The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion.
Matt Stauffer:
Hey, welcome back to the Laravel Podcast. This is the first episode, the intro, the premiere, the preview of Laravel Podcast, Season Five, which is going to be all about ... Drum roll ... I don't have a sound board ... Packages. It's all going to be about the packages we use on a day-to-day basis. Laravel Podcast, Season Four, every single episode was about a particular piece of the Laravel ecosystem, cash and databases and everything like that. This one's going to all be about the packages, whether it's the first party or the third party packages we use on a day-to-day basis.
Matt Stauffer:
I put out a poll on Twitter and I said, "Hey y'all, what are your favorite packages?" From there, I collected not the whole world's favorite packages, I didn't look at download counts or anything, but for anyone who responded to that poll, I said, "Okay, those are the packages we're going to cover." Then I'm also looking at all the first party Laravel packages, of course. It's going to be shorter episodes, probably 20 to 30 minutes, and each one is going to bring on one of the authors of the package to talk about what's the elevator pitch for the package like what do you use it for, and what's exciting about it, and what's the basic information we should need to know? How do you install it? What are any special dependencies, any other edge cases we need to know about, cool things people could do with it.
Matt Stauffer:
Then also, do they have any plans for the future, any roadmaps? Do they need financial support? Do they need program support? That's about what it's going to be, so as soon as I'm done releasing this particular episode I'm going to go start setting up those calendar invites to record. Let's get going and I'll see you soon.