Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

In Episode 16 of The Noon Hour of Madness and Mayhem Powered by Jalisco’s, Peaches and Viktor dive into the absurd and the amusing:
  • Folder Colors and Math Rage: What color folder screams "math" to you? And why does Viktor still hate algebra?
  • Post Malone’s Idaho Connection: Why his Airbnb hosts are cashing in on his visit—and why it feels just a little weird.
  • Flat Earth Adventures: A YouTuber’s $38K journey to Antarctica ends in scientific reality.
  • Pandemic Profiteers: Bands and scammers who abused relief funds are under the microscope.
  • Viktor’s OnlyFans Brainstorm: From cats to conspiracies, it’s nothing like you’d expect.
Laughs, lessons, and plenty of sarcasm—don’t miss it!

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. Victor, I have a question for you since you, essentially grew up in the nineties. Yep. Pretty much, I guess. I saw this post on the r slash nineties on Reddit.

You see these, rainbow colored folders? There one's red, another one's orange, goes down the line. Yeah. You've got It's not like a rainbow folder. Okay?

No. We've got, 6 different folders red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. But which one would you what color folder is math? I would use red because math makes me mad, and I hated that in school. That's what people were saying on Reddit.

I would go for purple. For some reason, that one just draws me to it. I don't know what you mean. I would use for, like, English. Orange, I would use for science.

I don't know. Yeah. Something like that. I mean, when I think back to school, I liked English class. I always thought that one was, was good.

But I did not like math once I got past about, I don't know, 6th grade. Yeah. In 5th grade, I I was really good at spelling. I'm ex extremely good at spelling. Even in 5th grade, I was really good at memorizing the, states and capitals and the abbreviations and all that.

I was ahead of the whole class when it came to the whole because I think you in 5th grade, was that implemented for you? Like, was that a big part of the 5th grade curriculum? That's a long time ago, Peaches. I don't know. But, I do know that in the spelling bees and stuff, I I always did pretty good.

I I was pretty good at spelling. Spell onomatopoeia, Victor. But now I'm old and dumb and forgetful, and I can't spell as good as I did when I was younger because I'll I'll find myself going, I'm just gonna type this in wrong and let spell check tell me the right way to do it. I don't think kids even have pencil boxes anymore. I used to have the cool, vault pencil box, and I still have one on my desk back at home.

It's like a it's almost like a safe. You can get a key and lock it if you want to. Oh, but we just had crappy plastic things or these little zip up pouches. Right. Stuff like that.

The teacher would provide it for the most part, wouldn't they? Yeah. Something like that. Well, in 5th grade, I had this, teacher named miss Kwok, and she had a thick accent and some spelling test or she would conduct the spelling tests. And I would do horrible on them because I didn't understand what she was saying.

She would say, like, bother, but, it sounded like she said brother or something like that. So I think it was the opposite. That's that's not really fair to the students. No. It's not.

Yeah. You gotta It's not her fault either. She's just from a different country. Well, you gotta learn to enunciate for dumb kids. But, yeah, once we started having to do algebra, I was like, this seems pointless.

Why are we doing this? Definitely. You know? And as I've grown up and worked in a variety of industries, I don't think most people use that. Is high school biology essential?

No. No. It's not. It's it's not. They got rid of the stuff that is essential, like auto shop, woods wood shop.

That stuff would be handy. Look at Jade. I mean, he's building decks. Yeah. Those were those were not required classes when I was in school, but I would think an auto class is, definitely essential.

People break down the side of the road. Yeah. Who's coming to help? Definitely more important than a biology class. I mean, and I enjoyed the science classes because I liked learning that stuff.

But as far as important things, you know, why not teach people about, regular adulting, how to finance a house, how to do something like that, how to do your taxes. I mean, I remember just being so confused in economics class because we're learning these complex things about how money works and how the economy works. That's only if you want to get into finance. Yeah. And it I mean, it was, like, really complex and baffling to me personally.

Maybe some people, it's a it was easy to pick up on. But, yeah, why not, let's go a little bit more basic here and basic financing, you know, things like that, you know, investments. You know, like I always tell young people, you know, if I had gotten a retirement plan set up when I was 18 and just started putting, like, a $100 in it every month when I was 18, do you know how much money I'd have invested right now just in a, like, an IRA or something like that? A Roth IRA is perfect Yeah. For that one day you turn 55 and magically you get access to all of this money tax free.

Yeah. Dude, nobody told me about that at least as far as I recall in school. And so I didn't get into any kind of retirement stuff till I was well into my thirties. And so I'm gonna have to work till I'm, like, 70 to hopefully I I don't even think I'll live that long. I don't have a lot of hope.

Your parents didn't say anything about, like, hey. You should start a retirement fund? No. No. That's weird because my dad was all about that.

Start early. Yeah. No. And that's why I've told my kids, you know, start early. Taryn's doing a good job.

You know, she's got some money in stock. She's better than me. She's a homeowner in Phoenix, Arizona. She's killing it. She's doing great.

So I'm so proud of the kids. They're way, way better off than I was in there. Them up that way, so good job. Well, yeah. You know, I learned a lot as I got older, and I made tons of mistakes in life.

And so anything I can pass on. Like, I know we got young people listening right now. And even if you're, like, you know, in your thirties, it's never too late. Invest. I've watched my retirement, you know, grow because the stock market's been killing it.

The economy's doing really well. So my retirement, even though I haven't been putting into it for more than a few years, it's already looking pretty good. Part of me is really wanting to just take take some money out of there. Take some money to pay off the car. I could pay off some debt if I pay, but I pay off the entire car.

Later. I'd regret it later. So No. Can't even taxes come around. Yeah.

So I don't know why that stuff's not really taught in school, but, yeah. Maybe we should do that as a segment. So I would take those Victor teaches economics on the air. Most of the classes from high school, I think back on, I would put them all in a brown folder. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's I Am Peaches.

I'm Victor Wolt. So yesterday, Peaches, I saw a post. I think it might have been in life in Idaho Falls, maybe life in Pocatello, where whoever owns the Airbnb that Post Malone stayed at, used that as an opportunity to, you know, advertise their Airbnb. Hey. Wanna sleep like a rock star?

You wanna stay where Post Malone lived here? I thought they would have gone creepy with it and said, you wanna sleep where post Malone slipped? Well, yeah, they kind of essentially did. And that's well, I was just wondering your thoughts on this. For some reason, it just kinda rubbed me wrong.

Like, you know, they didn't give out the address. He's not there now. But They'll use it to charge more. Potentially only benefit for them. I mean, I looked at the it looks like an awesome place.

I mean, there's not very many houses around here that have a pool because look outside. Right. You can't use a pool aside from, like, 3 months out of the year, but it was a huge place. Had, like, you know, pool table and all you know, really fancy. And so I I get it.

Like, it's a great way to, market your place, but at the same time, it seems kind of wrong to go, hey. Post Malone was here. I I don't know. Even though You gotta treat them like a regular person. The whole celebrity worship thing we've I I I mentioned it on my afternoon show about how, like, it use it's there's a whole survey about how you show signs of lower intelligence if you worship a celebrity.

Now I do admire a lot of celebrities. Yeah. I admire a lot. Follow them around and or post like, oh, Shaquille O'Neal once stood here like what TMZ was doing for their tours and stuff. I don't know.

People can get a little bit too and I'm I'm not saying that the people running this Airbnb are being obsessive. I and I do think Call them out. Call them by name. No. And I do think it's good marketing.

I I I don't know what I'd do if I was in their shoes, but it just seemed a little weird to me. Even though, yeah, he's not it's not like he's there, and they're like, hey. Hey. Hey. If you can figure out where the house is, he's sitting there right now.

You know, he'd already left. But, you know, if I was him, I wouldn't I don't know if I'd go back to that same place afterward. It sucks he didn't come here. Like, I was real upset that he didn't at least acknowledge us or something. Well, you know I'm just messing.

Of course. He's not gonna do anything. One one of these days, we're gonna get him in here. I'm gonna figure out the right people to He's on a whole other level of fame. Dude, he's he's, like, one of the biggest stars in the world.

There has to be some reason for him to be here. I don't think he's just chilling. No. He was hunting. Yeah.

You know, that's what I'd read. He'd gone hunting and Sure. You know? They said he was hunting in the Aberdeen area, and I'm like, man, my uncle owns land out there, in Springfield. Hey, Post.

Do you want you know, go go stay on the Anderson Ranch. Hit me up, buddy. I did watch a short this morning. I was gonna send it over to you. I think, Joe Rogan was trying to get like, go, like, why why do you wanna live in Utah?

Because Post Malone was on his podcast. And Yeah. Post Malone's like, I just hate LA, and everyone from Utah is nice. And People from Utah are nice. Compared to LA, anybody's correct.

That's one of the best things about around here. You know, there's a lot of things to not like Mhmm. But people are really friendly. Just not on Facebook? Just not on Facebook.

But if you talk to those same people in person, they're gonna be really nice. Yeah. So yeah. I mean, I don't I don't blame him for I I don't know. Utah is not where I would live, but he's probably up high enough outside of town that he doesn't deal with things like the crappy, pollution and inversions that happen during the winter.

He has his compound. Yeah. Exactly. So he's probably, sitting pretty good. And I don't think he'll ever leave.

I think he just kinda I mean, he still owns that Raising Canes, doesn't he? Does he own it? I I thought he did. I mean, I I guess so. Outfits are inside, and it's all Yeah.

And he put the for him. The truck from his new album. He put that truck out front. Mhmm. So I I think it's cool that we've got a big like, you know, a celebrity of that level.

And he's one of the nicest dudes out there. That's why I wanna meet him. There's, you know, very few celebrities that I see that I'm like, I would wanna hang out with that person. Now I have to admit that when we did the whole, like, which celebrity do you think smells bad? You did say post Malone.

Say post Malone. I bet he doesn't smell bad, though. Maybe after a few days hunting. Well, yeah. But maybe now he smells better.

But in his up and coming days, you're telling me that guy didn't smell at least one part bad? Well, see, you're talking about particular smells that maybe some people like that smell, Pete. Well, him and jelly roll look like they they would smell I think they have a certain California esque smell to them. The California air freshener. That's what we should call it.

What do you have over there, Victor? Well, did you talk about the flat earther who went to Antarctica yesterday? No. Okay. So this guy is a very popular social media flat earther, Jaren Campanella.

And he wanted to prove to everybody that the flat earth is legit. You know, that that's the truth. So this guy took a 9,000 mile journey to Antarctica so he could see if the sun really stays in the sky for 24 hours at certain times of the year, something that wouldn't happen if we had a flat earth. It would just not be possible. So this guy, he goes to Antarctica, you know, again, 9,000 miles and it cost him $38,000 to make the trip.

And he goes there and he finds out yeah. You're you're right. No kidding. That the world is not flat. There was a few people that had to tell his YouTube, fans and such like, hey.

I was wrong. There was a few people that did a full on thing of, like, let's see if the Earth's actually flat. Let's put our phones or something like that on tripods and have one be farther away than the other. And turns out, like, they weren't even at all. They were sort of tilted.

Oh. So it was something like that. It was a very intense experience or experiment to where they they got proven wrong big time. And then you sit them you see them sitting there looking all dumbfounded. Yeah.

You know, a good conspiracy theory has some kind of reason for it, you know, some kind of agenda. And that's what I've always tried to figure out with the flat earth theory. You know, like, why, if that's the truth, would they lie to us about it? You know, like, who does it benefit for us to think the world is a sphere? Yeah.

Who is the person that started that whole flat earth conspiracy? Because it didn't become popular till, like, I think 2016 from and, like, Kyrie Irving, the NBA player was, like, I believe that earth is flat. And then Shaq was, like, you're a dummy. Or no Shaq also said in the beginning too, like, I think I partially believe him or something like there was some weird Well weird thing happening then, and more and more people got into that whole flat earth conspiracy. Yeah.

It was a very weird one to pop up because, I mean, I used to read into a lot of conspiracy theories for fun, and they always had, like I said, some kind of agenda. You know? Oh, this gives more power to these people or, you know, it covers up the the truth that would, you know, result in, an uprising if people found out. But, like, if the world's flat, okay. I was like, I I didn't know what are they hiding.

You know? I don't know. I I think just people, like, especially during the pandemic, they got a little bit bored and started watching and reading weird things online. And, you know, when you're already disheveled from being locked in your house for months on end and not really going out in public, I think that it just you know, the whole pandemic itself did some things to kinda work people's minds. And, yeah, I mean, I've seen a definite shift in, you know, the way people think about science and things like that.

I think that's what the flat earthers were trying to get at because I just asked Chad GPT, what do you think the origin is or the motive is behind the flat earth conspiracy? Yeah. Number 1, distrust of authority. Okay. Like, you know, the conspiracy?

Yeah. Number 1, distrust of authority. Okay. Like, you know, like, we're not supposed to believe scientists or what the government tells us is true. Yeah.

And it's like, okay. You you can find things to, you know, critique the government on. You know, there there's lots of it, You know? And they do a lot of shady things, but those are those are the things we should be focusing on, things with, you know, some proof and that we can fix. You know?

Like, I again, if the world was flat and suddenly everybody knew that, it wouldn't even really change anything, you know, other than I can't believe that the world is flat. You know? I I don't think there'd be a massive public uproar. It's not like like, we've been lied to about every I don't I don't know. It's just the weirdest experience.

People trying to go on sea expeditions, and they would try to find out if they fall off the end or if there's, like, some hidden monster land that the the government's trying to hide. I thought it was a big ice wall like Game of Thrones. Oh, that's just a big, like, end of the world time when you can't pass this? A big ice wall holding all the water in. You know?

I don't know. It's just so strange. End of the Minecraft map, something like that. But I I'll get this guy props. He went all out.

He took a journey. He spent 38,000 But what's gonna happen to his channel? I don't know. Like, is he gonna now become like, I am now reborn as a normal earther. I wonder if the article says what he's gonna do now because What's his name again?

Jaren Campanella? Jer that sounds right. Jaren Campanella, j e r a n. And I I don't know what he's gonna do, but he's in he's acknowledged that the world is a sphere. So yeah.

I looked up Jaren Campanella on YouTube Mhmm. And there's nothing. I wonder where he maybe he's not a YouTuber. I I see La Campanella, the famous classical piece, but Jaren Campanella does not pop up with anything. Maybe he's not very I mean Maybe he How big of a vlogging his channel?

Actually, you might be right, Peaches. That could be it. Maybe he just wanna be be seen as a dummy and was like, alright. Let's pretend I was never on the Internet. Yeah.

Sometimes you gotta wipe the slate clean and start over. Wrapping up the new hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's I am peaches. I'm Victor Welt. You know, I briefly mentioned, the days of the pandemic earlier, peaches. How dare you bring up the forbidden 2020 year?

Yeah. Well Don't you mean pandemic, Victor? Tinfoil hacks. Jeez. Tinfoil hacks.

The world's flat. Okay. During the last few years, I pointed out a few times that there were people who took advantage of the, COVID 19 relief funds, you know, the the, like, PPP loans and things like that. Didn't I see, like, there's a there's a lot of bands. I shut down one of them Mhmm.

In Lincoln Park. I saw that article yesterday. Currently under investigation or at least, being looked into by the federal government, for using these funds inappropriate, inappropriately. Taylor Barber, you know, scamming people back in the day for vocal lessons. Yeah.

The shine down went, hold my beer. Exactly. We're joining the Hock Tua girl in jail. So among some of the figures of, musicians or that was a terribly put sentence there. Anyway, among the, bands who are being looked at, you got Slipknot.

Wow. $9,700,000 that they're looking at. How did you spend it? Korn, 5,300,000. Nickelback, 2,000,000.

Other artists being named. Oh, we talk about post Malone. Right? Oh. Little Wayne.

Maybe the maybe the Airbnb owners were okay with what they did. Little Wayne, Chris Brown, smashing pumpkins. Death in December. Allison chains, shine down, man. You know, I like all those bands, but I Take them out of the playlist.

They're troublemakers now, Victor. Get them out. I do wanna see anybody who takes advantage of government funding like that. And look at all those people during the during 2020 with the stimulus checks. Yeah.

I mean And, like we we've the average person barely got anything for a stimulus check. There are some people in my life that, like, you know, they got let go from their job because of COVID and they were making bank. And I mean tons of money with those stimulus checks, like, every 2 weeks. Well, that's unemployment. The, you know, the unemployment checks.

Advantage of that system to then Yeah. Spend money lavishly on So if you were getting big time dinners. Unemployment plus a, stimulus check whenever we got those. What one of them was doing at least. Yeah.

I mean, I I do think that these kind of things need to be investigated because, you know, there were lots of companies that it sure seemed like were engaged in shady business, or, you know, using those funds incorrectly. And a lot of people have had to pay them back Right. That had these things just forgiven. I just saw the, Hachtoa girl got sued because of the whole Good. The whole coin thing that she did.

You know? And I I know we've talked about the Haktoua girl a lot. I was like, yeah. I'd be on her podcast. Don't be greedy.

She was doing great for herself. She was like, everybody was supporting her in the beginning because she was, like, putting all this money towards the animal shelters in her area, and she was really caring about, like, you know, spreading the wealth. Exactly. And then to turn around and who knows? It could've just been the people around her that were like, hey.

This is a great idea. Let's implement this. But she's a young girl. Yeah. She's very naive in the with the whole Yeah.

You mean you fame situation. It all came so quickly. Exactly. So I'm sure she's got, you know, these yes men around her. But I'm sure she's a lot of ideas.

You know, she's they're making her famous. She's a Hollywood imp a Hollywood plant. And, yeah, I don't think she's a plant. I think she got lucky. I and I don't know enough about the ice spice story to Oh, she's talentless.

She's horrible. Well, people seem to like her. You know, they're listening to her music. But, Well, not anymore. She went way down.

Yeah? Way down compared to before. I I was never into that, you know, very good stuff. Talking to some of her hits at your house. Yeah.

Don't give away that I enjoy twerking, Peaches. That's my business. Alright? I'm clipping that. Alright.

I'm I need to start my OnlyFans, but, you know Woah. You said the forbidden website name. Well, what's funny is I saw I mean, there were a lot of people who just put up random videos that aren't inappropriate on OnlyFans. Of course, they do. Yeah.

It was meant for people to, like it's almost like Patreon. Like, support the podcast, support this. But then, you know, the one girl was like, watch this. And then, like, that one girl made $45,000,000 this year. Yeah.

She's made more than most athletes. Yeah. Like, you know, if I'd, you know, started one, it would be, hey. Here's me yapping about some stuff. It's not like I'm gonna be waving my feet around.

Victor Wiltshire. See, that might get you some money. That might. That might. All of a sudden actually went, like, full on, these are my beliefs explicitly.

Let's let's dive into it. You know, that Victor Wilts uncensored? Yeah. I I still and then the bosses, I'd be like, you have to subscribe if you wanna see what I'm saying. Give me a $10 a month.

Will you make them pay more? Feel like if you're Jade Davis, you pay 10 k. Yeah. Sorry. You're not part of the founding team here.

Do you see him begging the big boss? We need to pay that big amount of money to find out what he's saying. We gotta know. But then you they they pay and you find out it's not really just super tame. It's just Victor talking about his cats.

Exactly. It's just me. What dude, cat videos. I bet I could sell videos of Lucy and make some money. Oh, of course.

Cute. There you go. That's my only fans. It's gonna be cat videos. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Holly's ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group.

For more information oh, wow. It smelled of my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright. Okay.

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