The Aspiring Solopreneur

Is manifestation just a buzzword, or can it truly impact your business growth and personal development?

We invited renowned manifestation coach, Dave Conway, on the show to give us an in-depth look at the topic, specifically as it relates to solopreneurs navigating the unique challenges of running a one-person business.

We go into the weeds a bit, uncovering insights and strategies that might surprise you and challenge your current understanding.

We discuss things like:
  • How to increase your income right now
  • Common misconceptions about manifestation
  • Key principles of manifestation that solopreneurs can integrate into their daily routines
  • The process of setting clear, achievable goals in the context of manifestation
  • How visualization techniques can be used effectively to support manifestation efforts
  • How solopreneurs can handle setbacks or perceived failures in their manifestation journey
Plus so much more. So be sure to tune in!

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What is The Aspiring Solopreneur?

*Formerly known as Solopreneur: The One-Person Business Podcast*

Welcome to The Aspiring Solopreneur, the weekly podcast that dives deep into the world of solopreneurship. Join us as we bring you insightful interviews with industry experts and successful solopreneurs who have mastered the art of running their own businesses.

Are you a solopreneur looking for guidance on how to attract clients? Or maybe you're searching for ways to stay motivated and overcome the challenges of working alone. Perhaps you're even struggling with the intricacies of taxes and financial management. No matter what obstacles you face, The Aspiring Solopreneur Podcast is here to provide you with the knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice you need.

In each episode, our hosts, Joe Rando and Carly Ries, sit down with a diverse range of guests, including seasoned solopreneurs, marketing gurus, financial experts, and productivity specialists. Together, they unpack the secrets to solo success, sharing their personal stories, strategies, and actionable tips.

Learn from those who have paved the way before you, as they reveal their tried-and-true methods for growing their company of one.

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Carly Ries:

Is manifestation just a buzzword, or can it truly impact your business growth and personal development? We invited renowned manifestation coach Dave Conway on the show to give us an in-depth look at the topic, specifically as it relates to solopreneurs navigating the unique challenges of running a 1 person business. We go into the weeds a bit and uncover insights and strategies that might surprise you and challenge your current understanding. We discuss things like how to increase your income right now, common misconceptions about manifestation, key principles of manifestation that solopreneurs can integrate effectively to support manifestation efforts, how solopreneurs can handle setbacks or pursue failures in their manifestation journey, and so much more. So be sure to tune in.

Carly Ries:

You're listening to The Aspiring Solopreneur, the podcast for those just taking the bold step or or even just thinking about taking that step into the world of solo entrepreneurship. My name is Carly Ries, and my co host Joe Rando and I are your guides to navigating this crazy, but awesome journey as a company of 1. We take pride in being part of LifeStarr, a digital hub dedicated to all aspects of solopreneurship that has empowered and educated countless solopreneurs looking to build a business that resonates with their life's ambitions. We help people work to live, not live to work. And if you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, this is not the show for you.

Carly Ries:

So if you're eager to gain valuable insights from industry experts on running a business the right way the first time around, or want to learn from the missteps of solopreneurs who've paved the way before you, then stick around. We've got your back because flying solo in business doesn't mean you're alone. Okay. So before we jump into this episode, I just have to share this new free offer we have called the SoloSuite Intro. Being a solopreneur is awesome, but it's not easy.

Carly Ries:

It's hard to get noticed, and most business advice is for bigger companies. And you're all alone until now. LifeStarr's SoloSuite gives you free education, community, and tools to build a thriving 1 person business. So if you're lacking direction, having a hard time generating leads, having trouble keeping up with everything you have to do, or even if you're just lonely running a company of 1. Be sure to check out SoloSuite Intro at and click on products and pricing at the top menu.

Carly Ries:

It's the first 1 in the drop down. Again, it's totally free, so check it out at Click on products and pricing, and it's the first 1 in the menu. Hope to see you there. Dave, well, you didn't know that you were invited to our first ever carpool interview.

Carly Ries:

No karaoke required, but for viewers and listeners, if you're seeing this or hearing this, I'm taking our first ever interview from my car due to some unique circumstances. So, this is just the life of a solopreneur. You carry your laptop where you can and do interviews where you can. So Dave, again, we're not gonna make you sing karaoke, but we so appreciate you joining us today. Thanks for coming.

Dave Conway:

Thank you so much. Who is that guy that interviews people in his car? Like, the English?

Joe Rando:

James Corden. Yes.

Dave Conway:

Yeah. Well, anyway, we'll give him a run for his money today.

Carly Ries:

Yeah. There you go. I like it. Well, Dave, we've actually recently had a similar guest on, but what I love about this topic is that everybody has a unique take. You certainly do.

Carly Ries:

I have loved preparing for this interview because I just find what you do so fascinating. So can you share a bit about your background and what led you to become a manifestation coach?

Dave Conway:

Yeah. I'd love to. So, my whole life, I've always known that, you know, even as a young child, that there was always something at the back of our results, at the back of our behavior, like a power. my intuition, I guess you would call it intuition. I never saw colors or anything like that.

Dave Conway:

But I always could have a good read on people. I always had a strong intuition. Like, the first time I ever heard of the thing called the woman's intuition. I was like, I think I have that. I think I have 1 of those.

Dave Conway:

I think I was born with a woman's intuition. So throughout my life, I'd always had this feeling that there was something bigger going on. Until I was 18 years old, I'd never had anybody ever, educate me or direct me on it. And when I was 18 years old, I got to meet a man named Bob Proctor, who I would say is, like, the original gangster of personal development. For those that haven't heard of him before, he was in the manifestation and personal development space for 60 years before he passed away in 87.

Dave Conway:

And, I went to a talk of his, when I was 18 years old, my mother brought me and, that changed the direction of my whole life. You know, I'd never had anybody talk like that. I'd had soccer coaches as a, growing up, I'd had teachers, I'd had my parents, I had, you know, all forms of adults, my friends, parents educating me on things and giving me ideas. But when I saw Bob Proctor for those 2 hours, I'd never had anybody talk like that. And what it did was it opened up my mind to a whole other world.

Dave Conway:

And, you know, when he was speaking, I think it was the first time that I'd ever actually considered success. Prior to that, if you were to ask me, like, what do you wanna be when you grow up? you know, those kids are asked that, and some of those, I'm a fire fighter, and, my daughter is like, I wanna be a dance teacher. I was never able to answer it. I really never thought beyond further than my nose.

Dave Conway:

I was always in the present, you know? So when I started hearing about things called success, I started thinking, wow, and I became very attracted to it. Unfortunately, I was unable to actually produce success in my life for 15 years after that. It wasn't till I hit 33 years old that the dots started to connect in a in a big way. Wow.

Carly Ries:

What a story, and what a moment to have to be so young and have somebody change your life. I'm, in my mid thirties, and sometimes it's still, like, oh, what is that? What do I wanna do? I do like doing this for the record, but that's just so cool to have such an experience so young. Well, so let me ask you.

Carly Ries:

How do you define manifestation? How does it work for you?

Dave Conway:

Yes. So 1 of my purposes in life is I think manifestation is like a bad rap. you know, you'll hear of terms called woo woo and and and things like that. I don't think it's woo woo at all. Manifestation is what human beings do all day long. All we're ever trying to do is move a thought from our mind into our world.

Dave Conway:

So we're trying to take this thought, which is a nonphysical form of energy. We're trying to take it, we're trying to move it through us, and we're trying to bring it out into our life. And when people start to realize that that all a human being is is a manifestation center and that there's a process at the back of everything in this world. This whole universe is an orderly universe. Nothing happens by mistake.

Dave Conway:

Edgar Mitchell, who is the 6th man on the moon, he said, that there is no such thing as miracles, just gaps in our awareness. You know, Albert Einstein, same thing. Like, he didn't he didn't create the law of relativity. He just he became aware of it. He discovered the law of relativity.

Dave Conway:

And as human beings, if we start to understand that it's all about that expansion of awareness all the time. So when it comes to manifestation, I have successfully put manifestation on a but we can we do understand that it operates by law. So moving thought into the world, also known as results.

Joe Rando:

So I wanna dig in on that a little bit. I have a background in physics, and, going back to the eighties, I studied quantum mechanics. Back in the eighties, there was this weird problem with quantum mechanics that at the end of the day, it all came down to a consciousness perceiving anything before it would actually be in a particular state. The favorite 1 is Schrodinger's cat. Right?

Joe Rando:

The cat is alive and dead until somebody observes it, which is, you knw, was was trying to make a point of being patently absurd, but, you know, here I am now, decades later, they still haven't solved this problem that at the root of quantum mechanics is a conscious observation. And I'm wondering when you talk about manifestation and we don't understand it, are you thinking in terms of, like, there's some undiscovered science that might be playing a role here, or is this just practical, think about it, you'll do things that will make it happen? Where do you come down on that 1? Because I know that there are different perceptions of how this phenomenon works.

Dave Conway:

I subscribe to believe that it's a thought universe. When I first became aware of that, I will, I'll be very honest, like it scared me to realize that there's 2 forms of thought. There's the intangible form in which we're all familiar, which is the non physical, like, well, where is thought? Well, we're gonna say, it's in our head or in our brain or, you know, you can't see them because they're nonphysical. It's like air, unless it's cold and outside in Canada, then you can see it when you release it.

Dave Conway:

Right? So there's the intangible form of thought and then there's the tangible form of thought. So we know that there's a law of the law of vibration and everything is functioning on a frequency. We know that there's only 1 energy.

Dave Conway:

Leibniz introduced us to that, a couple few 100 years ago where he, basically theorized he's like everything is the same thing. And then it took another man to come along a few 100 years later called Boltzmann who then, you know, proved the atom. So when we focus on something, our conscious awareness of that thing expands. So when we start to understand that, when we have an intangible thought, what we're really trying to do is change the frequency of it. The 3rd dimension, the physical world is the densest dimension, like, it's the lowest vibrations.

Dave Conway:

The higher vibrations are atherical. That's why if like a rain dropped on a rain drop dropped on your head, you wouldn't you'd feel it, but if if a hay a piece of hail dropped on your head, you would really feel it. So it's the densest vibration. It's vibrating on the, on the densest level. So when it comes to manifestation, all we're trying to do is take that intangible thought, and we're actually trying to change the frequency of it.

Dave Conway:

When I realized this, I became actually afraid because I started to realize that the physical world, in my mind, the physical world is still the thought world. It's just on a different frequency.

Joe Rando:

You know, as somebody who considers himself scientific, I'm having more and more trouble kind of looking at that kind of perception and going, no, there's something there. There's something beyond our kind of typical physical laws that we kind of live by that's affecting things, and it's really, really interesting.

Dave Conway:

Yeah. There's 7 primary laws. So there's the perpetual transmutation of energy, which is very similar to, like, you could look at it through the law of conservation of energy, so energy is.

Dave Conway:

Now, neither created nor destroyed, which then would lead us to deduce that everything's already here. It's just on a different vibration. So creation's already done. You are just as human beings, you're just manifesting a portion of creation. So if energy is, then the idea of lack should be removed from a person's mind because it's already it's all here, energy is.

Dave Conway:

There is no such thing as lack. It's a perception problem. So you have the perpetual transportation of energy. You have the law of cause and effect, the law of vibration, the law of polarity, the law of rhythm, the law of relativity, and the law of gender. If you go back like a few 1000 years ago, back to the Kybalion, their first law is the law of mentalism.

Dave Conway:

They've been saying it for 1000 of years, which is interesting because a lot of humanities looping back around information that's 1, 000 and 1, 000 of years old. It's whatever you focus on expands. If a person took a pen and you start staring at that pen long enough, you might have owned this pen for 10 years, and I will guarantee you as you start to focus on it, you will start to become aware of things that you never saw before. And that's how that's how that's how expansion works. That's how awareness expands.

Dave Conway:

When you focus, it expands. So what I get people to do is I get people to build a clear mental picture in their mind, understanding that that is a real thing. As you focus, it'll increase the amplitude of vibration and it'll start to move out. You'll start to attract things into your life. You'll start to attract different thoughts into your life.

Dave Conway:

It's all focus.

Joe Rando:

So I think it's fair to say that the answer there is that there's things that we don't understand or at least in in the world of, mainstream science that have not yet come to understand that you think are impacting this. That that's fair to say?

Dave Conway:


Joe Rando:

Yeah. I wasn't trying to go down a rabbit hole.

Dave Conway:

I will say this 1 thing before we move on if I could. Energy is, no 1 knows what energy is. There's not a soul in the plant that knows what energy is.

Dave Conway:

It just is. But we do know 1 thing, it operates by law. It is under some governing body. We do know that. So as human beings, we can start to identify what laws are governing success and we can start to know what's transmuting that into our life, which is beautiful.

Carly Ries:

Well, I am going to take us out of this rabbit hole really quick because this is all so fascinating, and I feel like we could talk about this for the next few hours. But in order to respect your time, I am curious, like, how can solopreneurs apply these key principles to their daily routines for for better success?

Dave Conway:

You know, on the weekend, I was studying and I was like contemplating and, I had this outburst. I was by myself at the cottage and, I said, if you don't have a goal, you're screwed. I yelled that out to myself. You gotta have a goal.

Dave Conway:

Gotta have a goal as a solopreneur. If you don't have a goal, you'll get destroyed by all of the responsibilities of your business. You gotta have a goal. What I help people what I teach people as well is like when you set a goal, you gotta build a clear mental picture. What is something that would showcase that goal being fulfilled?

Dave Conway:

Because you and I, we think in pictures. And as you get that image, then you take periods of time, I recommend 30 minutes a day, where you just start to focus on that image. You start doing that, I'm telling you here now, just your your your your your business will start to change.

Joe Rando:

Can you give an example of, like, just like a gold and an associated image just so people understand?

Dave Conway:

So I used to be a carpenter. as I said earlier, I never was able to create success for like 15 years around this information, but I was missing some main things. I didn't have a visualization practice.

Dave Conway:

I wasn't building clear mental pictures. I had was conditioned to working harder was the way to get ahead, and we know that that's not true. Providing great service is how you do it. So when first I was earning $5 a month as a carpenter, and my first goal was to earn a $100 a month, in the personal development space as a as a as a mentor and speaker. So what I did in the beginning, I like, this is very common, I'd like visualize the money in the bank account on the computer screen.

Dave Conway:

Well, that didn't really turn me on. I was like, that's not exciting image to me. So what I did was I built like a little mini movie, and I actually used a lot of memories to build my image out. So I had the 100 grand goal, doing this work. So what I did was at my bank, when you pull up to my bank, like it's all glass.

Dave Conway:

So I pulled up to the bank in my mind. I've built this image, so I'm familiar with the bank. So I knew the images of that. At the time my dream car was a Jaguar and, so I went to the dealership, test drove it. So I got to see all that.

Dave Conway:

I locked that into my memory. So what I did was I drove up to my bank, saw my reflection in the mirror, saw the car, saw myself, then I saw myself in the car, could feel the handle. I'd open the handle. I'd get out of the car. This altered visualization.

Dave Conway:

I'd close the car, beep beep, hear the lock button, hear the door close, go up to the the bank, open the door, feel the metal on the on the, on the door, go into the vestibule, the second 1, feel that metal. I'd walk into the bank. And you know, like, a bank's almost like a library. Like, once you go in, like, you know, it's the vibration like, the energy is, like, whew. It's like it's like gets, like, really quiet.

Dave Conway:

Yeah. It's like this, like, heavier energy. It's like a library. Anyway, I'd walk up, and then I would, see the teller, very familiar lady. Her name was Laurie.

Dave Conway:

She'd been at the bank as long as I was at the bank. I'd see her. She'd look at me. She'd nod. I'd go up, take the wallet out, take the debit out, put it in dddddd.

Dave Conway:

Then she said, what can I do for you? And say, how much is in the bank? She would say, and then she would knock her little monitor thing over to me, and then I would see it. I would hear it, and I would feel it. 31 months I lived in that visualization over and over and over and over and over every day, multiple times a day, over and over and over.

Dave Conway:

My income went from $5 grand a month as a carpenter to over $100,000 a month doing this work. Took 31 months for my subconscious mind to pick up that image.

Carly Ries:

So I just wanna piggyback off of that. I, set a goal this year. Somebody had told me about all this, I would say became familiar with this about a year ago. And I had set a goal for myself this year to do a triathlon. And instead of having pictures of my family on my phone as my home screen like I normally would, I put a picture of a triathlete, and I, like, thought about it, thought what the water would feel like, train like, everything, and I am not a triathlete by any sense of the word.

Carly Ries:

It was a big stretch, and I did it yesterday. And it was I put it on my phone because I was like, well, I'm gonna have my phone on me all the time anyway. I may as well have a place where I could constantly be looking at it, constantly, like, be thinking about it. And I gotta say, there's something to it because I am not 1 to usually do that, and I did. And I would be nuts to say that that didn't have something to do with it because I made a tweak that I wanna have done, and, have that visualization right there.

Dave Conway:

That is amazing.

Carly Ries:

I wanna circle back because you were talking about how it took you 15 years to see that success, and then you're missing something. So if things aren't panning out for solopreneurs and and they think they're doing everything right, where do they go wrong? And how can they fill in those gaps and and learn from your mistakes, I guess?

Dave Conway:

You know, it's interesting, a lot of the world is of promoter, like, working hard. I think your listeners are probably working too hard. And that what was in me was a part of my paradigm, as a part of my belief system. I really did believe that working harder was gonna get me where I wanted to be. I did not have a daily visualization practice.

Dave Conway:

I did not I was not offering the clear mental picture. I had never I I missed the memo on the paradigm and the self image. You know, I think we get so familiar with ourself and the way we're doing things that we don't ever stop and think. So we get so busy, and as solopreneurs, like, you're all alone. So, the IRS wants their accounting done, the billing has to be done, you're everything.

Dave Conway:

Right? Like a lot of us , you're doing 10 different tasks. Well, you start getting smoked. And then what happens is then you start buying management stuff, try and manage all your tasks. What is if you stop for a second and start to build an image in a world where you don't even do those tasks?

Dave Conway:

So sometimes the solution to our problem is worse than the problem.

Joe Rando:

So what you are is the result of this that you people are doing too many things that don't really need to be done? Is that what you're saying? That they're doing things that just aren't really necessary to their success because we feel the need to be busy?

Dave Conway:

Well, not necessarily. It's those things in the business have to be done. The problem with the solopreneur is that you're the only person that's gonna be able to do it.

Joe Rando:

Yeah. we're always telling people, you know, get help, get a bookkeeper, get a this, get a that, get a VA because we totally agree. It's like if you do all that stuff, you don't do anything important.

Dave Conway:

That's right. So these things have to be done. You're not wrong in understanding that. Like, there's rules of business or things have to be done. But if you can start to operate with a clear mental picture, if you can build that image and like Carly said, set reminders where you're like, every time, it's triggering the image.

Dave Conway:

We gotta understand that the body is just an instrument of the mind. We're a spiritual being, we have an intellect and we live in a physical body. The body obeys the mind. Any image that goes into the subconscious mind, the body will automatically move that image into form. It will move.

Dave Conway:

It controls the behavior, but even being this called a habit.

Carly Ries:

So how do people course correct? Because I think there's a lot of people that are self deprecating or do negative self talk, and and you're saying, like, that can that you can manifest, like, not necessarily positive things. So if people have lived their whole life in that way, how do they flip the switch to develop these positive habits?

Dave Conway:

First thing you gotta do is sit down. So first thing is stop. Just stop. Just stop even for 2 hours. Just stop.

Dave Conway:

Just stop what you're doing. If you don't like your results, just stop for a second. At least if you stop doing even if you stop, then the results will stop if you're producing them all. So number 1 is stop. Sit down, ask yourself, what do I really want?

Dave Conway:

What do I really want? How do I really want to live? And dream as big as you possibly can. Once you select that thing, build a clear mental picture or a little mini movie or something that would reflect that that thing is complete, like me at the bank. After you do that, then the last phase is ask yourself, who is the man, woman, or person that is naturally producing that?

Dave Conway:

So if we listen to Carly's, talk about triathlon, she said, I'm not a triathlete. Well, that's not true because there was a triathlete inside there. There was 1 in there. The truth is there's a multimillionaire in there too. Anything you focus on is in there.

Dave Conway:

Every self image exists and every human being at the same time is the 1 that they focus on that will rise to the surface. For some reason, we bought into this idea with these, like, invisible rules that we think we have to obey. And I'll tell you right now, it's total bullcrap.

Carly Ries:

Yeah. They're they're such limiting beliefs. Well, so speaking of the multimillionaire inside of me, and just you going back to your experience of it taking a while, if people want that success sooner rather than later, are there things that they can be implementing now and, how can what can they be doing right now to get to increase their income tomorrow, let's say?

Dave Conway:

Yeah. Well, the 3 the the the goal setting with the image and the self image always is is always the main thing. You know, we gotta keep the main thing the main thing. But if a person really wants to break free, you have a thing called the freedom formula. So the first thing is you gotta get an elite level mentor.

Dave Conway:

What is mentorship? Mentorship is the transference of ideas and belief. That's all it is. Now if you don't have a mentor, what are human beings doing all the time? All they're doing is walking around transferring their ideas and beliefs to you.

Dave Conway:

So if you don't have an outright mentor that you are locked into, you you could be mentored you could be mentored by anybody. That person that cuts you off on the street, if you let them in, they just they just became your mentor because you absorb their energy. So, when people hire mentors, what they're after, what they they think they're after more ideas. No. What you're really after is their belief system.

Dave Conway:

So when I was mentored by Bob Proctor and I worked directly with him. in the first couple years, I would learn something. So I heard this, a concept that we live in an infinite universe, that there's an infinite supply and that the human imagination can tap into this infinite supply. And I went up to him and I said, hey, is there an infinite supply? And I said, do you believe there's an infinite supply?

Dave Conway:

And he said, yes. And I said, that's my belief now too. So the faster I acquired his belief system, the faster my life started to change. And I was very attracted to his life. What mentorship really does is it collapses time.

Dave Conway:

That's really what it does. I have a lot of clients that'll come, let's say they're making a $100 grand a year, and they wanna start making a $100 grand a month. Right? So they wanna make $1.2 million in a year. So they want 12 x their income.

Dave Conway:

Okay. Well, you gotta understand something. You already know how to do that. Your problem is it's gonna take you 12 years. Like if you earn a $100 grand a month for the next 12 years, you'll earn $1.2 million.

Dave Conway:

What you're trying to do is shrink that into 1 year, and that's all in awareness. So mentorship is essential. The second is systematic study. Read the same things over and over and over and over. When I started getting mentored by Bob Proctor, he got me to read the decision chapter out of Think of Rich every day for 18 months, the same chapter.

Dave Conway:

Who does that? Nobody. Who visualize the exact same visualization every day for 31 days, multiple times a day? Nobody. And this is why people's lives don't change.

Dave Conway:

You see, it's not the intellect that you need to feed. It's your subconscious mind that you need to feed. The same thing that beats your heart is the same thing that produces results. It's exact same process.

Carly Ries:

And so what's the third thing?

Dave Conway:

And then the third is your environment. So the human mind is like a sponge, it absorbs the vibrations of your environment. So when you start getting around different environments, you'll start to attract in those vibrations. You know, I'll have a lot of people say, oh no, I don't believe in God. I'm spiritual.

Dave Conway:

I say, oh yeah, where do you get your spirituality? They say, well, nature. Everybody knows when you go for a walk in nature, you feel wonderful. Why?

Dave Conway:

Because nature is perfect. There's no disharmony in nature. There's no conflict in nature. Human beings are the only creatures on the planet that bring disorder into this world. We're the only ones that do it.

Dave Conway:

So as you start to absorb perfection and harmonious vibrations, you actually absorb it into yourself. This is why you don't like going to the in laws sometimes because you're so out of harmony with their belief system. Start to this this is how it is. You you meet somebody. Your intuition your intuition will know.

Dave Conway:

You'll see somebody. Your intuition will pick it up. You'll know if you should trust them or not trust them. You could feel them. It's almost like you'd know everything about everyone just by being around them, just even seeing them.

Dave Conway:

You'll know it across the street. You'll know if you're attracted to someone or not. As you start to understand that, that your mind is like a sponge to environments and vibration, you'll start to realize that your biggest issue that you have is the environment you're in. It's the number 1 thing that gets everybody before they start, and it's the number 1 thing that gets everybody as they start to go along. So you got to get around, different different environments, higher level environments.

Dave Conway:

What kind of environments, Dave? Environments that reflect the goal achieved.

Carly Ries:

So let me ask you a question because you were talking about, like, you were saying reading the same chapters, getting that 1.2 million down to a year. Do you find that people need to be focusing on 1 thing at a time in order to manifest this or can they have multiple goals going on and just allocate the same amount of time to each of those goals?

Dave Conway:

You gotta have your 1 overarching goal, like a stretch goal. You gotta have a 1 overarching goal. So for example, my 100 grand a month goal, like there was a Jaguar included in that visualization, so there's all these little motives, like you gotta live life, right? you have to live in a home, you have to drive a car, you have to wear clothes, you have to go on vacations, you have to eat, you know, you have to do things. So you can have parts of it that bring in, but at the center of it all, is the main goal.

Dave Conway:

Focus on the main goal.

Dave Conway:

I called sprinkling in motives. Like, if there's other little things you wanna bring in, sprinkle them in.

Carly Ries:

So if somebody wanted to make $1.2 million this year, but also get a 6 pack Abs. Those goals are seemingly unrelated. How would you like, they're, like, but they're equal. I really want that 6 pack, but I also really want that 1.2

Carly Ries:

How would you advise they allocate their time?

Dave Conway:

That would for me, I would focus on the 1.2 and then just go to the gym to get your 6 pack. Every time you look in the mirror, just see yourself as you wanted to see yourself. Also, by the way, my income went up when I started to work out.

Carly Ries:

So there you go.

Dave Conway:

But the income's always my top motivator. Yeah. You can you can mix any belief into the subconscious mind. It doesn't doesn't need to be realistic.

Carly Ries:

Well, Dave, this is all so fascinating to me and you help so many people find success through manifestation. So we have to ask you, what is your favorite quote about success?

Dave Conway:

Comes from Earl Nightingale. You are now and you will become what you think about. So your whole life is just a manifestation of your past thinking, and the life that is held for you in the future is based upon your current thinking.

Joe Rando:

Never had that one before.

Carly Ries:

Dave, this is so fascinating. Where can people learn more about you and find you if they want to connect after?

Dave Conway:

Come hang out on Instagram, 2 places.

Dave Conway:

So come to Instagram, Conway Consulting on Instagram. And on Instagram, I've got my 21 day challenge. also you can check out the website at, and the 21 day challenge is also on there. I created a free, 21 day challenge to help people improve their ability to manifest by helping refine their image building, like their visualization, how to build images, and then through focus.

Dave Conway:

So it'll help you tighten up your imagination and help you tighten up your concentration. So Instagram, conway consulting, and then website,, and go take the 21 day challenge.

Carly Ries:

Very, very cool. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show today. We have so enjoyed having you, and I think you've expanded our minds, Joe, you as well.

Dave Conway:

Thank you.

Carly Ries:

And listeners, thank you so much for tuning in today. Per usual, we love that 5 star review. We love the subscribes on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform. Please, please do all those. It means the world to us.

Carly Ries:

Otherwise, we will see you next time on The Aspiring Solopreneur. You may be going solo in business, but that doesn't mean you're alone. In fact, millions of people are in your shoes, running a 1 person business and figuring it out as they go. So why not connect with them and learn from each other's successes and failures? At LifeStarr, we're creating a 1 person business community where you can go to meet and get advice from other solopreneurs.

Carly Ries:

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