Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service

Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service Trailer Bonus Episode 73 Season 1

1 Corinthians 15:12,19 -A Living Stone- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-03

1 Corinthians 15:12,19 -A Living Stone- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-031 Corinthians 15:12,19 -A Living Stone- Pastor Rick Beaudry 2024-11-03

Pastor Rick Beaudry explores the centrality of Christ's resurrection to the Christian faith, examining seven consequences if there were no resurrection: Christ not rising, preaching being in vain, faith being empty, witnesses being liars, remaining in sin, dead believers being condemned, and Christians being most miserable. Through an analysis of 1 Corinthians 15, he contrasts the living hope found in Christ's resurrection with temporal political promises and worldly systems, challenging us to build our lives on Jesus as the "living stone." While acknowledging current political and social challenges, Beaudry emphasizes that true hope lies not in political solutions but in the reality of Christ's resurrection and promised return.

What is Calvary Chapel Bremerton - Sunday Service?

Listen to Rick Beaudry, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Bremerton, teach the Word of God cover to cover, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. Be edified and built up in your faith with solid Bible teaching. New episodes on Mondays in the Pacific Standard Timezone.