Super Human Fathers

Welcome to a special episode of the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! Today, we shine the spotlight on a remarkable individual whose story of transformation and discipline will leave you inspired. Get ready to meet Ross Nelson, an exceptional example of what it means to live a life of purpose and commitment. From his incredible physical transformation to his unwavering dedication to his family, Ross embodies the principles that we hold dear on this podcast. Join us as we dive deep into Ross's journey and explore the powerful lessons that he has learned along the way. Are you ready to be inspired? Then let's dive in and discover the incredible story of Ross Nelson on this episode of the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast!

Creators & Guests

Kyle Carnohan
Kyle Carnohan is the Founder of Super Human Fathers

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

[00:00:00] Ross Nelson: I built a chicken shed at one point. I built another chicken shed slash shed. I just stayed out of any place that had food for a long time.

[00:00:08] Ross Nelson: Um, I worked out in the gym. I would go walk on the treadmill until it was chow. I drink water. Like, it was just, I, I had to do something to occupy myself and my brain. And that's what, that's how I conquered it.

[00:00:21] Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman Father's Transformation Podcast. If you're listening to this, you're about to witness some of the most incredible transformations that have ever happened on the planet, and just by listening to this, you will be inspired to have your own transformation. If you're listening to this for the first time, or you're one of the brothers in the brotherhood, go leave a review on the podcast and let the brother or member know how amazing they did and how incredible their transformation was.

[00:00:51] Kyle Carnohan: I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of Superhuman Fathers, and not only am I gonna change your life, I'm gonna get you ripped as fuck.

[00:00:57] Ryan Carnohan: it's happening. What's up? We're here Ross. Dude, I'm so excited for this. How are you? Good. How are you doing? You Jack? Dude, I want my back to be like, you're back dude. . It's like you're gonna fly away, bro.

[00:01:14] Ross Nelson: Dunno how that's happening.

[00:01:16] Ryan Carnohan: It's all these cars. Dude, it's incredible. Like I can't even, I mean, it was obviously you had some there, but you're pushing hard on those pull days,

[00:01:25] Ross Nelson: dude.

[00:01:26] Ross Nelson: I, yeah. Well, that's the great thing about this program is lifting. I love it.

[00:01:31] Ryan Carnohan: I know, dude. I know. I know, dude. Oh man. It's so, it's so amazing. Like were you, were you lifting much before the program you had in the past? Right. Yeah, I mean, you're making me feel small. Like I gotta, I gotta level my shit up.

[00:01:52] Ross Nelson: Dude, and then I'm looking at like these guys that post numbers like off to squat numbers, dude.

[00:01:56] Ryan Carnohan: I know, bro. The Santas leg

[00:02:00] Ross Nelson: presses and all this other stuff, and

[00:02:02] Ryan Carnohan: man, I I can't. Yeah, I can't do that. Yeah, I gotta level up. But do you, you saw, did you see Skye's picture? You saw Skye? Did you see his picture?

[00:02:11] Ryan Carnohan: Holy monster! Animal! What?! Like, I couldn't even, what is even going on? Like, dude, that is, it's just so fun. That's gonna be a lot of

[00:02:24] Ross Nelson: the Viking guys. I think a lot of the Viking guys are gonna have that same transformation when they

[00:02:29] Ryan Carnohan: get there. Dude, okay. I love this so much because this is what I... This is what I tell the Vikings when I get a chance, when I sneak in that call, because technically I'm not loud, right?

[00:02:39] Ryan Carnohan: You know? Yeah. Because, but it is, dude, it's, it's the superpower, bro! It's like you guys were walking around with kryptonite that was just like keeping you couldn't fly cuz it's all this fat around you like your kryptonite and there's all this muscle under there and you just you cut it off and you turn

[00:02:57] Ross Nelson: I mean, yeah, he's been pushing that much weight around.

[00:03:00] Ross Nelson: So like, yes, 350 pounds. You're

[00:03:03] Ryan Carnohan: a savage

[00:03:04] Ross Nelson: there. You just gotta choose a little way.

[00:03:07] Ryan Carnohan: This is what I'm talking about, bro. Like, it gets me so excited when the big guys really figured this shit out. Because they have no, they will bring more people. They will inspire more people because the story is their hero story.

[00:03:20] Ryan Carnohan: It's a, it's just a more powerful comeback story. And they're jacked. They don't know it because they've been carrying around weight for years.

[00:03:32] Ross Nelson: I worked with Corey the other day and we were talking about it. It's kind of like the equivalent. We were comparing it, you know, and work when you're going through these college academies.

[00:03:42] Ross Nelson: You go, like, if you're in a part time academy, you watch two and a half full time academies come and go in the time that you graduate one, and that's the same thing with these Vikings is, you got a hundred plus pounds to lose, and you're seeing these guys that come in, drop 20, 30 pounds, get posted, and I'm like, like, what the f k, dude, like, I'm never gonna get posted, I'm, you know, I got all this work, all this weight, but when it happens, it's glorious.

[00:04:06] Ross Nelson: Yeah,

[00:04:06] Ryan Carnohan: dude, and I, there's something to that, because how... It's like, you can reach more people because your story is just so much stronger, like, you know, and nothing against like guys like, okay, it took me 120 days. I lost, I did lose 50 pounds. That was pretty sad. Okay. But like, you know, and that last, that last little bit is really hard.

[00:04:29] Ryan Carnohan: And like, you remember, dude, we pushed you so hard at that, the end there. And that's, yeah, and

[00:04:37] Ross Nelson: that's where now, now looking like I'm missing that part. Now it's, it's the same mud. It's just different now because it's 465 grams of carbs, but

[00:04:47] Ryan Carnohan: I'm right there, dude. I, I'm quite, uh, so I, I haven't told Kyle this, but I went up to, I got up to one 87 and we're in the holidays.

[00:04:58] Ryan Carnohan: I don't know. Is this, maybe I'm being a bitch. I don't know. I'm trying to everyone's. Everyone's like hungry in the holidays and I feel like me eating. I'm, I don't know. Maybe I'm using an excuse I'm being a wimp. Amy's I want to cut

[00:05:14] Ross Nelson: I feel awful because i'll make her breakfast and lunches and i'm kind of like, hey, can you have this and this?

[00:05:18] Ross Nelson: It's like no, i'm she's at 13 50 calories and i'm here I am. Oh my gosh I'm like three times like two and a half times what she's eating and I feel like So yeah,

[00:05:31] Ryan Carnohan: yeah, it's it's it's just Yeah, I'm, I'm in my, I'm honestly, I'm in my head for sure, like, cause I'm starting, I, you know, we worked so hard to get there and I'm up 30 pounds from my bottom, 30 something pounds and you can see my abs, I still actually have some vascularity, which is incredible, you know, but it's starting now, like the last three or four pounds, like the puffiness.

[00:05:58] Ryan Carnohan: It's starting to come, and I'm like, oh, oh shoot. So I don't

[00:06:02] Ross Nelson: know. Yeah, my vasculature is still there, but I'm only up 7 to 8 pounds. And I'm in my head, because it is. Like I stepped on yesterday, and I stepped on today, and I'm down a pound. Which, you know, so I feel better, but at the same time I'm looking at On the graph and everything.

[00:06:21] Ross Nelson: And even like my fitness pals yelling at me, like, Hey, you're only at a hundred percent when I was at 120 at my boss.

[00:06:32] Ross Nelson: People are tracking it. Yeah.

[00:06:34] Ryan Carnohan: Well, okay. Well, everybody here, if you, I should, I should have mess. I should share my screen to go to your picture. Maybe I will do that. Cause I think there's guys in here that are new that aren't in the app. They haven't seen your transformation. Give me a second. See if I can pull this guy, pull this off guys.

[00:06:55] Kyle Carnohan: Here, I can find it. I can find it on Instagram and just put it up there.

[00:06:59] Ryan Carnohan: That would be good. Oh, Kyle's in here. Let's go. Hey, this transformation was massively special to me. Ross describing his experience. Woah, look at this. It's kind of bright, like kind of drop, pull the bottom. Here, hold on.

[00:07:18] Kyle Carnohan: Just listen, listen.

[00:07:19] Kyle Carnohan: Ross describing his experience.

[00:07:23] Ryan Carnohan: Before starting

[00:07:24] Kyle Carnohan: Superhuman Fathers, I was in a place that wasn't good for my family, my friends, or myself. I was constantly stressful, physically and mentally, due to poor nutrition and lack of discipline. Since starting with Superhuman Fathers, I've taken the time to get my nutrition and exercise in alignment, which in turn has improved my mental health.

[00:07:41] Kyle Carnohan: My patience for my loved ones has increased, and I've been quick to apologize and forgive. Stress and anxiety have reduced significantly, but now I can patiently handle the stress. My self worth has improved because I'm not worried about taking my shirt off at the beach or pool, and my wife and kids are proud of the man I have become to be a lead mentally.

[00:08:01] Kyle Carnohan: Being a part of this group of men is remarkable. There are extremely successful men in this group, and I oftentimes reflect how truly humbling to know we are all on the same path together and willing to share tips, successes, and emotions. Together, this is superhuman fathers. This is superhuman father.

[00:08:21] Ryan Carnohan: Let's go. Let's go. Okay. Listen, I know Kyle. I know this one is meaningful for you, bro. I know they all are, but this one is special. It's impossible. This one is special. It's impossible. And so, and for Kyle and I, and Chris, like, this is, this is, this is everything. But, you know, Kyle and Ross go back, but I remember our first, I, this is, I just love this.

[00:08:51] Ryan Carnohan: I remember, I, we always, I always remember our first calls, like, all of you. Yeah. Ross call, I remember our call, man. I just, I was walking around my apartment complex and he's like, okay, just. He was just eating it up. Okay, do this, this, this. I'm not even running. I can't remember. I was trying to flex. So, you know, like I was running while doing calls, you know, I was cutting though.

[00:09:11] Ryan Carnohan: So, but then it just was like application time. And this savage dude, just, I mean, there was rarely an occasion where he was like, yeah, I messed up the macros. Like he was just on it and trusted and those plateaus came and he pushed through. And so before we start this, Ross, I need to know that, you know, I had not started that much, you know, before you really, like I remember I said something, I'm only like 90 days ahead of you or something, you know, when you started, like, I remember saying that to you.

[00:09:42] Ross Nelson: I'm just over a year now in the program. I'm a year and five days. So, yeah, I've been counting it. My, my day one was November 18th. That was the day after one year. So to me, this is, this is the whole day one. This is the beginning of a new thing because now it wasn't after getting posted because I'm still, it was still learning and it's still a process.

[00:10:03] Ross Nelson: And I was a long, it took me a long time. It took me eight months from, from starting to, to get being posted. So

[00:10:12] Ryan Carnohan: this is. And, and that's what I'm saying is. Because I, you know, it's had a massive impact on my process through this because I can look at you and you're like, yeah, eight months in, like, you know, it's been a year, but like.

[00:10:31] Ryan Carnohan: Were hungry. Hungry. And so, um, just to see, and I know on everybody and just your, the way you open up and you share these things on zooms and, and just kind of impact everybody else. So just right out the gates, just sending great gratitude, um, to you for what you have accomplished. . We're gonna kind of get into it.

[00:10:53] Ryan Carnohan: Lemme mute everybody up here. Okay. Um. So just, you know, starting out, not, not everybody's in here, little background, let's just get a little bit of background on Ross, maybe what was it like before the program, and what was the tickle? What, what, what started it all? What made you pull the trigger, bro?

[00:11:19] Ross Nelson: Wife, two boys, ages seven and five. Um, started a year ago and my, what got me started was my wife and I, we, we recently made a transition. It was a year, year and a half ago now. We moved out of state.

[00:11:33] Ross Nelson: Um, we picked up our, our home and we sold it all. and moved to Montana. So I'm, I am living in northwestern Montana. I know, um, Mr. Beers is around here somewhere too, Bobby Beers, I think he's in a Montana guy somewhere, um, so we moved and we lived in our trailer for two months prior, our house wasn't ready, so our plan was to live in our fifth wheel until the, uh, the house was ready, and I've known Kyle from work, uh, we worked in the same battalion for a while, we've run into each other through trainings, And always recognized his fitness.

[00:12:11] Ross Nelson: And, you know, one of the guys was always crushing it. So it wasn't a surprise. And then I'm scrolling through the Instagram feed one morning and overslept. Kids are making a bunch of noise. Wife's working in a trailer. I'm just being a grouchy a hole scrolling through, you know, going in the bathroom and try to hide for a couple of Instagram.

[00:12:33] Ross Nelson: And here's a picture of Kyle with, um, one of our coworkers. And they're both just shredded in the picture. I'm like, holy shit, who is, you know, who is this? So I started scrolling through and it's Kyle and it's, it's Superhuman Fathers. This is a program. So I started going through, here's another guy we work with.

[00:12:51] Ross Nelson: Here's a couple more guys in the early years of getting posted and all this, you know, good information coming from it. I contact Kyle, um, I'm driving somewhere, and I'm supposed to call it, he gets a call, he tries to call me back, I was busy, and I sat on it, and a couple more, couple weeks later, pops back up in my feed, it was just destined to happen again, and I, I kind of get on board with it, I see that Whitney's doing a thing, I get my, talk to my wife about it, she's unhappy where she is, and Next thing you know, we're on a call with Kyle and Whitney, and they lay out the program for us, and we're all in.

[00:13:31] Ross Nelson: So it was just being unhappy with where we were in life. It was, like I said earlier, not being happy taking a shirt off anywhere, just being embarrassed, being tired and lethargic, not being a good role model to my kids. Being short with my wife, it just wasn't good. So had it change,

[00:13:50] Ryan Carnohan: I I, I love it. Okay.

[00:13:52] Ryan Carnohan: Well, and you just love that you say quite a change. So let's, let's go into it. I mean, I mean, you can list shit off Sure. , but me too, bro. But, uh, Maybe let's just, we'll just throw that question out, man. How, how has the program changed your life? Maybe we'll start with like the biggest thing and then you can break down some other things.

[00:14:15] Ryan Carnohan: But would you like, when you think superhuman father's program, what would you tell someone who would do for them? Or at least what it did for you?

[00:14:24] Ross Nelson: It's hard because everyone's going to notice the physical change and that's, that's the hardest part. But to me, that's not, that is not the biggest change. It's more of the mental aspect of it. Even today. Two hours ago, I, I have, uh, our only vehicle right now is broken down in the parking lot and we had to get a ride to the house, like, the gods are against this call, I swear, um, but trying to tell the

[00:14:48] Ryan Carnohan: resistance,

[00:14:50] Ross Nelson: it's real, trying to troubleshoot it, this, my truck breaking down in the parking lot with kids in a Costco run, my parents are here, everyone wants to help, and no one, no one knows what's going on, but just, Having the patience of just taking a deep breath and stepping back and not blowing up like my old self would have is the biggest side of this thing.

[00:15:12] Ross Nelson: So, to me, it's the patience for the loved ones is by far, in a way, the biggest change and gain or win for anyone in this program. The smallest things, it's gonna, it's a constant evolving process, just like the body. The mind is gonna be constantly evolving. It goes kudos to the superhuman scholars. I mean, we're trying to grow and evolve and it's not just the physical evolution that we need

[00:15:39] Ryan Carnohan: to take part in.

[00:15:42] Ryan Carnohan: I love that. Let's dig a little bit deeper. Like you said, you said a couple of things, but what specifically or parts of your life, um, are, are you talking about when you're saying patience and an energy, like where were you lacking it and where. Where are you seeing it now?

[00:15:59] Ross Nelson: Everywhere. Everyone's liking it everywhere before.

[00:16:03] Ross Nelson: Um, yeah. Liking it at work with my patients. Liking it with co workers. Liking it with my loved ones. My family members. Everyone just. Using whatever excuse I could grab ahold of for the personal shortcomings I was experiencing, whereas now, digging deeper, I'm not trying to use any shortcoming. I'm quicker to apologize and be, um, just, you know what, my bad, I handled this wrong, or I'm sorry for reacting this way, and trying to move forward from there.

[00:16:34] Ross Nelson: So it's, I don't think I have it by any means figured out now, but it's a constant evolution trying to get better with it. It's for sure.

[00:16:46] Ryan Carnohan: Okay, I love this. Now, I'm just using the universe here, okay? So, what was your perspective on the future before this program, and how has your perspective on the future changed?

[00:17:00] Ross Nelson: Uh, it's changed drastically. Um, future was just kind of whatever comes my way, you know, like, I'll just, I kind of have some goals in mind. Um, since this program, I've addressed a lot of other things and talking with some of the guys and other groups. Um, and Kyle in the past, it's. I've addressed so, I've had so many shortcomings exposed during this process, physical, mental, uh, my financial house is a mess, and these are all things that now that I've stripped away, I'm tackling one by one, so having the strength to accomplish more and lay out a path to take care of this is what's uh, changed the most.

[00:17:45] Ross Nelson: So, um, instead of just kind of whatever happens, I now have goals and deadlines set for myself and for my family that's changed drastically and The ultimate goal is to be with my loved ones more. So that's, that's what my, my end goal is with this. So

[00:18:06] Ryan Carnohan: that's beautiful, man. I, I felt a lot of the same thing as something that you say to like one by one, it's like, you're not impatient anymore with yourself.

[00:18:15] Ryan Carnohan: You know, you have such confidence. You're like, Oh yeah, this is going to take a lifetime. That's fine. The trend trend is your friend and I'm already him. And so I've seen that in you too. Like your countenance is totally different than the first moment, you know, and, and so when you walk into a room, and I'm getting some weird questions, I did not prepare you for these questions.

[00:18:40] Ryan Carnohan: Okay. I sent him questions, but when you walk into a room now, and with a group of people, what's your perspective? And how's it changed? And maybe why?

[00:18:54] Ross Nelson: It's different in a couple different ways. So. Um, with work, with people I know, I'm reintroducing myself because a couple of people don't even recognize me.

[00:19:04] Ross Nelson: I ran into a guy at a shop and he looked at me funny after I like grabbed him by the shoulder and like, hey, it's, it's me, Ross, where we worked together for on the same apparatus on the same shift for a while. So, um, my, my interactions with people I've known for a long time is. They're a little perplexed in what's changed and why it's changed.

[00:19:30] Ross Nelson: Um, especially my family before my, my, even my mom has made comments of like, I miss my old Ross where it's the

[00:19:36] Ryan Carnohan: same guy. My wife says that sometimes

[00:19:40] Kyle Carnohan: fluffy anymore. My parents said that I died a long time ago.

[00:19:48] Ryan Carnohan: but they needed it. And,

[00:19:51] Ross Nelson: uh, people that are new, that meet new now, um, I, I think they see a little more confidence or someone that's a little more, um, confident in themselves, in myself, than my one year and five day ago, Ross. So, um, just being asked at work to, guys wanting to interact or have me at their station whereas before it was like, Uh, you know, trying to bid somewhere that the desire to be around each other is increased.

[00:20:24] Ross Nelson: So that's good. Um, more opportunity More opportunity in my personal life. So it's contributed directly to the program because it's Changed who I have been.

[00:20:36] Kyle Carnohan: Ross ain't getting picked last for kickball anymore. No,

[00:20:40] Ross Nelson: second to last for volleyball. So yeah

[00:20:45] Ryan Carnohan: Why do you think that is, Ross? Yeah, I know obviously fitness wise Do you feel like you have a new perspective on other people now?

[00:20:58] Ryan Carnohan: Like on how you look at other people, and what is, what is the difference? Man, these are getting deep and weird. Let's go. I'm just, let's dig, let's dig in here.

[00:21:08] Ross Nelson: So, it's funny, because it does. We, we just, I think two weeks before I got posted is the first time I joined a personal gym since probably junior high.

[00:21:19] Ross Nelson: So, my wife and I, we joined back in July, and there's a, there's a worker there who's absolute, she's a shit brick house, and she's, she's stacked, she's a, an Amazon, if you will, but we kind of like looked at each other, and then after it was on the ride home, we're like, like, imagine the, the

[00:21:37] Ross Nelson: dedication and discipline

[00:21:38] Ross Nelson: she has, to maintain a physique like that.

[00:21:41] Ross Nelson: And it's looking at that way and not only the ones that are willing to put in the work and dedication and discipline that she has, but on the complete opposite side, looking at friends that I've had for years of like, dude, just, if you got your shit together 80% of the time, drastic changes. So it's, it's just taking that accountability and discipline.

[00:22:06] Ross Nelson: And that's that to me, that being more aware of the discipline side of things. And it's true, they may. You know, six packs are made in kitchens, and that's, my diet was such a mess prior to Kyle pointing it out to me, um, and that first, I was initially at 2250 for calories, and I remember talking to Kyle in the gym one day about it, and I was super pumped on it, I liked 2250, it was, it was a good mix of everything, and I was getting pissed About four to six months in on these calls and you guys were cutting people and hey, let's get ready for the cut.

[00:22:41] Ross Nelson: And here I'm still at 2250. Fuck. Like, I wanna do that. I wanna be cutting. And at one point it just turned into, no, fuck that. I'm gonna get posted at 2250, which now I know it wasn't gonna ever happen, but ,

[00:22:55] Ross Nelson: um, that's .

[00:22:57] Ross Nelson: It just changes the, the mindset of it is, I think some of the brain chemistry changes with your fats and everything being at where they're supposed to be versus.

[00:23:08] Ross Nelson: Not being overloaded on everything. You're not drunk on food anymore.

[00:23:13] Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, you're looking at everyone. You're not looking at anybody selfishly. You just love, you're just loving them. It's so cool, man. Kyle is emotional. I see him crying. I need him to say what he's thinking. Please, Kyle, would you share with Ross how much either you love him or what you, is on your mind?

[00:23:28] Ryan Carnohan: Because it needs to be shared. Please.

[00:23:32] Kyle Carnohan: All right, man. I've been all over this, this idea all day, all day. I've been writing about it, trying to pick this apart. Ryan, Ryan obviously has a whole angle on this thing, but I feel like. Like, that's what we do. We take a man, and we build a foundation on which he can build his discipline.

[00:23:54] Kyle Carnohan: Because discipline in and of itself, it can't stand. There has to be purpose and reason. There has to be philosophical ideas. There has to be an understanding of what's at stake. There has to be an understanding of what the trade off is here. And there has to be a decision made as whether it's worth it or not.

[00:24:14] Kyle Carnohan: Once you have those questions asked, now we can just go. Problem is, sometimes it takes some time to answer those questions through some experimentation. That's why a lot of guys, it takes a little time to get this thing rolling. Sometimes, I tell you guys, it took me three years to figure this out. We're trying to compress it.

[00:24:36] Kyle Carnohan: All the shit that I learned over the course of three years trying to figure out how to get my body right. We do it in less than a hundred days for some guys and, you know, a guy like Ross who was, who was a little, had a little extra on him, takes a little longer. That's beside the point is, if you really think about the guys that now follow through, there's a belief system that has changed.

[00:25:02] Kyle Carnohan: And I'm looking at this. Having this discipline on top of this foundation of we've got a surface reasons, which are like taking my shirt off at the pool, surface reason, good reason. Um, you know, I want to be more athletic for my job, Ross, like I want to be a better fireman. I want to be able to perform, right?

[00:25:20] Kyle Carnohan: And then I want to be an example for my family. We're like climbing the ladder of more powerful purpose. I want to give my wife, you know, an epic body in their husband that they can look at and have fun with, right? That's a gift. Those are your surface reasons. And then you have what Ryan was talking about.

[00:25:42] Kyle Carnohan: This countenance, this presence, this presence of the man that walks in a room and has a vibration that's different. That presence, that power, that right to speak, the moral authority is earned. through your discipline. So it feeds back on itself. So what that means is now realize if you let go of the rope today, you're not going to have that power today at the capacity that you would if you would have got your ass up, got to the gym, control your nutrition and control your emotional reactions.

[00:26:21] Kyle Carnohan: That's the cost. That's the price you pay to be a leader of men. Or a leader of your family at a high level. And I believe, take this wherever you want, without that follow through and without that discipline, we actually lose connection to the guiding force of God or the universe. We actually weaken that ability to connect.

[00:26:50] Kyle Carnohan: If you tie that into your decision making, I don't want to lose that power. I need that. I need to be guided and I want to show up like a force of nature. with power in my voice,

[00:27:07] Kyle Carnohan: self respect, self respect, self respect, self respect. You don't respect the man that quits. You don't. You go, oh, that guy's a quitter. But you do respect the man that does hard shit, follows through, and is ultimately dependable. Braveheart motherfuckers. You respect those guys. So, whenever something's hard, ever.

[00:27:29] Kyle Carnohan: Just do it because you earn respect, not for any result, not for any other reason than the fact that if you saw somebody do that, you'd be like, damn, that's a badass. You want to feel that way about you. So if that was the only reason to have discipline, just that, worth it, worth it, because a man that respects himself loves himself.

[00:27:47] Kyle Carnohan: A man that loves himself can love others. Man that doesn't respect himself, or love himself, guess what, nobody else does either. You see what's at stake here? We keep talking about what's at stake, understanding what's at stake with your decisions. And then, the last one that I've been chewing on, is that increasing capacity to suffer, which increases your capacity to handle your pain at the level that it's at, so that you can add more stress to yourself, and rise and thrive.

[00:28:22] Kyle Carnohan: And so what happens when our discipline wanes, when we decide not to? We become weak. When we become weak, our pain swallows us. When we're strong, and we build ourselves with our discipline, we use the pain for fuel. It powers us.

[00:28:40] Ryan Carnohan: It's so good, dude. It's a trigger for selfishness or selflessness, depending on our preparation.

[00:28:48] Kyle Carnohan: Savage. So, now you see... Why? Michael Davis has got something. You can take it one step further. Not grinding to live at our highest vibration doesn't just disconnect us, it is offensive to God and the universe. Our obligation is to use this gift of life to the best of our ability. Dude, that, like... Like, it's our obligation to take hold of this, this opportunity.

[00:29:17] Kyle Carnohan: I love that. Um, but you see what we're doing here? We're building reasons when shit gets hard that we can pull from to keep us on track. And the last thing, build the chasm, build the canyon. So there's, there's a canyon you can build between the man that you are and the route that you're going compared to the man that ultimately follows through with what he said he's going to do is clear on a plan, follows through every day for years.

[00:29:48] Kyle Carnohan: What route does that go compared to the route that you're going and look at the size of that canyon and the difference of the lives in your life, your family's life. And all the thousands of people that will or will not be inspired by your change. Stack this. Put your discipline on top of it, and if you understand those principles, you'll follow the fuck through.

[00:30:15] Kyle Carnohan: I learned that from watching Ross. I learned that from watching Ross do his shit, man.

[00:30:24] Ryan Carnohan: Look at, what's his story? He wanted to drop calories and we're like, no. And he finds the, this isn't about the weight loss, this isn't about it, although it was happening still, but it was about living disciplined and loving everyone else with his savage follow through. The meaning was attached. Okay, Ross, do you have anything to say?

[00:30:47] Ryan Carnohan: Because I have another question, but if there's something on the tip of your tongue, please share. Because this is, this is about you. Kyle, anything else on this that will add to tie it up? Because I'm about to change it a little bit. Change it up dawg. That was, let's go. Do you guys, do you guys feel that? I mean what, this is incredible.

[00:31:08] Ryan Carnohan: I just got off a call too, with uh, two new guys. One of them, Justin and Serge is here. Serge is in, I don't know if Justin's in here. But um, Serge, welcome. We love you bro. Uh, and it's gonna be epic. Um, but okay. So I know it was, dude, just like I remember, man, there were some moments, not only in your process, in my process, there's the resistance shows up.

[00:31:37] Ryan Carnohan: It's just gonna, he comes for you. So what do you think the most difficult, what was the most difficult part of this program? And how did you overcome it?

[00:31:53] Ross Nelson: Um, looking back on it now, I mean, like, like I said, it's also been a couple months. Since my post and I think if you were to get me deep in the cut, you did get me deep in the cut. There was many weeks where I told you, I don't think I can do this. I need more calories. I'm not going to do it at work or whatever it was.

[00:32:14] Ross Nelson: Um, then

[00:32:15] Ryan Carnohan: you finally earned

[00:32:17] Ryan Carnohan: it. Matt

[00:32:19] Ross Nelson: or, uh, Kyle, old captain Matt was telling me, Oh, Kyle was such a bitch at 1400 calories, like it all happens to all of us. And it's just one of those things that I think that is where your body is. It's wanting to shut down, but it's more than enough. You're, you're very capable of doing it.

[00:32:39] Ross Nelson: Um, your mind and brain are a strong muscle is just fighting back. It's just another flex that it's, it doesn't want to change. And as soon as you, you stress it out enough that it's going to eventually weaken and you can do it. And you know, that you're capable of it. We, everyone here is capable of it.

[00:32:59] Ross Nelson: We've all. We've done hard stuff before and it's the continuous stressing of the body throughout this whole process, especially in the beginning, beating those, um, those bad habits and little addictions that you have, you don't realize that are so deep set and rooted and breaking those down I think is what starts helping along the way.

[00:33:24] Ross Nelson: Um, to me that

[00:33:25] Ryan Carnohan: was, what angle did you take? Like, let's dig deeper into that. So you're in that position. How are you able to let go? Or, or to continue. Was it self talk?

[00:33:37] Ross Nelson: I, I built a chicken shed at one point. I built another chicken shed slash shed. I just stayed out of any place that had food for a long time.

[00:33:47] Ross Nelson: Um, I worked out in the gym. I would go walk on the treadmill until it was chow. I drink water. Like, it was just, I, I had to do something to occupy myself and my brain. And that's what, that's how I conquered it was.

[00:34:01] Ross Nelson: Have

[00:34:02] Ross Nelson: it. Just

[00:34:03] Ross Nelson: just find something else

[00:34:04] Ross Nelson: to focus on.

[00:34:07] Ryan Carnohan: So, you know, it's it's it is symbolic to um when you get to that point Other than just like being totally selfless.

[00:34:15] Ryan Carnohan: 'cause you don't have to feed yourself. You're just like, I'll just go build a chicken shed. I don't have to eat. I'll just work. You gotta do it anyways to make

[00:34:22] Ross Nelson: else happy. Yeah. It's on the list to do, so might as well knock it out.

[00:34:27] Ryan Carnohan: But there's something to be said about like, just letting go. Just letting go.

[00:34:36] Ryan Carnohan: Yeah. Because you just let it go. You just, and it bleeds because all of a sudden you have inconvenience that shows up in your life. Maybe an argument with your wife, or you forgot something, or your car won't start, or whatever, and you're like, oh, look, I'm hungry. Like, but usually, the hunger would make you hangry, but you're kind of just like, this is life, I'm just going through, and I'm just gonna be wise through all of it, you know, I'm just gonna be, whatever shows up, you just flow.

[00:35:04] Ryan Carnohan: I don't know, did you get to a point where you were feeling like that, or, you know? I

[00:35:08] Ross Nelson: think, from, when you guys, when I was cut from. 2000 to 1850 per calorie wise, that was the first time that the hunger was a constant thing. And it became normal, a normal thing and that I remember either video messaging you or texting you through the app that it's now a comforting thing to know that I'm hungry like when after a meal when I'm not hungry, it's concerning because I might have messed something up.

[00:35:38] Ross Nelson: I might not have calculated something right or done. It's, it's now a normal that you, it's almost like a blanket that the hunger is there. You know, you're getting enough intake, but this pain is okay, and that's the suffering that we all speak of, or the pain of someone else, it's, it's a comfortable thing, it's, you're going to be fine.

[00:36:00] Ross Nelson: I miss it now.

[00:36:01] Kyle Carnohan: Hey, what about like, when you're like, I just, you know, I just can't, you know, I mean, things are just really stressful right now, and it's just too much on my plate right now, I just, I think I'm just going to have to do this later. This is exactly what we're talking about with building self respect.

[00:36:16] Kyle Carnohan: Like building, building the man that is unstoppable, undaunted from what he said he was going to do and is like I will die before I don't follow through. I will die. And it's like of course this isn't going to be convenient. Of course this is going to suck. I might die. That's okay. I accept that. Like that's the man that you have to be when you're truly living with purpose.

[00:36:42] Kyle Carnohan: Living for something you would die for. That's all we want. That is what we want as men, as warriors, to have a purpose that we would love. And when you can tie great purpose into small things, like damn, your integrity, like if you're like, no, I'm not eating that shit, I said I wouldn't. I will literally die because I said I would do that.

[00:37:04] Kyle Carnohan: If I don't follow through, I'm trading my integrity for a nummy num num, like a baby, right? So now we're tying death into our commitment. Like, damn, that starts to get to be some serious commitment.

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[00:37:18] Ross Nelson: I don't know who talked about it first, but those nummy nums, I look at them now, is this an opportunity to level up?

[00:37:23] Ross Nelson: Like, I think it was either Ryan or Oxygen, like, is this an opportunity to be my best self? No. It, absolutely. And that's, for anyone that's not been around a firehouse, there's a constant opportunity to be nummy num, fat cam. And, it is, you just gotta conquer it. It is, just tie it to something. You're not going to die from not having a Rice Krispie Treat or a cookie or whatever it is that you're going to try to snack on.

[00:37:49] Ross Nelson: You're not going to die. You know how it tastes. It's not going to change anything. You know exactly how that maple bar tastes. Like, don't, you don't need to fucking do that.

[00:37:58] Ryan Carnohan: This is, this is beautiful. This is, and like, if you are listening to this and you're new and you're kind of like, you guys sound like you have eating disorders.

[00:38:06] Ryan Carnohan: Okay, this has nothing to do, yeah, we do actually, but this has, this has nothing,

[00:38:14] Kyle Carnohan: nothing to do. I have a, I have a disorder, I have a, uh, my disorder is fear of being a fat average man in every aspect of my life. Not being elite at everything that I do and taking advantage of every opportunity that God puts within my reach.

[00:38:28] Ryan Carnohan: Restraint! Restraint,

[00:38:33] Kyle Carnohan: I have a fear of becoming a weak man, for sure, because it's so slippery and sly and it can trick you.

[00:38:41] Ryan Carnohan: It's not even selfish, it's not even selfish though because the weak man can't serve, man. I

[00:38:47] Kyle Carnohan: have to serve. I have to. I can't serve. We have to. We have to step up. And so we have to protect ourselves from.

[00:38:54] Kyle Carnohan: That slimy, slick liar that tries to take away our potential.

[00:39:04] Ryan Carnohan: You know, a lot of our guys, this is a common, uh, nightmare that people get. Is, instead of using, my nightmares used to be like, uh, you know, I was gonna die in my dream. My nightmares, I didn't hit my macros. Does that mean I'd rather die than not hit my macros? Let's go. Anyways, that's beautiful. Okay, Ross.

[00:39:31] Ryan Carnohan: Let's dig into the firehouse a little more. There's, I know that there's something there that we haven't touched on. I don't, I don't know what it is yet, but I want to dig because there's, there's a family dynamic in there, and there's also respect, and there's alpha, beta, and whatever. Your experience in the firehouse around all these savages, or so called savages.

[00:39:54] Ryan Carnohan: I was never a firefighter, but I look to you guys like savages, okay? I try to act like I know what that shit is. Just a regular guy.

[00:40:03] Ryan Carnohan: But you're in there. What's the response as you begin this to what you're doing? What's the response you're receiving from all the guys? Was a positive negative on the way? And was there a change in their response to what you were doing? And if so, what was that?

[00:40:24] Ross Nelson: So when I first started, I was on days off.

[00:40:27] Ross Nelson: So I work eight days at the firehouse, sometimes ten, and then ten days off.

[00:40:32] Ryan Carnohan: So talk about savage 10

[00:40:36] Ross Nelson: days. It might be stupid. Not, um, so we started here, the wife and I, we set everything up with weighing and kind of, it kind of had a week of a run here at the house. And that was the big thing. No, I, I Amazon to scale to my station.

[00:40:52] Ross Nelson: I Amazon some real fast burn. So I was, I was ready to go when I got there. And that first morning when I. through the scale out and started measuring cottage cheese and granola and fruit. Everyone just kind of looked at me like, what the hell? And for those who don't know, if you want to know what any latest diet or workout fat is, you can go to a fire station because there's probably two guys that are trying it.

[00:41:15] Ross Nelson: Atkins, uh, Bulletproof coffee, keto, working out with whatever. So it was kind of one of those things that, you know, I got a couple of eye rolls and it wasn't a big deal. And so my first cycle at work was fine. Yep. They just kind of looked at me funny. Like, Hey, you know, are you going to weigh your water or, you know, you know, it was kind of the jokes of how much does lettuce weigh and they're weighing all kinds of things with the scale.

[00:41:40] Ross Nelson: Um, when I came back, so it would have been about 18 days later, I was down 10, 10 pounds. It was noticeable, um, because a couple of guys have asked. I was explaining to him what I was doing is working with Kyle and, you know, again, a couple of eye rolls and, you know, weigh the Triscuit or whatever it is. So after about a month, I had a couple of guys asking me.

[00:42:04] Ross Nelson: About what I was doing between the workouts and the food, the macro counting. And then I had a couple of the guys that are trying to get hired. Hey, can you help me? You know, I'm going to do what you're doing. I'm going to start tracking. And I showed my fitness pal and just kind of, Hey, this is what I'm doing, you know, and we kind of just play with numbers, whatever, or just track your food.

[00:42:25] Ross Nelson: That was kind of my biggest thing to the guys, just put your food in, set a calorie goal for 2000 or 2, 500 calories and just track what you're doing in a. And see how far off you are. So again, a month into it, no, nothing really changed. Two months in, I think three, I'm sorry, five out of six guys on my shift were all weighing their food.

[00:42:49] Ross Nelson: Guys on other shifts were wearing their food. I was down about 20 pounds at that point. So they knew obviously something was up. Still doing, keeping up, if not exceeding a lot of the younger, more fit guys on the group workouts, which was great. Cause that was always, you know, I try to keep up and then take a nap most of the day afterwards, just be spent because I was just so out of shape.

[00:43:14] Ross Nelson: So able to keep up with them and, and, um, just maintain essentially, and now excelling, uh, doing a lot better. I've changed stations since then. And now I was helping a couple guys just calculate where they're. their macros would be. So it's, it's changed. I think the level of respect has changed just due to know how tight I'm staying with stuff, walking past the crumble cookies and the donuts and everything else that laid out every day and grabbing an apple or a banana and then walking back out.

[00:43:48] Ross Nelson: Selfishly, I'm doing it because I know I in a moment of weakness or temptation, I would definitely crush one, but taking the, uh, the higher road, if you will, and walking away from his.

[00:44:00] Kyle Carnohan: What's crazy in the firehouse is like you have to make that decision every time you see it. It's not like Like, yeah you're like, okay, I'm not going to eat one today, but every time you walk past that damn counter, you're like, should I eat one?

[00:44:12] Kyle Carnohan: And you have to actually consciously make the decision every single time you walk in there, which is like 70 times a day. Right, or

[00:44:19] Ross Nelson: wait till you're you're slightly sleep deprived. 3am?

[00:44:23] Ryan Carnohan: There's Wait, yeah Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 10 days into his 10 day shift, okay? After like some gnarly call. Right.

[00:44:34] Ross Nelson: Add to the mix.

[00:44:38] Ross Nelson: Yeah, there's plenty of opportunities where, yeah, it would be easy to take a spoonful or a bite or, you know, eat one of the quarters of a donut or in a box. So, yeah. And I've turned into a

[00:44:51] Kyle Carnohan: full pie vampire in the middle of just like, I'll be talking discipline for like weeks and killing it. And then at the firehouse in the middle of the night, all of a sudden, I just, I literally will just inhale three pies and I'm like, what the, what just happened?

[00:45:05] Kyle Carnohan: I'm like,

[00:45:05] Ross Nelson: I, I apologize to Ryan now because I think I texted. Hey, the best part about. What's that Corey?

[00:45:16] Kyle Carnohan: Go ahead, Corey.

[00:45:17] Cory Gallup: I was just gonna say the best part about the box of doughnuts in the fire station is the diet knife that everybody puts in there where you

[00:45:26] Ryan Carnohan: cut it into quarters. You cut a sliver off? Yeah, you cut a

[00:45:30] Cory Gallup: sliver off but everybody ends up eating the whole doughnut. They just did it over eight trips, eight passes through the kitchen.

[00:45:37] Cory Gallup: Instead of, instead of just powering the whole thing. But the trend now in the firehouse is you'll never see anybody eat the donuts, but they'll all be gone.

[00:45:54] Kyle Carnohan: Uh, it's turned into, it's turned into jerking off.

[00:46:01] Kyle Carnohan: Hiding.

[00:46:02] Ryan Carnohan: By yourself. Um, what were you saying, Corey, that's hilarious, dude. What were you saying, Ross? You said that you had to apologize or something? Oh,

[00:46:12] Ross Nelson: I, well, along with the pie thing, the pie vampire, yeah, I think I, I texted you on it. I lost my shit because I had some cobbler and it was just like, I couldn't resist it.

[00:46:23] Ross Nelson: It was, I think it was like day six, just did an evening workout to get out of the kitchen during while this was all being made. And I walked in and there was, lo and behold, I had like two spoonfuls and, or, uh, like servings of it. And yeah, I fucked it up. And it is the. Going through it and coming that far is the mental anguish of it is, especially when you're already mentally stressed with being low on calories, being into a cut, and hearing that, you know what, it's okay, you didn't fuck it up, just get after it tomorrow.

[00:46:59] Ross Nelson: And understanding that, that you're not going to ruin your six months of progress by having two portions or two scoops of cobbler.

[00:47:08] Kyle Carnohan: Look at Rhett, look at Rhett's video. Rhett, you see Rhett's? He's got the knife in there with uh, crumble cookies. He's on chip! I love him so

[00:47:22] Ryan Carnohan: good!

[00:47:26] Kyle Carnohan: I love it, dude.

[00:47:29] Ryan Carnohan: You firefighters dude.

[00:47:31] Ryan Carnohan: You guys are savages. amazing.

[00:47:40] Ross Nelson: Amazing

[00:47:40] Ryan Carnohan: Digging that a little more, Ross, because it's a long eight months. Yeah. And, and, and, and you do. It's gonna happen. You're going to screw up. What is your reaction to that now compared to before?

[00:48:00] Ross Nelson: It's the same way that you treat, you know, your love, your loved ones and your family. You, you got to forgive yourself and move on and don't dwell on it. Don't bring it up and just keep, hey, it was one time. It will happen again, probably, but not for a long time. And I'm not going to make that same mistake.

[00:48:19] Ross Nelson: I'm not going to feel that weakness coming in or allow that to creep back into my head when it is. You know, just grow from it and learn and move on. And that's, that's the thing is, and I think I was joking with Corey the other day, like someone made popcorn at the station. He's like, Oh, I think I fucking blew it with, you know, he had like a small bowl of popcorn, like, dude, you're just going to be, you're gonna have a better pump tomorrow.

[00:48:41] Ross Nelson: Like you're fine. Like, it's not going to kill you or you'll be better for it tomorrow. Like, if that's the worst thing that happened, you know, don't, don't beat yourself up over it. And.

[00:48:55] Kyle Carnohan: Can I ask you guys a question? As a group, I have a question for you. Have you ever eaten so much that, that, that you puke in your sleep and it wakes you up? Has that ever happened to anyone? Where you get acid reflux and you puke in your sleep? No.

[00:49:15] Ryan Carnohan: I don't think that ever even happened to me. It's a pizza boy, dude.

[00:49:18] Ryan Carnohan: I don't know. With alcohol.

[00:49:22] Kyle Carnohan: With food.

[00:49:24] Ryan Carnohan: My dog, Moose, does that sometimes.

[00:49:28] Kyle Carnohan: Well, hey, call me Moose. Call me Moose, because that happened to me. That's a good

[00:49:35] Ross Nelson: nickname. Yeah.

[00:49:37] Kyle Carnohan: I was just curious, because I think my body's so accustomed to, like, eating healthy now, that, like, if I eat some shit, not even a ton, like, I get, like, acid reflux and stuff.

[00:49:51] Kyle Carnohan: And yeah, I straight up puked in my sleep. I woke up and I puked in my mouth and I was like, I just puked in my mouth. And then I left, I was like, that's disgusting. But I was, I was half asleep. So I just swallowed it and I was just like.

[00:50:06] Ryan Carnohan: Yo, aspirated. You almost died like a drunk from food.

[00:50:11] Kyle Carnohan: Dude, it's crazy.

[00:50:13] Kyle Carnohan: I don't know. I guess I'm the only one. I was just curious. Cause I was gonna like, if, if, if, if like 20 of you guys raise your hand, I was gonna make that some, some content. I was gonna be like, I know you guys are puking in your sleep. But, I guess not. It's just me. Glad I didn't put that

[00:50:29] Ryan Carnohan: out. Uh, uh, Red says he's done it with pounding wings.

[00:50:34] Ryan Carnohan: Okay, there you go. Oh, oh, oh, Ramone's got it. Ramone's got it. Ramone's done it.

[00:50:39] Kyle Carnohan: Yep. There you go. See? My fellow, my fellow bingers. But

[00:50:43] Ryan Carnohan: it's symbolic. It's symbolic. Because like Ross said, it's the, the, the fake self, whatever, the resistance would normally come in and shame, you know? And now he just felt, he just already felt like, like Corey was like, ah, popcorn.

[00:51:04] Ryan Carnohan: It's you're out of character now. Like, stop, stop, if there's anything, and this might resonate, Ross, I don't know, cause we gotta figure out when the switch flipped, but if there's anything, do not try to, to be that man, you are that man, stop trying to be the fat guy who's trying to get skinny or, or buff, stop it.

[00:51:28] Kyle Carnohan: D. P. says keep me in the hospital for three days.

[00:51:34] Ryan Carnohan: What are you talking about, Kyle? Read the notes, dude. You guys are still on the pew. I'm trying to be all impactful here. Sorry,

[00:51:44] Kyle Carnohan: I'm interrupting. Colton, I've done it with bottomless root beer floats at Red Robin.

[00:51:53] Kyle Carnohan: That's actually the worst idea ever. Bottomless root beer floats. Hey, it's all you can drink. You're like, this is amazing. I'm gonna get my money's worth. Oh my god, that's, we're so dumb. We are so dumb. Like, I am, I'm no different. I'm like, alright, we're, we're starting a new cut tomorrow, so we better carve up.

[00:52:11] Kyle Carnohan: And then I'm like, I think I just ate 17 pounds of cereal. And then, then I... That I freaking in my sleep. I'm like, why would I do that to myself? Seemed like a good idea at the time. Oh my gosh,

[00:52:24] Ryan Carnohan: so six with my dinner. Okay. Um, okay. I was talking to Justin and Serge before this. And I mentioned how there's so much power in this group because you can say something that would

[00:52:40] Ross Nelson: like humiliate you in

[00:52:41] Ryan Carnohan: front of normal humans.

[00:52:43] Ryan Carnohan: Like, where you're like, I would never say that shit, and then you can say it, and then you just see these hands slowly come up. Like, like, it was all quiet, it was all quiet a second ago, and I was shocked when Kyle was like, are you throwing up in your mouth? And then he says it, and then slowly all these hands are coming up.

[00:53:03] Ryan Carnohan: Listen,

[00:53:04] Kyle Carnohan: I still struggle. I'm just very consistent, but I still struggle. I have moments. It's still where I have these like crazy binge moments where I'm like, I like, and like, but I mean shit, dude, look at this shit, right? Like I struggle, but yet we can do this. We can do this. You can live this way and still be a normal human that fucks up sometimes.

[00:53:28] Kyle Carnohan: I ain't perfect. Right? So, so this is just about being disciplined and consistent. And then when you fuck up, you just stop. And you're just like, what? We're not going that route. We're not going there out of character. It's out of character. And then you just, you kind of laugh at it, dude, you really do. You just like that.

[00:53:46] Kyle Carnohan: That was fucking crazy. Like what just happened? Like, okay, reset button. All right, let's Get back in the game, it's all good, but see, what does the rest of the world do? I know, I knew I couldn't do this, I knew I was a failure, I told myself

[00:54:05] Kyle Carnohan: that.

[00:54:06] Ross Nelson: I'll start

[00:54:07] Ross Nelson: again on Monday. You're a total bitch. Yeah.

[00:54:09] Kyle Carnohan: No, just start now.

[00:54:11] Kyle Carnohan: Just start now. You know? Anyway. Yep.

[00:54:17] Ryan Carnohan: We're getting, we're, we're, we're wasting

[00:54:19] Kyle Carnohan: Ross's time. He's supposed to tell us stories and

[00:54:22] Ryan Carnohan: no, no, this is so good. He creates this that you understand humans here. Do you understand when you have this man, this many men on a high vibration, get together and you can't help, but just enjoy yourself.

[00:54:37] Ryan Carnohan: You can't help, but just connect. We feel connection, a high vibration. We're brothers. I have met, I don't even know anyone on this call. Have I met you in person? Like, have we met in person? I don't know. I maybe, one, I don't, you're, and I feel like I would just hug you and say thank you if I saw you, like, my brother.

[00:54:59] Ryan Carnohan: I've never met Ross. I would die for Ross.

[00:55:03] Kyle Carnohan: Yep.

[00:55:04] Ross Nelson: 100%. You know,

[00:55:05] Ryan Carnohan: I'll be sure with all you guys. And this is the power. So, well, this goes into our last question and then we'll open up for questions. I, um, I got a pretty hard stop at six, so we gotta be, you know, if there are questions, we might have to put them in the chat.

[00:55:21] Ryan Carnohan: Um, but you're just starting this program, let's say. Okay. Give advice to yourself.

[00:55:36] Ross Nelson: Just stay consistent. Stay consistent with everything you do. Uh, the workouts, the diet, the, it's funny because even a new thing, like I was. Listening to with, uh, you know, as things have progressed, like the, the wake up, I had a ton of excuses of why I shouldn't wake up early. Uh, two or three, wake up. I've gone for eight days, my first two to three days at home.

[00:56:02] Ross Nelson: I'll, I'll catch up on my sleep then, and I'm up at five o'clock on my first days home. I'm up at five o'clock at the stations. Um, just inconsistent with all of it. And I, I've noticed a drop off in stuff. Just I, I feel rushed or I'll feel behind and. There's been a couple times where I have overslept my alarm and I, I don't have the stones to put, I don't post a lot of stuff anyways, but I'm just playing catch up for the rest of the day, even though I'm on track with everything and it is, it's just one of those things that it's become a norm, norm now that when you don't follow through with it, you feel off and you're, you're at a different level.

[00:56:41] Ross Nelson: It's not, it's not right. So

[00:56:46] Ross Nelson: just of that. And if the new guys understand that with just stay consistent, Thank you. With your macros, um, stay consistent with the workouts. Hey, you know what? You went over a little bit on it, rein it back in and stay consistent. Just don't give up on it. And don't give yourself the excuse for the out to I'll start on Monday or I'll do better next time or whatever it is next Thanksgiving, I'll dial it in, but just get it, just stay consistent with it.

[00:57:14] Ross Nelson: And the results will speak for themselves.

[00:57:21] Ryan Carnohan: Um, And when you say the results speak for themselves, you guys, consistency equals impact. Look at the men that he was around in the fire station, what did they do? Like, that, you can feel good today for yourself, if you live like the elite you. Even if you were a shitbag for 10 days before. Like, you can feel rad, but are people gonna look at you, and are you gonna impact them?

[00:57:52] Ryan Carnohan: You do, you are consistent for everyone else. That's why you're consistent, because you can find it, man. You can connect to the universe. Right now, I could have been a shitbag for a year, but if I kick ass today, I'm gonna feel good. I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna connect to the universe. But will I have had any impact?

[00:58:12] Ryan Carnohan: No. Can I feel as fulfilled as I could have?

[00:58:17] Ross Nelson: Well, and so,

[00:58:21] Ryan Carnohan: I love it man. Okay, we have questions I wanted to see. Oh, Kyle. Wait, Kyle, did you have something? No, no. Did you have a statement though, Kyle? You need to say whatever you're going to say.

[00:58:31] Ryan Carnohan: I'll hold on as long as we need. Go. What

[00:58:33] Kyle Carnohan: were you going to say? Go. Okay, so there are some people that have been in this process since very close to the beginning. that like superhuman fathers will be built off of like their backs. Ross is one of those people. Like Ross went against the grain in the firehouse when everyone's like, well why don't you pay me?

[00:58:57] Kyle Carnohan: I'll teach you how to do something. You're going to pay someone to teach you how to do this? This is all the fat guys telling you. You're going to pay someone? Why don't you just do it yourself? Oh, I'm not going

[00:59:07] Ryan Carnohan: to take your advice.

[00:59:09] Kyle Carnohan: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like if I take your advice, am I going to look like you?

[00:59:13] Kyle Carnohan: Because I don't, I don't take advice from people who aren't living it, but. I just want to say to Ross, you made the impossible happen and you made it accessible and achievable to a lot of people that had doubt and now they have hope. And hope is everything. Hope is what you delivered to your wife when you made this change.

[00:59:39] Kyle Carnohan: You gave her hope. Look at the future that we have, honey. Look what I created for you. Now your wife looks at you and she's calmer, less stress, less anxiety because she's like, I have hope for the future because I know Ross has me. He's got me. He's proving it. And then you give hope to us to show us what's possible hope to the men in the firehouse around you.

[01:00:02] Kyle Carnohan: You become a beacon for hope. And a beacon for hope. What does it, what do you do? You take belief from yourself. Because now you, you don't have to believe anymore, you know, and you take it and you implant it in others so that they can make changes. And, I mean, this is the whole purpose of this, why this was built in the first place.

[01:00:21] Kyle Carnohan: So thank you for stepping up, um, and taking a step in the dark and taking a chance.

[01:00:27] Ross Nelson: Thank you for leading the way and being a good role model. All of you guys, everyone, it's not just Ryan and Kyle, it's, it's the whole brotherhood here. It really is.

[01:00:41] Kyle Carnohan: Wow.

[01:00:41] Ryan Carnohan: Beautiful. Okay. So, I mean, Corey, we know something's coming. Everybody just be quiet. Yeah,

[01:00:51] Kyle Carnohan: this will be our, this is our closer. Let's go!

[01:00:55] Cory Gallup: That's a lot of pressure, man. That's a lot of pressure. I apologize in advance if, uh, this winds up getting a little emotional, but, uh, Ross, I've had the chance to work with you, um, a couple of times recently since we've both been a part of, uh, Superhuman Fathers and, and I've, I've said some of these things to you, but maybe not to this depth.

[01:01:23] Cory Gallup: And for those of you that don't know, Ross, Kyle, and I, we all work for the same fire department, and I was, Ross worked at a neighboring fire station. He still does, but he was, we were next door neighbors as far as fire stations go, and I would see him on calls, and You know, it was, it was impossible not to notice that something was going on, that, that Ross was, was doing something and changing every time I saw him, and I would go like a week or two, um, in between seeing him.

[01:01:59] Cory Gallup: And that's when, uh, you know, I, I would ask him and I understand why he would give me this answer. It's because all the a holes in the firehouse that like, Hey, I'm not your good, good friend. We're not crew members. So I'm not going to give you my secrets or I'm not going to open myself up to,

[01:02:16] Cory Gallup: um, you, you to hammer me.

[01:02:20] Cory Gallup: You know, I'm

[01:02:21] Cory Gallup: not, I'm not free game for you to hammer me. So when he, he lost probably about 30 pounds or so. And finally one day I said, dude, What

[01:02:31] Cory Gallup: are you

[01:02:32] Cory Gallup: doing? And at this point, you know, we didn't know each other well. I wasn't in the program yet. And all he said was, Oh, just move more, eat less, you know, move more, eat less.

[01:02:46] Cory Gallup: So he didn't tell me about superhuman fathers because he probably thought I was just going to be another fat asshole looking to jump on the bandwagon or not the bandwagon, but just

[01:02:59] Cory Gallup: throw stones out, right?

[01:03:01] Cory Gallup: To just talk shit. And be like, Oh, what are you doing? That's so lame. And, you know, just be one of those guys, but I was genuinely interested and it was just move more, eat less.

[01:03:10] Cory Gallup: Ah, so I blew it off.

[01:03:13] Cory Gallup: So

[01:03:15] Cory Gallup: another guy comes to work over time at my fire station and I see him weighing his food. My, what are you doing? So I'm doing this thing, you know, like everyone's kind of shy at the firehouse. They, they don't want to. We're all type A's, and we don't want to admit that we have insecurities, and that we, you know, need help, and all that kind of stuff, so, um, I'm just doing this thing, so finally I just kind of probed.

[01:03:45] Cory Gallup: And then it was then that it was Brian Roberts where he goes, yeah, that's what Ross has been doing.

[01:03:53] Cory Gallup: And I went, wait a second. That's what

[01:03:55] Cory Gallup: Ross has been doing? Because by this time Ross had lost like 40 pounds and like the transformation was just undeniable. It wasn't like he was on some fad diet. There like something

[01:04:08] Cory Gallup: changed.

[01:04:09] Cory Gallup: Something big changed. And it

[01:04:12] Cory Gallup: was It was that. I knew nothing about superhuman fathers, but it was the example that Ross had already set that made me go, holy shit, like he was a big guy like me and look what he's done. I can do this. And I had no

[01:04:34] Cory Gallup: idea the rest of the

[01:04:36] Cory Gallup: stuff. that

[01:04:37] Cory Gallup: superhuman fathers would provide.

[01:04:39] Cory Gallup: I had no idea about

[01:04:41] Cory Gallup: the, the focus on marriage, kids, being a father. Like, I thought it was just a weight loss thing. So I looked it up and I saw Kyle

[01:04:49] Cory Gallup: and I was like, look at this guy. Like, I'll never be like

[01:04:52] Cory Gallup: that guy. This fucking shredded guy just yelling at people, calling them bitches and all

[01:04:56] Cory Gallup: that stuff.

[01:04:56] Cory Gallup: Like, You know, and I called

[01:05:00] Ross Nelson: Kyle because of, because of Ross and I still didn't know what I was getting myself into. Um, and then as, as my journey began, it was Ross's constant example that told me every day,

[01:05:23] Ross Nelson: I can do this. So thank you, brother. Love you. Changed my family's life. This program has monsters like you in it. I appreciate you, brother. Appreciate you. Thank you.

[01:05:44] Kyle Carnohan: Let me say something real quick. So, you know now. You know, you know who's hurting. You can see it in their eyes. You can feel it in a presence.

[01:05:56] Kyle Carnohan: You know, you know, don't doubt it. You know, man, if that guy's 50, 60, 70, 80 pounds overweight, it probably bothers him every single day. For those of you who only are just dad bodded out a little bit, how much that bothers you? Just a little dad bod? Can you imagine?

[01:06:18] Kyle Carnohan: Just think of that pain and, and realize, like, You're it. You might be their only hope. Massive. That's a great way to finish this off. Thank you, Ross. Thank you, Corey. Uh, I think we better shut it down and go. Uh, Michael

[01:06:36] Ryan Carnohan: Davis has his hands up. I, I, I'm gonna let, I, I, I don't, I texted everybody. We're good. Go for it, Michael.

[01:06:43] Ryan Carnohan: You can say what, you can say what you're gonna say. It's good. Corey, that was so beautiful. I'm emotional. Thank you, guys.

[01:06:50] Michael Davis: That's what I was gonna say. Just go. If you're new here, right, and you're just not sure

[01:06:59] Michael Davis: if you can do it, listen to

[01:07:01] Michael Davis: Corey's story. What if Ross hadn't done it?

[01:07:05] Michael Davis: What if Ross had gone after the cupcakes?

[01:07:08] Michael Davis: Like, maybe

[01:07:09] Michael Davis: Corey's family's life wouldn't be changed. It is so amazingly powerful to know that you really can change

[01:07:18] Michael Davis: the

[01:07:18] Michael Davis: lives of children, right? I mean, Corey's kids lives are going to be different

[01:07:23] Michael Davis: because Ross said yes to himself. And so Ross, thank you for the example. Thank you for

[01:07:31] Michael Davis: following through.

[01:07:33] Michael Davis: And, and for all the

[01:07:34] Michael Davis: people

[01:07:35] Michael Davis: that are going to be affected by

[01:07:36] Michael Davis: not only your transformation, but Corey's transformation, right?

[01:07:38] Michael Davis: So, if you're new

[01:07:40] Michael Davis: here, just know that this is literally... That interview's coming. Watch out. This is literally one of the most

[01:07:47] Michael Davis: impactful things you will ever do while you're breathing on this planet.

[01:07:51] Michael Davis: So thank you, Corey.

[01:07:53] Michael Davis: And thank you, Ross.

[01:07:57] Ryan Carnohan: And what is that impactful thing? What is that? It's conquering your demons. The darker, the more pain. Be grateful for it because it gives you more impact if you respond to it the right way. If you're hurting, thank you. Thank you for hurting. Now show me how to respond to it this week. Be like Ross, be like Corey, be like Michael.

[01:08:20] Ryan Carnohan: Everyone spoke today. Be like Kyle. I'm going to be like them.

[01:08:26] Ross Nelson: Let's go.

[01:08:33] Ross Nelson: See you guys. Good night,

[01:08:37] Kyle Carnohan: everybody. Thank you. See you, Sergio. Welcome.

[01:08:43] Ryan Carnohan: Night. Dan, that was fire. Hey, sorry, one last thing. I don't want to hang up. I'm lingering.

[01:08:51] Ross Nelson: One last thing. If there's any guys that are travelers or commuters or whatever for their work, that travel a lot or are on planes or whatever, hit me up.

[01:09:00] Ross Nelson: I have been doing it for a year and a half. I don't know a lot about it, but I do it consistently. So, if you guys are worried about hitting macros and shit while you're traveling, please. Feel free to call me or tip message me or whatever. I have some ideas.

[01:09:14] Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed this transformation from Superhuman Fathers, and one thing I want you to know is that anyone can do this. Yes, even you. Go to superhuman and apply for the Brotherhood right now.

[01:09:30] Overdub: Next Time on Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast

[01:09:34] Joshua Plante: I used to think godly men were weak men, right? I used to just do everything opposite of that, shy away from it, despise it, whatever, this and that. But honestly, through physical change, mindset change, and opening myself up, I've been continuously being drawn to that. And now I see that godly men are way more powerful than I ever could be.

[01:09:57] Joshua Plante: And now I want that for myself. And now I'm becoming that myself.