Mitch Coleman | Gym Of Desire

Join me and Tom 'Dicko' Dickinson as we share our comedy journey, an unbelievable experience with many many lesson and many many memories that we can proudly say was one of our proudest and most amazing moments.

What is Mitch Coleman | Gym Of Desire?

We’re here to create magic and inspire you to alight your desire.


This is how


I normally say, isn't it? We're all Yeah.


By the way. Oh, it's gonna start it. Yeah. Well, people, we have some Dickinson. Oh, we've got this Probably.


No. 3 weeks, I'm still there.


2 weeks ago now. I'm glad to Yeah. We started off in a a room of you can only describe it to be what? How would you describe it?


Well, it was a room full of 80 people that created some kind of sort of vacuum. Yeah. That, I mean, was horrendous. I mean, I don't think the I mean, there must have been, like, 10 dropouts in that session. 10 dropouts.


Falling down to our the floorboards


I mean, I'm also yeah. The floorboards didn't sound safe.


Yeah. So, essentially, there's more people than should've been in there. And we seem to gravitate towards each other from the get go. Our eyes locked. He's, Tom's girlfriend.


He's sitting behind camera.


Well, we there were so there were so many people that


because experience, I think, was, like, one I've not experienced before. What about you?


No. It was the most




Yeah. You've been polite as well. Yeah. You've been polite, but it was it was it was, yeah. It was


an experience. It was an experience.


The other big thing is is I mean, everyone in that room has at some point been told they're funny. So they have some sort of, not desire, but they like being the center


Such a proximity. Yeah. That that should never have happened, and, it it caused it caused some magical moments. So so we will we will get to, get just the experience. But firstly, just a bit about about yourself.


Obviously, people most people come to me for health and fitness. Some stay around for the health and fitness. Some stay around for the mindset side. Some stay around I don't know why they stay, but they seem to stay. But, yeah.


What what's your kind of relationship with health and fitness?


So so from a young age, just absolutely love sport. I was so competitive. I was obsessed with football. Football. Just didn't wanna do anything else.


My dad always got a chance to try this, and I know well understood Yeah. Loved going through all the age groups. It was alright. Scored quite a few goals, Yeah. And then I got to 15, and I just just stopped.


No age. No underage football anymore. I just had to start playing out of football, and then that was nice. Like, it just killed it for me. I was like, I hated it.


I and then I sort of stopped. I tried it a little bit. I just didn't have that level of anger that some people


have in me. Is it a very angry sport? I mean, watch people on this is we're a woman Yeah.


That the film I had when I was playing the 100 times in the 30s in the 4 weeks back because I played with all my mates. Yeah. You're obviously playing other unis. Yeah. So they all I think I've always been, very skinny, very skinny kid.


And then I sort of went to the gym and sort of built muscle


See, how long fitness then? So what do you feel like you what do you struggle with in particular in in regards to to that? What do you feel like you maintain?


I'm I'm I struggle sometimes. I said, I think maybe that's the only reason I wanna try any of the sports, because it's alright for football, for the comparison of what I was like over sports. Yeah. And it's now not going to the gym. I just wish I was just for preaching clothes.


I think that always was. Single arm. I was like, finally, I made it. Finally. Because I'd be stuck on the 12th stages.


Mhmm. Like, it makes you value hard work in a way that most things in life Yeah. Doesn't. Yeah. Especially on to who they really are on social media.


So What do you mean by that? So during my time at school, I was obviously, he got me to mention an ex, which is great. But, I was with my ex dog at the time Yeah. Who also happened to be, the the 6 hole center with, all in my lessons with that happily make jokes, that happily say jokes that they never say she's there. And then 3 months down the line, when the whole George Floyd, my husband and I think they start posting their little black box and they say how much it matters.


I'm just like, you've been in the room when you say you should have put this and you didn't. And then I find that that was when I deleted everything. And then I went to uni, and I started to meet genuine people, and just try to get contacts with people to pay for all the stuff, then I redownload it. Mhmm.


Because you you you do the Politics. Politics between


Which obviously we


share our knowledge. Prior to


that. Interesting. Yeah. I see I see a lot of that. And I love what we actually talk about, being, like, MCing this year, and what we do is, like, just about being yourself, becoming you.


Like, a lot of people walk around and you're not actually being your true self if you've got, like, say, if you're obese, that's not how you were designed to be. Mhmm. And then if you're, for example, going out with, like, a family let's say, you go to a family. Right to be his true self. And then, I think a lot of people live along that lines of like, okay.


Maybe she's not even been living the life that they truly wanna live or they truly love to live. So, yeah, you're


I just yeah. I I think it's difficult. If if you're in a in a body


Yeah. I think, yeah. You can you can make the connections. I I believe that, like, if you were truly being who you'd love to be and that's essentially, like, who what's aligning in your life, your relationships, your career, your health, like, you will live a life you love. So, yeah.




that's I think that was one thing I was good about the social media is this is my favorite part about it. I think it's brilliant. Oh.


Is that you can It is unbelievable.


It's the


Yeah. So comedy. What is it that you love about comedy?


I love the freedom. I love the release. There's just so many, actually, so many parts.


Where where do it start for you, Julie?


So always first. As as a as a kid,




wide and wide awake. And then one night, we went to go see Michael McIntyre.


You had seen him? We went to see him live.


How old year did that? About 12. Oh. So quite quite young, but he's obviously quite family friendly. I went I went to sleep sadly.


Really? And, then I I just developed my comedy spin or something that relaxes my brain or Takes me away from whatever I was thinking about. Yeah. So I've got into sitcoms. Now it started with it started very telling my my entire friends, my things.


Congrats me through. But, yeah, love, love sitcoms. Always watching. Probably still.


It's before


I go to sleep. The last thing I watched Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Comedians just I'm not I I have Easy convenient. Well, my favorite British comedian eventually became Russell Howard. Russell Howard? Yeah. Russell Howard.


And then I've recently I think Ricky Gervais is very clever. Mhmm. I know a lot of comedians. Someone said he didn't have a joke. But, yeah, he was suggesting that he actually needs it.


So I don't know what he's like or what not, but I think he's probably like He he he he he's very on the line now, but he does it in a, a clever way in terms of, and he's done this whole he does this whole sketch about, visiting George Washington's house in America. George Washington was the the first president, mean, you have to say that. Obviously, there's a lot there but there's this whole thing about basically how crazy George Washington is and how America idolizes him. Mhmm. And the way the way portrayed you can see what he idolizes him but you see anyone else, this guy is actually crazy.


We've done a little bit of writing ourselves. Yeah. To try and find jokes that, I mean, they recommended on the course. There's a few people who said, you guys are starting out. It's taking years for people like Shane, such as Shane, Jimmy Carter, taking years for them to know You would write a skit.


I mean, I have stuff written, you know, been taught to write stuff down. I have stuff written down that happened on the course that I intend to try and do it


to you. No one beats this too. We should just be doing, like, a Netflix stuff.


People here apart from comedy because everyone everyone has a sense of humor. Yeah. And I can promise you everyone doesn't have the same sense of humor. No. No.


That's what that brings me.


Different. Yeah. But, like, he he really, like, nurtured everyone's individual talents. And, like, if there was someone that was borderline like, one guy, an older guy, who was, like, 3 minutes from the get go put his hand on his hand, loads of questions. He's like, us hear it first, and we will tell you over your how how we can maybe nurture it into being rather than being offensive, just move back across that line rather than, I feel like, any other aspect of me is told,


no. That's what I liked about it. The element of what they said is offensive. It's funny. That's the problem, isn't it?


Couple people might have been trying to be offensive. Look, we won't mention any names, but,


But some people I mean, there's a couple of guys


essentially where it is. Where I feel like there's a case of fear of, okay. If this person goes a bit out of line, then everything's gonna go alright.


But it takes 1 in a room full of 30 people, and, well, it wasn't even probably back in my twenties, but a room full of that many people, it only took refinance. You guys have to joke about it. It has to be part of it. It's fun. Basically, if you don't joke about it and take it so seriously all the time, it's gonna eat you up.


So have fun with it, you know. Yeah. And you would have, you know, there's things that I'd say to, to Abby or to my friends who they're glad. They think it's hilarious. But then you have people getting really offended on behalf of whoever the community that


you're offended. Yeah. Offended. Well, it's a good example. We should have to thank you for actually because into turn white chalk, and I had a joke around that.


And, when I said it said it, there's like a there's like a gasp in the room.


Yeah. It was weird. I remember


I did. Like, and obviously, I didn't actually look because I was in the zone, and, the feedback was I yeah. That I was really sad when you mentioned that. I probably wouldn't wouldn't put that in because my audience wouldn't wouldn't feel that. And I was like, okay.


Yeah. I'll take it. It wasn't like


Mhmm. And I don't know if you're in that. I don't know if you split up in terms of the rooms that you're in. But it's the first time she stood up She was pretty productive. Yeah.


Yeah. The first time she stood up, she made so many she had I mean, like, we all knew. And, she


English was her second language. And the way that


she was English was her second language and the way that she was talking was so funny. Like she was a such a funny person. Genuinely just a funny person. The way she said things, she didn't even know she was being as funny. She was her laugh, major laugh.


And all of that stuff that I've, you know, I've been in a room with, you know, Abby's mates or my mates, and I've seen and it's just really funny because everyone gets that kind of, it's an African humor, but she was doing it in front of a whole white audience. Yeah. And Iva and she did she did in the end kind of adapt it to the wider crowd to define it funny, but still remain that element of actually that this is funny. It's just funny to a certain group of people.


And that


that's great about comedy.


The jokes kind of that I put in there were based around what I found from it. So you made me laugh. Mhmm. At least someone's gonna laugh. It is.


So I think that's where whatever you do, you need to base it off just what you enjoy. Like, with whether you I feel like we're all creators in our own way. Mhmm. And we're capable of doing that, whether it is comedy, whether it is just putting out good content there, like, whatever you wanna share, whether you wanna go and do in life, like, as long as it's like, it's sits right with you and it aligns right with you. That's Yeah.


That's the main thing. It was difficult environment because it was such a, white, and there was a few people who were easily offended. So it was a white, easily offended crowd that sometimes and it you know, there was there was a Muslim lady Yes. Who's joked brilliant.


I thought she was really good. I had jokes so well written. I heard about 10 demeanors.


Yeah. She she did it with the memory. She actually had like a a soda that she had. And then,


so then it it was


the most that you just I don't know. Sometimes there was an element where this is funny, but almost as if they're forcing themselves not to laugh because it's a it should be offensive to them. It was just an odd element sometimes. Yeah. Yeah.


So, what what inspired you? Because what are they my mission's about just whatever people's desires are. Mhmm. So just really like and like that that desire and and really inspire people to do what what they love to go and do. And comedy was always in the I four.


I mean, I love comedy, but before getting up on stage, there's no chance.


No no chance. At least you ask people, like, after death, what's your worst fear? It's like, Yeah. So I I think I think that I don't know. It's I when I did it, I can't really remember it.


I've I've had so I have so much adrenaline. I went off and watched that, the blooming clip of me doing it


so many times. Yeah. But, like,


the adrenaline, I've never really experienced


build up to because where would you what what made you


I always had a lot of people in my friendship group, And that was just my French group at the time telling me, are you if you lose it as much, why don't you try? Because I always be like, no. I'll be fucks to give it a go. Yeah. So I had that.


And then I then started going to, like, some different types of environments that weren't used to just being, like, and then one friend also joked with Joe Collin, and he told me we had this long chat, and he was like, we gotta do this. He sent me the link, Yeah. You can make you can make me sit down in 1st session. But yeah. And then you haven't turned up, and I've always been like, I I always run towards something that scares me, not runs away from it.


And, like, I've always been so I've always been really I'm trying to be really funny in in in the circle. We're all sat down. We're all doing whatever. And normal. Well, not normal.


Actually, everyone you don't know what's going on in people's heads, but I mentioned earlier the stick thing, like, I was absolutely terrified check everyone's awake. But I got to the age of, like, 13, 14. To feel that you're gonna have to run towards the fear that you have. And then, you know, I see you better. At school, I always hate public speaking.


But then around the headway, so I have to reenact. She's a drama teacher then mechanical teacher. So she wants to do some sort of, like, role play with the all of the heads in the school, so head the headboard head guard, the deputies. And then we had to read our lines. This is in the in this is in the big hall.


I mean yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then she's like, yeah. You read this line.


You read this line. And she told us on the started reading blinds, and I had I just I just don't know what happened. It just glazed over, and I just started reading everyone else's lines. I I didn't give it as much value as I think I would have and then I came home. I've got my brothers in the school.


So I came home. Mum and dad were like, alright. You know? So how's your day? I was like, hey.


I had a had a mare So I guess I always have in the back of my head when I was trying to do the stand up I was like, well, everyone's worst nightmare is like standing up in front of loads of judgy teenagers Yeah. And being embarrassed and that's already happened But I still I still I don't know. I don't know why I was having stuff. I probably started it. I did it again.


I still have this just fear, like, run through me. Mhmm. And I think because I think it started with the sleep thing because I now sleep fine because It's a normal thing to do. Yeah. That fear runs towards it.


It worked. So put going runs towards public speaking work. Tried new things.


So is this linked into the comedy now before you Yeah. Want to go and do that?


So I wanted to I knew I loved it, and I knew the only reason I wasn't doing it was because I was scared if it went wrong, if it didn't go well. And that was the point where it's like, if you wanna do it Yeah. You there's a there's a block there. It doesn't need to be there. You kinda put in a block in that doesn't need to be there.


It's It's interesting. We get that a lot with, people who come in, and they wanna get this amazing transformation. I'd love to love to do it. Yeah. And then there's a block.


Yeah. For


whatever reason, they don't take that leap or take that thing that everyone has to do at some point. You gotta take a leap to get to where you wanna be. You gotta go through the fear to get to where you love. And, like, yeah, I think it's interesting you mentioned that because it repeats so many times. The only reason people don't get the results is because they take that


sometimes after 8. Yeah. We start the whole process again. We had 3 kids. We always went to school.


We went to school every day, clean clothes. We came back. We had dogs. We walk. So they had this hover bar and I got to see how hard they had to work to achieve that.


Yeah. But everyone only sees the rewards. Yeah. And, you know, harsh on myself. And I still, I still still do when I'm talking about and people asking me how did girls and all that is it's really cool to have done something in my life no matter where I take comedy or what I do well, I have a lot of, like, people that really like me.


A lot of positive feedback.


Not a


lot of people saying, critiques, which is nice, but there are obviously critiques. I we have a really close he's basically like an uncle, tips and I was actually, you know, when I watch it back, I'm thinking that's what I'm doing and then hearing from here, I'm like, oh, actually, you know what? And I shouldn't do it again. Right. So he said he really liked it.


He told me the jokes that were very well. He also told me one of my jokes in there. He also told me how I should have written it. So, I don't know if no. It's an answer.


There's this joke where I joke. It's never okay. And call him Ron Weasley, that's never okay? Yeah. That's the joke.


Right. He said, you've missed it there. You should have said, people people always wanna learn. People wanna judge. People wanna know.


People will will sometimes and old people, but some people will wanna try and not just put you down because maybe they're jealous or they can't do it. So there'll be people at work


Yeah. Sometimes on fire. You wanna invite that the team do you wanna do advice when they have to be working? Do you


want to do advice when they have


to be working? Do you want to do advice or ask The the second time, there's a big difference in terms of I can actually think of that. So we we do a lot of, like, kickboxing, boxing shows. That's my background. And Right.


We do, like, these white collar events, and they always sound. Oh, when you go out there, you first fight, you you you just for the first very second, you don't even know what's going on. You just swing it. Going and then towards it, but the 3rd round, you kind of come out and send it, but by that time, everyone was where you used to before the before the show. Everyone essentially get the best outcome in, like, mindset.


And we we do a lot of mindset on our on our program, and I didn't really believe it as much, because I I learned it from, one of my mentors. And he would he's a public speaker, and he could stand up and speak in front of big stages and said he always does this process before, but I did it before the first one, and I I was obviously really nervous before that. But, you know, how much did it consume, you know, when you it comes it's clumsy on your mind all the time. And, yeah, the show, I got there and now I was like, well, I'm gonna do this exercise before, But, yeah. That that helped me.


But, yeah. The I mean, you you mentioned you had that episode where you were, like, froze off. Yes. Just just just to kind of outline that within what happened there.


So in that so in an 8 week period, the first week I tried it. I didn't have anything, but I've had this. I just hate awkward situations. I've always had them since I was a kid. I was always a kid that if someone, a teacher asked a question is if everyone in the room is dying of laughter.


And actually there's so many different levels between that. Right. There's so many, like, just a little chuckle the first time I wanted to try it all, not all, but a lot of different types of comedy. So the little one liners, the little jokes that people laugh that you'll see, longer window jokes that link back to the start of the joke, and then also the whole


movement as well. Yeah.


And I always trusted the little jokes. Well, not the face. I trusted them more than little jokes. So I did all the little jokes Yeah. Not giggling.


And then, I got to the point where I was getting to the bit where I had to, like, act out a little bit more. Yeah. Oh where are we gonna try and find this and when you're doing stand up it's like that feeling on absolute steroids and I did that, I spoke for too long without a laugh in my head and I was like, no. I gotta stop. It's not working.


And, I was like, no. I don't fancy it. I've only just read it now. I don't think it's funny. And, And then so then I tried it, and everyone everyone it was a really good room that day.


Like, I felt like it was really, you know, really nice and it wasn't I found the course really hard. And with not what I never felt like I got, like, a rewarding feeling like it was worth it at any point. And then I did that and I walked to the station.


Stop. Your battery's fine.


About 6. Yeah. 56. Yes. 56.


I look it's been a long time before I actually said I I had a good time there. Yeah. And all these people have formed, like, really strong groups and relationships by this point. They've really even attached themselves to lots of people. Yeah.


And I haven't really been that far from


with you. And we've got our


full and sold. Yeah. So all these people afterwards are like oh


I'm not gonna do anything that


was really really good and that was just a nice feeling as well and I came home it was I suppose I was like you just have to no matter what happens you have to trust what you've written is funny. Yeah. So even if you say it one time and it isn't and this is really hard thing to do. I was, you know, I was bad at it as well because a few weeks later but even though there might be a different reaction than you want, you have to trust it's funny. And that was the first time I was like, yeah.


Trust it, Sonny.


Trust it. Yeah. Yeah. If you have that moment of do I go in the, that resistance, do I carry on and say, or do I not? Yeah.




well, I would've kept


going I never give up,


so I would've kept going to the course, but I don't think I would've ever would've found that confidence to be like, oh, this is funny. I would maybe would've kept a lot safer. Probably just would have written, more one liner jokes Yeah. That, may have been funny, may have not been like little giggles. Yeah.


Rather than this sort of, just very different ending to it because a lot of people didn't really have something like that in there. I know you, you, you, you did a lot more acting. But a lot of people didn't. So it was one of those moments that I said, and, you know, I needed help in that occasion, but runs towards it. And I'm running away from it.


I could have easily run away from it. Yeah. I could


have put myself in a


lot more trouble. Yeah. I could have easily run away from it. Yeah. I could have put myself in a lot more trouble.


And then the bit about me saying trust


is really


came into play the following weeks Yeah. Because we then have to keep performing that stuff. Can you have your set 5 minutes? You can keep it now in your 5 minutes. You're not writing any more stuff, you know, in that 5 minutes.


Yeah. You keep saying stuff, the same stuff over again to the same people, to the same expert, comedian. And eventually people people the last time I did it before the real show. Mhmm. He could see that I was disappointed that it wasn't getting exactly the same reaction and I didn't have the same belief in it.


Offensive things that I come home. And I


remember Praiseful. I remember


I remember him Just fighting over here. And I remember him standing in front of


2, 3. Yeah.


And, yeah. So he stood up and I remember him just one after the other after the other offensive comments. The room being more and more silent. And I I mentioned earlier about me finding it difficult to be in awkward situations and the more offensive and the more offended people got the harder I laughed And I was in the form and I think to the point where I was conscious of the fact that people were more offended and how much I was finding it funny Yeah. Than what he was saying.


Yeah. And, he got to one. He got to the chair. Wait. This whole performance is made me.


There's nerves. There's a Muslim on a 747. And I want to remember, like, oh my god. This is this. So you finish a set and then you stop any criticisms and questions.


Was I just it was so funny. And you never been in a room like that.


Yeah. It's it would never be acceptable anywhere else.


Definitely not laughing with him. Yeah. You're not laughing at them. You're just more laughing at the fact the fact that someone is willing to to stand up and say something that is just so offensive that they that there's someone they think that it's okay. Like like the fact they have that in their head they're like, yeah.


This is gonna make lots of people laugh. And then I And he was like, no. The funny stuff is so funny. You still think this?


So I feel like this is where just trying to be funny. You know, he's just trying to be for, like, around you, mate. He's just gonna be funny. And he just seemed through it. He just I but he's, like, closer to it.


Yeah. And, it was like I feel like I'd say with who he's done about then, like, it's


you know, me than just that. And also, believe it or not, I don't see Ali as my black girlfriend. I see her as my girlfriend. Yes. And this is the whole bag of people were pushing when they were talking about comedy.


Yeah. So they wanted me to just talk about my black girlfriend.


And and actually, weirdly, if you did that, you would have been, like,


Yeah. I I remember because


I said that and I said


the last time before we sort of found out that there was 4 of a blokes in, like, the 10, the 10 people were there at the set we were doing. Yeah. Who were going out with black women. I was like, well, I have a whole joke about explaining what biracial relations is. If I don't go first


they're gonna be like of course you know it is that's


what coming in people their own race. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah I I was like, no. I wanna do that part.


I wanna do the funny part. Right? But I wanna, you know, there's more to there's more to us than just that. There's more to me than just that. There's there's parts that I found for and that's why I sort of started talking about the stuff for Yeah.


But that was normal. Yeah. So I pushed myself. Yeah. Got pushed as well.


Yeah. And I ended up on a set that I was really happy with. I know I can do better again. I know there's the improvements as well on it. Yeah.


And then it it came to the day, and And all of those, you know, logical thoughts go out the window and you think you've done the 8 weeks. You're like, no. I'm not funny. I'm terrible. This isn't funny to anyone.


You you just constantly thinking this is what's gonna go wrong when you're on stage. Yeah. And then you just have a day.


I mean, I remember


I think it was you you have have a watch on to check your heart rate. And about half 8, I got a notification. I performed about 6. It's about round another time up for. Got a notification at half a to say, congratulations.


My marriage is complete. That notification at Halifax said your heart rate has finally dropped to its normal level. Right? So I have gone from, I think it was about 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock of just pure stress. Right?


I had done my performance and then over an hour later from all about adrenaline had my heart finally stopped.


Just the 2. Just the 2 hours. I don't have 2 months. Yeah. But


quite stressful. Yeah. But after that, after marathon and and then more, but yeah. And then It was very interesting, a lot of the the dynamics of human interaction, like, throughout the day with all the people who are doing it. Mhmm.


Because everyone has their odd methods. Because it brings out I don't know, it brings out a side to you that maybe you people kind of hide a little bit more. When that when that level of stress is hitting you and adrenaline is in you, just because you were nervous putting other people off, like, trying to support them as well was a big thing for me. Mhmm. Because I was I don't know about you, because we were one of the few people who didn't look at notes.


Oh, do you not look at notes?


I didn't look at no.


I made a mistake. I said, I'm I


didn't look at no. I made a mistake. That's in that way. I'm Oh, I was getting on the set. On the set.


I'm not yeah. Yeah. I'm on the


set when we're actually on the stage. Mhmm. And a lot of people, my friends and family that came to watch me were like, it was a shame that some of those people hadn't learned their stuff. And obviously, you know, you and I was like, the thing is I've seen those people in the last 8 weeks do that set without the words Yeah. And absolutely not.


And then all of a sudden, they need the words Yeah. As like a safety net. And, you know, I can't they don't blame them for it at all.


Yeah. But


the fact I think I think the biggest element is the fact they had it on. The fact that some people, you know, stored it in their boobs or had it in their pockets. Yeah. Or have it read it wrong or wrong?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. 1 guy,


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 1 guy, an essay.


And he read it like this. Originally, you thought he was just reading the time a long time. Then he saw he he he got a full sleeve worth of his notes.


I missed that. Yeah.


But yeah. And all of those people lost yeah. Lost lost them a met doing art found even though it's funny. Mhmm. So I was proud of that fact that I just sort of remember it.


And then


we, on the first show, he prepares really well for it for that. I fucking bombed, like, in terms of, like, in practice, like, you do feel a lot of bombs that bombed in


I mean, maybe people I mean, I didn't think it was like that. So people who haven't been on them or not, that you are basically just from for about 4 weeks, you are performing stand up every week. Pretty much. Yeah. You are performing to a bunch of people who also want to do stand up, but you are standing in front of


a group of people Yeah.


Doing it. And doing it badly. And doing it badly. And getting a reaction. I'm


practice all of that stuff and write up a script, none of that. I'll just get up there and just be funny. I'll be like, if if I'm in a room out of, he, he made us stay within that and, like, hold, like, the tension. And then he taught us, like, to go with the flow. If you stumble, just go with it Yeah.


Rather than, like, yeah, just just to see yeah. Like, just to There


was an exercise that we did, that was the first time the microphones came out. Yeah. I remember this is the first time. Well, not the first time. One Yeah.


Not especially, like, holding my preferred. Maybe speaking into one that was already there, but, like, holding there and doing karaoke. I've never even done that. Yeah. And, they were like, all you gotta do is stand up and speak about what you did the weekend.


And then the next exercise was just sing not sing. Just say song lyrics. Yeah. And I got there and I couldn't think. I mean, it was Wednesday.


So a few days this weekend, all. And the story that I stood up and said what I did on the weekend was I went out and got out and and that's all I said.


But you don't you don't you don't you?


Yeah. No. I no. I didn't drink. So I never gone out.


That's the only thing I can think of. I mean, it makes sense. Yeah. And then the next one was the only song I could think of was happy birthday. So I just stood up and sang stood up and spoke happy birthday And I was like, you need to know your stuff.


You need to know what you're going to say.


It's the biggest lesson of of what we got from I could not remember the lyrics. I got up there and I was like, yeah. Couldn't remember it. And my my COVID before went up there the first time and said, just say what you remember. You're better off.


You know, it's 5 minutes. You're better off having 3 solid minutes and 5 that you're trying to, like, scrape together. And I think that's where people when they're trying to add all these bits in, if you just go off remembering that's where every week I was like, no, I don't have lots of stuff that I've I've remembered and stuff. But, just go a lot with no phone. Yeah.


Every week, it was just building that memory. And then when you when you're videoing yourself and you're practicing, again, that's just no no no phone. And I think that's that's what really helped me


to be fair. Well, I remember doing it, because I because when you, like, came late. And then left. I heard a couple of people and, I remember after the everyone was still noticing a pretty close. I hadn't really thought that maybe there's like a leap of faith you had to do when you're without the notes.


That it was difficult for people and I totally get why they still had it because the idea of you on stage freezing. Because I remember there's a moment in my where I forget what I need to say. I think I actually go sorry. I said, oh, sorry. And I knew when I was on that stage I just need literally the first word and it's a long joke.


It's a long joke. Yeah. All I need is that first word and then I'm off. That's all I needed. But if I had my more accessible notes, I don't maybe, just maybe I would have been like, this is what needs to kick me off.


Yeah. And I can see why lots of people did that. Mhmm.


Yeah. So I think my point of that is, like, it's it's the doubt, and it I've we had the same thing on the first time around where there's people that were, like, really, like, talented and, like, better than me, like, comedically. Their jokes were, like, really well put together. And, like, one guy, I I I thought, yeah, like, all, like, talented, like, just just do that. Do it professionally, and, I'm the I'm the knight.


The nerves got better with him when he kind of still got through. Everyone got through their sex, but he kinda like rushed through it, and didn't really pause for, like, the laughs and stuff and Mhmm. Referee's jokes. And when he had me like Halloween, it's it's, it's like in the in the in the course. And, like, it just shows how, like, yeah, your confidence and that that's just everything really, because if you let the negative emotions take over.


Yeah. Well, then, yeah, it's so perfect. It's that


it's that fear. Fear over the love and the love and the love. If you do the love of it and you're like, anxiety is still there. If you were like focusing on the good energy, that's that's that's the way you wanna be. Yeah.


22 minutes so far. Yeah. So far. I'm just worried about storage. Yeah.


Storage. So because of storage,


But you probably tested this about an hour and after. But I didn't ask.


What was your main reason why you did it? Why did you why did you why did you do this? Why why did you wanna go


and do it? I wanted to push myself into something that I thought I'd be good at. But I was too scared to see whether I was good at it or not. And that's a little bit, you know, it's a little bit more than what I saw a little bit different to what I said earlier. It's in how lots of people say I should do it.


I've that I thought I might be good at. And that was it.


And why is it why is that why is that important to you that you went and did it? Because


no success in life comes from not working hard for it. And most things in life that have really good admins are pretty scary and terrifying at the start. And that was what was in my head. That was it was terrifying and scary, but maybe it might be good. And I hung onto the maybe it might be good I was stuck at the terrifying bit for for for a long time.


I said long time when I needed it, but for, you know,


I said a long time when I'm 22, but for, you know, a year or 2, I


was thinking of doing it. Yeah. And then, eventually, I was like, I gotta do this. I gotta do this for all the people that said I should do it. I gotta do this for myself.


I've got I just have to do it, and that's that's what got me on the stage.


You felt like you had to do it?


Yeah. I I owed it to myself. And, I mean, I spoke I mean, I'm pretty sure the first time I went out of here, I spoke about it. I think I've said, you know, I wanna try it one day. So what what's the difference to you one day and the next day?


Yeah. Yeah. So you always have this feeling you're wanting to do it. So after doing it, like I say, the ex the experience itself, like, what was your what's your main kind of what was what was that experience to you? What did it mean to you?


I first of all, it's a blur. Like, the actual, like, standing up there and living it. I mean, I can remember the goals I scored at 13 better, basically, than doing that. It was only 3 weeks ago. Having lots of positive feedback that's always nice.


No one's clever. I mean, I think Gareth Southgate said it the other day, everyone wants to be loved which is both tragic and happy all at the same time. But, yeah, all the positive messages. That's really nice. But actually, at early 22 doing something that's on people's bucket lists and people being like, oh, oh, no.


I could try that. People that criticize you, that haven't done it, that wanna try it.




You're like, hang on. I actually have done it. Even if it wasn't great, even if you don't like it, I've done more than you have and also there's a level of respect for the people at the top that I have now, but even even though I love comedy and I thought they were, you know, geniuses, I didn't think I could have more respect for them. But having done it, it just went through the roof what these people know. Right.


How they do it. It is so hard. It is.


If you think it's easy, like, if you think that's looking at people, like, they're just talking shit. Like, they're so skilled with communication. I feel like they're the best communicators in the world because Well, that's why all


that that's why they run all the podcasts.


Yeah. Exactly. We're coming for you, Joe. Yeah. But, like, I remember on the the first show that I did, the coach said, go and see com just go and watch comedy Yeah.


Every week. And I went I went to, the comedy store in in London. Mhmm. And, there's a guy on there. Can't remember his name.


But fuck. She was like, she's always intimidating, man. I was I'm really sorry. Fuck. I don't know.


But she is over the stage and then the the the the headline that Yeah. I think it scared me a little bit, but, yeah. There's there's that level of respect definitely for for the art of it. So the third question for me, like, this is a for me, this podcast is around, like, inspiring people to go and and like their desires. Like, whatever your desire is.


It might be comedy. Mhmm. It might not be. It might be going, I don't know, creating a business that they've they've always wanted to go and do. It might be, putting themselves into the dating world.


They've they've never really pushed themselves into it. But after this experience, like, the desire that I mean, how long do you think you've had this desire for? How many years you reckon you've had it for? Dream that you've had. Like, what would your advice be to someone who's got this desire and they're like, I'd love to go and do it.


But So Yeah. Yeah. The, the fear you have in your head is always the worst case scenario. And in reality, that worst case scenario doesn't ever appear. And I, you know, I was terrified of doing that, of doing what I did And I have, you know, no matter what my credit given myself now, I have absolutely no regrets.


I am so happy that I did it. The relief that I have in myself for going, you know what? No matter what happens, no way you go with it, you did it. You actually did something that you were terrified about and did it. And it's very easy to do something you want to do and then do it, but doing something that you're terrified to do and then doing it once you've done it the satisfaction is so much greater and if there's any anyone in life and I'm a lot younger than a lot of people who think that or a lot of people who have dreams or are in the reality of situations like you've got something that's just in the back of your mind.


What's the point in letting it stay there? Because you only got one shot. Being able to do what we want. Some people and especially you can't. It no.


I wasn't I've been lucky. I came out of uni, got a stable job. Mum, dad, you know, could provide me a house to still live in before I found my own property, all that kind of that's a lot of people liked it.


So, that's a lot of people. That's a lot of people. That's a


lot of people. Yeah. To give me credit. Yeah. We used


to be saying that we're like we we instantly, like, hit it up and we're like, this is better for, like people value, like, certain relationships they have with people on time, but how many years they've they've met people. They've been over for a lot of of nursing schoolwork, saying a little to that, but it's said to you people around you, you become. So we we obviously have a good scent I think your sense of humor is so important. Like




My I was looking for a a partner. Like, Yeah. Funny and really looking. To me, it's the it's the quickest way for you to connect with someone, for you to know that you're the same wavelength. Mhmm.


Like, we were laughing at things in the room with, with a couple of people. So we not mention names, but we were just like,


Yeah. Exactly. The situation is what they've said. Yeah. People's reaction to it.


I think, I mean, another thing on the the doors that it's opened, opportunities, and the people I've met has been brilliant. Like, you got a room full of 80 people who all think and wants to be funny. Less than 40 actually do it.


I mean, fun is to be used lightly because there's some sleepless nights. But, like, the the reward after it, for me, it was the weird run, like, second time was a bit underwhelming, because do you ever, like, follow the Tyson Fury story where he gets the world champion title and then he's like The kid gets the best shot. Yeah. What what and then he's like, well, what now? Mhmm.


For me, my ultimate goal when I signed up like, it's I actually got, like, I signed up in November December there's yeah. There's no I was like, okay. Let me go and maybe get some coaching, like, come on. I saw this course. I got a recommendation down in London to this course.


I wasn't expecting to do it to do a performance. I thought it'd just be coaching. And then I was like, yeah. You gotta do a showcase. And I feel really proud of doing that.


I'm a proudest moment of my life the first time around. And the second time, the goal for me was to to do it in front of people. Do it for the people. I want family, my mom. I've I've done a went for a lot of love.


I've been sent through myself where detrimental sometimes. Like, if you if you constantly censoring yourself all the time Mhmm. Like, are you you actually being your true self?


I love that. So start as an indie. I I a lot of people always hold a lot of value in other people they've met that all these people always seem to have the person that they like because they say what they're thinking, but they shouldn't. Yeah. But they still do in their life.


So it's not it's not as scary. I do get having I do understand the whole you've done it. It's very like once you've done it, where do you go from there? Because the rest of after you've done it for the first time and you've done it in front of the audience, it then just sort of becomes this dream of, like, how far can you take it. That's up to you and what you can do.


And that that, you know, I was like, I sort of went on holiday. So I had some else to look for


to show you guys which was really useful. I think for me, like, that that was the goal. So it's like the goal done in front of people that's ticked. So that was like it was like a underwhelming, like, oh, okay. So that's done now.


I should feel I feel like I I felt like I should have felt more emotions around it, but I didn't. But I was I was present around it. I was like, okay. What what what am I gonna do with this? Like, what's what's next?


Because I was proud that I ticked the goal off. And then for me, it was more around being able to do more stuff like this. So being able to speak with in front of people, share a lot of messages, share stories. So for me, it was like, okay. Cool.


That's that's one stage now. But what I've I've kind of realized now, I've got what I have got, which I was looking for, is a hobby. Yeah. Something that something that I would do just without being paid. Like, something I could just go and do meet good people like yourself.


And that's an example of, like, I'm not sure what what happened, whether they'll but but I think there's some talent out there that It was very funny. With the right the right kind of mindset in, like, coaching and stuff and, like, just how to manage your emotions and all of that stuff, like, can can be, like, really talented. So but, you know, if you read the chat


I mean attention. Yeah. That the person who has become most successful out of it wasn't necessarily the best on the day, but they have kept going. They've kept showing their faces. They kept going to open my only, you know, two and a half weeks.


They've kept going and they've actually got some they've got one step further than everybody. Yeah. Now the fact that they've done that, I have huge admiration for the fact that I have no, you know, I I haven't haven't looked at a booking over my since, so I don't expect anything more of what I've already done. But some people have already liked Acting. Acting, and being a little bit jealous or he wasn't very good.


So why has that happened?


Oh, okay. But that but Yeah.


Yeah. We've all done the first thing. Yeah. Yeah. And we get to we're ready to choose.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Love it. Bring you


back to love because everything everyone's proud of what what should be proud of what they've done. Everyone got up there. It's like when people get in the ring, get you get the respect to see you step into the ring.


Yeah. Yeah.


Because anyone sets into ring, like, paps off to you. But Sam, getting on stage, you've you've done that. Everyone should just be appreciating everybody. It's an amazing thing that that was that was done. So, yeah, what's next for Tom?


What's next for Tom? Tom's been asking my questions the last 3 weeks. I wanna I wanna do this type of stuff. I wanna do podcast on a talk. I wanna listen.


Obviously, this has been a little bit like you've been asking me questions but, you know, it's been nice to have a conversation with someone that I don't know too well, I get along with. Yeah. Because, I mean, that's that's great. It's great. You get


have 5 minutes to be perfect, and then I


want that to be 10 minutes. And I just gotta work out what I open up to go to, who's to go to with, and get to the next level. And then once I'm at the next level, then see you know, just take each step at a time. Like, there's a there's a there's a quote, that I've seen about there are some some people in the forest and they can't they can't see the end of the forest. It's dark.


And one person says, but can you see your next step? And the person replies, yes. And now that's how I've got to look at this. I've just gotta see what the next step is.


Don't look


at the car. Don't, you know, see the the the the undreamable, the unthinkable. Just take the next step. You want you want me one step closer to what you think is a One step. Unrealistic.


It's cliche one step at a time. One step at a time. I'm on foot in front of you. But also, like, knowing what the vision is, like, what's the end what's the outcome that you'd love, like, connecting to that? Because we do a lot of that now, love, where we we envision what the end goal is.


People come on to set a program. It's like, hey. What's where do you wanna be? Mhmm. 12 months time.


Yeah. If you're even find that, like, mind blowing to think about it. Yeah. Tell on this. But where would you love to be?


Like, where would you love to be? There's Not just where you wanna be. Where would you love to be?


There's photo. There's a photo of me doing one of it.


I'm crouched out. Yes. I've seen that.


You've seen photo. Yeah. It's like everywhere now, that I've got it right. Because everyone in that photo has got this huge smile on their face. Yeah.


Yeah. And everyone's got this massive grin on their face. Yeah. And if I can do that, if I can make people laugh, if I can make, you know, everyone's day who see me on the stage that little bit better Yeah. Than one achievement.


Mhmm. One achievement myself. So if I can in a year, you know, add, you know, a 1000 more people to smile or put on faces and and still going on a stage or still going, I don't know, some cracking pub or some some weird theater or whatever it is and putting smiles on people's faces. Yeah. I know that I've improved someone's day just that little bit.


Mhmm. And if you can do that in life, then we'd all be we'd all be better on, wouldn't we?


Remind me something about the real reason why I did this was to firstly, first time around it was for me. Mhmm. 2nd time around it's for others. It's for, to inspire my people to to go and do what you you love. Like, go and go and go for every desire.


And, I've I've had this similar thing that someone come up to me after the show, like, random, like, it was like, a couple people are shaking hands. Like, they really push the boundary, blah blah. 1 Mhmm. She comes to you, like, she's still wiping into the fire. I was, I was, I was still, like, feeling very, like, numb, almost, like, on the wound.


But, I was kinda just taking it all in, taking it all in. And then, one of my friends who who come to watch, I won't I won't say his name, but he was


like, I might have accidentally put my name down.


I was like, yes.


And everyone when they came out.


And then name down her net shoulder. Yes. Really? And you as many people turned up or people turned up wanting to turn up didn't turn up. Mhmm.


But then it was like, I'm just whoever is in the room that you're inspiring is that that that is what it is. And, for him to do that and a sign of that that that made it for me. So, yeah, man. We we can do a lot of things just by speaking our truth, essentially speaking on being ourselves and staying proud of being ourselves. So, yeah, man.




I think we actually come to a conclusion. It comes to an end.


I think we can, we can end it there, but just for yourself as well, like, youngies person in there, but I feel like you're just ahead of your your years in terms of, like, your sense of belief in yourself and start giving yourself a bit of credit as well where it's due. I'm just like, I'm I'm someone who's having to learn just to