Clydesdale Media Podcast

We break down the final day and results of the 2024 Masters CrossFit Games.  Plus we talk all the other aspects of what is going on in the CrossFit Space.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Monday night

version of Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

It's going to be a little

bit abbreviated tonight,

but we're going to wrap up

the CrossFit Games Masters

competition that happened this weekend.

Hit a couple news notes just

to get you our normal

weekly show for the week.

But it's Monday night.

We're back from the road.

Some of us are pretty tired.

I know I am.

But we want to wrap up

everything for everybody

and kind of talk about the weekend.

But before we jump into that,

it's kind of a riff,

but it's not in a negative direction.

So I want a couple minutes

to talk about how when we

go to these competitions,

and especially on the big stage, we...

We get wrapped up in the

minutia of the competition.

I do it.

Carolyn does it.

Jamie does it.

And we say, oh my gosh,

the judges missed this.

And oh my gosh,

the programming could be that.

But I want to point out that

we had four hundred and

fifty athletes in Birmingham, Alabama,

all thirty five and older,

showing the world what

CrossFit can do for people.

We had people seventy plus.

doing muscle ups.

We had,

we had sixty five plus women

ripping off muscle ups like

it was so cool to see these

beast athletes take this

methodology and show what

could be done with it.

And so many people there

give it getting their first opportunity,

just like Jamie,

to go to the CrossFit Games

and to soak in this this opportunity.

We all suffered a tragedy four weeks ago,

and this showed us what

CrossFit is really about.

And what that means is that

it's something special.

It's something that we should hold on to.

It is a step forward.

It felt a little bit normal

this weekend because people

were doing amazing things

and showing what all is possible.

And I just wanted to take a

moment to applaud

everybody for doing this.

Yes, things went wrong.

Yes, things could have been better.

This was the first year

people had this opportunity

to put this on and it

wasn't going to fly

seamlessly out the gate.

But I'll tell you what,

running three floors pretty

much on schedule with one

minor ten minute delay

throughout the entire

weekend is pretty freaking phenomenal.

We can nitpick other things,

but four hundred fifty

athletes got to show what they can do.

And we've got to celebrate that.

And we've got to move forward.

And and because we cannot lose this.

CrossFit is too important to all of us.

as a sport as a methodology

to lose it and so I just

wanted to point out it was

freaking awesome and I

don't know how many dms I

got from people saying it

was so cool that I actually

got to sit down and watch

the masters I've never

really been able to do that

because it's either been

midweek or while the elites

are going on and I haven't

been able to do that but

this weekend I got to sit

down and enjoy it all

and uh I think that's really

freaking cool yeah how

about this comment from

lynn so lynn says uh yep

scott it finally convinced

my dad to join crossfit at

he was cheering for joe

ames the whole time so cool

so cool right that's what it's about

What I loved is the fight

from the fifty five plus

athletes saying that they

thought they scaled it back too much.

They wanted the opportunity

to show what they could do.

And I thought that was.

But they all said like, hey,

we voiced our concerns and

we're cool this year.

It's the first year they're doing it.

We'll learn from it.

Maybe next year we move a

little bit closer to what

we think we can accomplish

because they want to do

handstand pushups.

They want to do handstand walks.

They want to at least have

them at the end of a

workout to show them as a

separator and a differentiator.

That's fair.

I think the end of the

workout is where you put

those higher skills for sure for them.



They did that with the bar

muscle ups yesterday in the

sixty five plus where it

was all chest to bar until the last four.

And then they had to do four

bar muscle ups and everybody,

the people that had it got

to show it off.

And the the crowd was so

loud when the sixty five

plusers were hitting bar muscle ups.

It was so cool.

So that's my little piece

that I just wanted to get out.

Just great.

What happened this weekend

and help us move forward

because I think it was a

pretty cool show.


Larry Young says people always complain.

I thought it was great.

um hell of a performance by

jamie this weekend wish

that there would have been

a true long chipper for her

to smash instead of one of

the strength tests true but

she she faced the tests

that were given to her and

she fought like hell

through all of them and

she's the fourth fittest

forty year old in the world

which is pretty awesome uh

cory leonard I'm yelling at

my tv when the


this was my husband's fourth year

at the games,

and this was by far our best

overall experience.

It was awesome.

That's great to hear.

I'm not going to lie.

I had mixed reviews in the

back as I was hanging out

with the athletes.


Some good, some bad.

I would say the majority was good.

The majority was good.

And even those that say bad

said there were some good

elements from this that they took away.

And I think Dex put it

really well in his story.

The pageantry was not there from the games,


But the way it was run,

as efficiently as it was run,

was pretty good.

The three floors gave people

the opportunity to go back

and forth and watch

different workouts

throughout the day and not

be stuck watching the same

thing over and over again.

They all said the crowds...

Those are the biggest crowds

they've seen at an event

because in Madison,

many people didn't come in to watch them.

And here they had crowds

around every floor throughout the day.


I think it's only going to get bigger.

Like this was the first year that...

They separated,

and I think there's some

learning stuff that I'm

sure will come with this,

but I expect it only to grow from here.

And I think a lot of people

in our community got the

chance to watch the true

representation of the

Masters this weekend,

where in normal years,

a lot of them would have

taken a break during the

Masters events and then

gone shopping and stuff like that.


so while the experience for the

athletes may have been

different in the sense that

they're not competing on

the same floor as, you know,

this and that person, I think, um,

the growth of this can

actually be better in the long run.


I think if you had an opening ceremony,

some things like that to

add some of the pageantry back to this.

But again, it's year one.

It's three,

four weeks after the tragic

event of the CrossFit Games.

They had to make tough

decisions coming into this.

But I think that the proof

of concept is now there.

And maybe you get more sponsors.

Maybe you don't run the

teens and the masters on

the same weekend in different places.

either run them in the same

place or find two different

dates to run them.

Um, I think that's,

that was a lesson learned for sure.

Um, Linda Jerry, uh,

and Jamie on that bike,

you better give tips, girl hurt.


Craig asked, did you talk to Dave?

I did not see Dave.

Dave came in late on Friday.

I had left to come back and

do the wrap up show where

Ellie was doing the

interviews that evening.

I did talk to Don Fall, which was great.

Great interaction there.

I talked to Becky Harsh a

lot over the weekend.

She's an amazing person and

great perspective.

But it was cool to see

CrossFit HQ there

supporting the Masters athletes.


I saw Dave twice, and I saw Baz twice.



I had a long talk with Boz because we

talked at the games and it

was nice to catch up and

see where he's at.

So that was cool, too.

Larry Young,

thank you so much for the super chat.

Four ninety nine.

Jamie's power clean

impressed the shit out of me.

Same here.

You crushed that.

Ninety percent.

That's crazy.


Cause like I was thinking

that you were going to

maybe hesitate before picking it up,

but you were,

you were aggressive in that

workout and you went for it.

It was, it was good.

Thank you.

So Aaron Frazier says,

too many athletes to do

both at the same venue.

This is what I'll say, Aaron.

They ran a team competition

at the exact same time that

had way more athletes than

would be the teen competitors.

You move that team competition out,

the teens in,

you probably have less athletes,

can use the same number of floors,

and you need less warm-up

space because the teams are

taking up a lot of the warm-up space.

because it was two and three person teams.


I feel like they bring a lot

of people to the party too.

It did.

And I feel like there was a

lot of like positive

comments and feedback about

that team aspect.

I personally just don't feel like

If this is supposed to be our games,

that's the place for it.


I think that should be at the legends

in December.

And that's where you highlight the teams.

And that's more of like the sh you know,

that's like the growing event, right?

Like you go there to get

experience like that.

I don't know that you should,

and I don't want to say water down the,

our games with this, but like,

it kind of felt like you were just trying,

it was almost like a money grab or like,

let's just throw more

people into this to like, make it bigger.

My optimistic guy says it

was a way at a safety net.

They weren't confident in

what the turnout would be.

So let's have this team

competition to make sure we

have X number more people

in the building.

But I think it showed that,

that there would be a good crowd.

the more people that watch

it and the more people that

get engaged to it like you

saw amazing like will morad

ain't far off the elites I

mean he's he just made it

last year that's seven

forty one in the standard

was an epic performance

yeah um cory leonard says

it felt like a test run to

see if masters team comp is feasible

I don't think it was really

run like a games team event.

I think it really was just a

safety net to get more,

more bodies in the building.

The one drawback I will say

to that is they did take up

a lot of the warm-up area.

And when they were back there,

it was chaotic.

And the people fighting for

the CrossFit Games should

have had preferential

treatment to the warm-up equipment.

And that was not happening

in what I observed.


and so that if you're bringing back a

teams for this,

they need to have a

separate warmup area or a

section to their own so

that the elite athletes can,

can get their warmups in.


Um, so yeah.

I mean,

I saw your show yesterday and

talking about the diluted, um,

volunteers, everything, and,

and clearly equipment was a

factor and was spread out amongst events.

And that was noticeable even

in the warmup area.


Not having,

and I know rowers weren't in

the competition and maybe

it was an equipment thing.

And the only cardio machine

there was the bike.

And when it was on the floor,

there was only two in the

background to be used.

Like it was like,

that's not good for

hundreds of people trying

to warm up in the back.

Or cool down.


And it wouldn't be my first

piece of equipment that I

want to go on to.

I know.


They never have the bike erg too.

Like it's always the echo bike.

And I'm like, just give me a bike erg.

I just want to pedal nice and light.

So Saturday night show,

we went all through those events.

We finished up with the final event,

which was a heavy dumbbell thruster,

single arm, and bar muscle ups.



I don't, I can't remember the rep scheme.

It's all a blur in my head.

Eight, twelve, sixteen.


Eight, twelve, sixteen.

And Bob and Joe have said

that they like ascending

rep schemes as opposed to descending.

What are your feelings about that?

It's fine.

They do seem to like that.

It does get programmed a lot like that.

And it

It can make it more of a

test to see like who can

hold on instead of like racing at the end,

which I kind of like.

I think it creates more

separation oftentimes when

there's an ascending rep scheme.

If you have that bigger set at the start,

some of the people that can

hang will do at the start.

And as they get fatigued,

those smaller sets just help them.

Being able to stay unbroken

on that last set or minimal

rest is where the game is played.

And I think it's important

to put ascending rep

schemes in your training or at a comp.

I think it's good.

love that event I thought it

was um fun to watch there

was people that had major

like they just hit major

walls in that event and um

you saw people go down the

singles on the bar muscle

ups failing bar muscle ups

um it was yeah I mean as a

last event that's what you

want so jamie I talked to

you right before this event

you were less than confident

And was that more coming off

the front squat,

which is not your strength

and having to sleep on that overnight?

Or were you truly like,

because you crushed the event, right?

There's not like,

so you were talking on the

show and you were like,

I think you even said like,

I mean, Carolyn corrected you,

but you were like, well,

Carolyn Klutz kind of has a chance.

There's a chance, right?

If she didn't... That's untrue.

I don't know if you looked at the points,

but last place got forty-three points.


So they didn't adjust the

scoring fully to... Right.

So... I just... Basically,

I kind of knew I had no shot.

It didn't...

I guess I kind of did,

but I really had no shot, right?

So did they keep the exact

same point and then just

took out the last ten or

twenty athletes for your division?

They took out some,

but then you still had that.

The worst you got is

whatever was a twentieth place,

let's say.

Yeah, yeah.

extremely frustrating because like,

I feel like the cut should

have been before the front squat.

Like you should have earned,

you should have had enough

fitness to earn to show your strength.

And then I would have gotten

forty three points in the front squat.

And we'd have be having a

completely different conversation today.



because you have specialists that are

in the field that go in and

The semifinals already

pushed it that way that it

was stronger athletes that made it here.

I mean, you can see that just by,

I was like third, third,

and then going into out of semis, right?

Like the semis already

tested strength enough.

And that's why I was knocked

down in my placing,

even qualifying for the games.

Um, I,

I just don't know why they like kept

pushing that aspect.

here's my here's my big

overarching question it's

not about this workout but

like online qualifiers I've

I've hated them forever

right and I don't know what

the solution is but like

but you come in in twenty

whatever place from semis

haley mario is a backfill

in allison stall is a

backfill in you all end up

as top ten athletes at the

games because you're fitter

than everyone else

What are we missing in the

online versions of the

qualification that are

missing these people?

Because we almost missed

Haley and Allison even getting in.

I would say video review for one.


And I just think.

Haley, I mean, Haley's good.


Allison's pretty power output.

I denser gymnastics sets,

I think still are getting to her,

especially coming back postpartum.


and I think we saw that in the final

event with her.

Um, but Haley's great at gymnastics,


Like she crushed the standard.

Um, and I, and I've said this for years,

Aaron and I talk about it a

like the bigger gymnastics

chippers and fitness in a way that like,

I mean,

there was a ton of CrossFit this weekend,

which was great.

But I do think like the sport is going,

has gone away from that a

little bit and they keep

trying to push the weights.

You saw it with,

you saw it with the women

getting time capped a lot.



people aren't fit enough because

you haven't pushed that.

They can move weight.

We saw it in the front squat.

They can move a shit ton of weight.

They can barely power clean up one eighty,

which is my ninety percent

when they're fatigued

because you don't make them

keep showing that you let

them be able to rest and

hide in these sets of

numbers and you don't push

the metabolic fitness.

You said time caps.

I was waiting for Carolyn to

blow up again.

I felt like I've been

negative too much on my, um,

programming and the program wasn't,

wasn't bad.

I liked, I mean,

I like nine out of the ten

events or personally, like for my,

my skills.


but just not the echo bike double under


There, there,

there's some tweak ups I

would have made in terms of

the time caps just to allow

more of the female athletes to finish.


But I think you're like your

games was a different

experience than let's say

the individual programming

where I felt strength

wasn't really tested this year as much.

But for yours, yeah,

you could say that you

could have done definitely

more metabolic in the games

for or longer.

That longer time domain was was missing.


And I get,

I get that's going to be hard in

a comp this large with this

many athletes with three floors.

Like I do get that.


it's going to be really hard to make

a twenty to thirty minute even.

I mean,

especially like a forty minute

workout without doing heats

of like one hundred and twenty at a time.


And I mean,

it'd have to be a big outdoor thing.

And that

you're not going to do that

right now in Birmingham

with things that just happened.

People are going to complain about safety.

So, I mean, yeah, things, they were,

their hands were tied a little bit,

I would say.

so the last workout I

thought was one of the best

workouts of the weekend um

I think it showed a lot um

I didn't get to see a lot

of it live because I was

stuck in the back because I

was the only person doing

bts um sunday so I was back

there a lot um

I did get I did hear a lot

from the women talking

about the time caps carolyn

about how like and that

they they were told that

the only people that tested

were men the events and

that they felt like it

showed in the time caps and

that a lot of the women

could not finish a lot of the events


and that makes for a boring race when

everybody just finishes on the floor,

you know, and at the end of the day,

if you want to be a sport,

you better be spectator friendly.

Like you just, as an athlete, like you,

you hope to finish every event, like,

you know, on, on the finish mat.

Like, it's just frustrating when, you know,

out of ten events, let's say half of them,

most of the field,

three quarters of the field

sometimes didn't finish.


I just feel like that would

be frustrating.

I still feel like they

missed the mark on the finish lines.

Even that last event,

why didn't we not run to the middle?

Maybe they were scared of

people running into each

other from both sides.

But most people just stop at

their finish line.


I didn't know if people were

still standing under the

rig because people were

just walking around during

bar muscle-ups.

I didn't know who was done.

Yeah, because you could be backed up.

You could be hunched over, tired.

You're failing or you're resting,

and you don't know where

you are in the race,

plus you don't know what's

behind you on the other side of the rig.

Lynn says,

I can volunteer to be a demo athlete,

and those time caps will be very generous,

I promise.

I even brought up carolyn

like carolyn you've been a

demo athlete you weren't

you were available to run

through some workouts if

they wanted a demo athlete

there were lots of athletes

available that could have

done that and would have

loved the opportunity to to

make relationships and

those need to be those time

caps would need to be set

prior though not like um

not there like because I'm

assuming their schedule is

built out you know months

in advance and then they

would need someone to test

the workouts months in

advance that they have um

but how many people trust

in that won't leak

available right like you

are you don't you're not a

part of a training camp you

you've been a trusted

person from rogue it's from

castro all these people why

couldn't they have called

on you to do that

Maybe they'll think about

people in the future.

It just is hard with all of

the people associated with

training camps and stuff

like that to pick the

people to test the workouts

that aren't going to give

information to people.

Larry Young said, I agree,

but also very glad we got

to see an actual strength

test out of ten.

Bob said they had a long one,

but the facility didn't

want that many athletes to

do it because they worried

about the field.

So overall thoughts on the weekend.

Jamie, did you have a good experience?


We're proud of you.


It was fun seeing you out there.

And I love that you give,

you lay it all out there

and you can tell every single event,

regardless of what it is.

I always knew where you are

because you had the tape shoulder.

I was looking for you at the start line.

I'm like, Okay, where's Jamie now?

Oh, there she is.

She is.

I don't match my uniform.


everyone else is wearing like the

same outfit.

So yeah,

you got to separate yourself there.

Jamie brought back the

Reebok colors one strip of

KT tape at a time.

The bionic woman.


what was overall thoughts on the weekend?

Did you enjoy watching?

Yeah, I mean,

like I've never been as

invested in the Masters

division as I was this year.

This is by far the most I watch.

I got to like really watch

and then was following the leaderboard,

seeing the switches.

And then I also felt like I was...

invested in the workouts too.

Like I was curious on the times.

I mean, I'm a master next year, right?

So I'm also scouting my

competition right now, I guess.

But no, I was just, it was just fun.

Like I liked the workouts like personally.

So I was just curious on where I,

where I thought people were

going to finish prior and

then seeing it actually play out after.

like as an analyst and then

just following people that

I knew from the Toronto area,

following Jamie.

It was, it was fun.

Could there be things to improve on?


But I, I enjoyed it.

How I was for that.

I didn't get to watch the

live stream at all.

It wasn't good.

It was like coverage.


Was it hard to see?

There's a few things that would change.

First of all, on the time,

you never knew which division it was at.

So like it would be really

nice if they would put at

the bottom somewhere.

Right now it's the fifty to fifty four,

you know, because at a quick glance,

all you saw was sometimes

you would see the clock.

If it would be a split screen,

I think the clock would

disappear at times.

So you didn't know the time, the division.

So I didn't know if it was

Heat One or Heat Two,

unless I knew the athletes specifically.

Then I was like, oh, okay,

it's Jamie's in here,

so it's the Heat Two.

So a few things like that.

There was no names on the floor.

So it made it harder for the

announcers to really quickly –

determine who's you know in

the lead and and who's in

what lane they would make

small little mistakes but

it's to it's not really

their fault like that's

just they are having to

know the faces of all these

people by lanes quickly

because there's no quick

name tags or name name tags

and stuff um and the score

right you don't know who's

in the lead um at all like

they would have in a regular um

uh scoring when you watch

like the individuals like

you see like the leaders

and stuff like that so

there's nothing like that

so it's really just a clock

and you're like if you know

the athletes you can

quickly like watch and and

determine where they are in

the race but other than

that um definitely some

room for for improvement

there especially with just

like the visual and then

the finishes like we

already talked about yeah is not um

wasn't ideal because one

floor one people are

finishing and then other

like you're missing other

people from the finish

because they're on a

different camera yeah that

two floor the two sides the

floor thing is I'm not I'm

not quite sure how I feel

about it so this is what it would be like

The athlete in the middle

with the black shorts and

the white top is in the lead.

The all yellow, right?

It was just like, as the announcers,

it's not their fault.

It's just a quick way to say

it because they're just not

getting much help.

Yeah, I talked to Tommy Marquez.

He said they weren't getting

the spotters like they normally get,

talking to them in their

ear of who's where to help them out.

When I did watch the stream,

there was one stationary

camera angled at the one

side of the floor,

one stationary camera

angled at the other side of the floor,

and then they had a person

walking around with a camera.


For the most part,

that's the shots you got.

It shows that a good

stationary camera on half the floor,

you can watch and kind of

watch the story.

We've talked about that, that, you know,

in the elite division,

there's too much right up

on a person's face during a competition.

And you don't know what's

going on in the other lanes,

at least with this on that

half of the floor,

you knew kind of who was

winning and who wasn't.


So I did kind of like that.

I did like that they did

have someone walking around

periodically that you could

get the close-up of somebody.

But I agree with Carolyn.

I was trying to find your

event on what I missed,

and they did not put at the

top age group or heat number.

Just that simple thing at

the top of the screen would

have been awesome.

Even just for a viewership-wise,

having what the workout is at the top.

I know what the workout is.

We, as fans of the sports,

know what the workouts are.

But if they just have

something that just briefly

explains before the workout

begins what the workout is

and then just stays in the

little corner or comes

across the screen

explaining what the workout is,

I think would facilitate

for non-CrossFit fans.


um what's going on and then

also just having a better

visual of the race so like

doing thirty snatches on

the spot you don't know

where people were right

until the judge's hand is

up for the last five reps

so something like that just

would help say the story a

little bit better

Yeah, Larry Young.

We could see the tall socks and the hats.

So the people that wore hats

or tall socks and you knew

that was your person,

really easy to pick out.

Or six rolls of KT tape.

And then they did have one

floor that did not get a live stream.

So you missed the snatch ladder,

you missed the run deadlift,

and you missed the front squat.

No, they showed the front squat.

Oh, they did?

They did end up showing the front squat.

Yeah, you can see it.

Oh, great.

Last question before we kind

of move on and talk about

who won on the podium.

Any like epic moments from

the weekend that you

remember and want to share?

starting to say uh I was

watching paul trombley with

carolyn as we were getting

ready for the show just

missed the four fifty five

front squat to take the

lead uh and he had it

almost at the top and then

dropped it that was pretty

epic and then I I'll say it

again the sixty five plus

women banging out bar

muscle ups was and the

crowd going nuts was epic

for me that's cool

I don't know she crushed the

dude andrea nistler like

just dominating yeah jason

grubb was in the fight of his life

That's good.

And pulled it out in the end,

which I do think is good.

It's not good to win by two

hundred points.


I liked watching the echo

bike workout like I know

you can see where anyone

was and you couldn't see

where anyone was even that

much between the rounds,

but just the visual of

people suffering and just

trying to finish that

workout brought peace to my day.

I just enjoyed watching

people just suffer.

Glenn said grub on the bike

was freaking crazy.

I think he died for a bit.

I died for a bit.

I had people messaging me

after that event that had

watched me walk through the stadium.

We're like, are you okay?

How much were you hurting after?

Probably ten minutes.

That's not bad.

I would expect more.

That workout just looked gross.

Like I said,

the amount of people that were

just selling their souls

was entertaining.

Just because I know how hard

it is to do it.

To actually watch people

stop pedaling in the middle of it

because they were hurting so bad.

There was one athlete, Dina.

What's her last name?

No, no, no.

That's Deanna.


Is it Swift?


She was doing like an interval style,

like a sprint and then would let the not,

it's not damper,

but like the wind just stop

and then go back.

It was almost like she was

doing a Tabata and had,

I think it was at sixty or

I don't know how many cows

in her division, but

She was two cows short, two or three,

after the second round and

just never made it back.

And it was like,

you just took one less interval.

One less interval, girl.

You had it.

Because she was like one or

two cows left and then just

didn't make it back.

How about the person that

finished the cows in two

intervals but didn't make

it back to the start mat?

So had to do the double

unders and the chest-to-bar

just to go to the finish mat.

And did, but did they make it through?

I thought I heard that and

that they couldn't get

through the chest of.

They may not have.

That's just crazy.


Haynes stopped for like five seconds

before the timer.

I was screaming.

He finished at ninety-one calories.

He was done, done that, that,

that workout messed people up.

Oh yeah.



like there were some fun workouts

really to watch.

The standard was really fun to watch.

I didn't think it would be

and it was really fun.

So yeah.

So we'll go through the

podium finishers really quick.

I'm going to start with the men this time.

And I'll share my screen.

Because we want to give

everybody their flowers.

So let me blow this up.

There we go.

In the men, thirty five to thirty nine.

Will Morad takes the win.

Henry Matthews second and

Bronislaw Alinkowitz took third.

Bronislaw Alinkowitz is the

largest man I've ever seen in my life.

His head is bigger than my chest.

I text.

His head is massive.

I text Justin Kotler and I'm like,

his head is so big.

He goes, I know he's the nicest guy ever.

And he really is.

Can you show the top five?


Let's see.

We have a Stefan cassette

and Mitch Wagner.

So close.

I mean, yeah,

that eight points and three points like,

oh man.


Braun was not on the podium

going into the last event.


I actually feel like this

last event shook up a lot

of leaderboards.

Men, forty to forty four.

Jonathan Edel, first.

Chicho Quesada, second.

Julian Serna, third.

Rudy Berger, fourth.

And James St.

Legger, fifth.

I ran into James yesterday.

He was just so excited to be there.

He came all the way from the

UK and he just was ready to

get to Cheesecake Factory to eat some,

to try all the cheesecakes.


Men's, forty-five to forty-nine.

Jason Grubb pulls out the win.

Robbie McCord, second.

Robbie Perovich in third.

Cristiano Damasceno Leandro, fourth.

Nuno Costa, fifth.

Carolyn just wanted me to go to fifth,

so I had to pronounce all those names.

I'm looking at people that

got drug tested personally,

because we said that top five get tested,

so I'm just curious.

In fifty to fifty four,

Justin LaSalla took first.

Jamie McGarver took second.

Sean Ramirez and his comeback took third.

Joel Hughes took fourth and

Jason Leaves took fifth.

Joel Hughes,

that is the person who was

Ariel's original training partner.

Oh, nice.

And he was the two thousand

nineteen CrossFit Games champion.

And he came back five years

later trying to do it again.

He was in the lead for a lot

of the weekend.

But I think the front squat killed him,


Front squat.

Cause he's, he's a little guy.

Only two points there

between four and five.

Got to talk to Sean Ramirez a little bit.

And it was a really good

conversation about how much

he appreciates being back.


and he's just kind of soaking it in now.


very different than when he was there


Men, fifty-five to fifty-nine.

John Kim, pretty much leader.

He was the leader most of the weekend.

Vic McQuaid, second.

Leonardo Lima, third.

Shannon McKibben, fourth.

And Mike Egan, fifth.

And then...

We get to sixty to sixty four.

Joe Ames,

who inspired someone to join a

CrossFit gym at the age of sixty two,


David Powell, second.

Tom Famry, third.

Stuart Swanson, fourth, and Peter Harvey,


Tom Famry is just a great dude.

I talked to him a couple of

times in the back and he'll

be in the behind the scenes.


Men, sixty five plus.

John George first, Freddie Cherry second,

David Hippenstiel third,

fourth Dan Brannigan,

and fifth Dan Miller.


they took so many hits on Hillers

coverage this weekend.

Was it all from that division?

Pretty much.

I know Dan Miller.


cause Jim's obviously competed with them,

like the guy a lot.

And I just see,

he got hammered in one of

the posts and obviously hip

and steel got hammered.

Oh, it's, it's tough.

So that, that poet,

the post that Hiller was

making was kind of what I would,

that's why I wanted to say

what I said at the beginning of the show,


There's going to be,

There's going to be some bad,

but there's a lot of good

that happened this weekend,

and I don't want that to

outweigh what transpired

this weekend with all these athletes.

We go to the women,

thirty five to thirty nine.

We've talked about a lot.

Andrea Nestler just crushed this weekend.

Caroline Klutz took second,

and she's no joke.

She's good.

She's really good.

Sammy Scorcelli took third.

That's my fellow Michelle Gander.

I didn't know who she was,

and then I looked her up,

and she has a doodle that

looks identical to one of my doodles.

Oh, does she?


Yeah, she's on the, was on the stay,

stay strong team.

Um, and so like we had, I mean,

it was nice having other

Michigan people there, um,

in the crowds and like some

of them had bought my shirt.

So yeah, it was nice.

She made a big jump to get

that third place.

Cause she was, she did.

She won that last event.



She won that one.

It was impressive.

And then Kenzie Riley finishes fifth.


she struggled a little bit at the end

with her bar muscle-ups.

Went down because I think

she was in a podium position.

Nursing with her kids all

weekend and still pulling this stuff off.

That's just mad respect,

the balance that these athletes have.

And then, forty to forty-four,

Carly Newland's first,

Andrea Pinheiro second,

Carleen Matthews third,

Jamie Latimer fourth,

and Janine Shingleton in fifth.



Both Carleen and Jamie took

big hits on the front squat

because they're both very

consistent all weekend.

Carleen was in first, I think, or second,

and then dropped a little bit.

Same with you.

Like you guys are very similar finishes.

I felt like so close to each

other on every single event.



You guys had a few events

that you guys were just

back in like within one spot.

And you two are the same age too, right?

I think so.

I'm not certain on that.

So there's no shaking her.

Your division was strong though.

Those front squats.

Yeah, ridiculously strong.

Stronger than the

thirty-five to thirty-nine.

Women forty-five to

forty-nine was a big surprise.

Not to me.

Deanna is really, really good.

I know Kelly Friel is a valor.

Amazing, but

Maybe because she's from my area here,

so I know of her maybe more.


I'm just like Kelly's

five-time podium finisher

and three-time gold medalist.

She's a favorite coming in.

That's still an upset.

Because she got beat by twenty points.

Twenty-one points.



And then Val Vobrol in third.

What was Kelly's worst finish?

One point.


Where does she take a hit?

She struggled on that.

I mean, no, she, she was close to fit.

She never got back to the bike on the,

on the bike one.

That's one of the ones that

she was only a couple of cows,

but I still think she had a high finish.

Nineteenth on the.

No, that wouldn't be.

It's a nineteenth on this one.

What number is it?

Twenty seven.

So that's a standard.

That's what I wondered.

And then did she not do

great on the last workout either?


So maybe it's a muscle up issue.

Is she, is her, uh, on the last one.


So maybe something with some

sort of muscle up or body

pulling in general or pressing.

All right.

And then women, fifty to fifty four.

Uh, Janet black, Jen, Dieter, Kim Purdy,

Stephanie, China, Stephanie,

China had been in the top

three all weekend.

So I went and talked to her

Sunday morning and then she

fell off the podium one point.

Uh, and then T's Gabby was in fifth.

How did Stephanie do on that

last workout was,

did she tank it or was it

like second and she got

second and still didn't make it.

It moved back.


It would be really

interesting to see if they

redid the scoring of the final event,

what the points would be.

I agree.



Um, I just, just curious, uh, if you,

if you go on the podium or

cause you did do well in that last one,


So it would only help you.

I would assume, um,

just would be curious to

see how much the leaderboard shakes up.

What are the differences in points?

uh so then we go to fifty

five fifty nine joy and

cooper first tia mavre

second tia vesser third

shanna bunce fourth uh mara

cruz prieto in fifth by a tie oh


Oh, man.

That's her one of the games in twenty one.

How many events win that she has?

Because the one underneath

already has a one.

So one at least at least two events.


But three.

OK, she must have more seconds.

She has a second.

She has a second place somewhere else,


And then.

Are we up now?

Lex, they test one through five.

All right.

I can't figure out

tiebreakers on this stuff today.

And then in sixty to sixty four,

Laurie Mishiznik,

who I talked to to get the

pronunciation of her last name correct.

She won because I said, hey,

I'm saying your name way too many times.

I need to know how to pronounce it.

Betsy Vanderberg took second.

Those two were clearly head

and shoulders above in this field.

And then Marion Valkenberg, third.

Gina Vienna in fourth and

Lynn Knappman in fifth.

And then we finish with

sixty to sixty sixty five plus.

Where we had Patricia McGill,

our very own Denise Moore

in second and Julie Holt in third,

Diana Flynn in fourth and

Sue Lawson in fifth.

And they're not on this leaderboard,

but a huge shout out to the

seventy plus division who

are defying what age means

even further now.

There were like thirty some

competitors in the seventy

plus division putting it out on the line.

They were announced their

winners were announced on

Saturday night and had an

award ceremony Saturday night for them.

So congratulations to all

the seventy plus athletes

and and their weekend.

Jamie was every single

division top five or just

certain divisions top five.

You know,

I believe every single division

was top five.

Any randoms or do they only

do the top five?

I did not see any randoms.

It's too bad.

And thirty five to thirty

nine did blood as well.

That's good.

But not forty to forty-four?


Everyone does blood?

Or at random?

Because at semifinals, for instance,

one year I got blood,

but not everyone else.

Certain people at random were chosen.

It looked to me that all five,

thirty-five to thirty-nine

that came in did blood.

Well, Carolyn,

it's because of your

physique that you got blood.

So, yeah.

I'm buff.

Can't trust Carolyn with those guns.

Big pythons.

Jokes around.

Anyway, I felt it was a great weekend.

I had a good time.

It was fun cheering for my

friends out there.

And I love these athletes.

And it was really cool

catching up with all of them.

uh we did do a behind the

scenes so huge shout out to

jonathan ortega and caitlyn

walters who were

videographers on the floor

the entire weekend jonathan

kind of ran that show for

me and I appreciate that

he's going to do all the

editing of the workout

reels that we put inside

the behind the scenes so

huge shout out to him

because he's going to

continue working with me

over the next few weeks

And then I'm looking at a

Monday or Tuesday release

like morning where I'll

release these early in the week.


so this coming Monday or Tuesday we'll

release episode one,

which will be check-in day.

And then every release after

that will be an event.

So the second week will be event one,

third week will be event

two and so on until we finish the events.


we got all the behind the

scenes footage holly is

working on graphics and

leaderboards for every

episode um so we'll have

those within the episode as

well you'll get clips of

the workouts and clips of

uh people coming off the

floor uh which was done by

ellie hiller and myself in

the back in the warm-up

area getting a footage of

people warming up and kind

of getting ready and

I will tell you this these

will get better as they go

because I got better as it went um

the questions and the way I

approach things change

completely from day one to

the end of the competition.

I became more voyeuristic at

the end where I would just

like come in on a coach and

an athlete talking and then

like have them explain to

me what they're talking about.

And then they opened up a

lot more about different things,

which became more natural

than like question provoked.

You also get to start like

seeing the story of the

weekend play out and can

then change a little bit

like your ideas and stuff.

And we tried to include as

many athletes as we could.

So I tried not to double up too much.

I tried to get different

people all throughout the

weekend to let them have a

little time in the sun as they went.

But as you get to the end

and things get crazy, there's tears,

there's emotion,

there's a lot of things

that happen at the end, which... Yeah.


where else do you get to go

watch a mom come off the

floor and their little kids

jump up into their arms to

congratulate them after the event?

Like it just, there's magic at this place.

I think that people are

missing from not being

there that you don't get to

see everywhere in CrossFit.

And it was, it was freaking amazing.

And we captured some of those moments.

So that stuff will be in here as well.

What'll be the length of the episodes?

I'm trying to make them like

a half an hour or twenty to

thirty minutes.

I don't want them to.

I want them to be like bingeable.


You know, I mean,

but if the story is there,

I'm going to run with the

story till till its completion.

But but yeah,

the goal is twenty to thirty

minutes an episode.

And it'll be eleven episodes at the end.

so exciting so with that um

carolyn I know that jamie

and I did not see any of

the teens did you capture

any of the teens yeah I

watched um some of the

events uh just like in

between it was it was hard

to like catch all of it I was

Obviously, like,

seeing more of the Masters this weekend.

They had a cool opening

ceremony that I saw also

some highlights from.

And then the teens, they're strong.

Some of those teens are

pulling up some numbers, and I'm like,


Their running event, like,

on day one was cool.

The obstacle, like, had these, like,

steep hills that they were running up.

My, like,


I would just follow them all

weekend on the leaderboard.

The ones that I'd been

talking to and also seeing

their highlight stories and

stuff like that.

But again,

it's just unfortunate that both

of them were at the same

time because you're just

kind of going back and forth.

And because we were doing

the shows on Masters,

I felt the need to...

stay up to date with what

was going on in the master

side and watch the

divisions and see the

stories unfold so that I

could analyze and talk to

you in the evenings.

So that's one of the reasons

I was also like heavily

invested into the masters,

but not to say that I

didn't watch the teens at all.

One of my two is have

Stephanie on or something

this week to talk about a

debrief of the teens and

how it went up there.

So I'll contact her tomorrow

and see if we can have her

on to talk about that.

Because I know that for the

first time ever,

they went away from the pit

and into an arena at

Kalamazoo for days two and three.

And I'm anxious to know how

that went for them.

yeah like one of their

events that was at pit had

to um move because of the

uh the weather yeah yeah um

yeah I tristan was trying

to watch it a lot and when

I would like catch pieces

of it or when he was

talking to the other coach

there it sounded like it wasn't

Maybe because that arena is

bigger and more of the stadium,

it like looked empty is

what I was hearing early on.

I don't know if that was,

this was like Thursday and Friday.

So Saturday and Sunday

might've been way busier.

Busier there, I didn't follow up as much.

When they were lifting,

it looked empty on the back,

but I don't know if because

their fans wanted to be in

front of them cheering on

while they're facing.

So I didn't know if that was the case,

whether they put the fans

on one side because that's

the side they're facing

when they're competing,

which then leaves the

opposite side feeling empty.

Oftentimes in sports,

you put the fans where the

camera is going to be so it looks...

yeah better but not I guess

you wouldn't want to see an

empty side on the on like

for crossfit right so on a

different note I'm going to

put up these two comments

back to back and you can

surmise what you will uh

keeping it real just got

here jamie is third fittest

thank you we'll let you

guys surmise why uh they

need some randoms in there

because needles

so take a sip um cheers on

an on the next topic uh

page powers announced on

her youtube page yeah um

and due in february huge

huge news huge news

So this is like the first

younger athlete to announce

a pregnancy in the middle

of their career.

I'm assuming it will have

little to no effect on her

overall career.

She's only twenty or twenty one.


Twenty two.

Twenty one, I think.

And if.

And Carolyn corrected me on

this the other night,

but most women who stay fit

recover from pregnancy a

little bit faster.

There are exceptions to that rule, like,


Lindsay Valenzuela and the

complications she had.

But I'm sure she'll be back

and better than ever.

Probably, I'm guessing,

the twenty twenty six season.

But Andrea Nistler kind of

proved us all wrong.


I mean,

Andrea and Tia are like not the

norm or someone to compare

yourself to as even a high level athlete.

I think that they're an

anomaly that most women

will never be able to do

what they've been able to

do at such a fast time after pregnancy.

And it's been crazy to watch

their journey and

And I feel like every

woman's journey is slightly different,


And it'll be interesting to

see whether Paige turns the

page to CrossFit and moves

on to something else or

whether she continues to

pursue her dream of going

to the CrossFit Games as a mom.

Either way, I think we'll be, you know,

we'll be good and we'll be

following her journey.


Like we've said with a lot

of the young athletes,

whatever makes them happy, right?

You know, um, they have to do what,

what that is.

Uh, Linda jury says a Nistler Tia,

she'll be good.

She'll most probably defeat me in the open,

even being nine months pregnant.

Uh, same here.

And I'll have scaled as well.


The last topic we have for

tonight is... And I don't

want to get into this on a

long debate because I've

talked about it for the last two weeks.

It is the formation of the PFAA.

And I have said over and

over again that...

I think that athletes should

have a say in some way.

But I was curious and I was

alarmed at the structure of

what the PFA was and did

they have bylaws with

voting members and did the

voting members get a chance

to vote on whatever it is that they do.

They went on coffee pods and wads.

I listened to that on my trip home.

It was very vague in how

they explained that.

Then after that,

Savan did a show with Saxon

Pancheck and Angelo DiCicco

who spelled out things that

were missing from what

Brent and Pat said on

Coffee Pods and WODs.

And this was the warning

that I was trying to say.

Without structure in your

organization and voting on

topics like this,

Now you're getting

dissension where people are

saying they didn't have the right to vote,

where they did not get to

have a say in what was released.

I don't know what the truth is,

but without structure,

it leaves you open to all of this.

And athletes saying that we

are not being represented by them,

they are only representing

the eight people that signed it.

And so we can leave that

open for like a longer

discussion on one of our other shows,

but I didn't want to dive

into that fully tonight

because this is really a

wrap up show and my

daughter's coming into town tonight.

So I didn't want to go super long,

but something is brewing

here and I don't want it to

be dissension.

I want the athletes to come

together as one voice,

but it needs structure and

it needs to be

representative of all athletes.

not just a select few in what they want.

I like Brent.

I like Pat.

I'm not trying to go against

what they're trying to do.

All I was saying was it

needs a proper structure so

that you can show that

you're representing the athletes.

And I think they skipped a

few steps along the way,

and now they're getting bit

in the butt by it.

I think certain points will

get most athletes behind

and certain stuff will

never be a unanimous thing.

So that's where I think it

might be the decision to

like focus on the things

that maybe they can all agree on, um,

as going forward,

just sound like some of the

demands that they made, um, obviously is,


not like not on the same

page for everyone.

Um, and some of them,

everyone would agree like

that would make sense.


So even some of the things

that they had prior to even

this happening, like years ago, like,

okay, like, um,

having the size of the rig

or ropes cut or, you know,

things that we've learned

through experience and,

and having a better, um,

online competition pro like process.

Like, I feel like most athletes would

agree that these are changes

that you know we want so I

think just beginning with

at least that before

because if I think if you

if you push certain stuff

that divide right away and

I think it's gonna be hard

for the pfa to continue but

if at least you have

everyone on the same page

on certain points to begin

with I think you can start

growing and then taking

into account different um

thoughts and stuff like that

going forward I don't know

if that makes sense so I

think I I hear what you're

saying and I do agree to

with it in most part but I

think it regardless of what

they're they're asking for

if you can say we put this

to a vote of our body of

the athletes that we

represent and whatever your

bylaws say it passed by a

then we are representing the

body as a whole because

that passed a vote.

If you don't put it out to

the body to vote on,

then you're putting

yourself out there on a

limb with only the board

voting on it to say this is what we want.

Now you've got the divisiveness.

If I'm an athlete who has

voted and at least got my say,

then I'm okay with you

moving forward with whatever it is.

And it just becomes who can vote, right?

Like in their thing,

it was like a two year,

is it individual athletes only?

Do the masters count?

Do the teams count?

And I get, we're talking about the games.

Cause if we start going all

the way until the open, like, I mean,

there'd be a ridiculous

amount of people to survey.

Let's say you go games and

is it only the end of it?

Like, where does it like,

what is your pool of athletes?

Cause that should be clear too,

whether it's,

you can only be an individual athlete.

masters and elite right like

it's just leaving teams out

is a big miss and I think

the larger the body the

better your position is

So when you're limiting yourself, yeah,

you shouldn't go all the way to the open.

That's just ridiculous.

But to go to at least all

games qualifiers in all

divisions or to maybe semifinals, maybe.

Because now you've got not only dissension,

but you have athletes

questioning leadership.


Like it, and now it's getting bad when,

when it should be a unified,

this should have unified

athletes to get what they wanted.

And instead it's cutting them in half.


I, I loved Saxon.

He, I mean, boy, he was, he was on fire.

I mean,

I feel like he had a lot of the

same points you've talked about Carolyn,


You as a current athlete can't really,

like, what are you asking for?

You're asking to know these

workouts in advance?

Like, that doesn't work.

The biggest problem to our sport,

I'm going to say it again,

I say that I've said it

many times is the unknown and unknowable.

Like it is the biggest

barrier to our sport having

any credibility to be

professional and stuff like that.

And to moving like moving forward,

like there's just so many

problems with the unknown and unknowable,

the leaks.

the, the movement standards,

the changes continuously,

like the safety that you

can predict what could happen.

Cause things just get invented.

Workouts get invented constantly.

Like that barrier.

I don't know.


I don't know if the sport itself has

to be completely different than the,

than the methodology,

which I don't think it needs to,

but at the same time,

like if you want it to be

professional like that, it could like,

I don't, I just don't know.


Like I get the unknowable is

so important to CrossFit

and developing people,

but I just think that

there's so many issues with

it at the same time.

So, so I think what's happening is,

and I think Saxon tried to

say this in the interview as well is.

And we've talked about it.

The CrossFit Games are

usually the safest run

competition out there.


It just had the biggest faux

pas that happened, right?

So for the most part,

you have confidence in things, but

If you vote on a neutral

third party that has no

affiliation with the

athletes and no affiliation with CrossFit,

and they can look at the

safety plan and say, hey,

this is good or not good,

and both sides agree to it,

I think that's what Saxon is looking for.

right not coming in and

saying hey we want to look

at your workouts and say

they're okay they're not

okay they still need to be

involved in the sport

somehow they need to

understand the movements

and right but not be an

active athlete I think is

what he was saying yeah

because you can have access

to information above other

people like and that's what

I said prior to this is it's it's

it's just tough.

Cause it's like, Oh, you like,

you're an active athlete at

the highest level.

Like you,

you just can't have access to

certain information.

Even if you do share it to others,

like it just,

you're still getting it first.

It's, and that probably is a head,

like a hesitation from the

games to also communicate

with them because they're

active and they don't know

what kind of information to give, um,

so aaron I I want to speak

to this if they're only if

they are doing only

individual games then why

do they want to step in and

have influence on smaller

events I agree like your

your body are only games

athletes who have made it

in the last two years who

are allowed to vote those

are the only people allowed

to vote no teams no masters no teens

no semifinal athletes.

Yet issues that you have

brought up yourself are ropes being cut,

which happened at semifinals,

bar height or ring height,

which happened at semifinals.

If you're going to include

these things that need

changed at the semifinal level,

semifinal athletes should

have a say in that as well.

And semifinal and games

athletes include teams.

They're working out on the same bars,

same ropes, same swim, all that stuff.


And it doesn't hurt you to

expand your body and have

bigger representation.

It just doesn't.



It's just been like this

thing in my craw for the last two weeks.

And I just think it needs

better organization.

I want them to succeed.

Trust me,

this is not coming after them to

like disband or they just

need the organization

behind it to make sense.

um so whitney I actually

listened to jason a lot I I

saw his pfa thing a while back

And I knew they were in

their infancy back then.

I was hoping that through the years,

they would develop into a

professional organization.

I belong to a professional organization,

so I'm watching it from the

eyes of someone who has

been the president of my

professional organization,

who has been a board member,

who has had to work with the bylaws.

That's what I'm looking at,

and it's falling short on many levels.


but um so with that we I'm

sure this will be a topic

as more people because now

that two people have spoke

up you know more coming

that's just the way the world works uh

So anyway, with that,

we're going to let everybody go tonight.

I'm going to go hug my

daughter because I haven't

seen her in a while.

And we will see you Sunday

night this week at our normal time,

eight o'clock Eastern time

for Sunday night CrossFit talk.

Until then, congratulations, Jamie.

Thank you.


We'll see everybody next

time on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

And don't forget, like, subscribe,

hit that notifier.

Hey, join our channel if you want to.

With that, we'll see everybody later.

Bye, guys.