Jessie's World

Meet Jessie as she invites you to join her on her pursuit to become her best self. Covering topics like community, fun, wellness, business, love, and personal development Jessie keeps it light, engaging, educational, inspiring, and funny. It's the perfect combo of current affairs, comedy, and introspective curiosity and is a great way to re-set yourself for a new and prosperous day.

Show Notes

Join Jessie as she introduces the world to her world - a world where no one is perfect, but we are all trying to become our best selves. You will also meet Tessy - she is a no-nonsense tell it how it is Social Commentator who doesn't hold back. Mrs. Write will engage you with fun impromptu poems, stories, and freestyles about random topics, and our Big Boss Vibez segment will help you boss up. 

Who's Raising the Adults is today's topic where we look at how brain drain in the family structure has impact current and future adults, and we consider ways to overcome challenges and lack of direction in an already uncertain world. 

Our Gods n Goddesses segment brings us back to centre and to self so we can relax, debrief, and end strong with affirmations and intentions to keep our energy high as we move from our higher inner self through the world easily claiming our success. 

It's fun, it's entertaining, and it's enlightening - welcome xo.
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What is Jessie's World?

Welcome to Jessie's World - a weekly variety show that takes us through Jessie's Wheel of Life including Community, Fun, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and Personal Development. Each segment brings a different flavor, making it interesting and engaging. The host Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez keeps it conversational and weaves humor though light and heavier topics. Special guests come from all walks of life and may surprise you. The ultimate goal of the show is to entertain, inspire, uplift, and assist us all (host included) in becoming our best selves. You get new, entertainment, wellness, and inspiration all in one great show.

Segments Include:
Tessy Time (Community) - real talks about current societal issues.
Mrs. Write (Fun) - a freestyle on-air comical writing segment where computer generated prompts are turned into master poems, songs, and short stories right on the spot.
Big Boss Vibez (Career Health) - let's talk all things entrepreneurship and bring our businesses to new heights
Today's Topic (and sometimes - Guest) - This segment covers a variety of topics that are aimed at peeking curiosity, inspiring, motivating, supporting, and most of all assisting listeners in becoming their best selves.
Gods N Goddesses (Health and Wellness) - travel inwards to center yourself. Let's focus on the personal care and wellness items that will help ensure you maximize your quality of life. A peer learning and sharing segment we grow together.
Love, Fam, N Family (Relationships) - let's share stories of human impact and the importance of leading with love.
Quote of the day.

Listener interaction is encouraged. If you have show suggestions or would like to be a guest on our show you can send your request on Instagram @jessicavibez or @jessiesworldxo you may also visit

Rich living darlings. Welcome to Jesse's world episode one, where we talk about all things love life, success, wellness, and more. If you have a good sense of humor are upwardly more bile and ready to give it a go in life. Then you have come to the right place. You've now entered the intersection. Where deep honest discussions meet bare jokes.

Where real talks, tips and support. Meet mind your business and where loving vibes meet everyone. You can follow me personally Jessica Vibez. That's J E S S I C a V I B E Z. Of course you can follow our podcast at Jessies WorldXO. Okay. Today's topic is who's raising the adults. That's what we will be talking about tonight.

But before we do that, you know what happens first? It's Tessy. And since this is episode one, I'll introduce you to Tessie. Tessie is my alter ego, actually shadowed to Desmond. My brother who gave me the nickname when we were younger. Because it's when I just get real. And I, I kind of don't pour any sugar or honey on it for you.

There's no sandwich technique. Tessie brings it and she brings it with facts. Sometimes I won't lie. Tessie can be a little rude. Mmm. But most of the time Tessie's just telling it like it is. And so, uh, it's Tessy time and today's topic. You know what? We're gonna talk about the cost of living. Come on, come on in 2022, honey.

I know everybody's inner Tessie just woke up when I said that. All right. So here's the biggest issue? Well, there's a ton isn't there. The biggest issue is. I mean, I'm in Canada, I'm suspecting it's similar in America and probably around the world. What I can say is this, the gas prices went up and obviously it hit poses a huge issue, in a ton of ways, cuz everything's required, you know, movement, all commerce, you know, is happening or a lot of commerce is happening through a movement.

Using gas. So the cost of everything goes up. Okay. So now our government has done things to bring down the cost of gas. Thank you, Canadian government. We need that. Everyone gets a little relief. We all need it. Uh, but then when you go to the grocery store, prices are still high. In fact, pretty much wherever you go, you're gonna encounter very high prices at the moment and it's difficult.

And. My, I, I think what Tessy is feeling is that every time I look at the news, they're talking about ways to make the cost of living better for the low income community. Now, please, as you get to know me, and you've only just begun, cuz we're at episode one, do not misunderstand. You will learn all about my background, about who I am as a person, and about the fact that deal.

Supporting, you know, people who have socioeconomic challenges is something I'm very, very passionate about. I grew up poor. I grew up in the hood. I grew up in a single parent family home where my single parent was my grandmother after my grandfather suddenly died. And my both my parents dipped on me. So honey, I understand hardship.

Okay. That said. I worked I fought and clawed my way all the way to the middle class. And then when I got here to the lovely middle class, what I realized was, man, it isn't that different than being poor. It's different in some ways, but you're literally just one step from poverty at all times. and even if you're upper middle class, then maybe you're a couple steps from poverty, but it's there.

And the thing that happens when you're in the middle class is that nothing is really subsidized. So, okay. Growing up poor one thing we could guarantee we lived in a geared to income home. This meant if our income went down, the, the rent went down how beautiful. Right, if there were issues with the cost of living, let's say you could call a social worker or you could go to a food bank, or you could, you could access supports, maybe get additional money on your checks, special diet, whatever.

Right. There are ways around it. And you know, what I can say is that a lot of the times when you are struggling with socio. Challenges you're very savvy and astute and you can kind of find ways to deal with it. Okay. Okay. So a lot of gear to income, a lot of subsidy, even if you wanna participate in programs, they might reduce your cost of your membership at the Y M C a.

If they know that you live in a certain place or different things like that. All right. Now, when you're in the middle class, nobody gives a crap. If you're struggl. Nobody. Alrighty, no subsidies, no social workers to call. You could go to a food bank. You probably haven't done that. And if you have done it, it's been a long time.

It's been a hot minute. And so you'd have to figure out how to connect yourself to community resources. And because you're not in kind of a hub. You know, where people know low income is, then there's not like a, a local rec center or a local agency. Like you have to literally, you know, go find this, this stuff.

And usually you're just trying to get through maybe a period of time. Now, when I turn on the news, bringing it back to today, and I see that the main thing that people are asking. Let's say Justin Trudeau for, or let's say gen generally political leaders for, and or what the political leaders are discussing is, uh, how to help low income communities and specifically also low income communities or low income families with children.

Well, here's the thing. Again, everyone needs to eat. Everyone needs food, clothing, and. Everyone. They could be a man. They could be a woman. They could be a child. They could be an elderly person. Right. Which is a whole other thing. They could be people with disabilities. Everyone needs it. The cost of living is going up for everyone.

So unless you're like super high income bracket, if you're rich, No, you gotta ride this out. Sorry, people. It is what it is. And when I get to that level where I'm rich, maybe I'll have some insights that tell me otherwise, but I don't think so. I think you got this right? You you'll probably have to dip into your personal stuff a bit.

It's all good. Right? When you're middle class, there's not personal stuff, right? Everybody's like a paycheck or two or three from poverty. Well, now there's not enough infrastructure to keep to basically house and. and, and support, you know, an in a rapidly increasing, uh, population at the below, you know, a certain income bracket level.

So we know this cuz we saw how John Tory handled encampments and I I'm sorry, I'm gonna be real. I thought it was deplorable. I don't think you should be. You know, bulldozing or whatever you should be like, just dismantling people's homes or their stuff. I understand the issue. I understand it was on public property.

I understand. But then provide an alternative, like, like deal with humans. Like they're human deal with, people as if they're compat with some kind of compassion. Nobody wants to be homeless. Nobody wants to be poor. Nobody wants to not know where their meal is coming. Or not have consistent shelter.

Nobody, nobody wants that. Nobody so have compassion, right? Yeah. So now that we are looking at this type of inflation and some of the inflation is, you know, there's a lot of things, a lot of factors, but there's a lot of things that the government has had their hand. For example, the housing crisis. And then you move the marker with the, you know, the bank of Canada changes the rates and then the housing prices fall and the interest rates go up.

But now, even though the prices have fell, which is the whole thing people wanted, cuz they said, okay, we can't afford to buy these homes, do something so we can buy these homes. So they raised the interest rate. So they, that the prices fell. Now, you can't still buy, you still can't buy the. Because now you don't even qualify.

Right? And so I, they put a freeze on foreign buying, but watch and see just as soon as they lift that freeze, cuz it's only a two year freeze. Uh, the market's gonna be so down that the cost of the homes are gonna be. So cheap, but then still the cost of living and inflation and, and the issues that are going on.

People are not going to be able to afford it, plus the stress test. Plus the fact that now you need more income to qualify with the, with these rates and, and you need to be able to afford higher afford higher mortgages. It's all quite intricate. It's setting up a situation where foreign buyers can really in two years or a year and a half now, or whatever it is, swoop in.

And just really have a field day. So it's all very alarming and very concerning and not just concerning to the low income community, but to the middle class community too. Right. And so we need solutions too. That's that's my tey gripe. Don't forget the middle. Okay. Do not forget us. Mm.

Yeah, that's the biggest thing. I took a sip of water. I'm human. And I've been talking for 11 minutes, but, that's the biggest thing, man. Tessie says, you know, you need to reduce the cost of living for everyone, please. And you need to look at the reality and the middle class could only take the brunt for so long.

Man is pushing on our backs to, and we're the ones that are driving and commuting. Cuz I'll be honest. When I was in the hood, I did not drive a lot. I did, I did have, like I was working, but I mean, I knew how to juggle, like my time and energy and money, you know, a little, I wouldn't even say better in a way, but maybe, you know, cuz I knew what was, what, but at the same time, like the cost of living just wasn't as high.

Like I said, the income, you know, the rent was geared to income right there. That's a huge thing in this economy because right now, if you want a. A ho house. You're looking at three grand or more, but at the same time, I could rent a house in prime location for like two bills if you're in housing. So right there, that's a huge, huge relief.

Right? You could get travel sub subsidy and support. If you work right, you could get support, special diet and help you buy food. You could all get whatever access to food supports too. Right? So none of that is available to the middle class. So we need some support. We need some love too. Mr. Trudo, Mr.

Justin Trudo we need love too. So that's what Tess he's saying today. Right? So just take care of everyone from like upper middle class, right. To. Those that are considered low income, I guess. They all need it. I'm not saying low income don't need it. They do. They do. But also, so does the middle class.

All right. See, Tessie's not so bad. She just keeps it 100. There's just no honey on it. But it needs to happen and it needs to happen today. And it can't happen in the form of child tax, this or that. And it can't happen in the form of GST. What about them? People that can't even get their taxes done at the moment, because they're disorganized because they lack the ability.

Maybe they have D D ADHD. Like I have ADHD. I struggle all the time to keep my stuff organized. It's a genuine struggle for me. So. Yeah, I'm okay. Like I'm up to date and stuff guys, but , but at the same time are kind of near, you know, for my world. But at the same time, it's like, you know, or maybe they don't have a kid, but they're still hungry.

So what their belly don't matter. And I mean, at the same time, men get disrespected all the time too. Cuz if you're a man, I mean, there's not a lot of services that are just for men. In fact, I worked in nonprofit for many, many years. I love that sector. I love the, you know, I love helping people. I hope my podcast helps people.

I hope this world, you, you feel welcome. You feel at home and put your feet up. Me and you, we parlay. We build a community of people that support each other in becoming our best selves, because that's really what this world is about. All. So I worked in nonprofit for like 20 years. I don't know. Something feels like that long, a long time, you know?

All right. And what I know is I came across one men's specifically men's nonprofit, which was, well, I guess there's two. Technically the Y M C a, but now it serves everybody, even though there is a Y w C a, but, and then I think there was like a John Hopkins, which is, I think for men who were incarcerated and are reintegrating into society, and those are the two that I came across.

That doesn't mean there isn't more, but that's me grassroots working. Years and years I worked at an aphasia, a place at an aphasia Institute. I worked at a place for, for kids with autism. I worked at several Caribbean locations. I'm half Jamaican, half Canadian. So, just, yeah, like with that background, I identify, I worked at several Caribbean organizations, all types of organizations, parent organizations, welcoming committees, recreational programs.

I just came across only the one for the men. You can't forget men, right? We need men. We need men. Uh, I'll be honest. Like I love men. Ha and I think that, they're very important, integral and valuable and thus should be valued in our society. All right. That's enough. TESIS had her say now we're gonna move on to a fun little segment.

Woo. I don't know how it's gonna go guys, but I'm gonna try my best. I'm gonna try my best. We're gonna move on to a fun little segment, called Mrs. Wright. And, uh, as you get to know me, you will learn that I, I am Mrs. Wright. Uh, no, but I'm a writer. I love to write. I like to write poetry. I like to write songs, lyrics, hip hop.

All types of things. So Mrs. Wright is basically a freestyle segment, where in the spot, I just have to come up with, a poem or a, a short story or a song or a freestyle about whatever that topic is that we're discussing. I'm trying to find my random topic. I actually use an app for my random topic, but I'll be honest.

I actually misplaced my phone. Oh, sorry. And I'm not actually editing. This podcast. So what that means is I found it, what that means is you just heard my mic fall over while I was looking for the phone. That's okay. We're gonna be that gritty and that grimy, like we're gonna, we're gonna learn so much together.

We're gonna bond. We're gonna be besties, but I mean, I'm just gonna be so real. I'm not even trying to be perfect. I'm just trying to grow as a human being. This podcast. I took a long time. I, I had the logo for this podcast for like, I don't know, maybe. Yeah. From the beginning of the pandemic. So at least two years now, my son is an artist.

Check out, follow big, shout out, follow Tridel. T R E D E L. The comic God on Instagram, please. If you wanna see some wicked, giant, some amazing talent. Yeah. Go follow him. So he did the logo for this. He was an illustrator, a professional illustrator, and of course, graphics come easy to him. And so he drew this logo from my personal lips.

So if you're like, what does her lips look like? Exactly. What's on the logo. Those are my lips. All natural. We're in a crazy world where I know people get lip fillers and all types of stuff. I'm mixed. I was born this way. And so those are my lips. Yay. Jesse's world was created. Uh, I, I spent a long.

Just meditating, obviously two years on what my world is. And I realized the one thing that's constant. I was, I was, I guess I came into the world with a lot of challenges and, and, and I've, those challenges have kind of created other challenges and those have created other challenges. And I, I definitely don't give up.

I think that what's constant is that I continue to try. I continue to strive to become my best. It's really, really important to me. And when creating Jesse's world, I said, I wanna help others do the same. And like, maybe we can be each other's accountability. Partners have some deep discussions help improve ourself.

Right. First I want to improve me. Myself, then I wanna help you. You improve. Right? And then I want to, uh, help the world improve that way. And so I'll put on my mask and I'll put on your mask then together, we can put on some other people's masks and then the whole wide world is just blessed. Maybe we could save humanity this way.

Right. Imagine everybody just so focused on their own personal, inner light and their own. Personal awesomeness and minding their own business. I mean, there'd be no time for hate or disrespect or drama, or like, no, and of course we wanna have fun. A little drama is spicy. Sometimes no lie, especially if it's not yours, but healthy stuff.

Right. Healthy stuff. We don't wanna be like low frequency. If we can kind of dwell in our higher frequency. Not super blessed. All right. So Mrs. Wright, I don't know. I'm not saying I'm great at it. I'm a really good writer, but obviously everything's off the dome cuz we're just doing this live with you guys.

Right? So, without further ado, remember, I can choose either a short story, a poem. A song, a freestyle. All right. So I'm using this app. Uh it's I, I Googled it. So it's random topic generator and conversation starter and it's, uh, capitalized my So thanks. Capitalized my title. Uh, so I pressed it kind of generate something for anyone.

What is the most annoying thing about your phone? All right. Hmm. That's interest. All right. I got a phone. I never feel alone, even when I'm all by myself at home. And I think that's kind of cool. I think that's kind of nice. There's so many people with whom I could share my life. Sometimes I scroll sometimes I chat, but sometimes I just wanna sleep and.

Is when sometimes annoying things creep in like a ping, ping, pinging, ping, ping. You know what I'm saying? Or maybe I'm with my homie slay in, or maybe I'm trying to get down and this ping, ping, ping keeps coming around and it's like, who's that on your phone? And now there's an argument and Loving's left alone.

And I'm like, why? Why? And it didn't even nobody. And it didn't nothing. Sounds like it is. Cause people are impatient and we're in a world of instant gratification. And so ping, ping, ping, ping, ping. Ping has to be the most annoying thing about my phone, but at the same time, when I'm truly all alone and I'm wide awake and I wish anyone knew I was even existing.

And does everybody even think about me and am I even significant? Ping can be a joyous thing. It's a double edged sword. What do you do? But it asked the most annoying thing about my phone and I bet you that's what you would've said too. All right. That's my little poem. My message. Right? Poem slash freestyle about, uh, what the most annoying thing about my phone is I was an interesting topic.

I love the randomness of it. I love that it's so authentic and that I. I have no idea. What's gonna be said, and I just have to go off the dome. Hey, why don't you comment? Let me know what you thought about it. Ah, what the heck, let me know the most annoying thing about your phone too. All right. All right.

Respect. Okay, so this is episode one again, and if you recall today's topic. Who is raising the adults. So now we're getting into today's topic. That is the format of the show. We kind of just do like an intro. We Tessy has her time, you know, Tessy time. And then it's like, Mrs. Wright fun. Break it up.

And now we're gonna discuss today's topic. Who's raising the adults. Okay. This is like a deep topic. because it suggests we're not already raised. Mm, right. Controversial. I don't know.

I'm gonna speak for myself since that really is the only person I can speak for. Hmm. I feel like I'm raising myself as an adult now. I understand. I'm not your average adult in some ways. Because of those things, some of the things I've already mentioned, but I'll talk about it, more finding balance and kind of winning in all of the wheel of life areas, you know, and even like mastering self discipl.

And like, just knowing what's what it's, it's all very challenging for me. And I mean, I had said earlier, like a lot of the times people think, oh, Jessica she's made it. And I even had someone ask me one time. How does it feel now that you made it? And I was like made it. Where, what do you mean? I struggle every single day.

Now I am goal oriented. And I am driven, but I also have challenges that I face. And so then I'm always balancing this, like, uh, I guess the things that are, you have external challenges, like the world around us. Right. I thought about that too, and that's a whole other topic and maybe I'll put that in an extra, but the world, like when I look at the wheelhouse, so like for me, for the purpose of this show, And kind of how I look at life, the wheelhouse, right?

Jesse's wheelhouse of life, kind of is community, which like, you know, we talk about that a little bit with the philanthropy and whatever te time, you know, we covered some community stuff there and then fun, which hopefully I will always, you know, it's always, it was always wanna have fun then Mrs.

Wright, that's a fun spot for me writing and stuff. And then health and wellness. You know what I mean? So that's important. And we get some of that under gods and Godes says, uh, business and success. We get that in our big boss wives coming up and then love fam and family. You know, it's always like you wanna respect look at different ways to spend time like shout outs.

Thanks. Good stories, whatever right. Blessings kind of dwelling on the positive. If we. There's negatives too. So life, life, life lessons are good too. And then personal development, which is like big, big time. My, my personal development arm is strong, strong, strong. I mean, it don't mean that I already made it.

It means I keep trying to make it. So in that regards, my personal development arm is strong. So that's the wheel. That's the wheel. I don't know how you feel like you're doing on your wheel. On my wheel personally, I have challenges in every area and I'm a business development and success coach.

I can tell you I've made millionaires. I have made millionaires and I can make more millionaires, but for myself, I had to, first of all, I had to pull myself from so far, like I started with minus everything in life. So I had to pull myself from there, you know, but also there's LA like when you're raised by wolves, like, I feel like I was like a bunny rabbit raised by wolves.

So like I'm a bunny, but I always move like I'm among wolves even when I'm not among Wolf. right. And so that's a thing, like, just for example, being cautious or unnecessary fears or phobias, or even lack of schedule, you know, the anarchy of it. All right. So I personally feel like I have some things that I'm trying to like.

Improve in every part of my wheelhouse in every area of Jesse's life, wheel of life. Right. Okay. How do you feel? Are, are you, do you have struggles? So one of those things might be, like I said, balance, right? Finding the balance between the pieces. So I find it could do very, very good, but this is the thing, as we become adults, we also learn things.

So let's say you didn't have all my challenge. You did have parents and they loved you and they raised you. the life. right. Sorry for someone who didn't have that, that's a joke. That's funny, but maybe you didn't find it funny. I don't know, but yeah, let's say right. Let's say you had all like white picket fence, middle class, upper class, rich life.

Lucky you Alrighty. Everybody still has their challenges and I acknowledge. It's just a different challenge. So maybe you were taught, let's say how to eat healthy. So like growing up in the hood, I can tell you 150% our desire, our diet off, like we did have good dinners, but we definitely had sugary cereals or like those, like you just pour water on it.

That becomes your oatmeal or whatever. The instant one, or we peanut butter and jelly was like my best. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or macaroni and cheese. Uh, even when I was pregnant, I have one son. I actually have a podcast with him. I mentioned him earlier. Tridel the comic God. And you could check out our podcast, three shots and a mango beer.

So it's a mother, son podcast. That's super fun and, definitely upbeat vibe. So yeah. Check us out over there too. Uh, three shots and a mango. Uh, but in where, on all platforms. He has a podcast too called nerd in out. So if you're into everything, sci-fi comic geeky vibes, check him out as well, nerd in out.

Right. Which Tridel the comic God. So even when I was pregnant with him, it was like, I was a, well, obviously I was a teen mom. I was a young mom cuz he's like, we're like, you know, we're not that far apart. And we're, we're very close. Friends, but also he's my son. So yeah, I ate, like I ate peanut butter and jelly and like crafted on most of my pregnancy.

I ate a lot of like broccoli and lime. I don't know. I craved a lot of lime, but yeah, it was just, you know, when you're it's access to food. So we know all about food drought. And if you haven't like educated yourself to even Ted talks have, have a lot of stuff on food droughts and like certain communities having a lack of fresh food available to them.

And then when they do have access to fresh food, they don't have the money for fresh food. And so that was my situation growing up is that we did have some fresh food, but I mean, I remember my grandmother waiting for like, my school would sell boxes of apples or boxes. Oranges and grapefruits, I guess they would get from the farm or they had some Sunki program.

I think it was like a sun kiss program. And so my grandma would wait for that and she would buy up like however many boxes. I don't even know how we ate all those apples and oranges and cuz like I buy them at the store now they go bad. But anyway, I don't know, she would buy big boxes. I remember cuz my uncle and I would have to go to the school.

We'd have to put them on the toboggan cuz my grandma didn't drive. And then usually it's winter that the program would happen and then we would, take, pull it home on the toboggan. So yeah, man food droughts is a real thing. So I didn't really raise up with the, like, this is how nutrition. And this is what you should be eating, and this will spike your glucose level, or this will increase your insulin level.

And so now I'm trying to make sure I learn to reduce my insulin level. Cuz now I'm an adult looking at adult things in life going. I don't want these things to happen and I see certain risk factors and you go, okay, I gotta pay attention. I feel like when you're raising somebody, nutrition should definitely be one of the things you cover.

And that's not a slight on my grandmother, cuz again, I didn't know either. So I didn't even raise my kid cuz I was a young, you just teaching what I knew, you know, and still living in the hood and didn't have access either like that. So I understand the cycle, but I think that at that level, Somebody has to tell somebody something and the kind of the food guy isn't even like great with it because the amount of grains or whatever, that's a BS.

Because when you really look into insulin resistance as an issue and, and even weight gain as an issue and an epidemic, and all of these things are struggled with my life, because I feel like ADHD contributes to weight, gain trauma, childhood trauma. Abuse and stuff like that contributes to waking, depression, anxiety, all of these things.

And so like, man, bear obstacles, bear obstacles everywhere, you know, but you have to just persevere, man. You have to keep trying at least right. So I that's, it, that's what I've been doing. I've been trying, and I know sometimes I, I put on my professional voice or my sweet voice, and then sometimes I, I flip into like my little slang and, it's all good.

Hopefully this is all about be bringing our whole selves to the table. And so I'm actually very aware of how chill I. What I'm speaking to at the moment and how truly myself I am. I wanna build a relationship with my listeners and I want to be authentic and I want you to be authentic too. And so truly in my regular life, I speak.

Like I'm a valley girl, I'm a blonde . I'm like, you know, kind of really, I toggle between super intelligent, even brilliant. And especially in business, business development, strategic planning, entertainment, planning, certain things like, you know, Business music management, all types of things I love and like thrive in.

Right. And then I also like day to day, maybe, you know, common sense isn't as common or maybe certain things that are obvious for people are not obvious for me. So yeah, I toggle between the two. That's just my personality. It's just how I am. So I don't put on no errors here and the SA same way I will, I can speak professionally or sweetly or.

But it could also be like girly or valley girl or, or slang or street. And all of those are just me, you know what I mean? And, and half Jamaican I might come in and out of the patch as well, and that's just facts. Right. So y'all get to know it, but yeah, man, who's raising the adults. You just look at like, even the fallout with the kids, maybe the fact that like, if you look at the younger generation, right.

I don't know, I'm proud of them in some ways. Cause I see a lot of enterprising, young people making things happen for themselves. And at the other side of it, I see a lot of young people suffering from a lack of, of, of raising, you know, basically. And I feel like there's this kind of epidemic of us all raising ourselves to a certain degree.

And like, if you look at it from a business perspective, Then like brain drain in the corporate sector is a major issue. Right. So I've been a business development consultant for years. I went to school for corporate communications, marketing, strategic planning, all of that good jazz. So in that with my clients, and I've had clients at all different tiers, I've seen this quest among corporations to kind of.

Bring back kind of their retirees as consultants to download information to the new people so that there's this knowledge share, facilitating some kind of knowledge share. So they don't leave with all the information and the company suffers. So now if you take that and you apply that to family and that it's kind of breakdown of family, Definitely the breakdown of, of like me being black, like, or half black, like, I'll say the black side.

Like, I mean, like both sides of my family were broken. Right. But like, obviously cuz they came together. But even in our black community we have a, like a breakdown of our family and, and it you'll see the followed in. And you'll see the fallout in like education or you'll see the fallout in, even in crime.

And it happens in the white side too. Of course. Right. I see that all over both. Like I see that more in the white side of my family, but my family might, I don't know how that looks compared to the like real, like other people's experience. What I know is this black, white, or other doesn't really matter.

What I know is. When you had like a traditional family and you had someone home, they were paying attention to the meals. So you're having your three square meals a day or whatever you wanna say. They were paying attention to the errands, the finances, right? Making sure things were running. Then you had someone else out getting the money, bringing it back.

So it's like, if this was a team. You had somebody running the basketball down the court, and then you had the person at home dunking the ball. I run it down the court, you dunk it. I run it down the court, you dunk it. Nobody's dunking it. Somebody has to just run it down the court and dunk it themself.

That's more tiring. And then things are gonna get missed. You know what I mean? You can't see everywhere. So now when you are at a bedtime. Not even I have a bedtime. So me personally, I was raised in a home where there was a lot of drinking straight up. There was alcoholism. It was a fact it's episode one, put it all out there.

It's all good. And so because of that, bedtime was like, sometimes there was, and sometimes there wasn't, you know, and so that's just reality. So I don't really have, like, I never, I never felt like I had like a schedule schedule. you know, and, uh, I feel like that trickled into real life, but I wonder if adults now in single family homes still struggle with that.

Cuz I felt like even me raising my son on my own, trying to do everything it's it's like you're catching snowflakes out there. So yeah. I would love to hear what you guys think, but I just, I just was talking about adults and who's raising, who's raising us. And when we have challenges, where do we go?

We're the leaders now fam we're the ones. We're the parents. We're the ones that are supposed to be teaching the next generation. How to do it. Sometimes, like even talking with my friends and stuff, we're all figuring it out. Like, yeah. When I reflect on conversations I've had with my friends, we're literally still all figuring it out.

Some of us have done better than others, some of us, but all of us are still figuring it out. We're all still trying to be our best selves. And I think that's what it comes down to with all of my analyzing and looking at. My childhood or looking at my situation or trying to figure out, you know, why do I not have it all on lock right now?

I have some things like, you know, I'm not doing bad, that's for sure. But I could do better. I mean, you bring home a, B, you want an a that's true. Mm. So yeah, maybe the point is we're all trying to strive for our. In our own way, maybe you have the good career and the money, but your marriage is suffering.

Maybe you have the good marriage and, and the good career, but you need to get in shape. Maybe you're in shape shit. You need to come on the show and tell us how you're doing it. if you're in shape, you have a perfect family. Could making good money. You're you're you're you're loving. Your family loves you.

Your friends love you. Your business is on point. If you work of nine to five and you're running a, a lucrative company at, you know, yo hit me up, the me we'll have you on, you could tell this how it's done, but I mean, I feel like, you know, most of the time there's a trade off in, in at least one area. Right?

So that's what we're talking about here. And so maybe we're all striving for our. Or are a plus or for those overachiever are a plus pluses. Maybe that a stands for actualization and self actualization and the attainment of our own best selves, which ironically guys is what this show is about.

It's all about coming together and supporting each other while we mind our own business in achieving or trying to achieve our own personal best. Trying to realize and manifest our own best selves. So yeah, let's go for the a, which is actualization. And, I think it starts with us raising ourselves, us, keeping an eye on ourselves, us finding that balance, being honest about how we're doing in each of the areas, you know, of life that we need to pay attention to.

Like I said, community fun, health and wellness business. Love family, you know, and personal development, if we're doing good in every area, well kudos. And can we still do better? But it's all about, you know, this journey, man, this journey where we're trying to be our best selves, man. And if I could do that in this world and on this podcast help you be your best self.

While I also help me slay some of my goals and become my best self, then this podcast is more than worth. More than worth it. Welcome to Jesse's world. You know what I'm saying? And I'm so excited because like I said, I took two years before I figured out what, how I wanted to go about this and like anything that is authentic to me that allows me to be myself that allows me to help others and really make a contribution in this world gets me hype.

It gets me hype. So I'm so hype. I'm so grateful. If you've been listening to this, I'm grateful for you dialing whomever you are. And, like I said, follow, hit me up, tell others about it, like share. We are going on to God's and goddesses. We are wrapping up our topic cuz it's okay. No matter where you are, if you're, if you bringing in a C and F a D and a, and a plus tomorrow, we can all be a plus pluses.

We just gotta work. Maybe for some of us, it will be the day after tomorrow, but you gotta get started now though, and I'm gonna start with you and we're just gonna raise ourselves. And then, then that way we'll be able to raise other others, you know, like our children or people in the community who need us, our mentees, you know, will be able to help others or even just our peers, or even our leaders.

Right. Help. Because you can't help people. If you can't. My goddaughter loves to say you can't pour for, from an empty cup and that's that's facts. So yeah, this is about filling ourselves up here and becoming our best selves and sharing that with the others. Okay. So now moving on to our gods and godd goddess, a segment, which is easy peasy today, cuz we're doing breath work guys, just breath and thought observation.

I do this every morning. I like to do it on my bed. I sit not cross-legged, but with my feet touching, you can sit in a whatever way, comfortable or even lie down.

We're about to get real quiet with it for a minute.

We're just gonna breathe in through our nose

then out through our mouth. And then when you blow out through your mouth, blow out through Pierce lips and, uh, like puckered lips, like you're gonna kiss ma right. That helps your amygdala in through the nose,


out through Pierce lip.

Keep doing that with me for a little bit.

And just let your mind wander,

just be free.

Don't try to control your thoughts.

If your mind is blank. That's okay.

If you have thoughts, just observe them in through your nose. Hold

out through peer slips.

And again,

try not to judge your thoughts

or analyze them, or even pay too much attention.

You simply want to see them observe them and let them go. The day go.

Any stress you might have felt the day that it blow out through your peer slips,

which is inhale green, healthy goodness. And then exhale red. Discomfort, anger, sadness, anything you're feeling. If you have any physical pain, inhale the green healing energy, directing it to that physical area. Let your breath heal you and hold it.

And exhale. This is such a blessed vibe. I love this podcast so much, and I love you guys so much. I love you so much. Keep breathing.

I mean, I was like, am I phoning it in for breathwork to be the first God and God is his. And

then I was like, no, it's the first cuz it's the, it's the foundation, man. And

if you like me, sometimes your temper could be hot, spicy and hot. And before you pop off at the mouth or like think the wrong thing or whatever, you could just breathe, honey, you could just breathe in through the. Sorry, and through the nose and hold, and then out through peer slips and it really does help calm you down such a blessed skill.

You know, even if you're in the boardroom, you've got some bad news. You're driving someone cut you off. It's okay. That's all good. You live to see another. Just in, through the nose now through the mouth and let them pass you in traffic. It's all good. You'll meet them at the stop light. Yeah, we are knowing them one's day, uh, through the mouth.

Okay. What thoughts did you observe?

How did they make you feel. What are you thinking right now?

Are you relaxed?

All of us have an inner God or goddess for both. Yeah, man. We're God's, you know, cuz we're connected, right? There's an inner self, a higher self, a spiritual self. We wanna dwell in like our higher frequency, you know? Access that, and we wanna be well physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So this is the segment that we focus on our wellness.

We come back to center, we come back to self. We, we navigate this world from, within our drivers inside of us. Our. We don't wanna live a reactionary life where we're always just responding to external stimuli, actually feel free to cleanse yourself of social media. I I'm gonna start a fast Sunday, actually.

Today's Sunday is late now, so today's Sunday and, it's my first day fasting and I'm excited. It's gonna help me connect with myself even better. And again, I'm trying to work to reduce my insulin levels and prevent any, any form of issues in the future and rectify any, anything that might be even going on, that I might not even be aware of or what have you just trying to be my best self and see the world for what it is, you know, and see if, to come back to your.

So that you could be the driver of your life. Okay. I hope you enjoyed that. I hope you enjoyed that. Because yeah, it's so important to be centered. So do that anytime, do that in the morning, do that on your lunch break, do that at night before bed, do that any time you feel stressed, you know. All right.

So now I'm gonna tell you today's quote. And it ties into the theme, but in a, in a way, maybe in a little bit of an unexpected way. right. So the quote is growing old is unavoidable, but never growing up is possible. I believe that you can retain certain thoughts, sorry. Certain things. I believe that you can retain certain things from your C.

If you protect them, certain traits, certain places where you don't let the world go. And that's Martin Luther king Jr. That's really interesting to me because this whole conversation today's topic was like, who's raising the adults and it was all about, you know, becoming our best selves and, you know, just how do we kind of be better adults and be better people.

You know, live a more balanced and healthy and, and positive life. And then at the same time with this quote, it's saying, but remember that your inner child matters that it's okay to preserve some innocence. It's okay. That's how I interpret it. It's okay. To keep pieces of yourself for yourself to keep your, I.

To allow parts of you not to so to speak, grow up. And I think I've done that. I worked really hard, especially. I said, I grew up in the hood. There's a lot of things you could see in the hood. If you were willing to see them. I was trying not to see them. I was trying to just stick into my own little universe and not expose myself to too much.

Cuz I knew, I don't know how come I knew, but somehow I knew that once you're exposed, you're. You cannot unexposed yourself. So there were certain things I tried my best to avoid and to not allow myself to be exposed to. And in that way, protect my inner child. I have a very childish, like silly sense of humor.

I love corny jokes and stuff like that. You got a Carney joke for me, DM me at Jessica vibez on Instagram. I'm here for it. I'm here for the Carney jokes. So definitely. In touch with my inner child. Right. I love it. I love it. So it's important to keep that part. Yeah, we gotta be adults. We gotta grow up.

We gotta have balance. We gotta be our best selves, but honey, that child is like, innocent and perfect. And you definitely want to keep of that for yourself too. So I thought that was a really special quote and on top of it, Martin Luther king, Jr. So who wouldn't love that? Now we're gonna, we're gonna do today's.

Affirmation, and then we're gonna, we're gonna wrap it up, but I'm hoping you enjoyed the first episode. I'm tired. I, I shoot these very late. So I hope that, uh, you're kind of okay. With my night voice Uhhuh. I think I will be keeping, we'll continue to shoot these at night, but probably a little earlier so that I'm not this tired.

I, the, you know what happened. The breathing, the breathing exercise, man. That that should have been the last thing we did, cuz that got me ready for bed. I was ready to go to sleep after that. Okay. Today's affirmation. Okay. So I just want you to like meditate with me on this. All right. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I have all the ingredients I need to manifest my best. So that affirmation basically means it doesn't matter where you are today. You got this, you can do this. It's within your grasp. Okay, darling, I believe in you let's say it again. Try to say it with me this time. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

I have all the ingredients I need to manifest my. Self. All right. I wrote that just for you guys. And, from my heart to yours, you have everything you need. Don't let nobody tell you that you cannot do something you wanna do cannot be something you wanna be, cannot heal parts of you that you wanna heal.

I don't even care if it's a doctor, you got this as you work on. And don't worry about anyone else. Mind your business. Last time today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have all the ingredients I need to manifest my best self. All right. Thank you so much for visiting my world Jesse's world. I hope you'll come.

Please visit us at Follow us @JessiesworldXO on Instagram. And of course, if you wanna DM me personally, I'm always happy to say hello to new people. At, so follow me on Instagram @JessicaVibez, that's V I B E Z with a Z. I really appreciate you turning in. Leave me a comment. Let me know your thoughts.

If there's a topic you'd like to hear me talk. Uh, feel free to let us know when the comments below and stay blessed.