Think Critically, Live Biblically

What is Think Critically, Live Biblically?

The 2024 Summer Series at Dalraida church of Christ (Montgomery, AL) has been designed to challenge us to deal with some of the common objections to Christianity heard in the world around us. Each week guest speakers will address some of these common objections and provide a reasoned, biblical response from God's Word.

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Billy Camp:

Christians often hear objections from atheists, skeptics, critics, and non believers about the things we believe. It's our responsibility as ambassadors for Christ and messengers of the gospel to be prepared to make a well reasoned, truthful defense for what we believe. That's exactly why we want to explore some of these common objections this summer. In our summer series, we've asked speakers to address these topics as we think critically, live biblically. Our guest speakers will address common objections against Christianity and discuss things you may have heard in the world as attacks against the faith.

Billy Camp:

Some of the statements and objections are, why does God allow pain and suffering? Evolution proves Christianity is false. Your morals are right for you, but not for me. You can't trust the Old or New Testaments, and even more. We want you to be prepared to defend Christianity against the most common attacks.

Billy Camp:

Join us at Dalreda Church of Christ as we dive into these questions and open God's word together this summer. Follow along with our study and be ready to think critically so that we can live biblically each day of our lives.