this weekend was,

which was not normal for you.

That's like a special,

that's what I got myself

for father's day.


Yeah, you had that on, I think,

Father's Day and on Monday too,

but that was nothing crazy.

You had a sushi tuna roll

and a spicy salmon roll.

I don't remember seeing the ramen,

but I probably missed it somewhere.

It might have been today.

I've been up since 8 doing

stuff around that,

and maybe that's what I had for lunch.


I don't know.

There's a ramen noodle out

that's like a higher protein one,

but I know you just can't touch that.

Do you get the top ramen?

I do, and then I put bone broth in.

That's what I grew up on.

I never liked the cup of noodles ones,

the cup of noodles that's

like in the cups.

I didn't like those near as

much as the one that came in the block.

So the ones in the cup

tastes like styrofoam.


The, the bricks are,

but they do make a ramen

noodle that I see.

Cause you know, it's cause ramen is fried.

I think, uh, the noodles, they're like,

they're cooked and then

they're fried and then

they're like reheated.

Um, they're typically,

it's typically higher in fat.

Like your,

your noodles will have like 10

grams of fat just in the, the,

the noodles or whatever.

So there's a brand I found,

I forget what it's called.



maybe they make like a ramen noodle

and they have broths and

everything to make your own ramen.

But yeah, I like ramen.

It's good stuff.

You know what I, you know what?

It's funny that you mentioned that.

You know what I made this weekend?

Oh, I should celebrate talking nutrition.

I made homemade wonton soup this weekend.

Like I made my own little wontons.

I will never likely do that ever again.

It was very time consuming, but yeah,

It came out delicious.

My mom,

I've been helping my mom eat

healthier and she wanted

some wonton soup.

And I'm like,

I can make her like a high

protein wonton soup.

So I got some bone broth, got some chicken,

got the little wheat wonton wrappers.

I made up a little wonton

soup and I made it.

It was really delicious.

So good little change up.

Speaking of ramen.


I know another question you

had for me is you said

something out of the

ordinary was tasty cakes.


Real quick.

I need to explain myself.


No, no, I'm not.

I'm not going to apologize for it.

So my wife,

because she knew my daughter

didn't call on Sunday,

went to a mom and pop bakery back home.

And they make these homemade maple rolls.


I couldn't log it because

they don't have anything

for that mom and pop bakery.


So I got as close as I could

to what it kind of was.

So it's not a tasty cake.

It was mom and pop shop bakery maple roll.

That is one of my favorite

things in the world.

I'll be honest.

It's probably about double the calories,


Well, we'll call that what it is.

It was enjoyable.

And it was,

it was my father's day gift for my, yeah,

for sure.


it's kind of like when you log a cookie,

but it's from crumble and

you recognize that the

cookie is actually a thousand calories,

but you log 300.

Oh, similar, similar, but, uh,

you log a Dunkin' Donut,

but you're actually getting

like the double size to

what it made me realize, but.

But yeah,

I think overall this week's got

like huge wins with,

I think the tracking this weekend,

you know,

being in a little bit of a funk mentally,

not a huge one,

but like the whole father's day thing.

I know I also mentioned like

Mondays being not because

you can't get to the gym,

but it just has seemed like

you've been having a hard

time getting the gym,

making Monday more of like

an aerobic thing.

And I suggested a workout last week.

Did you end up doing it or not?

I did.

Okay, cool.

How did that feel?

So it's funny because when

you look at something on paper,

you're like, okay, no big deal.


And then the first probably 12 minutes,

I was like, this is really easy.

And I'm getting a lot of rest.

And then the last eight

minutes really sucked.


So just so the listeners can know,

I'm going to make Mondays –

Like I'm going to kind of

alternate with like a mono

Monday and like a kind of

like a cross finish interval workout.

So I didn't want to kill you

with just boring cardio yesterday.

So I did every – is it already Wednesday?

I'm thinking it's Tuesday.

Every two minutes for 20 minutes,

so 10 sets.

a 10 calorie assault bike.

And then on the odd minutes,

five sandbag cleans on the

even minute five sandbag thrusters.

So I know that you have a

sandbag and you like playing with it.

So I was like,

this will be a fun way for

him to start his week.

So the cleans were never got hard.

The thrusters on the last couple of sets.


Like I didn't want to pick

up the sandbag at all.



And my legs were crushed by

the bike by the end.

I thought about doing one

where it was like in a two-minute window,

do like 15 calories and

then max rep cleans and

then max rep dumbbell thrusters.

I'm like, no,

anybody doing max rep

thrusters is just like pain cave.

It just really is pain cave.

But awesome.

Have you gotten to Polaris

yet this week or are you

still kind of working with

the one car situation?

still working with the one car situation.

And I got,

I was up early today unintentionally.

So I did the, the wad today, uh, which was,

I did the strength last,

but the Metcon was three sets.

So the first one was three rounds.

Second one was two.

Last one was one.

And it was, um, 100, 200, 300, uh,


so I actually did the a hundred meter

run and I did bike for the

two and the three.


and then it was the first round was

dumbbell snatches,

which I don't have a dumbbell.

So I did kettlebell.

And then the second one was deadlifts.

And I, but I used to,

I didn't use dumbbells

cause I don't have them.

So I had to use a straight bar, do that.

And then the last one was lunges.

And they were supposed to be

weighted with the dumbbells,

but I just did them with them.

So the first round was like

three rounds of a 100-meter

run and... It was eight

dumbbell snatches alternating.

Then it was two rounds of

the... 200-meter run.

200-meter run and...

My brain is shot today.

Not the lunges, the other one.

Ah, shit.

I know you just said it.

Now I can't remember.

Deadlifts, deadlifts.

Deadlifts, yes.

10 deadlifts.

And then the one round was 12 lunges.

Oh, that's cool.


And then the strength was

Pendlay Rose alternating with RDLs.



That sounds fun.

so I feel like the only

other thing I mentioned for

us this week is like we

kind of took a little

pressure off the scale like

I i wanted you to still

weigh in um and just not

worry about sharing it but

she didn't weigh in so yeah

I was at the doctor I had

to weigh in but that's not

even an accurate weight


it's lower than I've been ever on

this journey.

And I had stuff in my

pockets and shoes on and all that stuff.

So, I mean, I'll weigh in.

It's not that I have a fear.

It's just not my focus right now.

My focus is blood sugar and all of that.

Why isn't the weight your focus?

Because I want to just feel

better and I want to get

all my health stuff.

My health markers are my focus.

So do you understand,

and I think this is hard

for people to understand.


you can be underweight and be diabetic,


Body fat percentage plays a

huge factor in things like

insulin sensitivity, cholesterol,

and all that stuff.

It's not really diet that changes that.

It's the change that the

diet creates in your physiology,

if that makes sense.

So even though the scale

might not seem like it's a big deal,

it does...

make you more insulin

sensitive or less insulin sensitive.

People that have excess body

fat have usually are more

prone to insulin resistance

and other metabolic conditions.

You know, um, it's something that like,

I don't want you thinking that

It's a measure of your success.

Your success isn't, and here's the deal,

your success isn't even

determined by changes in

your blood biomarkers or your weight.

That's not a measure of your success.

And something that we're

gonna talk about today is goals.

Those are outcomes.

Those are outcomes of the

changes you're making and

allow us to make changes.

So if the scale isn't the focus,

You know what I'm saying?

So like it has to be a piece

of the puzzle.

I'm probably not saying it

in a way that makes sense

for other people because

everybody's jumping in the chat.

And that's, I want to lose weight.

I'm not trying to not lose weight.

Right, exactly.

I'm logging my food and I'm

doing the stuff I need to

do and I'm working out

because I want to lose weight.

But in my head,

like I went through this

big traumatic event and I

don't want to go through that again.

Like just five months ago.

like so my focus is to be

healthy right not for that

to happen again right it's

not that I'm like shirking

all the other stuff that

goes with that yes just I

don't really care what that

number is I know I know I'm

losing weight like I I'm

telling you my clothes are

dripping off of me right

now um I scale it to doctor

it was dramatically lower

than I thought it was going to be


But do you understand,

and this is where I'm asking you,

this is me asking you as

not because I expect you to know or not,

there's no expectation here.

Do you understand why

tracking your food is important?

Why I need to see the scale?

I understand.


That you need to see it to know that,

that you're giving me the right advice.

But what advice?

On what I'm,

what I am eating and what I am doing.

But why?

I'm asking you because if

you don't know the answer,

a lot of listeners don't know the answer,

and they're going to learn in a second.

Why does tracking your food matter?

So that we have data to make changes.

And what do we need to change?

I don't know.


So the reason I'm asking

these questions is because this is,

this is one of the reasons

why I'm hosting a workshop next week,

fat loss simplified.

And I get it.

You're not all,

it's not just about fat loss.

It's about health,

but a lot of people to get

healthy need to lose fat.


That's a blanket statement.

Call it what it is.

There's people out there

that need to lose weight

and they're confused.

We talked about this last week.

Why are people following

these carnivore diets and all this stuff?


Let's break through.

all of the freaking confusion out there.

Tracking your food does not

help you lose weight.

Dieting doesn't help you lose weight.

What gets people to lose

weight is creating a calorie deficit.

By tracking your food,

it's literally tracking

your calorie intake

but also ensuring that the

calories you're taking in,

you're getting in enough nutrients,

you're getting in enough protein,

you're getting in enough fiber.

Those are the two main ones.

Then we're balancing out the

carbs and fats, okay?

So tracking your food isn't

gonna get you to lose

weight if you're not in a

calorie deficit.

And that's why I'm asking

you about the weight

because the only way I know

if you're in a calorie

deficit or not is if I know

how much you weigh.

And if I'm not seeing weight trends,

then you could be tracking

your food and not losing a pound.

And then two months from now,

I've been freaking dieting

for two months and I'm not losing weight.

And it's not because you're

not doing the work,

you're doing the work by

tracking your food,

but we're not adjusting

because we don't know what to adjust.

So it's simply just knowing, okay,

if this is what's going in

and you're consistent with

your movement and your workouts,

and the scale's either

staying the same or it's

going up or going down, I can say, hey,


we need to make a calorie adjustment.

And that's why I keep asking

about making sure we're not

missing days and things like that.

Because if I don't have that data,

I can't tell you what to adjust.

You could be doing all the

hard work and you could

literally track your food

every day for the next

three years and not lose a pound.

if you don't have the right adjustments.

And that's why it's

important for you to weigh yourself.

Regardless of what other people know,

it's so that I can say, all right, hey,

can you handle it if I drop

your carbs a little bit or

drop your fats a little bit?

Because we might have to do

that to get your scale to

move a little bit.

Or, hey,

maybe we need to pick up the

movement a little bit

because the scale's not going down.

It's not just being scale focused,

but if you're going to be

putting the work in,

you want to make sure that

you're getting the return

on your investment.


Oh, that was easy.


I don't know.

I, I, again,

like there's parts of this

where I start to feel overwhelmed, like,


and I guess I'm starting to feel that

way right now.

And so I'm trying not to like, it's okay.

There's just a lot going on

in addition to all of this.

And so

I feel like I'm doing really well.

And then I'm just missing this one piece.

It's okay.

I'll figure it out.

Well, it's underwhelming right now, right?

Because here's the simplicity.


You, all you have to do on your end is,

I think what might be

happening is you're

worrying too much about

what everybody else is doing

and thinking and saying

versus what Scott needs to

do and all that.

You are right.

You need to focus on a couple of things.


You're tracking your food.

You're working out and

you're reporting to me.

If I have your weight, your food,

I know how much you're moving.

That's not overwhelming.

You don't have to do any other thinking.

Now I'm telling you, great, Scott,

your feedback is good.

Your appetite is good.

Let's make these couple of adjustments.

There's no overwhelm as long

as you're not feeling pressure,

as long as you're not

feeling external like

things that are feeding into that.

Or if there's

if you are getting like really,

really hungry and you don't

like express that to me

because you're like, like, I mean,

I'll be honest.

There's people that are

afraid of telling me that

they're hungry because

they're afraid that I'm

going to take calories.

I'm like, no,

I'm usually going to give you

more calories.

If you're that hungry,

like I'm usually going to say, Hey,

let's try and increase a little bit,

you know, and see what happens.

So, um,

but that's really the main thing is

you just, we need that metric.

We, we need that metric because we,

it's just like everything

else you could measure your

blood sugar and your blood

pressure every single day

it doesn't bother you why

is the scale any different

you know so it's just one

more one more metric so

don't don't overthink it

don't let it overwhelm you

but just know that it's

it's a part of the picture

that's all it's not it's

not it's it's it is one

piece it's missing but it's

a very important piece

you know,

because I don't have any other

things to look at.


So, so let's put that in there.



I haven't actually been really looking

at the comments.

So Cheryl likes us high fiber numbers,

100% because you know what?

People undervalue the

importance of fiber in their diet.

Like it's like,

it's crazy how unbelievably

people are so focused on, um,

other details that don't freaking matter,

like how much creatine they

should be taking or, uh, you know,

like what supplements that

they need for their gut,

like eat more fiber, like, you know,

so it's just, it's,

and people are so worried

about like cutting out carbs.

Why not just eat more high fiber carbs?

There's so many benefits to fiber.

Talk about inflammation, you know,

like it helps remove inflammation.

Talk about blood sugar regulation,



Um, but yeah, so that's good.

So, um,

And again, underwhelm yourself, Scott.

Tell yourself this.

You have a coach that's

literally telling you exactly what to do.

That's it.

You could be underwhelmed now.

You have all this other stuff going on.

Take the thinking off of that away.

That's the whole point of having me.

I'm here to help you with that stuff.


Something that we talked

about last week that I

thought was really good is...

I just have to make a comment.

It's crazy,

but I won't take creatine

because I weigh more.

That's just blasphemy.

So do y'all want to know why

creatine makes you weigh more?

And it really doesn't.

It usually maybe will make

your weight fluctuate a pound or two.

So creatine helps increase ATP,

adenine triphosphate,

which is how your body gets energy.

It's how your muscles get energy.

So typically what you'll see

is that when you start taking creatine,

because it flushes more

energy into your muscles,

you'll get a little bit of

water retention.

But your muscles are primarily water.

So it's actually a good thing.

Your muscles are fueled.

But people are like, oh my God,

I'm up two pounds.

You didn't just gain two pounds of fat.

It's like literally you're

putting fuel in the tank.

So it's good stuff.


so last week you had mentioned

maybe talking a little bit

about goal setting.


I think it's actually good

that we're talking a little

bit about the metric that

we're talking about with the scale.

Because I also want

everybody here to know that

I'm not scale focused.

It's a metric that we can

use to adjust actions and

things to change it.

And so when you mentioned

talking about goal setting last week,

I want to know what was on your mind.

I don't really know what was on my mind.

I'm having difficulty with

this because I don't even

know how to describe it.

And maybe it's the reason, like,

the scale isn't on the top of my mind.

Because, like, with this weight loss,

I have all this excess skin now.


And I have one area that is really,

really bad.

And I know that if I could

get that removed,

it would be monumental for me in my life.

And it probably weighs a ton.

And so that has been a very

negative thing in my head

for a long time.

And so I was trying to

figure out how can I come

up with goals that

Cause I can't change that.

Like I can't, there's nothing I can do.

It's going to make that skin

go away unless I have surgery.

But you still have weight to lose, right?

I do.

I just, it,

it is a major frustration in my life.


It's a major inconvenience.

It's not a vanity thing at all.

It is.

It gets in the way for just everything.


Trust me.

I don't have that problem,

but I know that there are

women that do and it's frustrating.

And I, I know a lot of my clients that do.

But the reason I asked about

the goal is what I,

what I think I'm hearing is, is,

is kind of a good thing.


Cause it's going to go along

with our talk today is that,

as much as like you have a

weight loss goal,

like you don't want to be

obsessed with like the goal.

And if you've never read a time,

you've read atomic habits, right?

We talked about this.

Freaking A, Scott.

We got to get you on that book, okay?

So I love that book.

I've read it a number of times.

And if you've never read it

before and you're somebody

that wants to make

improvements in your life,

it is one of the most

powerful books you will

read about habit change and

building a life that you truly feel

empowered to be.

So, um,

one of the things he mentions in

the first chapter is forget

about setting goals,

focus on your systems instead.

And he doesn't say this

because he wants people to

neglect setting goals

because setting goals

actually sets the direction

of your actions.

Like it's saying, all right,

I know that I want to weigh 225 pounds.

Like, that's my goal for you is like,

I want you to be at 225.


So we know we have to set a

plan of getting there and

tracking your weight is

tracking to ensure that

we're staying on course

with the right action steps

to change that.

That's why we track our food.

That's why we do all these things.

it's important to understand

that what I loved about

what he talks about is that

the systems are really where we live.

And he likes to, he was an athlete.

So he gives a lot of

analogies around sports

teams and stuff like that.

And he talks about how like, you know,

The coaches of the best

teams out there aren't

going to sit there all day

and think about winning the Super Bowl or,

you know, winning, you know, the game.

They're not going to think about that.

They're not going to think

about being the champion.

What are they thinking about?

They're thinking about creating the plays.

They're thinking about

getting the team to come together.

They're thinking about

whatever weaknesses they might have.

They're thinking about what

the opponents are doing.

They're coming up with

strategies to make them champions.

They don't just sit there and be like,

I want to be a champion and

think about that.

They set the goal of what

they want to achieve.

And then they focus on the systems.

And, and I hear from you,

what I hear from you is

that you want to focus on

the systems and you do, you,

you are working on that stuff,

like the tracking and all that stuff,

but we still need to have

the metrics to go with it

because that's where we

have to have those things

to be able to say, all right,

things aren't moving.

We just move a little bit.

Um, but I, I really love this.

And he talks about some of

the problems with setting goals.

And one of the problem he

talks about is that like, here's a,

here's an example,

winners and losers have the

exact same goals.

So like you can have a fat

loss goal and be at 420

pounds and somebody else

can have a fat loss goal at 420 pounds.

You guys have the same goal.

Who's going to be more successful?

It's not just about

willpower and the person

that's more dedicated and more motivated.

It's who's actually going to

take action and create the

right plan that's going to

get them where they need to

be long enough.

It's things like that that

people don't think about.

Another thing he talks about

is when you're focusing so

much on the goal,

let's just say your goal is 225 pounds,

you're going to get there one day.

One day you're going to wake

up and you're going to see

225 for the first time.

One day you're going to step

on the podium.

You know, competing in CrossFit, you know,

the handful of times that

I've stepped on the podium,

that was a snapshot of my

time spent leading up to that.

That's not what made me

happy or brought me joy.

It's just a piece of it.

So what happens when that's gone?

And the reason why I'm

saying these things is because my opinion,

when we're setting goals,

and I could go into all of

the other things he talks

about with goal setting,

is you want to have a goal

based on a result you want,

whatever that result might be,

225 pounds for Scott.

But you want to set your

goals on the action steps.

So like it might be,

I'm going for the next 90

days of 90% compliance on

my nutrition tracking.

And what does that look like?

Okay, I've got to make sure I log,

you know,

X amount of days of the next 90 days.

What's that?

I can only miss nine days or

whatever 90% of 90 is.



it gives you these now actionable steps

that you can take.

You know,

I'm going to make sure I work out

five days a week,

even if it's a fricking 30

minute grinder on the bike,

cause that's all I have time for.

You know, I'm going to make sure I get,

you know, whatever, 5,000 steps today,

a day, whatever it is,

I'm going to make sure that

I don't miss a check-in.

I'm going to make sure this

happens because when you

now have a goal that's action-based,

you can control that goal.

We can't control the outcome.

We can control the changes

that we're making to change the outcome.

And that's why,

going back to this is a

great topic for today,

because if we know what the

scale says and we know

you're committed to the action steps,

it's not the action steps

that we have to change,

just some slight number adjustments.

And that makes life easier.

That makes sense.

I mean, I can


that actually makes the goal less



Because the goal really

isn't... Working out four

days a week or five days a

week as a goal is easier to attain.

That's attainable and in my control.


And that's why I thought

this was a great topic

because even though the

result goal is you want to

lose weight or you want to

make it to the CrossFit

Games or you want to hit a

300-pound back squat,

you want to get your first pull-up,

you want to make a million

dollars this year, whatever your goal is,

you can sit there and think

about the goal all day.

But unless you're out there

fucking doing something about it,

you're going to be a loser, right?

Like that's,

that's just a winners and

losers have the same goals,

but one person is willing

to step up to the plate and say,

I'm going to lean into these hard things.

And I think what gets

overwhelming and obviously

you sit on the scale and

you were lighter today,

but when people aren't

seeing progress fast enough,

or they're not making progress,

they feel like a failure.

And that's not the case.

When the results aren't happening,

it's just a sign that

something needs to change.

And I think people focus so

much on the results that

they don't allow change to

happen naturally.

It takes time.

It takes time.

I understand.

I do understand all that.


It's just...

and I'm not making an excuse.

I'm really not through so much, right?

Like my sinuses have been

jacked up for three years,

like three years.

I've been fighting this the

entire time we've been working together.

And then I have two

surgeries to try to correct it.

They, neither one works.

One gets botched.

Now I'm going through stuff

because of the botch.

Like it's just,

So like it takes things that

you would be part of your goal.

Like I want to be able to

breathe better when I'm

going upstairs or I want to

be able to breathe better

when I'm in a workout.

And you can't because a

doctor messes things up, right?

So those were the goals I

was looking at where I

wanted to feel better.

I wanted to perform better.

And like because of this

stuff going on in my life, I can't.

so that's where it gets overwhelming.

But, but I do see your point now that like,

what I can't control is like,

keep trying.


It hit five days a week

working out that I can

control whether I can

breathe during the workout or not.

I may not be able to control,

but I can get my butt there to do it.


And you've, like I said,

you've been tracking your

food and you've been doing that thing.

I think that the other thing that I hear,

and this is important for

everybody to hear this is,

You're giving the scale too much power.

I'm really not.

It's not about the scale for me.

It really isn't.

Well, let me ask you this then.

I'm feeling better.

Yeah, agreed.

It's about you feeling better, right?

But why does weighing

yourself overwhelm the situation?

That's what I mean by giving

the scale power.

See, I don't think I communicated it well.



so it's, I'm not overwhelmed by the scale.


I'm overwhelmed by

everything going on in my life.


You know,

and feeling at times where other

people's feeling like other

people's goals for me

aren't overtaking my goals for myself.

And like I said, dude, like the scale,

nobody on here, I'm saying this out,

I'm saying this out in the

world right now.

Y'all don't have any

business knowing scale, Scott's weight.

It's nobody else's business.

So it's,

so it's not that I'm overwhelmed

by the scale and I'm not

even afraid of the scale.

It's that it just doesn't like,

for some reason, the last couple of weeks,

I didn't give a shit about the scale.

So then let's just do this.

If it's not a big deal,

then just start weighing in

every day again.

I can do that.

Then that's it.

I can do that.

But I will say this, not about you,

but for other listeners out there.

Because a lot of people scale avoid.

And I think that scale avoidance,

and this is not you right now.

You're telling me right now

that it's not about that.

Scale avoidance is just as

bad as scale obsession.

Because either way,

you're focusing on your

self-worth and your results

being tied up on a number on the scale.

When you should be thinking about,

you know what?

Did I check the boxes on the

things I need to do to

improve myself today?

Yes, I did.

Did I do the best that I could today?

Yes, I did.

That scale does not determine that.

It's just one more data point.

And again, like I said,

it just helps me know how

to help you this week.

That's all.

So from the scale talk.

But if you have not yet read Atomic Habits,

I'm going to really, really,

really encourage everybody

to read Atomic Habits.

And I do appreciate the

point of the process being more,

putting your goals into the process,

not the end result.


Because anybody can say,

I want this down the road,

but it's so much easier to

manage if it's stuff you

can control in the process

of getting there.

And it's crazy because as much as

It's like,

I don't even think I've shared

this on here.

Like I've had one beer this year.

Yeah, that's awesome.

And for me, because when we first started,

that wasn't the case, right?

I have not had any alcohol

other than that one beer all year.

That's awesome.

And myself and a listener

here that I talked to is a

client of mine.

And we talked about this a

couple weeks ago because

her scale has been a little bit stagnant.

And she's like, Cheryl, she's like,

you know what?

I haven't thrown up in a workout.

She was having like really

bad GI problems.

Like I haven't gotten sick.

I've been able to actually

do CrossFit and not get sick.

I've been able to eat food

again and not feel

restricted in my diet

because she was told that

she had to follow like

elimination diets and all this stuff.

And it's like,

so maybe her scale didn't move.

But again,

I'm not dismissing all of the

other things that you're improving.

It's just that metric we

want to change too.


I'm going to tell you to eat

more and be happy.

Um, you know, but that's, you know,

the main thing with that.

And, and, and I want to let you know,

like in a lot of ways I can relate,

but on a very different level.

And I, and I don't talk about this,

but I have to deal with

something every single day

right now that I don't talk about.

And, and I don't, this is not about me,

you know, last year prior to when I first,

when I, when I first, uh,

I shouldn't say when I first met you,

when, when, when we

2021 CrossFit Games was like

when things were starting

to kind of go a little

south for me in my health.

And I had had a shoulder problem.

I couldn't snatch prior to that year.

I remember the snatch

workout came up as one of

the workouts at the 2021 Games.

And I think I snatched like 125.

Like I just couldn't snatch

like for almost a year.

And looking at everything since then,

how like I decided to have

shoulder surgery in 2023.

And like,

I want nothing more than to be

like competitive in CrossFit again.

And then every day when I go to the gym,

I'm like,

I don't know that I'm ever going

to be able to compete again.

I just don't know that that

goal is ever going to be there for me.

But I keep showing up every single day.

And as much as I don't know

if that goal is ever going

to happen or not again,

I've fallen in love so much

with the pursuit of it.

That I,

I don't know that I'm going to

start crying right now.

Like I,

I want to be back out on that

competition floor.

Like that's why I had

shoulder surgery last year.

And I got hit over and over

again last year with

fricking setback after

setback and they're still coming.

And I'm just like,

at what point am I going to

just throw in the towel and be like,

you know what?

Like I give up.

I don't care.

And I'm like, people don't even,

I'm not even a competitor

at this point anymore.

I'm now just a girl that

works out in the gym.

And I feel like that sucks.

And every day, like I show up and I'm like,

I'm totally turning this

about my own personal shit right now.

But like, I do,

I show up every day and I'm like,

this sucks.

Like I look at what other

people are doing and I'm like jealous.

I'm like,

I want to be able to just get

back to being an athlete again.


like going into goals,

like I have goals for myself.

And I'm like, when you talked about like,

all you want to do is to be

able to breathe and like

have your blood sugar.


like I was talking to a friend today.

I want to be able to walk

outside and not be in pain.

And I don't talk about this shit, but like,

I still have that goal,

but I can't walk without pain right now.

And like, that's hard to like,

I haven't talked about this shit.

So I totally understand,

but it doesn't mean that

I'm not going to still keep

that goal in my head that like, yeah,

I'll be able to get back to

being competitive again.

So I understand.

And I know that we're, we're both,

we're both going down this, this hole,

but like, I'm still tracking.

I'm still not drinking.

I'm still eating.

I'm still weighing my food.

I'm still eating good food

for the most part.

Like you just got to keep

showing up and that's what this is about,


That's the goal.

You got to set those goals.

You show up at the gym every

day because you want to get

back to where you're going.

I need to show up at the gym

to accomplish my goals.

I need to track every day to

accomplish my goals.

And last thing I'm going to say though,

is if you've ever worked

with a coach in CrossFit,

imagine a coach giving you

programming every single week.

And they're trying to adjust

based off of how things are

moving to know how their

programming is working for

your fitness and you never

giving them any results.

How would they know what

they need to change?

Yeah, I get it.

I get it.

That's it's the same.

And I've been that athlete.

Oh, I didn't turn in my homework coach.


Like, but if he doesn't get results,

He doesn't know if the

progression is working,

if how I'm responding to

the fitness he's giving me,

he doesn't know that stuff.

I can be doing the work,

but if it's not getting me what I need,

getting me where I need to go,

he's not going to be able

to adjust anything.


but just something else to think about.

And I'm sorry that I went

off on my own tangent, but

I want to be vulnerable here too,

because I know you're

putting yourself out there

and that's something that I

don't talk about, you know, and it's,

it is hard to talk about because I mean,

I'm walking around the

store with my mom and my mom is like,

Cheryl, do you want to hold the cart?

Cause you're limping.

I'm like, no, I'm okay.

I don't need a fucking car.

Excuse my language.

I'm like, I can walk fine, you know,

but it sucks, you know?

So, but I ain't quitting.

So I'm just going to keep,

on keeping on.

So, although it is deload week for me,

so I am learning to listen

to my body a little bit.

So yeah.

All right.


I think that's a good place to call

it a day.

Thank you everybody for joining us.

Thank you for everybody in

the chat and your comments.

We appreciate them with that.

We will see everyone next

time on Clydesdale media

weight loss journey.

Bye guys.