To whom shall he teach knowledge, and to whom shall he explain the message?
…To they for whom the word of the L-rd is a command here and a command there, a line here and a line there, a little there, a little there? (Yeshayah 28:9, 13)
In exile, the Torah, also, is spiritually dispersed. Its laws are scattered here and there, making it difficult to ascertain the correct ruling.
The redemption and ingathering of the Torah is the process of clarifying its laws so that no contradictions or questions remain. The relationship of each part of the Torah to the other is defined and understood.
During this time of the “heels” of Moshiach, we must complete the work of refinement by gathering all of the laws of the Torah and putting each one in its proper place.
Shaarei Teshuvah, vol. 2, pg. 62c