Plenty with Kate Northrup

Have you ever felt like you’re on the brink of something big, only to be held back by your own fears and doubts?

In this episode of Plenty, I share my most recent life updates and my biggest secrets from our biggest launch ever. I opened up about the challenges I faced, including my husband’s health issues and my own struggles with illness and shame. I also share the incredible success of our latest Relaxed Money launch, attributing it to key strategies and personal growth. Lastly, I get a little vulnerable and share how tapping into the power of a safe community is important for expansive support. Listen in to discover how I navigated my way through the underworld to achieve a 68% revenue increase and what lessons you can apply to your own journey.

“One of the most healing things we can do for our nervous systems is to tell the truth amongst safe people.” – Kate Northrup

10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan

Connect with Kate Northrup:
Ready to ease your path to creating wealth? I’ve created a special Money Breakthrough Guide just for you! In this guide, I interviewed over 20 of my high-earning friends and asked them to share their biggest money breakthroughs. The responses were mind-blowing and incredibly helpful, and I knew I had to pass them along to you.

This valuable insight is usually shared only behind closed doors, but now you can access it for free. Head over to to get the guide along with a mini-lesson featuring my own biggest money breakthroughs and a nervous system healing tool. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your financial future!

What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Kate Northrup:

When we are stewing in our own thoughts, when we are stewing in our own emotions and we're not articulating them out loud and we're not being witnessed, things can get really morphed into something they're not. It is very easy to lose our grip with what's real when we are not letting our thoughts and emotions out into the external world. Welcome to Plenti. I'm your host, Kate Northrup, and together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of plenty.

Kate Northrup:

Let's go fill our cups.

Voice Over:

Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrup or anyone who works within the Kate Northrop brand. Hello.

Kate Northrup:

We thought we would do or I thought we would do something a little different and try out a life and business update up update, mhmm, update. Just personal episode where, I get into some of the nitty gritty details behind the scenes of what's going on in our life and business, and we'll see if you like it. If you like it, let me know. We'll do more. If you don't, you don't need to say anything.

Kate Northrup:

That's also fine too. So I am feeling a little funny this morning. I had 4 little girls making slime while I was getting my hair and makeup done. I'm, like, slightly underwater. I'm on day 26 of my cycle, and so I'm happy, but things are a little strange.

Kate Northrup:

Mike is unfortunately having, a skin flare with his I know, you know, for those of you who've been around for a while, part of our story is that Mike got really sick in 2018, my husband. And, it came back in 2021, and it's like this very intense skin thing that happens to him. You know, it's like eczema is the easiest way to say it, but it's like this intense inner toxicity. So as it comes out, which it totally is continuing to come out, so it's all good news, it hurts him and it looks really bad. And so that's happening, because he's doing kind of a next round of some healing practices.

Kate Northrup:

So it's intense over here, but we're also celebrating a lot. So I will say we'll start with some business updates. That was a little little life. I'll get more into the details in a minute. But, business wise, we just closed, what, now 6 weeks ago ish, 5 weeks ago, our biggest launch ever of Relax Money.

Kate Northrup:

We had more people participating in the prelaunch, like, event, the wide receiver, the free money workshop that I do once a year. We had more people participating in that than ever before. We had a higher engagement than ever before. We had testimonials coming out the wazoo. It was amazing to provide that size of an event and that level of a free online event.

Kate Northrup:

It was a big uplevel for us as a company. It was a big uplevel energetically for me, and one of the things that there was a few things that led to it, and I had, I shared this in one of my doulas dispatch emails a couple weeks ago, but I had a bunch of friends texting me saying, like, okay. Well, what really made the difference for you in terms of going from because we increased our revenue by 68% over the launch of the same nature last spring. And that's a pretty big jump. A 68% jump is a big jump.

Kate Northrup:

And so folks were asking me what was it that made the difference? And there was, you know, a whole number of things. But one of them I will just share, and I I share this just knowing that life is nonlinear. Right? We are not just, like, sailing along and things are going great, and then we expand, and then we keep sailing along at that next level.

Kate Northrup:

It's more like a roller coaster cyclical going through all the seasons of existence, all the, you know, all the faces faces of the goddess, all the kind of different parts of ourselves. And so, in February, I got really sick, and I had been really sick all through November December and several other times throughout last year. So it just felt pretty awful to still be sick, and I think it was related to mold and some other things. And maybe I'll do a whole other conversation about that another time. But I was really sick at the end of February again, and I when I get sick, I get kinda depressed.

Kate Northrup:

If I'm sick for more than, like, a day or 2, I start to feel like I'm gonna be sick forever. I'm never gonna wanna do anything again. I'm never gonna have the energy to do anything again. I live here now. This is terrible, and and I can get emotionally kind of flatlined, and and I'm I'm sure some somebody listening can relate to that.

Kate Northrup:

And I was in that place, and it was pretty dark, and I was, getting better from that illness, but I was taking my daughter Ruby with me to visit my mom in Maine, my mom and my sister, my dad and my, bonus mom. And I was coming out of that dark time, but I was still in it. And I remember I was sitting in the airport with Ruby looking around at the other people there and thinking to myself. I literally had the thought, how does anybody, like, get out of bed and just be human over and over and over again? Like, how do any of these people do this?

Kate Northrup:

This is just a total like, I don't get I felt so, like, crappy and so low. And now, meanwhile, I had gotten out of bed that morning, showered, gotten myself to the airport. This was not like a obvious thing that was going on with me, but I just felt, like, really kind of flatlined and unmotivated. And I was also in a shame spiral because at the end of last year, we put money in an investment, in an in a particular kind of asset that's like a tax strategy and a retirement strategy through our incredible financial planner, Caitlin Carlson of Theory Planning Partners. And it's like a beautiful it's, you know, it's a beautiful strategy called a mega backdoor Roth, which I will not get into the details of.

Kate Northrup:

But because we were rushing, we invested a little bit more, I think, in in retrospect than maybe was comfortable, and we took it from another place. And so all of a sudden, I was having a cash flow crunch. This is the beginning of March, and I went into such a shame spiral of, like, I am I am a fraud. I am a terrible person. And so that combined with being sick, I was just in this dark place.

Kate Northrup:

And and and so when people were asking me what made the difference with the expansion with our launch, I know for sure that taking a trip to the underworld was actually essential to that growth and expansion, and I will explain. So took the trip to the underworld emotionally, physically, energetically. And then while I was home in Maine, I was kind of, like, tiptoeing out of it, but still still in that dark place. And I was sitting around talking with my mom and my sister after I had put Ruby to bed. And, I just decided it wasn't really a conscious decision, but I just got really honest with them and was sharing what was going on and how I was in a shame spiral and how I was feeling like I was kind of a fuck up and and this is, you know, this is a this is a practice that I wasn't doing as a practice, but this is something I talk to people all about all the time, which is the power of co regulation with safe people.

Kate Northrup:

One of the most healing things we can do for our nervous systems is to tell the truth amongst safe people. So I'm telling them what's going on. I was being pretty detailed about it, just really being transparent, and my sister starts laughing, which you gotta love when you're sharing something hard and the sibling starts to laugh because they can only do that in you know, it's like a very special bond. And I'm like, why are you laughing? And she goes, so you're telling me that you feel like a total fuck up because you overinvested in a retirement plan?

Kate Northrup:

And I was like, yes. Yes. That is what I'm telling you. And she goes, you know, Kate, that's like a really good girl thing to do. And we had such a good laugh about it.

Kate Northrup:

And the reason I share that is to remind us, to remind myself, that when we are stewing in our own thoughts, when we are stewing in our own emotions and we're not articulating them out loud and we're not being witnessed, things can get really morphed into something they're not. Like, it is very easy to lose our grip with what's real when we are not letting our thoughts and emotions out into the external world. We need safe community to remind us who we are. In that moment, my sister was able to reflect back a truer truth to me, which is that actually, I was safe. Actually, everything was largely fine and actually the only problem quote unquote was that we had put more into a retirement account then possibly, you know, whatever.

Kate Northrup:

Right? Like, that was literally the only problem was that I had put a little more money into a retirement account, and it left me feeling slightly cash flow crunched in a very temporary way. And inside myself, I had created this entire story and all of this gunk that was just not actually true. And when we're running our fear patterns in our nervous system, what I think was going on for me is that I was on the precipice of this expansion. We were having more affiliates come on board than ever before.

Kate Northrup:

We were up leveling our team in ways that were really expansive. We were about to receive some launch support and coaching from someone who's also has a very large business. And so there I was, like, on the precipice of Uplevel, and I think my deeper unconscious patterning was trying to do everything it could to keep me small and keep me safe, which included telling these stories about how terrible I was and that, like, this whole deep shame story. So that was one thing. Took a trip to the underworld.

Kate Northrup:

One of the things, one of the many things, but one of the key things that helped me to break that cycle was telling the truth to safe people, including my sister, my mom, and then also my best friend in Miami. One day, I texted her literally with one of the most pathetic texts I've ever sent, and I have great compassion for myself. I actually think it's pretty funny and sweet, but I literally texted her one day, and I was like, hi. So if you have time today, would you be able to just send me a text and tell me that I am not a complete piece of shit and, like, tell me maybe, like, a couple of things that are good about how I show up in the world and, like, how I am as a friend in my business. Because today, I have completely lost sight of any of those things, and I really, like, need help.

Kate Northrup:

And what was so funny about her response is I don't know what was going on if it was cosmic or whatever, but she was like, I literally need the same thing today. Like, I was about to text you and ask you something similar. And what that created was this instant feeling of, oh, I'm not alone. Because what happens is the lie of separation, the lie that our scared part tells us that we are alone, that we are separate, makes us then doubly feel unsafe. Because from a survival instinct perspective, in our most, like, basic survival brain, survival nervous system, being alone is the biggest risk there is.

Kate Northrup:

Like, being alone is equated to death from, like, a deep primal level. So when we feel isolated, when we feel separate, when we feel like we are the only one circling the toilet drain or whatever, it will make it feel even worse, which is why telling someone safe, like revealing your shame or revealing your vulnerability to someone safe who loves you unconditionally is one of the easiest, most effective strategies for coming back from the depths and helping to remember the truth that you are safe, you are whole, you are completely lovable, and, you really have nothing to be ashamed about. You know, Brene Brown says shame cannot exist in the light. And not everyone has earned, of course, the right to our complete vulnerable truth. It wasn't like I decided to do an Instagram live from the place of feeling like I was a fuck up.

Kate Northrup:

That for me would not be, appropriate or on brand or something I would ever do. However, texting my best friend who, you know, who I've known for over a decade and sharing something with my mom and my sister who, you know, they better love me until I die or until they die. That's, like, that's a really healthy way to create that connection. And then it what what happens is because our bodies do not believe the lie of separation, which is so beautiful. Like, on a deep level, our nervous systems know what is true, which is that we are all infinitely connected, and we are all kind of part of this we are extensions of this one unity consciousness.

Kate Northrup:

And so when my sister is able to see me clearly and have a good laugh, when my mother is able to see me through the eyes of love, when my best friend is able to say, like, girl, like, you're fine, and also, I also feel like a piece of shit. It helped me. It helped my body. It helped my nervous system to coregulate in the truth that their nervous systems were holding, which was a thermostat of love, safety, wholeness, abundance, and and completeness. And so that made a huge difference.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. So that was like a whole my whole trip to the underworld. Then I read a book called 10 x is easier than 2 x, by doctor Benjamin Hardy in collaboration with well, Dan Sullivan and doctor Benjamin Harvey hard Hardy Hardy. Phenomenal book. I 10 out of 10 recommend it.

Kate Northrup:

It had been recommended to me many many many times, and I finally actually freaking bought the book and took it off the shelf and read it, and it was a game changer for me. Not so much in full transparency. I did not implement exactly 10 x is easier than 2 x. So we went into the launch. I it helped me to bust through some kind of unconscious barrier I still had around going big and being in my full power and full potential, which I think is a lifelong journey.

Kate Northrup:

So, but it but it was like a it was like a big expansion in that level. And then, so those two things were huge. And then the third thing was that when we went to Sedona for spring break, we hung out with our friend James Wedmore. He was recently on the podcast back in May, and we recently supported his BBD launch, his business by design launch. And just being in around a very he has a very, playful and simultaneously expansive energy, and so he's been a real expander for us over the past 12 years since we met him in 2012.

Kate Northrup:

And it was just really fun to reconnect and be in a playful expansive energy. I think some people are expanders, for me, and they hold up this possibility of, of bigger revenue or bigger impact or bigger service or taking life and work more seriously, and that's wonderful. I think sometimes I do need to go that direction. But because James is so playful and he and I have really aligned lifestyle values, it was easier for me to move in the direction of expansion through some mentorship and coaching from him. Because he really doesn't take life in business all that seriously and neither do I.

Kate Northrup:

Like, I I do. Like, this work is it matters on such a deep level, but my great, my granddad, who I never got to meet my mom's dad, apparently would always say, anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of. And so I find that it's easier for me to go for it in expansive ways when I hold them more lightly and when I loosen my grip. So that helps me to be unattached. So I thought perhaps I was gonna do a whole business and life update, but I think this episode is long enough.

Kate Northrup:

So we'll just decide that what this was about was some of the key things that helped us in our big launch, my trip to the underworld, reading 10 x is easier than 2 x, and leaning into safe, positive, expansive support. Let me know if this was helpful. Let me know if you like this more off the cuff style. I would love to know. Thank you for listening, and I'll see you next time.

Kate Northrup:

Thanks for listening to this episode of Plenti. If you enjoyed it, make sure you subscribe, leave a rating, leave a review. That's one of the best ways that you can ensure to spread the abundance of plenty with others. You can even text it to a friend and tell them to listen in. And if you want even more support to expand your abundance, head over to katenorthrop.comforward/breakthroughs where you can grab my free money breakthrough guide that details the biggest money breakthroughs from some of the top earning women I know, plus a mini lesson accompanying it with my own biggest money breakthroughs and a nervous system healing tool for you to expand your abundance.

Kate Northrup:

Again, that's over at katenorthrupdot comforward/breakthroughs. See you next time.