Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, August 21st, 2024 / Chantel’s sweater is missing, there’s some pretty stupid food, Josh’s favorite fork might be part of a set, do you tip when you make a donation, the Tielor household bag-o-sauces, don’t touch Chantel’s appetizer, there’s a do not travel list, computers that can smell, and a fast food cup is not worth a thousand dollars!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, August 21st. On today's show, my sweater is missing. There's some pretty stupid food.

Josh's favorite fork might be part of a set. Do you tip when you make a donation? The Tielor household bag o sauces. Don't touch my appetizer. There's a do not travel list.

Computers that can smell and a fast food cup is not worth $1,000. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97. This is the on demand podcast.

Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hi. Good morning.

You get your headphones on? Josh. You got your mid. No. No.

No. No. It's Wednesday. It's the middle of the week. It's good.

Things are happening. Are they? I think so. What kind of things? Well, it's Brazilian blowout day.

Woah. Yeah. So you gotta go get your herd did. Oh, I probably You have different appointments. You don't have that one on the calendar day?

No. Finance brokers day. Let's give it up for the, finance brokers. Alright. Please give it up.

Yeah. It was silence for a minute, but, way to go, finance brokers. What do finance brokers do? Oh, we're talking about the people that help you, with all of your, money advice, helping you achieve financial goals. I could use some financial goals.

Yeah. We need to talk to a finance broker. Yeah. National Senior Citizens Day. Let's give it up for the seniors.

For sure. Alright. Yeah. Go senior citizens. International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism Day.

There's a lot of words there. Yeah. Very important. Let's see. It's Poets Day.

What kind of poetry do you have? Nothing great. I mean, I'm not, like, a a fancy Greek poet or Well you know, some sort of We all know that. Oh, is it that obvious? You used to write me poetry I know.

In the early days I know. When the days were good. Romantic. When the days were good. It's the name of my next poem.

When the days were good. I can't wait to hear it. It's just that. It's the title and then three dots. It's quick.

And then spumoni. We've talked about spumoni before. It's that ice cream. Yeah. It's the, the ice cream where it's like, a pistachio and, and then, also a chocolate, but then you slap a maraschino cherry on there.

It's spumoni. It's ice cream. But it's pistachios. I'm gonna write a poem about spumoni. Okay.

How many things do you think will rhyme with spumoni? Bologna. Moni moni. Alright. That's a little too on the nose.

Jabroni? I'm working on more. Maybe don't write a poem about spumoni. Yeah. Because that's my idea.

Don't steal my poem. Poem? Yeah. You have to say it like that. Okay.

My poem. Alright. Well, hey, good morning. It is Wednesday. It's 21st August.

There are only 10 days left in this month. Oh, no. We just started. I mean, 21 days ago. But yeah.

I don't understand how time works. Fast. It works very quickly. Yay. Yay.

It's almost Labor Day. No. It was just Memorial Day. Well, that was in May. That was a long it was a long time ago.

It wasn't a long time ago. It wasn't long enough. Fast. I know. I want another summer, but I also want fall, but I also want spring.

What? I do not want winter. I've heard. Let's be clear about that. I'm I'm very aware.

Very aware. Good morning. It's Josh and Chantel. Did you know that the average person thinks their day has been ruined while they know their day has been ruined by 8:36 AM. Okay.

Not everybody's day starts as early as our day. So I wanna know 2 weeks of 2 hours to know if our day has been ruined or not. Right. Right. Right.

Right. I'm wondering if if it's like, what's what do you think the average time people wake up is? Maybe 7? Yeah. 6:37, I would say, the average time.

So so let's let's say it's an hour and a half to 2 hours into your day. That's when you get to go, like, this isn't it. So we get a little bit of, of a head start on that. Let's see. By, like, 7:30, we should pretty much know if today is gonna be Ruined?

Yeah. Is today it? I don't know. Think constitutes something ruining a person's day? Walking out the house with your shirt on inside out because you got dressed in the dark because it was 5 o'clock in the morning.

We don't get dressed in the dark. No. I'm just saying. Like, that's something where I'd be like, well, that's that's strike 1. That's a day ruiner to have your shirt inside out?

I mean, it's not that it's a huge deal, but it'd be like fixed. Yeah. I know. But then you go, come on. Or if you get, like you put your shirt on and you notice there's deodorant lines on that.

It happened to me yesterday. And you go like Monday. Come on, man. Yeah. Yesterday.

It happened on Monday. Oh, okay. And I went, oh, a little maybe too dramatic. And you go, this is what you said to me. I go, oh, man.

And he said, just get a wet water cloth and wipe it off. I didn't say it like that. Yes. You did. No.

I did not. You did. No. Yeah. I said, I think a little wet washcloth on there will take care of it.

You did not say it like that. No. You just got that a washcloth. I don't talk like that ever in my whole life. Oh.

You you weren't that whiny, but you were like, get over yourself. Just wash it off. Yeah. You had a tone. No.

You didn't say, oh, no. You didn't go watch it all. Stop. Tell him I'm not doing anything now. I don't wanna cook dinner.

I used to move the backyard too. Yeah. You do, actually. I know. I don't think your shirt on backwards would be a day ruiner.

No. But it's a strike one where you'd be like, this is so inconvenient right now. Inconvenient. Yes. Not a ruiner of day.

Maybe you forgot your phone at home. That's kinda bad. Around. Go back. The ruiner of things.

Yeah. Yeah. You realize after you've left the house and made it halfway across town that it's garbage day? I didn't have that issue today, but that's a that'd be a that'd be a once a week, I'd go, man, I forgot garbage day I got. Yeah.

Sleeping through your alarm. Possibly. Yeah. I could see how that'd be troublesome. Can't find your keys, losing your keys.

Yeah. That's a frustration. I don't again, these are things that you're like, dude, I don't have time for this. I put the keys in the same spot every day. Again, I don't necessarily think any of these are ruiners of the day.

It's the it's the collective But I also nature of all of it. You gotta have multiples of these. Yeah. You're right. I also read somewhere that you should section off your days.

So instead of having one bad day No. You've been listening to these productivity people that are like, I don't have 24 hours. I stretch my day out into 48 or 50 hours because I work in little small hour increments. Stop it. I don't I don't listen to people like that.

You just said. I I hear these people. Because they sec they you have, like, three sections of your day. So then if you forget your keys at home, it's not necessarily a ruin of your whole day. It's just a ruiner of that section of your day.

And then you go, okay. Let's try again for section 2. Yeah. I can't I was trying to find what that thing is. It and and it is.

It's because they break their 24 hours into multiple pieces, and sleep is is, like, spread over a couple of them, and so sleep doesn't count. I know what you're talking about. That way, they get these, like I can cram 3 days into one day because it's just nonsense. It's nonsense. That'd ruin my day.

You were showing me, a video of bad food the other day. Do you remember this? What was the best food? You were on Reddit. Yeah.

And the subreddit was bad food. Oh. Bad food ideas or bad food. I think it's stupid food. Oh, stupid food.

Is that what you're talking about? Where, like, it's it it literally is people pay lots and lots of money, for ridiculous food Yeah. At restaurants. But then there's also people like the woman right here who is showing you how to, wash your chicken, but she's using Dawn dish soap on it Ew. What?

And a scrub brush before she cuts it. And I don't know if she's ever used a knife before. She's also scrubbing her chicken with Yeah. No. I know.

And then there's, there's a guy out here for ducks. Yeah. For chicken. There is a there's a guy out here who, he's doing some outdoor cooking, and he found some rocks in the river. And he's just, put one on top of the fire, and he's using it as his pan.

The rock? The rock. Yeah. So there's that. But the one maybe we're not talking about the same thing then because you showed me, somebody that was at a restaurant, and there was, like, a, like, a pot of cheese above their food.

And they had to, like, cut the bottom off or they took the Yeah. Do you know what I'm talking about? I don't remember it specifically, but this this is full of that kind of stuff. They'd wait for their cheese to melt onto their feet before they could even partake of it. That's exactly right.

And, like, the these guys are making corn on the cob over their toaster. What? Yeah. So they just set the corn on top of the toaster, put, stick a butter on top of the corn, and then salt and pepper, and, and then they just balance it over the top of the toaster and then let the corn and butter melt into the toaster. That's also not gonna cook your corn.

You're gonna have hard kernels when you take that off the toaster. Not a good idea. This is, like, this is all awful. Is this Bacon wrapped Oreos. Is this just is this real food, or are these just people being dumb to be dumb?

I feel like Internet has become people just making stuff up. But then this lady here, she just went to a restaurant, and they ordered, this, giant French bread just stuffed with cheese and pasta and all kind like, there's, like, real wild food in here and people being dumb. So, yes, all of the above. I'd never wanna follow that. It's Subreddit.

I'd never This is a guy who, went to a fast food restaurant, and he brought it home, and he's frying it all. Fries, nuggets, burger, throw an egg in, slap a slice of pizza on there. It's wild. It's a wild place. It's just it's out of control.

Lawless. That's lawless territory. It it's not the place to be. I'm still stuck on the corn on the toaster. Yeah.

Do they really think that's gonna work? No. Even worry about. Don't even think about it anymore. To get views, and that makes me angry because now you're just wasting food to be wasteful.

You're correct. And that's annoying. You are correct. And they're getting views for it. I know.

I wish you had but I wasn't viewing it until you told me about it. I'm still not viewing it, but it wasn't even in my train of thought. I wish you hadn't told me about it. What a what a day ruiner. Oh, now you know.

How about some good news to get you going? Let's hear it. A 10 year old girl named Tegan and her mother Claire were taking a stroll along the beach on the South Wales coast, and they discovered something special. What did they find? If you were walking down the beach in South Wales, what's probably the least likely thing you would discover on the beach.

On the beach? Sun. Let me tell you. They found 5 of them. Because it's usually pretty cloudy over there.

Alright. That's I don't know. I've never been 5 of them? They found 5 of them. Is it Each one of them.

Fossils? Yeah. Kinda. They found dinosaur footprints from 200000000 years ago. They found 5 footprints each measuring about 30 inches.

That's almost a whole yardstick. Were they fossilized? We well yeah. Obviously. But Yeah.

They weren't fresh. No. I know. Yeah. I know.

That was a dumb question. How come nobody has ever seen them before is really my question. I don't know if if no one has walked this particular stretch of beach. I imagine these are, not in the sand, but they are in rock. So there's also rocks on the beach.

What what they say here is that these were created by a massive type of dinosaur. And I'm I mean, these are huge, and they're 3, they're like raptor toes. So they're the 3 toed, but they're, like, 30 inches. They're huge. Huge.

This is What did they do with them after they found them? Well, they you can't move them. They're in the they're in the rocks. They just discovered these. So Cindy Howell is an expert from the National Museum in Wales, and she, was called in to solve the mystery of this amazing discovery.

And she says it is quite a significant find. The buzz you get when someone contacts us with a definite dinosaur find is amazing. The discovery is extra special because it adds to the growing evidence that dinosaurs roamed whales, a place previously thought to not have much action when dinosaurs were roaming around. And the scientists are already calling the area Tegan's Footprints. Oh, nice.

Which I think is really cool, and are now trying to match the patterns that she found during the walk on the beach with other dinosaur prints found in Wales throughout the years. How old is Tegan again? 10. 10. Tegan's footprints.

I know. I knew you'd be into that, because you're you're super into, like, wanting to discover dinosaur feet as a 10 year old girl. But they are they're very, very big. It's cool. And I'm trying to pronounce the name of this dinosaur.

It was the Sauropodomorpha. Sauropodomorpha dinosaur. Oh, of course. You gotta sound out the big words sometimes, which is kinda cool. Kind of a kind of a big Man.

Kind of a big long necked, dinosaur. I think it's crazy that fossils and stuff like that are still being discovered. Yeah. Well, not everybody's been everywhere. And the bedrock is so far underneath all of the dirt that we have, and the bedrock is where a lot of that stuff exists.

It's wild. It's wild. It's wild and crazy. It's wild. It's also good news.

Yesterday, we talked about, favorite forks because, apparently, everybody in my house has a favorite fork. You have 3 favorite forks I've got. Yeah. Yep. So last night, you were cooking dinner.

I was setting the table, and I only set my fork because I don't know what your favorite fork is, and I don't know what Emery's favorite fork is. And so I I left your silverware alone when I was setting the table. Then I found out that you and Emery share the favorite fork. Yeah. She also likes the same forks I like, which I'm not surprised by the Greeks.

There? Or is there just one of that particular fork? There are 2 that are the same and one that is different, in the favorite 3 forks. Okay. But are there 2 total of that sit one same fork?

What are you talking about? Okay. There are 3 forks that each that we that we like. The 2 of us enjoy these 3 forks. All different?

No. 2 of them are the same, and one is different. Okay. The 2 that are the same Yeah. Are those the only 2 in the collection?

There are only 3 of those forks we like total. Out of all the forks we have in the house, there are 3 forks we like. No. I know. Are do you know what I'm saying?

I have no idea what you're saying. Set of silverware Yeah. There's, like, you know, you get four forks, 4 spoons, 4 knives. How many total sets of your favorite fork are there? I still don't understand.

If I open the drawer and I take out all the forks Yes. There are 3 forks in the drawer I like. Are and they're all different? No. 2 of them are the same.

1 of them is different. Yeah. I know. Okay. I keep that fire.

3 total forks. I can set it. Sets of anything. There are 3 forks. One fork is skinny.

The other 2 forks are the same kind of fork. I know. Are those the only 2 same kind of fork? Like, is it I don't even know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying.

This is this is the craziest thing. I have no idea what your question is. It makes no sense to me. If we got rid of every fork in the drawer except for those 2 forks that are the same, Would there only be those 2 forks, or would there be other of that fork? I don't know why you're not understanding.

It makes no sense. There are a total of 3 forks. If you again. Stop talking about the one fork that doesn't belong. We're only talking about the 2 that are the same.

Are those the only 2? Okay. Imagine those 2 forks are red. Are those the only 2 red forks in that entire drawer? Do any other forks look like those?

That's what I'm asking. No. There's only 2. So if you and every decide to use those 2 forks for dinner, then if I wanna use that same fork, I'm like, well You gotta wash dishes. Okay.

Holy moly. I I still don't understand what you're asking. I don't know how you don't know what I'm asking. I don't know how I can make it any more clear. Me neither.

Anyway Did you get the information you wanted? About the forks? Yeah. I don't know. We're gonna talk about it after Okay.

On air because Between now and the next time we talk, we'll still be talking about this for you. Diagram. I know, apparently. We gotta bring in visual aids. I'm I'm flabbergasted by the question.

I still don't understand. Just saying, when my favorite fork, there's a set of them when I purchased them. There were 4 of that same exact fork. Cool. Cool.

Cool. K. You're saying there's only 2 Yeah. Not your same exact fork. I don't know where they came from.

These were not, like, part of a set. Like, these are forks that somebody brought forks to a thing. Like like, we had a barbecue or something, and somebody left good forks that I like. I don't know where they came from. I I who takes forks to a barbecue?

Don't always bring in forks. I don't know where they came from either. You probably stole them from somebody's house. Yeah. That's what I do.

I go around stealing the forks I like. A good fork. I'm gonna take this home. Watch your silverware. I'm exhausted from this super sick shit.

Too. Did we ever figure it out? Yeah. I think so. We're just gonna end it.

You feel content with the information you don't? Necessarily care enough any longer to know if I'm content or not. Okay. Oh, geez. I think we got it figured out though.

I think so. There's 3 forks. Stop talking about the 3rd fork. He doesn't belong. My day is ruined.

Already? We were talking about this earlier, how small things can just ruin your whole day. Yeah. You know what? 7:20.

You're train wrecked at 7:20. What's going on? I got goosebumps on my arms Okay. Because it's cold in here. Yeah.

What is it in here? It's about 70. Okay. My work sweater is missing. Where'd it go?

I think I took it home. You did. I saw it. You had stopped at home or something in between appointments or things, runarounds, and it was just laying on the foot of the bed. Oh, here's the thing.

When I left the house this morning, I go, oh, I need a sweater. And then I went, oh, no. Don't worry about it. I got one at work. I do the thorough person.

If I have anything to help you out. I have a hoodie. That's not gonna work. I have, like, a UV fishing shirt. I have a rain jacket.

I should probably just keep a cardigan in your truck because you have everything in your truck. You keep a lot of things. You're highly prepared. Aid kit? You do.

I have, I do not have a sweater. I have a chair. I have a tool kit. None of those are my work sweater. I have So now what am I supposed to do?

A life jacket? 7 what time is it? Quarter after 7 20. I still have 3 more hours to go. Yeah.

You're gonna freeze. I already am. No. No. Stay is ruined.

Already. You said you'd know by 7:30. I guess that's true. What a shame. Whole day.

Just start over. K. Well, if you could go back in time right now, you'd grab the sweater. That's a big deal. Yes.

Between now like, when you woke up and right now, and you could redo one thing, that's the one thing you could redo? Listen. Yeah. I yeah. Not the fork conversation?

No. That was fun. Oh, okay. I would not redo the fork conversation. I just would like to also know when I took that sweater home because it lives here.

Yeah. So I assume yesterday. No. Because I had a different sweater on yesterday. That's the weird part.

Wait. Wait. Wait. Which sweater the sweater I saw at the house was, like, a cream color one. Uh-huh.

It had more holes in it. Yes. That's not the one that lives here. Oh, that's the one I saw. Yeah.

I know. That's the one I actually wore. Who wears the one that lives here? I don't know. That's my question.

Uh-oh. Did somebody go steal in your sweater? I don't that would be a weird thing to do. That would be a strange thing to do. But why why is your sweater not here?

That's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of. Do you have 2 sweaters at your other job? Are they both hanging on the back of the same chair? She says that is a possibility. Okay.

Alright. Well, you'll find out later on today. I will. We have talked about tip culture before and how crazy it makes us. There is a new low I've discovered.

What is it? Okay. I we have a friend, a mutual friend whose daughter is involved in, a youth activity. So she sent us a text. Well, she sent me a text and said, hey.

I'm I'm doing this fundraiser. Can you help me out with reaching my goal? Right. Great. I'm happy to do that.

So I go yesterday to make a donation to her fundraising, and I go, I pick this amount. And then it says, would you like to leave a tip? And I went For who? On a donation? On a fundraiser?

Yeah. Who's seeing the tip? Right. I don't know who and I did all of this online. It wasn't like there was somebody there helping me.

Texted to you And I called the phone number. Like to help out. You tap the link. And it had already had a percentage in the tip thing, and I think it said 15% on the tip. For what?

And I same thing. I go, what? And the woman that was standing next to me was like, what? What's up? I was at work Yeah.

With my coworker. And I go, I'm trying to donate to my friend's fundraiser, and it's asking me to leave a tip. And she goes, oh, I've seen that before with, like, different fundraisers that my kids have been a part of. And she goes, it makes me so crazy. I go, it's absurd.

What am I leaving a tip for? Right. I'm gonna donate my amount, my said amount. Who's gonna get the tip? What?

The company that's hosting the donation website, do they get the money? Like don't know. What are we you're tipping the cell phone company that texted you the link? Like, what are we I know. That makes no sense.

0 sense. Yeah. That's a that's weird and a way, way, way unnecessary tipping thing. I deleted that 15%. I deleted the box in there, and then it said, oh, you must put in it had, like, a big red thing.

It said, you must put in a number. 0. Yeah. So I said, 0. Yeah.

The tip amount, 0. Not leaving a tip for for what? That's really strange. It was bizarre. I'd never seen anything like that.

Would you like to leave a tip on a donation? No. No. Thanks. Yeah.

I No. Thanks. I'm trying to figure out where that might go. Yeah. Figure that out.

Some fundraising platforms allow donors to add a tip to their donation, which can help cover the form's fees. This is called the donor tipping model. The tip is usually somewhere between 10 20% of the donation, and it replaces the platform's fee for the organization. Okay. So if the if they're gonna use, you know, I don't know, like a a GoFundMe or something, those those types of companies will hold a percentage Okay.

Of the donation. So your tip would go to say, I'm gonna add a little extra so that the organization I'm supporting doesn't have to I have seen that before, though. It's just worded differently. Yeah. Don't call it a tip.

Yeah. So I have seen things where I've donated before, and it'll say, hey. Like, it costs us this much. Like, would you donate 50¢ Right. To help us cover the us cover the cost of this transaction.

So I have seen that before, and maybe it was just the tip wording that threw me off. Yeah. They shouldn't call it that. No. No.

Because that, I was like, no. I'm not tipping. But I would have happily provided, you know, a buck or 2 extra to help with the fees or whatever is involved. But, yeah, the tip, I was like, get out of here. Yeah.

So GoFundMe specifically, and I don't know which website they were using, but they have, like, a 2.9%, 3%, whatever, transaction fee Yeah. For every donation. And so that that that would be something where I'd be like, yeah, tack on 3%. Yeah. But for it to be defaulted to 15, no.

But then say also transaction fee. Right. Don't call it a tip. Yeah. Call it add on my transaction fee.

Yes. Don't yeah. Definitely don't call it a tip. That's weird. Just a couple questions real quick before you go.

Alright. And would you like a receipt printed? Okay. There you go. Have a good day.

I was making dinner the other night, and you were at scouts, so you were away. And it was just me and Emery, and Emery can't drive yet. So it's not like I could have sent her to the store, but I was out of soy sauce, and I needed soy sauce. And you do that panic like, you look in the cupboard. Like, I know I have that.

That's like an ingredient that you always have on hand. We have a big bottle in the fridge. Listen. Listen. Listen.

Listen. Okay. So I looked through the cupboard. I'm like, we don't have any. This is crazy.

I look in the fridge. We don't have any. And I go, what can I do? I can run to the store, but I'm already in the middle of cooking there. The oven's on.

The stove's on. I'm like, Emery, why can't you drive yet? And then I'm like, well, I could wait and just have Josh bring someone his way home, but then everything's gonna be cold. And it's we're gonna have to wait, and it's gonna be held up because you weren't due home for another hour and if you were talking an hour and a half. So you tend to do that.

Alright. So I go, I know just the thing. We have a bag of Oh, no. Condiments in the in the closet. Bag?

The sauce bag. What? You know, these are your, hot sausage. From all the different restaurants or whatever, and you just throw them in the gallon ziplock bag. Extras that you need.

Have A gallon ziplock ziplock bag in our pantry of sauce. Sometimes that bag of sauces has come in clutch before where you're like, I just need a small amount of this thing. I'm gonna use the sauce from that. Or if you get takeout and they don't give you enough of the sauce that you want, you're like, I have extra sauce. Get the sauce pan.

Before. Yeah. Get the sauce back. So I went, there's gotta be some soy sauce packets in there. There was exactly enough soy sauce packages that I need.

A perfect amount. And I was like, that bag Okay. That bag has come in handy. When did the big jar or the big bottle of soy sauce we have in the fridge come into play? Because I feel like we've had that for a long time.

Yeah. It was there the whole time. Oh, good. Was it behind something? No.

It was right there in front. After dinner that night as I'm cleaning up because I had Emery help me with something. And she's like, you're using these for your ingredients? And I go, yeah. Because we don't have any.

We don't have any soy sauce. And she was like, we don't have any soy sauce? And I go, no. And she was like, because I was making rice, and she likes soy sauce on a rice. And she was like, oh, man.

You're gonna take all of the soy sauce for this? And I said, yeah. I'm sorry. I need it for the recipe. Putting away dishes, leftovers, I open the fridge.

And it's right there. It's right there in front of me. Okay. And I go, Emery, come take a look at the fridge. I mean, it's a large box.

Yeah. She opens it up. She goes, what am I looking for? I said, what do you see right there in front? And she goes, are you kidding me?

The giant bottle of soy sauce. Okay. Giant. Yeah. It's big.

It's a big bottle. Maybe that's why. Maybe you were looking in the door for, like, a little we haven't bought a little bottle that fits in the door in a very long time. We always get that big bottle. Yeah.

Well Yeah. Alright. The moral of the story is that little sauce bag Yep. Full of sauces comes in clutch when you need it. I guess so.

Well, not anymore. If you need soy sauce, it is out. Yeah. We're at So it's not gonna be that helpful when you really need it, but I'm glad it was there for you. That's a big deal.

I I don't know even know how to begin this story. So when you're sitting at a table and, you got some friends with you and you decide you're gonna order some appetizers, what's the etiquette on sharing? Well, obviously, I'm happy to share K. Except for When you really, really, really love the appetizer? When I really love the appetizer, and I know that it's kind of it's rather small.

It's a one serving situation. It's not a shareable appetizer. Alright. And I also know that it is only made at this one particular place that we don't often frequent. And, also, it was the main reason that we decided to go there.

And, also Because you wanted this appetizer so bad. You went, I really want this appetizer. We went, alright. We'll go there. Is it bread?

So we go in there. Delicious bread. This bread. You're you're like, I gotta have this bread. You order the bread.

And the whole time I'm sitting there going, maybe I should order 2 of these because I know that they're gonna wanna try this bread that I've been talking about. But I also know that it's a limited quantity. And I don't I don't necessarily wanna share, but I will share, but I also don't wanna share. So maybe I should order 2. Mhmm.

One for me and one to share. K. I got a big, basket of pretzels and cheese Yeah. Because those are, delicious. So I And I don't I didn't want your appetizer.

So I'm not I'm not cutting in on your appetizer at all. My bread? You you and your bread can have your moment. I'm doing pretzels and cheese. And I shared my concerns with you privately and said, should I get 2?

Because Yeah. I said, order 2. Whatever. You said, I've got a thing of pretzels that we can share. I said, I know, but they're gonna wanna share my bread.

And they did say, I can't wait to try that bread. And I went, I knew I shoulda got 2. I knew I shoulda got 2. Okay. So the bread comes, the one order of bread cup crumbs.

Bread comes Into the table. It arrives. Bread. Yes. And they so there's 3 small pieces of bread.

Yeah. And I go, oh, delicious. I can't wait to have that all to myself. And then I reluctantly said, would you would you please like to try some? Because you're you know, it's nice.

That's good etiquette. Yeah. Here, would you like to try some bread? Yeah. And our friend takes half, not just a sliver or a Yeah.

Piece. He takes half of the one piece. If you're gonna try something, you gotta have a big bite of it. He went all in. Yeah.

And then his wife, our other friend Yeah. Takes the other half. Right. So there's lots of pieces of bread. Cut down to 2 breads instead of 3.

And then I said, forget it. You don't get any more. That's all of the sharing that I'm gonna do with you. And I took those and your bread. Other 2 pieces, I said, these ones are mine.

You turned your chair around and said, no more for you. And you you held them close with your shoulder turned toward the rest of the room. The whole table was shut off. No one could even look at it. My bread.

This is my bread. My bread. You probably left me with 2 pieces. I had 3 pieces, and now I only have 2. So they ended up ordering another They did.

One of them, and you got your other piece back. So are you okay? Are you making it? Are you surviving? I'll be fine.

Are you worried about it? No. No. Again, always happy to share, except not not that bread. You coulda had more pretzels.

Did you have any pretzels? I didn't want any of those pretzels. I just wanted my bread. Pretzels were so good. I had that bread.

It was good. Yeah. And I my bread. Honestly, because I baby. Ended up eating 2 and a half pieces of bread, and it was a little too much.

No. You had 3, didn't you? No. You only had half of that other piece? Yeah.

Yeah. Oh, I didn't know. I thought you had the whole third piece. No. I only had 2 and a half pieces.

Only. But you felt like 2 and a half was enough. You were like, this is a good bread. Yeah. I was like, I probably I'm fine sharing.

Oh, good. I learned lesson learned. The 22 is maybe enough? Yeah. Alright.

We made progress, kids. We did it. I was just reading this thing. It's called dark tourism. Have you heard about this?

Yes. Yes. Yes. This there was a show about dark tourism. Is there?

Yeah. What show? I think it's called dark Tourist. It's a it's a show on Netflix. Yeah.

It's about a guy who goes to, like, he tours around some of, like, the, the craziest places historically and, and even actively. So places like Afghanistan Yeah. He goes to Colombia. Sierra Leone in West Africa. Like, these are all these destinations for these dark tourists because and a lot of it is, like, adventure seekers, but also wealthy the article I read said this is for, like, these wealthy people that have been everywhere else, and so they're trying to, like, see things that have never been seen before.

So they're like, well, we have the money to do it. And they this article that I was reading focused on this one guy who's like, yeah. I just he goes, this is not these trips are not for, like, first time travelers. These trips are for well rounded travelers and people with a lot of income. Because if you find yourself in a top Yeah.

You need to get out. Position Yeah. Like, you're gonna need to have wealth to get yourself out of it. So this, this show, Dark Tourist, was, was made in 2018. It only did one season because the COVID 19 pandemic shut it down.

But this was a New Zealand documentary, and this journalist, David Ferrier or Farrier, he traveled around to, a bunch of different places. I'm looking here. They did I mean, like, what? Eight episodes of it? Oh, I can't imagine.

To Latin America, Japan, the US. He went to the Stans, like Kazakhstan, Afghanistan. He'd went to Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and then went back to the US, where he met Charles Manson Obsessives. So he's done some really interesting things. In Africa, he went to the birth birthplace of voodoo, in Southeast Asia.

He went to an isolated village in Indonesia. He went to Cambodia. He went to I mean, just kinds of all all kinds of places, that are historically associated with, really horrifying things. Yeah. And he embeds himself in all these different cultures and these different things in this show.

I mean, you've gotta be you gotta be a little wacky to be, pursuing these types of experiences. Right? Like, that is not, normal. Let's go on vacation. Let's yeah.

Let's go to the most dangerous places in America, kids. In the world. Not even just America. Yeah. But then, you know, there's also people that travel specifically to see, like, abandoned places.

Like, that's a whole another culture. Or people go to, Pripyat and Chernobyl, and they're like, I just wanna go see these abandoned civilizations that used to be. Because and there's stuff to learn, and there's things to see there for sure, but you're putting yourself in some crazy dangerous things. This article that I was reading, the guy who travels to these places, he says, I specifically look at the do not travel list, and I pick places from that list. He picks places that have, like, Sierra Leone in West Africa has a level 2 advisory, and you should exercise a high degree of caution, it says, when you go there.

And he's like, yeah. I feel like that's where I'm gonna go. He did travel to Afghanistan, and he said even though it had extremely dangerous security situations and a very high threat of terrorism and kidnapping, he was like, yep. I wanna go there. But it is almost impossible to get travel insurance to go to these places.

I bet. So he has to go in roundabout ways to get, like, medical expenses and travel expenses and all of this lost luggage coverage and stuff. There's there crazy to me. I mean, there's probably 20 places on the do not travel list right now. Bangladesh, Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Russia, Burma, Venezuela, Iraq, South Sudan, Central African Republic.

I mean, so many Haiti's on this list, Belarus, North Korea, Ukraine, and Sudan Yeah. As well. There's, I mean, there's a bunch of different places. And some of these, like, Iran was added on August 14th. Bangladesh was added on August 5th.

Libya was added on August 1st. So this isn't ever changing. All the time. All the time. Of course, it is because areas change all the time.

Those are the do not travels. Then your level 3 are the reconsider travels. And then level 2 is exercise increased caution. Oh, okay. So he went to an exercise extreme caution level 2 place.

Where did I say he went? I don't remember. I don't know. But that's like the Philippines are on here and Hong Kong and Botswana and like, there's a ton of places, Cuba, Peru, Belize. There's a lot on the level 2.

I feel like that's true of any place that you go to. You should always use it for free coffee. Alert. Right? You gotta yeah.

You can't be all willy nilly in a country that you don't know. That you're unfamiliar with. Yeah. No. I'm just gonna go wander around haphazardly.

Now I wanna see that dark tourist show, though. Yeah. It's on Netflix. Yeah. I'll just sit in the comfort of my own home while I watch somebody else do the research.

Risk? You're gonna you're you're an empath. You're gonna be like, ah, this is so scary. I will. I can't handle it.

Oh, good luck with your show. Hiding behind a blanket. Yeah. There is an AI company that wants to give computers a sense of smell. Fine.

Why not? You don't even wanna ask why? I don't need to know why. It's probably something strange. What do they need the computer to smell?

Thank you for asking. I didn't think you would ever ask. They think that, the sense of smell can interpret data that we, as humans, can't necessarily detect. So they think that it will help medical professionals detect diseases if they can smell certain things. Alright.

Because they say they know that smell contains information. Sure. With certain diseases. They also think that it would be useful to smell certain chemicals and, like, household products to determine if they're safe Oh, okay. To use inside your houses.

And then they wanna make they wanna use the sense of smell to make more sustainable, safe products. Okay. That make sense? I get what what you're saying. I still I I don't I don't know.

There's a lot of science jargon in this article that I read, so I'm trying to make sense of it. K. But yeah. So, initially, they are what they really wanna do is, like, help it detect diseases and then help make products safer for people. Well, those are good good find.

Sure. Good. Sounds great. But how, Josh? How do they give it a nose?

Yes. I'm trying to figure that out. That that's some interesting technology. That is what I did not read. I just read the whys, but I didn't read the hows.

So this is I found an article. They've been working on this for a while. This is a 9 month old article that I found, that says that by digitizing scents as the same way we have images and sounds, researchers hope that they can transform everything from food and agriculture to disease prevention, which is kind of interesting because That's what I just said? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. No. I'm with you. I'm trying to I'm trying to learn more about, like, how they're going to do it, and I'm getting very little information on how they map odor. Yeah.

Like, how does that work? But, also, it's different for everybody, I would imagine too. For example Right. Like, something I think smells nice, you would probably think smells awful. This has happened multiple times.

Yeah. There are also people that don't have strong sense of smell or even any sometimes. Or sometimes Is there a way extra. That they can make this, sort of like the, cochlear implant for hearing? Can they do that for smell?

If they really wanted to. I don't know. Is that something people want? Interesting. Because the people that can't smell, there's a safety issue around, you know, propane, for example.

If you can't smell, you wouldn't know that propane was leaking or some sort of, you know, fuel or any kind of chemical. And that's where they're saying this stuff carries information, which it does. A smell like that tells you this area might not be safe to light a match. Like, that's that's important. But if someone doesn't have a sense of smell, they wouldn't have that information.

So, yeah, they would yeah. Like, some kinda implant is Right. Sniffer implant. Mhmm. They'll come up with a better name.

It probably will be called the sniffer. I mean, like, I heard that lady on the radio one time. She said it should be called the sniffer, and that's a good name. And she's real smart. Right.

That's a good name. Let's call it that and, move on with the rest of the science stuff. We got a name. Moving on. Sniffer it is.

Thanks. Just here to do my part. Yeah. I know. It's a good contribution.

Here to help in any way I can. I'll see my way out. Alright. Have you heard about these collector cups that McDonald's is giving out? Yes.

Well, they're not giving them out. You have to pay for them. Sure. But people are going crazy for these. There's a guy in in here, in the building.

He's going bananas about it. Really? He's going peaches about it. What's, what's he looking for? He's just collecting them.

He wants to when he has, you know, family over for holidays, he wants to say, here's your cup. He's very excited about it. The Barbie and the Shrek ones are going for over $100 on eBay. Gonna talk about this. They're going crazy.

So they've got Barbie, Hot Wheels, Beanie Babies, Coca Cola, Hello Kitty, Peanuts, McDonald's characters, Shrek, Jurassic Park, and Minions. Those are the ones that they have. And each of them have, like, a set to them from my understanding. Is that correct? Well, the the they are one set.

Like, there's, what, 6 of them or so? So there's 6 of, like, the Barbie cups. No. No. And 6 of the Hot Wheels.

No. There's just 6 cups. And the Barbie Hot Wheels 1, I think, is 1 cup. Oh, I see. Because, see, what what they did, like, the Beanie Baby 1 stands alone.

And they're kind of doing a little, hey. Remember the nostalgia of, whenever, you would go to the drive through and you'd get a happy meal, and they'd say, did you want, a boy happy meal or a girl happy meal? And it was either the barbie or the car from Hot Wheels. And so they are on one cup, as far as I as far as I can tell. But, anyway, that's kinda what they've done is they've done these these cups.

Now are they harder to get a hold of? Are they easy to get a hold of? I don't even know. I have no idea. Like, why are they selling those ones specifically for over a $100?

1,000. This one is going for $1300. No. Has it sold like, has anyone actually sold the cup for that much? That seems ridiculous.

I don't know. I'm I don't think they're that great. Okay. It's a blind bag thing, so here's the deal. Hey.

When you go and I know bags. I don't understand the appeal of these. I wanna know what I'm purchasing. Correct. I wanna look at it.

I wanna if that's the thing I want, I wanna buy it. I will never buy a blind bag toy or anything for myself. Can you imagine? No. Yeah.

So Barbie and Hot Wheels is combined on 1. Beanie Babies is its own. Coca Cola Images is its own. Hello Kitty is paired up with Peanuts. Okay.

Shrek is paired up with Jurassic Park and the Minions, and then there's one that has the McDonald's characters like Grimace and Hamburglar and so on. Okay. So those are the 6 different cups. And, apparently, they're still available, I guess. But they come in a blue bag, so you have no idea which one you get.

So it's difficult to buy 5 meals and get all, you know or 6 meals and get all 6 cups. You have to kind of go back more often to get the full set. So maybe it's a full set of all of them that is selling on on eBay for that much. It can't just be one cup for 1,000 of dollars. This article says one single sealed cup is going for 1300, another is going for 500, and another for a 150.

So That's wild. Depending on the demand, I suppose. But are they just plastic? They're just plastic. I would I would imagine so.

I mean, remember when they used to do, like, every, like, every year, they would come out with those really heavy duty glass cups? I had a Batman one, that was really super cool. You don't remember those? Uh-huh. They were they were actual, like, real glass, actual, like, real glass, cub, like like a like a mug.

I'm gonna have to see a picture. Yeah. I need some proof of this. And they were they did it for Batman forever because of the ice guy. Right?

But there there's a Riddler one. Freeze? Yeah. Or ice guy? Ice guy.

You know, Arnold, the ice guy. Okay. Okay. Okay. I do.

Do you remember these? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

I do remember those. I never oh, wait. Yes. I do remember those. And I had a couple of these.

I don't know, like, I I really, really remember them, in my head, but they were in 1995. So they've been doing that, but they were actual glass. And they were etched. Correct. Yeah.

It wasn't like a drawing or a picture or a stamp on the cupboard. And they were they were Batman glass mugs. Like, what a thing. You go to McDonald's and you get your, your fancy dinnerware. Your your fancy Batman mug.

Yeah. But a set of all 4 of the Batman Forever mugs from 1995 is a $100 right now online. So you could get the whole set for as much as, one of the single current cups that you can still go try your luck to get the full set of 6. Yeah. I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that.

It's a weird collectible. Yeah. It is. Not interested. Okay.

It is, currently, 933 in the morning, and it's time for would you rather this or that. Would you rather drink a gallon of milk in one sitting No. Or a gallon of orange juice in one sitting? Yes. Orange juice?

I will That's so acidic. Okay. It's not gonna curdle in my stomach and make me terrible. Okay. Okay.

Okay. Seen that milk thing go terribly wrong. I'm not doing that. You're right. Your stomach capacity can't hold a gallon of anything.

It's too much liquid. Yeah. Do not don't do this, kids. No. This is not This is a terrible an imaginary story.

What if you just brushed your teeth? I don't I whatever. Have to drink your ice cream. About that all the time. I've not I've yeah.

But it's not like the worst thing in the whole wide world. Like, you can get through it. You know? You know? Yeah.

Like, there's way worse things that you can do, like chewing on tinfoil. Yeah. That's awful. Right? Like, I don't mind the I don't You don't mind it?

I don't look. If I brush my teeth and then have a glass of orange juice, it feels a little strange, but it's not like not like curdled sour milk. I'll take the orange juice. I'm I'm fine with that. Okay.

Pulp free. Right. You're a pulp free I don't like to chew my liquids. I don't mind. I like pulp.

I don't. And that is why we always have pulp free orange juice. I know because you've won that round. It's a lesser thing. Like, do you prefer pulp?

No. I'll just I'll drink orange juice in any form. Yeah. But the rest of the house is like, pulp is not it. Like, if you were somebody who was like, I really I love pulp, and I really wish I had pulp.

The only time I ever have pulp is when, I we accidentally grab the wrong orange juice, and I go, oh, no. You know what's a weird word? Pulp. Pulp. Yeah.

Yes. It is. Okay. If you had to drink a gallon of milk, what percentage are you going with? Whole?

No. I grew up a 2% guy. Yeah. You did. And here's where you win.

I'd say We are a 1% household because you are a 1% milk person. You've won the orange juice. I've won the milk. Well, sacrifice, they call that. I don't mean to call you out, but I gotta call you out a little bit.

What happened? When you were younger and you, maybe saw a friend or a classmate or your sister, someone near you, was was writing a note, or you saw someone had written something, and you looked at it, and you said, I really wish my handwriting looked like that. Yes. And you copied it, and it's been your handwriting ever since you started copying it. But you can't necessarily copy it.

No. Right. You're not, like, putting tracing paper over it. But you you saw something, and you said, I want my handwriting to look like that. Yeah.

Who was it? There was a multitude of people. You have a you have a hodgepodge, a melting pot of handwriting that you like? Yes. Am I right about classmates and people that you sat near and your sister?

My sister. She has really good handwriting handwriting. Want I want my handwriting to look like that. Yeah. And then there was a a a classmate that also had very cute handwriting.

Yes. Would you borrow from that classmate? I don't know. Why? I'm just curious.

What's the point of this? I'm just I said I don't mean to call you. I gotta kinda call you. Because when I saw this headline, I said, oh, for sure, Chantel's borrowed handwriting. But, again sure.

You see them and you're like, that's cute. I wanna try that. But you can't replicate it entirely because You have your own handwriting. You hold your pencil differently. You hold it's going to be similar, not exact.

Yeah. So Which one? Yeah. So listen to this. There is, in the fantastic beasts and where to find them book, there are handwritten notes from different characters.

1 of the characters that has a note written in Fantastic Beasts is Harry Potter. K. Have you seen this in the book? No. Do we have Fantastic Beasts at home?

Yes. Okay. I'm gonna have to go look because I haven't I haven't looked at that. Yeah. Apparently, there are notes written from different characters.

Well, there is a lady online right now who is claiming that when she was in middle school and read the book and saw the handwritten note from Harry Potter, she said, I want my handwriting to look like that, and she has written in Harry Potter's handwriting ever since. Really? Because she was like, yep. So I I knew you definitely had borrowed some stuff. I didn't think it was gonna be Harry Potter.

I knew it would be people closer to you. But But like, the older I get, it becomes less That? That and more because I now do a combination of print and cursive Mhmm. When I write. I'm an all caps guy.

Somebody the other day saw me writing, and they were like, you do print and cursive all in one word? And I said, yeah. And he was, like, flabbergasted. He was like, I my brain doesn't even compute how that works. And I said, mind your own business.

Can you read it? Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Alright.

Well, anyway, good on you for being honest. Sorry to bust you. And there are way better, people you could be borrowing handwriting from. But, again, that was years ago. I don't think my handwriting looks like hers now earlier in my life for sure.

Because you were practicing? Earlier Yeah. In my in my younger days? Yeah. I mean, because yeah.

But now it's gotten to be my own thing, like I said. It's my own thing. My own thing. Okay. Well, good.

Glad to know that I was correct in assuming that, would be something you did and continue to do. If you saw somebody's handwriting now and you're like, I really like that little beauty really. There's a lot of people that I really like their calligraphy or their different penmanship, and so sometimes I try to mimic that because not for everyday use, but for, like, different Oh, craft project or something. Yeah. And that's why you're doing the calligraphy, thing right now because you wanna learn more.

Yes. Yeah. Makes sense. And then and you gotta practice it. Are you getting practice in every day?

No. Okay. Slow progress then? Alright. Called me out twice.

I just wanna find out where you're at. Feeling good. Feeling good, dear. Thanks. You should.

You're busy doing other stuff. That's fine. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Thanks for listening to the show. This show is available as a podcast, so you can listen to it on demand anytime you want, and it will be available to listen to very shortly, if you missed any part of today's show.

Or if you wanna go back and revisit the fork conversation. Yeah. That one was a good one. I still don't understand, but okay. Go have you at the court.

Try to figure out what fork she's trying to get me to count because I can't figure it out. Anyway, that was earlier in the show. You can hear it on the podcast. Wake up classy 97 everywhere you listen to podcasts or at our website. You go to riverbendmediagroup.com, and you can listen to it online right there.

Download it, with the links on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, everywhere else. Just a couple of just a couple of dorks having having some fun. Have a great Wednesday. We'll see you tomorrow morning. Bye bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.