The Floral Hustle

In this inspiring minisode, Jen explores the power of choosing a word of the year to guide your intentions and decisions in 2025. Sharing her personal journey of setting a word each year for the past five years, she reflects on how her word for 2024, fearless, shaped her bold decisions and helped her achieve remarkable milestones. Jen also reveals her word for 2025—alignment—and discusses how this simple yet impactful practice can help you stay focused, achieve your goals, and live a life that feels in sync with your aspirations.
Key Takeaways:
  1. Why Choose a Word of the Year?
    • A single word creates a clear tone and intention for your year, helping you make decisions that align with your goals and values.
  2. Reflecting on Your Previous Word:
    • Look back on the past year to evaluate how your chosen word influenced your actions and progress.
  3. The Power of Intentional Living:
    • Choosing a word helps you avoid reactivity and take proactive steps to build the life and business you want.
  4. Jen’s Word for 2025: Alignment
    • Focus on health, self-care, impactful work, and meaningful relationships.
    • Let go of anything that doesn’t support the life you want to create.
  5. Make Your Word Actionable:
    • Use your word as a guide when setting goals, creating strategies, and navigating challenges.
  6. Celebrate Your Coolness:
    • Reflect on your unique traits and achievements—embrace the fact that you are “cool” just as you are!
Actionable Steps:
  1. Choose Your Word:
    • Reflect on what you want to focus on in 2025. Pick a word that resonates with your goals and values.
  2. Make It Visible:
    • Write your word on a bracelet, post it on your mirror, or keep it in your planner as a daily reminder.
  3. Set Goals in Alignment with Your Word:
    • Break down your aspirations into actionable steps that support your word’s intention.
  4. Share Your Word:
    • Tell a friend, family member, or coach about your word to create accountability and encouragement.
  5. Reflect Regularly:
    • Check in on how your actions and decisions are aligning with your word throughout the year.
Highlights from the Episode:
  • Jen’s 2024 word, fearless, helped her launch major projects like the Floral CEO Mastermind and her silk flower division.
  • How the word alignment will guide Jen to prioritize impactful work, better health, and meaningful relationships in 2025.
  • Why living intentionally is essential for avoiding burnout and achieving lasting success.
  • A reminder to embrace your uniqueness and be unapologetically confident in your journey.

What is The Floral Hustle?

Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.

  📍 Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast on this week's mini sode. I want to talk about the word of the year and how setting intention with this one word can help guide you through a lot of these harder, you know, decisions when you're like, should I do this?

Should I not? And I have done a word of the year for the last five years now. And I actually, I got the idea from Jenna Kutcher and the gold digger podcast, which I'm a huge fan of hers. And she's actually from Minnesota. And so I always just love all of her content. And I loved like how she uses. The word to create the tone of the year, because when you create a tone of the year, you're in the driver's seat.

You're not living in reactivity, which if you've listened to the podcast for a while, like I am very much not a fan of living in reactivity to my business. I want to be as proactive as possible in guiding my business, guiding my life. And when you set this word, you definitely Are setting the tone. So last year, my word of the year was fearless.

I wanted to do bigger, bolder things. I wanted to expand. I wanted to really push myself to be uncomfortable. And when I look at how did that play out last year, I launched the Floral CEO Mastermind. I launched a silk flower division of my real flower floral business. I had various workshops that all like just went really, really well, uh, I really committed to my health.

I mean, all these things, like when I stepped back, uh, did I really live fearlessly? And I think I, I normally do, but I wanted to push it even more so that when I would think like, That imposter syndrome starts seeping in or I'm looking at another floral educator going, look at how put together they look and look at the audience they're attracting.

And, and I just was like, fuck it. I'm going into everything fearlessly because I have nothing to lose. I know that when I work with someone, I really truly, I mean, I like pour my soul and my heart. I care so much. And when I look at other educators in the floral, like, They just don't have this like all in at least many of them that I follow like I just don't feel like that They are so invested that it's ridiculous and I mean I literally I even when someone graduates out of the mastermind like I care so much about their success because I am so invested in that person and I I think that was part of my, my year of being fearless is knowing that what I have done in my business, what I've done in my life really is extraordinary.

I have pushed myself to a point of success that I'm proud of. I'm proud of the money that I make. I'm proud, I'm proud of where my body is right now. I'm proud of my health. I'm proud of all the things that I've accomplished. I'm proud of how I've coached clients. So like I went and used that word fearless in every single decision.

Like, am I being fearless? But also am I supporting the life that I want? And is being fearless in this moment going to be? I think it's really easy to have shiny object syndrome and to think all of these goals, like, are really good ideas, all of these shiny objects are really good ideas for you to capitalize on, and often, you Those shiny objects are taking you off task.

And when you get off task, like you literally are moving your business backwards. Because you're not moving the key ingredients forward. So this year, my word is alignment. And I worked really, really hard last year. I worked really hard the last several years. And I want to dive even deeper into taking care of myself.

Uh, I want, there are like some seriously big goals that I want to accomplish, not only financially, but from a health perspective, I have. Slept like crap for my whole life. And so I decided that I am going to 2025 is going to be, be the year that I figure out my sleep. And I also have had horrible posture and I don't know, I do believe that genetically I have bad posture because my mother kind of had very similar posture and it causes me neck pain, it causes me Thank you.

I, I actually, I went in to, uh, the new neurologist. I got in a couple car accidents, long story short, and I went into the new neurologist and was talking to him because mine had retired and he was like, your posture is horrible. I'm guessing that's part of the reason why you have headaches. I'm guessing that's part of the reason why your neck and your shoulders hurt and your back is as tight as it is.

And. And I never had somebody be so blunt with me and that's really refreshing and actually I welcome that because I, I always thought it was bad but I never like had it stare at me like so blatantly in the face like that here is a grown person who is Transcribed a doctor who's smart and educated and basically telling me like this is probably a big part of the equation that's never been fixed.

And so he gave me a referral to go to postural therapy and through this process, It was really interesting because the woman asked me, uh, when I came in for my intake, which this is a really niche y thing to find, just throwing that out there, uh, that I am a very confident person, but I don't have the posture to match it.

And, uh, So I want my body to be in alignment, which is another part of this word. I, I want that confidence to match how my demeanor is. I mean, I am very confident in what I do. I'm very confident in, in it. Anything approaches me, I'm rarely scared. I will try anything. I go into a lot of new situations being fearless, being, um, the basically the hero in my own life, the hero in my story because I want to show my children and I want to show you guys that we don't need To be saved by anybody else.

We can be our own superhero in our story and, uh, we can be that rock star in our life. We can be that total. I mean, I am. It was so funny. I was at this, uh, floral like friends get together that a local florist has every year around, you know, kind of after the holidays after, you know, Uh, after the close of wedding season.

So it's usually like middle of November before Thanksgiving. And like, this is someone who I deeply respect who has a very successful business and you know, she, we were talking, uh, you know, like kind of off the cuff and she said something, she's like, well, I'm not cool. And then she's like, are you cool?

And I think I might've told the story on Instagram or whatever, but it was really impactful because I was like, yes. I absolutely am cool. Like I have invested in myself to be very interesting. I mean, I ride a motorcycle. I take pottery class. I do CrossFit. I have a child with autism and all of that that navigates.

I had a child later in life. I have had, I've lost both my parents. Like I fundamentally have had a very interesting life. I grew up on a farm. I. Own my own business. I coach people. I'm a certified life coach. Like when I stepped back, like I was like, I am cool. But then I looked at her and I was like, don't you think you are?

Because here I am thinking this person is really fucking cool. Like this person has this super successful, crazy business that has this beautiful studio. And like her sister is in the business. And I look at both of them and I go like, how cool would that be? To just be like in this family of florists and like all of that energy and, and just shared interests that I just never had, because I was the only artistic sales kind of person in a group of people who might, I mean, my sister is a nurse practitioner that now, does education.

Um, I had a couple other sisters who were also in nursing. My mother retired from the Mayo Clinic after 30 years. So she was like, you know, a nurse. Like, I was the oddball out. And so to have, like, I just looked at that, like, that it was just so admirable. And she felt the opposite. So I, I think, Whenever you go in to choose a word to guide you in this year, have it unapologetically be supporting the version of the person that you want to be.

I want this year to be an alignment. I want to be coaching clients who really want to get better. Who are not going, I'm gonna throw a bunch of money at this, and I've thrown a bunch of money at this, but I'm really not willing to do what it takes to be successful. I I'm going to like my episode the other week, I'm going to half ass it.

And I want to work with people who are done half assing it, who want to create an action plan, who want to grow. I want to work with planners in my floral business that are like excited about me and like, Fired up and trust me and creatively want to collaborate on really amazing, awesome things. And I want to be able to go to CrossFit like three to four times a week.

I want to start going to boxing like one day a week. I want to go to yoga one day a week. Like I want to become the fittest version of myself and to do that, I need my, my business to be in alignment. And, um, It was interesting at CrossFit, like three, I think it was like on January 2nd or 3rd, they asked a question like, when, what was one of your biggest resolutions?

And I, of course, had just put my, my bracelet on that I get every year from my intent that says my word of the year. And I said, to work less and work with people that are more in alignment, because my word of the year is alignment. And. One of the guys like said, that is so interesting. You want to work less.

And I was like, I want to work less because I want to enjoy my life more. I want the work that I'm doing to be more impactful. And he was just like, well, aren't you a silent. Uh, overachiever. And I was like, well, I think most of us are that are here because that's the energy that I usually get at CrossFit.

And if you have something that makes you fueled with that energy, do more of that. If it is like a knitting club that you just love the women and you love how you feel like do more of that. If it's a yoga class, do more of that, do more in 2025 that makes you feel good. And I guarantee. the stars will start coming together.

When you feel yourself with happiness, when you feel yourself with like this subpar life is no longer acceptable, you are fueling your like almost your like due north or your north star of what success looks like and what bar that you accept for your success. So like you push yourself more, you're, When you're happy, you, things are just easier and I want easy, amazing awesomeness for you in 2025.

So what is your word of the year? Send me an email. I would love to hear it or send me a DM. Um, it's Jenny, J E N I at the floral hustle. com. I want to cheer you to you on for your word of the year. If it is on Instagram, just send me at the floral hustle. I would, I would love to hear what you want to accomplish in, in 2025 through your word.

So thank you so much for listening flower friend and you have an 📍 amazing flower filled day. Bye.