Proteomics in Proximity

Welcome to Olink Proteomics in Proximity Podcast! 

Below are some useful resources from this episode: 

Highlighted publication: Diaz-Canestro C, Chen J, Liu Y, Han H, Wang Y, Honoré E, Lee CH, Lam KSL, Tse MA, Xu A. A machine-learning algorithm integrating baseline serum proteomic signatures predicts exercise responsiveness in overweight males with prediabetes. Cell Rep Med. 2023 Feb 21;4(2):100944. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.100944. Epub 2023 Feb 13: PMID: 36787735; PMCID: PMC9975321: 

Highlighted platform that was used to measure proteins in this study with a next-generation sequencing (NGS) readout (Olink® Explore): 

Here is general information from Wikipedia about IL-6, one of the protein biomarkers identified in this study: 

Here is general information from Wikipedia about TFF-2, one of the protein biomarkers identified in this study: 

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In case you were wondering, Proteomics in Proximity refers to the principle underlying Olink Proteomics assay technology called the Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), and more information about the assay and how it works can be found here: 

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Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

What is Proteomics in Proximity?

Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

Welcome to the

Proteomics in Proximity podcast, where

your co-hosts, Dale Yuzuki, Cindy

Lawley, and Sarantis Chlamydas from Olink

Proteomics talk about the intersection of

proteomics with genomics for drug target

discovery, the application of proteomics to

reveal disease biomarkers, and current

trends in using proteomics to

unlock biological mechanisms. Here we have

your hosts, Dale, Cindy, and

Sarantis. Hey

there, welcome to Proteomics in

Proximity where, today, we're talking

about a wonderful paper in Cell

Reports Medicine with Diaz-

Canestro and Aimin Xu out of Aimin

Xu's lab at Hong Kong

University. We're talking about the

characterization, their characterization of

inflammatory and cardiometabolic

proteins, in particular in response

to chronic exercise. And this is a

cohort of 36 overweight and

obese men with


So the team looked at how

does response to exercise

work? And they used a machine learning

algorithm to actually characterize

response to exercise. So, this is

a very, very different paper

than we've talked about before. And I

think this is because we're seeing

proteomics being leveraged in these areas

that we haven't seen before. So very


And you think about the

global burden of obesity,

being overweight, and diabetes. I mean, it's a

huge, huge problem, right? When

you look at the obesity

rates in developed countries, it's just

increasing at these breathtaking rates

and diabetes, right? I mean, how

many people that we know

are pre-diabetic or on diabetes

medication or what have you? Sarantis,

what can you tell us about this particular

group of 36 men?

First of all, I will start with the limitations

of the study and something that the

authors have discussed already, and we are

discussing before this meeting, right? It's

a small cohort. There are 36

individuals, but also

there are males, there are no females. And

not very diverse

in ethnicity as well.

And they pointed out that

probably in future studies, they will follow up

just to make it more strong, the evidence

of these biomarkers

for prediction. And I think

that's really important to keep in mind when

you design a study. Even in their age

range, right? They commented on how women,

the age range was like 20 to 60, and

longitudinally over the course of

twelve weeks. They're talking

about menstrual cycles,

and they're also talking about hormones and

how they're varying

in women. So therefore, you can

say that for this first study, men made

a simpler population. Just removing a

few variables, right? On the small


And then the other one, which I

was thinking about, which is how difficult

it is to get

obese men to

volunteer for something like this.

So this group of men

were, on average, 40 years old

with a full BMI

average of 30. So we

have obese men, and

they were going through high-intensity

interval training, which

was over the

twelve-week period. And, Cindy,

how often did they do this? Yeah, they're

doing it three times a week. So I think that

this is 70 minutes per session. Right.

So they had the structure of the exercise

set up in several stations

to keep it novel. And

they maintained


exercise to

improve and to change as they

got used to the exercise. So

they tried to maintain engagement.

But like you mentioned, it's

hard to keep people

exercising over a twelve-week period that

frequently, right? Especially if they're

going from zero to three times a

week. Zero to

three times a week, 70 minutes

per session. It's too much.

It was a ten-

minute warm up. It was these stations

for about 15 minutes per station.

So four different stations and then a

cool-down period. And you think, okay, how

do we get enough people? But they

did this. They found

people with an average age 40, average

BMI of 30

willing to go through twelve weeks of

this. But then they went ahead and,

Sarantis, they took a look at their

blood samples at zero, four

weeks, and twelve weeks.

Unfortunately, the test itself,

to take the fasting insulin and glucose

tolerance tests, are not easy tests, actually.

Because they

really need a lot of preparation

and it's not a straightforward study then and it

has a lot of difficulties. Yeah, so the

glucose tolerance, Sarantis, what can you

tell me about that? I think most of

us go through this kind of diabetes

screening, but

from an insulin resistance

point-of-view, what does glucose

tolerance show?

The insulin resistance

actually is

a condition of

diabetic patients,

actually. And there are a lot of

actual causes of this

disease and most likely it is gene

related. But also the environment can

play a role. Epigenetics also could play a

role on this disease.

And at the end, or an outcome,

there is a tolerance of the genes and

there is resistance of the

cells to the insulin. And for this, we

have accumulation of glucose in the

blood. In simple

words, at the end,

we just see a

lot of glucose being in the

circulating blood. And

tests also, like C-peptide test or

OGTs or insulin fasting

and glucose fasting

tests, help people to

understand the condition of the disease.

So by pre-diabetic,

meaning their glucose levels weren't

so high, but they were

approaching that threshold. With the glucose

tolerance test, literally they're

coming in in a fasted

state and they're

drinking straight glucose

and then


their glucose levels. Or maybe

they're also measuring insulin levels. But

certainly seeing whether your glucose

levels shooting straight up and

not coming down over a period

of time. And if they're not coming down

because your body is not

releasing what it needs to

move that sugar from your bloodstream into

your cells, then you

are portraying, you're

demonstrating some insulin resistance.

That's my understanding of it.

The remarkable thing about the study is

the intervention was the

exercise, right? The intervention

was these overweight

individuals coming in three times a week to

a center where they were

monitored, told what to do, walk through

the steps three times a week for

twelve weeks. Must not have been

pleasant. And yet, at the same

time, they had had no

intervention with regard to diet.

Basically said you eat the way you

normally eat. And

through the exercise, I think one of

the interesting things about the cohort,

in addition to the biology, which we'll get

to in just a minute, was they

lost weight. I mean, their average BMI

went from 30.05 to

that time frame, not adjusting

for any kind of diet. And it

made me think, hey, there's hope.

There's hope for the rest

of us, as

long as we do high-

intensity training. I think the

paper also points out it was not

moderate or low intensity. It

had to be, had to be

intense. Then they went

ahead and took a look at blood

at baseline, at four

weeks, and at twelve weeks.

What did they

use to take a look at the protein

levels? They use an

Olink platform. Yeah, I can answer that. So this

group decided to use two

Explore panels. So, just as a

reminder to our audience,

Olink came out with a

qPCR readout in the

founding of the technology to measure proteins

called the proximity extension assay,

which is the namesake of our

podcast. Then

in 2020, Olink

expanded its product portfolio to have an

NGS, or a next generation sequencing,

readout. And the advantage of that

is that, in a

run of a sequencing

instrument, you can get more

molecules read out at

one time. And so, with our

NGS readout, that's our Explore

technology, we're able to, today, measure

about 3000 proteins

in each of

using an Illumina NovaSeq instrument, just

as an example.

Here, they used not

the full 3000,

they used, what was it?

Do I remember that? Right.

So they decided, kind of like you were

saying earlier, Sarantis, focusing,

it in to

see, in these

extreme cases of men,

trying to reduce

your variability, reduce your number

of variables that you control,

and see what the

signals are. They also

focused in on cardiometabolic and

inflammation proteins.

We roughly categorized them

in these buckets,

right? And they stuck with

those two sets of

proteins. We have

a full 3000 and, in fact,

you mentioned their future

suggestions for where to

go in the future, and they suggested

expanding it beyond that, because we

actually have two cardiometabolic panels and

two inflammation panels in our Explore 3072 platform.

And so it would be really interesting to

see this study expanded.

And I think, just from

seeing the patterns

within just these

the machine learning algorithm, we should

talk a little bit about that. This machine

learning algorithm that was able

to integrate protein data and

understand, sort of, and predict

someone's response to

exercise, whether they're going to be

what they called a responder or non-

responder. Sounds really

compelling around precision

or individualized training, or


prevention of

diabetes. And when you

talk about responder versus non-

responder, you're actually saying

that there was a subset of men

who did not respond


to the sort of pre-

diabetes down to sort of a

normal level, yet there was a whole

other group going through the same exercise

regimen that responded. And

that's really interesting, the findings.

Yeah, and the parameter they

used, and this is not something I'm familiar

with, so I'm not going to portray that

I'm an expert at all, but

a clinical parameter called

H-O-M-A-I-R. So it's an

insulin resistance metric:


And they had this

criterion that it needed to

reduce by two-fold in order for them

to be categorized as responders.

And so, yeah exactly, Dale


regardless, one of the

figures that was really interesting was the

trajectory of the proteins. So

we're looking at 688

proteins from an Explore 384

panel - oh, I'm sorry - two Explore 384

panels. Cindy, correct me if I'm wrong ...

You don't need the NovaSeq capacity? That is

true. You can do individual 384

panels in each run of

a NextSeq. That's right. So they

did two of these panels on a


I have to mention something for the assays

that's really clear and

really nice because they orthogonally

validated these assays with MSD's [Mesoscale Diagnostics platform].

And they see, in 19

individuals, the really nice correlation with

MSD. That's another way that shows

specificity and how specific are the assays

in our detected proteins, right? Because they can

validate it with other orthogonal

technologies and have really great data from

your data. And to be clear, MSD only

had, I think, an overlap of 15

inflammatory proteins. Okay. So

they only looked at 15

proteins, a very small subset.

But nonetheless, across the 19

individuals, they found a very nice

correlation to the vast majority

of those proteins.

Eleven out of those

of 15 were moderately correlated.

So you just say, hey, that's a

very small subset of only

But good enough,

right? Yeah. And I'll also emphasize

these proteins that they were identifying

are low abundant proteins.

These are ones where

Olink has really shined a light

because of the ability for us to

come in and hook out these low abundant

proteins. These are

certainly able to be seen through a mass

spec approach, but it's

harder to do that

because of high abundant

proteins being

so strong in a mass spec

readout. I think you'd have to

do some sort of subtraction to

remove that component. And so what we're

finding is that Olink has

a nice way to

reveal some of these low

abundant signatures that we just weren't

easily able to see

using existing methods. And I

think you point out something really

important, Sarantis: that there

just aren't that many low abundant assays

out there that are commercially available.


it's exciting

to me to see.

And to look at some of these

results now over time, they clustered

the response over week zero,

week four, and week twelve

in Figure 2, which

the more I think about it, the more

interesting those figures become.

Why? Because, for example,

cluster one was steadily increasing

over time. It starts out at a very

low level, goes to an intermediate

level at four weeks, and then

high at 12 weeks. And

those proteins were what? EPO

and something they call myokines, which

I'd never heard of before. They are a

subset of cytokines

that are released by

the muscle, is how they defined it. But I

agree, it's an interesting

term. Actually, in the abstract, they call it

exerkines, although I haven't heard of



myokines are a subset of

the exerkines. Exactly.

That's great.

And IL-6 is there.


IL-6 produced

by muscle having a different

function than IL-6 produced by

the immune system. It's like, wow.

Fascinating, right? And didn't we talk

about that, or didn't Tthe two of you talked about that

with Katerina? She had an example of

IL-6 as an assay, which

was compelling and very

specific and actually, there was a



where Olink was

able to show these IL-6

signatures that other assays weren't.

Not to just detract from the main message,

but I'm thinking, okay, how can you

determine that this IL-6

molecule, which is identical to the molecule

of IL-6 produced by the immune system, how

can you tell it's from the muscle?

Right, because it's in

circulation. But then it was well, no, this

is in response to exercise. Right?


Well, I think the bottom

line is this is a signature

you're seeing in response to

an exercise intervention.

And so we're speculating that

that's due to exercise. But I think

that's a pretty good bet, as

you say. Yeah. And then there was

another cluster that was also interesting,

cluster three, where you had protein expression levels starting at

a high level and then steadily

decreasing. Okay, so this is another really

simple example. But not necessarily

the same proteins, right? No. I think that's

important to point out.

So in these

they're looking at pro-apoptotic

proteins, meaning these are proteins

that encourage cell death. And, Sarantis, you

want to comment on that? Why,

as a result of exercise,

you have the ones that encourage


decreasing? That's a great

point. I mean, I can

speculate. I'm not an expert

of apoptosis. I think it has to do

probably with different signaling

pathways so that they're regulating

different gene expressions that are related, and

auto metabolism, or could be due to

regeneration. Or something

for cell tissue regeneration.

But that's the only some

speculation that I have.

I mean, these are obese

individuals. The body mass index

is really high, and you can say

they actually have a higher level

of apoptotic activity. And to be clear,

apoptosis is programmed cell

death. This is sort of

cells being pruned from your

organism as a whole. And you just

say, well, maybe this is a

function of

inflammatory processes.

Or homeostasis, Dale. They

could be that you shift the homeostasis

somehow and could be different

pathways that may affect apoptosis.

But yeah, it's certainly an interesting finding,

that's true. And then to move onto

cluster number four, this is

appetite stimulating

that bounces. It starts at a certain

level, goes really low, and then goes

up to normal again. And this is

appetite stimulating. And

I thought ... Well, it's appetite

stimulating hormones that are

decreased over time. So the

idea might be that you're

reducing appetite stimulation.

That's really interesting. I agree. Yeah.

They basically get less

hungry, which explains

why that, even though they're not

modulating their diet

consciously, their body is saying, hey, you

don't need to eat so much.

And probably this is interesting, there is a

crosstalk, probably, with neuro genes in

the brain. Probably there's

some, if you do

some CSF [cerebrospinal fluid]

proteomics, you may see some hormones

released that are changing in the

brain. Probably, there's for sure, there's a

crosstalk with the brain. But

remember, these returned to baseline after

four weeks. So these dropped within four

weeks, but by twelve weeks, they were back

to baseline in this cluster

four. And I think there's been some strong

evidence that appetite

increases when you take

on an exercise program.

I don't think it's known whether it's a

biological increase or a

psychological increase that we tend to eat

more because we think that we're exercising.

But it's really an interesting

finding. And then

the proapoptotic,

like you say, Dale,

these functions

of cell turnover,

it makes sense to

me if you're breaking down muscle and

then reforming muscle, which I would expect

them to be doing. They saw that

pattern in cluster one and cluster six

in particular, which I thought was

really compelling.

And related to

appetite was cluster

five. And that was where it

dropped and then stayed relatively

low. And among those proteins

was Leptin.

And, Cindy, what can you tell me about

Leptin? Isn't that involved with appetite as

well? Instead of appetite

stimulating isn't


suppressing? Yeah, that's

my understanding of Leptin. But you

know, that's in isolation. So what is

Leptin doing when it's

interacting with all these other proteins?

Right? I also remembered in that one, what

I'd written down was MSTN,

right? So another protein within

that cluster, which I think had to do with

musculogenesis, but I'd have to go pull it

up again.

And then going back to

cluster two, which I skipped at the

beginning on purpose. And this is anti-


proteins, right? Like, was it IL-10,

where it starts

low, goes a little lower, and then spikes

up after twelve weeks. And what does that

imply? Where this

high level

inflammation that people who are

obese generally have

after twelve weeks,

we see a marked improvement

in terms of this high

level of inflammatory activity,

which I thought was really interesting and

informative the very fact that

the body is a system. All these particular

clustered changes that we're

monitoring over time as a

direct result of intervention.

So I think the high level message is

keep exercising. Well,

exercise has so many benefits

other than just weight. Right? I mean, it's

got clear benefits to

your brain, to depression. I mean, it's

one of the most important

interventions that you can do

in psychological,



cohorts. So

it's the most powerful intervention

we all have at our fingertips, right?

Yes. And this

one is just a really interesting

experiment where they're able to just change

one variable, which is the amount of


Although from zero to

three times a week, I might want to

suggest maybe start with one time a

week, 30 minutes.

What's interesting, too, because they had

to go to a particular place right there

in Hong Kong, an exercise

physiology center, where they had

monitors and all this, and

encouragement and coaches,

they basically say they

were encouraged. They use

that language, right? To do this, to do

this, do this. And they don't give any more

details as far as the compliance.

What did

they use? I don't know.

What kind of rewards? I don't

know. How much do they pay these

volunteers? I don't know.

Well, I think the

really interesting take-home

message is, to dance

through several figures on volcano

plots and significantly up and down

regulated proteins, was Figure

six about the differential changes

being able to distinguish

between responders and non-

responders. And that has a

potential clinical kind of

implications. Sarantis,

you want to comment on Figure 6?

Yeah, I think not

just in this figure, but among

these 23 proteins that

significantly change in responders

versus non-responders, I think they

also mentioned that there are proteins like

TFF-2 that

regulate mucosal gastro-

intestinal immunity.

And this could be a direction through

the interconnection with gut

macrobiome. And

they don't have really

direct data to show this, but

I understand

the fact that identifying regulating genes like

TFF-2, you may

indirectly influence the expression of

immune response genes in

mucosa. And with that reason, you

can regulate, for example, gut

microbiome. That's really important also to

your metabolism. It's really important when

you have to deal with exercise and diabetes.

And you think of the gut

microbiome as a part of

your system, right? Yeah. Here

it is, we're intervening with

exercise. An extra organ.

Exactly. We're intervening with exercise.

And the gut microbiome is

changing, and they're unpicking some

of the biology using this

TFF-2. And then they use

several other molecules, which I thought

was pretty deep.

I'm not an expert on the

microbiome, but they talked

about a prior study where they looked

at exercise intervention.

This is so important. I'm

so glad you brought this up, Sarantis. This

same team out of Dr.

Zhu's lab found

a role for gut

microbiota in conferring the

metabolic benefits of exercise. In other

words, mediating they saw a

signature in

responders of exercise that was specific

in this gut

microbiota, which would suggest and

they talk about this in this paper that

there might be an opportunity in

responders versus non-

responders to do an intervention

with those that you predict to be non-

responders. Do an intervention, see if you

can't nudge the microbiome in a

direction that might make

the body more responsive

to the metabolic benefits of exercise,

which I thought was super

compelling. I mean, it's not easy to

nudge the microbiome, but it is

possible. And so

bringing these two bodies of work

together in a preliminary

way and think about what they might do

in the future, I think is super

fun, super exciting.

Yeah, it's a system.

The particulars on the mechanism

gets super complicated in

terms of exactly how

the effects of the immune system

in the gut microbiome,

exactly how that mechanism works. I'm

sure that's sort of an area of

active interest. But to

think that to be able to get a

say, all right, you

group here with these

of benefiting from high-intensity exercise.

And then, I guess,

thinking about it now ... well,

there are other benefits anyway.

But then the endpoint

was pre-

diabetes. The whole endpoint

was, how do we lower that

risk of diabetes?

Such a big health care burden, right?

Yeah. Any concluding comments

from either of

you? Sarantis? Cindy?

Sarantis, I'll let you go first

if you had closing

ideas. I think,

first of all, the use of a

few biomarkers like

machine learning

algorithm, it's again and again coming

to our attention.

And I think it will really help a

lot of diagnoses for

a lot of diseases from now on. And, of course,

the exercise is, at the end,

the best medicine for a lot of things,

right? There you go. That should be our

final statement right there. I

would just double-click on that.

Exercise is the best

medicine. This particular paper in Cell

Reports Medicine was published just in

February 2023. The title is, "A machine learning

algorithm integrating baseline

serum proteomic signatures predicts

exercise responsiveness in overweight

males with prediabetes." Well,

thank you for joining us today. See you

next time.

Thank you for listening to the

Proteomics in Proximity podcast brought to

you by Olink Proteomics. To

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