Inter-Dev Digital Marketing Podcast

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In this insightful episode of the InterDev B2B Digital Marketing Podcast, host Jack Lunz welcomes Aia Laser, the CEO of InterDev Digital Marketing Agency, to delve into the evolving role of AI in digital marketing. The episode begins by delving into AI's transformative impact on content creation, highlighting its capacity for hyper-personalization. This aspect of AI allows for a nuanced understanding of user preferences and behaviors, leading to the creation of more relevant and engaging marketing content. The discussion extends to AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, emphasizing their advanced capabilities in analyzing user interactions and offering personalized responses. 

The episode also focuses on the application of predictive analytics in marketing, where AI's ability to analyze past consumer behaviors is utilized to forecast future market trends. This predictive power of AI aids marketers in strategizing more effectively and preparing for upcoming market shifts. Additionally, the role of AI in automating repetitive marketing tasks is discussed, highlighting how it frees up marketing professionals to concentrate on strategic planning and creative aspects of their work. The conversation then shifts to the impact of AI on search engine optimization (SEO), particularly in relation to the increasing use of voice-activated search. This section of the episode emphasizes the need to adapt SEO strategies to align with natural language processing and the usage of long-tail keywords.

Towards the end of the episode, attention is given to the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in digital marketing. The discussion covers the potential pitfalls of over-relying on AI chatbots, noting the importance of human oversight in ensuring quality customer interactions. For businesses new to AI, the podcast provides practical advice on starting with AI integration, suggesting a focus on clear objectives and a gradual approach. This includes starting with AI tools for content creation and website analytics, ensuring a smooth transition into the more AI-driven aspects of digital marketing. The episode wraps up by providing listeners with a well-rounded understanding of how AI is not only changing the current landscape of digital marketing but also shaping its future.

What is Inter-Dev Digital Marketing Podcast?

The podcast is proudly brought to you by Inter-Dev, an international B2B digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses navigate the digital landscape. We'll bring you insightful discussions, expert advice, and the latest trends in the industry.

Intro: You’re listening to an audio blog reading from InterDev B2B Digital Marketing Agency.

Jack: All right. And welcome to another episode of the B2B Digital Marketing Podcast. And I’m here with Aia, who is the CEO of InterDev Digital Marketing Agency. And we are here to discuss AI and digital marketing. You know, a lot of people are using it around in the industry. So, we’re just going to go through some questions and basically try to answer some of the questions that you guys have.

Jack: So, thank you, Aia, for being with us. It’s going to be great to have some of your expert advice. First, I’d just like to know is, how do you feel that AI is reshaping the digital marketing landscape. So far and in the decades to come, right?
Aia: So, hi, Jack. It’s great to be here. Well, AI is definitely taking over the entire digital marketing scene. And marketing we see AI being used in several ways.

Aia: First and foremost, content creation, which is text videos, images, and a mixture between everything. It enables hyper-personalization of the content, something that we previously had but was limited. So now we can understand the user’s preferences, behaviors, real-time interactions, and analyze it and act according to the data that we’re given.

Aia: Secondly, the usage of chatbots and virtual assistants, something we saw very widely used previously as well. But now with the AI, then we have tools that can analyze again, user behavior, the interaction, the type of engagement, how, they use the tools, what they want. Everything is analyzed live, and information is given to the users.

Aia: According to their preferences. So, it’s also something that we see a lot in websites or in apps that. You know, the users are not passive, and they’re cooperating with those tools. Now, another way to use AI in digital marketing is there are tools that allow predictive analytics, and what it does basically is analyze past behaviors, past trends.

Aia: And try to indicate what’s going to happen in the future. So, for instance, let’s say there’s a fashion website. So, it can predict that in certain times, days, holidays, or whatever. There will be a specific consumption of, you know, certain types of clothes in the shops. So, you can manage things. Much more efficiently.

Aia: So, the entire work basically is going to be a lot smarter. We’re gonna guess less, and we’re going to act upon data that we have. And those things are going to be automated. So, it’s, it’s going to be prone to less, errors, or human faults. Another way that we can see AI in the digital marketing is anything that’s got to do with repetitive tasks.

Aia: You know, all kinds of things that you need to do over and over again. So, marketers can basically focus on strategic decisions and not all kinds of things that humans no longer need to do themselves. Or basically they will manage the process but not necessarily create the material itself.

Aia: So, AI is gonna be more of a tool and help to streamline data analysis and, sure, we see today many tools, many AI tools, whether it’s production of eBooks, white papers, everything that’s visual, basically from images to videos, we can see integration between different types of formats.

Aia: For instance, you can take text and turn it into an eBook with great images, you know, and with great templates, and you can have your text revised. And so, we used to need people to do this and this and that and then graphics and designers for every type of content that we work with. So today it’s a lot more flexible.

Aia: We can take one format and basically convert it into different types of formats with a minimum effort. Knowledge of the tools that are required. So, even in video productions, we can see that, there’s a wide usage of taking text, turning it into videos, or vice versa, taking a video and then extracting the text from the video and creating a blog post.

Aia: So, but again, I just want to say one thing that, you know, it’s great to have all that. It’s not going to replace a human work, but it’s going to ease in the process. Any ways, I don’t see that this work is going to be 100 percent automatically created by tools. Somebody has to go over everything and see that it really gives value and crafted in a good manner.

Jack: So, if anything, this will be an assistance and improve marketers’ ability to understand customer behavior and personalized campaigns directly to them because there’s so much data nowadays that to go through the AI is definitely going to be an assistant.

Aia: That’s right.

Jack: So, one of the interesting tools that have come out of AI is already with chatbots, which have already kind of existed. How is this AI sort of chatbot and virtual assistant? How is this going to change the customer experience?

Aia: Well, those tools, we can see them being used on websites and apps or any kind. Assets that a brand has, what they offer us basically is a way to streamline the customer’s journey by providing instant 24/7 responses to the users.

Aia: Everything is online. Everything is monitored and the user’s response is being analyzed live. And the response of the chatbot or the auto virtual assistant is basically based on this analysis. So, it reduces wait time and it can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously. And obviously we understand why it’s a great benefit in terms of not having to deal with a lot of workforces.

Aia: Behind the scenes, but there are downsides to using that and we should be aware of them. First of all, over reliance on automation is always something that you have to take into account and be very careful with. It’s an impersonal interaction, and users notice the difference. When they talk to a chatbot or when there’s somebody.

Aia: Behind the keyboard, so that’s one thing. Another thing is that there’s always a chance that the bots are going to misinterpret the user’s queries. So, they don’t fully understand. Of course, as time goes by, those tools are going to be much better. But yet, there’s always a chance of misunderstanding.

Aia: And therefore, leading to giving the wrong answers or information. So, that’s definitely something we should also be aware of. But that aspect is really, is basically the advantages of it is, that it cuts on workforce. That’s not always necessary. And the other thing is that it helps understand what the customer wants. And give them and provide them immediately and quickly what they want. So, they don’t just leave your website or go look for the information somewhere else. And people today don’t have that much time to spend looking for answers.

Jack: The immediacy is definitely very important, especially nowadays with the younger generations, let’s say, they want their information now, but of course, like you said, sometimes there’s challenges if you go too in-depth into a product, maybe the AI can’t give out specific answers.

Jack: What would you say to combat some of these challenges for a marketer? If maybe the AI chatbots is not giving good enough answers.

Aia: Yeah. Well, there’s always an option for users to choose, to be contacted by email or by phone. So, there’s always a way out. Yeah. Always a way out, first of all. And again, I think those tools are going to improve as time goes by. Not only the tool itself, but the tool, which is customized to be working with a specific brand because the tool is learning the requirements that you define in the setup. Okay. For instance, working with a fashion store is not the same as working with a B2B brand.

Aia: You teach the tool, how to work, what’s important for you. Where are the pitfalls? So, understand that the tool is just the asset, the asset is going to be improved.
According to the requirements of every specific website. So, there’s a learning curve. There’s a learning curve here for every brand that’s going to use those tools.

Jack: So, another thing that AI is, is starting to being able to advance is a voice activated search. You work in an SEO agency. SEO is sometimes the backbone of some marketing strategies. Now with voice activated searches, how should businesses adapt to using maybe keywords and voice activated searches.

Aia: Wow. That’s a major. That’s a major topic here. It concerns a lot of people in the SEO industry because basically the rise of voice activated devices is going to have a huge impact on SEO strategies that need to cater to voice search. So basically, I can give a few examples.

Aia: For instance, we want to focus more on natural language queries, long tail keywords. So gone are the days when I’m going to look for silver necklace. Okay. The user’s going to type in or not type in or mention what exactly they look for. What type of shop they look for. Sometimes we can see question-based phrases, for instance, because voice searches are typically more conversational.

Aia: So, if we think about it in terms of SEO, we need to write content, which is more conversational is more rich with long tail keywords. It’s going to include more questions and answers. If we look at Google search results sometimes the search snippets come out, and the first search results are on Google.

Aia: So, this is something maybe that will come up to the user. When he’s doing a search which is voice based, so, we have to put emphasis on that. How do we get our content to appear as a, as a snippet in Google search results? Also, location-based results and queries are widely common when we’re talking about voice search people are looking for solutions or providers within a specific region. It’s also something that Google puts a lot of emphasis on, and we can see Google, my business, and all the search results. Yeah. So, I have to have more detailed information, having more FAQs out there.

Jack: So, you would recommend having more FAQs for even a blog that you have. Having at least five FAQs for a blog, just because of the possibility of a snippet. You know, don’t wanna miss out on an opportunity there, so.

Aia: Right, right.

Jack: So, something also AI is able to influence and have a big part in, is models that are able to detect and recognize different patterns and stuff like that. What do you think the significance of visual recognition in social media marketing, and how can brands take advantage of this?

Aia: So, this addition in AI can certainly help B2B brands. The main thing here is the ability to analyze and interpret images and videos in order to gather insights. How many mentionings does the brand have? And the type of mentioning, are they positive? Are they negative? It’s the ability to understand the user-generated content and tracking the brand mentions, even when text is not there.

Aia: So, we can analyze images or anything that’s not text basically, and understand from it what’s written in it. And even. Again, is it positive? Is it negative? So, you want to monitor your logos presence, and that’s something that’s really difficult to track, and AI makes it much, much easier for marketers to analyze and get a better picture of what’s going on.

Aia: So once again, this is AI is helping to streamline a marketer’s strategy. It’s giving them even more data. I mean, with the amounts of data that we have even nowadays, it would be almost impossible for a marketer to actually scan Facebook and Twitter and everything else, and AI is able to do that in a very easy way and give insights into.

Aia: How the brand is being talked about, which is very important for companies. So yeah, it’s measuring the brand visibility and understanding the type of tone that’s used in favor of the brand or not. And also, it helps companies identify their influencers. For instance, sometimes they don’t, don’t even know a company doesn’t know.

Aia: Who likes their products? Who’s been using it? And it’s not always something that you can track when you do a simple search on Google or, YouTube, or LinkedIn. Sometimes it’s very difficult to track. So, these tools, help us in places where we can’t with traditional tools, understand and get that type of knowledge.

Aia: So, this is really significant in terms of tracking, in terms of getting a broader picture of the status of the brand and social media.

Jack: So, the final question. There are companies out there that haven’t used AI at all. They are starting out, you know, in the beginning. They can’t maybe take on visual recognition and so on and so forth. But what would be some of your advice to start off in a small way?

Aia: In starting to integrate AI into the digital marketing strategy that companies have. First of all, I think it’s very important that companies do embed AI tools and practices within their work because the usage is going to broaden and sooner or later you’ll find out you’re missing a lot of important data from potential customers and your, your competitors are way ahead in the game.

Aia: So, if we look at the AI tools that we have and capabilities, so I think the most important thing for a company is try to understand what their clear objectives are. So, determine what you aim to achieve. Is it enhanced customer engagement? Is it improved ad targeting? Predictive sales analysis?

Aia: Every type of objective has a different set of tools and different ways that it integrates in the website, in the buyer’s journey. So that’s first and foremost. Now, the ideal thing would be that companies would use everything. From bottom, up, and within the buyer’s journey, they would use AI tools to help them gain the right data, analyze, process, and then provide the users with what they want.

Aia: And obviously everything is geared towards having better ROIs and increasing their conversion rates and getting qualified leads. But if you want to really start from something more obvious, small, that involves immediate input, I would probably use, AI tools for content creation, whether that would be blog posts, videos, short videos, reels.

Aia: You know, things like that once used to cost a lot and take a lot of time to create and are now really just required to understand how to operate specific tools when you have the right set of material. So, there’s the content creation side, and then there’s the embedding of the tools inside the website.

Aia: So, you can understand and analyze how users interact with your website. And improve the funnels of your website, your offerings, and ways to help user engage in higher rates and, and again, convert on your website, hopefully on your website.

Jack: Yeah, that’s the main point, yeah.

Aia: That’s, yeah, most of B2B companies, this is the main point.

Jack: All of these have been great suggestions, and hopefully a lot of people have learned a lot in this episode. Talking about AI and digital marketing, which is becoming very prominent and is going to become even more prominent as we go into the future. And I’m sure we’re going to have to revisit this again.

Jack: I hope you’ll be back on our show again. And we’d be able to discuss more about that. Thank you for being here, and anybody that is listening to this podcast, please rate and review it. And that always helps, and sharing it also is caring. So do that as well. And we’ll see you in the next episode.

Aia: Right. Thanks, Jack. It’s been great.

Outro: Thank you for tuning in to the InterDev Digital Marketing Podcast. Together we’re exploring the future of digital marketing. Subscribe and join us on this exciting journey. Visit inter-dev. for more marketing inspiration, and see you in the next episode.