Chemistry For Your Life

Glass. The more you look at it, the more clear it becomes that it holds some serious mysteries. So what really is glass? Is it a liquid? How is it different from typical solids? Does it flow and ooze over time? Is that why old windows are thicker at the bottom? Let's find out!

Show Notes


Glass. The more you look at it, the more clear it becomes that it holds some serious mysteries. So what really is glass? Is it a liquid? How is it different from typical solids? Does it flow and ooze over time? Is that why old windows are thicker at the bottom? Let's find out!

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References from this episode

  7. Chemistry by Julia Burdge 

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What is Chemistry For Your Life?

A podcast that helps you understand the fascinating chemistry hidden in your everyday life.

Have you ever wondered why onions make you cry? Or how soap gets your hands clean? What really is margarine, or why do trees change colors in the fall? Melissa is a chemist, and to answer these questions she started a podcast, called Chemistry for your life!

In each episode Melissa explains the chemistry behind one of life’s mysteries to Jam, who is definitely not a chemist, but she explains it in a way that is easy to understand, and totally fascinating.

If you’re someone who loves learning new things, or who wonders about the way the world works, then give us a listen.


Hey. I'm Melissa.


I'm Jam.


And I'm a chemist.


And I'm not.


And welcome to Chemistry For Your Life.


The podcast helps you understand the chemistry of your everyday life.


Jim, how are you doing? What's up? What's up?


I'm good. I'm surviving this 2021 so far.


Yeah. 2021's a little wild Straight out the gate.


I know. I thought maybe day 1, it'd be just brighter, better. You know? But so far, I guess I guess it's gonna be gradual maybe. I don't know.


Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. Probably a gradual improvement. You know?


Incremental incrementally improving things.


Yeah. Let's hope. Let's hope for that.


Well, speaking of incremental, that kinda incremental change does kind of play into our topic today.


Oh, interesting. Okay. Cool. So that


was a fun segue.


What is it?


So we're going to be talking about I forget that people who Have the podcast already know this, so it's not a surprise for them, but it is for you.


Right. Right.


Is glass A liquid.


Oh, nice.


So we got this question once a long time ago, and I don't unfortunately have the nurse name written down, which I'm so sorry. But then it came back up when we were visiting mister Hollis's class. And


That's right.


I knew I was gonna have to Dedicate a whole episode of this at some point because it was just too much for one little q and r. We try to keep those quick and light, And this is kind of a more complicated topic, so I felt that the time had come. And if that listener who asked The first time, I think it was close to a year ago. If you're out there still and you're listening and you're waiting patiently for your question to be answered, Hit us up on Instagram, and we'll shout you out in the next q and r because I it's hard to search those messages to find those messages. So


Yeah. Yeah. Totally.


So before we talk about if glass is a liquid or a solid, first, we have to talk about what a liquid and a solid even is. And I don't think we've talked about this before.


I don't think we have either. I feel like we've ended up talking about gases a lot. Mhmm. We've gotten a little bit more into that, like, liquids into gases, but I guess we haven't talked specifically about the differences between solids and liquids that I can remember.


I don't think so. So, I'm sure a lot of people learn the basic ideas of this in in class when they're younger. But At the molecular level, a solid's molecules are held rigidly close together.




So there's not a lot of freedom of emotion. The individual molecules can vibrate, and they can absorb and Reemit energy, we've talked about that. So there is a little bit of of wiggling motion is what I'll call it. The little bit of Sometimes it's called translational, vibrational movement. Mhmm.


But there's not going to be an atom moving past another atom or a molecule moving past another molecule. They're sort of stuck in place.


Relative to each other. Right. They don't really move a ton. Right. Okay.


Now a liquid's molecules are held close together, but they are less rigidly close, so they can move past one another. They'll stay together in this one form as a liquid, but they are able to take on the shape of a container, for example. They're able to shape shape shift some, and the atoms and molecules can move past each other.




Now a gas's particles we've definitely talked about this. A gas's particles are not close together at all. They are very spread apart in a space Mhmm. And they will expand to the fullest extent of whatever container they're in. There's a funny there's a funny part on Parks and Rec where Andy Dwyer just pulls that fact out of nowhere and says, a gas looks bent to fill the shape of the container it's in or whatever.


And it always makes me proud because he's very accurate, and it's so unexpected from Andy. So the thing about solids, You know, those molecules aren't really moving.




But when the solid initially forms, they can be arranged in different ways.




So you can maybe think of this like blocks, like, from kids blocks.




can arrange them in a whole number of different ways, but there's still gonna be blocks.


Right. Right. Right. Right.


And you've experienced this, although you may not expressly realize it, because you've seen graphite, which is pencil lead.


Mhmm. And


you've seen diamonds?


Mhmm. Both


of those are different arrangements of carbon.


Oh, interesting.


Just carbon atoms. We'll probably have a whole episode on that.




So the different way that the solid forms can have really different properties. You can have something sparkly and beautiful that's highly ordered like a diamond, and Mhmm. Then you can have something like graphite.


Right. Right.


Okay. So what glass is is what's known as an amorphous solid.


Okay. That sounds very cool.


It is very cool. It's not a liquid.




It's a solid, but it's not formed in a crystalline state. So solids can be broken down into crystalline, which is highly ordered. They call a long range order.




So think of several repeating units over and over again. Say they form a cube like structure, All of the atoms are arranged in cubes, and they're stacked side to side and on top of each other. As far as the eye can see, if you shrunk down, it'd be the size of the atom. That is a highly ordered, also known as a crystalline structure.


Got it. Okay.


Think of a snowflake. That has a lot of orders. It's very crystalline.




Now the other kind is an amorphous solid. So in that case, it's cooled very quickly




the point of being a liquid.




But because it's cooled so quickly, it doesn't have time to get ordered. It doesn't have time to get itself organized.


Got it. Okay.


So instead of this nice, rigid, consistent Order material, it's sort of wacky. Mhmm. It's it's almost just like you took it in its liquid state, And wherever it was in its liquid state, you hit a button and froze it there. Gotcha. So, usually, as solid form, they'll take the nice, Whatever basically is the most stable formation, they'll make that, and that's why it forms these repeating units of similar structure sure over and over and over again every which way is because it's the most energetically favorable.


It's the most stable position.


Mhmm. But


if it doesn't have time For that to happen, it will just freeze wherever it's at.


Got it. So you mean, like, it's in a liquid form, like it's really hot, And then it Mhmm. Cools down below, like, the melting point of whatever




That is. And then okay. Got it. So, like, glass, for instance, obviously, can be liquid or Mhmm. Solid.


Okay. Okay. I think I'm tracking.


But if you cool it very quickly, it won't have time to be nice and crystalline.


Mhmm. Mhmm.


So an example of that you may have seen in real life is if you boil sugar in water and you hang the rope or the stick down, you can make rock candy.


Oh, yeah. Right.


But you have to really wait a while for that to happen. You leave it out on the counter, and you leave it there for days days, and it grows over time. Right?


Mhmm. Mhmm. Yeah.


You can't really speed up that process by throwing it in the freezer. Right. You might get some sugar globs, but it's not gonna be those beautiful rock candy formations.


Uh-huh. Uh-huh.


It's kinda the same thing with glass. So glass is made by generally, you have silicon dioxide and some other salts or molecules. So A very common one, silicon dioxide, sodium carbonate, and limestone, and you heat it up. And it in that molten state, you combine them and then cool it very quickly so that it it very quickly goes into the solid state, and it doesn't have that Crystal and structure.


Which I guess is great for it being really easy to see through in some ways. It's like It liquids are easy to see through too a lot of times.


Yeah. I wonder if that's true. 1 of the students asked me if I knew white glass was see through, and I don't. But I wonder if that's has something to do with it.


Because they obviously had a lot of structure going on. It might have things that make it


Be more solid.


Sorry. Yeah.


Yeah. I don't know what those structures would look like if you took silicon dioxide, and I guess that would be quartz, and that is more opaque. Yeah. Get that jam. That's a really good look at you.


Scientific mindset over here. That's true. I wonder if that's part of how glass is see through. So if that student from mister Hollis' class is listening, there's There's one of your answers. That's so exciting.


Nice. It's like this chemistry thing is kinda slowly rubbing off on me a little bit.


It's Starting to sick. You caught something that I didn't even catch, so that was good.


Just formed a little hypothesis, if you will.


But the thing is molecules are happier in a crystalline structure. So Amorphous solids, if given enough energy, can sort of migrate into trying to form a more crystalline structure over time. Now they have to have enough energy to do that, which for glass, You'd think, oh, that's why we've seen, you know, those windows that are thicker at the bottom than they are at the top because they flow over time.




That's actually not true.


Oh, okay.


A study came out, I think it was about 5 years ago, They revealed that the glass in cathedrals, you know, that's thicker at the bottom than it is at the top stained glass windows, it looks like maybe it's flowed over time. The movement of the molecules is slow so slow that we would not be able to see that change in our lifetimes.


Woah. Weird.


So it's actually more likely that those windows are just formed slightly thicker on one side. It's kinda sad.


Yeah. Seriously, that's weird, dude. Because that's, like, I think, probably the whole reason why a lot of us Have you ever heard that maybe glass is a liquid in a way or or, like, not a normal solid? Because We've heard of like, I've heard that touch about about old buildings and the Mhmm. The glass being thicker at the bottom.


But maybe that was even the case, like, May who knows how they made windows then? But maybe it was just an inherent part of the process where it happened to happen that way. Maybe the glass wasn't fully cooled. They set it up, And then while it's still really hot, that happens before, you know, before it's cold. Who knows?


But, like, that's the whole reason I've ever heard That maybe glass is weird.


I know. Isn't that shocking?


Seriously. But it would happen in a long enough timeline, Basically, just way longer than we live?


Yes. So it would happen in a long time line. It would happen to where It would probably move to a more ordered state if enough energy was put into it over time.




me make sure I can Find that article real quick. I was just looking at it, but do it was, published in the journal of the American Ceramic Society. Isn't that So wild that that exists?


Yeah. I wanna be a part of one of those societies. I'm like, man, these these exist out there. People are Living it up, having a ball in these societies, and I'm not part of 1.


That's funny.


I need 1.


So in the journal of the American Ceramic Society, that's where they published this information.




In 2017, they basically said that using their analytical experiments, they they found that the flow would calculate to be About 1 nanometer over a 1000000000 years.


My gosh. I know. There's no way. I mean, a stray way. Stray baseball would shatter that window much sooner for most Most of those situations, then they would ever get a chance to flow that much.


Yes. And now I think they specifically tested that kind of glass, so it may be different with different kind of glass, but the transition temperature where it would begin to flow is much, much higher than at room temperature.




So that that observable flow of glass would just take so long for us to actually see it. So that's Actually, just a myth that we kind of all believe.


Dang. Interesting. But But it accidentally led us to something that's Sort of true about glass that's different than other solid, so that's kinda interesting.


Yeah. Isn't that?


Yeah. We are able to Disprove the thing that actually still proves something that is still true about glass in a way.


Mhmm. Yeah. Well, here's our a place where this also occurs on a much more lifetime scale.




Many pharmaceuticals are also amorphous solids Because that allows them to dissolve more easily in your body.




And the reason they have expiration dates is because they have a much Closer to room temperature transition. So at room temperature in your cabinet, they will begin to become more crystalline




Over the course of a few years instead of a 1000000000 years.




And that will make them more difficult to dissolve in your system, and they basically become useless.


Oh, so you're talking about just, like, pills and stuff to do that?


Just farm like drugs. Just and some kinds of drugs are amorphous solids.


I'm pretty sure I've seen an old bottle of, like, Advil or something get kinda crystally before. Not like crazy, but just, like, it was definitely old. You know?


Yeah. Wow. So we don't see glass Slow over a lifetime, but you could see your medicine flow over a lifetime.


Almost as cool if you think about it.


Almost as cool. And it seems like, oh, yeah. Glass seems like it should be liquid, But it is different, like you said, than most solids, but it's not exactly a liquid. And its flow rate is really small, so we're actually that was a myth.


Yeah. Dang.


Okay. So if you wanna take a stab at giving that back to me just so we can make sure you're tracking, Then I have some more fun facts for you.


Okay. I think I can do this.




So we've talked a lot about gases in terms of the different states of matter. That's kind of been what we've talked about a lot where the particles, The molecules in a gas can spread out a lot, so they do. They want to. They're all over the place. Mhmm.


And then in a liquid state, they are altogether, but they are really free they're free to move kind of past each other.




And but they do stay in a mass if they can. So that's why they fill a container. You know? You're not just setting your cup of water on the counter, and it's, Like, floating all over the place.




Unless you're in the International Space Station, in which case I feel for you.


I don't know. I think they probably have Gravity Makers on the International Space Station by now, don't you think?


Oh, that'd be cool. Man, I have not thought about that.


I just assumed they did, but maybe that's because I watched too much xenon, the sequel as a as a child.


They think well, at least a lot of videos I see from from astronauts, they do a lot of the water tricks, you know, just for fun. But Yeah. But it wants us it stays together, And it's not trying to expand, but it does take the shape of its container in a liquid.




And in solid, things get much more rigid, especially once it already becomes a solid. Once it's in whatever shape or structure it's in, it it's really hard for that to change. There might be, like, slight movements of the molecules. But relative to each other, they don't really change a lot. They're not able to move past each other like a big can in a liquid.




But the difference being that solids can have very different structures from each other even though they're all still solids.




And the most ideal is for for solids is a crystalline highly ordered structure Because it's very stable. Yes. And in many cases, like, the between The difference between diamonds and graphite, it's also much stronger. It's got a lot more going for it in that realm. But with glass, it is a liquid when they're when we're trying to do stuff with it and combining the elements The makeup glass, which is, you said, silicon oxygen.


Die silicon dioxide, actually. It's one thing. It's in sand. Right.


So they combine you said something like sand and limestone and


Pretty much. Yeah. Silicon dioxide, sodium carbonate, And limestone heated up.


Okay. So they heat it up to be able to turn into liquid to do what they want with it. And then, obviously, once you get into a shape of some kind, either a vase or a window or whatever, you want it to stay in that. So they cool it




Quickly So the the work they just did stays, and that means that its state as a solid is not Chris Doolman, because that takes time to happen, and it's in a much less ordered state, Which to me reminded me of what it's like to study for a test versus Cramming for a test? Mhmm. If you take time, say, across a week where you study a little bit at a time, You get time to build your knowledge in a more organized way that makes you feel much more Structured, much more prepared, much more Yeah. Strong in your, yeah, in your preparation for a test. But But if you try to cram in, like, the last little bit, you might be able to review a lot of information.


You might be able to look at tons of stuff, That's gonna be so fast, and it's gonna be very disorganized that the state you are in In your mind, we all have experiences. We experience the times where we have studied a lot. Mhmm. And we experience the times where we have crammed. The state of our minds when we walk into that test, What we've studied for, like, a week or 2 in regimented structured ways versus when we crammed could not be more different.


That is so true.


And then it's like, we've got this building like, nice structured thing of knowledge. We walk in. We feel much more prepared, much better, Or we feel like, oh my god. I just flew through pages of a book, and it's all kind of maybe in there somewhere, but, boy, am I gonna have a hard time, like, Figuring it


out. That's good.


So that's kind of an emotion related analogy. Doesn't give us a picture as much as it does a feeling.


This is good because it combines 2 of my favorite things, which are human learning theories And chemistry. You know, that's my new research area, and that is true. Actually, studies and research clearly shows That if you practice a little bit over a long range of time, you are going to be able to build connections and make a more organized knowledge map in your brain Mhmm. Or concept map.




Then if you cram and if you cram, you're also gonna lose that information much more quickly. So that is Factually correct about human learning theory and a great illustration of the state of the molecules. You know, glass It's very disordered compared to the highly ordered crystalline. The the crystalline form of silicon dioxide is quartz. There's a great picture in my textbook, which I think I can take a picture of and post it, that shows the structure of the molecules in quartz versus the structure of the molecule in glass.


And one's nice and repeated and very ordered, and one's all wonky and crazy. And that's how your brain feels. You walk in. You're confident. You know this stuff and the way it relates to each other, or you walk in, and it's all kind of like spaghetti in your brain.


Yeah. So it's like and then that would explain too why it's kinda still moving. You didn't build a solid structure of knowledge. It's a kind of not super solid, not super dependable, blob of knowledge that you have that is gonna be easy to Kind of move and melt and not stay in your brain.


So true. That's good.


But that's also, in general, just crazy about Glass to think about it that way.




That I mean, I just thinking that it is really disordered because it's such a We or to me, I guess I would have thought initially that maybe it has a higher order because it's a perfect thing to see through. Mhmm. But I don't know. It's interesting. I'm I'm very fascinated that that's the case and that it's a really disordered, Not ideal for solids material, but very ideal for us and what we use it for.


Right. You know?


Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna tell you even more about glass. So one of those students asked why




use glass in lab. Mhmm.


You know,


we often use glassware instead of ceramicware. Mhmm. One reason for that is that you can see through it so, you know, you can see what's going on in your experiment. That's important in the lab. But another is that if you add different things to glass, you can change its properties.


So you've seen that different colored salts can change the color of the glass, and that's stained glass windows are about. But also if you add sodium borate, it'll be more resistant to thermal changes. And so Pyrex, the brand Pyrex, when they first started, realized that.


Mhmm. If you


could add sodium borate to their glass, it would be able to resist big changes in temperature. So, you know, now if you take your You can't take a casserole dish straight from the fridge and put it into a hot oven. You wanna let it come to room temperature and then put it in the oven? Uh-huh. Because if you go straight from hot to cold, it'll just break.


Mhmm. Mhmm.


Or you're not supposed to put your glass baking dishes right under the, not the broiler, but the preheat setting on your oven because it's so hot trying to heat up your oven that it could break the glass going from room temperature to that hot.


Oh, interesting.


But if you add sodium borate, it is resistant to that. And Pyrex originally had that.


Mhmm. So


you could take it from the freezer and put it in the oven, it would be fine. Wow. So they use that to make glassware for labs. Same Pyrex brand that you see in your kitchen, they would use that sodium borate to make it More resistant to heat, so you could take something directly from a boiling, bubbling hot reaction and Plunge it in an ice bath and immediately cool it down, and the glass doesn't break.


Wow. Dude, wow.


But, unfortunately, Pyrex actually sold off their kitchenware division, so current Pyrex doesn't have that same property.




Really. But old Pyrex does. Because you don't really need them to be that resistant to change in your home setting The way you do in the lab. But the lab Pyrex does still have that sodium borate in it.


Interesting. Yeah. That's crazy. Wow. I kinda wish it did just because it sounds, like, cool.


It sounds nice to have that ability.


Well, you can try to go to thrift Thrift stores and get old school Pyrex, and maybe that would still have it. Mhmm. Also, another way you can change glasses properties by adding something to it is you can add lead to glass, and it is more sparkly. It changes the refractive index, which we've talked about that in a previous


So Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Dang. Yeah.


I forgot about that.


So glass is not only amorphous, but it also can be tweaked and changed and has a lot of cool history 3 to it.


Interesting. And so does the nature of it's like its Structure make it or lack of structure, I guess, make it a little bit more conducive to have things be added to it that affect it that way?


I can't confirm that anywhere from any source, but I suspect that that is the case. Is that because it's not highly ordered, Adding something into it isn't disrupting this high order. You know, if you took a diamond and you shoved a different kind of molecule in there, you could see that imperfection. It's a mess up in the beautiful order of the diamond. Right.




But this is an order to begin with. So I think Because you're not messing with this beautiful order, it's kind of fine, and it can kind of take adding different things. That's my suspicion. I can't confirm that, though.


Got it. Got it.


That's just off the cuff chemistry brain talking.




So that's my fun stuff about Pyrex for you. Fun information that you earned with your awesome Analogies. So good job, James.


Thank you. Is it time now to talk about our Weeks, maybe what we can see through them? No.


I think it is. I think it is time to Go through the looking glass of our weeks.


There you go. That's a good one.


I did one. Nice. I did one. Nice.


It's like sometimes you need to put your We can do a microscope and really take a look at it and, you know?


That brings a whole other question to my mind about if how they make the magnification. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Okay. That's a different topic for a different day.


So, yeah, is there anything good about your week you wanna share with us, Jam?


Yeah. So for us, this is kind of a mix of things. It's not like Just just good or bad, but my wife and I have been working on trying to move, not away or anything, but Moving to a different house. We feel like we're obviously very much into kid mode, Having kids. Mhmm.


Yeah. Don't want a ton of time gap time between them, and so we're wanting to make some moves to be in position to have kids and have some room for that and stuff. So we've been thinking about it for for, like, a few months, and now we've really got the gears turning on That process, which is fun, but stressful. And Yeah. It's, you know, it's not it's not the necessarily the most exciting thing, we do like the house we currently live in, but it just feels like a change we need to make.


So that's been interesting, and we have been working on that. I've been looking at houses with our Realtor who we really like a lot who, shout out, used to be my barista. Woah. He was the, One of the owners of the coffee shop that I loved that sadly closed, due to COVID in guess what was that? Like, May or June when that happened?


I can't remember exactly when. But, Anyway, he he became a realtor before any of that happened and had started doing that. So he's my realtor, and he's awesome. He's Ben. And so that's been pretty fun, and we have a house that we're, have an offer on right now that we're we're working on and stuff.


So We


And it has a really nice backyard, so you and I can hang out socially distanced all day.


Yeah. So we'll see. Yeah. Exactly. That'd be awesome.


That'd be awesome. We'll we'll see if that one works out. We're in just, like, under contract getting these inspected and stuff. But so that's been occupying a lot of my mental space when I have not been working or podcasting or anything anything else. But what about you?


So I had the opportunity, For the first time that I can ever remember doing this in grad school ever, to take 2 weeks completely off.




I planned ahead. I got all my work done early. And very safely with all our COVID restrictions, we Got to spend time with my family, and that included a lot of quality time with my nephew, which was really special.




And we even got to go to Amarillo for a few days and see Mason's family, and we got to go to the Helium Monument, which was very exciting. We took lots of pictures.


Awesome. Dude, can't wait to see those.


And, overall, I think it was just Really good for me to remember that the world can keep on turning if I'm not working, and it gave me a chance to be excited about coming back to work. So I think this is the definitely the first time in over a year that I took a real break.




But it was the first time In all of grad school that I've had 2 weeks where I did not think about work at all, and so that was just really a gift. And I know not everyone has that luxury, but I think making a habit from now on of not being on my work email, anytime I have a vacation is gonna be something that I make a priority because it just gave my brain a chance to reset, set, and it gave me an opportunity to be excited Mhmm. About working again. You know, I took a real break, so I was looking forward to coming back to it.


Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Very cool.


Yeah. And I was really excited to come here and teach you about glass too. So thanks for coming and listening and learning all about glass.


Thanks for teaching us. Very fascinating episode. And this, like many of our episodes, is a an idea, a question from you guys. So please send us your topic ideas, your questions, things you wonder about. Is this chemistry, this thing in my life, This question I've learned, this thing I've heard, this myth I've heard or is it a myth?


I don't know. So if you have questions or ideas, reach out to us on Gmail, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at chem for your life. That's chem, f o r, your life, to share your thoughts and ideas. If you'd like to help us keep our show going and contribute to cover the Awesome making it. Go to for your life and donate the cost of a cup of coffee.


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This episode of Chemistry For Your Life was created by Melissa Colany and Jam Robinson. References for this episode can be found in our show notes or on our site. Jam Robinson is our producer, and we'd like to give a special thanks to s Navarro and a Kyosang who reviewed this episode.