Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 / Our daughter had a ‘better than expected’ first day, when a text is probably good enough, you have to stop for the school busses, is it too late to give that wedding gift, no - Chantel will not help you deliver her mail, watch my jump and categories are fun pool games, let’s meet the DenverBoyz, Josh is 5’7” and Chantel is 5’2”, the pocket petition, and good night - I love you

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Our daughter had a ‘better than expected’ first day, when a text is probably good enough, you have to stop for the school busses, is it too late to give that wedding gift, no - Chantel will not help you deliver her mail, watch my jump and categories are fun pool games, let’s meet the DenverBoyz, Josh is 5’7” and Chantel is 5’2”, the pocket petition, and good night - I love you

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Full show transcript:
It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Tuesday, August 27th. Today on the show, our daughter had a better than expected first day. When a text is probably good enough, you have to stop for the school bus. Is it too late to give that wedding gift?

No. I will not help you deliver my mail. Watch my jump and categories are fun pool games. Let's meet the Denver boys. Josh is 57, and I'm 54, the pocket petition, and good night.

I love you. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97. This is the podcast.

Enjoy the show. Wake up, Classy ninety 7. It is Josh and Chantel. It's us. Hey.

Good morning. Tuesday. Tuesday, that feels like a Monday because we didn't have a show yesterday, but Nice. Yesterday, but, but now we're here. And it's gonna be a weird kinda week because we are out Friday, and then we've got the long holidays.

We won't be in on Monday next week. It's just a strange little week. I know. And school started for a lot of kids. So Yesterday and today.

Today. So it is the strangest of weeks, but Yeah. Here we are ready to go. New routines for everybody. Congratulations on, on your new routine.

Hope it's a successful day for you. Today is international lottery day, so I hope it's a lucky day as well. Go get a ticket if you play the lotto. If you don't, that's fine. Just walk on by.

Don't get one. Don't get one. But maybe you're into it. It is National Banana Lovers Day. I like bananas.

Do you? Do you love bananas? I love banana bread. Okay. Alright.

Sounds good. It's rock paper scissors day. Oh. Mhmm. We gotta why do they call it rochambeau?

I don't know. I don't know. Okay. It's probably a different language. Okay.

Because there's 3 sort of sounds there. Rock, paper, scissors, row, sham, bow. Yeah. So it's probably something to do with that. Alright.

Let's see. It's tug of war day. It is international bat night. K. Let's see.

What else is going on? Just because day. You know, just because. Just because. Mhmm.

Just because, because, because. And National Petroleum Day, Stuff you put in your car to make it go vroom. Petrol? Yeah. And it is pots de creme day.

What's that? Heavy cream, whole milk, egg yolk, sugar, vanilla, and a pinch of salt. And it, makes a little pot de creme, and you it looks like you bake it or something. Maybe you, oh, you know what you do is you do that oven bath thing. So they're like a little kind of a cheesecake custardy thing.

And then, it looks like it's kinda torched on the top. Somebody needs to make that for me. I don't wanna make it myself, but somebody creme? Somebody should make that for me. Yeah.

It looks nice. You should make that for me, Josh. Put fruit on it or something if you want it or whipped cream. Do you wanna make that for me? I don't know.

I don't have the little pat de creme little rings. I need to go to the, to the store and get some supplies. I could. I'm very capable, I think, of making pat de creme. I'm capable too.

I just don't wanna. You just wanna eat it? Yeah. I see. Well, I'll get on it.

Okay. I'll be waiting. Alright. Good morning. It's Josh and Chantel.

You like a phone call? Do what? I like a phone call? Yeah. You call people.

That mean? It means that you don't mind talking on the phone. Oh, I see. You you'll call people. You'll answer phone calls.

Yeah. I would rather have a quick conversation than, have to, like, send a 4 hour long text message back and forth. Not me. Like, just call. Let's have a 5 minute phone call, and then we can move on.

Communication complete. Well, I'm not the only one that hates phone calls. Young people, these younger generations do not like phone calls. Right. And a recent poll found that 23% of them under 35 never answer the phone.

Not ever. Never. Even if it's someone that they know. It says never. So then they put together a list of acceptable reasons to call somebody.

So okay. An emergency? An emergency is on the list. Yes. Yes.

Yes. When you're lost in trying to find someone K. I think that's the only time our daughter calls us is when she can't find us in the store. Or she can't find something in the house. Or that.

Or she wants to know how close we are when we're coming to pick her up. Yeah. Yes. You said you left 5 minutes ago. How where are you?

Where are you? What intersection are you at? What how fast are you going? Is traffic bad? I called you 2 minutes ago.

You're still not here right now. Cars are in front of you? To book things like a hotel or a restaurant a reservation, that's when it's acceptable to use the phone. To announce positive news, like we're pregnant. Okay.

That's acceptable. That's an acceptable phone call. Sure. To wish somebody a happy birthday. Okay.

To inform somebody of a death. Yeah. Acceptable phone calls. Yeah. What's your Are they in the same concept of, like, a meeting could have been an email?

And so I'm gonna put that exact same thing into place for for all phone calls. Like, don't call me. Send me a text. It's not important unless it's on this list of important. Yeah.

Don't call me unless it's important. And then if it's important, call me. Mhmm. I think that's yeah. That works for me.

And even then, even if you call me, I'm gonna go, and then I'm gonna say, hello. Okay. And then I'll talk to you. But sense. I'm not gonna be happy about it.

Okay. I'll just send the text. I didn't know it was such a big deal. It's different if it's you, though. If it's me.

Yeah. I'll talk to you on the phone. Well, I appreciate that. I just like to hear your voice sometimes. I just call and go, hey.

Just so I can hear you go, hi. You do not. Sometimes. Liar. Let's do a public service announcement.

Okay. What's up? What's going on? Big yellow things that drive around town. Those are buses.

Those are called buses. Yes. Good job. El Autobus. And then when they drive and they have stop to pick up kids or drop kids off Yes.

There's a big red arm that comes out. And it says not super big, but it is definitely a a red octagon. And it says, stop. Yes. And guess what you have to do?

You have to stop. You have to stop. There has been a rise in people not stopping for these yellow bus stops. Yellow. Red There it is.

Red stop signs. People are not stopping when the bus puts out the stop arm. Yeah. Well, you're gonna get in a lot of trouble because the a lot of the buses, I don't know if all of them, but a lot of the buses are equipped with cameras that are capturing your license plate. Yep.

And you are going to get a massive ticket You are. If you do not stop for, a bus. Now what's interesting is that, maybe people don't know that if you're behind the bus, you have to stop, and if you're in front of the bus going the opposite direction, you have to stop. All lanes. All lanes.

Stop. Because guess what? There's kids, children Correct. Visiting those buses and entering those buses. True.

Please don't run over my kid or anybody else's kid. Please stop. Be respectful. In Tampa, Florida, in just a span of 4 days, there was almost 3,000 drivers that ignored the stop signs and passed the school buses anyway Mhmm. In just a span of 4 days.

Now maybe you're just confused. Maybe you've forgotten because summer's been here, and so you're confused about the school buses. Okay. So, here's your warning. School's back in session.

Stop for the school buses. I'm looking at this is I I wanted to find how much the fines are. $225 is what I read. For Idaho? I don't know for Idaho.

No. That's why I'm looking up Idaho. So here's what I found. In Idaho, the fine for passing a school bus with its stop arm engaged is $300 and 4 points on your driver's record. Oh.

That's pretty serious. Don't do that. Yeah. That is, that's pretty big deal. If that's not incentive enough, also, you might hit a kid.

Yeah. Let's not do that. That's very, very bad. So let's not. So a person convicted of a second offense, if you do it the second time, you get, 5 years guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine no less than $600 and no more than $1,000 or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 6 months.

Okay. So you, you do not want to do this. I'm reading the Idaho statute, title 49 motor vehicles. So this is this is legit. If you wanna read more about it, be careful.

Watch for kids. It's it's busy. Slow down in school zones. That's another thing that you're gonna get, just smacked with a huge ticket for. Just take it easy out there.

Yeah. There's kids walking. People walking around. Take it easy. These are humans.

These are the future. Protect it. Be careful. Be nice. Be patient.

Go slow and stop for the school buses. And the crosswalk attendants. So those guys are out there Oh, yeah. Standing in traffic. Watch for them.

They have a they have a big stop sign. It's probably the same size as the one on the bus. It's just that yeah. It's just that a human's holding it on a stick versus a bus holding it. So you look at it and you go, that's a huge stop sign compared to that human, but it's probably the same size stop sign.

You're probably right. Yeah. Alright. Just pay attention. Good public service announcement, Meciento.

Good job. Thanks, Josh. You too, bud. Thanks? Have you ever heard the name John Alfred Tiniswood?

Yes. No. You have not. Who's John Alfred Tiniswood? He did that really cool thing.

Where is he from? Minnesota. Wrong. He's in England. Oh.

He is the world's oldest man. How old is he? He is a 103. He's a 112. No.

Shut up. Nobody lives to be that old. Yeah. His birth his birthday was yesterday. 112 years old.

Are we sure he didn't lie on his birth date? Yeah. He was born August 26, 1912. No. He's a 112 years old.

That's insane. He's been certified by Guinness World Records as the oldest living man. He's been certified. How do they certify that? Check his documentation?

I suppose. Family and friends gathered at his senior care home to celebrate his huge milestone birthday. A 112. He says, age doesn't mean a thing. That means he's a world record holder, doesn't it?

Doesn't it, John Alfred Tinniswood of England? Let's see. He told Guinness World Records that turning a 112 years old didn't affect me in any way, really, to be honest with you. He said, I don't feel that age. I don't get excited over it.

That's probably why I've reached it. I just take it in my I just take my stride like anything else. Oh, good. Yeah. When asked, because they always say, well, how do you get all this old?

Yeah. What's the secret to the longevity? He said, I can't think of any special secrets I have. I was quite active as a youngster. I did a lot of walking, but I'm no different, no different at all.

I like John Alfred Tinniswood. He's like He's no different at all. 112, and that's it. That's how it's gonna be. No big deal.

12. Yeah. Unbelievable. Right? Yes.

I do know that just I feel like just a week or 2 ago, the oldest, woman alive, she passed away. Oh. And I cannot remember how old she was, but not a 112. She might have been a 107 or something like that. She was she was up there for sure.

She's triple digits. Wow. Crazy. I'm no different. No different at all.

In the same year John was born in 1912, what else happened? The Titanic sank. The Titanic sank. He was born the year the Titanic sank. He's a 112 years old.

Unbelievable. That's insane. Yeah. Way to go, John. Keep living life, buddy.

John, Alfred, tin is wood. Keep doing it. From England. Good news to get you going. Yesterday was the first day of school for our 9th grader.

I know. We have a high schooler. Like, how does this happen? Child. Yes.

Of the 2. Of the 2. Yes. We've had many high school experiences. Our son has been out of high school for, over a year, and now our daughter is in high school.

Like, what are we? Old people? We're old people. No. We're not old people.

No? Just wiser. Because as I as I walk around and I see people in the halls and I go my youngest started high school today and go, you're an old man. Aw. I get that from from other people.

You're an old man. I know. Who says that to you? People that work here. When I tell them what's going on with me in my private at home life, and they, well, you're an old man.

Oh, okay. There's nothing wrong with that. Why is that such got such a stigma? Being an old man? Yeah.

I don't know. There's nothing wrong with that. Somebody said to you, you're an old man, what would you say? If they said, I'm an old man? Yeah.

If they said, you're an old man. I'd say, no. I'm a old woman. That's what you'd say? But thank you for noticing.

That's what I would say. There's nothing wrong with being old. No. I We've lived a life. This is true.

This is very true. Guess what? You're gonna get there too. Yeah. You can't escape it.

You can't? No. There's nothing I can do. Alright. Well, I know.

I'm glad it went well for her too. We followed up afterward and said, hey. How was your first day? Very anxious. She was very nervous, and she it went better than expected.

She had a fantastic day. I like when she says it went better than I expected because you never know. No. You never know if there's gonna be craziness or if there's gonna be, you know, anything weird happened, but it seems like it all good. All good.

She likes her teachers. Yeah. It's gonna be a good year. So take that. I know there's some some kids starting school today.

There's some kids that started already, some kids that started yesterday, kids starting school today. It's gonna be better than you expected. And that includes anybody working at the school. Teachers gonna be better than you expected. Librarians, secretaries, principals, lunch ladies, custodians Lunch gentlemen.

Paraprofessionals. Good luck. Good luck to all of you starting school. Happy first day. Part 2 for some of you.

Part week 2. I don't know. Oh. Enjoy. Have fun.

It'll be better than you expected. It's good words of advice. Is that advice? Mantras. Mantra?

Mantras. It'll be better than I expected. It'll be better than I expected. Yeah. Say it three times.

10. Say it 10 times. Say it 100 times. Really sticks in his face. Sure.

Write it on the board. Yeah. So you can read it every day. A 100 times. Okay.

Yeah. In chalk. My school day will be better than expected. My school day will be better than expected. 2.

You got 98 to go. We went to a wedding over the weekend. We did. And, while we were there, we saw a gentleman that we had also been inviting to his wedding. Mhmm.

And I said quietly to myself, oh, did we ever give him the gift? We weren't able to make it to his wedding. Right. The original. Okay.

I'm trying to make Two people. I'm trying to make this story clear. No. I like where you're going. Let's just see if we can make it through the mud puddles of this one.

I like it. I don't know if I should mention names. You know? You're fine. I wanna protect privacy and all that.

Sure. Okay. So we went to a wedding this weekend. Yes. 1 of the, people in the wedding party had a wedding a couple of years ago.

We were unable to of years ago. That's fine. But we were unable to attend. We had something going on. We weren't able to make it.

But I had a I had a gift for them. K. But you don't know if we ever got that gift to them or not? If that gift was ever I don't think we ever delivered that gift. I see.

And then I saw him. I don't even know where that gift is, quite honestly. It was a gift card. Okay. I couldn't tell you where it is.

Did I use it? Maybe. Have no idea. But I saw him and said, oh, I think I still owe you a wedding gift. And then I thought to myself, what is the wedding gift etiquette?

Yeah. What's the what's the statute of limitations on a on a wedding gift? And I'm sure if somebody came to me we've been married almost 20 years. Yeah. If somebody came to me and said, hey.

We never got you a wedding gift. Please have this wedding gift. I'd be like ecstatic. Sure. I'd be like, yes, please.

I'll take any wedding gifts. Please give me a wedding gift. Oh, you didn't give me a wedding gift? Oh, I'm I'm waiting still. Oh, is that right?

You're still like, you know, I could probably get a wedding gift, and I'd be I'd accept it. I would absolutely accept it. Alright. So now I feel like I still owe them a wedding gift, and I should just give them their wedding gift Okay. From 5 years ago.

Oh, okay. I'm sure they'd be the same way you are, or they're gonna be like, didn't you already give us something? I don't know. Did we? Did we not?

I don't know the answer. I don't either. I couldn't honestly tell you. I don't know if it was delivered or not. Well Well We probably should do, like, a make good gift.

You really feel like we didn't. I think so. Okay. Especially because he helped us move a very heavy piano a couple of years ago. This is very true.

And now I feel extra bad. Not that there's a very light piano. True. Oh, he helped us move a light piano. That doesn't that's not a thing.

I do feel guilty. Alright. Well to give him again. Then let's get a card and let's get a gift, and we'll make it happen. Make good.

Hey. You know when you got married? Yeah. Couple of years ago? You have a kid.

Like Yeah. Here's here's your wedding gift. Which I'm sure they would love a wedding gift. They're a young family. To their kids now.

Right? So they're probably like, yes, please. Do it. Give us something. Let's just make it happen.

I think it's a good idea. If you feel that bad about it, you're just gonna you're gonna lose sleep over it. Let's just get the gift and make it happen. And move on. Alright.

There you go. Problem solved. Yep. I work at a place where deliveries happen quite often. K.

People stop by Amazon, UPS, FedEx. K. The mail. What are the other one? DHL, I think, is another one.

Is that another one? The Postal Service. The United States Postal Service. Yeah. Yeah.

They deliver the mail. Yeah. But, like, deliver like, large boxes of stuff that are delivered all the time. Sometimes quite heavy. K.

There has been probably a handful of times when a delivery person has come to the office and said, hey. I'm gonna need some help with this. And I go cool. No. No.

No. No. That's not my job. That's your that's your job. Your job is the delivery person, not my job.

I've had, packages delivered that I felt like I want to help with because I'm so excited to receive the package. Is that not the case for you? That is not the case for me. I'm not excited about these packages. I don't have any upper body strength, and I have told some of these people that, like, there's been I'm not kidding you.

A handful of times, people have come in and been like, do you have anybody here to help me lift this really heavy package? And I go, no. 1, sometimes I'm wearing a dress. Sure. And Same with the people you work with.

Not proper footwear. Right. So I'm not equipped to help you with this heavy package. Also, I have no upper body strength. You don't want me to help you because I'm not going to be helpful.

So there was a gentleman who came last week and said, hey. I've got, like, this 200 pound box. I'm gonna need some help. And I looked at him and said, it's me and this other woman here in this office. Maybe you wanna call somebody from your work.

I've got flip flops on Yeah. And a skirt. Right. So it's not gonna happen. Yeah.

And he looked at me like, what am I gonna do? And I went, figure it out, buddy. Yeah. It's your this is your job. And then he said, somebody else took my hand truck.

I don't know how I'm gonna do this. And I said, I've got a hand truck. I can get you a hand truck, but I Again, this is equipment I think you bring with you when you're planning on making a delivery. This is not something that the recipient is responsible for. Correct.

Maybe I don't know. What do I know? That's what I was thinking. I'm on that same boat going, like, no. Your job is to deliver me the items.

You should have the proper Mhmm. Equipment. Mhmm. So I did end up I said, I have a hand truck. I can let you use the hand truck.

The hand truck I gave him had a flat tire. And so it's useless. He no. He ended up using it. It was fine.

He used it. I said, I'm really sorry about that hand truck, but, also, I'm not gonna help you move that package in. I'm just I'm not. What if it was something that was for you? Would you be like, yes.

I'm super excited. I might go help you move this. But because it wasn't for you and you don't really care about what it is, you're like, no. You you're on your own, bud. Probably.

Probably, you would care and you would help if it was for you. For me and I didn't want it to be damaged? Absolutely. But would you feel more obligated? If it had your name on the left back?

More obligated because, again, your job is to deliver me the goods. You have to put it inside my facility Sure. And then I take it from there. Okay. Fair.

Paid for the delivery service. That's part of the deal. That's the shipping and handling. The the shipping was everybody who got it to where you're now gonna handle it Yes. And put it right there.

And then now do they technically have to bring it inside, or could they just put it on the step and go like, hey. Not my problem from here. I mean, I guess they could. So I do appreciate that they bring it inside, but I guess that's an extra service they're providing. That's extra?

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know the rules. Either. I don't know.

Also don't ask me to help. You're not gonna want me to help because guess what? I'm not gonna be very much help. Oh, I've moved furniture with you. I know.

I know. I should say call my husband. You don't want me to help. I promise you. No.

You're a good help. I appreciate the help when I get it. So thank you very much. We went swimming yesterday. Not yesterday.

On Sunday. Yeah. No. I'm like, yesterday. I did not swim yesterday.

Took a shower last night. That's sorta like that. Oh, okay. It's not. It's not anything like swimming.

But yeah. No. Over the weekend, we went swimming. Yeah. We went, we went and explored lava hot springs.

Now is it lava lava? Lava. Lava. It's lava. Lava hot springs.

My favorite part of swimming was, the different games that we came up with to play. I saw a game Yeah. On the Internet that you play called categories. Categories is a lot of fun. I've never played categories in my life, but the people in the video that showed categories made it sound like it was the coolest thing ever.

It was the coolest thing ever. It was pretty cool. You didn't play. I did. No.

Yes. I was not on the receiving end of categories. Because you're a party pooper. What? You are.

No. Let's be real. No. You are. So categories works like somebody holds you in the pool like Like a baby.

Like a baby. In your in your arms. You put your arms out like they're a forklift, and you hold the person in your arms like a baby. And then you give them a category, like candy bars. Right.

And then the person who's being held has to say has to guess the candy bar that you've chosen. That you're thinking of in your head. If they get it wrong, they get dunked. Correct. When they finally get it right, they get flipped over.

That is correct. Or at least they're supposed to. You did you start with Beck? Why did you pick Beck first? He was an easy target.

You picked our 19 year old son Yeah. And went, here in my arms, climb on up. I'm gonna hold you like a baby. Yeah. He's as big as me.

Yeah. This is why I didn't play the game. Because the thought of you holding me like a baby, I went, I don't need that. Why? But, anyway, because I saw what it looked like when you held our son It doesn't matter what it looks like.

It appears. It's fun. Okay. So there he is in your arms, and you had picked the category. I think you had picked, candy bars.

No. I picked that for my sister. Okay. I don't remember. Also hysterical to see you holding your sister, who's, like, 7 years older than you, as a baby.

I don't remember the category I gave back. You gave me the category of car brands. Yeah. Car brands. I went through every car brand imaginable, and you had no mercy.

You were just dunking to dunk. Well, that's how the game works. I get it, but you coulda, I don't know, given me a clue or something. Gave you no clues. I I told you when you got closer.

I couldn't even take a breath. You are in control of that timeline. The the the rapid fire guessing, every time you get it wrong, you're getting dunked. That's not my fault. What did you end up?

It was Maserati. It wasn't Maserati. That's the very last one I ever picked. Well, yeah, you wouldn't keep picking after you picked the right one. So that's how categories worked.

It was super fun. You were, not very good at the dunking part, though. Do you remember what I said No. When you were trying to dunk? You don't remember what I said?

No. I said you'd be terrible at baptisms because it was not going well. People were out of the water. You were barely dunking. It's alright.

Yeah. I wasn't trying to drown them. Well, I know, but you're also trying to make them, you know, think twice about getting the wrong answer. We also played a game called watch my jump. Yeah.

How'd that go? I was on the other side. I was sitting in the grass. I was dry. I was out of the pool at that point.

Party pooper? No. I was done swimming at the afternoon, and you guys decided to go play watch my jump. How did you go? Josh.

I have no fun. I like to have no fun. I have all the fun. How did watch my jump go? It was awesome.

We did great. Yeah. It was fun. We had so much fun. We were laughing.

What I I imagine you were. What kind of jumps did you do? So many good ones. Would you like to sample some for me? I can't.

There's no pool. Oh, and you can't jump unless it's into a pool? Correct. I see. Alright.

Well, categories was fun. Shooting the hoop, in the pool was a good time. I was a terrible shot. There was some lifeguard drama that we got to witness. I don't know what happened.

Something happened and jumped off a diving board. So that was good. Climbed a rock wall and fell in the water. You went down the big slides? I did?

I did not go down the big slides. Yep. Sat in a hot tub. That's what you do when you go to a pool. Those are the pool things.

It was lovely. It was. It was a good time. I would head back. I would do it again.

Me too. I will do it again. 10 out of 10. Yeah. At some point, I'll do it again.

We were at a wedding over the weekend. Yes. They were playing some music. Yes. For some reason, I go, oh, who sings this song?

This sounds like, Bob Denver. You did say Bob Denver. Now I knew after I said it, I was like, that's not right, but I could not remember the correct name. You couldn't remember John Denver? Remember his actual name.

And then I went, oh, it's Bob. Bob Denver is his name. It was never Bob Denver. I get that now. For some reason, my brain could not could not think of the right name of John Denver.

So you went with Bob. Bob. I'm Bob Denver. Bob Denver, who is John Denver's brother. First cousin.

Know if that First cousin. I'm just gonna do a quick Google search on who is Bob Denver, and I'm gonna tell you Bob Denver is the name of Gilligan. Gilligan? His that's his real name? That's his real name.

I knew it. I knew there was a Bob Denver. That's a different guy entirely. I know it's a different guy because the guy that sings is John Denver. Right.

Bob Denver is Bob Denver. Correct. Doit. Oh, okay. Bob Denver.

I'm trying to see how old he lived to be. He was born in 1935 and died in 2005, so that makes him, like, 80 years old. Oh. Just doing some quick math there, I think. So, yeah, so, but Bob Denver, he died in 05.

Bob Denver did? Yeah. Yeah. John Denver, is he still around? John Denver?

No. He died in a in a plane accident. Of course, he did in 1997. Did you know it was clear back then? I did not know it was clear back then.

I thought it was, like, 2000. Yeah. Well, close to 1997. Oh, RIP to both of them. Well, there you go.

Bob and John. Not related. No. But I bet they're best buds You think? In heaven.

Okay. They're reviving each other. Okay. Hey, Denver. What's up Denver boys?

Boys. Yeah. Yeah. They're causing some chaos. The Denver boys.

Gotta watch out. Bob and John. B y z, the Denver boys. With I see. With a z.

I see. Cousin chaos. I get it. I get it. Good job not knowing his name was John Denver.

For a minute for a minute, you were confused. I got it now. Good job. Emery is sad because she's short, and you and I are both short. We got short genes.

I'm 57. I was 4 foot 9 until I got into the 9th grade. And then I went from 4 foot 9 to 5 7, and I never got taller. So that was it for me. 5 7, that's all you get.

My mom's 5 7. My dad's 5 7. I'm 5 7 family. My sister is very short. She's, like, 5 foot maybe.

Like, she's short. Emery said, thanks for the short jeans, dad. And I said, I'm taller than your mom. What are you talking about, the short jeans, dad? Matter.

My family has tall jeans. My brother Your mom's, your mom's short. Your dad's not, like, a giant. No. But my brother is 6 something anomaly.

And my sister is 57. Okay. And my mom is probably she's shrinking in age. Okay. Okay.

She, for a long time, was taller. She was probably 56, 57. Not totally tall, but the short dreams come from your side of the family. That's not what I'm trying to talk about. What I'm trying to talk about is that Emery did some research and said that you shrink an inch when you turn 60 years old.

A whole inch. So yeah. So, yeah, you're gonna be 5 6 when you turn 60. Maybe. And I'll be 53.

You think you're 54? I am 54. I don't know. Bro. I think you might be trying to I think you might have shrunk an inch or 2 already.

No. I haven't. I'm flat 4. So little. Don't even take that away from me.

54, I can't be smaller than 54. Can't you be smaller than 54? So dumb. Why? Because I don't wanna And this is where the height complex in our family comes from, so you pass on that one.

No. I don't care about being tall. I just don't wanna be any shorter than 54. But do you, I think, already are? I am not.

We gotta do some we gotta do some measuring. What do we have to measure with? Somebody has a tape measure. We're gonna measure. You're stressed out about your height right now.

Stressed out about it. I don't even care about it. Good. You're 52. I'm not.

You don't care. You don't care about it. You're 52. I'm gonna pull up my doctor report. I just went to the doctor report.

Yeah. He measured me at the doctor. No. Were you wearing shoes? You were 54 with shoes on.

They didn't measure me at the doctor. So there. But you're also 52. I am not 52. I'm 54.

Get out of here. Okay. The point of this story to jump up and down on. It's ridiculous. The point of this story is that I wanted to say when she said that you shrink an inch at age 60, I said, well, what he shrinks in height, he grows in love.

Oh, and waistline It's like the Grinch. Your heart grows 3 sizes too big. I don't think that's healthy if your heart gets fatter. It shouldn't do that. It's not healthy.

You should probably not let that happen. When was the last time you measured yourself? Are you sure you're 57? I will. Might be 56.

No. Yeah. We're gonna measure. Who has a tape measure around here? I don't know.

I know. I know someone. I'm gonna go hound out that tape measure. Hound it out. Alright.

Go hound out that tape measure to find out you're 52. Get out of here. Get out now. I can't. Where would I go?

I have nowhere to go. Emery comes to me the other day and says, mom, did you know that they've stopped making lipstick pockets in jeans? And I said, what? What are you talking about? And she said that little pocket that holds your lipstick.

Yeah. The little one that nothing goes in. No. But do you know what that was initially made for? It was made for pocket watches.

I think because I came upstairs, she was all excited to tell me that the jeans she had got for back to school or whatever, they she goes, they quit putting the pocket watch pocket in these jeans. So she'd moved on from lipstick pocket to when I got the story, it was then a pocket watch pocket. So I did know that because that was included in the information I received. But she was sad because that's where she keeps That's where she keeps her Chapstick. Chapstick or whatever.

Yeah. So she was like, good. Now I don't have anywhere to put this. Yeah. Where am I gonna put my Chapstick if they took out the pocket watch?

The bigger pocket. The what bigger pocket? It's bigger than the tiny pocket. On women's pants? Yeah.

No. It isn't. No. It isn't. That you y'all need real pockets.

It's not my fault. You're you're yelling at me like I'm the guy who said, give them small pockets. Well It's not my fault. It's not fair that your pants have deeper pockets than mine. Make the pants.

Then contact somebody who does make the pockets. An issue. My pockets are fine. Bigger pockets. Get a group together and do it.

Go for it. I support your desire for real pockets. These pants I have on currently? Fake pockets. Fake pockets.

Pointless. It looks like there's a pocket. I know. Can't sewn shut. I don't know why.

It's rude, and you should have full full size pockets. Yeah. Where am I gonna put my ChapStick? I look. I don't know.

In your clutch, which is also a car part. So there's that. But, anyway But, anyway no more pocket watch pockets. No more pocket they stopped faking them because there's no need for pocket watches, I suppose. I well yeah.

I didn't use that pocket. I did not put my ChapStick in that pocket. Nobody uses that pocket. It's too little for me. Used that pocket in a single pair of pants that I have ever Me neither.

Never used that pocket. And I think that's why they stopped making them. I haven't realized that they stopped making them until Emory brought it to my attention, but now I'm gonna start looking at every pair of pants and go, pocket watch pocket in this? Nope. Nope.

Different pair. Are you gonna buy pants because they have the pocket or because they don't have the pocket? Are you gonna make your pants buying decisions based on a pocket watch pocket? No. I'm not.

Because I don't use that pocket. I don't care about that pocket. Am I gonna make my decision about buying pants whether or not they do have, like, a regular pocket? Yes. No.

Because I haven't based my decisions on that prior. I just get angry about it. Get a group together. Sign a petition. Get yourself some pockets.

I'm on your team. I'm on team pockets. I've got to bring something up. Tell me. Because I think I'm pretty sure What?

I'm pretty sure you're gonna be embarrassed about what you've done. No. Because it was just I know what you're gonna say, and I am just here to tell you that it was just muscle memory. It was just a natural reaction. I didn't mean anything by it.

It just was a knee jerk reaction. So you know when you're a kid and you're in elementary school, maybe you're kindergarten, maybe 1st grade. I don't know. Maybe 2nd grade. By 2nd grade, you pretty much got figured out that your teacher is not your mom.

But at some point during kindergarten, 1st grade, you you I'd wait a year. Memory and you go, oh, thanks, mom. Or you go, hey, mom. And then you realize that that's your teacher, and it's not your mom. I'd wager to bet.

There are some 6th, 7th, 8th grade teachers out there going like, no. My students still occasionally call me mom. Right. Okay. So that that happens from time to time.

You're in a situation, and you immediately go like, that's not what I meant to say. Yeah. Whoops. Because it just was one of those, like, roll off the tongue thing. Mhmm.

So you're saying similar to that is what happened to you last night. Yes. Yes. Yep. Luna the wonder Jack Russell.

Oh, she is a wonder. Yeah. Like, I wonder where she came from. Luna the wonder Jack Russell at our house, is kennel trained. She stays in her kennel at night.

And you went to put her to bed last night, and as you close the gate for her to go to sleep, after you fixed her blanket, got her all tidy and comfy, put her in there, you closed the door, you hit the little thing, and you went, good night. Love you. And both Emery and I standing in the hall went, what? What? This?

This is a big moment. Every day every day, Emery tries to catch me because I didn't necessarily want that dog. I know. So every day when she does something, I go, that's not my dog. I didn't want the dog.

I didn't if she does something naughty, I go, somebody do clean that up because I this is not my dog. I didn't want the dog. Mhmm. And then Emery reminds me every day, she's cute. You love her.

Right. You like her. Right. And I go, no. I don't.

No. I don't. Well, last night I'm telling you. You more than like that dog. You said I love you.

And and then you were shook after you said it because we caught you. We caught you. And now you're like, uh-oh. No. It was a bad girl reaction.

When you say good night because I say good night to the kids, because I say good night, I love you. Right. Good night, Josh. I love you. Good night, Beck.

I love you. Good night, Emery. I love you. Good night, Luna. I love you.

It makes sense. Good night, Moon. I love you. Oh, okay. Right.

Look. You were trying to deny that it had happened. I'm not trying to deny it. I mean, you were last night. Right?

I'm just telling you. Didn't happen. I didn't say that. It was it was just a knee jerk natural response. Mhmm.

To something you love. It's like it's like when somebody says roses are red, you automatically say violets are blue. You say wait for the rest of the poem. You say I don't jump in the middle of their sentence. I wait to hear what the rest of the thing they're gonna say is.

What do you mean you automatically jump in? I don't do that. You do that? When does everybody ever even said that to me? Nobody just brings that up.

Roses are red, and you go, violets are blue. I know the next line. What? Also, violets aren't blue. They're violet.

That's why they're called that. Hard to rhyme with violet. A lot more words to rhyme with. Blue. Blue.

Yeah. True. True. True. True is one of them.

Good job. There was a car wash in Ohio Mhmm. And they noticed a kitten, an orange and white tabby in the turbo blaster section of the car wash, shaken, drenched visibly like What's he doing in the turbo section? They don't know. They think that he might have been hiding up inside somebody's car, and the turbo blaster has washed him out.

For sure. So an employee brought him into the office and dried him off, gave him, you know, some water. Then the humane society took him in. Because that's what the cat needs. What?

A drenched cat needs water. Just give him no. I'm sure they dried him off and made sure he's comfortable, but that's just funny. Named him Turbo. That's the great it's perfect.

Where'd we where'd you find him? In the turbo section of the car wash? Oh, can you even imagine? What is the turbo section of the car wash? Oh, it sounds intense.

Yeah. Don't you think? Yeah. Oh, I can't even look at a picture. I clicked on a picture, but because the cat or can't see him?

No. My computer froze because I don't have anything nice here at work. Oh, okay. So the turbo section is the dryer part. So that's where they like, when you transition from all the washing stuff and all the brushes, when you get to the, the dryers and all of the mirror blasters and the big turbo air blower, that's the turbo section of the car.

Everything blasters? Turbo blaster. Heat blasters. Turbo dryers, turbo mirror blasters, turbo air blowers. So he was in, like, the warm part of the car wash.

Well, not I don't know that it's necessarily warm, but he was he was past all the brushes. He was down in the wind part, which makes sense that they would say that probably got him out of the engine bay. Because if the wind was just crazy in there, he probably lost grip and fell off in the car wash, and they found him there Yeah. In the turbo area. I'm glad he's safe.

I'm glad he didn't get run over by something, like, if he ended up on the track or something. That would be sad and scary. Have been. Yes. It would have been.

Oh, turbo. Turbo the kid? Turbo the kid is So where is he living now? Is he living at the car wash? No.

He's living at the Humane Society right now. I thought maybe someone from the car wash was going to adopt him, and then he could be Turbo at the car wash. That'd be cool. They should think about that. That's a marketing thing.

Say what I'm saying? Mascat. Come meet Turbo the Mascat. Yeah. It's time for the would you rather this or that question of the day.

Would you rather go everywhere in roller skates or go everywhere in high heels? You're never allowed to take them off. I will be wearing roller skates. You have to go to bed in them. Okay.

I'm not picking roller skates. I'm not picking high heels. Forget about it. I feel like I'm gonna die in both of these things. I'm too clumsy for both of these things.

Have a a wider footprint. I'm gonna get places quicker. They're wheels, though. Yeah. Fine.

I can't I can't do that. Yes. You can. Clearly, you don't know me. To have a willingness to try.

You have to have a little bit of confidence. And I'm telling you right now, you can do it. There's your support. Those are the three things you need to be able to conquer stuff, and I'm helping you conquer roller skates. Also have to have coordination, which I do not have.

You'll develop coordination over time. Balance and stability, which I do not have. All come with practice. I'm picking high heels. Going high heels.

No way. Yeah. Way. Because I feel like I'm gonna die either way, but I feel like I'm less likely to die in high heels. You're less likely to get a head injury Yeah.

I would say on high heels than you are on roller skates. Yes. But, also, if you're wearing roller skates, you're gonna be able to wear a helmet. If you're wearing high heels and a helmet, not exactly a fashion statement. Yeah.

But it But it's a statement, not a good one. High heels. Picking high heels. You can't change my mind. All day roller skates.

It'd be like wearing Heelys. Same deal. They have to go back with those. Whatever. That's not my problem.

It is your problem because you've chosen that. Getting pants on and off is gonna be a problem. Gonna be tricky. So I'm just gonna have to wear shorts. Or tearaway pants.

That's it. Tear away pants and roller skates. What a look. What a look. Sorry.

That's what you picked. That's what you have to go with. The way you manipulate this is terrible. I'm going with high heels. If I try to put on pants, all my pants are gonna have holes in them.

Snow and ice. You and high heels. You and ice and wheels. Terrible. Because I've got a big footprint.

It'll be like a snowshoe. I'll just clomp in the snow with my 4 wheels. Oh, we're both gonna crack our heads up. Terrible game. Yeah.

Would you rather this or that? I saw something incredibly disturbing. I like it. Was this Saturday, maybe? Sunday night?

I don't know. I was I was scrolling through videos on my phone, as you do, as you do in 2024. Yep. And I saw something called cleaner fish therapy. Now I have seen where there's, like, a foot bath and people put their feet in there and the fish come and eat the skin off their ankles and their feet and stuff.

I don't care for that. I have you ever had it done? I don't care for it. The aquarium here in town in Idaho Falls has a little cleaner fish tank. And you can put your hands in there.

Stick your fingers in there. Yeah. I don't do that. And I like it. Do you?

I do. So this cleaner fish therapy is basically a pond. You can put your whole body in, and the fish clean your whole body. I know I wanna do it. I don't want to do it.

I would only go because this guy was like clear fish. You don't like your neck. You're even neck sensitive. Yeah. So I wouldn't like them But that's part of the therapy.

I know, but, oh, that makes me so anxious even thinking about them on my neck. Like, it makes me tense up. But everywhere else, my feet I'm not into it. I am not into it. Skin cells.

No way. It it's super grosses me out. When you go to the one at the aquarium Yeah. Just your fingers, it tickles, but I like it. To it.

I am. I will do it. Let's go do it. I don't want to do it. I don't know where it exists, and I'm glad it's not in my backyard because I'm not I don't like it.

I know. You don't like anything. You're no fun. No. It's not about fun.

It is about fun. And that is super, super wild. Like, I don't I just it's gotta be an Asian thing. Of course, it is, where where it comes from. And now I'm trying to see fish pedicure near me.

Oh, is there one near us? I I it's just showing pedicures. I don't know anybody who does, fish stuff. I don't think anywhere locally will do it. I don't know.

But we are going out of state soon. You wanna go get fish therapy? No. I don't. Yes.

My fish therapy is me standing in my waders in a river or a stream or a creek or side of a lake and casting. That's my fish therapy. I don't need them to be up there eating my stomach. On your heels? No.

I'm not. I can't it just it's not good. But you haven't even felt it. You don't even know what it feels like. Imagine it, and that's enough.

No. It's so good. No. It's not so good. Give it a you just won't even give it a try.

I will just take a shower, maybe use a pumice stone or some sort of, some sort of exfoliating, sort of scrub. I'll be good with that. I don't need fish to eat on me. No. No.

No. No. I'm gonna look for a place, and then we're gonna go. It's gonna be a date night. I'm gonna surprise you.

And then I'm gonna say, this is their culture, and you're gonna offend them if you don't do this. Where will it be that that's a culture? A culture. Are we going to Japan? Yeah.

When? Tomorrow. Yeah. Okay. I got a date.

We're going to Japan to go have fish eat our skin off. No. No. Thanks. Flying back.

No. Thanks. Hey. That's gonna do it for us. Yeah.

On that note, have a great rest of your Tuesday. We'll be back tomorrow morning. Bright and early, 6 to 10 on your Wednesday. Happy first day of schools, everybody. Yep.

Happy 8th day of school, everybody, or whatever. Whatever it is. Yeah. Happy, Tuesday. We'll see you.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.