The Billboard Mastery Podcast

The Billboard Mastery Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 108 Season 1

Tips On How To Set Property Owner Compensation

Tips On How To Set Property Owner Compensation Tips On How To Set Property Owner Compensation

The standard billboard ground lease involves trading the right to place a sign on the land in exchange for a monetary payment. But how do you decide that that amount should be? In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to explore some techniques that help steer you towards a land rent that is fair for both parties.

What is The Billboard Mastery Podcast?

Welcome to the Billboard Mastery Podcast, where you will learn the correct way to identify, evaluate, negotiate, perform diligence on, select the construction type, build, rent the ad space and operate billboard signs. And now here is your host – the guy that built from scratch the largest privately-owned billboard company in Dallas/Ft. Worth – Frank Rolfe.