The InForm Fitness Podcast

Though you may not find Olympic athletes training at the several InForm Fitness facilities across the US, Mike and Adam have heard numerous reports from their clients how the Power of Ten Protocol has shown significant results to improve a skiers performance and endurance while enjoying their time on the mountain.

Show Notes

At the time of this recording we are smack dab in the middle of the 2018 Winter Olympics and a lot of us are camped out in front off the TV cheering on the Americans in their favorite winter sports, like ice hockey, figure skating, snowboarding, and skiing just to name a few,  while others are actually headed to the ice or to the slopes themselves.
So how does all that tie into a podcast about slow-motion, high-intensity strength training? Though you may not find Olympic athletes training at the several InForm Fitness facilities across the US, Mike and Adam have heard numerous reports from their clients how the Power of Ten Protocol has shown significant results to improve a skiers performance and endurance while enjoying their time on the mountain.

Adam Zickerman - Power of 10: The Once-A-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution
For a FREE 20-Minute strength training full-body workout and to find an Inform Fitness location nearest you, please visit

44 High-Intensity Strength Training for Skiers Transcript

skiing, high intensity exercise, endurance, strength training, skiers, adam, body, ski, high altitude, podcast, high intensity, bike, oxygen, strength, create, fitness, energy, muscles, high intensity training, ability

Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam
Adam  00:06
skiing is demanding skiing. downhill skiing is a very fast twitch, anaerobic kind of activity. So that strength you're getting in your legs, it stands out more when you're doing that type of activity. downhill skiing is similar to weight training, high intensity weight training, where you have brief bouts of high intensity
Tim Edwards  00:29
Hey, inform nation good to be back with you again. Thanks for joining us for episode 44 of the inform fitness podcast with New York Times bestselling author Adam Zickerman and general manager of the Manhattan inform fitness location Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network. And at the time of this recording, we are smack dab in the middle of the 2018 Winter Olympics, and a lot of us are camped out in front of the TV cheering on the Americans and their favorite winter sports like ice hockey, figure skating, snowboarding and skiing just to name a few, while others are actually headed out to the ice or to the slopes themselves. So how does all this tie into a podcast about slow motion high intensity strength training? Well, though you may not find Olympic athletes training at the several inform fitness locations across the US. Adam and Mike have heard numerous reports from their clients. How the power of 10 protocol has shown significant results to improve a skiers performance and endurance while enjoying their time on the map.
Mike  01:28
Every year, we receive testimonials about how this 20 minute workout really changes our lives. And one of the common ones I get is from downhill skiers. I'd say it's February now and perhaps it's too late to get the skiers this season. But I think we need to address it
Adam  01:45
and we still have spring skiing coming next. Right?
Mike  01:47
That's true. Somewhere in the world. You're skiing somewhere.
Adam  01:51
But that's right. You know, if you go down to South America, during our summer you can still ski in Santiago, Chile.
Mike  01:58
Exactly. So I guess no matter what year we're doing this, okay. And, or what time of the year
Tim Edwards  02:04
but you have a lot of skiers
Adam  02:06
it's six o'clock somewhere. 
Mike  02:07
And in this podcast, I'm going to be the questioner and I'm going to I'm going to interview Adam about
Adam  02:12
and I'll be the obliger
Mike  02:14
the obliger yeah
Tim Edwards  02:15
right. Gretchen would be proud.
Mike  02:17
I'll be I'll be the upholder.
Adam  02:19
If you don't know what I meant by that, check out our podcast with Gretchen Rubin.
Tim Edwards  02:22
That's right, right.
Mike  02:24
Anyway, but the big things are that we want to think about are why does it make such a profound difference for skiers performance? Why is strength training so important for skiers? And And why does this form of weight training the power of 10? Why does that take it to a much higher level? First of all, Adam, you used to ski and now you're a snowboarder, right?
Adam  02:44
I went to the dark side
Mike  02:45
Mm hmm. How long? How long did you ski for by the way,
Adam  02:48
it's about 13 14 years old, right after my Bar Mitzvah. I took one of those high school group trips, and I was skiing every year till I was, like 40. And for the last 13 years, I've been snowboarding, I haven't looked back,
Tim Edwards  03:03
what was that transition like? I mean, it's, it's really, I would assume completely different.
Adam  03:09
It is really different. And I spent five days literally on my butt. And it was probably, which amounted to probably 7500 Push Ups.
Tim Edwards  03:22
Getting back up?
Adam  03:23
that's how you get it, like you just didn't push it just to get yourself up off the ground. You do. I mean, so, you know, we can make this relevant to what we're about to talk about, which is, you know, I was only because I was in really good shape that I was out actually able to withstand the brutal nature of learning how to snowboard matter of fact, so many middle aged adults have talked to me about possibly taking up snowboarding or talking to me about they tried taking up snowboarding at a later age. And quite honestly, that a lot of people have given up because it's just too hard to kind of transition because they just couldn't, couldn't get up after a while they were they're really too weak to just continue to learn because you fall so much until you finally get the hang of it. And once you get the hang of it the learning curve, it's actually kind of easier than skiing. Again, you know, I skied a long time and I was, you know, an advanced skier, but but I wasn't. I was doing everything I was going to do on skiing. I was not a great skier. I was a very good skier, but not a great skier. And I just kind of felt like I wanted to try something new. And I was I was challenged to do that by somebody who invited me to the place at Sun Valley. And like, he said, Listen, you can stay at my place, but you're going to snowboard, like, that's a deal. And that's how it happened. Anyway, so I really owe me being in really good shape to being able to endure all the falling that I endured, you know, four or five days until
Mike  04:48
that guy was by the way 60 When he started snowboarding.
Adam  04:51
that invited me True. He went to the other side.
Mike  04:56
You know, but you know, getting back on track the reason why this piqued my interest. And why I wanted to talk about this today is because over the years, we have heard so many rants and raves about people who, you know, they started are the power of 10. And they come here, they work out for three months or four months, and then they go and do skiing as they do every year. And I'm not kidding, I've heard this at least 15 or 20 times over the years with this expression, night and day, he said, it's literally night and day from the last time they went skiing to this time. And they said, there's that was the major change they did was our type of, of strength training. So that's why I wanted to focus on why strength training helps for skiing, and what specifically about a power of 10 Really, really can take it to the next level.
Tim Edwards  05:45
And Mike, before we go down that road, you said that it's night and day is it night and day in their technique or and how they respond to falling
Mike  05:53
strength and endurance, their ability to, to spend more time out there, feeling like they can actually spend more time on the mountain, and just a level of stability to do this specific task. I haven't heard it from snowboarders. Most of our clients are skiers. But, you know, we'll talk to Adam about that as we as we go. But Adam, I don't I'm not crazy. I mean, like, I'm not the only one who's heard this.
Adam  06:17
No, I mean, I've heard over the years, so many times, I mean, again, if they started with us in the offseason, and then ski season comes along, and then they come back, they're holy cow, I've never felt so good on slopes before. And they're, they're, you know, weekend warriors, people that ski you know, three, four times a year maybe. So they know how they feel usually after the day of skiing, and they come back saying I just had more stamina than I ever had. And this whole topic speaks to the idea of thinking that you need to do conventional cardio for this type of thing versus strength training. And it's really all about what our interview with Dr. Gibala was about. Alright, that there's a one minute workout. Again, intensity is why it gives us our endurance, as Dr. Gibala has found out in his research. And what we're finding out anecdotally with our clients that are doing this, and then going skiing at high altitude, by the way, so you have that adjustment to deal with. And we're going to talk about that because actually high intensity training actually can help you with high altitude, just the way your body adjusts to high altitude, high intensity training actually has that same effect, which we'll get into. But again, this is all because their muscles and their energy systems, if you will, are primed for this activity, even though they haven't skied in a year, but their legs are getting really strong. And they have an ability to utilize energy better than if they weren't training because the reason we bonk when we go skiing after not, you know not working out and going to these high altitudes is our body is not our body has to use all kinds of energy sources that you're not using when you're just sedentary at sea level. But if you're doing high intensity training, those energy systems are being utilized and primed. So when you go up to high altitude, it's already primed. And you don't have to adjust anymore. It's done. It's been done.
Mike  08:07
Well, let's let's let's we're gonna get into that. But like first, let's get into strength, okay, and fitness, what we do. And first of all, let's relate it to skiing, what posture is what positions are involved in skiing, and inevitably, what muscles are we using when we're skiing, what's involved,
Adam  08:24
it's a full body is a full body thing. But obviously, your quads, I mean, your lower back and your quads, you're constantly just squatting the whole time down the mountain, which is your glutes, and your quadriceps and hamstrings to extent and obviously, really strong quads and legs are going to help you a lot. And that's partly what's happening here.
Mike  08:44
Adam  08:45
you're getting really strong in what we do here. We're doing leg presses, we're doing squats, doing leg extensions, we're doing hamstring curls. These are the movements that strengthen your legs. So that's the answer that succinctly
Mike  08:58
Yeah like that's, I mean, inevitably, I was gonna lead you into, are we recruiting core muscles? And what about upper body as you said before, you know, you're you know, you have to push yourself up, when you fall down, maybe you have to withstand a fall, you know, and you know, have the upper body strength to to fall a little bit better, you know, or a little bit more efficiently or just have the strength to not fall on your shoulder or your head for example. But um,
Adam  09:23
yeah, I mean, the whole body is involved in skiing, there's no doubt about it, especially your core, I mean, you're twisting, you're torquing your body, you're pivoting around your hips, you know, it's a full body exercise, but you know, it's Interestingly though, the better you are at skiing the less effort becomes because you're better at it you become much more skilled at being efficient and not straining your muscles as much unless of course you're doing you know, pure mogul runs, which there's no way around around that you really got to use your body but
Mike  09:51
you know, the testimonials that I've heard over the years going back to what I said before was usually all these are very experienced skiers people who already they're not taking lessons, they've already had the technique down, they've been doing it for a long time. And when I said night and day before, he said, it's unbelievable how much stronger I feel. And we're talking 50 year old 60 year olds, and even, you know, 70 year olds who are telling me this stuff. So and that's the reason why we want to like a tackle it. But do we have to consider balance? Or the you know, the ability to maintain our center of gravity? Is there anything from a fitness perspective that we should attack in order to address that idea?
Adam  10:31
The short answer is, I don't think so. I really don't think so. It's a controversial answer. And question. I mean, you have training places and philosophies all over the place, mentioning that you need to work on your bounce work on one leg and shifting and mimic the sport of skiing by using those slides that they have going back and forth. All kinds, all kinds of things like that. There's a big problem with that, because the body that that skill that you're doing in a gym doesn't transfer from a motor skill point of view to the mountain. So my philosophy has been for a while and it stays this way, because hasn't been proven out to be otherwise, quite honestly. And that is just strengthen, strengthen your body. And then if you want to become a better skier, a better nuanced skier, you got to ski, there's no way around that you have to ski. So the combination of strength training in the gym, well, you're not doing anything to mimic skiing, because there is no way to really mimic skiing. Not exactly. And that's what it has to be it has to be exactly that. Because anything you do that looks like skiing is it's just not going to prepare you motor skill wise for the actual thing to the brain, it's completely different, even though to you it seems similar, but the brain is completely different activity. And this has been tested. And up until now, it's still hasn't been proven out. So all these ideas that you should do it is really based on anecdotal or just a belief that just has to be true, because it doesn't make sense that it's not true. But just because you have a belief, and it makes sense doesn't mean it's actually true. I mean, that's why you have scientific methods, because a lot of these instincts that we have, are very often proven wrong when when properly tested. So what I think should be done is safe strength training for all the muscles involved, according to the muscle and joint function, and then go do your sport, in this case, ski. And the reason people are saying they're feeling really good is because they just have that general strength, they already have the skills, if they're only skiing, you know, if they're not living in Colorado and not skiing that much, you know, they rely on their skills they develop, you know, once you ride a bike, you know, forget, right. So, you know, once you're a good skier, they can tell that, wow, you know, usually when I ski for the first time in the year, I gotta quit by one o'clock now I'm lasting until two, three o'clock, the next day, I can actually go back out again, the next day, you know, I'm noticing a difference, I can really hang in there a lot longer. A story that I experienced when my brother got married, he got married up in Aspen, and we went mountain biking, and I hear I'm mountain biking sea level, and then we go up there I think Aspen's like 8000 9000 feet up. And these Colorado guys are inviting me to go mountain biking man. And I'm like, oh, boy, you know, you know, I'm, I'm here I am, you know, running his little little Catskill hills, you know, in New York. And now I got to go these real mountains at 8000 feet. I said, alright, I'll try it. You know, I'm not one to turn down a challenge like that. So I went, to my amazement, I hung in there three quarters of the way. For three quarters of the ride, I was right there with them. I couldn't believe it. I did bonk at the end. But like all of them were amazed. I hung in there with them as long as I did. There's no doubt in my mind. The reason was because I prepared at sea level, I was strength training, I was doing a lot of strength training, as I always did. And I was riding but that was more of a skill than anything else. And my body is prepped to work at high altitude as a result of a high intensity training
Mike  13:57
that sort of leads us into endurance. And, you know, like, I kinda want to sort of differentiate between the word strength and endurance. I think sometimes this gets confused among a lot of people, including trainers.
Adam  14:09
Yes, right. It's kind of like power, right? You can how much you can lift at one time real explosive movements, really how much? You know, that that's strength? You know? Could you could you lift your luggage into overhead or not? It takes strength. How much strength do you have? How heavy can however you can you lift a bag? How have you got bag B before you can not lift it over your head? That's strength and endurance is more like how long can you last? And that comes again, from really high intensity strength training as again that the episode was Martin Gibala was about one minute workout. It was a high intensity workout that for a very brief period of time, that created some physiological change that gave you endurance. All right, he noticed. And we noticed that just because the workouts are very short, but intense, you can build endurance meaning you can last longer for an activity. Well hod did that happen, because you're not doing endurance training. And you're only doing brief high intensity training. So how did you build endurance from doing something very brief? Well, because endurance comes from not doing steady state activities for a long period of time, it comes from your body, being able to utilize different sources of energy, when you're not trained, when you're not doing high intensity exercise, your body is pretty much using, you know, glycolysis, and aerobic metabolism through the Krebs cycle on a regular basis, these are our most common ways of using energy. But when you are doing high intensity exercise, and when you are doing endurance athletics, what happens is, your demands exceed the capabilities of just glycolysis and the Krebs cycle our two main ways of producing energy. But when you're doing high intensity exercise, your body starts realizing oh shoot, my current ways of creating energy by qolsys, in the Krebs cycle, are not adequate enough. So the body says, Okay, no problem, because we have other ways of getting energy, except it's gonna take me a little time to get that up to snuff, it's kind of like, you know, you're you're relying on oil heat in your house, but it gets really cold. And now you have to start using a fireplace and on top of the oil heat, but the thing is, you don't have any wood. So you have to go get wood, because you haven't used your fireplace in like 10 years. But now you know, it's getting cold this winter, right, all of a sudden, they Hey, maybe we should use our fireplace, but you haven't used it in 10 years. So you have to go clean it out, you got to get the chimney sweep in there, you got to go cut some wood or buy some wood depending upon where you live. And that might take some time to get that up to snuff. Well, your body, if they're not using these other energy systems for years, and all of a sudden, you're requiring the body to do these endurance activities, your body will have to like say, Okay, we got to incorporate some more energy systems. So that's what happens when you're doing high intensity exercise. And you're exceeding the limits of your current energy suppliers, the Krebs cycle, and glycolysis, which work very closely together, then all of a sudden, other things start developing that your body is so really endurance comes from, Mike endurance comes from your body helping out and supporting your basic energy system. Alright, it's adding to and helping out the Krebs cycle and glycolysis, just like the fireplace kind of helps, adds more heat to your to your house because the oil heaters are just not cutting it
Mike  17:23
Adam  17:23
And those systems, you know, we can get into biochemistry, it's called the court, you know, the core recycle fatty, your body gets better at metabolizing fats. So like if you're not really working out high intensity, and you're also eating maybe a higher carbohydrate diet, your body is not using fat for fuel. And the thing is, your body just doesn't all of a sudden start using fat for fuel body has to prepare for that there are enzymes, special enzymes that are needed to burn fat for fuel. So if your body isn't needing fat for fuel, they don't create the enzymes for it. So all of a sudden, you go on a low carbohydrate diet, you start doing high intensity exercise, your body's like, Whoa, I need to start using fat for fuel. So next thing you know, it starts expressing the genes to create the enzymes necessary for fat metabolism. It starts expressing for the genes that are responsible for the cori cycle, which is another metabolic system that utilizes lactic acid actually takes lactic acid turns that into energy. Actually
Mike  18:15
the reason why I was asking is like, and I want to go back to skiing in general here. Okay, I want to get back to that specificity. Because, like, I have, we have cyclists, we have runners, we have tennis players, we have bikers, we have swimmers, we have so many people who, who do all different types of sports, they all generally have a report that they're cycling is better, their golf is better, their runnings better, all that kind of stuff. But it's not as dramatic as skiing. It's not as dramatic that people like the testimonials are significantly higher among skiers. And what I'm talking about is, what's the difference between the endurance, the ability to last longer on the mountain, versus the ability to last longer on a bike or noticing that your strength training has made a difference on the bike versus your strength training has made a difference for skiing.
Adam  19:01
Because I think when you're doing like biking or doing things like that, you're not going all out, you know, you're it's a nice stroll. So you'll notice that when you're skiing and you're going downhill skiing, and you're challenging yourself. For about two minutes. You are like doing high intensity exercise, you know, like you're you're pushing yourself, your thighs catch on fire right away. But when you're biking, unless you're going uphill and you're really pushing yourself you're just strolling around. So I don't think you notice as much skiing is demanding skiing. downhill skiing is a very fast twitch, anaerobic kind of activity. So that strength you're getting in your legs, you know, I think it stands out more when you're doing that type of activity. You know, downhill skiing is similar to weight training, high intensity weight training, where you have brief bouts of high intensity.
Mike  19:44
Is there a difference though, between sustaining like a squat position versus cycling your legs? Like for the amount of time say like you're actually cycling your legs that are medium to high level of intensity versus sustaining like a squat or like you know very of a squat, like three quarters of the squat half of the squat, three quarters of the squat happens is quite like what I'm imagining you're sustaining a posture that's similar to that while going down the mountain. And is there a difference between that versus spinning your legs?
Adam  20:13
No, there's no difference. The difference is that you find are very specific adaptations for each movement. You know, again, endurance is not just about strength. Endurance is not just about having our energy systems support our basic energy systems, that's part of it, right, definitely getting stronger, pushing our energy systems. Now having better ability to metabolize fats, having better abilities to have your hemoglobin let go of oxygen easier. These are all things that adapt to high intensity exercise, to help with endurance. But that's not the only things that need to adapt, you also have to practice that actual activity. So building endurance, we have to be careful, really comes from motor skill development also, and no exercise program is ever going to be able to make up for that, you have to do that also. So if you want to build endurance for biking, there are many things you have to do, you have to do high intensity interval training, to push those energy systems that develop those extra energy systems. diet might have to do with it sleep might have to do with it timing, the way you train, how often you ride the bike, and then skill development, are you are you riding the bike properly, learning how to become a more efficient bike rider, all these things play into overall endurance. So to say that strength training and strength training alone is going to help endurance is ignoring all these other factors. And you can't ignore those factors. But again, I think skiing downhill skiing is more of an anaerobic kind of high intensity experience versus the other things you're talking about bike riding,
Mike  21:46
is it closer to like strength training than it is?
Adam  21:49
Mike  21:49
to riding a bike. 
Adam  21:49
downhill skiing is closer to high intensity exercise than biking, or even tennis. I mean, you're like skiing here you're doing, you're doing 100 squats in a row when you're skiing. You know, you're not doing when you're biking. If you're not, if you're doing steady state cardio or steady, say biking, you're not pushing your energy systems like that. So you're not going to hear though, but I bet you if somebody took up criterion bike riding where you're sprinting around a track really hard, and there's no breaks, I bet they would say the strength training has helped them for that I bet you hear similar response? Because that's more similar to high intensity pushing. So you know, to the max.
Mike  22:25
All right, well, on top of all that, Adam, what about altitude? We you mentioned altitude a little bit earlier? Does strength training prepare us for altitude?
Adam  22:34
Well, that's this is really interesting. And I don't want to get too much in the weeds and biochemistry. When you do high intensity training, your body has to adapt to the extreme amount of lactic acid or, or acid that actually gets created and your body has to deal with that. If your body doesn't deal with that acid, it becomes a very dangerous situation. So what happens is, amazingly the body Alright,
Mike  22:59
you're talking about co2. When you say acid,
Adam  23:02
yes. Hydrogen ions that come from the metabolism of energy. Yes, exactly. Alright, so co2 is an acid, it's actually specifically called the Lewis acid if you want to get really technical, alright, so yes, co2 is acts as that's expelled out, right. So this, so high co2, chronic high co2 as a result of high intense exercise
Mike  23:22
muscles working
Adam  23:23
right? Alright, what happens is your body starts creating the molecules that will bind with your red blood cells. Now your red blood cells carry oxygen around right now, red blood cells have a very high affinity for oxygen. And when you're at high altitude, where oxygen is very low, your body creates this molecule that binds with hemoglobin. So it makes it easier for the hemoglobin to let go of the oxygen. Alright, so when you go up to high altitude, and people feel really weird when they first get up there, because their body didn't create this this molecule yet. So it's high altitude, low amount of oxygen, in other words, much less oxygen up there than there is at sea level. So your hemoglobin is not letting go of the oxygen fast enough, because there's hardly any oxygen up there. So what your body does is create this molecule, it takes time again, body just doesn't have it there. It's not using on a regular basis, so it has to create it. That's why it takes a couple of days to adjust, because your body has to create this molecule. Alright, so the body takes time to create this molecule. Once that molecule is created, and that molecule binds with the hemoglobin. Now your hemoglobin is letting go of oxygen easier to the tissues that need it and you don't feel weird anymore. Alright, so your oxygen delivery is improved as a result of your body reacting to high altitude. Now when you do high intensity exercise, you're creating the same problem. You're creating an oxygen debt. And when you're working on a regular basis, high intensity exercise even though you're at sea level, your body is creating that molecule also. So our clients when they do high intensity exercise, this molecule is actually there when they go to high altitude skiing. They don't have to adjust because it's already there from their high intensity training.
Mike  25:02
I think this actually answers or gets closer to answering the question that I had before. You know
Adam  25:08
why? Well, again, in part, 
Mike  25:10
because all about endurance is about, usually about oxygen transfer, oxygen uptake, and your ability to do it efficiently.
Adam  25:17
Yes, and I say,in part, because not only are you improving energy systems, right, and you're improving your ability to metabolize fats for fuel and taking, taking some of the load off of the Krebs cycle and glycolysis, you have the cori cycle, which takes that load off, and you have this, what I'm talking about this molecule being created that it's called the Bohr effect, if you want to, if you want to be specific, it's
Mike  25:41
Adam  25:42
b o h r or the Bohr effect. And this is what happens. All right, when, again, the bohr effects show is that when you have high co2, you know, what happens is your body will produce this molecule that will bind with hemoglobin to make it easier to transport oxygen to the tissues. And that's another tool that the body uses to improve endurance. Yes, but it's not just that it's all those things combined high intensity exercise affects all these things, plus more, you know, your ability to use utilize glucose, and all kinds of things change when you're when you subject yourself periodically, but consistently, to high intensity exercise. And so you have your ability to metabolize, metabolize fats better when you go to high altitude skiing, you have the ability to release oxygen to the cells better because of a high intensity training. And he's all different things that are occurring at the same time.
Mike  26:33
So So basically, I think we'll wrap it up after this. But the last thing, I think it's what we're answering the questions about strength training, and we know that high intensity training really helps all these things for skiing, and for a lot of other sports as well your legs are stronger. That's the other thing, the obvious one,  but honestly, like I you know, I think we'd be remiss without just mentioning, also, why is the power of 10 Take it to the next level, because there are tons of other high intensity exercise modalities out there. But I think one of the things is you don't want to be injured when you're getting when you're going out there. And this is the high intensity exercise, which really, I think considers safety. Whereas 
Adam  27:13
you just answered the question you asked me to hear that, that was that was my answer. I mean, why? Why is power 10 Why is our version of high intensity exercise which is basically lifting weights at a slower pace to prevent the forces that cause injury. We're avoiding the extreme ranges of motion. We're doing things according to muscle and joint function. We're modulating intensity with rest, we're doing all those things so you don't get injured. So you're not over trained. Or under trained. You're You're primed and you just really strong with and you're not your joints aren't compromised.
Tim Edwards  27:46
Thanks Adam and Mike strength and endurance both on and off the slopes for a mere 20 minutes of intense strength training a week. That's a small price to pay to lead the kind of active life you want to lead. We've been telling you about it for 44 episodes here on the inform fitness podcast. For those of you who reside near Manhattan, Port Washington, Denville. Burbank, Boulder, Leesburg and Reston. We have good news for you. At the time of this recording, which is in February of 2018. There's a free session waiting for you at Just click the try us free button right there on the homepage. Fill out the form, pick your location, and enjoy a slow motion high intensity full body workout in just 20 minutes for free. I promise you'll feel the difference after one workout. The Workout is intense, but it's sustainable for those of us with busy schedules, which just about covers all of us, doesn't it? But most importantly, it's effective. I know this because I've been enjoying this workout for almost two years now. If you don't live near inform fitness, you can pick up Adams book power of 10. The once a week slow motion fitness revolution is just one click away and available at Amazon. For less than 15 bucks. Adam explains everything in this easy to read book and exercises that you can do in your own home. We'll have a link to Adam's book in the show notes. Okay, we've said many times during the podcast that you can't out exercise a bad diet. You may be building washboard abs but you probably won't be able to see them underneath that layer of you know what. So next week, Mike and Adam reveals some very small nutritional changes that you can make that will yield some really great results quickly that support the building of muscle and burning the fat that covers the muscle up. So make sure you're with us next week here on the inform fitness podcast for Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.



What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

44 High-Intensity Strength Training for Skiers

skiing, high intensity exercise, endurance, strength training, skiers, adam, body, ski, high altitude, podcast, high intensity, bike, oxygen, strength, create, fitness, energy, muscles, high intensity training, ability
Tim Edwards, Mike, Adam

Adam 00:06
skiing is demanding skiing. downhill skiing is a very fast twitch, anaerobic kind of activity. So that strength you're getting in your legs, it stands out more when you're doing that type of activity. downhill skiing is similar to weight training, high intensity weight training, where you have brief bouts of high intensity

Tim Edwards 00:29
Hey, inform nation good to be back with you again. Thanks for joining us for episode 44 of the inform fitness podcast with New York Times bestselling author Adam Zickerman and general manager of the Manhattan inform fitness location Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting network. And at the time of this recording, we are smack dab in the middle of the 2018 Winter Olympics, and a lot of us are camped out in front of the TV cheering on the Americans and their favorite winter sports like ice hockey, figure skating, snowboarding and skiing just to name a few, while others are actually headed out to the ice or to the slopes themselves. So how does all this tie into a podcast about slow motion high intensity strength training? Well, though you may not find Olympic athletes training at the several inform fitness locations across the US. Adam and Mike have heard numerous reports from their clients. How the power of 10 protocol has shown significant results to improve a skiers performance and endurance while enjoying their time on the map.

Mike 01:28
Every year, we receive testimonials about how this 20 minute workout really changes our lives. And one of the common ones I get is from downhill skiers. I'd say it's February now and perhaps it's too late to get the skiers this season. But I think we need to address it

Adam 01:45
and we still have spring skiing coming next. Right?

Mike 01:47
That's true. Somewhere in the world. You're skiing somewhere.

Adam 01:51
But that's right. You know, if you go down to South America, during our summer you can still ski in Santiago, Chile.

Mike 01:58
Exactly. So I guess no matter what year we're doing this, okay. And, or what time of the year

Tim Edwards 02:04
but you have a lot of skiers

Adam 02:06
it's six o'clock somewhere.

Mike 02:07
And in this podcast, I'm going to be the questioner and I'm going to I'm going to interview Adam about

Adam 02:12
and I'll be the obliger

Mike 02:14
the obliger yeah

Tim Edwards 02:15
right. Gretchen would be proud.

Mike 02:17
I'll be I'll be the upholder.

Adam 02:19
If you don't know what I meant by that, check out our podcast with Gretchen Rubin.

Tim Edwards 02:22
That's right, right.

Mike 02:24
Anyway, but the big things are that we want to think about are why does it make such a profound difference for skiers performance? Why is strength training so important for skiers? And And why does this form of weight training the power of 10? Why does that take it to a much higher level? First of all, Adam, you used to ski and now you're a snowboarder, right?

Adam 02:44
I went to the dark side

Mike 02:45
Mm hmm. How long? How long did you ski for by the way,

Adam 02:48
it's about 13 14 years old, right after my Bar Mitzvah. I took one of those high school group trips, and I was skiing every year till I was, like 40. And for the last 13 years, I've been snowboarding, I haven't looked back,

Tim Edwards 03:03
what was that transition like? I mean, it's, it's really, I would assume completely different.

Adam 03:09
It is really different. And I spent five days literally on my butt. And it was probably, which amounted to probably 7500 Push Ups.

Tim Edwards 03:22
Getting back up?

Adam 03:23
that's how you get it, like you just didn't push it just to get yourself up off the ground. You do. I mean, so, you know, we can make this relevant to what we're about to talk about, which is, you know, I was only because I was in really good shape that I was out actually able to withstand the brutal nature of learning how to snowboard matter of fact, so many middle aged adults have talked to me about possibly taking up snowboarding or talking to me about they tried taking up snowboarding at a later age. And quite honestly, that a lot of people have given up because it's just too hard to kind of transition because they just couldn't, couldn't get up after a while they were they're really too weak to just continue to learn because you fall so much until you finally get the hang of it. And once you get the hang of it the learning curve, it's actually kind of easier than skiing. Again, you know, I skied a long time and I was, you know, an advanced skier, but but I wasn't. I was doing everything I was going to do on skiing. I was not a great skier. I was a very good skier, but not a great skier. And I just kind of felt like I wanted to try something new. And I was I was challenged to do that by somebody who invited me to the place at Sun Valley. And like, he said, Listen, you can stay at my place, but you're going to snowboard, like, that's a deal. And that's how it happened. Anyway, so I really owe me being in really good shape to being able to endure all the falling that I endured, you know, four or five days until

Mike 04:48
that guy was by the way 60 When he started snowboarding.

Adam 04:51
that invited me True. He went to the other side.

Mike 04:56
You know, but you know, getting back on track the reason why this piqued my interest. And why I wanted to talk about this today is because over the years, we have heard so many rants and raves about people who, you know, they started are the power of 10. And they come here, they work out for three months or four months, and then they go and do skiing as they do every year. And I'm not kidding, I've heard this at least 15 or 20 times over the years with this expression, night and day, he said, it's literally night and day from the last time they went skiing to this time. And they said, there's that was the major change they did was our type of, of strength training. So that's why I wanted to focus on why strength training helps for skiing, and what specifically about a power of 10 Really, really can take it to the next level.

Tim Edwards 05:45
And Mike, before we go down that road, you said that it's night and day is it night and day in their technique or and how they respond to falling

Mike 05:53
strength and endurance, their ability to, to spend more time out there, feeling like they can actually spend more time on the mountain, and just a level of stability to do this specific task. I haven't heard it from snowboarders. Most of our clients are skiers. But, you know, we'll talk to Adam about that as we as we go. But Adam, I don't I'm not crazy. I mean, like, I'm not the only one who's heard this.

Adam 06:17
No, I mean, I've heard over the years, so many times, I mean, again, if they started with us in the offseason, and then ski season comes along, and then they come back, they're holy cow, I've never felt so good on slopes before. And they're, they're, you know, weekend warriors, people that ski you know, three, four times a year maybe. So they know how they feel usually after the day of skiing, and they come back saying I just had more stamina than I ever had. And this whole topic speaks to the idea of thinking that you need to do conventional cardio for this type of thing versus strength training. And it's really all about what our interview with Dr. Gibala was about. Alright, that there's a one minute workout. Again, intensity is why it gives us our endurance, as Dr. Gibala has found out in his research. And what we're finding out anecdotally with our clients that are doing this, and then going skiing at high altitude, by the way, so you have that adjustment to deal with. And we're going to talk about that because actually high intensity training actually can help you with high altitude, just the way your body adjusts to high altitude, high intensity training actually has that same effect, which we'll get into. But again, this is all because their muscles and their energy systems, if you will, are primed for this activity, even though they haven't skied in a year, but their legs are getting really strong. And they have an ability to utilize energy better than if they weren't training because the reason we bonk when we go skiing after not, you know not working out and going to these high altitudes is our body is not our body has to use all kinds of energy sources that you're not using when you're just sedentary at sea level. But if you're doing high intensity training, those energy systems are being utilized and primed. So when you go up to high altitude, it's already primed. And you don't have to adjust anymore. It's done. It's been done.

Mike 08:07
Well, let's let's let's we're gonna get into that. But like first, let's get into strength, okay, and fitness, what we do. And first of all, let's relate it to skiing, what posture is what positions are involved in skiing, and inevitably, what muscles are we using when we're skiing, what's involved,

Adam 08:24
it's a full body is a full body thing. But obviously, your quads, I mean, your lower back and your quads, you're constantly just squatting the whole time down the mountain, which is your glutes, and your quadriceps and hamstrings to extent and obviously, really strong quads and legs are going to help you a lot. And that's partly what's happening here.

Mike 08:44

Adam 08:45
you're getting really strong in what we do here. We're doing leg presses, we're doing squats, doing leg extensions, we're doing hamstring curls. These are the movements that strengthen your legs. So that's the answer that succinctly

Mike 08:58
Yeah like that's, I mean, inevitably, I was gonna lead you into, are we recruiting core muscles? And what about upper body as you said before, you know, you're you know, you have to push yourself up, when you fall down, maybe you have to withstand a fall, you know, and you know, have the upper body strength to to fall a little bit better, you know, or a little bit more efficiently or just have the strength to not fall on your shoulder or your head for example. But um,

Adam 09:23
yeah, I mean, the whole body is involved in skiing, there's no doubt about it, especially your core, I mean, you're twisting, you're torquing your body, you're pivoting around your hips, you know, it's a full body exercise, but you know, it's Interestingly though, the better you are at skiing the less effort becomes because you're better at it you become much more skilled at being efficient and not straining your muscles as much unless of course you're doing you know, pure mogul runs, which there's no way around around that you really got to use your body but

Mike 09:51
you know, the testimonials that I've heard over the years going back to what I said before was usually all these are very experienced skiers people who already they're not taking lessons, they've already had the technique down, they've been doing it for a long time. And when I said night and day before, he said, it's unbelievable how much stronger I feel. And we're talking 50 year old 60 year olds, and even, you know, 70 year olds who are telling me this stuff. So and that's the reason why we want to like a tackle it. But do we have to consider balance? Or the you know, the ability to maintain our center of gravity? Is there anything from a fitness perspective that we should attack in order to address that idea?

Adam 10:31
The short answer is, I don't think so. I really don't think so. It's a controversial answer. And question. I mean, you have training places and philosophies all over the place, mentioning that you need to work on your bounce work on one leg and shifting and mimic the sport of skiing by using those slides that they have going back and forth. All kinds, all kinds of things like that. There's a big problem with that, because the body that that skill that you're doing in a gym doesn't transfer from a motor skill point of view to the mountain. So my philosophy has been for a while and it stays this way, because hasn't been proven out to be otherwise, quite honestly. And that is just strengthen, strengthen your body. And then if you want to become a better skier, a better nuanced skier, you got to ski, there's no way around that you have to ski. So the combination of strength training in the gym, well, you're not doing anything to mimic skiing, because there is no way to really mimic skiing. Not exactly. And that's what it has to be it has to be exactly that. Because anything you do that looks like skiing is it's just not going to prepare you motor skill wise for the actual thing to the brain, it's completely different, even though to you it seems similar, but the brain is completely different activity. And this has been tested. And up until now, it's still hasn't been proven out. So all these ideas that you should do it is really based on anecdotal or just a belief that just has to be true, because it doesn't make sense that it's not true. But just because you have a belief, and it makes sense doesn't mean it's actually true. I mean, that's why you have scientific methods, because a lot of these instincts that we have, are very often proven wrong when when properly tested. So what I think should be done is safe strength training for all the muscles involved, according to the muscle and joint function, and then go do your sport, in this case, ski. And the reason people are saying they're feeling really good is because they just have that general strength, they already have the skills, if they're only skiing, you know, if they're not living in Colorado and not skiing that much, you know, they rely on their skills they develop, you know, once you ride a bike, you know, forget, right. So, you know, once you're a good skier, they can tell that, wow, you know, usually when I ski for the first time in the year, I gotta quit by one o'clock now I'm lasting until two, three o'clock, the next day, I can actually go back out again, the next day, you know, I'm noticing a difference, I can really hang in there a lot longer. A story that I experienced when my brother got married, he got married up in Aspen, and we went mountain biking, and I hear I'm mountain biking sea level, and then we go up there I think Aspen's like 8000 9000 feet up. And these Colorado guys are inviting me to go mountain biking man. And I'm like, oh, boy, you know, you know, I'm, I'm here I am, you know, running his little little Catskill hills, you know, in New York. And now I got to go these real mountains at 8000 feet. I said, alright, I'll try it. You know, I'm not one to turn down a challenge like that. So I went, to my amazement, I hung in there three quarters of the way. For three quarters of the ride, I was right there with them. I couldn't believe it. I did bonk at the end. But like all of them were amazed. I hung in there with them as long as I did. There's no doubt in my mind. The reason was because I prepared at sea level, I was strength training, I was doing a lot of strength training, as I always did. And I was riding but that was more of a skill than anything else. And my body is prepped to work at high altitude as a result of a high intensity training

Mike 13:57
that sort of leads us into endurance. And, you know, like, I kinda want to sort of differentiate between the word strength and endurance. I think sometimes this gets confused among a lot of people, including trainers.

Adam 14:09
Yes, right. It's kind of like power, right? You can how much you can lift at one time real explosive movements, really how much? You know, that that's strength? You know? Could you could you lift your luggage into overhead or not? It takes strength. How much strength do you have? How heavy can however you can you lift a bag? How have you got bag B before you can not lift it over your head? That's strength and endurance is more like how long can you last? And that comes again, from really high intensity strength training as again that the episode was Martin Gibala was about one minute workout. It was a high intensity workout that for a very brief period of time, that created some physiological change that gave you endurance. All right, he noticed. And we noticed that just because the workouts are very short, but intense, you can build endurance meaning you can last longer for an activity. Well hod did that happen, because you're not doing endurance training. And you're only doing brief high intensity training. So how did you build endurance from doing something very brief? Well, because endurance comes from not doing steady state activities for a long period of time, it comes from your body, being able to utilize different sources of energy, when you're not trained, when you're not doing high intensity exercise, your body is pretty much using, you know, glycolysis, and aerobic metabolism through the Krebs cycle on a regular basis, these are our most common ways of using energy. But when you are doing high intensity exercise, and when you are doing endurance athletics, what happens is, your demands exceed the capabilities of just glycolysis and the Krebs cycle our two main ways of producing energy. But when you're doing high intensity exercise, your body starts realizing oh shoot, my current ways of creating energy by qolsys, in the Krebs cycle, are not adequate enough. So the body says, Okay, no problem, because we have other ways of getting energy, except it's gonna take me a little time to get that up to snuff, it's kind of like, you know, you're you're relying on oil heat in your house, but it gets really cold. And now you have to start using a fireplace and on top of the oil heat, but the thing is, you don't have any wood. So you have to go get wood, because you haven't used your fireplace in like 10 years. But now you know, it's getting cold this winter, right, all of a sudden, they Hey, maybe we should use our fireplace, but you haven't used it in 10 years. So you have to go clean it out, you got to get the chimney sweep in there, you got to go cut some wood or buy some wood depending upon where you live. And that might take some time to get that up to snuff. Well, your body, if they're not using these other energy systems for years, and all of a sudden, you're requiring the body to do these endurance activities, your body will have to like say, Okay, we got to incorporate some more energy systems. So that's what happens when you're doing high intensity exercise. And you're exceeding the limits of your current energy suppliers, the Krebs cycle, and glycolysis, which work very closely together, then all of a sudden, other things start developing that your body is so really endurance comes from, Mike endurance comes from your body helping out and supporting your basic energy system. Alright, it's adding to and helping out the Krebs cycle and glycolysis, just like the fireplace kind of helps, adds more heat to your to your house because the oil heaters are just not cutting it

Mike 17:23

Adam 17:23
And those systems, you know, we can get into biochemistry, it's called the court, you know, the core recycle fatty, your body gets better at metabolizing fats. So like if you're not really working out high intensity, and you're also eating maybe a higher carbohydrate diet, your body is not using fat for fuel. And the thing is, your body just doesn't all of a sudden start using fat for fuel body has to prepare for that there are enzymes, special enzymes that are needed to burn fat for fuel. So if your body isn't needing fat for fuel, they don't create the enzymes for it. So all of a sudden, you go on a low carbohydrate diet, you start doing high intensity exercise, your body's like, Whoa, I need to start using fat for fuel. So next thing you know, it starts expressing the genes to create the enzymes necessary for fat metabolism. It starts expressing for the genes that are responsible for the cori cycle, which is another metabolic system that utilizes lactic acid actually takes lactic acid turns that into energy. Actually

Mike 18:15
the reason why I was asking is like, and I want to go back to skiing in general here. Okay, I want to get back to that specificity. Because, like, I have, we have cyclists, we have runners, we have tennis players, we have bikers, we have swimmers, we have so many people who, who do all different types of sports, they all generally have a report that they're cycling is better, their golf is better, their runnings better, all that kind of stuff. But it's not as dramatic as skiing. It's not as dramatic that people like the testimonials are significantly higher among skiers. And what I'm talking about is, what's the difference between the endurance, the ability to last longer on the mountain, versus the ability to last longer on a bike or noticing that your strength training has made a difference on the bike versus your strength training has made a difference for skiing.

Adam 19:01
Because I think when you're doing like biking or doing things like that, you're not going all out, you know, you're it's a nice stroll. So you'll notice that when you're skiing and you're going downhill skiing, and you're challenging yourself. For about two minutes. You are like doing high intensity exercise, you know, like you're you're pushing yourself, your thighs catch on fire right away. But when you're biking, unless you're going uphill and you're really pushing yourself you're just strolling around. So I don't think you notice as much skiing is demanding skiing. downhill skiing is a very fast twitch, anaerobic kind of activity. So that strength you're getting in your legs, you know, I think it stands out more when you're doing that type of activity. You know, downhill skiing is similar to weight training, high intensity weight training, where you have brief bouts of high intensity.

Mike 19:44
Is there a difference though, between sustaining like a squat position versus cycling your legs? Like for the amount of time say like you're actually cycling your legs that are medium to high level of intensity versus sustaining like a squat or like you know very of a squat, like three quarters of the squat half of the squat, three quarters of the squat happens is quite like what I'm imagining you're sustaining a posture that's similar to that while going down the mountain. And is there a difference between that versus spinning your legs?

Adam 20:13
No, there's no difference. The difference is that you find are very specific adaptations for each movement. You know, again, endurance is not just about strength. Endurance is not just about having our energy systems support our basic energy systems, that's part of it, right, definitely getting stronger, pushing our energy systems. Now having better ability to metabolize fats, having better abilities to have your hemoglobin let go of oxygen easier. These are all things that adapt to high intensity exercise, to help with endurance. But that's not the only things that need to adapt, you also have to practice that actual activity. So building endurance, we have to be careful, really comes from motor skill development also, and no exercise program is ever going to be able to make up for that, you have to do that also. So if you want to build endurance for biking, there are many things you have to do, you have to do high intensity interval training, to push those energy systems that develop those extra energy systems. diet might have to do with it sleep might have to do with it timing, the way you train, how often you ride the bike, and then skill development, are you are you riding the bike properly, learning how to become a more efficient bike rider, all these things play into overall endurance. So to say that strength training and strength training alone is going to help endurance is ignoring all these other factors. And you can't ignore those factors. But again, I think skiing downhill skiing is more of an anaerobic kind of high intensity experience versus the other things you're talking about bike riding,

Mike 21:46
is it closer to like strength training than it is?

Adam 21:49

Mike 21:49
to riding a bike.

Adam 21:49
downhill skiing is closer to high intensity exercise than biking, or even tennis. I mean, you're like skiing here you're doing, you're doing 100 squats in a row when you're skiing. You know, you're not doing when you're biking. If you're not, if you're doing steady state cardio or steady, say biking, you're not pushing your energy systems like that. So you're not going to hear though, but I bet you if somebody took up criterion bike riding where you're sprinting around a track really hard, and there's no breaks, I bet they would say the strength training has helped them for that I bet you hear similar response? Because that's more similar to high intensity pushing. So you know, to the max.

Mike 22:25
All right, well, on top of all that, Adam, what about altitude? We you mentioned altitude a little bit earlier? Does strength training prepare us for altitude?

Adam 22:34
Well, that's this is really interesting. And I don't want to get too much in the weeds and biochemistry. When you do high intensity training, your body has to adapt to the extreme amount of lactic acid or, or acid that actually gets created and your body has to deal with that. If your body doesn't deal with that acid, it becomes a very dangerous situation. So what happens is, amazingly the body Alright,

Mike 22:59
you're talking about co2. When you say acid,

Adam 23:02
yes. Hydrogen ions that come from the metabolism of energy. Yes, exactly. Alright, so co2 is an acid, it's actually specifically called the Lewis acid if you want to get really technical, alright, so yes, co2 is acts as that's expelled out, right. So this, so high co2, chronic high co2 as a result of high intense exercise

Mike 23:22
muscles working

Adam 23:23
right? Alright, what happens is your body starts creating the molecules that will bind with your red blood cells. Now your red blood cells carry oxygen around right now, red blood cells have a very high affinity for oxygen. And when you're at high altitude, where oxygen is very low, your body creates this molecule that binds with hemoglobin. So it makes it easier for the hemoglobin to let go of the oxygen. Alright, so when you go up to high altitude, and people feel really weird when they first get up there, because their body didn't create this this molecule yet. So it's high altitude, low amount of oxygen, in other words, much less oxygen up there than there is at sea level. So your hemoglobin is not letting go of the oxygen fast enough, because there's hardly any oxygen up there. So what your body does is create this molecule, it takes time again, body just doesn't have it there. It's not using on a regular basis, so it has to create it. That's why it takes a couple of days to adjust, because your body has to create this molecule. Alright, so the body takes time to create this molecule. Once that molecule is created, and that molecule binds with the hemoglobin. Now your hemoglobin is letting go of oxygen easier to the tissues that need it and you don't feel weird anymore. Alright, so your oxygen delivery is improved as a result of your body reacting to high altitude. Now when you do high intensity exercise, you're creating the same problem. You're creating an oxygen debt. And when you're working on a regular basis, high intensity exercise even though you're at sea level, your body is creating that molecule also. So our clients when they do high intensity exercise, this molecule is actually there when they go to high altitude skiing. They don't have to adjust because it's already there from their high intensity training.

Mike 25:02
I think this actually answers or gets closer to answering the question that I had before. You know

Adam 25:08
why? Well, again, in part,

Mike 25:10
because all about endurance is about, usually about oxygen transfer, oxygen uptake, and your ability to do it efficiently.

Adam 25:17
Yes, and I say,in part, because not only are you improving energy systems, right, and you're improving your ability to metabolize fats for fuel and taking, taking some of the load off of the Krebs cycle and glycolysis, you have the cori cycle, which takes that load off, and you have this, what I'm talking about this molecule being created that it's called the Bohr effect, if you want to, if you want to be specific, it's

Mike 25:41

Adam 25:42
b o h r or the Bohr effect. And this is what happens. All right, when, again, the bohr effects show is that when you have high co2, you know, what happens is your body will produce this molecule that will bind with hemoglobin to make it easier to transport oxygen to the tissues. And that's another tool that the body uses to improve endurance. Yes, but it's not just that it's all those things combined high intensity exercise affects all these things, plus more, you know, your ability to use utilize glucose, and all kinds of things change when you're when you subject yourself periodically, but consistently, to high intensity exercise. And so you have your ability to metabolize, metabolize fats better when you go to high altitude skiing, you have the ability to release oxygen to the cells better because of a high intensity training. And he's all different things that are occurring at the same time.

Mike 26:33
So So basically, I think we'll wrap it up after this. But the last thing, I think it's what we're answering the questions about strength training, and we know that high intensity training really helps all these things for skiing, and for a lot of other sports as well your legs are stronger. That's the other thing, the obvious one, but honestly, like I you know, I think we'd be remiss without just mentioning, also, why is the power of 10 Take it to the next level, because there are tons of other high intensity exercise modalities out there. But I think one of the things is you don't want to be injured when you're getting when you're going out there. And this is the high intensity exercise, which really, I think considers safety. Whereas

Adam 27:13
you just answered the question you asked me to hear that, that was that was my answer. I mean, why? Why is power 10 Why is our version of high intensity exercise which is basically lifting weights at a slower pace to prevent the forces that cause injury. We're avoiding the extreme ranges of motion. We're doing things according to muscle and joint function. We're modulating intensity with rest, we're doing all those things so you don't get injured. So you're not over trained. Or under trained. You're You're primed and you just really strong with and you're not your joints aren't compromised.

Tim Edwards 27:46
Thanks Adam and Mike strength and endurance both on and off the slopes for a mere 20 minutes of intense strength training a week. That's a small price to pay to lead the kind of active life you want to lead. We've been telling you about it for 44 episodes here on the inform fitness podcast. For those of you who reside near Manhattan, Port Washington, Denville. Burbank, Boulder, Leesburg and Reston. We have good news for you. At the time of this recording, which is in February of 2018. There's a free session waiting for you at Just click the try us free button right there on the homepage. Fill out the form, pick your location, and enjoy a slow motion high intensity full body workout in just 20 minutes for free. I promise you'll feel the difference after one workout. The Workout is intense, but it's sustainable for those of us with busy schedules, which just about covers all of us, doesn't it? But most importantly, it's effective. I know this because I've been enjoying this workout for almost two years now. If you don't live near inform fitness, you can pick up Adams book power of 10. The once a week slow motion fitness revolution is just one click away and available at Amazon. For less than 15 bucks. Adam explains everything in this easy to read book and exercises that you can do in your own home. We'll have a link to Adam's book in the show notes. Okay, we've said many times during the podcast that you can't out exercise a bad diet. You may be building washboard abs but you probably won't be able to see them underneath that layer of you know what. So next week, Mike and Adam reveals some very small nutritional changes that you can make that will yield some really great results quickly that support the building of muscle and burning the fat that covers the muscle up. So make sure you're with us next week here on the inform fitness podcast for Adam Zickerman and Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

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