Chemistry For Your Life

We've all shaken up a carbonated drink, either accidentally or on purpose, so we all know what happens. But why? Why does simply shaking it agitate the carbonation so much? And why do shaken sodas overflow the can so much?

Show Notes


We've all shaken up a carbonated drink, either accidentally or on purpose, so we all know what happens. But why? Why does simply shaking it agitate the carbonation so much? And why do shaken sodas overflow the can so much?

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What is Chemistry For Your Life?

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life.

Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life!

In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a way that is easy to understand, and totally fascinating.

If you’re someone who loves learning new things, or who wonders about the way the world works, then give us a listen.

131 Soda Fizz

Melissa: [00:00:00] Hey, I'm Melissa.

Jam: I'm Jam

Melissa: and I'm a chemist

Jam: and I'm not

Melissa: and welcome to chemistry for your life.

Jam: the podcast helps you understand the chemistry of your everyday life.

Melissa: Okay. Jam, Guess what?

Jam: What? I have no idea.

Melissa: Today, we're going to answer a listener question and I think it's gonna be a pretty cool one.

Jam: Oh, sweet. Okay, cool.

Melissa: So this today's episode is all about why carbonated drinks explode when you shake them. You know, if you shake a can

Jam: Mm,

Melissa: you open it, it goes wild.

Jam: yes. Yes, definitely.

Melissa: So it's. That it's all about that.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: It's from listener Cameron L so thanks Cameron L for writing in and being patient, cuz I think Cameron asked this about eight weeks ago.

Jam: Yeah. Yeah. That seems pretty par for the course, though, on a lot of our

Melissa: [00:01:00] definitely

Jam: questions that end up becoming episodes and you having time to like research them and whatnot. Um, so anyway,

Melissa: Well, actually, I'm glad you mentioned research too, because this question I think is a really good one and it lets us touch on some foundational topics, but it was actually hard for me to find peer reviewed journal articles about it.

Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: So I, used sources that I find are typically reliable. I used something called The U C S B science line. So this is at U C S B, which is a university. They asked different professors questions and get a few different answers from different professors.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: So other scientists who are doing research, answer those questions and the other one was a scientific American article as well.

Jam: Okay. Cool.

Melissa: So those are two sources that I generally find to be reliable and in line with other resources I have, it was just actually hard to find things that I would consider peer reviewed journal articles about this topic.

Jam: Okay. Okay.

Melissa: So I just wanted to give a [00:02:00] heads up on that.

Jam: And is the way you said it a second ago the way Cameron asked it, essentially like the way that the question was worded.

Melissa: Yes. Cameron said, why do carbonated drinks like soda or kombucha explode when you shake them?

Jam: Got it. Got it. Ooh, kombucha. I definitely have a lot of kombucha explosion stories as well.

Melissa: because you used to make it didn't you

Jam: Yes. Yes. I've had way more crazy. , uh, sort of explosions that with kombucha than I have with, uh, any soda, any time, any time of my life.

So I'm very invested in whatever answers you're gonna reveal to all of us.

Melissa: Good. I'm so glad. That's actually part of why I was excited to do this and wanted to do it, even though I couldn't find the types of resources I normally do.

I confident that this is accurate information and it answers the questionaat a lot of us have you with your kombucha experience [00:03:00] and. Just in everyday life. I think people wonder why that happens. So I'm excited to be able to answer it, even though it's not maybe as thoroughly researched as I normally want it to be.

I think this is still valuable to share.

Jam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah,

Melissa: Okay. So, and I'm also gonna flip the script a little, I thought the best way to teach this would actually be to give you an analogy first.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: Which is kind of mean because then you have to try to come up with a different analogy later, but I think it's worth


Jam: That's true. Yeah, that is kind of mean, but I, I think I'll allow it just this once and, um, and we'll see how, how negatively affects my, my small corner of things, but I'm very open to it, especially if it helps me understand it better, so.

Melissa: yeah, I think it, I think it will help understand a little bit easier.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: my analogy.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: Imagine we're in star wars or some similar place. [00:04:00] And within the general population hiding, there are a bunch of rebels, right?

Jam: Mm-hmm

Melissa: They're in a crowd of non rebels. They're hiding in plain sight

Jam: okay.

Melissa: and. They need something.

All these people who have this sense of injustice and things aren't right. They need something to bring them together, to actually make a rebellion happen.

Jam: Right, right on their own. They, one person does not form a rebellion.

Melissa: Right? You need to do what you can in your own spot, but it's not gonna make as big of a difference as when people band together and work towards a common goal.

Jam: Mm-hmm mm-hmm right, right.

Melissa: So that's basically what goes on in soda cans.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: Okay. So hold that in your mind. And then we're gonna talk about the actual chemistry language, and then I'm gonna bring it back to that analogy.

Jam: Okay. Sweet. That sounds great. [00:05:00] I like starting it with that and that helps me already.

Melissa: Yeah, I think, I think it will be helpful. So. The two main chemistry lessons that you have today are actually ones we've had before, but they're in a different context today. So I think it's valuable to kind of review

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: one is inter molecular forces. So inter molecular forces, just to review, we've done a lot of episodes on this.

You can go back and listen, if you want a more thorough overview, but they are the forces by which two molecules interact with each other. So they're not a bond. They're more like an attraction. You have one molecule that's partially negative. It's gonna be drawn to a molecule that's partially positive.

Or if two molecules come close together, you can temporarily make them be attracted to each other. By shifting the negative electrons to one side in making a partial positive.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: So they're just, they're not a true bond, but they are an attraction of negative and positive forces as they [00:06:00] come near one another usually.

Jam: Right, right.

Melissa: So intermolecular forces are actually responsible for things being dissolved and literally what something dissolved is. Is that molecule is surrounded by molecules of another substance, right? So if you dissolve sugar in water, the sugar's still there. The bonds inside the sugar don't break, they just get surrounded by water.

And when they're surrounded by water, they go into the water solution. They make a solution together and they're, they're enveloped with these water molecules.

Jam: Mm mm-hmm right,

Melissa: so that's what being dissolved means is you have a molecule and due to intermolecular forces, it will be all surrounded by the liquid molecule or whatever it's dissolved in.

Jam: right, right.

Melissa: Okay. So normally in a soda, can you have carbon dioxide that's dissolved in the water syrup flavor [00:07:00] mixture.

Jam: Uh, huh.

Melissa: So you have the CO2 molecule. That is, it would be a gas if it could be. But in this case, the individual molecules are surrounded by the other molecules water that's inside the soda

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: and the intermolecular forces are what's keeping these things surrounding the CO2

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: and in order for these CO2 bubbles to.

Well, in order for these CO2 molecules to form bubbles, that then you see in your soda and they rise to the top and they kind of pop and go away. They actually have to overcome those intermolecular forces and the tension that's holding the water molecules and the sugar molecules around them come together.

And enough of the CO2 molecules have to come together to make a, a dent, literally a space in the rest of the liquid that's present. [00:08:00] And that's when you will see a bubble.

Jam: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Melissa: So when you see a bubble forming and getting bigger and bigger, what you are literally seeing is carbon dioxide molecules in, if it's a CO2 bubble,

Jam: Yeah.

Melissa: carbon dioxide molecules, finding each other against the odds, overcoming all the intermolecular forces that are holding them apart, they find other, and they, they stick together with their intermolecular forces between one another.

And as more and more other molecules come to join them, you start to see a, a literal space form where there's gas molecules together and not liquid anymore.

Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: And once enough of those are together, they can get large enough to rise up to the top pop and boom CO2 escapes.

Jam: Right, right,

Melissa: so that happens. Whenever you open your [00:09:00] soda,

Jam: right,

Melissa: they'll slowly do that. And that's why over time it becomes flatter and flatter

Jam: right. Eventually there's so much. CO2 that's escaped that it affects the sensation, drinking it and the tastes a little bit and all that stuff. And we all know that that's less enjoyable.

Melissa: and that's a flat soda right there.

Jam: yeah,

Melissa: Okay. So.

Jam: that's what we chemists call a flat soda.

Melissa: Uh, that's funny. That is what, that is. What we chemists call it. I think that's what everybody

calls it.

Jam: Chemists saying every other profession as well.

Melissa: So when the can is closed, it's a little bit different, right? Because it's under pressure.

So it's a, it's a closed system. The CO2 can't escape. There is a sliver of empty space at the top of your soda can usually you, when you open it, the liquid's not right there at the top. There's a little space of air.

Jam: [00:10:00] right.

Melissa: So when your soda can, is closed, Under a lot of pressure, the few bubbles that are able to find each other, the few molecules that are able to find each other, collect enough of them together to form a bubble and float to the top.

They're just gonna be trapped in that top sliver of air

Jam: Yeah.

Melissa: until no more of them can join that space.

Jam: Hmm. Mm.

Melissa: So space will get full of CO2 molecules and then all the rest are gonna stay down, dissolved in the solution.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: As soon as you open it, the CO2 that's there on the top goes away. All the pressure is gone the rest of the CO2 molecules are able to start finding each other and trying to escape. And that happens slowly

Jam: Right.

Melissa: when we shake it, the gas molecules that were at the top disperse throughout the soda. And that [00:11:00] gives the other gas molecules.

You're mechanically mixing up the CO2 molecules at the top with the rest of the liquid. And then they're more likely to be able to find each other because you're putting energy into that soda. The molecules are moving around more. They're able to find each other more easily.

Jam: Got it. Got it. More chances to disrupt the intermolecular forces that are keeping them sort of from each other.

Melissa: Yes. And more CO2 dissolved or mixed up in it, you're taking the stuff that's escaped and putting it back in


Jam: Yeah. So the top that, that air at the top is probably CO2. Like also, probably not like,

Melissa: it's CO2 because if it wasn't in the beginning, whatever was in the solution that tried to escape did. And then that was it.

Jam: okay. Okay. Got

Melissa: So it's probably got a layer of CO2 right there at the


Jam: That could be dissolved back in or could just be yeah. Mixed bag. Okay. Got it. Got it.

Melissa: Yes. So when you shake it up, whatever was at the top is getting mixed in throughout, and you're giving [00:12:00] more opportunities for these CO2 molecules to find each other and to make larger pockets of CO2 molecules together.

Jam: Yes. Yes.

Melissa: And if you keep it under pressure, eventually they'll kind of even themselves back out some will escape go to the top.

They'll, you know, intermolecular forces are still at play. Molecules are always moving, even if it's just a, can sitting still on your desk or whatever. So eventually it'll kind of even itself back out.

Jam: Okay. That was gonna be my next question is like, what happens when you shake one and then let it be, and it just yeah. Ends up kind of balancing back out.

Melissa: Yeah, that's what should


Jam: Okay. Okay.

Melissa: But if you rapidly release the pressure, when all of those bubbles have found each other, all of those molecules have found each other and form bubbles. They're ready to go. They're ready to escape. They found each other, they have enough energy. The only thing keeping them down is the pressure, you release the pressure and boom, all of the gas tries to get out at [00:13:00] once.

Jam: They have successfully formed a rebellion.

Melissa: They've successfully formed a rebellion.

So the way I think of that is the CO2 molecules at the top are the leaders. We disperse the leaders throughout the can. So they're collecting people to come along with them. And then if the Empire's not looking,

boom, they'll take over. They'll destroy the death star.

Jam: Yeah.

Melissa: So the other thing that happens though, is when all of those bubbles are trying to escape, usually because they're dispersed in the soda, some soda will come along with them and that's why it looks is the whatever molecules are all in the soda are also coming out with the air. It's not straight air bubbles because it's happening so fast that like, soda molecules are getting trapped in there and it's just pushing everything out so it can

Jam: Yeah,

Melissa: its pressure or even out as pressure, as fast as possible.

Jam: right, right.

Melissa: So that is why soda cans [00:14:00] explode when you shake them.

Jam: Huh. Interesting. And I'm guessing it's similar for kombucha. Maybe, maybe the gas is slightly different. I'm not sure what the makeup of, of kombucha, you know, sort of carbonation is, but I, I guess it's a chance it could be different, but I don't know.

Melissa: Yes. I think it would be similar. Gas. I don't know because isn't it produced by bacteria.

Jam: Yeah, it is. Yeah. Bacteria eating sugar

Melissa: If they're eating sugar, I think it would likely to be CO2 and water because that's mostly what sugar is made up of carbons, hydrogens, and

oxygens. a lot of time byproducts of biochemical products are. CO2 and water. would be my guess,

Jam: And there's

yeast involved

Melissa: I don't know for sure. I think yeast also puts out

Jam: Okay, cool. Yeah.

Melissa: I don't know, a hundred percent.

I'm not a biologist, but usually if it's a natural system and gas is escaping, that's a [00:15:00] pretty good sign, unless it smells really bad. And that it's sulfur.

Jam: Mm. Okay. Yeah, it definitely has that a little bit of a similar, like smell to, you know, bread or whatever. Like it, you tell that there's a, yeah, it's not sulfury. Um,

Melissa: but I do think the bubbles would behave the same, no matter what they're made of.

Jam: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. And that seems to track with just the anecdotal experience I've had.

Melissa: I'm so glad. But I will say in my analogy, the, when I talked about the, the leaders of rebellion, get spread out, if the pressure's released, if the Empire's not paying attention, boom, it explodes. But if the empire is paying attention and they squash the rebellion. That's the can have, still having the pressure on it, not being open and things will kind of go back, you know, momentum goes away and they'll go back to where they originally were.

Just kind of like,

Jam: right?

Melissa: you know, re rebelling in their own ways individually, [00:16:00] rather than as a group.

Jam: Yeah. Uh, in that case, the empire still has a, a control over all dimensions of the way things are working. And so there is no. No way. Of course there are other stories where the, some other things happen, like temperature, you leave a soda can sealed in your car sometimes that can explode. And that could be the way the rebellion bursts out of the can, I guess.

But in most


Melissa: that's more about, do you know why it explodes? Whenever you let it sit in your car and get hot?

What hap, is happening to the

Jam: certainly more heat, more energy molecules, getting more excited. More movement, more pressure coming

from inside,

Melissa: yeah.

Jam: but it seems like an average situation. The empire is able to keep control until one of us goes over and opens the tab.

Melissa: Um, yes, And the more pressure coming from the inside, whenever it heats up, [00:17:00] eventually overcomes the amount of pressure that that can is, or bottle is rated to hold bottles are less likely to do it because they're actually stronger than aluminum.

Jam: Right, right.

Melissa: So, but cans are notorious for exploding,

especially I don't leave cans in the car in Texas in the summer.

unless they're already open and they're long, not long for this world, but this that's why is because the heat puts so much energy into them that the can, cannot contain the amount of pressure

that now the, the soda is exerting on the can, but also gases are less soluble. As they heat up in liquid, I think it is because they move

Jam: Oh,

Melissa: they're better at escaping. And we talked about that being the one exception to things dissolve more when you heat them up except gas.

Jam: Right, right. I forgot about that. Yeah. That is so interesting.

Melissa: And so I think that probably contributes also to the pressure as that gas is trying so hard to get out of that soda.

Jam: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [00:18:00] Interesting.

Melissa: So that is why soda or other carbonated beverages explode when you shake them.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: Okay.

but, so I want you to explain it back to me, but I do have one thought of something else that might be at play when this happens a fun fact for you, if you will, sort of an Easter egg for those people who are in general chemistry classes right now,

Jam: Nice.

Melissa: and then that will wrap us up nicely.

I think.

Jam: Okay, sweet. So, um, what's tough. Is. Your analogy was pretty dang good. And I loved, of course, the connection to like we've often joked about intermolecular forces and the force, the force in star wars. And so you picked a star wars analogy to kind of talk about what's overcoming the intermolecular forces in causing rebellion.

So anyway, it's just too good. I don't know if I came up with another analogy. It might just be a different movie [00:19:00] where a

Melissa: Yeah, Lord of the

Jam: yeah, different

Melissa: You, you get those, the fellowship spread out around, around middle


Jam: Although

in that case,

Melissa: causing rebellions.

Jam: yeah. Although in that story, it's almost like them splitting up and spreading out was what made them undetectable and able to do what they needed to do.

So I don't know. That's

Melissa: That's true. I was thinking of them as the cans at the top. And then they got dispersed throughout the

liquid meeting

Jam: That's true. That is true. So either way, the analogy of there being some leaders who are able to. um, inspire a rebellion and get a lot of people, uh, inspired to join them seems to be the most intuitive analogy I would think, be able to think of as well. So I'll stick with that. Um, when we start with the can, before we've shaken it up at all or anything like that, there's a lot of things going on.

There's like the water that's, you know, a good chunk of [00:20:00] any soda is water. Um, and then there is, uh, syrup, which all the flavoring, as well as like the sweetener and all that stuff in there. And it also the, um, carbon dioxide, those are all mixed together. And the carbon dioxide is dissolved into that can and it's into the liquid.

And that means

Melissa: Yeah, dissolved into the can made me, it made me imagine that there were little CO2 molecules in the aluminum.

Jam: Yeah, yeah.

Melissa: Kind

of cute.

Jam: Don't, don't shake up the can because then the actual aluminum will start to froth and form bubbles whatever . Uh, so there's all this carbon dioxide, um, dissolved into the soda, into the liquid, which means that all the molecules of that gas are still there still together. It's still carbon dioxide, but they are, um, Are kind of dispersed throughout and then surrounded by, [00:21:00] uh, the other things there it's been dissolved into it and, uh, held by intermolecular forces to where these molecules of carbon dioxide are being kind of held individually, or at least in small groups, not big enough to form a bubble quite yet, uh, or not a lot of bubbles anyway.

And, um, and it's at this very kind of calm, um, not anything crazy happening, um, peaceful situation for the most part when the can is just sitting idle,

Melissa: Yes.

Jam: all those.

Melissa: I mean, things are still moving around, but they're not able to, to


Jam: Yeah. No significant rebellions. No, no empires being overthrown quite yet,

Melissa: Right,


Jam: Um, and then. When we shake it up, there's, there's this CO2 hanging out at the top where there's that little

gap. [00:22:00] When we shake it up, we are able to one get that CO2 that's right there. Kind of mixed in back into the soda.

And then also we're able to just help a lot of those other small CO2 molecules. Sort of be able to overcome the intermolecular forces that are holding them separate. And they're able to start finding each other more

Melissa: Right.

Jam: forming, which, which is able to create bubbles. Once a lot of those molecules find each other, they are able to be strong enough together to form some space, um, for their, to make a bubble.

Melissa: And when I think of that too, like if you imagine having a can in your hand and you're shaking it up, we're just really giving more opportunity by putting that energy in it and mechanically mixing We're giving more opportunity for the, the CO2 molecules to run into each other and then stick together.

Jam: right.

Melissa: you're my buddy. I wanna be

with you know,

Jam: And then [00:23:00] if we do that and then quickly afterward open the can, then we are able to, and things have not calmed back down in the can yet. Then, um, there's all this room for these bubbles that have been forming to start escaping so that they're not held back by the limitations of the aluminum can.

And we've been able to let all these CO2 molecules find each other, create bubbles, and then we've been given the opportunity to let themselves out and they also start pushing out because of all the craziness happening. A lot of soda comes out too, because it's kind of. Bubbling up and it's, I guess probably also forming the barriers between bubbles.

So that brings out some soda too. And, um, and that makes a mess.

Melissa: And it. Yeah. Good job. okay.

So here's your fun fact slash Easter egg. So if you [00:24:00] are someone who's in general chemistry now, or maybe has ever taken it, you've probably talked about le chatelier's principle.

Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: And essentially what le chatelier's principle says is once something has reached equilibrium and a closed system, if nothing changes it, the forward reaction and the backward reaction are happening at the same rates.

This is not your main chemistry lesson for today. So don't worry too much about it.

Jam: Okay.

Melissa: If then you mess something up on one side or the other, the reaction will have to try to balance itself back out.

Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: So in our cans, in our soda cans, we have carbonic acid that is breaking down into CO2 and water, and then it's reforming into carbonic acid.

So those forward and reverse reactions are happening at the same in our soda cans. But when you let CO2 out, you have put stress on one side of the system. So more of that carbonic acid will break down into CO2. So actually [00:25:00] by releasing the CO2, it's likely that the leftover acid is generating more CO2 to cause more chaos at the same time.

Jam: Ah, interesting.

Melissa: So that's a quick overview of le chatelier's principle, if you haven't heard it before. And you're like, what totally understand. I think we talked more about it in the fluoride on toothpaste


Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: But this is a little easter egg for you. If you do have it that you remember like, oh, we're getting rid of CO2. So more CO2 is being made.

So then as the CO2 rushes out, it's possible that also they're trying the carbonic acid molecules are breaking down to try to restore equilibrium contributing to the chaos.

Jam: Mm-hmm

Melissa: so that's kind of fun if you know about that, or remember about that from general chemistry.

Jam: nice. Interesting. His name sounds familiar. Do you think I would've in like a chemistry for non-major? Do you think I would've heard his name.

Melissa: I learned about it in high school chemistry. So I think it's possible that you could have learned about it. You could have learned about equilibrium and le chatelier's principle in high school


Jam: Interesting.[00:26:00]

A lot of the name stuff. Like I remember which names I learned in high school for the most part, I

Melissa: Hmm. Yeah.

Jam: but then Lavoisier. And who say the guy's name? You just said again.

Melissa: le chatelier

Jam: Shot to me, those both, for some reason in my mind feel like they were in college by like

Melissa: that's possible.

Jam: Neils Bohr and, um, Dimitri Mendeleev, those are like the people I think of from high school.

Melissa: Oh, I think of those people from college, enough, but also. There's just a lot of names that it's likely that you don't remember

Jam: True.

Melissa: Aufbau principle, this, that, and the other. Okay.

Jam: Okay. Sweet.

Melissa: Well, even if you don't remember Le Chatelier's principle, I still think it's fun that it might be at play. I honestly, I feel like it would be hard to confirm that because it's happening so fast.

I don't know how much of that equilibrium is, you know, gonna really try to restore


Jam: mm-hmm

Melissa: but [00:27:00] it's likely to be at play.

Jam: yeah. Interesting. Interesting. That's cool.

Melissa: So that's it. That's your chemistry lesson for today? Do you wanna tell me a little bit about what's been going on in your weekly? I haven't seen you much cuz I'm just working on my dissertation all the time. So I don't know what's happening in your life.

Jam: Dude. I know it's like, I mean, we've had this happen a couple times where we've had weird gaps between recording and stuff like that for any number of reasons. But the thing that the coolest that's happened since you and I hung out last is. That, uh, M and I got to go visit her family up in Indiana, which any listeners of the podcast will know.

We end up doing basically somewhere around every six to eight months or so. Um, well, what's cool about this time is we flew and my son, um, we did that for a few reasons, but my son did like amazing on a plane. So.

Melissa: Oh, my gosh. I love him.



Jam: that was a huge, huge, you know, [00:28:00] like relief. And then, uh, we got to see all of M's family and catch up with them and we got to stay in like, M's really good at finding Airbnbs.


Melissa: Yeah. she really is.

Jam: And so I joked about it in our, uh, the story I posted last week, like, or two weeks ago, whenever that was that we were there. Um, and how there are just family photos all around the Airbnb, but,

Melissa: Yeah.

Jam: uh, of someone else's family. But, um, so it was pretty fun and that trip can always be exhausting, but also just be good to get a chance to, to catch up with so much family at

Melissa: Yeah.

Jam: And it went off without a hitch. I mean, we, we're a little risky trying to. Do the whole airplane deal. And, um, but it saved us so much time not having to drive and because my son's under two, he was free. So all these things that we're like, we just gotta, gotta try at least once, you know,

Melissa: Yeah,

Jam: so anyway, it was fun.

Melissa: and I actually did take Jam and Emily to the airport [00:29:00] this


Jam: That's right.

Melissa: So I, I knew that you went there, but I didn't get to pick you up. So I didn't know how things were. it was kind of nice to hear a little on how


Jam: that's true. That's true. And what's funny is that we were, while you were driving us to the airport, we kind of had some, you know, uh, throwback conversations about the time you took us to the airport early in the days of the podcast, when

and I went to New Zealand for like, you know, three or four weeks or whatever.

And that, that was like, it was a weird little dejavu kind of deal where it was like, whoa, the last time we did this exact thing. Was a long time ago and before there was a pandemic and

Melissa: and before you


Jam: before I had a son and before the podcast had been going on this long, all these things that were just kind of fun to, to talk about.

But yeah.

Melissa: think about, Yeah.

Jam: But, uh, that was that's me. That's what's been happening in my life. What about you? Haven't had a chance to catch up with you in a while either.

Melissa: Well, nothing much has changed for me, except that I'm working on my dissertation all the time [00:30:00] still.

Jam: Hmm.

Melissa: And so I do wanna warn our listeners if there's any disruptions in our schedule or the episode you're expecting to come is maybe not the one that came it's likely because, um, my dissertation is due to my committee.

So not it won't be my final. Thing I'll have to turn in my dissertation and then have my defense, but it's in one So it's it's game time

Jam: Yeah.


Melissa: And so that's pretty much the same. None of that has changed really, except my husband and I did book an Airbnb with no wifi in the woods

Jam: Whoa.

Melissa: so that I can go right.

In the last few days. So it's due April 18th. So we're gonna go that week to an Airbnb and I'm just gonna be locked in a cabin. I'm gonna make myself a little schedule, wake up, go for a walk, come back right lunch, go for a walk, [00:31:00] eat lunch, right until dinner.

Jam: Yeah.

Melissa: probably right in the evening, too, depending on where we're at, but that was kind of a relief because it gives me an opportunity to leave real life and focus on writing for five days.

In the final hour. So, um, that's very really excited about


Jam: That's awesome. That's a great idea. It sounds like a great way to change scenery and have productivity and all that kind of stuff. Um,

Melissa: yeah.

I think it'll be really fun


Jam: yeah.

Melissa: So I'm excited about that, but otherwise, nothing else happens to me. I just spend all my time writing, that's my current life. So Yeah. I can't believe it's coming so quick. I remember when we started the podcast, I just started my new program like that it's, it's going really, really fast.

I can't believe


Jam: That's kind of crazy. Well, we're still rooting for you. So keep trucking. Um,

Melissa: Thank you. I app, I appreciate, need all your good, [00:32:00] your prayers. Good thoughts. Good vibes. I need 'em send 'em my way.

Jam: Absolutely. There's not much else we can do than that. I'm sure you don't really want us trying to help you, help you write it. So we'll just keep our distance and send the vibes, thoughts, prayers. So

Melissa: yeah,

my friends are like, oh, how can we help you? And I'm like, you can come sit quietly next to me while I work That would be the that's the biggest blessing in my life right now is company without expectation.

Jam: yeah, totally. Totally.

Melissa: so, yeah, that's what's going on with me.

Jam: Well, cool.

Melissa: So I'm really thankful to all those friends who have done that. And I'm also really thankful to y'all for sending your thoughts and prayers and good vibes. And for taking the time to learn about chemistry with us today, this is a nice break from the grind of dissertation


Jam: Dude. Yeah, I'm sure. Um, well, thanks for teaching us. Thanks for taking that break and teaching us something cool about exploding sodas. And, um, if you have any ideas like Cameron [00:33:00] did, uh, who sent the question about why sodas explode in the first place? You can reach out to us on Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook @chemforyourlife, that's chem F-O-R your life to share your thoughts and ideas with us. If you'd like to help us keep our show going and contribute to cover the cost of making it. You can go to or tap the link in our show notes to donate the cost of a cup of coffee. If you're not able to donate, you can still help us by subscribing on your favorite podcast app and rating and writing our review on apple podcast.

That also helps us to share chemistry with even more people.

Melissa: This episode of chemistry for your life was created by Melissa Collini and Jam Robinson references for this episode could be found in our show notes or on our website Jam Robinson is our producer, and we like to give a special thanks to v Garza and S Navarro who reviewed this episode.