Popcorn & Plot Holes

Just a hint of sidesack.

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.692)
Hello and welcome to popcorn and loopholes because there were no plot holes in this stupid fucking, well it wasn't stupid, in this movie. Spoiler alerts. We watched Oppenheimer.

Luciano (00:04.238)

Luciano (00:09.39)
Okay, I don't know how I feel about that intro.

Spencer (00:14.86)
We did.

Matt (00:16.532)
You're welcome. We did. We watched Oppenheimer. You'll find out. No, no, don't be like that. Don't do that with me. Unfortunately, Spencer.

Luciano (00:17.71)
We sure did.

Spencer (00:20.524)
We op in some heim today. No?

Luciano (00:23.598)
No, just don't, no.

Spencer (00:30.11)
I said we op -en some heim today. Am I right?

Luciano (00:33.966)
This is why it's unfortunately.

Matt (00:36.124)
Boo -urns. Lucy, I don't know if she's here as well.

Luciano (00:39.79)
Yeah, I suppose I am.

Matt (00:42.004)
Chris is for taking us once more.

Spencer (00:46.444)
that to us.

Matt (00:47.38)
Yes, we watched Oppenheimer as I said to the Christopher Nolan movie, but I don't know. This one's a toughie. So many. Who we thinking?

Spencer (00:54.508)
so many big actors.

Luciano (00:58.03)
This is the...

Spencer (00:59.98)
Han Solo vehicle?

Matt (01:02.548)
That's not the actor's name.

Spencer (01:04.652)
I don't know his name though. Who the fuck's James Remar? Who'd he play?

Luciano (01:04.814)
Yeah, it's not. it's the James Rehmar vehicle. He's the Secretary of Defense or whatever. Harry Stimson, the guy that doesn't want to bomb Kyoto because he went to honeymoon there.

Matt (01:20.436)
Yeah, it was really cool there.

Spencer (01:22.348)
I'd say this is actually a Jack Quaid vehicle.

Matt (01:25.78)
Check wave. Okay, okay.

Luciano (01:26.51)
Yeah, Huey from The Voice. Huey from The Voice.

Spencer (01:28.332)
Yeah, because it's pretty good to have on your resume even though he really didn't do anything.

Matt (01:33.844)
Okay. What about, yeah, okay. No, you know what? It's the just heart in it vehicle. Let them come back.

Luciano (01:34.99)
the KCF -like vehicle.

Spencer (01:37.35)
that was a wild,

Hey, it's the heart net -a -sense.

Luciano (01:42.894)
Poor Lawrence.

Matt (01:45.3)
Yeah, it's the heart and innocence back. That's what we're going with. All right. We that was important time we spent. Welcome to our review of Oppenheimer, the Josh Hardin it vehicle. You're welcome. Yeah, let's dive into this. We always start off with something we like to with this movie. And then we go from there. Anybody have something want to start with?

Luciano (01:46.51)


Luciano (01:54.446)
So very clearly.

Luciano (02:05.998)
so many things I liked about this movie. Which one do I pick? That's the hard part. I think if I had to pick one thing to be the favorite... Can I pick three? fuck. You go first, Spencer. I'll pick what you don't pick. I do, actually. I do.

Matt (02:08.244)
You got one, Luciano.

Spencer (02:26.412)
Okay, I know. Who are you, Mr. Positive? Just pick fucking one. But I get what he's saying, like this movie as a whole is very good. And like there's a lot of good elements, but I wouldn't say there's like one particular scene that was like, my God, that was sick. But I will say I really liked the music in this movie.

Matt (02:26.996)
What? What is this shit? You have too many? Fuckin' this isn't pick a jam at a goddamn grocery store. Yeah.

Luciano (02:40.014)

Luciano (02:55.022)
That's weird. I mean, it's good, but I wasn't expecting that.

Spencer (02:58.796)
Yeah, because it really, I found it made a lot of the mundane feel more epic because it's like really playing throughout the entire movie, like right beneath the surface, building up tension or epicness.

Luciano (03:10.414)

Matt (03:11.316)
I mean, it was certainly, it was certainly the place I really noticed it the most was during the Trinity test, right? Like it ratch, it made that tension level feel so fucking high.

Spencer (03:19.052)
Yeah. Yeah, it was building for like, like a solid like seven minutes.

Luciano (03:19.566)
my god, so yeah, it was so good. And the choice of having the actual explosion be completely silent was a fucking stroke of genius. Like I was one of the things that I was going to pick was that like the lead up and the explosion being completely silent.

Spencer (03:32.972)

Spencer (03:39.82)
I think a lot of people complained about the explosion not being like big enough or whatever. I don't know. Maybe. I know, yeah.

Luciano (03:46.414)
Really? They actually blew up an actual bomb. Not a nuclear bomb.

Matt (03:48.308)

Matt (03:52.436)
that that that

Spencer (03:54.028)
I think they like because they did it like I think people are so used to seeing the nuclear bomb that they picture in their heads. Yeah, they didn't get that like, you know, wave of, you know, the Terminator 2 opening to Fallout style nukes. So I think because it did look like just a giant explosion, not like necessarily like a nuke from what I picture in my head.

Luciano (03:59.438)
Like the little pretty, the pretty mushroom and everything.

Matt (04:00.18)
they didn't get them up, yeah.

Luciano (04:07.534)

Matt (04:17.236)
and there's the plot hole.

Luciano (04:18.926)
It wasn't really a nuclear bomb. Yeah. Yeah. How can you method act and not actually blow up a nuke? Yeah.

Spencer (04:19.18)
movie ruined. How do you make a movie about a nuke without firing one nuke?

Matt (04:21.372)
Wasn't really a nuke.

Matt (04:27.412)
Chris Nolan's a coward. Yeah.

Spencer (04:32.204)
But I really liked the music. I mean, like I said, there's a lot of things. I'm not going to name them because I'm not Luciano on the fence.

Matt (04:39.348)
Wow. I was just going to say just Spencer, I don't know. I think you know this, but maybe not. But Oppenheimer won for best sound and best original score.

Luciano (04:39.438)
Okay, I'll name one only then.

Luciano (04:49.55)
That makes sense. Makes sense.

Spencer (04:51.468)
good. But didn't it win everything?

Matt (04:53.236)
So if this list is correct on Google, best actor, best picture, best supporting actor, best cinematography, best original score, best film editing, best supporting actress, best adaptive screenplay, best costume design, best production design, best makeup and hairstyle, best sound. Well, I think.

Luciano (04:54.286)
You win a lot of things, right?

Spencer (05:00.236)

Spencer (05:11.5)
So pick anything. So pick anything and it'll be backed up by an Oscar.

Luciano (05:12.046)
All of the things.

Okay, I'll pick something that isn't going to be backed up by an Oscar.

Matt (05:19.252)
Yeah, once, okay, it didn't win all 13 of those. It only won seven of those 13. It was nominated for those. And it did not win Best Supporting Actress.

Luciano (05:26.094)
Just heaven. Okay.

Spencer (05:29.964)
Luciano (05:31.374)
Best, did it win best picture? No.

Spencer (05:32.94)
Yeah, that's fair.

Matt (05:34.484)
It didn't win best adaptive screenplay, it didn't win makeup, it didn't win caution design, it did not win production design. and it didn't win sound, so get fucked.

Spencer (05:40.012)
I was going to say, I don't think it should have won best makeup or costume.

Luciano (05:41.838)
Yeah, costume design.

Spencer (05:46.22)
I didn't say sound I said score did it win score? Yeah, see fucking right that's what I said

Luciano (05:46.446)
you're -

Matt (05:48.372)
Yeah, Ludwig Goranson won.

Luciano (05:51.246)
Okay, there you go. Okay, so let me pick something that definitely isn't backed by an Oscar. I really liked the against type casting that they did, like casting Matt Damon as an absolute asshole and like Casey Affleck as that general Colonel Pash guy is supposed to be super intimidating and yeah.

Spencer (06:10.636)
Is that against type? Isn't he a horrible person? Casey Affleck? I don't know if that's true.

Matt (06:14.004)

Luciano (06:14.606)
Who? Well, as a person, I'm not sure, but like he doesn't really play intimidating colonels very much, I don't think. my God, did you watch this movie? Groves? Groves is a fucking asshole.

Spencer (06:23.884)
Was Matt Damon an asshole in this?

Matt, what do you think? Do you think - I thought he was kind of like -

Matt (06:30.132)
God damn it.

Matt (06:33.716)
Yeah, but I don't see him like... If you think about his character in Good Will Hunting, he's also a fucking gigantic asshole in that movie. Different shade of asshole? Like, they're all just assholes. Yeah.

Spencer (06:35.372)
He backed him up in the court thing.

Luciano (06:41.422)
But it's different. He's a like... Yeah, a different type of asshole. Because, no, but that was his first movie. And then he's played nice guys, not nice guys, but like heroes and stuff like that for the whole time.

Spencer (06:45.068)
What was... different shade of brown?

Matt (06:51.444)
But he's played -

No, he fuckin'

Spencer (06:56.748)
Talented Mr. Ripley, Interstellar.

Matt (06:58.42)
His character from Euro Trip when he's saying Scottie doesn't know. He's clearly an asshole there.

Luciano (07:01.998)
that is he that is a fucking asshole. That's true. I forgot about that. Yeah. And what I was going to say also before you fucked my point, you know, Robert Downey Jr. as well, who's always, you know, he's always playing like tragic sort of like antihero slash jerk with a heart of gold. This guy is just a fucking jerk.

Spencer (07:02.636)
Yeah. Scotty doesn't know that piano and me do it every day.

Matt (07:07.476)

Spencer (07:22.124)
Yeah, with a heart of...

Luciano (07:25.582)
Jerk. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (07:26.86)
with the heart of jerk chicken. But I'll say, I don't think Matt Damon was supposed to be an asshole in this movie. Am I misreading him? What was the asshole thing he did other than create a nuclear bomb?

Matt (07:34.548)
Hard ass.

Luciano (07:39.566)
Other than yelling at that like scientist's face to say you should fucking upend your entire fucking life and come to Los Alamos because I want it.

Matt (07:48.244)
one time.

Spencer (07:48.268)
Yeah, cause you're doing the most important thing in the fucking world that's ever been done before! Yeah, I respect it.

Luciano (07:50.734)
Yeah, I like, I love that scene. It was like, he was so angry. No, I loved the acting in this whole movie. It was great.

Matt (07:58.932)
I wouldn't call that being an asshole, I call it being passionate about your work.

Luciano (08:02.926)
Like an asshole.

Spencer (08:03.052)
Yeah. And in the trial, he did try and fight for Oppenheimer. And at the end, they left smiling at each other.

Matt (08:04.628)
Yeah, I don't know, but like -

Luciano (08:07.982)
True. Yeah, he was he was not like he was an absolute horse shit. So you're right. Anyway, forget my daemon Let's stick with with Robert Downey jr. It's not I didn't expect him to be playing like like a politician who's an asshole

Matt (08:14.612)
Yeah, you.

Matt (08:19.796)
Alright, you had all that time to think of a point and they all sucked. They're all fucking terrible.

Spencer (08:22.572)
You had all those options and you've failed.

Luciano (08:26.574)
Listen, I have a whole fucking list I can go through of things I like about this movie.

Matt (08:30.772)
Well, you failed and we're not going to wait for your list. Myself, things I enjoyed about this movie.

Luciano (08:34.19)

Matt (08:39.796)
Obviously, Chris Malone went out of his way to cast a lot of good actors, but in general, I really enjoyed Silly Murphy playing Oppenheimer. He was very convincing. He pulled everything off well. I've always known he's a talented actor, but he doesn't necessarily, he's kind of Daniel Day -Lewis in the sense of his acting, where he just like shows up and does shit and then vanishes.

Luciano (08:47.854)

Spencer (08:48.364)
Yeah, you was good.

Luciano (08:50.286)
Agreed. Yeah.

Spencer (09:01.964)
You know, it's funny. I was going to say that he reminded me of Daniel Day Lewis in there will be blood in this mainly with the tone of his voice, you know, cause you know, like, I don't know if you've seen there will be blood, but he's like, my, my, my son is an oil. Me and my son were oil man and we've drilled holes and we don't have to take this land. And that was kind of like, like I found that, silly Murphy was kind of similar, like he had a similar way of talking. So it's funny that you brought him up.

Luciano (09:31.342)
At least he didn't try to do Daniel Day -Lewis in Gangs of New York. That would have been out of place.

Matt (09:31.572)
That's not right.

Spencer (09:31.628)
Cause he's also an oil man!

Matt (09:37.972)
Yeah, this is bad.

Spencer (09:38.576)
I mean, he was, I loved him in Gang of New York, but yeah, the accent wasn't the best. The character was awesome.

Luciano (09:43.95)
It was awful. Yeah.

Matt (09:45.684)
Yeah. Well, I mean, it's, I wonder how hard it is necessarily for, you know, people who have, don't speak American with American accents to nail the right accent. but.

Luciano (09:57.966)
All right. It's not like you nailed, nailed it. Sometimes you go, look, Oppenheimer is certainly Irish for two words, but you know, all of them, all of the Brits did very well with that. Yeah.

Matt (10:05.268)
Yeah, I think overall like you did an excellent job and for a movie that has to focus on them. Yeah, well, yeah, I Well, let's just get into it

Spencer (10:19.756)

Matt (10:19.892)
It's not that I love Emily Blunt, but I found her other than the five seconds at the end of the movie where she dresses down Roger Robb. She's fucking wasted in this movie. She has literally nothing to do.

Luciano (10:27.886)
Yeah, that is so good.

Yeah, I agree. I agree.

Spencer (10:33.004)
She is, again, me and my wife were talking, we were like, how do the kids feel about this movie? Because their mother is portrayed as the, every scene she's in for the first three quarters of the movie is her just being awful. Like just awful. I guess so, I guess they're all okay with it then. Because every scene she's like, she's like, Lily, it's like they just put the kids to bed and she's like, the brat's down.

Luciano (10:47.79)
Apparently that's how she was, so...

They were like, yeah, that's mom. That's mom.

Matt (10:56.276)

Spencer (11:00.652)
And then it's like, take the kids away. I don't, I don't want anything to do with them. She said, give me some more. I wanted a drink.

Luciano (11:00.814)

Luciano (11:04.526)
Shouldn't you go to him? You fucking go to him.

Spencer (11:08.268)
Yeah, you fucking go to - I would go to them all day! Walks away drunk. First scene, she's like cheating on her husband. She's like, like, okay, well...

Matt (11:08.66)
Ha ha.

Matt (11:16.5)
Technically, they're both equal, so let's not even fight that.

Luciano (11:19.726)
Yeah, I know I agree. It's she's wasted. She's like most of what she does is glare. She does a lot of glaring in this movie

Spencer (11:20.428)

Matt (11:26.548)
Yeah, and so like this, this is probably a good, we talked about this before we started the podcast and like, I think in general, it's probably time to take this up. And I don't know if it's because this is a movie made in the 1940s and women didn't matter in the 1940s, or if this is how Chris Nolan wanted to construct this movie. But what the fuck is going on with all the Gene Tatlock scenes? Like, did Chris Nolan just really want to get Florence Pugh naked? And he's like, well, I guess I got to get Silly and Murphyn naked too. So let's do it.

Luciano (11:52.302)


Spencer (11:55.788)
Listen, he got that R rating and he was gonna use it. He doesn't get to make R rated movies often.

Luciano (11:59.534)
Use it. Yeah. He's like, I got to, I got to show one pair of boobs and I'm going to show by God one pair of boobs.

Spencer (12:05.612)
I get to show... By God, I will show those boobs and I will show slight ball sack. And you will see it and you will love it.

Matt (12:08.596)

Luciano (12:12.206)
I didn't see a slide ball sack and I'm okay with it. For the, for the, for the side sack. That's what you, that's what.

Spencer (12:15.66)
Well, you missed out, because that's why I watched this movie. And that's why I'm watching it again right now. The side -tag, exactly. I'm here for the side -tag, I stay for the three -hour historical epic film.

Matt (12:21.684)
Yeah. Yeah. Everyone loves a good side sec.

Luciano (12:31.278)
Yeah, I was so unnecessary in my, like, there's no reason to, it was like mood whiplash every time.

Matt (12:31.412)
Yeah, but like.

Matt (12:38.132)
I really tried to figure out what he was trying to convey and listen, it's not like Christopher Nolan is known for his very straightforward storytelling. He at times tells a little confusing stories, but this story was pretty straightforward because it's a historical, you know, dramatic piece. Okay.

Luciano (12:46.35)
don't get me started on that. I want to talk about that.

Luciano (12:52.334)
And it still managed to make it confusing.

Spencer (12:53.004)
Well, you'd think so, but no. That was one of my notes was why does Christopher Nolan have to make movies time cut? So it's like, it's his thing, but like, this is a historic, like just make this movie comes off as complicated when it's really a very straightforward story. And if it was just a normal life story shows him from point A to point B.

Luciano (13:04.238)
Yes. I fucking hate it.

Matt (13:07.54)
That's his thing.

Luciano (13:16.91)

Spencer (13:22.508)
It would be pretty like easy to follow, but because it's like overlapping, it's like unnecessarily convoluted.

Luciano (13:25.614)
Straightforward. Yeah.

Matt (13:30.868)
Spencer, do you want to win Oscars or do you just want to make movies that people watch?

Spencer (13:32.94)
That's true. I mean, I can't. I.

Luciano (13:34.51)
Is that the two choices? Like they're mutually exclusive.

Matt (13:36.756)
That's it. They, yeah.

Spencer (13:39.596)
I mean, I guess I can't really nitpick him because one, he won the Oscar, but also how this movie made fucking almost a billion dollars, it's incredible that this three hour, 99 % dialogue driven film.

Luciano (13:51.39)
He shot the whole thing in 57 days, which is insane for a movie of this size.

Spencer (13:59.788)
Yeah, like I just can't believe that that that many people saw this movie. It makes me like actually quite happy that people are willing to see this kind of movie because everyone's like, everyone's like, the movies are dead. It's all like blockbusters. And it's like, yeah, that's true. Unless your name's Christopher Nolan, in which case I'll make whatever the fuck I want.

Luciano (14:04.878)

Luciano (14:10.254)
Spend their time, yeah.

Luciano (14:17.198)
Well, unless your name is Christopher Nolan and your your cast is fucking stuck to the tits then yeah

Spencer (14:23.276)
Yeah. Yeah. Unless you're Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino, in which case, you know.

Luciano (14:27.63)

Matt (14:27.764)
Well, I mean, the thing is, it doesn't like the people that a lot of people go to watch tenant. Like, I think that didn't do well. He blamed on the pandemic, but I also think it, but I also think the movie is fucking convoluted as shit and people are just like, what the fuck?

Spencer (14:35.244)
No, it didn't do as well as...

I think that's fair.

yeah, that movie was, that movie was like a lot. I, I, I've, I watched it and I did like it. There's some cool stuff in it, but it's definitely like even as an avid Nolan fan and like pretty like trying to grasp every aspect of it. It was still like mind numbing at times.

Luciano (14:46.478)
to watch it still.

Matt (14:47.972)
We might, we'll get to it, I'm sure.

Luciano (14:51.886)

Matt (15:07.188)

Luciano (15:07.278)
I hear it makes Dark, the series, seem straightforward. That's what I hear about Tenet.

Spencer (15:12.46)
I haven't seen dark, but it definitely makes inception seem like fucking Barney the dinosaur. Like it's so easy. Like that, if that's like ABC and then, then a contended it's like C omega Q.

Luciano (15:18.158)

Luciano (15:27.982)
Pi times two, yeah.

Spencer (15:30.924)

Matt (15:30.932)
Way to bring it back to this movie with science. So I just want to go back to my question about gene title lock because we kind of strayed from it and I don't like that.

Spencer (15:33.74)
Thank you.

Spencer (15:38.924)
Are you talking about the character or like just the sex scenes?

Matt (15:41.748)
Just this, like, the character is fine, the character is an important character in his life, or at least was an interesting character for Tenet to explore. But...

Luciano (15:50.03)
I was paramount to him getting fucked in that hearing, right? Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (15:53.716)
Sorry. Yeah. Not tenant to explore, Nolan to explore. but I found that in general, like those scenes didn't like, if those scenes weren't in the movie, it wouldn't have cause he glosses over his affair with, what's your faces at the end of the movie that just mentioned in passing, right?

Luciano (16:14.286)
The other, his friend's wife. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (16:14.54)
Yeah, I was like, what?

Spencer (16:20.236)
He's like, he didn't know? you're just a bad guy.

Matt (16:22.708)
Hahaha, yeah. So like, but so like they, I, I, a little bit like, you know, and I just didn't know what, what the purpose of it was. Like, like he really loved her. Okay, great. Well, you could have shown that with a boobs.

Luciano (16:26.382)
It feels gratuitous is what you're saying. Yeah, no, I agree, I agree.

Luciano (16:34.926)

Luciano (16:39.822)
And also like.

Spencer (16:39.916)
I mean, I'm not as like it didn't take me out of the movie really because it's just like it's just a sex scene and you know, whatever it's an R rated film. It was trying to be, you know, artsy sex scene. But although it was like weird that she made him read Sanskrit while they were having sex and then he said, then he said, I have become death as they're having sex. And I was like, did they know he was going to make the nuke when he was saying that?

Matt (16:55.444)
You were like...

Matt (16:59.956)
The whole thing, this is the thing, right?

Luciano (17:00.142)

Luciano (17:04.174)
I hate that. Why would like...

Spencer (17:09.676)
Like, why is he saying that? It was just.

Matt (17:11.508)
It's, it's some of the, yeah, it's some of the things that he does to make, give the movie drama and like intrigue. That's just like, no, no. Thank you.

Luciano (17:19.374)
Yeah. Yeah. All of those like abstract things that happen like in the background or the explosions, all that shit, all of that I found was completely unnecessary. Yeah.

Spencer (17:21.324)
That scene reminded me...

Spencer (17:29.612)
like distracting. I liked some of the dream sequences, like the scene when he's like making that speech and then the people are like cutting between like crying and laughing. And I was like, that was really well done. I liked that one a lot because it really, and that effect of like when he's like kind of having panic attack where the background is shaking, I thought was really cool and like effective. Yeah.

Luciano (17:35.982)
That's fine, yeah. That one makes a lot of sense. Yeah, yeah.

Matt (17:41.876)

Luciano (17:47.438)
Yeah, the noise of everybody stomping on the ground that we hear that a bunch of times before we even see it. Yeah, all of that is fine.

Matt (17:51.54)

Spencer (17:55.948)
But... but... but...

Matt (17:56.148)
I do have to bring this up, but it has nothing to do with who we're talking about, but it pissed me off so much. In that scene when they're in the auditorium, why is the basketball net mounted over a fucking fireplace?

Spencer (18:07.424)
Wait, you never cook some s'mores while shooting hoops?

Luciano (18:09.006)
I didn't even notice.

Matt (18:13.524)
Like, you'd miss a shot and it'd be fucking the ball beyond fire.

Luciano (18:15.246)
And the ball is, yeah, it's sudden death basketball.

Spencer (18:15.352)
Yeah, it's called basketball with stakes, okay? But just to go back to the scene where he's having sex and he says, I am become death, that scene just reminded me of like, to go back to solo, when he's like, what's your name? And he's like, I have, he doesn't say what's your name, he goes, who are your people? Which is not, yeah, who are you with? And he goes, I'm alone. And he goes.

Matt (18:19.22)
I hate it.

Matt (18:36.5)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (18:38.894)
Who are you with? Who are you with? I'm solo. Yeah.

Ha! Han Solo! Ha! Ha!

Spencer (18:45.836)
Han Solo. That's what that reminded me of. It was like, we have to show the origin of the I Am Become Death line. And I'm like, I don't think people really like care where he came up with that. I don't think people thought he was banging a girl like reading Sanskrit to come up with it. And I...

Luciano (18:51.214)
Yeah, yeah, you're right. It does feel like that.

Luciano (19:02.978)
No, no, he is like he was like banging her and she makes him read that he goes if I ever create a weapon of mass destruction, I'm gonna say that Make it a make it a mental note

Spencer (19:10.924)
I'm gonna write this down.

Matt (19:14.484)
I just think that's his pick up line.

Spencer (19:16.14)
Yeah, I am become death the story of that ass.

Matt (19:22.1)
Now that scene makes sense. Nevermind, I withdraw my statement.

Luciano (19:22.126)

Spencer (19:29.068)
Yeah, it all checks out now.

Luciano (19:29.902)
Yeah, this was, this is almost like cultural ignorance when they were like, you know, Bhagavad Gita, Kama Sutra. It's all Indian, right? Let's just mix it up. Yeah.

Spencer (19:39.628)
Yeah, yeah, I'm - I become Riz.

Matt (19:40.756)
Doesn't matter. Destroy of that ass. This is perfect.

Luciano (19:42.99)
Destroyer of pussy. God. Yeah, I agree that if it felt like gratuitous, almost like edgelord gratuitous, like, look, my movie has boobies. Like, dude, why are you 13? Like what the f***?

Spencer (19:44.876)
destroyer of destroyer of dead ass yeah that's good destroyer destroyer pussy that's he's like yeah that is good I can I can rework this for whatever I need

Spencer (20:11.916)
I think it's the first time he got to have nudity in a movie and he just was like, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna pull the trigger.

Luciano (20:14.99)
Isn't it?

Matt (20:16.148)
Yeah, but it doesn't, it doesn't, I cannot connect it to the rest of the movie and how the rest of the movie is told. That's the only thing. It just...

Luciano (20:19.918)

Spencer (20:21.644)
Well, the rest of the movie feels like a regular PG -13, whatever, like a historical drama.

Luciano (20:27.598)
Well, talking about like bombing millions of people don't know how PG that is, but yeah, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (20:32.492)
Yeah, but that's not usually will make a reading. It's usually like swearing, sex, violence. And there really was none of that except for some swearing here and there.

Luciano (20:37.582)

Matt (20:42.356)
I'm sorry. So your, your argument of showing boobs is to justify it. Heart rating. That's.

Spencer (20:46.508)
Yeah, I think that's why.

Luciano (20:47.086)
I think he's right actually. I think that, no, it's the reverse is like, I got an R rating. Now I'm going to have to use it. Yeah.

Matt (20:49.396)
But why would you need an R rating for this movie?

Spencer (20:53.132)
I got an R rating so I gotta do something with it.

Matt (20:55.7)
But you don't get an R rating before you make your movie.

Spencer (20:57.9)
No, they make it they give you the rating before you write the script

Luciano (20:58.03)

No, he went he went he went to the to the real people and he went like okay So what do I have to do to get an RE? Okay, I'll just do that

Matt (21:10.804)
Yeah. Hard hour.

Spencer (21:11.34)
Like, they're like, knowing the rating system, like you can show a man be cut in half and have his intestines come out. You can say fuck 10 ,000 times or you can show one woman's boobs. And he's like, okay. R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R,

Matt (21:18.42)
PG -13. Yeah, PG -13. R.

Luciano (21:22.862)
Yeah. Can I show it twice? Can I show it twice? Yes. Okay.

Matt (21:28.468)
It's fine same boobs fine different boobs. No

Luciano (21:31.406)
Same boobs, yeah.

Matt (21:35.028)

Luciano (21:36.878)
And also like that second, like if you wanted to make it jarring, like to show that he was like, but he wasn't even cheating on anybody at the first scene, right? They were both, well, yeah, they were both single.

Spencer (21:53.389)
I thought the second one where she's showing him her having sex with him during the hearing or during his trial was kangaroo court trial. I thought that was kind of effective because it was like showing her picturing it because she's like hearing about it in detail.

Luciano (21:59.918)
yeah, there's three then. Yeah, you're right.

Luciano (22:06.798)
Yeah, yeah. The scene where Kitty imagines him having sex with her in the hearing, that was actually the most effective. That might have been actually even more effective if that was the first time we've seen. Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (22:07.668)
Toy what?

Matt (22:13.108)
yeah, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (22:14.54)
Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, if that was the only one, then you'd be like, whoa, that was like, you can see how much it affects her. Cause it's giving us that same feeling of like, damn, he is destroying that ass. He is the destroyer of ass. That's what she said. That was her inner monologue. I will say before we move on, I just want to say.

Luciano (22:28.142)
Yeah. I don't...

Matt (22:29.556)
Yeah, it -

Matt (22:39.828)
That is, that is in the official court records.

Spencer (22:49.804)
Now, this is what my only real complaints with this movie were the one the I didn't think it had to be cut up time wise. I think it would have been fine if it was what linear? Yeah, just a linear movie. Again, this isn't really a fair critique, but I thought the climax was a little bit anticlimactic because I didn't know the history. And then the whole time they're like, he's like, who are the scientists are speaking in my hearing? Who are the scientists?

Luciano (22:56.846)
Yeah, same linear. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (23:16.14)
And they're like, we're not going to tell you, we're not going to tell you. And I totally thought Oppenheimer was going to come and make a speech at the hearing. And it was going to be like the big climax where he finally, cause he also goes throughout the movie where she's like, stand up for yourself. You've got to fight. You never fight for, you got to fight. And then he's like, doesn't fight. No, it made sense in the theme of the movie because afterwards I was like, yeah, the pit, there's no payoff. Cause afterwards I was like, cause he says the lime where she's like,

Luciano (23:31.534)
Well, yeah, he doesn't because he feels super guilty.

Luciano (23:37.966)
Right, but the payoff wasn't all there. Right.

Spencer (23:46.188)
Do you think if you let them turn feather you, it'll make up for what you did? And he's like, we'll see. Right. So it shows that he was like letting, he wasn't fighting because he was like, felt he deserved it. And that makes sense. But I was really like hoping. I thought they were setting up that right.

Luciano (23:55.758)


Matt (24:03.444)
This is where real life can let you down, right? Because the story of the Manhattan Project is a great story for a movie. But when you expand from the Manhattan Project into Off on Harbor and Self, it's like, it's great, they did it, they dropped the bomb, and then he feels guilty about it. But how do you have a climax for a movie like that? And the Strauss thing being the climax is like, it's not even about him.

Spencer (24:06.028)
I know exactly, exactly. Cause it's.

Luciano (24:06.605)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (24:32.788)
right? It's and it's like at the end they're like you know they had the Einstein words to him and you know who knows if that's actually accurate and eventually they you know brought him back because you know they had treated him like shit but like all of us just kind of like you're wrapping things up but we took like fucking what 30 45 minutes after the man the Trinity test to like wrap the movie up yeah so it's it's fine it was fine it just wasn't great it was just like what do we do here?

Spencer (24:32.844)
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Luciano (24:52.238)
Yeah, almost an hour. Yeah.

Spencer (24:55.052)

Spencer (24:58.86)
Yeah, and I think that...

Luciano (24:59.438)
Well, but I think it's the type of movie, right? You can't really expect a big climax in every type of movie.

Spencer (25:05.74)
No, of course. I think that's also why they were doing the other than it just being Christopher Nolan, but the nonlinear because they wanted to have the climax of both trials at once to make it more feel like a climax and, and stress. But in that trial that he's in, he's just getting shit on. And it's like, it's like, it's like, we're supposed to feel good about the scene where, Strauss is getting.

Luciano (25:11.63)

Matt (25:15.508)
Yeah, yes.

Luciano (25:16.366)
at the same time.

Matt (25:18.708)
It's about Oppenheimer and yeah, you're right.

Matt (25:28.788)
Taking it like a bitch.

Spencer (25:34.54)
his comeuppance, but then we're also seeing Oppenheimer just kind of get fucked and I'm like, I get he's bad, but it's like, are we supposed, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel about him getting fucked. Cause it's like, I felt kind of bad. Like I wanted him to have a redemption cause we're with that character the whole time. But I guess in the real world, you don't want him to get redemption kind of cause he's also kind of created the nuke, which is horrible.

Luciano (25:40.814)
Get fucked, yeah.

Luciano (25:59.438)
I mean, he, in the end, the very end, it's even chosen there. He gets a Fermi Award and like he's recognized for his work and all that stuff. But.

Spencer (26:06.956)
That's true. But it's done in a very dour. You know what? I've convinced myself to change my mind. I like that ending. You know what? Because it summed it up well. It made it you felt it kind of made you feel what he feels, which is like he at the end, it's like he doesn't get his his hooray. It's like it's all empty and it's kind of like a fizzle fizzles out, you know, instead of a big happy climax.

Luciano (26:14.442)
Good job.

Matt (26:15.38)

Luciano (26:34.414)
Well, I think that was the part of the sort of the intent is to show that, you know, all of these geniuses, right? Not just Oppenheimer, but like, this was like a fucking physics Avengers, right? You have like, Niels Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, Ernest Lawrence, like all of the Feynman, right? And all of these people are super smart, but they're also super dumb when it comes to like,

other things. And I think there's a line that I really liked in the movie that Louis Strauss says, which is genius is no guarantee of wisdom. I love that line. It's so true. And I think that was the idea with this movie is to show, look, this is a really smart guy who's a real idiot about everything else. And I think the ending in the way that it did, like everybody getting fucked basically is kind of supposed to do that. At least that's how I took it.

Spencer (27:24.364)
Yeah, the only, the only, there only one scientist who was like, showed any, I forget it was, what's his name? His friend who's also from New York, who, Robbie, he was the only one, yeah, he was the only one who was like, I don't think that 200 years of physicists should lead to a weapon of mass destruction. And everyone's like, what? You don't want to work on this bomb? You don't, what? What are you talking about?

Luciano (27:36.718)
Robbie, Isidore Robbie. My favorite character in the movie.

Luciano (27:43.47)
We should make this bomb. Yeah.



Matt (27:52.34)
They're crazy.

Spencer (27:53.516)
This is a great opportunity! This is a huge project !" And he's like, yeah, but we're...

Luciano (27:56.558)
the justification he gives is like well maybe it's not a good idea for us to have it but it's better than if the Nazis have it

Spencer (28:05.356)
Should we be working on stopping them from having it? Because even if we make it, they're still gonna have it.

Luciano (28:08.302)

Matt (28:10.644)
Rock solid. They were way off, don't worry about it. I mean, we did. Well, I mean, that's fair. I mean, it's fine. I mean, that's the thing about telling a true to life story. And, you know, Chris Ferdinand did a good job of hitting all the true to life beats. He didn't make up a bunch of shit. You know, he added some stuff for, yeah, he had some stuff for dramatic effect, but the large beats are there, right? Like.

Spencer (28:15.084)
Then why did we need to build it?

Luciano (28:16.622)

Luciano (28:33.486)

Matt (28:38.932)
Oppenheimer had several affairs and you know, the Oppenheimer project, the Manhattan project had all the scientists were there. He ran it. Groves is a real person who was in charge of it from the military aspect. Security clearance was an issue. You know, all those beats, Strauss not getting into…Strauss being in ahead of the AEC and him getting caught, you know, with all the stuff that happened and then him not being confirmed as a cabinet minister. All that's happened. All that's historically accurate.

Luciano (28:39.022)

Luciano (28:44.238)
Should have called it that.

Luciano (28:54.478)

Matt (29:09.076)
So, you know, good job. And I guess if you're telling a true life story, then the true life story has to end in a way that life ended. So, yeah. I mean, I guess that's why Einstein's secret words ring true, right?

Luciano (29:17.006)
Yeah, which is rarely climactic.

Spencer (29:20.268)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (29:28.462)
Which ones?

Matt (29:29.428)
Well, the ones he said to him when Strauss was... Einstein's like, I too am the destroyer of that ass. Yeah. No, but he said he was like, they're going to destroy your fort. And when they're going to, they're going to give you a war, but it's not going to be for you. It's going to be for them. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (29:29.544)
When he said he was the destroyer of ass?

Luciano (29:33.198)
No, he just confirmed it.

Spencer (29:35.628)
I am a destroyer of ass.

Luciano (29:38.926)
In my day was the destroyer of ass. Yeah.

Luciano (29:46.798)
right. When is it? It's not for you. Yeah, yeah. That's a great that was a great dialogue to.

Spencer (29:55.692)
Yeah, that was a really good scene. And it was like, again, it's like melancholy kind of ending. Not even melancholy. It's just like, yeah, it's kind of just like a downer ending. Yeah. But it's like, I respect it. Like I said, in the moment, I wanted my like classic movie climax, but even talking and talking about it, it's like, no, this is, it's an appropriate ending to this story. You know, it's like, you can't have the guy who created the nuke have, have like a happy redemption arc.

Matt (29:55.924)
Yeah. Now I'm certain Einstein never said that, but.

Luciano (30:02.318)

It's a bummer, yeah.

Luciano (30:23.534)
I read, like, yeah.

Matt (30:25.268)
Well, I quibble with the statement, you can't have a happy, this life, it's not, if somehow Oppenheimer would have been seen in the same light as George Washington, then fine, like, or like how the South fucking sees all those retired racist generals, right? Like if society had seen him that way, you could have made the movie that way, but society didn't.

Spencer (30:36.748)

Spencer (30:41.164)
Ha ha.

Luciano (30:41.646)

Spencer (30:46.092)
Yeah, Oppenheimer gave up his bomb making ways and took up surfing and lived his days on the beaches of Hawaii hanging ten.

Matt (30:53.268)

Luciano (30:53.582)

Matt (30:57.108)
Yeah, he met up with Andy Dufresne, right?

Spencer (30:58.86)
Yeah, he's observing, it's just like, I'm feeling about good vibration. Just serving the waves. Credits.

Luciano (30:59.566)

Matt (31:04.308)
But yeah, so I, you know, I think they did a great job in that respect. And, and, you know, I, you know, as we talked about it here, I think Nolan did the best he could to make it have some climactic weight, not just in losing the security clearance, but the fallout of that on Strauss. Doing it in parallel, let you have some sort of victory for your guy, you know, your get behind Oppenheimer in the movie. So he still wins, albeit not directly.

Luciano (31:31.982)
It's peric. It's very peric. But yeah, he does win.

Spencer (31:32.012)
I think if I were making that movie though, I would have taken a little creative license and instead of Hill making that speech, have it be off at Hiber. Be like, who gives a fuck? It wasn't really him.

Matt (31:44.628)
That's a tough one because I think that now you're breaching the historical construct. Yeah. Cause even though those things were in parallel, they didn't happen in parallel, right? So you wouldn't call an Oppenheimer when his security clearance was gone, everything's he shipped.

Luciano (31:48.846)
He was discredited, very discredited already. Nobody would have called him to testify there. Yeah.

Spencer (31:48.876)
Like history.

Luciano (31:58.99)
That's the problem. Yeah, like the fact that we didn't have just two timelines, but we had like, at one point we had four timelines in this movie. It's fucking Nolan.

Spencer (32:02.828)

Spencer (32:09.548)
I didn't really get the like, I guess I also didn't get the the weight. Like I didn't get the weight of him losing security clearance meant him being discredited. I would like throughout the movie, I'm like, so what he loses security clearance and he just just fucking retires or like gets a different job.

Luciano (32:24.334)
Well, the whole point that they even make in the movie is that after he helped create the two bombs that were dropped in Japan, he spent the rest of his time using whatever influence he got from that, trying to stop the nuclear program. And so him losing that security clearance effectively put him out. He couldn't influence policy anymore and all that stuff.

Spencer (32:44.428)

Matt (32:49.524)
Well, yeah. Because by losing the clearance, it implies, like the letter that they read from David Delmaschian, where he's like, I think it's more probable or not that he is, yeah, whatever. Not a collaborator, yeah. It's like, that's the thing with losing your security clearance. It's basically implying that you're a spy. And that's why no one trusted him.

Spencer (33:00.78)

Luciano (33:00.942)

Spencer (33:04.236)
Yeah, that he's like a red.

Luciano (33:09.198)

Spencer (33:14.668)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (33:15.342)
And even that was like anticlimactic for both sides because he lost the clearance, but they couldn't find him disloyal. So it was sort of like a half an orgasm for both sides. No, no, not even ruined. They started and it just like, I don't know. Whatever happened in this movie, that's a half orgasm.

Matt (33:28.436)
A ruined orgasm, I think that's what they call it, sir.

Okay, you know what? Fine. What is half an orgasm? You can't. Once the chain reaction kicks off. That's what Roger Roehoff says.

Spencer (33:36.044)
I'm a d - I am the destroyer of orgasms!

Luciano (33:42.03)
You tie the tip off and it doesn't come out there.

Spencer (33:42.732)

Spencer (33:48.108)
that sounds awful. I was gonna say it sounds like my balls would burst. I'm no Oppenheimer, but I'm pretty sure that's how you create a nuke in your nutsack.

Matt (33:50.292)
I think your deck would explode if that happens. I'm not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure that works. Yeah.

Luciano (33:52.206)

Luciano (33:59.182)

Matt (34:05.012)
Yeah, you don't want that nutsuck, Nick. It's bad news.

Luciano (34:08.494)
Yeah, bad, bad. Anyway, I think that ending was supposed to be a bummer for everybody involved.

Matt (34:16.18)
Well, I mean, again, it's life right. I don't think Nolan went out to do anything other than show the man's life and show for what it was.

Luciano (34:18.158)

Luciano (34:21.966)
Yeah, it's based on the movie, sorry, on the book, right? The biography? Yes, that's the one.

Spencer (34:27.436)
the American Prometheus.

Yeah, I, I like, unlike you guys didn't know much. Like I obviously knew about the Manhattan project and I knew about Oppenheimer. I basically just knew that he created the nuke and then he said, I'm the destroyer of worlds line. Like those are literally, which in my mind was like, okay. He regretted it. Cause that's something you would say when you regret it. but that's all I knew. So it was, it was really.

Luciano (34:46.83)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Spencer (35:00.012)
cool like learning everything and not knowing what was going to happen at all.

But then I was like, like, I thought for sure that the scene where he poisons that apple was like made up for the movie. I thought a hundred percent. I was like, I literally said, I'm like, why would they do that? Like, clearly they wanted like a cool character introduction to make him seem like he's like.

Luciano (35:12.174)
It's not.

Luciano (35:18.816)
Yeah, it seems so unreasonable. And it was. Yeah. Yeah. But no, it happened. Yeah.

Spencer (35:23.34)
Yeah, it seems so unrealistic. And I was like, that's wild.

Matt (35:29.716)
Well, that is an interesting thing that I think we find in movies in general when someone makes a biopic. You never know if you can trust that they're telling a true story. We kind of have to because so many people have made such bad movies. I mean, the fucking latest one, was it blonde? The Anadermis Marilyn Monroe thing where it's like they just made up a whole whole whack of shit.

Spencer (35:40.044)
I just assume it's, I assume it's fake now. Yeah.

Spencer (35:48.652)
Blom was the Marilyn Monroe.

Luciano (35:48.974)

Luciano (35:52.59)

Spencer (35:55.948)
Yeah, like she had a talking fetus or something.

Matt (35:58.484)
Yeah, like who the fuck knows? It was wild. And it's just like, but so it's like, you know, I guess when those things happen, they, it's weird to me that you would take someone who is a historical figure or a celebrity figure and make a movie about them and make up complete nonsense about them, but not frame it as a, try to still frame it as a biopic and not frame it as a, you know, different lifestyle or like historical retelling.

Luciano (35:59.214)
What the? What? my god.

Spencer (36:00.524)

Luciano (36:15.534)
Makeup shit. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (36:20.556)

Spencer (36:26.924)
A retelling.

Matt (36:28.756)
Because to me it's just like, what's the purpose? If you want to use Marilyn Monroe, if you want to use Oppenheimer, if you want to use fucking Alan Turing to tell a story, then tell the story with the person. That's why people go to watch it. But the thing is...

Luciano (36:38.734)

Spencer (36:38.956)
Nah, it's about the money, baby. People aren't going to see the Oppenheimer movie unless he's busting ass.

Matt (36:45.652)
But I mean, fair. But at least the Alpenheimer movie is true about his life.

Luciano (36:45.998)

Matt (36:53.332)
and has titties.

Luciano (36:53.486)
Yeah, like don't don't create an entire like non existent part of the person's life if it's supposed to be a biopic

Spencer (37:02.028)
Yeah, there's so many times I see a movie, like a biopic, and then I'm like, wow, that was a fascinating story. And then you go in like, I want to see how that like ended or whatever. And like, where the, what happened in that part? And then it's like, you go in, you're like, turns out that, was it John Nash, you know, from Beautiful Mind? Turns out he didn't see people at all. Or, you know, that was the whole movie. Like, what the hell? Yeah, like, yeah, it is, it's annoying. And it really, it makes you cynical.

Luciano (37:11.95)
Lines up. Yeah, yeah.

Matt (37:22.612)

Luciano (37:24.718)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (37:31.212)
to all biopics. So going into this, I was cynical. I thought this was going to be like, you know, totally like, like, it turns out he never met Einstein and that was a, you know, it turns out he like all these things. And then I, when I looked into it, it was like, wow. He tried to kill a man with an apple.

Luciano (37:48.334)
And it's, yeah, and it's, that's, that's the thing. It's funny because like reality has no compromise with like making sense, right? Reality just is. And it's like when the more like out there stuff and you're like, there's absolutely no way, like this, one of the things I thought the, the Apple thing wasn't true, but I also was like, wait a minute. All of these people were involved, Richard Feynman, Niels Bohr, like, like.

What the fuck? And it turns out literally all of them were there and more people that they don't talk about. So it was like, he met how Werner Heisenberg. He met fucking, you know, Einstein.

Matt (38:19.444)
I mean, yes and no. Yeah.

Spencer (38:23.5)
Yeah. Yeah, because they weren't, they weren't the rock stars of the physicist community.

Spencer (38:32.908)
He meant, I couldn't believe that, I can't believe that the guy that made meth in Breaking Bad was there. That was wild.

Matt (38:38.324)

Luciano (38:38.67)
He was so old too in that... yeah.

Spencer (38:40.94)
That's what I like to think of. They have Heisenberg. my God. Say my name. Say my name. I am the one who knocks.

Matt (38:45.076)
Ha ha.

Luciano (38:46.702)
I just did. I just did. I called you. I said hello.

Nobody, what are you talking about? Nobody's knocking anything. Yeah.

Spencer (38:54.444)
I smoke my bath!

Matt (38:58.452)
Cool references.

Spencer (38:59.436)

Luciano (39:00.43)

Matt (39:03.38)
Yeah, I think the only other thing, I think the curious thing for me is all of these actors sign up to be in this movie and they play such, yeah, like I'm just fascinated that he just shows up for like a hot minute to be Harry Truman and then.

Luciano (39:14.253)
Gary Oldman signs up for a two -minute scene. Yeah.

Spencer (39:17.324)
That was wild.

Spencer (39:23.148)
Was anyone else just like, wasn't he just Winston Churchill in this war? You can't be Winston Churchill and be Truman. He's going to play Hitler in another movie coming up. It's going to be the Gary Oldman World War II universe. He's just fighting himself.

Luciano (39:23.182)
It was.

Matt (39:25.908)

Luciano (39:26.35)
Yeah, yeah. Can't be both. Yeah.

The trifecta, the World War II trifecta. And it plays Benito Mussolini in the next one and the Japanese emperor in the last one.

Spencer (39:40.716)
I wanna see... No, no, that's below him. I just wanna see the Gary Oldman universe where he just plays everybody.

Matt (39:43.156)
So you're not Stalin. He's not gonna play Stalin. It's beneath him.

Luciano (39:46.318)
I can play Stalin too. Yeah. He has the mustache for it. Yeah. When he plays everybody. Yeah. And it's funny because we hear Truman announcing the drop of the bombs on the radio before he ever shows up. And in like three words are like, Gary Oldman. Cause it's so iconic. His voice is so iconic.

Matt (39:52.82)
The ultimate verse, I can see this happening before I can.

Spencer (40:04.428)
I didn't notice. That's funny. I didn't notice.

Matt (40:08.052)
Yeah, he has this like, I don't know what movie I've seen him do it in. I think it's a little, you know, he looked a little bit like his fucking evil villain from the fifth element. Like the mouth shape.

Spencer (40:17.9)

Luciano (40:18.286)
He did. Yeah, that's true. there was missing like some black goo dripping down his face. Yeah. I don't remember.

Matt (40:22.9)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Spencer (40:24.364)
What was that guy's name? that's gonna kill me.

Matt (40:27.86)
It's fine, I can look at a fully vamp.

Luciano (40:29.998)
Yeah. I love that movie so much.

Spencer (40:30.252)
Yeah, he, I love that. He's the best part of that movie too.

Luciano (40:36.91)
everything is good about that movie.

Spencer (40:40.46)
I asked for four crates, one box, four crates, no, one box, no crates. It's like Southern, space Southern, space Texan.

Luciano (40:44.174)
What is the accent? What is that accent? Southern space taxes.

Matt (40:44.852)

Matt (40:51.444)
It's easier to say Harry Truman -esque, that's what it is. His character's name is Jean -Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg.

Spencer (41:02.124)
Zork. Sorry, everyone just knew it was Zork.

Luciano (41:02.222)
Zorg. That's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What? What a fucking science fiction last name Zorg. Yeah.

Spencer (41:10.492)
But yeah, I liked how I liked how him as Truman. He was like, he's a people don't blame the man who made the bomb. They blame the man who dropped it. I was like, that's a good line. And then I'm like, he's kind of like consoling him. And then as he's leaving, he's like, get that sissy out of my. What does he say?

Luciano (41:18.414)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (41:23.758)
Well, and apparently get that crybaby out of here. But apparently what Truman actually said was worse. So you know that scene where he waves the handkerchief? Apparently Truman actually says, would you like me to wipe your hands for you? And he says that line about blood on your hands. And when he walks out, he did, he doesn't know over here, but apparently he says, never bring that fucking cretin here ever again. That's what he says. So it's like extra son of a bitch.

Spencer (41:27.883)
Yeah, I was like, well, that's rough.

Spencer (41:35.724)

Spencer (41:41.996)

Spencer (41:50.764)
Yeah, he did say that. He said, never let, he says, don't let that, never let that creepy bat back in this office. I was like, whoo, that's one tough, tough sob.

Luciano (41:54.83)
That crybaby back in here. Yeah, yeah. But I just called him a fucking cretin.

Matt (41:59.452)
historically Truman seen as kind of a doofus as a president so what are you gonna do?

Luciano (42:06.286)

Spencer (42:07.948)
He'll be known for one thing and one thing only for forever, right?

Luciano (42:09.838)
But yeah, well, yes, for sure. Yeah. did he tie the tip too?

Matt (42:13.716)
The nutnukes.

Spencer (42:15.596)
First nut first patented nut nukes. He tied the knot. He's like this gives me an idea.

Matt (42:20.276)

Spencer (42:24.748)
If I could create this kind of power.

Luciano (42:25.038)
Yeah, he's another one whose accent also slips. He does. He says Hiroshima like a proper Brit. Yeah, but no, he's great at it. But it's like such a small scene for such a big name actor.

Spencer (42:30.412)
He's got one scene and his accent slips?

Matt (42:30.868)
Yeah, it's got one thing. Yeah.

Spencer (42:35.196)
Every femur. Yeah.

Matt (42:38.516)
That's fine.


Yeah. Well, I mean that's a -

Spencer (42:45.612)
It's fascinating, yeah, because it's Nolan. Nolan is like, can you do me a favor? And they're like, yeah. All actors want to work.

Luciano (42:48.526)
Yeah, apparently Florence Pugh said if I get to play in a Nolan movie I will be a barista in the background, it doesn't matter what. I just want to be in a Nolan movie.

Spencer (43:00.652)

Yeah, they say that until you get until you get the Gary Oldman treatment and you get one scene. He's like, fuck that guy.

Matt (43:03.732)
I mean, there you have it.

Luciano (43:08.046)
I'm pretty sure he got paid very well for that one scene.

Spencer (43:12.588)
Yeah. Yeah, also same with that Rami Malek. I was like, I'm like, is that Rami Malek? And then he had he like had no speaking lines. He's like, can you sign my thing? Get that thing out of my face. Yeah, I was. I was like, is that Oscar winner Rami Malek is like an extra? I'm like, it was a fucking weird choice. But but then he had that one scene at the end, which again, he didn't do that much, but.

Luciano (43:17.55)

Luciano (43:23.854)
Get the fuck off of him. Yeah, he's so dismissive of him too, both times. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Matt (43:34.74)
Yes, that's correct. He came back. Yeah.

Matt (43:40.596)
I have a question and it's, you know, you guys hate the question, we can skip it, but obviously Robert Downey Jr. won, thank you, won the Oscar for best supporting actor. I guess my question here is why did they have to cast Robert Downey Jr. and age him up instead of just casting an old guy to do it?

Luciano (43:47.758)
I hate the question.

Spencer (43:49.42)
Skip it.


Luciano (43:53.678)
I didn't know that.

Spencer (44:04.652)
Nah, nah you can't. Well he's pretty old but they did age him up quite a bit. It's...

It's the same reason they hired Colin Farrell to play the penguin and they made him look like a for like a whole fat guy Because you can exactly and then people go. wow. That's a can't believe that's Colin Farrell. That's what look at the look at they did He's really getting into the role and then I've been fucking getting into the penguin role for the last ten years and I don't get any credit for being fat but

Luciano (44:18.542)

Matt (44:21.204)
Because you can.

Luciano (44:34.19)

Yeah, it was like, what's his face? Guy plays whiplash on Iron Man 2. He was preparing for that role his whole life. Mickey Rourke. He was preparing for that role his whole life.

Spencer (44:45.42)
Mickey Rourke.

Matt (44:45.78)

Spencer (44:49.932)
His whole life. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I don't know why, but he was great. But you're right. Like, there's probably a lot of actors that would love the opportunity. But, you know, you're making a movie this big, you got to get the names to, like, sell the movie.

Matt (44:53.62)
That's fair.

Luciano (45:06.158)
So I'm.

Matt (45:09.412)
yeah, they didn't have any names in this movie.

Spencer (45:10.732)
No, he didn't have enough.

Luciano (45:10.99)
What I'm reading here is that Nolan wanted to work with Robert Downey Jr. because of Iron Man. He says apparently that casting him as Iron Man was one of the greatest casting decisions in the history of movies and he was really excited to play with him, to work with him.

Spencer (45:25.676)
He saw Tony Stark and he said, that's my Strauss. That's my Louis Strauss. He's exactly how I want him.

Luciano (45:29.038)
That's my Lewis Strauss, yeah. So apparently it was Nolan that won. But yeah, it is a weird choice. I'm sure he could have found any number of very, very good actors closer to the age that Strauss is supposed to be.

Matt (45:31.056)
I mean, that's fair. I can see that happening.

Spencer (45:44.492)
I mean, Gary Oldman could have played that role and probably would have fucking crushed it. But I just picture him watching Iron Man. I mean, like that Iron Man suit is kind of like a weapon of mass destruction. Maybe. It's almost like he's leaving like he's Louis Strauss.

Matt (45:46.196)

Luciano (45:48.366)
Yeah, yeah, you would have.

Luciano (45:57.006)
what a fucking stretch, man. You're gonna pull a muscle who's stretching that far.

Matt (46:00.788)

Matt (46:06.004)
It's almost.

Spencer (46:08.524)

Matt (46:10.068)
It's almost like we should just talk about the lack of plot holes in this movie.

Luciano (46:13.614)

Spencer (46:14.572)
Movie didn't have plot holes, it had black holes.

Luciano (46:17.358)
and loopholes.

Matt (46:17.396)
Loopholes mostly. this movie, because Christopher Nolan made the effort to tell a story that is historically accurate to as much as he could, it can have plot holes because it's based on real life. So how could, even if real life is fucked up and weird, it happens. So you can't, it makes, yeah, it makes sense, but the transcendent properties of being historically accurate, it makes sense.

Luciano (46:32.366)

Yeah, it has to make sense by default. Yeah.

Luciano (46:43.342)

Matt (46:45.62)
So good for you, Christopher Nolan. You've, you tricked us. And I don't know if this is the balance of the many, many plot holes that exist in tenant, but he, he's a good example.

Luciano (46:53.678)
What a movie a movie with time travel has plot holes say it ain't so

Spencer (46:58.196)
He's like, I just picture him making this being like, take that cinema sins.

Matt (47:03.06)
Yeah. Like, he basically has like, he has two ends of the spectrum, right? He's nothing and everything. And so I'm curious, maybe instead of, since there's no plot holes here, I was wondering if we could take a little time to discuss how, what's the most effective way to avoid plot holes in a movie? You know, cause yeah, because like, obviously you could, like if it was easy enough to write a story,

Luciano (47:03.086)

Luciano (47:11.918)

Luciano (47:23.278)
Other than Bayesian on a real sorry

Matt (47:31.508)
and what we started that didn't have plot holes. We'd have a lot more movies that didn't have plot holes and this podcast would just be named Popcorn and.

Luciano (47:37.422)
It would just be popcorn. It would be talking about corn. Yeah. That's a riveting.

Matt (47:40.18)
Yeah. So like, but there's, but there's gotta be some way to help these people, Zack Snyder, to make movies that make sense.

Spencer (47:41.74)
Now that's a podcast.

Spencer (47:50.252)
So here's what you do. You take a real life story and then you just change the names.

Luciano (48:00.398)
And the gender in some places. Yeah.

Spencer (48:02.124)
and the genders and you set it in the future or in the past or in space and you make it about grain.

Luciano (48:06.798)
And you make it about grain. And you make it about grain. Yeah. Yeah, I've failed. Yeah.

Matt (48:12.5)
Nope, you've already failed.

Spencer (48:13.452)
No, see, if we just take this this movie Oppenheimer, we said it in in Rebel Moon and instead of uranium and plutonium, they need grain to power their.

Luciano (48:23.662)
It's green. Yeah.

Luciano (48:28.974)

Spencer (48:29.644)
nuclear grain weapon. I mean they're not nukes naturally yeah which tracks with the vaginal loop warm holes.

Matt (48:30.036)
Nut nukes. They're nut nukes. Yeah.

Luciano (48:33.55)

Matt (48:38.74)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Luciano (48:39.182)
That's please not talk about Harvest Moon. This is a good movie we're talking about.

Spencer (48:41.356)
Listen, it's fixed. But think about this movie in space with grain. What? How much of a better movie would be?

Luciano (48:48.654)
and a lot of plot holes. I honestly think a lot of the problems that people sex night have with plot holes in his movies is I think he starts with what he wants the movie to end like or to like he starts with the end goal and he tries to work backwards. But instead of making things make sense backwards, he just like.

Matt (48:49.012)
It would be horrific. It would be horrific. It would be so full of plot holes. No, but like, so.

Luciano (49:16.206)
what are all of the cool shit that I think I can put and then I'll figure out a way of tying them together. So maybe if you actually look at the story you're trying to tell before deciding how much slow motion you're gonna put on it or how much grain you're gonna show, if you do that, maybe that's a good way of avoiding plotholes.

Spencer (49:36.62)
So you're saying after you get your rating, whether it's RRA, and then you write the story, you make that story, you know, obviously, but then it also, you know, you write it from scene to scene as opposed to starting at the end and working backwards. That way it has like a natural flow.

Luciano (49:39.566)

Matt (49:39.732)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (49:45.262)
fit the rating.

Luciano (49:55.086)
It has to follow. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. You can start backwards, by the way, as long as you still go scene by scene backwards then.

Spencer (50:03.244)
Now you're talking about Tenet now?

Luciano (50:04.91)
I guess I am.

Spencer (50:09.164)
Yeah, I think that generally all the plot holes in most movies does come down to laziness. You know, it's like there's like a plot hole and they whenever there's like a hand waving kind of thing, that's usually where we sink our teeth into because it's like, yeah, I'm hand waving because I don't have an explanation because it's a hole in my story.

Luciano (50:18.158)

Luciano (50:24.462)

Matt (50:29.395)
But there's like, it feels like there's a fine line between giving you just enough information to let your brain extrapolate it into being cool, like in the John Wick universe, when they create like the coins and the hotels, it's like, this is cool. It'll look, there's pieces there. But then you get Zack Snyder who's like, hey, it'll be cool if we shovel coal into the engine of a spaceship.

Spencer (50:43.852)
Mm -hmm.

Spencer (50:53.356)
We won't explain it. People's imagination can fill that up. Maybe it's space coal.

Luciano (50:54.19)
Into the garbage bin of the spaceship.

Matt (50:56.468)

Matt (51:01.555)
And not that that's even a plot hole, but it seems like it's a really fine line for people. It's like the rule of cool, right? Whereas, it looks cool, let's do it. But you invariably get to a point where, like, bringing back in Rebel Moon, bringing back, what's his face? Atticus. Is that Atticus? I don't know, whatever. Noble, yeah, noble. But to what end? Why?

Luciano (51:09.582)

Spencer (51:23.884)
I don't know.

Luciano (51:24.206)
Noble? Yeah, yeah.

Matt (51:31.476)
You didn't prove that you could do this. You have this technology. I won't let it go!

Spencer (51:34.86)
Matt, you gotta let it go, Matt. You gotta let Revolune go! That was five episodes ago! It's been well over a month.

Luciano (51:36.558)

Matt (51:40.488)
Fine. My point being is like, is it just bad storytelling? Are these people just bad storytellers? Or is it like, is the last Roman Moon mention I'll make, is it all gonna be fixed with the extended cuts?

Spencer (51:53.724)
First of all, obviously, yes, it's all gonna be fixed in the director's cut. Only Zack Snyder gets two chances at every movie. He gets to make a movie, hear all the critiques, fix it, and then still get shit on.

Luciano (51:57.262)
In black and white and four by three. Yes.

Matt (51:59.964)
Yes, okay.

Matt (52:09.716)

Luciano (52:09.902)
Yeah. Well, yeah, because his idea of fixing it is I'll address it in my own way.

Spencer (52:16.204)
Luciano, you gotta let it go, man. You gotta let it go. It was over a month ago. I don't even think Rebel Moon 3 is gonna be made, so.

Luciano (52:23.278)
Okay, let me pick another movie then. To me, one of the most egregious thing of like, I think this is cool and I'm gonna do it even though it doesn't make sense is like the 100 billion star destroyers with planet killers and the end of Skywalker. It's like, that's to Spencer's point, that's just laziness. It's like,

Spencer (52:43.34)

Matt (52:44.372)
Yep. Yep.

Luciano (52:51.534)
Well, how can I make this grander and cooler and more epic, epicker? They're like, you know what's cool? A planet killer. You know what also is cool? A Star Destroyer. Wouldn't it be a hundred billion times cooler if I had a hundred billion times those? Money! Shoot it! Like it's laziness. Right, yeah.

Spencer (53:13.004)
Write that down. I don't have a pen. All I have is cocaine write it in cocaine then

Matt (53:15.892)
Ha ha ha.

Sniff some more cocaine and you'll definitely remember it.

Luciano (53:20.974)
Yeah, yeah, it will imprint in your memory if you sniff somewhere, yeah.

Spencer (53:26.124)
Yeah. I mean, I think we sound like old people. I mean, it's not age. It's not like new movies, but it's like, I think it just comes down to, yeah, like it's like movies written by, by vote, you know, movies written by testing. I figured it's called by a committee. So it's like, when you have that, it's like, people are like, it's like, again, it reminds me of that Simpsons episode where they're like, you want, do you like it when itchy and scratchy are real and down to earth?

Luciano (53:31.854)
which we are.

Luciano (53:45.358)

Matt (53:55.38)
Yeah, yeah.

Spencer (53:56.012)
They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like, what about when they do zany adventures that break all the rules? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you want a down to earth episode with off the wall crazy hijinks. They're like, yeah, all right, yeah. And it's like, yeah, you can't do that. You can't have a committee be like, I really like a scene with 100 star, 100 frigging giant ships. And they're like, well, shit, we didn't. We're on this planet and it's just the emperor. How are we gonna do that?

Matt (54:04.532)

Luciano (54:23.086)

Spencer (54:23.98)
We'll raise them. That's what the audience wants. The audience wants a big space battle at the end, you know? And then when it comes to that, that's where your plot hole is coming, because they're just trying to please everyone.

Luciano (54:33.422)
Yeah. Well, you think you're trying to please, but like you said, like in that case was like a misunderstanding. This was like a plot and I'm not going to go into Rez Coworker again, I promise. But like, this is like a plot written by reading Reddit and misinterpreting what people are saying. That's what that plot was.

Matt (54:51.508)
Well, I mean, Star Wars uniquely suffers from the problem of having different writers and directors in all three movies and somehow you didn't let them talk to each other. It's like you have to play broken telephone. You can only watch this movie and then make your own afterwards, but you don't get to know anything about what the person was thinking or.

Spencer (54:52.588)
Yeah, that whole movie is just like...

Luciano (54:54.478)

Luciano (55:02.702)

Spencer (55:03.052)

Luciano (55:05.23)

Luciano (55:09.134)
And also you get to make your own movie and you get to give the other guy the shaft just because you can. Yeah.

Matt (55:14.74)
Yeah. Yeah. Like.

Spencer (55:15.916)
Yeah, and you can leave like cliffhangers without answers and be like, I'll let him figure it out. And be like, but there's no satisfying answer to that question.

Matt (55:22.452)
And his, his solution to it is just bringing back the Emperor.

Luciano (55:25.23)
Yeah, that was that that was gonna bring that up was like the laziest thing like fuck How do we make this even more dire and how do we raise the stakes? I know bring back the Christy old fucking dead, dude

Spencer (55:25.292)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (55:36.884)

Spencer (55:37.324)
I'm back from the dead.

Luciano (55:39.95)
Yeah. Star Wars again.

Matt (55:41.3)
I mean, I would like to steer this away from those problematic movies. Well, because that movie is problematic for a bunch of reasons, because it has historical context and has other movies and things to pull from. If you're making a net new movie, how do you construct something that has a plot and narrative that makes sense without opening up giant holes in your movie? And there are so many ways to do it. And is it...

Luciano (55:48.942)
number of reasons.

Luciano (55:54.254)

Matt (56:10.772)
the matter of the story, of trying to make the story too grand? Is it a matter of just focusing on a few characters or not having multiple subplots or going for a specific ending? Or is it just because continually Hollywood executives think they know more about making movies than storytellers and directors?

Luciano (56:28.462)
Yeah, I think that last one's a big one.

Spencer (56:29.356)

Yeah, I think it's like you have like you have to have if someone's writing a movie they have to have like a vision and they have to like not be stupid, you know, like when Quentin Tarantino writes a movie, it's like he puts a lot of work into all the different elements working with each other to create the story. And I'm pretty sure if you had fucking and Christopher Nolan, like he has the sway and the power to be like, don't touch my movie.

Because I have a set vision, and a lot of these, especially these big franchise movies, they're like, we're going to get a director who will do what we want. First of all, we can't have somebody who we have no control over, because it's too much money to risk. So it's like they hire some director who looks like he can shoot something decently. And he's like, OK, we're going to let you make it, but we have notes. The notes are written in cocaine.

Luciano (57:28.406)
Also the notes are called the script.

Spencer (57:32.248)
Yeah, exactly. And then when that happens, it's like, then you have a guy who doesn't write movies, writing movies, right? And then that's where I think that's where most of the most egregious plotholes are where it's like, you know, that story with Kevin Smith, where he's writing the I don't know if you heard that he was writing the Superman movie. And that famous, I forget who his name was, John something was like, the scripts great, but he was really obsessed with having a giant spider. And he was like,

I just have to have a giant spider in the third act. He's like, what? There's no giant spider in this movie. And he's like, no, we just got to have it. And that man went on to make Wild West, which had a giant spider at the end of the movie. And it's like that you could just see that kind of happening and being like, well, yeah, that's going to create a bottle when there's no spiders for the movie. And then the final act, there's a giant spider. So it's like, I think that kind of mentality is just. It's just strong.

Luciano (58:05.902)

Matt (58:14.524)

Spencer (58:31.084)
especially with the bigger the movies are.

Luciano (58:31.086)
I think also, yeah, and the bigger the movies are, also there's like a formula that they're expected to follow. And even if you do have what you said, Spencer, like the vision and the idea, and you weren't stupid and you wrote it down, but then it doesn't touch on like bullet point seven and 13 of the fucking formula now. You know, you have to kind of fucking shoehorn it in.

Spencer (58:53.26)
Yeah, you gotta make, you gotta get a romance in the third act, you know, you gotta have a big kiss moment. Like, there's no romance in this story. We'll have the LPs fall in love with the square piece. Get it done.

Luciano (58:56.622)

They're like, what? This is a movie about Tetris. How can I? Yeah.

Matt (59:05.14)
I mean, I think you're raising a good point. I think this is homework for everybody if you're listening to this. I think it's a Key and Peele. Key and Peele did a sketch where they made fun of the writing process for Gremlins 2 and how like cracked out it was and how they came up with all these like random ideas and shoved them into a movie. And it's like,

Luciano (59:08.75)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (59:24.334)

Matt (59:30.74)
It's obviously a key and peel making fun of something, but it's like all these ideas were true. And it's just like trying to figure out how they got into the movie. And it's one of those things where it's just like, I guess when like so few directors and writers have the cache aid to get the story they want to write and say told that invariably someone is going to meddle in a way that messes the story up. And it could be as simple as like, listen, I don't love.

Spencer (59:36.652)
I haven't seen that, but I really want to.

Luciano (59:38.318)
Yeah, now I want to see that too. Yeah.

Matt (59:58.932)
Zack Snyder and I don't think his problems are related to timing. But if someone says, hey, you got to make a movie and it's got to be, it's got to fit this timeframe where it's got to be this amount of beats. Right. And so like, it could be that like when you do that to someone and they have to start making choices on what to cut out, like I'm sure if you watch a movie at three hours and they're like, we can cut this, we can cut this, we can cut this. You still have that in your brain that nothing happened. And so your brain...

Luciano (01:00:06.542)
Yeah, it can't be three and a half hours long. He's like, I'm not doing it.

Spencer (01:00:11.532)
Ha ha.

Spencer (01:00:25.324)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:00:26.868)
fills in the gaps of the story, but then when you show it to a test audience, they're like, what the fuck is going on? Right? And there's no way to fix it because the studio wants to hit a runtime or wants to put a fucking giant spider in their movie.

Luciano (01:00:30.19)
What is this fucking fever dream? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And to your point, our friends, the Westside boys, they were supposed to be the ones to produce, like there was supposed to be them running Oppenheimer and Nolan fought them because they wanted to do a bunch of shit. And he brought it afterwards. I think it was paramount and universal. It was universal.

Matt (01:00:46.74)
Ayyyy! What's eight boys in the house?

Spencer (01:00:47.564)
Luciano (01:01:03.598)
The original idea was to make it with Warner, but like the rest of the boys like, Hey, you gotta put, you're going to put some mustache people there and then they raise them.

Spencer (01:01:11.468)
Oprah and I must gotta have a big metal suit. People love metal suits.

Luciano (01:01:16.526)
And also a mustache, a big old mustache that we're going to erase digitally.

Spencer (01:01:20.972)
How'd you get -

Matt (01:01:21.044)
What if you give Abanaheim the super soldier serum and then he goes and kills Hitler?

Luciano (01:01:26.51)

Spencer (01:01:26.892)
I like that. I like that.

Matt (01:01:30.356)
We'll call him Captain New Mexico so no infringements.

Luciano (01:01:34.254)
Captain Alamo.

Spencer (01:01:35.148)
Now, this guy's cooking. This guy's cooking. Captain Alamo, it's got a good ring to it.

Matt (01:01:36.564)

Luciano (01:01:39.47)

Matt (01:01:42.868)
Captain Los Alamos.

Spencer (01:01:44.3)
we went over this Christopher. No Captain Alamo, no movie.

Luciano (01:01:47.03)
Maybe Oppenheimer can be next to the bomb and it explodes and he gets nuclear powers. Nuclear powers. They would say nuclear powers.

Matt (01:01:49.876)

Matt (01:01:53.844)
yeah. Yeah, they would say nukes for their powers. Yeah. He's like a yellow oak. Am I right?

Luciano (01:02:01.006)
Elk? Elk?

Spencer (01:02:01.516)

Matt (01:02:03.22)
Are you making fun of my accent or what?

Spencer (01:02:05.964)
I thought you were from the West Side too,

Matt (01:02:08.596)
Hey, whoa, we don't do that here, that's Eastside, boys.

Spencer (01:02:11.116)
I want him to ride the nuke down when it lands like in that old movie, you know? It's a famous scene and people will like it. It's an homage. It's a homage. It will look like a good homage, okay? Yeah, he'll survive. I know. And then he'll say, I'm a smasher of ass.

Matt (01:02:14.484)
Yeah. Yeah, yeah!

Matt (01:02:19.708)
Yeah. Everyone loves a good homage, am I right?

Luciano (01:02:21.454)
a homage. They would say homage to. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I another thing I learned is that Dr. Strange Love. Dr. Strange Love is actually hard. Like a lot of it is based on Edward Teller from this movie, like the Hungarian dude from this movie. Yeah, it's him and Werner von Braun.

both together as a composite insane character. That's Dr. Strangelove. Yeah.

Matt (01:02:50.58)
Jesus. Okay, cool, cool, cool.

Luciano (01:02:53.55)
But yeah, so I think like studio meddling is definitely part of what happens. Because especially if it's like, no, you only have an hour and a half, but I shot a two and a hour and a half movie. Well, just cut some shit. What's the worst that can happen?

Matt (01:03:08.308)
I mean, to end it, it's probably also sometimes on the director of the storyteller because yeah, yeah. Or like, yeah, they make changes to the story and they, you know, someone writes a story, they get it, but the director or someone else rewrites it in midstream because they want to do something else. There's, you know, so this, I guess it's just meddling.

Luciano (01:03:12.526)
yeah. Sometimes it's Zack Snyder. Yeah.

Spencer (01:03:12.876)
Sometimes there's bad, there are bad writers out there.

Luciano (01:03:24.654)
yeah, there's that. Yeah. I was like, they fired the script writer in the middle and someone picks it up and like, let's start cutting.

Matt (01:03:32.628)
Yeah. But like, you know, in those people's defenses, half the time it works, right? Like if it works, if you... Well, yeah, if it's a successful film, like maybe if people have taken a script that was okay and they've changed it or ad -libbed or whatever during the production and it's made a better movie. So everyone thinks they're geniuses, right? But...

Luciano (01:03:40.11)
Define it works. It makes money? Sure.

Luciano (01:03:53.358)

Spencer (01:03:54.284)
I want to open up and gun down six men who disappoint him, okay? That's it. If he's not gunning down, we'll give him a Tommy gun. It'll be perfect.

Luciano (01:03:58.734)

Matt (01:04:04.467)
Yeah. You know, like that movie with that Elliot Ness guy.

Spencer (01:04:09.548)
Do that.

Luciano (01:04:11.47)
So let's also give him a big scar. Let's give him a big scar called scar face.

Matt (01:04:11.636)
Yeah, Elliot Oppenheimer. Am I right?

Spencer (01:04:14.284)
Let's change his name to Elliot.

Matt (01:04:17.94)
Yeah. Okay.

Spencer (01:04:20.076)
Yeah, he can be called Scarface. Who? Nobody knows V out of Scar.

Matt (01:04:25.972)
Yeah, no one knows. So.

Luciano (01:04:26.23)
Nobody was alive 80 years ago.

Matt (01:04:30.516)
So Elliot Oppenheimer is from Chicago.

Spencer (01:04:34.06)
He's a Chicago cop, okay?

Luciano (01:04:35.886)
Here's a Chicago mobster, mobster.

Matt (01:04:36.884)
is a Chicago Cap mobster and in a spare time he dabbles in the physics the nucleus that's right

Luciano (01:04:42.51)
in the nucleus.

Spencer (01:04:44.3)
and the nucleus. I like it. And he's got to create a bomb to take down the Eastside Mob. Okay? Because they're building... They got to...

Luciano (01:04:46.294)

Matt (01:04:47.828)
I like it.

Matt (01:04:55.396)

Luciano (01:04:57.326)
Wait, the east side? The east side of what? Just the east side. The whole of it! The whole of it!

Matt (01:05:01.076)
The east side. You know what it is. Don't act like you don't know what the east side is. The whole east side! Yeah.

Spencer (01:05:04.108)
Yeah, and they're gonna come out like, yo, we're from the east side of Germany, what up?

Luciano (01:05:09.102)
But wait, that's only after the war. Shut up, nobody asked you!

Spencer (01:05:16.204)
The German, we'll just say the gang's name are the Germans. Yeah, it works.

Luciano (01:05:20.59)
The East Germans, that's the gang name.

Matt (01:05:21.908)
Spencer, can I funnel all this energy into a slightly different direction? Because we have to get to some of our fun questions. So what if the West Side Boys are dead set on a sequel to Oppenheim?

Spencer (01:05:27.532)
I insist.

Luciano (01:05:37.87)

Matt (01:05:37.876)
What is this sequel about?

Spencer (01:05:41.004)
Okay, well I was already inspired by Luciano earlier when he said this is like the Avengers of scientists and I think that's the perfect direction to take this. So here we go, we make an Einstein movie, we make a Niels Bohr movie, we make a Fermi movie.

Luciano (01:05:49.422)
no, what have I done?

Matt (01:05:52.916)

Luciano (01:06:05.134)
Enrico Fermi movie, yeah, let's go. Edward, Edward, no, Rob, yeah, Richard Feynman, yeah.

Spencer (01:06:07.724)
We make a... Fiedman movie?

And the villain is Klaus Fuchs who escaped as a spy. But he's in the combined movie, obviously, okay?

Luciano (01:06:18.222)
The Betrayer.

Luciano (01:06:25.354)
His code name is Omega Red.

Spencer (01:06:28.332)
Yes, obviously.

Luciano (01:06:30.638)

Matt (01:06:31.892)

Spencer (01:06:33.26)
Now each in each of their movies they have to defeat science in a different way. Yes.

Luciano (01:06:38.062)
Defeat science. Okay, I'm here. Defeated science. Yeah.

Matt (01:06:40.788)
Yeah, Oppenheimer defeated science by making the nuclear bomb.

Spencer (01:06:41.868)

Spencer (01:06:45.676)
Yeah, so Einstein's got to defeat time. Yeah, Neil. No, no, we can't we can't say Neil Neil Bohr has got to defeat reality. For some reason.

Matt (01:06:49.716)
Nice. Well, no, we can't, we can't steal that idea.

Luciano (01:06:50.094)
the infinity stones. Yeah, nice.

Luciano (01:07:01.39)
Yeah, why not?

Spencer (01:07:02.828)
you know Feynman soul he's the soul he's got to defeat the soul and

Luciano (01:07:04.974)
defeats soul. Yeah. And wait, so then like Fermi defeats power?

Spencer (01:07:14.828)

Luciano (01:07:16.942)
Well, wait, no. Heisenberg should defeat space.

Spencer (01:07:17.964)
No, no, no Oppenheimer was power.

Okay, I'm gonna trust you on that. I don't know what any of these guys do. And then and then Fuchs is trying to get the the microscope of the

Luciano (01:07:25.058)
None of them are astronomers!

Matt (01:07:29.78)

Luciano (01:07:32.334)

Luciano (01:07:42.03)
You're missing one science, the mind science has to be defeated. Jean Tathlock. Tathlock, she's a psychiatrist. No, I don't care. Yeah, she was brought back with the soul stone. She was brought back by Feynman on his movie.

Spencer (01:07:46.22)
that's a teller.

Okay, Tatlock. She was brought back with the soul stone. I mean the soul science. He was brought back with soul science by, by using soul science. Yeah.

Matt (01:08:02.612)
Okay, so that's fine. We just have to get the movies in a row, right? So like the the Tidelock movie can't have it until Feynman brings her back. Yeah, okay. That's fair.

Luciano (01:08:05.582)

Luciano (01:08:09.038)
The Feynman movie is done. Yeah, it's the stinger. It's the stinger. She appears at the end.

Spencer (01:08:10.892)
naturally. It's the sense and and Fuchs is after the infinity microscope.

Luciano (01:08:19.702)
Why a microscope?

Matt (01:08:19.764)
It's a microscope? Is that a -

Spencer (01:08:22.06)
I don't know. I don't know. Name something sciency. That's what my - that's what you writers are for.

Luciano (01:08:27.662)
The large hydron infinity accelerator. The infinity collider.

Matt (01:08:28.148)

Spencer (01:08:29.772)
I got it. That's exactly what I was going to go with. The Infinity Collider.

Matt (01:08:33.884)
The infinity collateral, thank you, yes.

Luciano (01:08:39.278)
That fucking sounds like something Margot would do.

Spencer (01:08:41.92)
And using this, yeah, what are you talking about? Yeah, yeah, don't complicate things with this Marvel talk. And then, yeah, and then they make the, and they call themselves.

Matt (01:08:42.484)
Who's Marvel? What are you talking about? Don't say that!

Luciano (01:08:47.758)

Luciano (01:08:57.198)
the the revengers.

Spencer (01:09:00.076)
No. That's already taken.

Luciano (01:09:01.07)
Why not? I said, revengeurs. is it? fuck. The. The vindicate the vindicators.

Spencer (01:09:04.876)
That's also taken. Yeah, it's in Thor. I mean, I've never seen those movies. What movies? Who are you? No, it's gotta be like the physicists or like the, the, the scientists, the phisendras. How about the Manhattan Project? That doesn't really work.

Matt (01:09:05.14)
Yeah, that's also taken.

Matt (01:09:10.612)
I never said, Dora, who's that? Who's that guy?

Luciano (01:09:17.646)
the Physicators. The Science -nators.

Matt (01:09:18.388)

Matt (01:09:26.548)
No, it's already taken. No, we don't, do we own that guy? We own that guy, it's okay, yeah, we can do that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:09:27.374)
Dr. Manhattan Project?

Yeah, they're all blue. They're all blue at the end.

Spencer (01:09:33.228)
Yeah, we get on that. Dr. Manhattan's in this. Yeah, that's that's what they create after the Manhattan Project.

Luciano (01:09:40.174)
No, you find out that his secret identity is Isidor Rabi. He is actually Dr. Manhattan.

Matt (01:09:46.964)
Well, I was going to say, what if the infinity collider is powered off and that creates Dr. Manhattan? Okay.

Luciano (01:09:54.382)
Yeah, that's the first group movie.

Spencer (01:09:55.052)
like it I get them that gave me an right there I came in I felt them felt an in my nut nukes myself

Matt (01:09:59.828)

Luciano (01:09:59.854)

Matt (01:10:04.916)
I think you just nutnuked.

Luciano (01:10:05.038)

Luciano (01:10:09.838)
I think you should probably go to the doctor to see that.

Spencer (01:10:11.884)
Matt (01:10:13.428)
All right. I think we've, we've answered the question pretty firmly. So that's just, let's move on from that one. Hey, we spent a lot of time talking about, you know, specifically really not covering what the Nazis and the Russians are up to. They come up once in a while, but I think it's important to know that, you know, what the Nazis were doing. I want to know, what do you think a day, a day was like at the, I'm calling it the Nazi Oktoberfest project.

Luciano (01:10:16.302)
Yeah, very thoroughly.

Luciano (01:10:43.854)
They're making, wait, they're making beer? Is that why they don't end up making a bomb?

Matt (01:10:47.956)
I mean, you tell me, I don't know, I didn't name the project.

Spencer (01:10:49.324)
The project can do more than one thing, okay? They can do two things at once.

Matt (01:10:53.492)

Luciano (01:10:54.03)
Fair, that's fair. Many scientists there.

Spencer (01:10:58.316)
most of them of a certain background if I recall.

Luciano (01:10:58.35)

Matt (01:11:02.932)
Do you think they even like do anything or they're just making fun of people like making fun of the Americans?

Luciano (01:11:08.206)

Spencer (01:11:08.332)
No, I think they're trying to make bombs, but what do they say in the movie that their advantage is the anti -Semitism?

Luciano (01:11:16.302)
Yeah, because like, this is in real life. Apparently Hitler called quantum mechanics Jewish science. So that would never happen in Germany. Yeah, exactly.

Spencer (01:11:25.868)
You and your Jew science. I don't know why he sounds like a West Side Boy. You and your Jew science.

Matt (01:11:29.716)

Luciano (01:11:31.31)
It does, a little bit.

Spencer (01:11:35.5)
I just, I find it hilarious. The idea of like the Germans or the Nazis using Jewish scientists whilst like thinking they're the worst people and not being able to, I can just picture the, like a Jewish guy be like, we've created the, we split the atom. It's a great success. It's like, okay, you sneaky Jew. Yeah, sure you did. Sure you did.

Luciano (01:12:01.294)
Yeah, sure, sure you did. You feckin' liar.

Matt (01:12:04.092)
Split the atom, that's fine. That's okay. But what are those guys doing down in that church with the zombies? I hear that's real promising stuff.

Spencer (01:12:05.484)
Yeah, yeah. You fucker.

Spencer (01:12:13.236)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:12:15.406)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you split the atom but did it have tar in it? That is the question.

Spencer (01:12:22.252)
Did it? Yeah, you keep splitting atoms. I'm gonna go find the Ark of the Covenant. I'm gonna do something promising. But yeah. Okay bud. Yeah, split the atom. Okay, Jewish guy.

Matt (01:12:22.388)
Yeah. Did I create zombies or what?

Matt (01:12:28.764)
That thing's real.

Luciano (01:12:28.878)


Ha ha!

You split the atoms really. What is an atom even?

Spencer (01:12:42.968)
Yeah, yeah, do you split the challah while you're at it?

Matt (01:12:46.1)

Luciano (01:12:46.69)
Split, do you split your latkes too?

Spencer (01:12:51.628)
But you're like, it's no sir. I think we've created a nuclear weapon. yeah, is that what you? Yeah, do you what's that matzah? Why do you know so much about Passover? What are you saying the Seder doing the prayers?

Luciano (01:12:56.558)
A nuclear weapon, yeah. Yeah. Do you have to wear... Do you have... Yeah, do you need to not eat anything that's fermented before you use it? This fucking bomb of yours? You know way more than I do even!

Matt (01:13:01.684)


Spencer (01:13:14.572)
He's like, are you Jewish? Why do you know every detail? Okay, okay. What are you gonna say the ma, have the youngest say the ma nish -tah -nah? Come on. You gonna ask the four questions?

Matt (01:13:19.956)

Luciano (01:13:25.582)
Ha ha!

Yeah. you're gonna you're gonna drip some wine on your plate too for the plagues? Is that what you're doing?

Spencer (01:13:31.892)
To represent the 10 plagues? I'm gonna, I really think you're Jewish. I mean, no, no, no, I'm a Nazi. Trust me, trust me.

Matt (01:13:34.548)
Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:13:39.854)
This is uncanny. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:13:42.772)
So Hitler is just really messing up. That's why they can't get anything done.

Spencer (01:13:45.772)
Yeah, yeah, okay.

Luciano (01:13:47.534)
Yeah, basically they're trying like there's like two scientists trying to do something and everybody else is just going, look at the Jews trying to sneak one bias with their fucking matzah science.

Spencer (01:13:56.204)

Spencer (01:14:01.132)
Other mods with science. You guys just making mods over there. This is a working nuclear bomb Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah

Luciano (01:14:02.83)

Matt (01:14:03.86)

Luciano (01:14:08.078)
Yeah, yeah. Sure. Do you do you do you eat with horseradish too? Yeah, I think I've answered your question very thoroughly.

Spencer (01:14:11.916)
Yeah, yeah

Matt (01:14:15.316)
all right. Yeah, no, you guys clean it up. Hey, it was 2020. Sorry. If Oppenheimer wasn't lived in the present day, would he understand the plot of tenant?

Luciano (01:14:27.694)
No. No?

Spencer (01:14:28.652)
I love that question. Well, Oppenheimer was a man of science, so no. Yeah.

Matt (01:14:32.052)
Why wouldn't he?


Luciano (01:14:36.27)
Yeah, exactly. There you go. He believed in logic and throughput. Yeah.

Matt (01:14:44.052)
Do you think all of him and his buddies would sign a petition like we need to ban Tenet?

Spencer (01:14:48.62)
Yeah, this makes us look bad. I think

Luciano (01:14:51.662)
I think they would build a whole lot of salamence just to try and understand the plot together.

Spencer (01:14:55.916)
Well, I think you would just get like the he'd have Albert Einstein watching Albert Einstein would you be watching me like no, no, no, no No, that's not right That's What do you do to my precious time I said E equals MC squared squared Einstein how do you know where MC Hammer is? I've traveled through time. Okay, I followed the 80s.

Luciano (01:15:01.698)
Yeah. Yeah. What are you doing to my precious equations?

Matt (01:15:08.564)

Luciano (01:15:13.55)
Yeah, you're doing E equals MC Hammer. That's all right.

Spencer (01:15:25.708)
So yeah, I think that I think the answer the short answer is no.

Matt (01:15:26.164)
Real intent took me through time, I covered all of it.

Luciano (01:15:27.822)

Luciano (01:15:34.894)
Yeah, the long answer is noooo

Matt (01:15:35.188)

Okay, fair enough. That's fine. More back to the movie then. At the end of the movie, well, it happens a couple of times, but Louis Strauss brings Oppenheimer to come work at Princeton. Oppenheimer has a quiet moment with Einstein, and Strauss thinks that they said something about him and they're out to get him. But we find out that they are actually talking about, now that Oppenheimer's made the talk, well, he's going to hate him.

Luciano (01:16:07.342)
I couldn't give two shits about straws. Yeah.

Matt (01:16:10.132)
Couldn't give two shits about Strauss, but the real question here is what does Louis Strauss think Einstein and Oppenheimer talked about?

Luciano (01:16:17.262)
Spencer (01:16:18.924)
Didn't I already say what up when I said?

Matt (01:16:22.036)
The hell?

Spencer (01:16:23.244)
I am become Riz, destroyer of ass. That would cover this.

Matt (01:16:28.5)
I thought he said that to Teen Title Lock, not to Einstein.

Luciano (01:16:31.854)
Yeah. Also, I thought it was destroyer of pussy, not destroyer of ass when he said Riz.

Spencer (01:16:32.492)
that's right, that's right, sorry.

Spencer (01:16:37.964)
No, I think it was actually, I'm just sure of that ass was the final answer. Yeah. sorry.

Matt (01:16:42.004)
That is correct. I have a different question for that later. We can go. We can go into that.

Luciano (01:16:42.158)
so he was workshopping it through it during during during his sex moment with with gene he's like Riz okay Riz the stride of pussy or ass why do you think gene

Matt (01:16:54.708)
If he can stop to read Sanskrit while she rides him, then he can fucking work out his catchphrase.

Spencer (01:16:57.324)
Yeah, he... he can work on catchphrases from the future.

Luciano (01:16:58.286)
No, yeah, no, the man can multitask. He can, he can fucking multitask for sure. Yeah.

Matt (01:17:02.42)

Spencer (01:17:04.908)
I think we have what would upset what do you think so the question what did he think Oppenheimer said.

Matt (01:17:11.38)
Well, like, what do you think Einstein and Oppenheimer said?

Spencer (01:17:14.284)
Like what Strauss thought they said.

Matt (01:17:16.404)

Luciano (01:17:17.87)
I think he thought Oppenheimer went to Aizen and said, did you see how fucking bald he's getting? This motherfucker. And Aizen was like, ee, yeah. And that was it.

Spencer (01:17:27.66)
This man, I swear to God, smells like leaks. Like specifically leaks. Smell him. Boiled leaks.

Luciano (01:17:30.83)
Leaks, boiled leaks. Like, yeah, I know. I've been here, I've been here all the whole summer. Yeah.

Spencer (01:17:39.372)
Tell me about it. Yeah, I've been here.

Matt (01:17:44.404)
You know, some of the shots you miss and that was one of them. And we're just going to move on and not worry about it. It happens.

Spencer (01:17:46.476)

He said, I'm not a big fan of Iron Man. I think it's overrated.

Luciano (01:17:53.33)
That's better. Yeah. Yeah.

Matt (01:17:57.748)
I think he's a B tier character. I think the movie suffered from poor acting and I don't care for it. It was miscast. Now, different question. I think it's now time to ask this question because I think we're ready for it. It's fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. If only natural born American citizens were allowed to work on the Manhattan Project, what would happen?

Spencer (01:17:59.756)
It was miscast.

Luciano (01:18:00.27)


Luciano (01:18:13.614)
Spencer (01:18:25.516)

Luciano (01:18:26.894)
You mean if they weren't poaching?

Matt (01:18:30.356)
Well, because America had the whole thing with anybody who was Japanese or Japanese born, got to live in safety camps, we'll call them.

Luciano (01:18:37.064)
is that what we're calling them?

Spencer (01:18:39.18)

Matt (01:18:39.188)
Well, they don't want to call them concentration camps, so we can't use that.

Luciano (01:18:40.814)
Yeah, I was going to say, wasn't those like camps where people were concentrated?

Matt (01:18:47.124)
They were, I think they called them work camps. Anyway, so it's not important. But America liked to subjugate and group up certain people they didn't care for because they were a risk to national security. So what if they decided all the Germans and Jewish people from Europe were all security risks? Who would be left to work on this project and how would it go?

Luciano (01:18:49.838)

Luciano (01:18:53.838)

Luciano (01:19:00.302)
Hungarians and... Ooooo

Spencer (01:19:08.812)
Sir we did it! We successfully built the first nuclear powered monster truck!

Luciano (01:19:13.774)
Yeah, that was that wasn't night when I asked at all yes, but look at her

Spencer (01:19:15.34)
That wasn't your job?

Matt (01:19:17.46)

Spencer (01:19:19.372)
But listen to that engine purr!

Luciano (01:19:23.566)

Matt (01:19:25.108)
You can drive that straight off the Autobahn right into Hitler's house. No problem.

Spencer (01:19:26.204)
No problemo! We got Larry the cable guy on it!

Luciano (01:19:32.686)
Yeah You can drive that thing all the way to Hitler's backyard and blow it right up his ass Yeah, that's that and they would still be building it. I think like to this day

Spencer (01:19:41.388)
And yeah.

Spencer (01:19:48.108)
To this day.

Luciano (01:19:49.486)

Spencer (01:19:51.852)
We are this close to getting the nuclear bomb. We are just... Any day now those Nazis are gonna be dumb for all. We're here at Los Alamos.

Luciano (01:19:53.87)
Yeah, yeah, the Nazis are not gonna know what hit him.

Yeah, we have three generations of scientists working on this. Yes. That also tracks. That also tracks. no. My sister wife says, Billy Bob, when are you going to be done with that job?

Matt (01:20:07.732)
in Bread Scientist.

Spencer (01:20:08.636)
My teeth don't work so good no more Yeah My sister wife says this ain't good for me

Matt (01:20:18.996)
See you soon!

Matt (01:20:28.084)
As soon as Billy Bob learns how to read again...

Spencer (01:20:31.34)

Luciano (01:20:31.438)

Matt (01:20:33.108)
The donkey kicked him in the head again. He really likes to come from behind all the donkeys and they get scared and they kick him. It's a problem. Well, yeah, always in the head.

Luciano (01:20:36.302)
there's a donkey.

Spencer (01:20:38.316)

Luciano (01:20:43.47)
In the head. In the head!

Spencer (01:20:46.924)
We think with two or three more donkeys we can get this nuclear engine up and running. We just need a couple more donkey power.

Luciano (01:20:51.662)
We just need we just need enough donkeys to pull them all the way to Hitler. no Donkey power need donkey power

Matt (01:20:57.524)
Donkey Power!

Spencer (01:20:58.436)
We need more donkey power. Donkey power.

Spencer (01:21:08.104)
We'll get and we'll get there we will

Luciano (01:21:10.062)

Don Kapur!

Matt (01:21:18.74)
Dark power.

Luciano (01:21:22.414)
Well, yeah, we'll get them not as you'll see sir. yeah.

Spencer (01:21:26.828)
We will have your Ford truck up and running. You're supposed to build a nuclear bomb. What now? Nuclear.

Matt (01:21:26.836)
Yeah, that makes sense.

Matt (01:21:32.18)

Luciano (01:21:34.798)
Yes, the what? What is what is nutular? That that thing's dangerous. I ain't touching that with a 10 foot pole. Yeah.

Matt (01:21:38.9)
Nucular? What's that?

Spencer (01:21:45.656)
My sister -wife says a nuke killer is bad for the old nut nuke.

Luciano (01:21:53.614)
Bad for your teeth. You don't have any teeth exactly

Spencer (01:21:58.22)
Game of Thrones says it's romantic to date your sister.

Luciano (01:22:02.158)

Matt (01:22:02.452)
Hey, random other question. How did Oppenheimer become scarecrow?

Luciano (01:22:05.614)

Spencer (01:22:06.54)

Spencer (01:22:15.692)
Okay, Luciano, you take this.

Luciano (01:22:16.878)
Is this... is... is this... right.

Matt (01:22:19.508)
It takes a scientific mind to create the substance that scares people.

Luciano (01:22:25.166)
Right. So I think after he gets his security clearance denied, he has a lot of free time and he's very angry and he's also... He spent a lot of time after the bomb thing feeling scared. And then he starts going, why am I the only one who's scared?

Spencer (01:22:39.02)
and he's angry.

Spencer (01:22:48.748)
Mm -hmm.

Luciano (01:22:53.71)
And then, you know, with the anger and everything, he has a lot of free time on his hands, no more senate committees or hearings or anything. So I think he starts developing, you know, okay, he starts developing a real interest in chemistry, I guess, late in his life. And yeah, and then he uses his, his knowledge about quantum physics.

Matt (01:23:14.771)
Sure, that always happens.

Spencer (01:23:15.212)
Eh, it's not that hard.

Luciano (01:23:23.982)
and creates a branch of chemistry called quantum chemistry.

Spencer (01:23:28.428)
I like it.

Matt (01:23:28.5)
Sure, all out.

Luciano (01:23:29.294)
And he starts testing on his children because he's a great father. And yeah, because if it works on your family, it will work on everybody. Everybody knows this is.

Spencer (01:23:37.132)
It's the only way to know for sure.

Spencer (01:23:42.412)
I'm sure the cold war, all the scare, all the fear that was going on during that time inspired him.

Luciano (01:23:48.814)
Yeah, yeah, that's true. And also like with the Red Scare and people saying, you think I'm, he's like, I think I'm a communist. I'm going to show you. You think I'm, exactly. Then he also turned slightly Irish towards the, towards, no, Basilio Murpheus. Yeah.

Spencer (01:23:56.524)
You think I'm a monster? I'll show you the kind of monster I can be.

Spencer (01:24:05.324)
I don't think I don't think scarecrow was Irish. Yeah, that's true, but then he covers up his Irish. And I would say also he changes his name because of all the flat. You can't go on being Oppenheimer.

Matt (01:24:05.556)
Sure. Nope.

Luciano (01:24:17.678)
of course. Yeah. Well, the name, the name is too well known for him to, and then he moves to Gotham at the end and go ahead.

Matt (01:24:19.476)
Yay. No. Right.

Spencer (01:24:31.404)
No, he chose Crane because of the crane that had to carry the nuke. Jonathan Crane.

Luciano (01:24:37.262)
right. A homage as the West side boys would say. A homage. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:24:40.94)
Yeah, a homage. Everyone loves a good homage. And,

Matt (01:24:43.604)
an old homage. Every boss get homage. No. Yeah, but I think that's great. I don't think there's anything else to talk about.

Spencer (01:24:49.868)
Yeah, I think that's it. And then he injects all of Gotham with the fear toxin because he's addicted to the fear that he once had. He was once a feared man.

Luciano (01:24:57.39)
Yeah, he wants to share the fear. Yeah.

Matt (01:25:00.788)
He wants it back. No one remembers.

Luciano (01:25:03.31)

Spencer (01:25:03.628)
No one remembers the name.

Jonathan Crain.

Matt (01:25:08.148)
Hey, what other catchphrases did I have to try out before I went with I have become Death, destroyer of worlds or

Luciano (01:25:09.742)

Spencer (01:25:16.556)
I'm sorry, what'd you say?

Luciano (01:25:17.198)
I am Riz. I am become Riz, destroyer of that ass.

Matt (01:25:18.74)
I am Riz, destroyer of data ass. I become Riz. I've destroyed that ass. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What else did he workshop?

Spencer (01:25:19.628)
I am become Riz.

Yeah, before he came to that one, you're saying.

Luciano (01:25:31.662)

Spencer (01:25:33.868)
It's pizza time.

Luciano (01:25:36.238)
Kawabunga, I was gonna say.

Matt (01:25:37.94)
Okay, yeah.

Spencer (01:25:38.892)
Cowabunga dudes.

Luciano (01:25:40.238)

Spencer (01:25:41.836)
We're going to need a bigger boat.

Luciano (01:25:43.822)
Yeah, I caramba.

Matt (01:25:45.072)
Yeah. A salavista, baby.

Luciano (01:25:48.174)
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, he tried. He also, no, I mean, that was a good contender as the Lovista baby. And I think he varied it after the hearing. He changed it to I'll be back.

Spencer (01:25:48.268)
That was such a famous line! That's pretty bad.

Matt (01:25:52.712)
He's workshopping.

Spencer (01:25:55.148)
He said, yeah, it's true.

Luciano (01:26:09.23)

Spencer (01:26:09.58)
They said, where are you going? And he's like, yeah, everyone keeps saying that whenever I say it. So it doesn't really track.

Luciano (01:26:11.682)
Yeah, it doesn't really work. It gave it a solid try and it didn't work. What else? Yeah.

Matt (01:26:15.7)

Spencer (01:26:21.148)
Yep. Ice ice baby.

Luciano (01:26:28.074)
yeah ice ice baby didn't work because you know the bomb it's hot not cold so

Spencer (01:26:28.908)
Mm -hmm, mm -hmm.

Spencer (01:26:33.42)
Yeah, he was trying to make a point about, you know, exactly, and the regret he had. He says, I...

Matt (01:26:38.036)
Nuclear winter. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:26:42.222)
And like, and then he tried nuclear winter, nuclear winter, baby. That didn't work. So he changed to ice ice. Yeah. Is it? Yeah. Well, everything about this is wrong.

Spencer (01:26:46.284)

Matt (01:26:46.356)
It's a bit wordy. Yeah. The mouth feel just so wrong.

Spencer (01:26:53.964)

Matt (01:26:54.792)

Luciano (01:26:55.918)
Yeah. Yep.

Matt (01:26:57.94)
Alright, now -

Spencer (01:26:57.964)
But then he, no, but then he's stuck with I am become Riz. Cause that just rolls off the tongue.

Matt (01:27:01.108)
Yeah. Yeah.

Luciano (01:27:02.318)
Well, he went to I am become death first and then he was like, it's not quite. Yeah.

Spencer (01:27:06.348)
It's not quite as effective with the ladies.

Matt (01:27:08.084)
Well, it's like, it was fine for the Manhattan Project, yeah, but like it had no, when you go up to a girl, like, hey baby, I am become Death Destroyer of Worlds, it's just, they look at you weird.

Luciano (01:27:17.39)
Yeah. there's another one right after the Trinity test. He, he dabbled with dodge this as well. Yeah. Yeah. The bomb.

Spencer (01:27:24.808)
Dodge this. That's yeah. Okay.

Matt (01:27:33.268)
Okay, no, I think we've done, we've beat this dead horse dead. yeah, of course. One last question. Hans Bethay loves to gamble. He gambled his fucking month of salary for 10 bucks that the bomb was gonna blow up.

Spencer (01:27:36.044)
I forgot. He said I'm going to Disneyland.

Luciano (01:27:36.462)
Spencer (01:27:41.036)

Spencer (01:27:53.676)
He's betting on a nuke killer weapon. Some people bet on horses, some people bet on sports. I bet on nukes.

Luciano (01:27:54.414)

Matt (01:27:57.876)
He's betting on a nuclear weapon. He's fucking getting down on whether it's gonna ignite the atmosphere. He's fucking

Luciano (01:28:02.926)
The man doesn't kid around. The man doesn't kid around. It's nukes or nothing.

Matt (01:28:06.516)
Yeah. So like we live in a day and age where you can gamble on everything and gambling's everywhere. What would, what would Hans get down on?

Luciano (01:28:17.454)

Matt (01:28:18.548)

Spencer (01:28:18.956)
He needs a rush.

I mean first and foremost.

Luciano (01:28:22.19)
Well, if he needs a rush, if he needs a rush, just, you know, just buy crypto.

Spencer (01:28:27.884)
And I was gonna say, first and foremost, he's deep in the NFT world. There's no doubt about it.

Luciano (01:28:31.694)
100%. Yeah. No, no, he's buying BARD apes. BARD apes.

Matt (01:28:31.956)

What's like, what's his thing? Is he into like, is he making them? Is he generating them or is he?

Spencer (01:28:38.604)
He's a hundred percent with his brain. No, board apes you, you know, that's a sound investment. First of all, that's not risky. If you don't own a board, I think that it started off as him buying, you know, low market, you know, NFTs just to get in. He flipped a few, turned a profit, saw the market and decided to make his own. And obviously they're yeah, they're new themed and each.

Luciano (01:28:45.614)

Matt (01:28:47.188)

Luciano (01:29:02.542)
What is pictures of the bomb?

Spencer (01:29:07.724)
Each nuke has a different trait in terms of how the explosion looks for different values.

Luciano (01:29:12.91)
Right. And how the casing looks as well. I was going to say new coin for sure.

Spencer (01:29:16.716)
Yeah. Yeah. And the, and then he created new coin.

which he put all of his money into. And that was a big mistake.

Matt (01:29:22.612)
Yeah, that's where it went wrong.

Luciano (01:29:26.029)
And he said, and then he said, you know, if I bet an entire year of my salary versus 10 bucks that this coin is going to take off. That's what he did.

Spencer (01:29:36.204)
Yep. And he put it into it and then he was the only one to own new coin.

Luciano (01:29:39.214)

Yeah, he had all 100%. Yeah, that was worth nothing.

Spencer (01:29:44.716)
100 % market cap of new coin

And that this was the crazy thing is he wouldn't sell it. So he wouldn't sell anything. So because he said, when it goes up, I want to have all of it.

Luciano (01:29:52.974)

Matt (01:29:53.3)
Yeah, he wouldn't give anybody else new coins. Yeah.

Luciano (01:30:00.11)
all of it yeah and he was like i'm not gonna sell it now that it's worth nothing i have to wait until it's worth something

Matt (01:30:02.356)
Yeah, which is.

Spencer (01:30:07.116)
Yeah, he's gotta wait for the bump.

Matt (01:30:07.38)
Right, and what really, and that really killed his NFT because you could only get his NFTs by using NukeCorn. Yeah, they were tied together. Yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:30:13.644)
That was they were tied there there takes to promote and it was weird because at one point people really wanted it But he's but he's like you can't get it if you don't have new coin

Luciano (01:30:14.286)
Yeah, 100 % yeah.

Matt (01:30:22.708)
Yeah. Like the theoretical value of new coin for like a fraction of a second.

Luciano (01:30:23.278)
for some reason.

Spencer (01:30:29.836)
It was like for like literally six minutes. It boomed.

Matt (01:30:33.012)
Yeah. It was like six minutes Tuesday, 3 a It was worth billions. Exactly. Exactly.

Luciano (01:30:34.83)
On a Tuesday, yeah.

Yeah, that's 3AM. 3AM where?

Spencer (01:30:40.652)
Yeah, yeah everywhere and then they call it black Tuesday for those in the new coin because that's also the day that it crashed

Luciano (01:30:50.926)
Yeah, and, and.

Matt (01:30:51.572)
I, Spencer, I heard, I heard it was Dust Tuesday, but is that? Yeah.

Spencer (01:30:54.956)
I believe that everyone was saying new Yeah, yeah, yes, and never everyone was saying This this nuke is this this coin is going is been nuked to the ground in terms of value

Luciano (01:30:55.726)
Yeah. Yeah. Fallout. It was Fallout Tuesday. Let's be honest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And like you said,

Matt (01:31:00.34)
Yeah, there we go. We did it. Good job.

Luciano (01:31:09.39)
Yeah, yeah, the the half life of this of this coin is bad. Yeah. Yeah. And then like you said, Spencer, you know, everybody in the new coin realm suffered greatly with the Yeah, that every all him all him. Yeah, exactly. The whole community was just distraught distraught. Yeah.

Matt (01:31:11.7)
Yeah. there it is. Yeah. Real bad. Good job.

Spencer (01:31:22.124)

on the new COID Discord server.

Matt (01:31:26.388)
Yeah, everybody, all one of them. Devastated. Yeah.

Spencer (01:31:29.404)
The whole community was really disturbed.

Matt (01:31:37.94)
Yeah, that makes sense. All right. Let's do a review of this movie. We use our patented S tier system. First people to ever use it. Only people who ever use it. S is the top. F? F solos. That sounds right. Spencer, why don't you go first?

Spencer (01:31:56.78)
We don't get movies of this caliber on this show very often.

Luciano (01:31:59.406)
Yeah, no we don't.

Spencer (01:32:02.38)
we do not. So this movie, I mean, we, we, we went through it, you know, we had a lot of fun today, but, real, real talk. This movie was really fucking good. Like it was just, it was, it was, it was enjoyable to watch, you know, the guy who's at the top of the game making a movie that like clearly wasn't, it's not a cash grab. It's not a franchise. It's not like a, you know,

Matt (01:32:02.452)
We do not.

Spencer (01:32:31.564)
trying to please anyone. It's just like there was a story to be told and it was told well. And visually, score, acting, you name it, was done. It's like the top of the industry doing it, right? Like, so it's, this movie, and my only critique was the ending and I talked myself out of not liking, out of, you know, into liking it because once I talked about it, I realized that I didn't really.

Luciano (01:32:52.782)

Spencer (01:32:59.34)
I needed to sink in, which is always the case of a good story. So I give it S tier. No questions asked. Great movie. I actually I'd actually maybe watch this movie again. And that's crazy because it's so long and so dialogue driven. But it was good. It was a vibe.

Matt (01:33:17.748)
Mm -hmm.

Matt (01:33:22.196)
I can see that Luciana.

Luciano (01:33:25.422)
Yeah, like Spencer said, we made fun of a lot of things and all that, but it's a superb movie. It was something I was thinking when I was watching. It was like, we don't get to talk about movies that are this good, like proper good movies. Not just fun or well executed or whatever, but just a good piece of cinema. It's very rare for us. But yeah, it's... I...

Spencer (01:33:38.348)

Luciano (01:33:55.534)
The beginning bothered me a lot more than the rest of the movie, like the first whatever, 20 minutes where there were a lot of those like abstract things like kind of like Nolan trying to make it more fun when it was pretty straightforward with the galaxies and the atom things. Like I was bothered by that and I was bothered by the back and forth as well. Cause I thought it kind of detracted from the movie. It didn't need to be that way, but that's really the only critique that I have.

Like actual critique of or something I wish was different. That being said, I'm not even going to go into like the acting is fucking amazing, obviously, just with the cast that they have. And Christopher Nolan is a great director. I was very torn between an S and an A and I think I think I'm going to reserve my asses for my ass. I'm going to reserve my ass for something greater. Yeah, I think I'm going to give it an A.

Spencer (01:34:46.476)

Spencer (01:34:51.564)
That's shocking.

Luciano (01:34:52.59)
Yeah, well, it's not because I think it's better. An A is a great score, but I don't think it crosses that threshold of ass for me. Like, I wouldn't watch it again, I don't think. Certain scenes of it, sure, but not the whole thing.

Spencer (01:35:05.452)
Yeah, I know what scenes you'd watch again, you sick fuck.

Luciano (01:35:08.43)
That too. But I actually would watch the Trinity Explosion scene again. Just the whole thing with the tension and all that stuff. It's actually really fun to watch. But yeah, I'm going to say I'll give it an A. It's an A for me.

Matt (01:35:22.996)
Well, you're a coward.

Spencer (01:35:24.46)

Luciano (01:35:24.75)
The coward move would be to give an ass like everybody else in the fucking world did.

Matt (01:35:31.924)
Technically it's only got like 97 or 98 percent, so not everybody.

Luciano (01:35:34.766)
Only just only yeah Yeah, that's me. That's me

Spencer (01:35:36.876)
You had to be that 2%, eh? You had to be the 2%, Luciano.

Matt (01:35:40.852)
Sometimes, sometimes everybody in the world gives it an S because that's what it deserves and you don't have to be a contrarian. Hey, I'm talking now. It's my turn to review. I'm not talking to you anymore. Get out of here. This movie was very fun. This movie is really fun. It was normally I complain about movies being three hours and being very long because I feel like a lot of them waste their time.

Luciano (01:35:47.182)
Yeah, no, it's not. I truly don't think it deserves an S.

Spencer (01:35:50.732)

Luciano (01:35:52.27)
All right, fine. What I mean is, no, I'm kidding. Go ahead.

Luciano (01:36:02.734)

Matt (01:36:05.076)
This movie didn't feel like it wasted my time at all. I did have to watch it in two sittings just because I have children and a life and like finding three hours on a block is very hard. But each... Yeah, fuck you. But like, you know, I had to stop myself because I had to go to bed. It wasn't like I wanted to stop and it's very rare that that happens for movies of that length. So that's a kudos right there. And it moved, this movie needed three hours. So it was great. You guys said everything else. Everything was great. Acting was great. Lots of movies I don't notice the sound.

Luciano (01:36:10.542)
I have neither so I watch only one sitting.

Luciano (01:36:20.654)

Matt (01:36:33.076)
being good, it just, it's there and it kind of, but this is what I really noticed how good it was, especially the Trinity test. Like it just, it brought that tension level where I felt a tension of that those scientists felt that hopefully got this test work. So everything to me was great. And generally I like to keep the idea that I would rewatch this movie again to put it into the S tier, but I don't think I want to always have that rule because sometimes it was just really fucking good, but also does not need to be watched again. So for me, it's an S tier movie because I had a phenomenal time with it and I have no, no notes on.

on how to change or make it better. Spencer and I are right, Luciano's wrong, and that's the end of our World War II month of June. We covered everything. Science, Nazis, other things.

Spencer (01:37:06.668)

Spencer (01:37:15.308)

Luciano (01:37:17.774)
We covered everything. We talked about everything.

Spencer (01:37:18.988)

Luciano (01:37:23.886)
We talked about things that I never thought we would if you asked me in the beginning. It's like, we talked about tar and we talked about zombies.

Spencer (01:37:29.1)
You never -

talked about Harvest Moon quite a bit.

Luciano (01:37:34.926)

Matt (01:37:35.976)
How you make a silent military operation that no one can stop you on. Very successful. Next up. We're going away from World War II, but we're kind of sticking with the nuclear theme, depending on your interpretation. We're going to watch Godzilla minus one.

Luciano (01:37:44.43)

Spencer (01:37:54.86)
Spencer (01:37:59.532)
sweet. I've been wanting to watch that.

Matt (01:38:02.676)
So it might be another good movie. Two in a row good movies. It's a rarity for us. Yeah, we don't want to.

Spencer (01:38:06.156)
So, well, we'll see. I heard that that other Godzilla movie we reviewed was good, and that was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, so...

Luciano (01:38:13.838)

Matt (01:38:14.932)
This is true. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. But yeah, hopefully we'll be able to drag Chris back and we'll all watch Godzilla minus one and have a happy old time talking about how cool Godzilla is and not talking about bureaucracy.

Spencer (01:38:30.316)
I - one can only hope.

Luciano (01:38:30.894)
Yeah. Or mouth lasers.

Matt (01:38:32.436)
One girl, yeah. Or most places. So yeah, watch God is a little mess one and you can join us next time and we'll talk about that. Bye.

Spencer (01:38:43.244)
So tune in next week, strap in your nuts and get ready for the nuke. No, that was, no.

Luciano (01:38:51.694)
Yeah, please, please.