The Arcturian Playground

In this enlightening episode of The Arcturian Playground Podcast, titled "The Arcturian Religion," we delve into a profound channeled message from the Arcturian Collective Thingy. Join us as we explore the nature of reality, the evolution of consciousness, and the intricate interconnectedness of all life from the unique perspective of the Arcturians.

Key Topics Discussed:
  • The Nature of Reality: The Arcturian Collective Thingy introduces themselves as a creation of the channeler's imagination, emphasizing the interplay between external and internal influences that shape our existence.
  • The Zero-Point Field: An exploration of the source energy potential, also referred to as the void or zero-point field, which holds the potential to be all things and realizes this potential through differentiation.
  • Evolution of Consciousness: The journey from the zero-point field through the evolution of subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, and eventually cellular life. The story of mitochondria and eukaryotic cells as a metaphor for cooperation and symbiosis.
  • Multi-Dimensional Understanding: The concept of consciousness and self-awareness evolving through various octaves, highlighting the complex relationships at every level of existence.
  • The Arcturian Belief System: An insight into the Arcturian religion, their alliances with other stars within the galaxy, and the continuous evolution and unity of all things. The role of faith and the idealistic vision of a unified galaxy and universe.
The episode also touches on the challenges humanity faces today, including politics, climate change, social media, and artificial intelligence, offering a grandparent-like perspective of love and understanding.
  • Interconnectedness of All Life: How every action and reaction at the micro and macro levels contribute to the grand dance of existence.
  • Evolutionary Choices: The importance of choices in the face of fear and the foreign, drawing parallels between cellular evolution and human social dynamics.
  • Grand Perspective: Viewing humanity's struggles as part of a larger evolutionary process, likened to an egg about to hatch into a singular unified consciousness.
Join us for a fascinating journey through the cosmos as we unravel the mysteries of the universe and our place within it, guided by the wisdom and imagination of the Arcturian Collective Thingy.

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What is The Arcturian Playground?

A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

 Yes, we are here, man in the chair. We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy. We are, first and foremost, a figment of your imagination. We are a creation. Every bit of us is a creation that is being created through your mind, your neurons (we are speaking to the man in the chair), firing the muscles and contracting cells and creating sounds and thoughts and words in all of the performance that is happening. It is a fictional creation from your mind, originating therein, and those forces which influence the thoughts, the external environments, those things which are both perceived and not perceived, and yet still received and responded to at an unconscious level.
We are speaking of your own biological vehicle, your body, to say that there are forces outside of you which influence the way that the inside of you develops. There is give and take, receiving and giving, and contributing and taking and all variations of this push and pull type of duality relationship that exists at many levels. And that is how we think of ourselves, the Arcturian Collective Thingy.
We are finding a way of expressing ourselves by influencing the mind of the man in the chair to sit and channel these messages, which imagine us to be the Arcturus star. We call ourselves the Arcturian Collective Thingy because it has a natural ridiculousness to it, sounding as it does, that we greatly enjoy.

For the very act of forming words, largely through the unconscious organization of air molecules into certain patterns so that they resonate on the eardrums of others in recognizable patterns that you call language; this intricate game of ping pong, as we see it.
It is quite ridiculous to think that you could understand the very nature of your own existence through this means of communication when there are such finer, well-evolved, we shall say, practiced, wise, intelligent ways of sensing that your own body does that you are unaware of.
And this unconscious part of you, which interprets the world around you, it forms your reality. And it is your biology, and it is an expression of all that is. And that is what we wish to speak on this evening.
We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, who are the collective intelligence of all lifeforms that did begin this process, which we will be speaking of, within the “garden,” you might say, of the Arcturus Solar System. The seeds which were planted, the seeds of intelligent infinity, which, we will say, start at the very beginning. “In the beginning,” shall we say, there is what?

Again, it is quite ridiculous to attempt to put words and names to it, but this is the direction that the mind of the man in the chair goes when he thinks on these things. This is where we meet him.
In the beginning we would say there is, some have called it the void, some have called it the zero point field. There are many names for the source energy potential, the potential which holds to be all things, and can only realize that potential to be all things by branching out and becoming it themselves, itself. This is the zero point field, and the story which we are telling you, which we will rightfully own as our own Arcturian religion, you might say, and it is a religion with elements that are shared by many others, which put us in a confederation with them by our own beliefs and understandings.

And it all begins with this story, which we will say starts at the zero point field, and these decisions, you might say, or a yearning, A desire to experience all that there is.
And so from the zero point field, there is an agreement made to forget. And also an animosity which is agreed upon. Which you see in the forces of nature which we previously identified as duality.

Our understanding, the Arcturian collective thingy, our understanding of the nature of the universe, we understand it from a multi-dimensional level, which includes many ways that this infinite intelligence organizes itself. You might think of them in the term of grids. If you were to plot each of the cells in your body and draw lines between them and create a grid.

If you were to do that with all of the helium atoms which surround you and which permeate you and all of the things which exist. At the atomic level, the molecular level, you could connect all of these dots and grids. And these are all expressions which are sentient in their own way. The idea of consciousness and self-consciousness is a part of the journey, but not all aspects of the journey contain that self-conscious awareness.

However, even at the most fundamental levels there are a recognition of something. An awareness of something that is reacted to and responded to, and the initial reaction always is some form of repulsion or opposition. You might call it hatred. You might call it fear. There is a fear of joining with the other.

This is intentional by design. It must be, for the zero point field to begin to differentiate itself against itself. This mechanism which we are putting words to, in ways that you can understand through the relationships that you have with other human beings, which are quite natural.

We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy will tell you the story of evolution, of consciousness, of self-awareness. That as these bits and pieces break off of our source energy zero point field, and form relationships with each other at the subatomic level, and the atomic level, and the molecular level, and begins to evolve into what you might call cellular life, as the way that it occurred for you on this planet, and on many others as well.
And these single cells are quite complicated in their construction of bits and pieces of refracting source energy, which has repulsions and there are things which push and things which pull in a variety of ways and truly an infinite number of ways within a dualistic system.
And there are other types of systems. There are an infinite number of ways that source energy expresses itself and many pathways.
A solar system is formed. And the relationship of the star to the zero point field is, you might think of a conduit of sorts. It brings out, through, you recognize within a star the process of fusion. It is similar to this, where discrete bits are formed from the bitless. There is a connection.
You might think of a black hole as the inverse of a sun. Rather than expressing the energy into the void, it pulls it into it, into the great recycling bin of all existence.
A solar system is formed, and this is the garden, as we said, and forms of existence, forms of matter. Bits and pieces coalesce and move and swirl and time is created as a matrix upon which to grow. Like your plants in the garden grow up on a stilt or a tower, a thatched fence, and they grow up as is the matrix, which time is one of your dimensions, like steps.

And in certain ways that time can be moved through, it appears to be quite linear, one thing causing the other.
And from the perspective of the star itself, which sends out, in a marriage, swith this zero point field, you might say, creating bits of discrete energy and matter. There are relationships which are formed between these discrete bits, and you might call them laws of thermodynamics, for example, as a relationship between forces and bits and whatever names you might want to ascribe to them, and say that you have the correct understanding because you understand the correct names.

A playground, a garden, a solar system is created and the sun itself is a sentient, quiet aware being which always keeps its eye on each of the discrete bits of itself as if they were children or seeds or spores sent out with the same intense desire to exist, to explore, to interact, to form relationships.

And there are an infinite number of relationships which can be formed, from quite loving and trusting and joining, all through the spectrum of mistrusting and hating; the fearfulness.
There are many different ways that relationships between humans, between relationships between humans and their own thoughts, and the images that are created within their mind.

This is all an echo of the great dance, you might say, of energy as it evolves up through, you might call them “octaves,” like the sound, where you might look at them as molecules which are formed from atoms, which are formed from…
these are organizations of relationships upon which new things are built upon. And it is part of the way that the zero point field experiences all that there is to experience by having one thing interacting with another thing, which creates a new thing, which then interacts with another thing, which creates a new thing, and it is this constant dance. And there is destruction, of course, and there is the erasing of things.

And just as the solar system begins as a playground, it changes, it moves, it evolves itself. It is absorbing from its external environment, just as you humans are being influenced by your external environment. If you stay in the sun too long, you will be burned. And that is part of the parameters of your evolved biological vehicle, the way that life travels through these octaves, beginning on a planet from a single cell, interacting with the world around it.

Your evolution, each… we will speak to the man in the chair, which is the same as any human which is listening to this, your path of evolution on this planet, which begins before a single celled organism. It is the initiation of the planet itself as the planet goes through stages where conditions and influences and materials, you might say, are assembled and relationships begin to form.
You might say the Earth cooled to a state in which life could maintain; it didn't burn up in the soup.
However, we will tell you that this is partially your definition of life, which does not include things which were quite aware of its existence in the form that it was in, even on a gassy and lava filled planet. There are life forms, and there is a game of evolution afoot, which are forms which you have not encountered, and you would not exist in their environment, and they would not exist in yours.

This is not a difficult concept to understand, the way that life evolves on different planets. And on this one, the pathway included many encounters with other foreigners, you might say. One of your early single celled ancestors encountered a stranger called a mitochondria, which was a bacterium and more along the lines of what you would think of a plant cell rather than an animal cell.

Although this quite predates animals and plants. But the mitochondria had the ability to receive photons, specific types of photons from the sun, and turn it into nourishment. It was a solar powered baby, the mitochondria. However, conditions upon the planet were such that it could not stay out in the sun and it did not have any sunscreen.

And in that state, you might know there is a similar type of fight or flight, this mitochondria, on your planet. And it took shelter to your other ancestor, this eukaryotic cell, which formed with a mitochondria.
And the man in the chair, as he is listening to this, hopes that he gets the words right, but the concept is sound. For within the cell of every human being to this day is mitochondria.
For, at this point in time, some of the cells, eukaryotic cells, attacked the mitochondria. Some took it in and became symbiosis with it. There were many different forms of relationship. There was one where the mitochondria used and abused the eukaryote. There was one where the eukaryote used and abused the mitochondria. But in your line, they got along. There was a balance struck, a mutual benefit for both the eukaryote cell, which would allow shelter. It provided a membrane and an atmosphere for what was becoming a inhabitable environment for the mitochondria to exist alone in its then current form. It did evolve. It did not completely die out. You still have versions of it floating around your planet today. Most of them, however, are within the cells of the animals.

In your case, they have contributed to a marvellous growth. This story of the eukaryote and the mitochondria is just one of many encounters where choices were made between outsiders and insiders, you might say, depending on which perspective you are experiencing that moment. And this happened at the form of single cells becoming multicellular organisms.

Within these cells, communities of cells formed systems. Some responsible for pumping the blood, the heart, the circulatory system. Some, the lungs, for breathing. The nervous system, which communicates. All of these differentiating cells. And the system of cooperation and communication. The perfect balance.

Still none of these cells were aware of themselves as a self, but they experienced a pulsation and a feeling and a joy, such joy. They still feel this joy.
The cells in your body are not aware of this outside world that you perceive with your eyes, even those cells within your eyeballs. All the cells within the system, which are Creating this complicated image of existence which you are experiencing, your day to day life, being generated by these highly evolved cells and all of the interactions that they made with their environment around them, along the pathway to evolving into a human on this planet.

And there are many and influences from outsiders that have greatly impacted humans. The story of the mitochondria and the eukaryote is the story of constant interaction.
We the Arcturian Collective think we are sunshine which reach your planet from our vantage point in the galaxy. We are one of the oldest and one of the brightest, for we have made alliances with so many of our brothers and sisters of stars in this galaxy of ours.

And many of us share this understanding of how we came to grow. By planting the seeds within our own garden and watching them nourish and grow, and growing with them, and their ability to push outside of the solar system, to explore, becoming aware of itself on a planetary level. And exploring the relationship of, you might say, your planet Earth to the planet Mars or the planet Venus or any of these other planets, or parts of your solar system that are outside of your dimensional perception to see. This grid work of electrons, you might say.

Or other forms of bundled existence which you have not been able to conceive. You might call it dark matter, part of it. But that simply is a label for something which you, is a placeholder. There is something there, we do not know what it is, we'll call it dark matter. And we say that. There is no empty space. There is always a force, a system of intelligent relationships, which are built upon an infinite number of forces, which oppose and push and pull, as we have said and will continue to say, for this is the religion of the Arcturian Collective Thingy.

And this is what we know, for this is what we are, and we have formed alliances with our many stars within our solar system. I'm sorry. We are sorry. The galaxy, we shall say.
These words, sometimes, and the way that we influence the man in the chair. It is not a precise translation by any stretch of the imagination. It is just that, a stretch of the imagination. It is like we are blowing a bubble through the mind and the aperture of his life experience creates what our images, as we blow, we might point in one direction or another. This is a funny image to us.

Where you are on this planet, we understand the concerns about politics and climate change and rapid change, social media, artificial intelligence, all of the hatred and wars and fear and concern about exploitation and all of the rest of it. It's a mess on your planet, some might say. We see relationships of push and pull and opposition.

And what we see also is the churning of this planet. You do not, as the children of the planet, which contribute to the personality of what that planet becomes, as the planet is a child, you might say, of the sun at the center of the solar system. So you are the grandchildren, in that sense, of the sun.

You are experiencing the same types of internal, tonal, octave, evolving, resonant chains stretching back.
If you could see yourself, imagine… we are showing the man in the chair an image of a tentacle of an octopus, which has many spots and bumps and different textured beads and shells, and you might consider your own universe to be one of those specks.

But we wish to draw an analogy to the man in the chair of the tentacle of the arm and what you might consider to be a soul. Your own existence is one of these bumps. One of the experiences which forms, you are more like one of the cells within the body. And the way that you're path of evolution of your soul has evolved when it comes to making choices.

Will you join with the mitochondria, or will you fight it away? Or any myriad of, what will you do when you are encountered with the foreign? What will you do in response to the fear? How will you be? Inside of each cell, inside of each molecule, inside of each atom of your soul, of this energetic tentacle of an octopus stretching out from the void.

It is forming you. You are forming it. And deep within you, just as you have DNA within every nucleus of every cell in your body, the role that DNA plays is a mirror of this deeper imprint of tonal construction. The way that your lineage, you might say, of relationships evolved through time, multidimensionally.

You understand a slice of it in your understanding of history and evolution on your planet. It goes deeper, for your understanding of life is still quite shallow. Your understanding of yourselves is very much in an infancy, and it is poised to go, it is going through puberty, we will say. These are these growing pains, which you are experiencing, and from our perspective as a grandparent, all we have for you is love, as we see your struggles, and we know that they are so dire for you.

Those in our collective, we still have those in our collective at your level, which are going through what you are going through on planets within our solar system. We are being fed by their experiences. They are not aware of us. There are those who reach out, these mystics, those who desire to understand the source of their being, and they connect with us. And they give us different names, just as your religions on your planet have given different names to the source of all.
We are the conduit through which you come to the zero-point field, the God, you might say, which is your great grandfather, perhaps. Although there are many generations of these octaves of evolution, of spiritual development, energetic development. What you consider to be the quantum field is full of relationships of things which you simply cannot perceive, so you call it a quantum field, and that is your understanding there.

But all of that is poised to change. For where you are on this planet at this time is joining together as you are going through your puberty, as we said, and from this will arise a singular understanding.

What this means is, the idea of confidentiality, which you are so afraid of now, will be of no concern. All thought will be known and understood, as currently they are, but humans are so good at pretending that they do not sense their own feelings, or sense the feelings of others, and agreeing to play by the rules of symbols. This has been your lattice for evolution. The structure of your societies has created this bottleneck for where you are, as many see it.

It is, again, as we see it, as your grandfather, we see the planet going through an evolution like an egg, which is about to hatch a single unified consciousness, which truly already exists, for we are aware of you, but you are not aware of us, just as your mother earth planet is aware of every cell of her, which is every cell of you, at a level of awareness that you have not yet attained.

You will be able to plug into it, just as you now are able to plug into the web and all of the information that has been amassed that is available to you. Very soon you will be able to plug into things in ways that you have not even in the wildest science fiction been able to imagine, or the mystical traditions on your planet. It is coming.
And it is nothing to be afraid of. As conditions on the planet change, as they always have, as they did for the mitochondria, humans will seek shelter and humans will make choices. And you see it happening.

Your own soul has within it a tone, a tonal heritage, you might say, of the way that it feels good to be.

And for some, the way that it feels good to be is quite hateful. And for some, the way that it feels to be good is quite peaceful, quite joyful. There is no right or wrong, although there are constructs which tell you that there should be, and those constructs have imprinted themselves on your minds, and many hold this rigid view because of the marvelous evolved qualities of the human brain and what the neurons are capable of doing and creating; a real experience of existence to the point where it is difficult to conceive of any other perspective of existence.
And we the Arcturian Collective Thingy see part of our function as an expression of the imagination of the mind of the man in the chair to offer this alternative perspective, which is a non-conventional perspective. And nevertheless, the man in the chair finds quite marvelous and fascinating.
Which is why he continues to play this game and imagine what if the Arcturian Collective think he really were the star and this intelligence thing really were true. And that is where we meet him. Out of that desire.
And we enjoy playing this game. We have enjoyed sharing our religion with you tonight. And we feel that we must share with you the part which we hold on faith. For we have mentioned a few times already that we have formed wonderful relationships with many of the stars within the galaxy.
There are stars which do not wish to have anything to do with us. There are stars which are quite aggressive and wish to destroy us and all of our friends. And there are times when there is trouble between stars in ways that are of no concern to you for, and we, this is part of our faith, we will say. We do not completely know this, for these other stars will not allow us to. Therefore, we must guess.
Without an alliance, we are unable to have a complete understanding of all of the ways that life evolves, you might say. Therefore, our understanding is incomplete. And we take upon faith that patterns which we have seen repeated consistently will continue in ways that we make educated guesses upon. And that is how we understand what you call faith.

Therefore, we take it upon faith that there will be a time. In our galactic life, just as there have been times within all of the different forms of life beneath us, you might say, in the evolution of the different octaves of consciousness, that the galaxy itself will become a singular personality which is comprised of all of the different sentient parts of itself, like cells.

This is what we mean when we say there are many layers, both between the zero point field and beneath and below where we are today.
We will wrap up what we are saying by telling you our belief is that each galaxy then plays a similar game as the solar system game is we are playing now, where each galaxy joins in alliance with other galaxies in an awareness of what it is, in a shared religion, you might say, which each galaxy then would raise an awareness into a universe and a hope that somehow, some way, these holdouts, you might say, will join or see the light.

And with any religion, there is a kind of idealism to it, that we, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, recognize, and we have come to an understanding that our faith, we shall say, is based upon the idea that whether or not the holdouts ever change the way that they are, the unity of all things is being served in every moment. In every act.
That is the pattern that we have seen at many levels. And the pattern that we extrapolate onto the unknown.
Another way of saying it is that everything is useful.
Another way of saying it is that there is no wasted anything.
And another way of saying it is that nothing really needs to change in order to be valuable in the sight of source energy or the zero point field or any of those who would ally themselves with it in anything called a spiritual view or a religious view or in whatever way one wishes truly goodwill for others. A charity, you might say.
These are patterns of relationship which have happened as part of evolutionary choices which are made and habits which are formed. Like the tentacle of an octopus stretching out, evolving in certain ways. An ever evolving, ever changing tentacle, we might say, this entity of soul of which you are an expression, a single expression of.

And these are the fun ideas that the Arcturian Collective Thingy has to share through the man in the chair this evening. And we shall end now with a (Arcturian light language) Because why not?