People Being Other People - DnD Actual Play

Something is causing the entire island to shake in a not-groovy way, and we're going to get to the bottom of it. The mystery, I mean. And the island, too, I suppose, but that's a coincidence. Anyway, horror caves!
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What is People Being Other People - DnD Actual Play?

We are PBOP - a TTRPG actual-play podcast where we pretend to be other People! Join us for, hilarious improv, immersive storytelling, and an original score to set the mood. Subscribe now and adventure along with us - for excitement, for love, and for giggles!

Tim / GM:

Last time, on Cloudfall. After a fight nearly broke out between Guy and Huber, the party was able to turn the tension down and get some space. They stepped away to discuss their next move, but it turned out Mikey was listening nearby. They convinced him to keep what he heard to himself and eat some sweets in Poppy's wagon instead. Later that evening, Guy got one of his memories back from Huber.

Tim / GM:

As it turns out, Guy's past might be a little unsavory. When he stepped out to get some air, he and Poppy were distracted by the sound of distant drums. They traced it down to find the young turtle had created a beat machine in the basement of tower 33. They only got in a few minutes of dancing before they heard someone's gurgling death rattle come through the echo bells. And now the whole island is shaking.

Tim / GM:

Alright. We find ourselves in the basement of Tower 33. We're all still in front of the Echo Bell Beat Machine created by the young turtle, and the island just shook, and these are some scared young turtle that need some comforting. I believe you guys were talking about maybe meet up with Huber to get this figured out or something.

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

But the island just stopped shaking, and things have settled down for a moment here.

Speaker 3:

Does it do that often?

Hannah / Eryn:

Yes. Is that normal here?

Speaker 5:

It's really not. It's I've never felt that before.

Hannah / Eryn:

Would any of us from, Farewell have felt like an earthquake like that before?

Tim / GM:

I mean, maybe at an actual earthquake, but this was more violent than that.

Speaker 3:

Okay. And and we're up in the sky, and then and I don't like that.

John / Doran:

Do you know where the prime archivist would be, Mikey or others?

Speaker 5:

He's probably asleep by now, but if he's not, he's in the the primary meeting house.

Thomas / Guy:

You can be sure that rattling woke him up.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. Maybe we should go to the meeting house. That that might be where everybody gathers.

Tim / GM:

What do we do?

Speaker 7:

Come on with.

John / Doran:

Guy, do you want to lead the way?

Thomas / Guy:

I would lead the way. Great idea.

Tim / GM:

Alright. Alright. So all of you and the young turtle? All of them. Alright.

Tim / GM:

You all, track back out to the primary meeting house. You see Hubert is standing outside talking with April. He's holding a lantern on a rope. He looks at you with, kind of concerned eyes.

Speaker 8:

You must have felt it too, wherever you are.

Speaker 3:

We sure did. We also heard something.

John / Doran:

Yeah. Prime archivist, can we get the young turtles somewhere safe, and then we can fill you in on some other details?

Speaker 8:

Of course. April, please, see to their safety.

Tim / GM:

Yes, primogravist.

John / Doran:

The baby turtles are gone now?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. You're all inside the primary meeting house.

Hannah / Eryn:

They're not babies. They're teenagers.

John / Doran:

Well, all they eat is pizza. So

Tim / GM:

Teenage, normal, normal turtle.

Thomas / Guy:

Training to be archivists.

John / Doran:

Okay. So we're at the meeting house. Mhmm. We heard something through one of the echo bells, and, I think we need to investigate, potential death.

Speaker 3:

In the mines. Probably a lot of a lot of death.

Thomas / Guy:

Yes. They seem very dead.

Hannah / Eryn:

I think, the teen age turtles said that they were in the entrance or near the opening of one of the most common mines.

Speaker 8:

Yes. The miners that came with you, they're using a small, warring house near the entrance of the mine. It's where they left their supplies. I believe only some of them work in shifts. The others are supposed to be in that house.

John / Doran:

They said that they thought they saw someone, a person, and then we heard, what sounded like someone dying.

Hannah / Eryn:

It was an attack, a surprise attack.

John / Doran:

Do you know of anyone else on this Skyland or anyone that would wish people harm here?

Speaker 7:

Or is there anything in the mines that could harm them?

Speaker 8:

We occasionally find strange creatures in the mines, but nothing more menacing than an oozeling.

John / Doran:

We should see if anyone's still alive

Speaker 7:

there. If there's danger in the mines, do you and your people have any means of defending yourselves other than the and journey points up and kinda waves at the clouds?

Tim / GM:

He nods.

Speaker 7:

Might wanna get that all ready to go.

Speaker 8:

Shred is our most seasoned martial fighter on the island right now. I fear he may not be enough.

Speaker 7:

Well, we can certainly help. I mean, I don't wanna speak for everybody, but I certainly can help.

Thomas / Guy:

We will find this creature and slay it if necessary.

Hannah / Eryn:

Aaron's twirling a knife in her fingers and says, point me in the direction of the mine. I'll help you.

John / Doran:

Can you contact Tread and send him our way just in case we need backup? But I think we're raring to go.

Speaker 8:

I can do that. Make no mistake. If I feel the need, I will call upon Kree.

Speaker 3:

Was that a threat?

Thomas / Guy:


Speaker 8:

it's not a threat, but a reminder. There are other options. You need not sacrifice yourself. Find out what the danger is and tell us so that we can solve it the way we solve our issues.

John / Doran:

Okay. Do you have an echo bell that we can communicate with you?

Hannah / Eryn:

We can give you one of ours.

Speaker 8:

I have one hanging from the door of tower 13, but no extras with me at the moment.

John / Doran:

Oh, We got like 12 dozen. So

Tim / GM:

Yeah. I think you guys have 3 pairs right now. Do you wanna give him 1?

Speaker 3:


Tim / GM:

Okay. So I think you've got one between the 2 of you, one between you and Mikey, and now one between you and Huber. Is that the setup?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Okay. Am I the operator?

Speaker 7:

You got, yeah, you have 3 individual bells. Yep. I better not get lost. Yeah.

Tim / GM:

You're the you're the switchboard person.

Thomas / Guy:

Hello? Oh, no. Is that hello?

Speaker 8:

Please, I beg you to make haste. I don't know what this is, but I've never felt the island shake

Speaker 3:

like this. Great. Cool. Very comforting. Alright.

Speaker 3:

Let's go, I guess.

John / Doran:

Please warn us before you send for the bird.

Speaker 8:

I'll do that.

Thomas / Guy:

Alright. We're off. I will lead the way.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. You guys are back out into the darkness, and, you head off in the direction that Huber had indicated to find that mining house or the little supply shack that they set up in. Not too far from where you guys are, you're traveling back out to the west end of the island near that big grassy slope. You follow it farther down than you had before. And along this rim, there's another one of those warming houses built into side of a mountain following a ramp that kind of goes further down this island.

Tim / GM:

There is light on inside this and you can hear 2 people talking inside.

Thomas / Guy:

Guy will rap on the door.

Tim / GM:

The voices stop talking and a woman opens the door and says, can I help you?

Thomas / Guy:

Yes. It is us from the ship. You may remember the flying ship that brought us to this island. Definitely.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. You are, man?

Thomas / Guy:

Yes. I am a man.

Speaker 8:

Is that what was your name?

Tim / GM:

You may call me Guy. Okay. Guy. Yeah. Come in.

Tim / GM:

All of you. Come right in. Come inside. I'm Bria. This is Barry.

Tim / GM:

Barry looks up at you all. He looks extremely disappointed to see all of you. He kinda goes, sup.

Thomas / Guy:

I will not remember any of these names. Did you experience this violent shaking earlier?

Speaker 8:

Yeah, we did. It was intense. Was that you? It wasn't us.

Thomas / Guy:

No? Was not us. Have you been in contact with any of your mining friends?

Tim / GM:

Oh. She looks over at the candle on the wall, and she goes, they're not gonna be back for another hour or 2.

Thomas / Guy:

I fear it may be longer than that.

Tim / GM:

Did they call in or

John / Doran:

We will just go check on them. Just keep your wits about you.

Tim / GM:

Are they okay?

John / Doran:

We don't know yet. They may be fine.

Tim / GM:

Phil is still in there.

John / Doran:

Right. Look. We'll check this out.

Tim / GM:

Hey. Marty and Farrah are in there too, but you don't care about Marty and Farrah.

Thomas / Guy:

Shut up, Barry.

John / Doran:

Alright. We won't look for those 2 first.

Speaker 3:

Do they look familiar? Like

Tim / GM:

I mean, you had seen them on the the heavenly feather, but they didn't make an impression.

Speaker 3:

What race are they?

Tim / GM:

All human.

Hannah / Eryn:


Thomas / Guy:

Easy. Easy.

Speaker 7:

Barry, how many how many people did you have down there right now?

Tim / GM:

So you got, like, 3 in there at a time, and then we're supposed to switch out, like, one at a time, but I was planning on skipping my shift. I don't feel very good. But

Speaker 7:

So the so there's 3 in there right now?

Tim / GM:

Right now. Yeah.

Speaker 7:


Hannah / Eryn:

Can I do an insight check, Owen? He said he didn't feel good.

Tim / GM:


Hannah / Eryn:

Tiny dice. 15.

Tim / GM:

You get the sense that he is shaken and trying to hide it.

Hannah / Eryn:

Why are you not feeling well?

Tim / GM:

Well, I don't know why. Probably some bad food on that stupid boat. I don't know.

Thomas / Guy:

You will not disparage the name of Poppy's Dunkers like that. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I made perfectly good food.

Tim / GM:

Oh, I didn't know you're the chef. Sorry. You're like

Speaker 3:

Well, how rude?

Tim / GM:

Well, speaking about rude, you guys just crash on a date like that or, like, you just crash in like this.

Speaker 3:

A date?

Tim / GM:

No. That's I didn't. That's not what I said. Ria looks up at you guys and just rolls her eyes.

Speaker 7:

Alright. Well, we're kind of in a hurry and I think we should get going. Don't y'all worry. We're gonna find your 3 people that were down there.

Tim / GM:

Not without me, you're not. What the hell? I'm going with you. It sounds like they're in danger.

Speaker 7:

Rat. But you need to stay up here and protect this part.

Tim / GM:

You want me to protect Barry?

Speaker 7:

Yes, Barry, but also just this area. If we go into the mine and something comes out that ain't us, there's gonna be trouble. So we need someone else to stand guard.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

And to report back to Yarhar.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. Alright. Why don't you guys take our stuff then?

Tim / GM:

You're gonna need some kind of equipment when you're down there. Here. She shows you to a huge like duffel bag kind of thing that they had brought with them containing a lot of mining gear. They have headlamps, they have glow sticks that you can crack and throw, They have, a single bismite pick with them. It's a special device used for mining bismite.

Tim / GM:

They also have blasting caps.

Speaker 3:

Oh. Are they hats that blow your head off?

Tim / GM:

Yes. The most deadly hats you've ever worn. They've also got mundane things, you know, ropes, harnesses, helmets, extra boots, gloves, pry bars, hammers, including a medicine kit as well if you needed that. Just speaking of logistics here, there's enough headlamps for everybody. There are 5 glow sticks, a single biz might pick, and 3 blasting caps.

Tim / GM:

Do we wanna allocate those?

Hannah / Eryn:

So everyone gets a headlamp.

Speaker 3:

I think guys should have the pick.

John / Doran:

Yeah. I'll take the pick.

Thomas / Guy:

K. Someone else can take the explosives.

Hannah / Eryn:

I want 1.

Tim / GM:

It's 3 blasting caps.

Speaker 7:

I mean, you can take all of them.

Speaker 3:

I have magic.

John / Doran:

Me too.

Hannah / Eryn:

What do the blasting caps look like?

Tim / GM:

Essentially like a stick of dynamite.

Hannah / Eryn:

Could I attach it to a crossbow bolt and shoot it?

Tim / GM:


John / Doran:


Speaker 3:

Great. Do we have the time

Speaker 7:

for you to craft that, though?

Speaker 3:


Tim / GM:

Yeah. I would say, actually, if you wanna do that now and here, it would save you the trouble later on.

Hannah / Eryn:

Yeah. I'll, craft them to real quick. I'll tie them to, something. Do I need to do roll?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Give me an intelligence check just to see where that ends up.

Speaker 3:

Mhmm. Ding dai.

Tim / GM:

So the blasting caps by nature have a chance to go out when you throw them and not explode. Doing it on a crossbow bolt, I think, would make it more likely to go out. So we'll see how how affected this is.

Speaker 7:

I was thinking, Poppy, you should take the medicine kit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I'll do that. Okay. Oh, baby.

Hannah / Eryn:

Was it nat 1? Nat 1.

Tim / GM:

Natural 1. Okay.

Thomas / Guy:

When you're doing dynamite, that's fine. Right?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. So you guys see Erin, like, try to tie, like, in a nice little bow to tie the stick of dynamite to a crossbow bolt. And then she goes, good. And then all of a sudden, it just falls off, and she goes, oh, damn it. And, like, does it again, and it falls off, and then does it a third time, and it just barely stays.

Tim / GM:

And she's

Hannah / Eryn:

like, okay. Perfect. Okay. Do I only do one of them then?

Tim / GM:

Yes. And there are 3 total.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. I'll just give up on the other ones.

Tim / GM:

Okay. But you have all 3 of them?

Hannah / Eryn:

Yep. Sounds good.

John / Doran:

Well, Erin, whatever you're playing for, I hope it doesn't happen.

Hannah / Eryn:

Erin just, like, turns their back to Dora and is like

Tim / GM:

Bria looks up at you one more time and says, you're looking for 3 people. 2 guys, 1 girl. Marty, Farrah, and Philip j Collins.

Speaker 3:

Why? Why?

John / Doran:

Marty, Philip, and

Tim / GM:

Marty, Farrah, and Philip.

John / Doran:

And which is the one you like the most that we should care about the most?

Speaker 5:

Well, I

Tim / GM:

mean, Philip j Collins is pretty important to me, but, yeah, I mean, they're all they need to be saved. Of course.

Hannah / Eryn:

Okay. Well, one of them is

Speaker 3:

probably dead, but we'll do our best. Let's go.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I'd head out.

Tim / GM:

Alright. You leave 2 stunned miners in the warming house.

Hannah / Eryn:

What? They gotta know what happened. I mean, whatever.

John / Doran:

They'll be paying attention now.

Speaker 7:

And, honestly, if word gets back to Yarra when they come back, maybe it'll keep others from going in those mines.

Thomas / Guy:

I hope the dead one is not Philip j Collins.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. I would like

Speaker 3:

to make sure my Loafers of Levitation and Big Briches belt are on.

Tim / GM:

Okay. K.

Thomas / Guy:

What's our snack situation for

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

I think I gave you guys stuff at the beginning. Yeah. Oh, I also have another one. Erin, you can have that. What is it?

Speaker 3:

A fiber field cake? You consume it as a bonus action, and you get the following effects for the next minute. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage From non magical attacks, you have advantage on strength and con saves, and on any effect that would knock you back or cause you to fall prone.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. And

Speaker 3:

then I have 1 Cinnabom to give Doran.

John / Doran:


Speaker 3:

You radiate an aura of cinnamon heat. All creatures near you at the end of each of your turns must make a dex save or suffer 1 d4 fire damage per level used in the recipe, which I believe I believe it's a first level. So it'd just be 1 d 4.

Tim / GM:

You effectively become a flaming sphere.

John / Doran:

Okay. Cool.

Speaker 3:

It's a ginger snap.

Tim / GM:

So the 5 of you exit the mining warming house without Bria and Barry. Near the hill where Journey went by herself earlier, there's a sloping spiral that follows her on the outer edge of the island, and right now it's night, and it's dark out to where only your tools and occasional moonlight are there to guide you. The night wind is relentless this close to the edge of the island, and in some places, the path is getting really narrow. You walk with the stone cliff on your right and a path just 4 feet of loose gravel, 4 feet wide, separate you from open air on your left. And it's somewhat clear weather now.

Tim / GM:

It's when you look off the ledge of island to your left, you can see clearly about a 100 feet down to the tops of the clouds.

Speaker 3:

That's really high up.

John / Doran:

Here. Here. Poppy, can you hold this? I'll hold this piece of rope. Let's all grab a piece of the rope, and I feel a little

Speaker 3:

better. My hand is, like, directly above my head holding onto it.

Thomas / Guy:

This way, if one falls, we all fall. Jesus.

Tim / GM:

You guys continue shimmying across that narrow little ledge, and you see up ahead that there had been some damage to the island when it shook. The path had fallen away. You can still see a clear landing where the entrance of the mine begins, but there's a huge gap of open air between you and it.

Speaker 3:

That's probably not good, right?

John / Doran:

Straight across?

Tim / GM:

Straight across, about 10 feet. You can see fresh rock that it split away where the island literally rended itself.

Hannah / Eryn:

So it's like a crevice?

Tim / GM:

Right. Yeah. But when you look down into that crevice, you're seeing clouds, not ground.

Hannah / Eryn:

It's a big gap. Aaron is tying a rope to their harness, and hands it to Doran and says, hold on. And Eren takes a running jump to jump across.

John / Doran:

Oh, gosh. Oh my gosh.

Hannah / Eryn:

I also have second story work, which increases the distance I can make by 4 feet

John / Doran:

k. For

Hannah / Eryn:

a running jump. Mhmm.

Speaker 3:

How far is the gap?

Tim / GM:

It's about 10 feet across.

Speaker 7:

Okay. Yeah. I got this.

Tim / GM:

I need you to roll athletics for me.

Speaker 3:


Tim / GM:

If you can make an argument for how you're going to acrobatically improve your chances of getting across, it's going to be athletics.

Thomas / Guy:

Do a flip.

Hannah / Eryn:

It says if I can perform an acrobatic stunt

John / Doran:


Hannah / Eryn:

Including dives, rolls, somersaults, and flips.

John / Doran:

I, give a shake on the rope to pass along some bardic inspiration.

Tim / GM:

Nice. Nice.

Hannah / Eryn:

I will do a tuck and a front flip as I go across.

Tim / GM:

Count it.

Hannah / Eryn:

It's a big difference. It's 7 difference point, like

Tim / GM:


Hannah / Eryn:

To do acrobatics versus athletics. So

Tim / GM:

Plus the d 6 from John's inspiration.

Speaker 3:


Thomas / Guy:


Speaker 7:

It's not nothing.

Tim / GM:

Aaron lands with no issue whatsoever. Just a clean hop skip made it look easy. Lands on the other side. No problems. Dorian, you're still holding out of the rope.

Tim / GM:

Who's going next?

Hannah / Eryn:

I'm gonna pull the rope and try to find, is there anything I can tie the end of the rope around?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. There's a tree over here you can tie it onto.

Hannah / Eryn:

Okay. I'm gonna tie up the end of the rope. So if anyone wants to try to cross

Speaker 3:

that way, I'll go up to the rope.

Tim / GM:


Speaker 3:

Deep breath. Okay. You got this, puppy. I grab onto the rope, and then I let go and I cast Misty soon.

Tim / GM:

Alright. You're on the other side. Who is 3rd?

John / Doran:

Maybe we need someone on the outside still. You know, I could stay in contact with you all.

Speaker 3:

Doreen, get your ass over here. Sorry for swearing.

John / Doran:

It's alright. Misty Step seems like a great option. Unfortunately, I will probably wanna leave as well. Oh, boy.

Speaker 7:

Darn, if you need some help, I I might be able to help you.

John / Doran:

How's that journey?

Speaker 7:

So one of the abilities of my swarm Mhmm. Is that I can make an attack and have the swarm affect the creature that I attack.

John / Doran:


Speaker 7:

I would like to give Doran a friendly punch.

John / Doran:

Dude, what does that mean?

Tim / GM:

Kick him across the gap kind of thing?

Speaker 7:

I'm just gonna punch him, and then my swarm can basically float him across the gap.

Tim / GM:

Mhmm. What? Are you warning Dorn of what you're doing before you do it?

Speaker 7:

I put a hand on Doran's shoulder, and I say, hey, Doran.

John / Doran:


Speaker 7:

I'm just gonna need you to take a real deep breath real quick. Alright?

Tim / GM:

As you do, perhaps right before, the island begins to shake.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no. No. No. No.

Tim / GM:

Erin and Poppy, you hear this of rocks cracking right next to you. You can feel the ground beneath you shifts 2 inches downwards and you can feel it loosen and pieces of it begin to crumble away. This entire landing platform is starting to

Hannah / Eryn:

disintegrate. Poppy, no. And, Erin's gonna try to scoop her up and jump.

Tim / GM:

Back across?

Hannah / Eryn:

No. Up.

Tim / GM:

Into the mine? Yeah. Okay. God.

Speaker 3:

That's such a bad idea.

Tim / GM:

So We're all good at that. Yeah. On this other side of this, you got about 30 feet until the front of the mining door.

Hannah / Eryn:

The whole thing is something? I thought you meant just the part by the edge.

Tim / GM:

Yes. This I mean, like, everything up to the mining platform, the whole thing is falling away.

Hannah / Eryn:

I mean, I think I'm gonna try to climb over the rocks and get, you know, like, running climb on whatever is in front of me to get

Tim / GM:

to the mine. Like, as

John / Doran:

it's falling? Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh,

Tim / GM:

Poppy, are you letting yourself be taken?

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

I have no choice in the matter. I am tiny.

Tim / GM:

Alright. Mhmm. Alright. The 2 of you are scrambling in. Give me an, Yeah.

Tim / GM:

I need an athletics from you.

Hannah / Eryn:

Nat, 20?

Speaker 3:

Oh my god. Okay.

Hannah / Eryn:

But minus 1. Okay.

Tim / GM:

So in the midst of this, Poppy Lake reaches up for the rope and it snaps immediately as the tree begins to pull away from the wall. And you see the tree just kind of fall lamely off the side of the island. The rocks begin to tumble away, kind of like turning into sand as they do, and you see Eren start to fall on this platform of rock and then she jumps off of the falling piece onto another piece that's mid fall. She grabs Poppy and just keeps jumping on these falling rocks until she reaches front of the mine entrance and she disappears inside.

Speaker 3:

Are you okay? I don't know. I I think I might be dead.

Hannah / Eryn:

Okay. We'll just stay to the edge because this cave might cave in too, and we'll have to climb out.

Thomas / Guy:

Poppy, are you okay?

Speaker 3:

I'm alive.

Thomas / Guy:

Oh, brilliant work, Evan.

Tim / GM:

You are now separated by some 50, 60 feet of open air into a mine entrance that you cannot see.

John / Doran:

So what about Doran here?

Speaker 7:

I punched you.

John / Doran:


Speaker 7:

And I was going to have my swarm push you forward. Instead, as the rocks were falling, I had them pull you back.

John / Doran:


Speaker 7:

Like, farther away from the edge.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Doran takes a minimum of 1 bludgeoning damage, as he's pushed by the attack, but you go sailing away from the danger, Thoren.

John / Doran:

Alright. I am grabbing onto rocks on the wall, basically. Mhmm.

Thomas / Guy:

Well, I was concerned about crossing this gap before, but now I

Tim / GM:

am at a loss.

Speaker 7:

This is a terrible place for a mine. I don't understand why they wouldn't build any sort of bridge or railing. Why is it like this?

John / Doran:

I don't know. There's gotta be another way in though. Right?

Speaker 7:

There's I mean, there bismuth throughout this entire island, there's gotta be multiple ways to get in.

John / Doran:

Poppy, can we talk to Huber? Crap. I look around and see if Poppy's not around.

Speaker 3:

Poppy's in a cave.

Thomas / Guy:

Well, does anyone have a Poppy shell?

Speaker 7:

I do. I I have a poppy echo.

Tim / GM:

A poppy shell.

John / Doran:

Oh, this is gonna be great.

Speaker 3:

Poppy? Yes?

Speaker 7:

How are you guys doing over there?

Speaker 3:

It's really dark in here.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I think we're, maybe you can contact Huber and ask if there's another way in?

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah. Hold on one second. I'm gonna put you on hold.

Speaker 8:

Huber. Hoppy. What news have you?

Speaker 3:

Well, not great. The, the mind Fuck.

Speaker 8:

Sorry. I I dropped my echo bell. Okay. What were you saying?

Speaker 3:

Eren and I are in the mine, but nobody else is because the the bridge collapsed. It's all gone. Is there another way in?

Speaker 8:

What bridge?

Speaker 3:

Well, the path is no longer.

Speaker 8:

It has fallen from the island.

Speaker 7:


Tim / GM:

Oh, keep shit.

Speaker 3:

Do you think do you think the mine will hold up too?

Speaker 8:

The mine is indeed very low on the island. Parts of it may have fallen away.

Speaker 3:

Great. Is there another, another way in or out?

Hannah / Eryn:

Ask him if he can send someone to help.

Speaker 3:

Can you send someone to help?

Speaker 8:

We can have Shred run an effort to rappel down from the top of the cliffside into the mine, but it could take hours.

Speaker 7:

Alright. What about that bird?

Speaker 8:

Once Kree is summoned, we have little control.

Speaker 7:

That seems like a terrible pet bird. There's no other entrance

Speaker 8:

though? There is one. It's in the basement of tower 13, I'm afraid.

Speaker 3:

Oh the cursed one.

Tim / GM:


Speaker 8:

had sealed it off long ago.

Speaker 3:

We might need to get in.

Tim / GM:

You can hear him, like, pull away from the phone for a while, and he comes back to it and he says

Speaker 8:

Under the circumstances, yes. That would permit it.

Speaker 3:

Alright. I'll send the others your way.

Speaker 8:

We'll figure something out. Just hang tight.

Speaker 3:

Hang. Yeah. Alright. Goodbye. Journey.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

Poppy, did you hear anything from Hubert? Yep.

Speaker 3:

You're gonna have to go in the cursed tower. Sorry.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

Go find Hubert and he'll let you in to tower 13.

Speaker 7:

Is there another entrance to the mine in there?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

Great. Alright. Well, Poppy, be careful in there and tell Erin to keep my eye out.

Speaker 3:

Will do. You guys be safe too. And if I don't see you, well, tell Guy I'm sorry.

Speaker 7:

Don't even worry. We're gonna see you again. It's gonna be alright. We're gonna figure it out.

Speaker 3:

Okay. See you soon. Alright. Bye.

Speaker 7:

Journey already hung up and headed back the other direction.

Thomas / Guy:

Hey. Real quick. Are they can we hear that? Is there are these, like, walkie talkies, or are

Tim / GM:

these, like, walkie talkies? Yep. Okay.

Speaker 7:

Alright. We gotta go to tower 13. I guess you guys are getting what you wanted.

Thomas / Guy:

Is this a fucking joke?

Speaker 3:

It's like for death guy.

Thomas / Guy:

No, really. This is like a trick to get us in trouble again, isn't it?

John / Doran:

It's very elaborate. It could be.

Thomas / Guy:

Well, at least we know where it is.

John / Doran:


Speaker 3:

Come on, you guys. Let's go.

Thomas / Guy:

Yes. Hustle.

Tim / GM:

Before long, you are all at the door of tower 13 once again, except in the middle of the night. It's quite menacing out here on the east side of the island with the wind blowing across you once again, the gravel beneath your feet. But this time, you're supposed to be here.

John / Doran:

Well, well, the door It's locked. We don't have to wait for Hubert. Maybe we can just break in.

Speaker 8:

Do not break in.

Tim / GM:

You hear through the echo bell hanging off the door.

John / Doran:

I knew it. How do we how do we do it?

Speaker 8:

I'm warning you. Do not let chain across the door. It will cause the bell to sound again, and the inhabitants of this island are scared enough as it is.

Thomas / Guy:

Oak, we can't break in because of the scary bell.

Speaker 8:

You just need to undo the lock instead of breaking the chain. It's to alert us if anyone were to try to break into the tower.

Thomas / Guy:

Aron, if you just,

John / Doran:


Speaker 8:

No. No. It's a magical lock. It's a simple activation. Let me look at my DM notes.

Speaker 8:

Give me a sec.

John / Doran:

Prime Arctus and a DM?

Speaker 7:

Uber was the DM the whole time?

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

should've saved that for the last episode.

Speaker 8:

Yes. I remembered. The the padlock on that chain, you need only raise it to your lips, press it to your face, and you say thank you

John / Doran:

this is a joke

Speaker 8:

that's what we've done to enchant the lock we thought it would be very difficult to guess

John / Doran:

I, I suppose, press the

Speaker 8:

lock to your lips and say thank you.

John / Doran:

Okay. Go ahead Doren. This better not be Aaron. Alright. I go and press my lips to lock and I say, thank you.

Tim / GM:

Make the noise. What? Make the noise. Nothing happens.

John / Doran:

What? Huber? Give give me that.

Thomas / Guy:

Perhaps you have to really mean it.

Speaker 8:

Don't don't linger so long. Just a quick peck and thank you.

Thomas / Guy:

Okay. Thank you.

Speaker 8:

Did it work? I don't know. Do it slower.

John / Doran:

You know what it's it's okay a few miners died you know we can just wait till the ship gets here

Speaker 8:

I'm telling you oh no that's right we changed it to

Tim / GM:

oh my you're welcome

John / Doran:

You're welcome.

Tim / GM:

And the lock unravels.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Oh, I hate that.

John / Doran:

I didn't practice that.

Tim / GM:

The door swings open quite easily after that enchanted lock is gone. When it does open, you notice 2 things. 1, there's a tiny hole in the ceiling here letting a little bit of moonlight in through a little break in the plaster. 2, the first two floors of this building going down are gone. They are just blasted out holes.

Tim / GM:

You can hear a hollow drone of wind as you see that beam of moonlight pouring through a little hole in the ceiling, and there's destroyed shelving on the wall where knowledge of curses were once held. Mhmm.

Thomas / Guy:

Dora, aren't you going to get that Locke's number? Or

John / Doran:

I'm gonna push

Tim / GM:

guy. As you're kind of, looking at the tower and kind of examining the entrance, you hear again from the echo bell.

Speaker 8:

Please do me one service. One single favor.

John / Doran:

What's that?

Speaker 8:

A few days before you arrived, a very cunning gnome came asking to enter Tower 13. He said he had much to teach us if we let him in, but I would not. I refused him. Please, you must believe me when I tell you, Doran. I told him not to go in.

Speaker 8:

When you find what remains of him, please bring him back to us. This is not the first time we've had to endure such a thing.

John / Doran:

Will do. Alright. We better find Aaron and Poppy quickly. Real quick, though, based on who we saw on this island, is there anyone we might be suspicious of? You know, we have no idea what's happening here.

John / Doran:

It could be one of the minors. It could be someone we've never met. It could be someone one of the turtles even.

Speaker 7:

No. No. There was something I I didn't have time to tell you. I saw someone strange earlier today when I was off by myself. I ran into this old man, what looked like an old man, but there was something off about them.

Speaker 7:

They gave off this fiendish, maybe celestial sort of energy, and I I don't think they meant well. But the, at the time, I thought maybe I was just having an after effect from the driftweed. But

Thomas / Guy:

Very interesting. Are you sure this man was not me?

Speaker 7:

Definitely wasn't you, Kai.

Thomas / Guy:

Alright. This may be our culprit.

John / Doran:

Okay. Well, I can see a bottom down this hole. So feeling pretty good about this. What? Looking

Hannah / Eryn:

at bottoms through holes. Nothing. Nothing wrong at all.

Tim / GM:

Bottom hole.

Speaker 7:

Alright. I guess we should head down.

Tim / GM:

Let's go back to Aaron and Poppy. You are, still kind of catching your breath in the entrance of that cave. You can see the night sky outside below you and a dark cave inside ahead of you.

Hannah / Eryn:

I'm gonna tap my headlamp. Okay. Ting. Ting. Ting.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. So when you tap this thing, you feel it kind of crack a little bit. What these headlamps are is actually bismite infused quartz called brighterite that will glow for 4 hours from now on, and then they'll be done, used up.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So they're glow stick headlamps?

Tim / GM:

Pretty much. Yep. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I'll keep mine until yours runs out in in case we get stuck.

Hannah / Eryn:

Sure. Just make sure it's it's on, like, on your hand. Yeah. Okay. Why don't we go ahead and rope each other together?

Hannah / Eryn:

Do we have, like, a sort of harness where it's would be easy to untie if we

Tim / GM:

need to? Definitely. With those harnesses from the from the mining house and then the rope that you got also. Yeah. You can tether each other.

Hannah / Eryn:

Give us, like, maybe 10 feet of rope between us. Follow me. And then Aaron's gonna start leading the way.

Tim / GM:

K. Give me a perception check, each of you.

Hannah / Eryn:

16. 9.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Aaron, you notice something glowing out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn to look at it, you can't really see it anymore.

Speaker 7:

Mhmm. Bobby,

Hannah / Eryn:

I think there's something there, but it keeps disappearing when I actually look at it.

Tim / GM:

Poppy, make a perception check again.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no. Oh. 22. Woah.

Tim / GM:

Fantastic. Just as you were turning away, you saw it too, and it summoned your vision right back to it. You definitely saw a glowing lump. It looks like a hard hat left on the ground.

Speaker 3:

I think it's, maybe it's another hat, like one of these.

Hannah / Eryn:

Erin walks over and tries to just kick it with her foot.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. You kick it, and you can feel something, like, hard and, almost glossy, but it seems very stubborn. There's some give to it, like, it does move a little bit, but it really wants to stay where it is.

Hannah / Eryn:

Aaron tries to pick it up?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Give me, it's it's really resistant to being picked up, but there is some give to it. Give me a strength check.

Speaker 3:

Fucking strength, man.

Tim / GM:

3. Yeah. Not even close.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. Well, that's fine. Let's keep going. Is it bismite? Would I know that?

Tim / GM:

No. It's not bismite. It is lustrous, but it's dark.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. I don't know, Poppy. I don't know if there's anything we can do. I mean, it's a rock

Speaker 3:

that you know of. Oh, fine. We'll just keep walking.

Hannah / Eryn:

Erin kinda tugs Poppy along with the rope. K. My unwilling child. Yeah.

Tim / GM:

You keep plodding along with Poppy right behind you, and around certain corners, there's a little more light than there are in other places, and that's because of this dull blue glowing moss on the cave walls in some places. Provides enough light for you to kind of find your way by even without that headlamp. But moving down these corridors, you do start to see some bismite on the walls, like you had heard before through the echo bell. It's all silvery. It's it's gone depleted.

Speaker 3:

I don't know enough about bismite, but it seems kind of probably not good that it's dead bismite holding up a floating island.

Hannah / Eryn:

Yeah. Maybe that's why this part of the island's falling away. Let's go. Aaron, looks nervous as they see all the dead bismite and tries to speed up.

Tim / GM:

You, at that point, do come to your first choice here. You see a, left ish tunnel that is glowing a little more brightly than what you had seen before and a right path that is much darker and heads down again.

Hannah / Eryn:

Slip a coin? Sure. Alright. Erin pulls a copper out of their pocket.

Tim / GM:

Erin's only copper.

Hannah / Eryn:

Yeah. Hey. I have more money now. Someone gave me some.

Speaker 3:

So the blue one is heads, and the dark one is tails. Okay. Where'd it go?

John / Doran:

Behind your by

Thomas / Guy:

your bag.

Hannah / Eryn:

It's blue.

Speaker 3:

Guess we're going down the lit path.

Tim / GM:

Bobby sounds so disappointed.

Speaker 3:

Gee, I hope I don't regret that decision. Alright. Here we go.

Hannah / Eryn:

Actually, let's split up each coat out. No.

Speaker 3:

I'm just kidding.

Hannah / Eryn:


Tim / GM:

kidding. Fuck you. Not far down that left path, it starts to get a little tighter, closer together. The walls are closing in a little bit, and this path actually terminates in a sort of a dead end, but it's also covered with more of that moss and also a huge hoard of these spiky balls. It's like, maybe the size of a grapefruit, a little larger.

Tim / GM:

If you've ever seen sea urchins, that is the look of them, except they are glowing blue, and they're getting brighter the closer you get.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what those are?

Hannah / Eryn:

No. I've never left the city. Do they look like can we get a sense if they're, like, alive or if they're a rock?

Tim / GM:

You can tell they're alive. Their spines are, like, wiggling, but just a little bit, like, millimeters at a time. They don't look like they're fast if they can't move.

Speaker 3:

Hey, Jeremy?

Speaker 7:

Yeah. Poppy, are you okay?

Speaker 3:

We're yeah. We're exploring. Why? Well, I don't want to get dropped off the edge of a cliff.

Hannah / Eryn:

I guess. We're trying to find a way out.

John / Doran:

Do you

Speaker 3:

know do you know what these might be? And then I describe the urchins.

Speaker 7:

Would I know what those are? Can I do some sort of nature check?

Tim / GM:

Yep. You can give me a knowledge nature or survival check. It's up to you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for giving me the psycho bells.

Tim / GM:


Speaker 7:

Love a survival check. That's a dirty 20.

Hannah / Eryn:

No ice. Way to phone a friend, Poppy.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. That's good. Okay. Dirty 20. These are bursting urchins.

Hannah / Eryn:

Oh, dear. Jesus.

Tim / GM:

Glowing blue spiky pods. Heat or trauma caused them to burst. When they do, they inject a poison into people that were struck with the spines. The poison itself is not all that harmful. It does indeed hurt.

Tim / GM:

It'll make you feel sick, but it also causes your veins to glow bright blue for an hour. Cool.

Speaker 3:

That might be useful actually.

Speaker 7:

Poppy, you might wanna step back from those. They, they'll they'll burst if you get too close, if if they're too warm, or if you hit them.

Speaker 3:

Oh. Oh, no.

Speaker 7:

And then, yeah. They'll they'll they'll poke you and they'll give you a little bit of a of a hurt. It it's not that bad, but it's bad enough that I wouldn't recommend staying close. Erin, don't touch it. They'll make you glow if you get hit, though.

Speaker 7:

That's kinda fun.

Hannah / Eryn:

Erin, do you wanna glow? Aaron's listening to this and inspecting the creature. I'm gonna try to find a small one

John / Doran:


Hannah / Eryn:

And see how attached it looks to the rock it's on.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Give me a dexterity check or or a sleight of hand up to you.

Speaker 7:

Oh my god. I'm the Pokedex.

Hannah / Eryn:

Yes. Bursting. Out of 10. I'll do sleight of hand.

John / Doran:


Speaker 3:

Also, I like how it's it's like drinking a glow stick. Yeah.

Hannah / Eryn:

That's a 19.

John / Doran:


Hannah / Eryn:

So I'm just seeing if I would be able to remove it easily without it exploding. Yeah. Like, detach it into, like, a little bang.

Tim / GM:

You give it, like, a tentative wiggle to see how stuck it is to this thing. And with that wiggle, you actually pick it up accidentally, and you're like, oh,

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. I'll just put it in a little pouch.

John / Doran:


Hannah / Eryn:

I'm I'm thinking it's, like, softball size, the one I picked up.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. I would say baseball or smaller, actually.

Hannah / Eryn:

Okay. Perfect.

Speaker 3:

Yep. I'll just, gently

Hannah / Eryn:

keep it on my person.

Tim / GM:


Hannah / Eryn:

We might use this later, but it's in a little bag now.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Alright. So turn back around then.

Hannah / Eryn:

What is it called? The bursting?

Tim / GM:

Bursting urchin.

Speaker 7:

Alright. Bursting urchin.

Hannah / Eryn:

Don't touch me on this side, and Aaron kinda shows her where the bulge.

Tim / GM:

Pat's the pack. No.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. Let's let's move out. We might be able to use this later.

Speaker 7:

The Urchin has the first and Urchin.

Tim / GM:

What? There it is.

Speaker 7:

Aaron's an Urchin.

Hannah / Eryn:

Alright. We just head back to the other tunnel and go the other way.

Tim / GM:

Meanwhile, back at tower 13, looking over the first two destroyed floors, the giant circular holes in the floor leading down to sub basement level 3 what do you guys do

Thomas / Guy:

what do you think is down there

John / Doran:

An old man or maybe a gnome or maybe bursting nurtures, I guess.

Speaker 7:

I guess I'm I'm surprised to see them here. I didn't know anything about the Sky Islands, but I assumed that they were a creature of the mainland.

Thomas / Guy:

An invasive species, perhaps.

Speaker 7:

Possibly. Maybe they came over on a ship. Who knows?

John / Doran:

Oh, yeah. You're supposed to clean your ship in between skyline stops.

Tim / GM:

That's exactly right, Doran.

Speaker 3:

Bursticles. Bursticles.

Speaker 7:

Horrible. I

Tim / GM:

don't like that word. I don't wanna think

Thomas / Guy:

about bursting testicles. Bursting testicles.

Speaker 7:

I mean, is it dark in here?

Tim / GM:

Quite dark except for this dull moonbeam coming in through the

Hannah / Eryn:


Speaker 7:

And as we get further down, it gets darker. Yes.

Thomas / Guy:

I I may be able to scout ahead down below. Great. Doran, do you still have that rope? Yep.

John / Doran:

I take out the rope, tentatively.

Thomas / Guy:

Guy removes his head from his shoulders and hands it to Doran.

John / Doran:

What? Are you just gonna bite the rope? Like, how does

Thomas / Guy:

Well, you could tie it around by head. Okay.

John / Doran:

I'll do that.

Tim / GM:

K. You tie the rope around Guy's neck and hang him upside down.

John / Doran:

Your head's pretty heavy. I'm gonna start lowering, it down.

Thomas / Guy:

Careful now. Careful.

John / Doran:


Thomas / Guy:

So I'm, I'm looking for anything, any way we could, like, climb down, like, hand holds and then see what's at the bottom too. Sure. Yeah.

Tim / GM:

So although the floors of these floors are quite destroyed, the stairs are relatively intact. If you were to shimmy around the edge of this place out to the stairs, you'd be able to make it down each subsequent floor. The shimmying wouldn't be much harder than the ledge that you had experienced earlier.

Speaker 7:

The one that broke apart into pieces and was gone. And

Thomas / Guy:

almost killed us.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 7:


Thomas / Guy:

We might be able to shimmy our way down.

John / Doran:

Perfect. Do you wanna I'll I'll pull you up. Well, I can see what's at the bottom. Oh, okay. I'll let you go down further.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. All the way down on the, 3rd floor here. You can see that practically every single jar that was in here, full of memories and conversations, has been obliterated. The contents of those memories are God knows where, maybe lost forever, but you do see an open doorway leading to the stairs going down. Judging from what you were told and knowing that each of these towers are exactly 20 stories, you've got 19 floors to go before you hit the basement.

Tim / GM:

Well, at this point, you've got what? 16, 17?

Thomas / Guy:

Alright. There's an open door. We should be able to make our way through.

Speaker 7:

Alright. You ready?

John / Doran:

Yeah. Let's do it. Well, bring me up if you please. As I'm bringing them up, I'm gonna, like, let it slip a little bit like,

Speaker 7:

woah. Oh.

John / Doran:

Sorry, guy. Then I'll pull it up the rest of the way.

Tim / GM:

A little bit of rope burn on your neck, guy.

Speaker 3:


Thomas / Guy:

Guy's body, mine's a little laugh like.

Tim / GM:

A silent laugh. Yeah. It's not funny.

John / Doran:

Oh, this is interesting. Okay.

Tim / GM:

Alright. I need an athletics check from each of you to shimmy your way down.

Speaker 7:

Oh, that's quite bad. Know.

Thomas / Guy:

Quite bad.

Speaker 7:

I did a very bad.

Tim / GM:

38. 6. Guys.

Hannah / Eryn:

Good god. They're dead.

Speaker 7:

Start new strong.

Tim / GM:

Alright. Here's what happens. Yeah. Doran's leading the way.

Thomas / Guy:

Yep. Got his back up to

Tim / GM:

the wall beginning to shimmy. You see something twinkling bright down on the 3rd floor door, and you lean over to see, oh, what was that? And you completely lose your footing and begin falling. You reach out to grab Guy and grab him by the chest. Guy kind of reaches out for you, he starts falling, reaches out for Journey, grabs her, she starts falling.

Tim / GM:

You all plummet. Oh my god.

John / Doran:


Speaker 3:

This is this happens, like, every few episodes.

John / Doran:

Can I I'm gonna press my lock stop dagger?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Okay. Cool. You are saved from the bludgeoning damage. Oh, give me a strength check.

Tim / GM:

You're still holding onto the other 2. Let's see how you get ripped in half here.

Hannah / Eryn:

Is there Spider Man moment?

John / Doran:

Yeah. Unnatural one. Oh my god.

Thomas / Guy:

Oh, no.

Tim / GM:

Unnatural one. You shake Guy off of your hand as you grab the locksmith dagger so you can stop in midair, and then you just kind of let go of Guy and have him fall.

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

Yeah. So again, the, dagger that you have, you're able to click a button and stop it mid air, and kind of use it like a handlebar stuck, you know, wherever you want. Okay.

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

you're just kind of dangling there, right off the ledge. Guy and Journey take 4 bludgeoning damage each as you land on your backs on the 3rd floor.

Speaker 3:


John / Doran:

Sorry, Guy and Journey. There was something sparkly down there, though. Hold on. I I'll I'll I'll catch up.

Thomas / Guy:

Did you find it?

John / Doran:

I figured you're closer to it now, so maybe you can see if you see it.

Tim / GM:

Guy, you look over and see a pile of broken glass.

Thomas / Guy:

I found it.

John / Doran:

Alright. So holding on to the dagger, I'm just gonna kinda swing myself, build up some momentum, and try to, like, unlatch it, and then try to, like, land back on the cliff and work my way down.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Give me acrobatics for that.

John / Doran:

I like that a word. Let's see. There we go. 18.

Tim / GM:

Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Smooth as ever.

John / Doran:

Okay. Back on

Tim / GM:

the ledge. As if it was a fucking joke that you made them fall. Yeah. Doran, I would say you're able to, easily shimmy your way back down to the 3rd floor to meet them.

Thomas / Guy:


Tim / GM:


John / Doran:

You guys alright? Yes.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I'm fine. And Journey stands up and then does, like, a full body, like, dog shake.

John / Doran:

I feel like Guy is a better, front lead on this one. Maybe you take the lead again. Sorry about that.

Thomas / Guy:

I will take the lead. Thanks.

John / Doran:

Is that

Thomas / Guy:

what I said last time?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Thanks, though.

John / Doran:

What do we got here?

Tim / GM:

The next few floors are all quite the same. Destroyed jars, every shelf is obliterated, the stairs and doors are left intact so that you can still navigate here, but not much left to any of these rooms. It looks like somebody had either intentionally destroyed everything here or somebody had been fighting in each of these rooms.

Thomas / Guy:

What do you think happened to all these memories?

Speaker 7:

I think they're just gone.

John / Doran:

I think we'll have to double back here once we find everyone. Maybe it is worth understanding what happened so we know what we're walking into. Can we do a quick investigation on our way through?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. Or okay.

Speaker 7:

I'd also like to keep an eye out for the either the old man or the gnome. Any sort of evidence of recent people in there.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. So the answer is no, Journey. No recent people because it takes a long time for people to become skeletons.

Speaker 3:


Tim / GM:

But you do find a skeleton. Oh. It is wearing, like like fantastically noble clothes that are still in good condition, even having, you know, the rest of it turned to dust down here. I mean, there's some rotten stains

John / Doran:

on the

Tim / GM:

clothes, but this skeleton is decked in finery, and there's still jewelry on it.

Speaker 7:

I mean, I don't have great, like, medicine. Oh, I do have

John / Doran:

great medicine. Though. No.

Speaker 7:

That's not what I'm

Thomas / Guy:

I can save it.

Tim / GM:

Let me give the bone CPR.

Speaker 7:

No. I, I want to kind of medically, biologically investigate this person to get an idea of who they were, like, race, gender type deals.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. This was a, human male. It looked like they were quite small as a person. They have a small scepter near them, a mace. It looks like they were maybe trying to fight or they came in here with the intention of fighting.

Tim / GM:

You get the sense this might have been a religious type figure, perhaps a cleric.

Speaker 7:

This is this is real odd. It looks like this person was fat and something in here, and I wanna check for any sort of lingering magic around this person.

Tim / GM:


Speaker 7:

Can I do a detect magic? Oh, that's a terrible idea. I'm not gonna use detect magic. That's my last spell slot.

Tim / GM:

Okay. You can make an arcana check just to see.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I'll do that instead. Oh, so bad. 11.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. No arcane magic. Not really.

Speaker 7:

Okay. Dora, I don't know anything about what really happened to this person, but they look like they might have had some magic to them. I can't tell for sure.

John / Doran:

Can I do a knowledge of religion check maybe? Alright. Should just be using a coin. So, yeah, that's still gonna be a 4.

Speaker 7:

Bad roll crew.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. No new information there.

Speaker 7:

Wow. It was a

Thomas / Guy:

Become you 2, we have many stories yet to go, and we must reunite with the others.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. You're right.

John / Doran:

Lead the way, Guy. I will.

Tim / GM:

Alright. So you are leaving the jeweled skeleton behind?

John / Doran:

Oh. I can't discern much. Guy is, anyway.

Speaker 7:

Do any of the jewels look, like, particularly interesting?

Tim / GM:

The mace on the ground itself is encrusted with jewels, a large ruby in the crest of it, and some gold filigree. He's also wearing a jeweled necklace.

John / Doran:

If we don't take it Aaron's going to, we might as well just grab it. I see you in the journey.

Speaker 7:

I'm just I don't have a lot of hidden stuff stuff. Most of the hidden I do is with arrows, so I was thinking maybe,

John / Doran:

Yeah. Mace. Perfect. I'll

Speaker 7:

try it. I don't know.

John / Doran:

I'll grab the necklace.

Speaker 7:


Thomas / Guy:

Yeah. This man has no further use for him. That's for sure.

Speaker 7:

I I guess.

Tim / GM:

Alright. Dorn, when you grab the necklace, you hear a tiny, tiny noise. I need a perception check out of the 3 of you.

John / Doran:

Oh, no.

Speaker 7:

Are you sure you want to leave behind the bejeweled corpse?

John / Doran:

What? We just

Hannah / Eryn:

You guys are fools.

Thomas / Guy:

It's 6.

John / Doran:

You're just trying to bait us into running into your traps.

Speaker 3:


John / Doran:

Like, man, I wanna see this one go off.

Speaker 7:


John / Doran:

What was the check?

Tim / GM:

Perception. I would let you do investigation.

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

Thank God. Jordan. A little tiny clicky tapping noise as you pull the necklace away. Something else had fallen off their person. You're not sure where from, but, unmistakably, a small perfect diamond.

Tim / GM:

With one glance, you know, a 1,000 gold at least. It's on the floor.

Thomas / Guy:

Pick that up.

Tim / GM:

Got it.

John / Doran:

Sleight of hand? Sure. Stealthily. Like, I'm gonna, like, adjust my boot. Yeah.

John / Doran:

That's gonna be a 6.

Speaker 3:

From the 2 people who don't care or know about

Thomas / Guy:

Journey Journey and Guy bonk our heads together.

Speaker 7:

Hey. I got a 13, so I didn't see that the diamond fell, but I saw Doran pick it up.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. With a 6, Doran, you lay on your belly and you pick it up in front of you and go, oh.

Thomas / Guy:

I hate this.

Tim / GM:

Meanwhile, we're back in the cave with those bursting urchins. Aaron had just packed one away in her, little pouch, and it sounded like you were about to turn back and try the other way. Is that right?

John / Doran:

Yeah. Okay.

Tim / GM:

As you're leaving that dead end, you hear a distant voice.

Speaker 5:

Help. Help.

Tim / GM:

Help. And he runs into this bright blue glowing cave and runs up to

Speaker 5:

you and goes, help.

Tim / GM:

Help. And, like, runs and just dives into the 2 of them.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Tim / GM:

I need, mhmm.

Hannah / Eryn:

What does it look like?

Tim / GM:

Human man.

Speaker 7:


Tim / GM:

Yep. It comes, more or less tackling, right between the 2 of you on your rope or just kind of running through and sort of snags the 2 of you so that you fold around him. Yeah. I'm gonna need a strength save from both of you 2 not being knocked down.

Speaker 3:


Hannah / Eryn:

Yeah. Phil, Marty?

Speaker 3:

Anything else? That I could use.

Hannah / Eryn:

Oops. That's not a d twenty. Natural 20. That's 2. Minus 1.

Hannah / Eryn:


Speaker 7:

Literally, I've seen them both happen.

Tim / GM:

And, Poppy, you might actually have disadvantage on this for your loafers of levitation. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because I

Speaker 7:

Poppy just It's like a balloon on a tether.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. 13. Okay. So yeah, pretty much, this guy runs in here and, Erin is plenty firm in her footing and Poppy is less firm with her loafers. She gets kind of whirled around but lands softly and graciously on the other side of Erin using her as kind of a fulcrum.

Tim / GM:

This guy is running and kind of stops dead right before the urgents and he goes, what are those?

Speaker 3:

You don't wanna jump in there. They might explode.

Hannah / Eryn:

Uh-huh. What's going on? Who are you?

Speaker 5:

I'm just I'm trying I gotta get out.

Hannah / Eryn:

Are you Phil?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Alright. We were looking for you. You gotta go with us.

Speaker 5:

Okay. Oh my god. My friends are dead.

Speaker 3:

What happened?

Speaker 5:

My colleagues, there is something in there.

Hannah / Eryn:

Back the other

Speaker 5:

path? Yeah.

John / Doran:

It's not

Speaker 5:

it's still there. You guys gotta get out of here.

Hannah / Eryn:

What is it?

Speaker 5:

I I don't know. It looked like a man, like an old man.

Hannah / Eryn:

Oh, no. Quick. Get on the bell.

Speaker 3:

Old men are scary. Journey? Yeah. Sorry. What?

Speaker 3:

Journey, you said the guy you saw was old?

Speaker 7:

What? The old man you saw earlier. Yeah. There was an old man, and he was kinda creepy and a little scary and a little he seemed almost out

Speaker 3:

of this time. Well, we found the survivor who saw an old man.

Thomas / Guy:

Is it Philip j Collins?

Speaker 3:

You said you're you were Phil?

Speaker 5:

Yeah. I'm Phil.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's Phil.

Hannah / Eryn:

Okay. Are you Philip j Collins?

Speaker 5:

Yeah. That's me.

Speaker 3:

This guy was old and he killed your friends?

Hannah / Eryn:

Wait. Phil. What? What were the name of your companions?

Speaker 5:

Mark. Marty.

Hannah / Eryn:

I'm sorry. You have to be strong though. Marty and Aaron's gonna roll an insight check.

Thomas / Guy:

Sure. Bam. She cold as

Hannah / Eryn:

ice. 21.

Tim / GM:

In the midst of his sobs, He flashes his bright blue eyes up at you. Oh. So briefly, Aaron. And then back into his hands and continues the act.

Hannah / Eryn:

Oh my god. I'm so scared.

Speaker 3:

I'm No. What?

Speaker 5:

I just I I need you gotta help me get out of here. I can't be in here any longer. No.

Speaker 3:

It's okay, sir. We're gonna help you. Yeah. Just you just gotta come with us. Okay?

Tim / GM:

He just kind of starts hobbling off in the way of the exit.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Well, right behind you.

Hannah / Eryn:

Ducky. Ducky. Yeah,

Tim / GM:

little foot.

Speaker 3:

Hi. Is Journey Sarah? No.

Hannah / Eryn:

Poppy, duck. And Aaron pushes Poppy aside to the ground and chucks the urchin in her pouch at the back of his head.

Speaker 8:

Oh. Amazing. Amazing.

Hannah / Eryn:

Is this just a

Tim / GM:

It's a ranged attack. Yep. With your dexterity.

Hannah / Eryn:

Not good. Ranged attack. Hold on.

Speaker 7:

Hold on.

Hannah / Eryn:

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. It's 10.

Tim / GM:

You wind back with the urchin and throw it at him, and with his eyes still watching you just a little bit, he moves his head abruptly to one side as you throw it towards him, and the urchin shatters on the back wall behind him, and he says, when was that? As the urchin explodes on the wall and stabs him in the back, and he goes, and you can see starting right between his eyes on his forehead, you see his veins start to glow blue, but his veins are they're not like yours, and they're not like mine. They're these spirals that work throughout his body, and it outlines something not at all human. Oh.

Speaker 8:

He says, I I think I have to get going. Oh.

Tim / GM:

And he's kind of looking at the 2 of you.

Speaker 3:

Get out of here. Journey.

Tim / GM:

He drops the act. You're too wise not to follow. And he begins calmly leaving the room.

Hannah / Eryn:

I'm gonna go back and make sure Poppy's okay. Because I pushed her on the ground.

Tim / GM:


Speaker 7:

Did you whisper into the echo bell?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah, Poppy. I don't think he was a survivor.

Speaker 7:

You you you saw him?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I don't know. He he's not he's not human.

Speaker 7:

So it it wasn't it wasn't Phil?

Speaker 3:

I don't think so. I think he's he's headed back down the mine.

Tim / GM:

You can still see him. Poppy, whispering in the echo bell, you can still see his shadow down the hallway. You can see those little spikes of bismite on the wall. He puts his hands to both of them, he puts his forehead to the wall and you hear him And you see the last little bit of pink hue drain from the bismuth. Oh, no.

Tim / GM:

The island begins to rumble and he begins walking away again.

Speaker 3:

He's, he's eating it. Eating the biz wine. How?

Tim / GM:

Meanwhile, you guys have traveled floor after floor in Tower 13. You, by anyone's guess, you're between floors 13 and 14 now, going down.

Speaker 7:

We gotta go faster. We gotta get to them. If if they're with that that old man that I saw, they're in deep trouble. If he's eating bismat?

John / Doran:

Guy, we need to pick up pace. There's gotta be a way into the mine somewhere.

Thomas / Guy:

Should be at the bottom, I believe.

Tim / GM:

And you're just a few floors away from it. However, when you come to this next threshold, this doorway, it's much darker. There was a little bit of light with the other ones where you'd see a little bit of this, you know, blue glow from some placed moss in these rooms, but this one is dark, and you see something moving in the darkness.

Thomas / Guy:

What? Did you see that? Hello?

John / Doran:

I tapped my, light helmet.

Tim / GM:

Yeah, it turns on. At that very moment, you see this winged figure beyond the darkness. These large abstract patterns playing out on big flat sheets, and it turns, and it races towards you, and it slams up against the open threshold, and you suddenly see the word BONK just play out in open air. This thing winds up and rushes you again, Dorn. It's trying to eat you.

Tim / GM:

It's trying to get at you. It looks like a humanoid moth with 6 dead arms hanging off of it, just limp, gray dead arms. It's made of that same black shadowy substance that you had seen earlier that that dog was made of back in the iron works. This thing reels back and rushes you again and hits the wall, And text just shows up again. No.

Tim / GM:

Denied. Stop. Crack. Bonk. Crack.

Tim / GM:

Crack. Uh-oh. And you hear from the shadows. Don't worry. It's not gonna get through.

Tim / GM:

Never. You see a gnome emerge from the shadows. Keep it coming, pal. I can play all day. A, the mustached gnome Yes?

Tim / GM:

Wearing a fancy cap opens up his right hand, and in it, out of nothing but golden light, forms a quill. He takes the quill and touches it to the veins on his wrist, and it begins to draw his blood out into the quill, and he says, I got plenty of ink.

John / Doran:

What the fuck? Oh, yeah.

Tim / GM:

He draws another line across the ground, and this barrier that had been cracking just starts to reform into a solid barrier. He says, I was just about to pull a pretty tough maneuver. Are you here to help?

Thomas / Guy:

We're here to go to the mine.

Tim / GM:

A mine? This isn't a mine. It's a library about curses.

Speaker 7:

There's an there's an entrance to the mine, the bismat mine underneath from the bottom floor of this place, it sounds like.

Tim / GM:

Now we've got about 6 floors to go to the bottom. It's gonna be a while. I can only do this about once a day.

Thomas / Guy:

What is this thing? And who are you?

Tim / GM:

Sorry. Engelbert Wesherspoon, at your service. And this is not a curse. I thought it was, but it's not. I mean, that's why I'm here was to learn about all these curses, but I I don't know what this is.

Tim / GM:

It's made of it's like wet ink or a fine powder. I can't tell. It's like liquid darkness. That's a damn shame too. I'm pretty good at curses, and this, I haven't seen before.

Tim / GM:

But I'll be damned if one moth is gonna take me down. I've been keeping those pests off my books for my whole life.

Speaker 8:

Well, aren't you a

Tim / GM:

little badass?

Thomas / Guy:

He looks

Tim / GM:

at you and kinda thumbs the nose and goes, that's right.

John / Doran:

Can I call you Bert?

Tim / GM:

Please. All my friends do.

John / Doran:

Bert, first off, that moth thing, I think it's, probably got something to do with bismite if that didn't click already. But, we actually are in a bit of a hurry. We think that there's some sort of fiendish creature that is draining bismite energy and causing the island to shake. We also have a couple of friends down there.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. That's, quite a predicament. Okay. Yep. Let's do it.

Tim / GM:

You guys got weapons. Right?

John / Doran:

Yeah. Yes.

Tim / GM:

I was using this old trick called channel divinity to push this thing back a little bit every day, but to be honest, I'm getting pretty exhausted. I don't even know how long I've been down here. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna drop the barrier. I'm gonna channel my divinity one more time.

Tim / GM:

We're gonna push this thing down another level, and then it's on you. I've got maybe one healing spell left in me. So if it gets dire, you can come to me.

Thomas / Guy:

Sounds like a plan. We're

Tim / GM:

ready. Okay. Oh, one more thing. It goes for bright stuff. So be wary of that.

Speaker 8:


Tim / GM:

3, 2. 1. Engelbert moves to take this gigantic book, off of his side that's kind of strapped to him. He opens the pages up to the moth after having dropped the barrier, and he just goes, behold. It just kind of retreats, back down those stairs to the next level, and you can hear it thrashing and just destroying every jar in that room.

Tim / GM:

Run down those stairs and roll initiative.

Speaker 7:

Yep. Oh. Jesus Christ.

Speaker 3:

You guys need to put them in jail?

Speaker 7:

I'm alright.

Speaker 5:

I do.

Speaker 7:

This is medium rolling.

John / Doran:

18. 3.

Speaker 7:

Oh, God. 17. That's not bad. Put all your dice in jail. Tell them that they're all in trouble.

John / Doran:

Put them all in. Initiative isn't that important.

Speaker 7:

Says the

Tim / GM:

3. Alright. Doran, you're first up.

John / Doran:

Okay. I'm going to are there any, like, torches, sconces, candles?

Tim / GM:

Yeah. There's a sconce with a bit of this blue glowing moss in it. That's the only thing that really lights any of these rooms.

John / Doran:

Is there anything that could be lit, like a candle or anything in it?

Tim / GM:

There are unlit candles around here as well.

John / Doran:

Okay. You got this Journey, and I'm going to touch Journey's shoulder and give Journey bardic inspiration. K. And then I'm going to cast, prestidigitation, and, I'm I'm gonna try to light a few candles, not directly next to us.

Tim / GM:

Okay. So is this in the you know, he kind of pushed it down one floor. Are you chasing it into the next room in doing this?

John / Doran:

Yes. I imagine because, yeah, we need to head that way. Yeah. And then these lower floors, are they wrecked already?

Tim / GM:

No. Not quite as much, actually.

John / Doran:

Okay. Well, I'm gonna so, yeah, I guess whatever candle is near a wall just to kind of distract it. I'm gonna try to light a few candles.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Yeah. You light 3 candles around the room kind of equally placed, just not near you.

John / Doran:

And that's my turn.

Tim / GM:

K. Journey.

Speaker 7:

Journey is gonna run down the stairs and get into the doorway Mhmm. And cast hunter's mark

Tim / GM:


Speaker 7:

On this giant, evil, icky moth, and then yeah. I'm just gonna shoot a shoot a arrow. K. Nat 20.

Tim / GM:

Goddamn. Alright. Nice.

Speaker 7:

So 25 to hit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. You got

Tim / GM:

it. That's a crit.

Speaker 7:

Okay. So I double the dice? Or is that okay.

Tim / GM:

Double all of the dice.

Speaker 7:

And when I hit with an attack, my gathered swarm can also attack. It's just that attacks dice that double. Right?

Tim / GM:

Every involved dice doubles.

Speaker 7:


John / Doran:

We won't argue.

Speaker 3:

2 d 8+2d6.

John / Doran:

Hunter's mark?

Speaker 7:

And yes. Oh my goodness. Here we go.

Hannah / Eryn:

Go, Tara. Go.

Speaker 7:

This is what Journey was meant to do. 10, 15, 21, 24. Damage.

John / Doran:

Nice. Also, you got this floating around.

Speaker 3:

Oh. Thank you.

Tim / GM:

And this is with your light bow as well.

Speaker 7:

Right. But I didn't charge it.

Tim / GM:

Sure. So, you send, the arrow itself is still luminous, enough to see in the dark anyway. Okay. When you fire it off, it, lands into this moth, and you can see it sticking out of its abdomen. It was a direct hit with this arrow.

Tim / GM:

Your swarm chases down that arrow, and they just hammer right where you hit, and they just begin to, like, essentially erode away, disintegrate portions of this thing. They rip part of this thing to pieces. You can see you've done a significant portion of this thing's life force is gone. Great. Next up is the moth itself.

Speaker 7:

I wouldn't have left the doorway. So after I shot my arrow, I would have kind of ducked behind the doorway. Okay.

Tim / GM:

Yeah. We'll say Doran's kind of the primary target right now. Mhmm. 3. It immediately charges for those candles around the room.

Tim / GM:

It goes towards 2 that are somewhat near each other, and with a giant flap of its wings, you see this inky dust fall off of it, and it casts darkness in a large radius. About half this room goes unnaturally dark. You wouldn't be able to see it even if you had the brightest light in the world because of this fine, dark inky mist that's obscuring it now. It also dives out of that darkness and is charging, straight for Doran. It's got its mouth open.

Tim / GM:

You can see what look like the arms of 6 corpses that are just hanging off of it, just these useless gray slimy arms as it rushes towards you and opens this strange sideways moth mouth, but instead of biting you, Doran, it gets near you and starts to draw backwards. It is pulling your spirit away.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 8:

I need that.

Thomas / Guy:

I'm using that. Alright.

John / Doran:

Available? Oh. Yes. Yoink.

Tim / GM:

You take an additional 2 psychic damage and one of your level 1 spell

Thomas / Guy:

slots is consumed. Ouch. What a dick. The monster name.

Tim / GM:

No. I have no blame for this.

John / Doran:


Tim / GM:

Alright. That brings us to Guy.

Thomas / Guy:

Okay. Guy charges in a little bit late and sees what's happening to Doran and charges with his great sword. Okay. I'm using a couple of new tricks here, so bear with me. I'm using, channel divinity to add plus 10 to this role.

John / Doran:

Okay. Nice.

Tim / GM:

Bert Winx somewhere.

Speaker 7:

Mhmm. Somewhere. Are you aware?

John / Doran:

Idea from him.

Tim / GM:

He's a paladin.

Hannah / Eryn:

So basically, yes. He's a cleric with swords, AKA Paladin. Paladin.

Speaker 7:

Paladin. Oh my god. New character idea.

Thomas / Guy:

Oh, no. Okay. So that's a 21 to hit.

Tim / GM:

Okay. With a 21 to hit, that absolutely makes contact.

Thomas / Guy:

Okay. And I am also popping a divine smile.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Beautiful.

Thomas / Guy:

Is this an undead or fiend?

Tim / GM:

Interesting. I have to make a long term decision right now, and I will say it is a fiend. Oh.

John / Doran:

You love to hear it.

Hannah / Eryn:

You love to hear it.

Speaker 7:

Tara as a player thought that was interesting. Okay. Oof.

Thomas / Guy:

That makes up for it.

John / Doran:

That's the biggest number those dice can do.

Tim / GM:

But you

Thomas / Guy:

got 16 to start.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Good start.

Thomas / Guy:

16 +17. 33?

Tim / GM:


Speaker 7:

Nice. Alright, Doran.

John / Doran:

You don't need me. I just take the beating.

Thomas / Guy:

Guy charges in with his great sword trailing behind him and, like, spins and slashes at the monster.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Yeah. You guys see what Guy is capable of. The momentum that Guy commands with his armor, his sword, the size of him, you would be terrified to be on the other side of this. Guy drags his heavy sword across the ground such that it's dragging sparks, eliminating this room, grabbing the attention of the moth.

Tim / GM:

It looks down. Guy raises this sword that probably none of you could even lift. He brings it over his head after the spin and spirals back down into this thing and he lops off one of its wings. Maybe it's just Guy, maybe it's something about the material composition of his sword, but it hates what just happened to him. It is almost dead.

Hannah / Eryn:

Well, Doran lit some candles, so

John / Doran:

you know.

Thomas / Guy:

You're not even here.

John / Doran:

Alright. So Doran tries to pull out his rapier and he gets stuck a little bit. He's pretty pretty intimidated.

Speaker 3:


John / Doran:

yeah. Then, hand in basket runs forward and just, pokes it in the face or tries

Thomas / Guy:


John / Doran:

Okay. We got a 23 to hit. Hey.

Speaker 7:

Let's see. Thorne's here.

John / Doran:

Four damage.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my god. Well, it is almost set. So,

Tim / GM:

give me a perception check, Doren.

John / Doran:

14? Okay.

Tim / GM:

In the heat of battle here, even in the darkness with that one candle glowing recent sparks from Guy, you do catch just a little glimpse of something. You stab this thing straight through in the wing. It moves a little bit so that you don't get it in the abdomen. But when you drag your rapier out of it, you see that your steel is creating this frothy trail wherever it touches this thing's skin. It similarly recoils from your attack.

Tim / GM:

It hates the touch of your weapon for a lot of reasons. Next up is Journey.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. I'm just, Journey just peeks around the corner and pulls back the bow, taking a moment to really light it up.

Tim / GM:

Okay. Mister

Speaker 7:

d 4 if I hit. 21 to hit.

Tim / GM:

Definitely hits.

Speaker 7:

So that's a d 8 plus a d 6, that's a d6, that's a d4.

Speaker 3:

Now that's what I call damage.

Thomas / Guy:

Volume 7.

Speaker 3:

All your greatest hits.

Speaker 7:

15 damage.

Tim / GM:

All told is 15? Mhmm. Okay. Well, I guess I don't need to write that down. With this attack, you see the arrow kind of pierce through it right through the abdomen.

Tim / GM:

It's out of dodging attempts at this point. It's used all of its force to try to get away from Doran. You catch it on the backswing right through the abdomen. Your Faybuds trace in after that, but they're pretty much just examining a corpse. This thing is kind of fading and falling and hits the ground falling on its back, and it begins to rapidly lose its form, becomes sort of smoothed over and shapeless as it disintegrates into black dust.

Speaker 7:

Would this look like the would Journey remember that looks like the black dog creature?

Tim / GM:

Definitely. For sure. Yeah. You'd never forget what happened to that Fey bud.

John / Doran:

Yeah. Nice work. We should probably check-in with Poppy and Erin.

Speaker 7:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Poppy, are are you there? I'm still here. We we ran into some trouble getting down to the to the other entrance, but we're on our way.

Speaker 7:

We're back on track. Look out for some of the the creatures, like the one we saw in Farewell. The the one that Feybug got

Speaker 3:

turned into. Oh, the big scary dog thing?

Speaker 7:

Yeah. We we saw something like that. It was a it was like a moth though. So it can, I guess, they can be anything? So

Speaker 3:

Okay. Yeah. I, noted. Yeah. Be careful.

Speaker 3:

Keep an eye out. I don't know if that thing is headed towards you, but, he's glowing now.

Speaker 7:

He's glowing?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. We kind of hit him with the urchin.

Hannah / Eryn:

Good job. We'll watch out.

Speaker 3:

We'll probably have to follow him.

Speaker 7:

Keep a good distance. We'll see you soon.

Tim / GM:

Back in that tower, you hear Bert kind of coming down the stairs and he's humming to himself. I take it it went well?

Speaker 7:

Yeah. We got rid of that creature for you. Mister mister Wisher Spoon, this isn't a curse, but it's something real evil. This is something that we've seen it before. Fae creatures like these guys, and I kinda gestured to the buds all around me.

Speaker 7:

If they get drained with bismat drained to refill bismat, They turn into creatures like that thing.

Tim / GM:

Well, I don't know quite as much about this stuff as you do, but

John / Doran:

Can we walk and talk when we yeah. When we get down?

Speaker 7:

Yeah. We gotta go.

Tim / GM:

A quick warning before we keep going. Okay. You're gonna want, at least on this level, maybe cover your mouth. He kind of gestures around, some of the jars had been destroyed in the scuffle here. There's kind of another part they don't tell you about with all this smoke memory stuff on the island.

Tim / GM:

If you breathe it in and you smell it, it stays with you forever. Those memories are just yours now. You definitely don't wanna do that because over the last week, I've inhaled, like, 14 stories of curses, so I got a lot kinda rattling around up there right now. I didn't wanna know this much about this stuff. I inhaled all of it, every detail.

Thomas / Guy:

But thanks for the warning. Yeah. Oh, and wisher spoon?

Tim / GM:


Thomas / Guy:


Tim / GM:

No problem, guy. And I think we'll end it there. I'm your DM, Tim.

Speaker 7:

This is Hannah. Plain, Erin. I'm your journey, and I'm Tara.

Thomas / Guy:

I'm Thomas. I am Guy, not Bert.

John / Doran:

I'm John. I play, fully sold Doran. Well

Speaker 3:

I like We don't know that. And I'm Meggie, and I play pop Poppy Kenmore. Help us.

Tim / GM:

We'll see you in the next one.