Advent with the Angels

What do you see when you look at the world ?Do you see countries, states, people ? What do you hear when you listen to the people ? Do you hear languages, dialects, sounds ? Can you tell where one state ends and another begins ?
We look at the world and see mountains and rivers, green areas and oceans, fertile areas and deserts. Some states have natural borders like lakes and rivers, while others have straight borders without any connection to the land.

So maybe you can ask yourself: What is a country, what makes a country what it is ?
Is it the language ? the land ? traditions ? Is it not true that there are people speaking several languages in the same country - and that sometimes the same language is spoken in many countries ?

Does the country depend on the people, on a certain culture ? Has every country got a spirit, just like you do ?
What if the borders get changed - does the spirit change too ? What if a country gets a new name ? What if it gets a new religion ? A new language ? What if the citizens are not allowed to use their language anymore ? What about the people coming to live in this country- are they also connected to this spirit ? Do they have a special connection because they made a conscious choice to live in this place ?

There are so many interesting questions about countries and their people and we are the ones dealing with these questions.
We hear from humans that they wish to belong, not just to their family and friends, but to a wider community, a country.

Some people don’t feel that they belong where they are living, so they may try to find a new place which feels more suitable. You can call on us if you feel that you don’t belong where you are and would like to discover where your true, spiritual home is.
There may be more than one home you belong to, and we are happy to help you in every way to find your place.

There are those who call themselves nomads,who find a home wherever they go - others need a place to put their roots down to flourish.

Each to their own - we are here for all of you if you are looking for your home and your community, whatever it may look like.

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

15 December


What do you see when you look at the world ?Do you see countries, states, people ? What do you hear when you listen to the people ? Do you hear languages, dialects, sounds ? Can you tell where one state ends and another begins ?
We look at the world and see mountains and rivers, green areas and oceans, fertile areas and deserts. Some states have natural borders like lakes and rivers, while others have straight borders without any connection to the land.

So maybe you can ask yourself: What is a country, what makes a country what it is ?
Is it the language ? the land ? traditions ? Is it not true that there are people speaking several languages in the same country - and that sometimes the same language is spoken in many countries ?

Does the country depend on the people, on a certain culture ? Has every country got a spirit, just like you do ?
What if the borders get changed - does the spirit change too ? What if a country gets a new name ? What if it gets a new religion ? A new language ? What if the citizens are not allowed to use their language anymore ? What about the people coming to live in this country- are they also connected to this spirit ? Do they have a special connection because they made a conscious choice to live in this place ?

There are so many interesting questions about countries and their people and we are the ones dealing with these questions.
We hear from humans that they wish to belong, not just to their family and friends, but to a wider community, a country.

Some people don’t feel that they belong where they are living, so they may try to find a new place which feels more suitable. You can call on us if you feel that you don’t belong where you are and would like to discover where your true, spiritual home is.
There may be more than one home you belong to, and we are happy to help you in every way to find your place.

There are those who call themselves nomads,who find a home wherever they go - others need a place to put their roots down to flourish.

Each to their own - we are here for all of you if you are looking for your home and your community, whatever it may look like.