Confident Eaters

Confident Eaters Trailer Bonus Episode 25 Season 1

Why you still want food even when you're physically satisfied with Haylin Alpert

Why you still want food even when you're physically satisfied with Haylin AlpertWhy you still want food even when you're physically satisfied with Haylin Alpert

Is sugar going to kill you prematurely? Is eating a banana the same thing as eating a snickers bar? Why do I feel out of control around food?  What about if I want something but I don't want it at the same time? How do I make the right decision? If you have had any or all of those thoughts or questions on your journey to food freedom, then you're going to get a lot out of this episode. 

Listen in on Coach Georgie's conversation with Haylin Alpert, the owner of Core Principles Gym in Stamford, CT, as they discuss common questions we get in the Nutrition coaching world. (If you missed their first conversation, you can check it out HERE.) Speaking of nutrition coaching, if your only experience with nutrition has been restrictive diets and macro tracking, but you've never been able to see long term results, BUT you wonder if actually hiring a coach is "worth it", then you'll get to hear what we think about that. We believe that anyone can learn to become a confident, sensible eater, no matter what has happened in the past. In fact, hiring a coach could bring you more freedom than signing up for another diet.

Listen at Georgie and Haylin discuss how hiring a coach, one that deals beyond meal plans and macros, can actually bring you more freedom than signing up for another diet. You're going to hear some evidence-based actionable strategies that you can start using today to become a more confident, sensible eater.

If you are in the Stamford, Connecticut area and want to know more about Core Principles, visit their website HERE. Core Principles offers life changing personal training just for people ages 55+. They will help you look good, feel great, and get fit- even if you hate the gym! 

Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches: 
Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to personalize your own journey to learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

What is Confident Eaters?

We believe everyone has the right to love their food and feel proud of how they choose to eat. Join the coaches at Confident Eaters as they share their insights and advice to ditch diet culture and step into your power. They've guided thousands of people out of emotional eating, compulsive overeating, and stressful relationships with food. With science based tools and inspiration, what awaits you? Body confidence, food freedom, and joyful ease with eating.