Dance Magazine Podcast

Dance Magazine Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 155 Season 1

Informed Consent in the Studio and Forgotten Dance History

Informed Consent in the Studio and Forgotten Dance HistoryInformed Consent in the Studio and Forgotten Dance History

Mailbag episode! The hosts discuss two topics suggested by listeners: the dance world's belated but significant incorporation of intimacy directors, and some of our favorite forgotten moments from dance history.

A transcript of this episode is available here:

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Links referenced in/relevant to episode 151:
-Recent stories on intimacy direction in dance:
-Pointe's interview with ballet historian Peter Koppers about forgotten Black ballerina Maria Skorsiuk:

What is Dance Magazine Podcast?

A weekly podcast, hosted by editors from Dance Media, that breaks down the dance world's news and talks with with the artists who are shaping the headlines.