Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras

Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 1

Pranamya Shirasa Devam Mantra - Harnessing the Universe's Power

Pranamya Shirasa Devam Mantra - Harnessing the Universe's PowerPranamya Shirasa Devam Mantra - Harnessing the Universe's Power

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Welcome to another transformative episode of the Mahakatha podcast. Today, Preeti shares an insightful morning ritual that has the potential to shape the trajectory of your day in a powerful way. By embracing the practice of waking before sunrise, sitting in quiet reflection, and intentionally scripting your day, you can guide the universe in manifesting the experiences you desire. 

Preeti delves into the significance of this ritual, highlighting its capacity to bring about positive and fulfilling daily experiences. To complement this practice, she introduces the Pranamya Shirasa Devam mantra, a revered invocation to Lord Ganesha, the bestower of prosperity and the deity associated with auspicious beginnings. This mantra, deeply rooted in Hindu tradition, serves as a powerful tool to enhance the morning ritual and set the tone for a harmonious and fruitful day.

Preeti extends an invitation to listeners to integrate this ritual and mantra into their own daily routines and offers a special discount on the Pranamya Shirasa Devam mantra. 

Join us as we explore the potential of early morning rituals and the ancient wisdom encapsulated in the Pranamya Shirasa Devam mantra. Discover how this intentional practice, coupled with the divine guidance of the mantra, can infuse your daily life with positivity, purpose, and fulfillment.
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What is Mahakatha's Meditation Mantras?

"Meditation Mantras Podcast - Ancient Chants from India by Mahakatha" by Mahakatha is an immersive and enlightening journey through the ancient chants of India. The podcast delves into the rich history and origin story of these powerful mantras, which have been used for centuries to promote sound healing and personal transformation.

Each episode features a different mantra, such as Shiva mantras, Buddha mantras, Krishna mantras, and devi mantras, with an in-depth exploration of the lyrics and meaning behind each one.

The host, Mahakatha, is an expert in the field, and provides valuable insights and guidance on how to incorporate these mantras into your own meditation practice.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of meditation and mantras, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to deepen your understanding. Additionally, it will enhance your spiritual journey. Discover the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred chants from India through the "Meditation Mantras Podcast" by Mahakatha.

Hello, dear listener. How have you been?

This is Preeti from Mahakatha meditation mantras

and I'm here to tell you that today could be the

beginning of possibly one of the best weeks of your

life. That's right. Starting from this

very episode, it could be the beginning of one of

the best, happiest, most

fulfilling weeks of your life. Let me tell you

more about it before I introduce you to today's

beautiful mantra. If

you go to bed early tonight and if you wake up

tomorrow before sunrise, before it is light

everywhere, and you sit quietly in

your living room, in your bedroom, or at your

desk with only a dim light in that space.

And only an open notebook and a pen in

front of you. Then

whatever you decide in that dimly lit room

will dictate Whatever happens outside of

it when the sun rises.

I repeat, whatever you deide In

that dimly lit room will dictate

what happens around you when the

sun rises. When you hold that pen in your hand and you

start writing in that notebook, What you're writing

is not some light journaling or some list

of dreams or anything vague or wishful like

that. What you're really writing

is instructions for the universe

for it to create the kind of day that you

want to experience. You are

instructing the universe.

You are directing the universe to create the kind

of day, the kind of experience,

the kind of experience that you want.

This is the authority. This is the confidence

with with which you should be sitting in that dimly lit room

where all the curtains are closed and it is still dark

outside and it should just be you and

your mind. This is an

approach to journaling that might work for

people who have tried journaling and it hasn't worked out for

them or they struggle to create a consistent

habit out of journaling or they find that it's not a very

effective practice for them. This

is an approach that you should definitely try.

Try to think of it as an activity

where you are in charge, where you

are drafting the outline

of the day you want to experience. Now

on days when you fail to do that, on days when

for whatsoever reason, you do not Write down these instructions for the

universe before the sun rises.

Then the universe has no specific guidelines

on what kind of day, what kind of experience it should weave

together for you. Then in that case,

The universe will deliver a default

response. It will deliver you a completely random

and uncertain day that can go either

way, to be honest. It can either leave you feeling happy at the

end of the day or leave you feeling disappointed

or it could take you through a lot of different

challenges and a lot of different emotions

and experiences that you may feel

unprepared for. And why

does this happen? And why do we experience

such a day? Because we didn't write a draft. We

didn't send in our order. We didn't send in our directions.

But the universe still has to function. Right? The sun

still has to rise. The weather still has to change. The

birds and the bees, and the people in your universe have to still be

there and play their role and do their jobs. So

the universe will give you the default setting of

any random unprogrammed day.

These are the kind of days that

most of us are living right now.

Random unprogrammed days.

Instead, try asking the universe what you want.

Wake up before the sun and give the

universe a sense of direction, a

theme, or a plot that it can work with and it

can flesh out. Do it before the

world around you wakes up when there is this serene

silence. And once you've done this task in

the morning, then through the rest of the

day, you have one job.

Focus on finding any evidence

and signs of the universe following your

script. That's it.

Once you have done the task of asking for what

you want, You spend the rest of the

day looking for evidence of the Universe

following your script and delivering the experience

you asked for. For example,

I asked for more happiness today. Is that why I'm

noticing so many wonderful things this morning? Is that why

I suddenly remember the words to an old favorite

song. Is that why the roses at the florist around the

corner look extra red and bright today? Is

that why I saw that mother and daughter happily walking

and singing to school today morning. That must

be why I'm noticing So many things that feel good.

Or, I asked for a successful day

today. Is that why I crossed 2 green lights instead

of getting stuck with the red ones as usual. Is that

why I look and feel confident today? Is that

Why my mind feels so clear on certain things? Is that

why my desk feels so easy to organize today and

Ideas are just easily flooding into my mind

today. Look for such evidence

of your script, of your instructions being followed.

Even the smallest pieces of evidence and

acknowledge them and ignore the rest.

Ignore the colleagues that belittle you, the unkind

strangers that you come across. Ignore the

imperfections of your body, your outfit, your makeup,

the small accidents or mistakes, Or the

smallness of numbers in your bank account or even the

terrible headlines in the newspaper, ignore the rest of

it all. Look for the evidence of what

you asked for. Find it and you will

only ever find more and more of it.

Catch its trail and it will fill up your path.

It's like being a songwriter and writing the lyrics to a

song every morning before the sun is up and

then when the sun does rise, You look around

and throughout the day, the universe will choreograph

to your lyrics in more beautiful and

graceful ways than you can imagine, dear listener.

That is how we create and manifest

and experience the kind of day we want the kind

of reality we want. If we can just

be up early, sit down in that

wise, clear darkness with dim lights

with mostly silence, and write down our

directions for the universe, Then the

universe will jump at the chance of following them in

the most subtle, the most beautiful ways.

And in your instructions, don't tell the universe

exactly what to do. Don't tell it exactly

what you want to see or how you want certain people to

behave or certain events to take place. Just

give it a vision. Leave enough room

for the universe to figure out the details

of how it is going to deliver the experience you asked

for. Do this every morning

and I'm sure you're gonna come back to me saying, "Preeti, I've been doing this

for a week and it has been the best week of my life so far."

I can't wait for you to try this and

hear back from you. You know, you can always drop me an

email at and share your experience

of such experiments that we discuss on this

podcast. I would love to hear how it's been going

for you and to go with this ritual, my dear listener,

there is an ancient mantra that won't let

you down and that mantra is the Pranamya

Shirasa Devam mantra. This mantra

is so deeply rooted in Hindu tradition

that it still plays as the first

sound of the morning. The 1st

chant of the morning in many traditional Hindu

households even before the sun rises.

The Pranamya Shirasa Devam mantra is a prayer

to Lord Ganesha who is known as the

bestower of all prosperity and the God of

auspicious beginnings. That's what makes this

mantra perfect for that surge of

energy, for that surge of divine guidance that

we activate through this act of writing down

before dawn. So when you wake up tomorrow morning

before dawn. Play this mantra in a soft volume,

sit in a dimly lit room, and don't have any distractions

in front of you. Nothing apart from a

notebook and a pen and then you take a deep

breath and you begin instructing,

directing, guiding the universe. And

I really hope that you enjoy this activity,

that you form a rhythm with the universe, that you feel a connection

to the universe and that this mantra

helps you gain more benefit and a greater outcome

out of this daily habit. Dear listener, I

hope you get to practice it consistently until we meet

again in the next episode. And hopefully by then, you will

have wonderful results to share with me. On that

note, I'm offering you the Pranamya Shirasa Devam mantra

at a 30% discount. So you can begin with this

ritual and really give it a try. So go ahead and

use the discount code mentioned in the description of this episode and bring

this mantra home. Make it a part of your early mornings

and notice the difference it makes in your

life. Keep meditating. Keep following your

bliss and I will see you on the next episode

of this podcast. Until then, dear listener,

stay blessed.