Fashion Designers Get Paid: Build Your Fashion Career On Your Own Terms

What if you had to completely restart your fashion career?  And what if you were also faced with a lot of barriers?

That's exactly what this fashion designer, mom of two, and my guest, Andressa Iop, faced when she moved from Brazil to the U.S.  Between learning a new language, juggling the hectic schedule of motherhood, and everything else, she found time in the cracks of her day to fit in time to rebuild her fashion career.

Andressa shares more about her success and the amazing way she finds time for fashion design.  If you ever wished you could buy a new MAC or make $3k working part-time, then you'll love this episode of Fashion Designers Get Paid.  Hear how she did it and how you can too!

About Andressa Iop:
Andressa is an exceptional fashion and textile designer with over ten years of experience in the kidswear industry. She specializes in bringing seasonal collections to life, from the initial concept to the final product. Her passion for her work is evident in every detail of her designs, and she offers her expertise to startups and mid-sized brands in need of guidance in various areas of product development. With Andressa's help, brands can create beautiful, high-quality clothing that will inspire and delight parents and children alike.

Connect with Andressa:
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Sick of being tied to a desk and want more freedom in your day, snag my free training: How to Freelance in Fashion (even if you're terrified you don't have all the answers) by clicking here.

What is Fashion Designers Get Paid: Build Your Fashion Career On Your Own Terms?

This is a show for burnt-out fashion designers (and TDs, PDs, patternmakers and beyond) who want more flexibility while still doing work they love. As a freelance fashion designer, you can build your fashion career on your own terms. Freelancing in fashion is the only way to get freedom in your day (instead of being tied to a desk). Whether you want to earn extra money on the side, fund your fashion brand, or replace your salary, the FDGP podcast will help you get there. Listen in for actionable tips and strategies to kickstart or grow your career as a freelance fashion designer, build your confidence, and create the life you want. Hosted by $100k+ fashion freelancer Sew Heidi, the show features interviews and strategy sessions with successful freelance fashion designers from around the world who've ditched toxic fashion jobs and taken control of their own destinies. This is the only place to get REAL insights from REAL freelancers who have built REAL careers on their own terms. (Formerly the Successful Fashion Freelancer podcast.)

Heidi [00:00:00]:
The listeners and myself a little bit about where you started in in your career and where you're at now.

Andressa [00:00:06]:
Hi. Hi, everyone. Thank you for having me here. And, yes, I'm from Brazil, and, I have fashion degree. I had this amazing career in Brazil, but then we decided to move here to US, and I had to start all over again. I thought it was gonna be easy. I'm not gonna lie. I thought I was like, okay.

Andressa [00:00:29]:
I have this amazing portfolio. I have done this, this, and that. And I was a professor at the university, so everybody's gonna hire me. Right? But, you know, that didn't happen because, first of all, it was my fault because I felt like I was not good enough because I didn't know English yet. I had studied English for my whole life, but learning English in Brazil is different than Yeah. How it really is. And I did went to London to study fashion and English for just 1 month, but I I mean, you can't learn everything from that. Right? Yeah.

Andressa [00:01:07]:
So and took me some time to figure out the all the terms and, English terms for fashion. And while now now I'm here, I feel more confident about my English. I feel more confident about my knowledge fashion knowledge. I feel I have been going through a lot of trade shows. I met some amazing freelancers as well that helped me out, And I feel like I'm ready to start rocking.

Heidi [00:01:41]:
Yeah. You are rocking, though. Thank you. Let's just look back. Last so it's October 2023 right now that we're recording. Yes. And last year in 2022 is when you started freelancing. And, your first big When, I think, was you got enough money to buy your new Mac?

Andressa [00:02:03]:
Yeah. In the 1st year? Yes. Yeah.

Heidi [00:02:06]:
That's amazing.

Andressa [00:02:07]:
Yeah. That is. It's perfect. You. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Heidi [00:02:13]:
And then you messaged me and said, just This month, you've made $3,000, and that's working part time.

Andressa [00:02:20]:
Part time. Yes. Because I have 2 kids. So yeah. Mhmm.

Heidi [00:02:25]:
And then something else you told me that I love. I'm looking at this email right here. You said my working hours are crazy. I had to teach myself To work a little bit here, another 15 minutes there in the car when I'm picking my kids up with my computer. I wake up a little bit earlier. I work after my kids in bed. Like, You're literally fitting this into the cracks of the day, which I love so much because freelancing or or going anything can feel really daunting when you're like, my schedule's really busy, and I'm juggling being a mom, which is a massive job. And I don't have, like, 8 hours every day.

Heidi [00:02:57]:
You can find these little 15, 20, 30 minute cracks here and there.

Andressa [00:03:01]:
Yes. Yeah. When I first Yeah. Good. Oh, Sorry. Yeah. Go ahead. When I first, listened to you saying that, I was like, she's crazy.

Andressa [00:03:10]:
I'm not gonna lie. I thought, no. That's impossible because you have to focus. Right? You have to you have to work 8 hours a day to be successful. Or if you're working in the in the industry, You have to work those hours. Right? Yeah. So I was like, how I'm gonna work if I don't have those 8 hours for myself? I don't. So then I had anxiety.

Andressa [00:03:35]:
I had a lot of things, but then I learned that I don't need 8 hours. I need 15 minutes to check my emails. Done. Okay. Now I need another hour to do those flats, and then done. Done. And I just like, changing my mindset to do to work like that. You know? And I'm really happy because I hate to be sitting 8 hours.

Andressa [00:04:00]:
I don't know.

Heidi [00:04:02]:
So it's actually better.

Andressa [00:04:03]:
Yes. Yeah. So

Heidi [00:04:06]:
So, like, what I mean, you literally were like, that's crazy. I need 8 hours every day, and now you're, like, working in the car When you're sitting in line to pick up your kids, what changed to help you realize, like, okay. I'm gonna fit this into these tiny little slots of time?

Andressa [00:04:23]:
Well, what changed is that I realized that I can't live without fashion in my life. Wow. And yes. So I'm not gonna wait until I can have those 8 hours in the bin be miserable because I'm not doing Everything that I love because I love being a mom. I love, you know, everything else. But I didn't have the fashion, I mean, anymore. So then I decide, okay. So if I don't have those 8 hours, I'm gonna find a way to feel happy again, and and that's it.

Andressa [00:05:00]:
Yeah. I just decided to change the way I worked before. Yeah. Mhmm.

Heidi [00:05:08]:
That's lovely. I mean, it's it just was a sheer Internal drive of, like, I need to do this work. I love this work.

Andressa [00:05:17]:

Heidi [00:05:17]:
How do I make it fit around my life?

Andressa [00:05:20]:
Mhmm. Yeah.

Heidi [00:05:21]:
Amazing. So talk to us a little bit about some of the projects you work you've worked on. You just wrapped up a big project with a client. How how did you get that client? Like, what is some of that looked like?

Andressa [00:05:35]:
So yeah. So the this big client, Actually, it was through, the Facebook group. I think Britney yeah. Fast. Yeah.

Heidi [00:05:43]:
Oh, amazing.

Andressa [00:05:44]:
Yeah. Britney talks about That client, she needs someone that works with kids. So I was like, that's me. It's me. Yeah. I can help. So then I did send email, to the person, and then we start talking. And then Yeah.

Andressa [00:06:02]:
That's how I got it, and I was so happy. And it was so much easier than just pitching cold pitching. You know? Because yeah. And then I had another client that was really nice, and I really love to her work for her. And, actually, did work with Ellie. She's a fast student as well.

Heidi [00:06:25]:
Yeah. Ellie Wilcox.

Andressa [00:06:26]:
Mhmm. Yeah. I think

Heidi [00:06:27]:
that's her last name. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Andressa [00:06:29]:
Yeah. So I start, like, reaching out from, to all different lenses as well. And what I I found it most amazing is that she works with women's wear, just adults, most of the time. And then she came across to a kid's wire designer, and then she was doing all the patterns because I don't do patterns. I just do the designs and textile. Yeah. And then she's like, Andresia, can you help me out? Because, I mean, I need help. And, you did send me your, portfolio, and, you know, we had that relationship.

Andressa [00:07:05]:
So I was like, I need a client. Yes. Yeah. So thank you, Ali.

Heidi [00:07:11]:
Yeah. I okay. Dear listener, you can get clients cold pitching for sure. We have plenty of students that have And you can get clients on Upwork for sure. We have plenty of students who've done it. You can also build and grow your network, Which is one advantage to being inside fast is that you get this built in community of all these amazing freelancers from around the world. And, yes, you can freelance for other freelancers.

Andressa [00:07:39]:
Yes. You can. Yeah.

Heidi [00:07:41]:
So much value to that, because people who especially when you're first getting started out. Like, people who have really established their businesses, which Ellie has a really established business.

Andressa [00:07:51]:
Yeah. And

Heidi [00:07:52]:
I know multiple other students do work for each other. Gets a project that she needs help with, and, boom, she knows you Because you guys are friends, you're in the community, and you you had you proactively reached out to her Yeah. Mhmm. Previously.

Andressa [00:08:08]:
Because, yeah, I was, like, It's stuck on my portfolio because I thought it was, you know, not good enough. Or

Heidi [00:08:15]:

Andressa [00:08:16]:
And what I learned is that The Brazilian way to do a portfolio is different than the everything everybody else. Talk about that. Because in Brazil, you have to put everything that you did in your whole life. Right? So you do I mean, not everything, but the best projects. So I had a lot of good projects in there. But if you are are working as a freelance, You don't need to do all that. You need to do just be assertive. Let's say that like me, I work with textile and, designing part as well.

Andressa [00:08:55]:
So I just need to do, like, a small portfolio with, like, textile with the flats. And, you know, so the people went looked at, oh, she she does what I need, and that's it. Yeah. And I usually I've have been doing my portfolio, like like, mom and daughter. Like, you know, Monet. Yeah. And if Yeah. And if the clients need some help with, like, women's wear, Oh, she knows how to do that as well.

Andressa [00:09:25]:
So it's, you know, 2 things that I can send. I can send for the adult Line or I can say to the kids line, and it's gonna be fine. Yeah. So took me some time to figure that out, but and I think I got it.

Heidi [00:09:41]:
Yeah. What sort of stuff what sort of other stuff did you have in your portfolio from your work in Brazil?

Andressa [00:09:47]:
So, I had all the the pictures, actually, not the the sketches because this Oh. Yeah. These sketches.

Heidi [00:09:55]:
Of the finished product. Yeah.

Andressa [00:09:57]:
Because, since I was working in a company, I didn't I don't have access to that. Right? They they keep all the, like, all the mood boards, the sketches, It's from the company. But I can use the pictures on my portfolio, and I can use the the videos, for example, like, the Campaign feeder videos Uh-huh. Because I used to do videos for, like, TV or, you know, a advertisement in general. Yeah. So I had that. And I still do have I have one that it's more, like, complete my portfolio.

Heidi [00:10:30]:

Andressa [00:10:31]:
And then I have some videos in there. Just Sounds cooler, I guess. Yeah. And then I do have as well, Vogue picture, because, one of my designs were, Vogue Kids.

Heidi [00:10:46]:

Andressa [00:10:47]:
Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah. It's here. Here. So every time that I think I'm not good enough

Heidi [00:10:53]:
Okay. Right there behind you.

Andressa [00:10:55]:
Okay. Yeah. Look at oh, wait. Wait. I'm good enough. So

Heidi [00:10:59]:
Yeah. I just like to feature Invoke Kids. I mean, come on. That's some pretty big bragging rights right there.

Andressa [00:11:04]:
Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. But it's still when you're applying for freelance jobs, Sometimes the guide don't I mean, the person does oh, okay. It's nice that she has all these amazing projects, but Can she do what I need her to do? You know? Yeah. So yeah. So mhmm.

Heidi [00:11:26]:
Okay. So back to the thing with Ellie. So you, do you you shared your portfolio in the fast group to get feedback, or you specifically sent it to Ellie to said if you have any clients that need Ellie. Good. Okay. And what did you say?

Andressa [00:11:41]:
Well, we didn't ask for

Heidi [00:11:42]:
a job for her. K.

Andressa [00:11:43]:
I just asked for help because I feel like It's not if you don't know the person, you shouldn't ask for a job. You should build a relationship. Right? Yeah. Because that's how I mean, it sounds more logical. So I did ask, I was like, Ellie, I'm So, like, I don't know if I'm doing, enough. I have been applying a call to pitching and, no, Wayne, sir, is my portfolio okay? Yeah. So then she did a reply, and she did amazing job. Oh my god.

Andressa [00:12:16]:
Her email was like, girl, she took, like, an hour or 2. So She's

Heidi [00:12:22]:
Thanks. Ellie is very sweet. Yeah.

Andressa [00:12:24]:
Yeah. So then I was really happy with with her, and and then And that was it. I didn't ask for anything else, just for help. You know?

Heidi [00:12:33]:

Andressa [00:12:33]:
And she said, I know that you have an amazing you you sounds like You know what you're doing, and I can trust you. So let's work together. So mhmm.

Heidi [00:12:47]:
That's fabulous. And just to clarify for everyone listening, like, you and Ellie are in the fast group together, so you Maybe knew each other a little bit through that. This wasn't just blindly reaching out to someone saying, please help with my portfolio because that doesn't work very well either, guys.

Andressa [00:13:02]:
No. No. And no. Yeah. What I do is, like, I like to listen to your podcast. Yeah. So then if I feel like, we have some connection with, like, the people that you interview. Mhmm.

Andressa [00:13:16]:
I'm just gonna say, hi. I listen to your podcast. I mean, I love the what you do, whatever. Congratulations on your work, and that's it. You know?

Heidi [00:13:27]:
Just a really nice email.

Andressa [00:13:29]:
Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Mhmm. And then if the person Once to build a relationship, she is gonna reply. So Yeah.

Heidi [00:13:39]:
Mhmm. That's a great strategy. You can't go out asking for something the first time.

Andressa [00:13:44]:
No. No. Yeah. And I did reach out on Fast one time, because I was going to, Canada to Toronto. And there was, like, a trade showing there. I was like, hey. Someone wants to go with me. Yeah.

Andressa [00:13:59]:
So then I met Another, amazing designer as well, Mila. Yeah. So

Heidi [00:14:06]:
Oh, Mila. Yeah. Okay.

Andressa [00:14:08]:
Mhmm. Yeah.

Heidi [00:14:09]:
That's awesome.

Andressa [00:14:10]:
Was really nice too. Yeah. We help each other out a lot. Yeah. Even though we are not in the same niche, We still

Heidi [00:14:19]:
She does pattern making.

Andressa [00:14:20]:
Yeah. And mhmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Heidi [00:14:23]:
Okay. Talk a little bit about the trade shows and stuff because you've Put yourself out there. And I know that you said when you first like, the first one you went to, you were really uncomfortable. I'm gonna quote this because it was good. You said, Oh, I'm losing it now. Your email was you've put so many great things in this email, but basically, you were like, The words were shaking. Oh, here it is. It was hard, and I was shaking, and my voice would not come out of my mouth.

Heidi [00:14:57]:
But I pushed myself and gave myself grace saying that this is the puberty part of my business, and it will be awkward. So you've gone out to trade shows to do some networking and stuff. And at first, it was, like, really a lot of anxiety. Can you talk a little bit about How you worked through some of that and and where you're at now, as far as confidence in going out to these trade shows and talking with people?

Andressa [00:15:21]:
Yeah. So I love trade shows because I I have always been going in Brazil. So it just Fascinates me that you can see all those brands and all those amazing collections. So then I was like, why not start there? Right? So then I decided to go oh, so I went to my 1st solo trip since I had the kids to New York. Yeah.

Heidi [00:15:46]:
Where do you live?

Andressa [00:15:48]:
Live in Georgia.

Heidi [00:15:49]:
You live in Georgia? Okay. So you went to New York.

Andressa [00:15:52]:
Mhmm. And, yeah, it was good because then I could be my, like, my Me just me. Not me and the kids. You know? Yeah. Yeah. So but, it was for the playtime, And it's a huge trade show.

Heidi [00:16:06]:
For kids. Yeah.

Andressa [00:16:07]:
For kids. Yeah. So there was, like, 5 levels of Those brands. And then I was like, oh my gosh. Where I'm gonna start? Because I don't even know what I'm gonna say. First of all, When you go to the trade shows, it's for buyers, not for designers.

Heidi [00:16:25]:

Andressa [00:16:25]:
So sometimes they Don't like when you say that you're a designer because I think you're, you know, trying to,

Heidi [00:16:35]:
Sell yourself.

Andressa [00:16:36]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Heidi [00:16:37]:
A job or something. Yeah.

Andressa [00:16:39]:
Yeah. So, I was lucky because my friend was with me, and she has a podcast. So then She saw that I was struggling to introduce myself. Ah. So then she started to introduce herself first. She was like, hi. I'm Mary. I have a podcast.

Andressa [00:16:57]:
I interview people, Latin American women's that work with fashion abroad and whatever. Then she did all the her introductions, and then people were like, Oh, and you. Who are you? You know? Then I was like, hi. I'm Andreissa. I'm a designer. I'm starting working as a freelancer, And I do this, this, and that. So then the app works really well. Yeah.

Andressa [00:17:24]:
Because we have each other. So, Yeah. One thing that, went to a trade show here in Georgia in Atlanta, and and then I met some manufacturers. And I was like, wow. They have manufacturers in here? I have no idea. Yeah. So then, I went to 2 of them just to see how it looks like, how it's inside of manufacturing because I miss that. Because I used to be able to walk through the manufacturing on my, in Brazil.

Andressa [00:17:56]:
Yeah. And here, I mean, I didn't even know that they did they had here. So Yeah. It was good to see all the fabrics, It's the, all the cutting, all the, you know, the smell of the fabric, and the smell of the manufacturing. Yeah. Say that I'm crazy, but I do love that smell the smell of. And, I mean, it's just Yeah. Yeah.

Andressa [00:18:22]:
And then we can build a relationship. When you have a client, you already know where they can find the fabric, where they can, start, sewing and doing all that. Mhmm.

Heidi [00:18:32]:
Yeah. That's amazing. You've Definitely invested in yourself and time and and monetarily as well to put yourself out there to go Build out this network and make all these connections, and and get together, like, this list of resources for your clients, which is amazing. Okay. How are you keeping in touch with these people? Like, I imagine at the playtime show, you met some brands, and now you've met Factories and manufacturers and suppliers. And, I am I know you've listened to the podcast a lot, so I'm sure you've heard where you can build relationships with Suppliers and then suppliers can introduce clients to you as well. They can come from all different sides. So how have you been keeping in touch with these people and maintaining these relationships?

Andressa [00:19:19]:
So I do reach out to them through email just saying, hi. How are you? I'm doing this, this, and that. Yeah. But I feel like I'm not doing enough. Oh. Because, I haven't seen all those freelancers doing mail list, and they are amazing. I mean, I love to read through the mail I mean, to these things that I send. Yeah.

Andressa [00:19:39]:
So I wanna do the same because then I can reach 2 more people instead of, like, just trying to remember and then sending a specific email to those you know?

Heidi [00:19:51]:

Andressa [00:19:52]:
So I wanna do that. And I also wanna do my own website. Yeah. That's to go for next See you. Yeah. I mean, December, we'll go to Brazil, and then I'm gonna take pictures there, like professional pictures.

Heidi [00:20:06]:
Oh, nice.

Andressa [00:20:07]:
And I start doing the website. Right? Yeah. Because I feel like yeah. I mean, you don't need those pictures to do a website. Yeah. But I feel

Heidi [00:20:16]:
like necessarily need a website. Look at what you've done without a website. So

Andressa [00:20:19]:
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But if I wanna step up my game, I feel like I need. And not just that, I feel like I deserve nice pictures. So why not? You know?

Heidi [00:20:32]:
So Yeah.

Andressa [00:20:33]:
I'm gonna do that, and then I can start doing those mail lists. Then then people are gonna get to know me better because then I can write down there What I have been doing or what my goals are, and then I feel like they are gonna cheer for me as well. Yeah. So even though if I'm not seeing them, they are gonna remember. When I do see them, they're gonna remember, oh, Andressa, How are you doing now? I remember that you said this, this, and that on the email. How are you now? But I guess Yeah.

Heidi [00:21:06]:
Now it's a great way. Yeah. It's a great way to build relationships. You're doing an amazing job, and I'm really inspired by the progress that you've made. I know that, You know, there's always challenges. I think most people in fashion and most people in freelancing have challenges with confidence and imposter syndrome and, You know, I talked about some of that stuff before. So you've done a fabulous job getting yourself out there and pushing outside your comfort zone. Any tips you would like to share with someone who is out there listening? Maybe who English is their second language or, You know, they're just feeling a little bit anxious to get started.

Heidi [00:21:46]:
You know, what what were some things that you wish you would have known at the beginning of your journey or or that someone would have told you?

Andressa [00:21:52]:
Well, I'm gonna say something that someone told me.

Heidi [00:21:56]:

Andressa [00:21:56]:
She was like, just do it. Just do it. It's No. I'm gonna get it right, but the more you do, the more the better you're gonna get. So Go with the fear, you know. Just go ahead and do it. And start slow. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself.

Andressa [00:22:19]:
Just starting doing, like, small things, like setting up the Instagram. For example, for me, it was a big deal. And I did set up the the cigarette hunt, and then I put my picture in there, and that was it for, like, a month. You know?

Heidi [00:22:34]:
Wait. Why was that such a big deal for you?

Andressa [00:22:37]:
Because it's social media. Social media is not easy. And I feel like if before that Or even for, like, you the first. I was like, it took me forever to finish because I thought, okay. If I did not finish, and I'm not successful. That's okay because I didn't finish. Right?

Heidi [00:22:58]:
Oh, you, like, gave yourself an excuse.

Andressa [00:23:02]:
Yeah. That's what I

Heidi [00:23:04]:
Okay. Interesting.

Andressa [00:23:06]:
And now I did finish the course, and I was doing better. I mean, I was already doing good before finish. So it's not about it's about yourself. You have to believe in yourself, and then you have to push yourself to do it Even though if it's slow, it's on your time. Just do it on your own time, you know. Yeah. And you're gonna get there. When you look back, You're gonna see that you did amazing things.

Heidi [00:23:32]:
Yeah. And you don't need 8 hours every day.

Andressa [00:23:35]:
No. No. You can have a life. Yeah. Yeah. How

Heidi [00:23:41]:
old are your kiddos?

Andressa [00:23:43]:
3 and 5.

Heidi [00:23:44]:
3 and 5. Yeah.

Andressa [00:23:45]:

Heidi [00:23:46]:
My son's 3a half. That's an age, man.

Andressa [00:23:49]:
Yeah. Oh,

Heidi [00:23:51]:
I I've been chatting with some people. This feels like the hardest age for me.

Andressa [00:23:55]:
Mhmm. It is. It's not the terrible twos. It's the terrible trace.

Heidi [00:23:59]:
Or they call it threenager.

Andressa [00:24:01]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Heidi [00:24:03]:
Oh, the amount of control they want to exert is sometimes overwhelming. Yeah. It's a lot. It's a lot. Congratulations, Andresa. Where can everybody find you and connect with you online? Instagram and maybe see on your website? Yeah.

Andressa [00:24:19]:
Yeah. So the Instagram, it's Dresa Yap. And and then you can find me on LinkedIn as well with my whole name and Dresa Yap. And, Yeah. And in the future, I will have a website so you guys can check out.

Heidi [00:24:33]:
Okay. We'll put all that in the show notes. And I'd love to end with the thing I ask everybody the question I ask everybody at the very end. What is one thing people never ask you about being a freelancer in fashion that you wish they would?

Andressa [00:24:44]:
Oh my gosh. Yeah. So it's a hard question because you know all the questions that they do ask.

Heidi [00:24:55]:

Andressa [00:24:55]:
But you don't want to be asked it for. Right? Oh. Yes. So What

Heidi [00:25:01]:
questions do people ask that you don't wanna be asked?

Andressa [00:25:05]:
How do you survive without a paycheck? You know? Wow. Yeah. So I was like, Come on. It's a job. It's just your job, not because it's I feel like sometimes they can miss, under or no. Mis Misunderstanding the word Misunderstand. Freelancing. Misinterpret.

Andressa [00:25:26]:
Yeah. Yeah. Because your freelance is not, like, just something that you do because you have a free time. No. It's a job. It's your life as well.

Heidi [00:25:40]:
Career. Yeah. It's a business. Totally.

Andressa [00:25:43]:
So, yeah, that's the question that I don't really Like, when they asked me, we're like, are you sure that you're gonna find clients?

Heidi [00:25:51]:
Oh. You know? Yeah. It's like

Andressa [00:25:53]:
yeah. I mean, Not because you don't know anything about fashion doesn't mean that everybody you know, they don't need my work. They do need. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So

Heidi [00:26:05]:
Okay. And That's I no one's ever brought up the opposite question on the On the show before, so you're you're the 1st. I love that. Okay. But what about what would what what would you like them to ask you instead?

Andressa [00:26:19]:
So how is my workday life? How do I manage in my time to do everything that I do? Yeah. Right? And because I do a lot a lot of things. Yeah. So they never asked that. They just yeah. I don't know if I'm the I'm lucky one that everybody just asked me the the wrong questions or but, yeah, I wish they asked me. So how how you do everything that I do? You know? How do you get your knowledge? How do you find time to, research for new trends and all that?

Heidi [00:26:54]:
And fit it in with being a mom and life and everything.

Andressa [00:26:57]:
Yeah. Mhmm.

Heidi [00:26:58]:
Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm glad we gotta talk about that at the beginning.

Andressa [00:27:02]:
Yeah. So

Heidi [00:27:04]:
lovely. Well, thank you for coming on the show, Andres. It's lovely to chat with you and hear about all your success. I'm super excited to watch you continue to grow.

Andressa [00:27:11]:
Thank you. Thank you for having me. Since I met you, it was my dream to be here. So

Heidi [00:27:17]:
Oh, congratulations. I'm