The Viktor Wilt Show

Should bicyclists ride with or against traffic, can you speed up to pass someone in a construction zone, can you wear headphones while driving, how to get a job with the Idaho State Police, how loud is too loud for your stereo, can you get up to speed as fast as possible leaving an intersection, is the state required to keep roads clean during harvest, is there a limit on how bright headlights can be, can passengers in a taxi bring open containers into the vehicle, can you drink nonalcoholic beverages while driving

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Hey. What's happening? I'm Viktor Wilt. As I wait for lieutenant Crane to get in here for traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys, figured I'd take another look at this list of cover songs that people say are better than the original. Thank you to the countless people who called in with their thoughts on this subject.

If You wanna join in 208-535-1015. Alright. Let's see. Somebody said, sail by AWOL nation is good. Sail by devil driver is on a whole other level above the original.

I probably gotta agree. We played that on air recently as a matter of fact, DevilDriver Sale. And, not a big fan of the original so that you know, you metal up metal it up a bit. It's probably gonna be a little bit more to my liking. You wanna hear a little bit of this?

Hang on. Hang on. Let's pull it up here. Alright. Sail.

I know we've got both versions in the system. So AWOL nation, everybody's heard this song a 1000000 times. Alright. So you've heard that. Have you heard devil driver doing it?

It's we have just, kicked up a little notch. It does work pretty good as a metal song. I guess, you know, when you have ripping guitars in there with lots of distortion, I guess you can tell I'm a fan of that kind of thing. Like, I was, chatting with some folks in the ESP Guitar subreddit about my new guitar, and the reason I love my new guitar so much is because it is the most crushingly heavy guitar I have ever played on. It is absurd guitar players.

I've got it tuned to drop g, a 6 string, and it sounds pristine and crisp. The, it plays perfect. So satisfying to crush down on some riffage. Okay. Anyway, let's keep going through this list here.

The Mulan Rouge version of lady Marmalade. All right. It looks like this song could potentially have some bad language. I just wanted to say, I think Mulan Rouge is a really good movie. I like that movie.

It's been a while since I watched it. So I don't know if I'd still like it as much. Maybe I need to give it another watch, but I do like a good musical. You know, it don't judge me. Don't judge me.

Smooth criminal by alien ant farm. All right. I haven't heard the Michael Jackson version in a while. Let's scope it because they did do a great cover. Very eighties.

I think Alien Ant Farms is better. I I do think that's a that's a fair opinion there. Michael Jackson's version's fine, but, yeah, I think I gotta give it to Alien Ant Farm on that one. Alright. The cops have arrived.

Lieutenant Crane in the house, and look at that beautiful shirt you're wearing today. I am glad to see you clean the place up for me. Yeah. Josh brought in this mess. Well, me and Peaches made it more of a mess, but if you've ever wanted alternative band posters, there's about 10,000,000 of them you can sort through.

I know how much you're into that style of music. So I think I got a file for those. Oh, cool. Well, you you just take them. Get them out of here.

You you go ahead and decorate the old precinct back there. Liven that place up a little bit. We are getting a new building. Maybe this is the wall decoration. Yeah.

There you go. Do it like a teenager just like I do in here. Thumbtacks. You don't even need to frame them. You'll look super cute.

I would assume right out when people walk in the door, the first thing they're gonna see is that award for the best talk show in Idaho. You know, you and me doing this program, traffic school powered by the advocates. With a big picture of us. Yeah. Yeah.

The a huge picture of the 2 of us, and it can be on, like, a pedestal with lights pointing at it, so it really shines. Dim room with a light pointed. Right? You know, it says you're dragging people in, you know, all cups. They're like, oh, yeah.

I love that show, man. You're Lieutenant Crane from traffic school. Traffic school rocks, man. Have there ever been any situations where you had to arrest somebody and they were telling you, you know, hey. I love traffic school even though you're arresting me.

Yes. It's happening. Did it make dealing with them easier? Hey. They they are nicer.

Yes. Alright. See. We're helping not only the community, but you you folks as well. You should just tell all of the state police to claim that they are you, then they'll all have a great time.

There's a big difference. I'm short, fat, and ugly. They're tall, slender, and Handsome. Oh, okay. So that's how you tell if it's actually lieutenant Crane, everybody.

Absolutely. So how was your week? Ah, it's a good week. Yeah. Weather was amazing till today.

Right? Till today. Yeah. I have the blinds closed, but I've heard there was a mix of rain slush snow going on. Yeah.

What does that tell us, by the way? We need to start taking a look at our vehicles, making sure they're ready for winter driving. Start thinking about watching the weather before we have to get up for work in the morning, add time into our travel so that we can get there safely, and just be patient on snow days. Right? Yeah.

Nothing like the 1st snow day of the year when everybody forgets how to drive. Tire stores and cops are the businesses people around. I know. And I I need to get some new tires, so I was thinking about doing that this weekend. I bet it's gonna be a zoo because of this weather.

So annoying. And it's all cold now. I procrastinated. Why did everybody else? I know.

And it's all cold outside, and I'm gonna have to drop the truck off and walk home. You know? Sucks. Because I don't have a friend in the world to pick up. I'm a loser.

I have no family and no friends. How did I get here? Yeah. Last time I had to get my my truck worked on, it was a nice long walk home in the heat. Like, this sucks.

Maybe I should have been nicer. Yeah. Well, you know, I bother peaches to help me out with, various tasks from time to time, so I try to avoid, like, hey, dude. You know, come on. Help me again.

Because he's pretty busy. You know what? He does act like he has nothing going on a lot, so maybe I should. You know, like, Peaches, I would need you to wake up early Saturday, drive me over to get my truck tires, and, drive me home, then come pick me up again, drive me back over there, and then, thank you for your service. No.

No. No. It's get up early, come over, pick me up, take me to breakfast, then take me home. I like the sound of that. Yeah.

You're missing a step there. Feed me. Feed me, peaches. Alright. 208-535-1015 is the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates.

We're gonna take a really quick break, then we're gonna come back. And all of you people who've been calling all morning are gonna call back and give us questions about the law. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. We've got our first caller on the line. What's up?

Hey, man. I got a couple of questions. First of all, you guys are off, and I love listening to your shows. Thank you, man. Appreciate that.

So in regards to Pete's comment earlier, I've got a few different things about Backstreet Boys and NC. I'm with you. I I have no idea which is which. They sound the same to me. Lieutenant Crane, can you differentiate if you just happen to hear a random song, which one was Backstreet Boys and which one was NSYNC?

Man. I tell you what, I cannot. Alright. Here, don't look at the screen. Don't look at the screen.

We're gonna play you a little clip of a song here. I wouldn't even be able to recognize them by vision. Me either because they're just a bunch of, boy bands that all look the same. Will you turn your radio down, sir, as well? Me?

Yeah. It's it's off. Oh, okay. I'm just getting a little bit of echo back there. Every month.

Oh, sorry. It's probably my blue team. Okay. That's all I'm gonna play that one. And now let's try let's see here.

I know that your listeners wanna ask us about the law, but, screw it. I can't find it. Anyway, we're just moving along. We're moving along. Nobody wanna hear Backstreet Boys and NSYNC anyway.

Once again, Victor, come up short. Well, the way NSYNC spells their name, it's like n with a little apostrophe. So it's hard to find it in the system. Once again, I tried to do my job and I did not. Okay.

So what else you got? So my cousin was listening to Backstreet Boys when he was about 12. We don't need to know what happened to him after that. Yeah. Yeah.

That's funny. You'll like it. It's it's all g rated. My his dad came down the stairs and said, what is this crap you're listening to? Let's go for a drive.

And he took him for a drive. They they played Van Halen and Metallica and Slayer. Yeah. He was converted. I tried that with my kids too, and they're like, dad, this is dad music.

Get out of here. Get out of the car. Once again, he walked home. I do actually have a question about the law. Alright.

Great. So on a two lane highway such as, the Rigby Riley Highway, Highway 48, A bicyclist, are they supposed to ride with traffic or against traffic? With traffic. With traffic. Okay.

That was I just didn't know. I I don't ride bikes, obviously. Well, you don't see me, but you would know I don't ride bikes. Thank you. Especially the short shorts.

Well, if I did ride 1, it would be in a Speedo. Yeah. No short shorts, no Speedos, no spandex. Now he said highway. He specifically said highway.

You I don't think you should ride a bicycle with traffic on a highway. Well, let's state highway 48. It's a two lane that goes from Rigby to Ryrie. And so they really should be on the right side of the white fog line. Yeah.

Not much room there. Not real safe. You gotta move over a mile. Yeah. I like this reverb.

I know. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Saturday. Saturday away. I don't know why that's happening, but appreciate the call today, man. Hope you have a good one.

Thanks guys. You too. Keep up the good work. You too, man. See you.

See you. 208-5351-015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Alright. I'm gonna try to the reverb, and let's do our best monster truck commercials. Ladies and gentlemen, I think he he must've had us, like, on a speaker or something.

It's a Bluetooth. Bluetooth. Yeah. That that tends to cause some issues. Here we go.

I've already switched the channel. This is how we get people to call. If you don't call, we're listening to Backstreet Boys and Insync. Traffic school powered by the advocates. 208-535-1015, the number to call.

Alright. Which one was which? The last one was the Insync. That's right. Because you know it took me forever to look it up.

Because you couldn't spell it. But they do sound like the same thing. Bye bye bye. Does that mean I could go home? I think by the end of this morning show, you're gonna get those words.

Probably. Fridays in radio can be a rough time. By the way, here's your last check. Well, I need the money, but then I get I'm gonna be calling you up. How about that dispatch job, buddy?

Come on. What do I gotta do? I could pass the test. Oh. After we take this call, I'll tell you about testing.

Okay. 208-535-115, the number to call for Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Who's this? Dash. Dash, what's up, man?

Not a whole lot. I have a question for, Crane. K. So if you're on a construction zone, get in the left lane to go to pass and the guy's tailgating you, are you able to speed up to get past the other car without getting a ticket? Really wouldn't matter if you're in a construction zone or a regular speed zone, you still have to obey the law.

What happens is that individual can be stopped for falling too close. Awesome. Now what if you're on a I know. What if you're on a 2 lane highway? Don't break check them.

Don't break check them. But on 2 lane highways, you know, if you're if there are, like, 3 vehicles backed up, you can pass and speed up, right, up to 15 miles an hour? 15 miles an hour, and then you gotta get back in, but that doesn't resolve the problem with the guy following you too close in the back. Yeah. But what if you're in a construction zone?

Simple math. Can you if you're in construction zone, y'all 2 lane no. In construction zone, you'd have to maintain your lane. Most of those will be marked with solid lines. Oh, okay.

Alright. Well, there you go, man. Paint it or cones down the mill depending on the weather. But those cones, they're easy to drive over. Or swerve there.

Yeah. It's fun. I mean, there's fun to swerve around, but that's about it. Yeah. It's not as fun as hitting the big barrels, but, the cones are alright.

If my vehicle is 19 eighties or older, it's fun just to clip them all. Yeah. Yep. Alright. And and it's just the little ones that stand up thick little, cylinder ones, they're trying to smack on their head when they're on the motorcycle, but that's about it.

Oh, jeez. That sounds very dangerous. I hope you are wear a helmet, sir. He sounds like the kind of guy that does. Yeah.

Where's your helmet? No. I I actually have one on my head, and I have one on the back seat in case I get a passenger. So Nice. Good call, man.

Yeah. I I gotta say after seeing Katie Lee's helmet after her wreck, it's a good idea to well wear a helmet because if that was her face, Katie Lee would look pretty messed up. Yeah. After working up at the hospital for a little bit and seeing a guy who came in who was missing a good portion of his because he wasn't wearing a helmet. I started wearing a helmet.

Yeah. I'll bet, man. Well, good to hear it. You know, be careful. I I don't know if you're riding one today, but it sounds like it's potentially sucky out there.

So, might not be a good day for it. It. Well, thanks, man. Hope you have a good weekend. Alright.

Thank you. You too. K Bear, you are live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? Good morning.

This is Jack. Jack, what's happening? Well, you know, I got a question about earbuds or earphones while you're driving. K. Are they legal?

They are legal. Yep. You can wear them. You just can't let them distract your attention from what you're doing. Okay.

Alright. That's what I needed. Alright, dude. Good good question. Be safe out there, and I appreciate the call today.

Alright. Have a good day. Have a good weekend. You too, man. Peace.

Again, the number to call to join us for a traffic school powered by the advocates, 's 208-535-1015. So I gotta tell you if we got a second. Well, let's make the FCC happen. Oh, great. Then tell me.

It's it's not my fault. It's the government. It's the government. Alright. What you got?

So we're trying to hire. Right? We have open applications right now. Mhmm. So if you're looking for a job, you wanna join the Idaho State Police, right now is the time to go to idahos

Sign up. Take the online written test. We'll be in contact. You can call me directly. I'll help walk you through the process.

But the interesting thing is is this. When you talk about you, oh, let me take the dispatch test right now. I can pass the physical. We had 21 people. No.

Wait. There's a physical for dispatcher. It's a desk job. You brought up the physical. I was talking about the written test.

I got a brain. I just don't have much of a body. I dazzle them with my brilliance. That's right. You know, I got personality, you know, and personality is very important.

And that's what we're looking for in an emergency. Was he fun? Yeah. Exactly. Because, you know, you get call you you get that 911.

How can I help you? Yeah. You're not gonna get that. With me, it's gonna be like, are you alright? What's happening?

You need life flight. What what do you need, buddy? We're gonna help. Okay. So the physical, let's hear about this.

Yeah. So to apply for the patrol position, k, since we're not talking about dispatch, you have to pass a physical fitness test. We had 21 applicants come and take our physical fitness test. Out of that 21 applicants so far, how many do you think have passed it knowing that they're coming to take this test? Now where are these folks from in Idaho?

Are are you worried about Burley or what? Well, I know that there's certain areas where, there's more physical activity going on. Like is all Southeast Idaho. All Southeast Idaho. I'm gonna go maybe, like I'm gonna go 3 past it.

3 out of 21. 3 out of 21. You have some high expectations there. Oh, no. No.

That's high expectations. We had 1. 1. 1. And they all come in, knew what they had to do.

So I'm just begging you. If you're in physical condition, you have some common sense, and you'd like to have a career with the Idaho State Police, please go out and apply. Well, and I understand, some great pay and benefits and all that good stuff. Benefit package, retirement, 401 k, $2,000 sign on bonus. $2,000?

We'll send you home with a car that you drive home. You as soon as you walk out of your door, you're in service. You're in service till you drive back into your home, drive back to your home. And so there's a lot of benefits to this. If you're interested in a career change or even a career, get a hold of me.

Let's talk about it. Alright. I don't like this physical fitness thing because all the rest of it sounds great. My truck gets terrible gas mileage, so I could use a car. KA you live on traffic school powered by the advocates.

Who's this? Hey, crazy Carl. How you guys doing, man? Excellent. Crazy Carl Saturday, Saturday, Saturday.

Do you do car shows? Do you do car shows in the snow, dude? It it is. We're doing car shows in the snow, man. So what's up, crazy car?

So my question is, how loud is too loud for your stereo? There's no such thing. Call. You're at the end. How old are you?

I know you're way above the age that it's gonna be too loud. You may be Oh, no. Don't try to kid yourself. Sure enough. And rip the knob off.

That's right. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I've always found impressive is you could have people having domestic violence issues as neighbors. Nobody calls cops.

The neighbor Right. Teenage boy drives into town with the stereo up a little bit, you'll get 3 cops. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's because old people, that's just how we did it back in the day.

We don't wanna get involved with their problems. So Get turned that down. Is there, like, a noise ordinance? I mean City there's, city ordinances that are noise ordinance. Yes.

But, I gotta be honest with you, Carl. I would find it hard pressed for you to turn it up on to get yourself in trouble. Alright. I think you should try, crazy Carl. I think you should do your best stepper to get pulled over for too loud of a stereo.

Oh, yeah. So I actually, this weekend, At the car show. Here we go. Here's the promo. They're doing benefit for Toys for Tots in the, railroad parking lot.

And, those stereos get really loud. I mean, I used to have a kidney stone. I don't anymore. Broke that thing right up, all that bass. Very nice.

Oh, yeah. Oh, disintegrated it. But, yeah, I know. There's, there's there's probably gonna be about, oh, a 100 cars in the parking lot. And, last year, they raised about $3,000 for Toys for Tots.

It was a great event. 3 o'clock, they're gonna be handing out Halloween candy, doing a little trunk or treat for the kids and stuff. So, yeah. Railroad parking lot, man. You guys should come on down.

Blow your drums out. Alright, man. If I'm in pokey, I will swing by. Right on. You guys have a great weekend, man.

We'll see you. You see you too, Carl. Have a good one, man. Alright. Alright.

You see you too. You see you too. Hey. I'm multitasking. I'm I'm applying for my dispatch job showing you how good I can do at multitasking.

You you see it too. You see it too. Call her high. Talk. Hi.

Oh, sorry. I'm doing a bad job. Who's this? Oh, it's Zach. How are you doing?

Zach doing excellent, man. What's your question for traffic school powered by the advocates? Yeah. So what are the physical requirements for ISP? Hey.

That's a great question. Are you ready to go, Zach? Because I'm gonna tell you right now, you tell me if you can pass them. You gotta do a vertical leap minimum of 14 inches. Nothing to it.

Right? Then you go to, push ups. You gotta do a minimum of 21 push ups. No problem. Then you gotta go to Is that time limit on those?

Nope. You can rest in the up position, but you can't rest in the down position. You gotta stay planked if you go to a rest. I'm out now. How many how many push ups could you do?

It's been a while since I tried. 3? At least. 3? Without your back sway?

I I think at 3, I might start going, ugh. This is why I don't do push ups. This is why I haven't said gym. Then we go to setups, and I can't remember. The minimum is, like, 32 to 35 setups.

Then after that, we go do a 300 meter sprint. Have to do that just under, like, a minute and 10 seconds, and then a mile and a half run, and you have to complete that under 17.17 minutes. Only mile and a half in 17? Yep. 1717.

Bad. No. So let's sign you up. Let's get you back to the track this next week. There you go, Zach.

Your new career awaits. I know I was already a correctional officer for 5 years. It's figuring out if I wanna do ISP or not. But, hey, appreciate it, man. Hey.

Get a hold of me at my office. 528-3411. Let's talk. Let's get you in a car, let you see what we do, and then let's go to the track and let me make fun of you while you're trying to qualify. That's 1, tubby, tubby.

That's 2, tubby, tubby. You wanna be a cop? You better find it. Major pain really is your favorite movie. Isn't it?

Thanks, Zach. Alright, bye bye. See you, man. You call me a liar. See where you get your attitude from.

Okay. Bear you're live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? Hey, this is Nick. Nick, what up, man?

Hey. So I got a quick question. Is there any kind of particular traffic laws on, like stop and go speeds? You know, like, you're trying to get up to the speed limit at a traffic light. Is there any I was always told as a kid that, like, that you can't speed up as fast as possible to get to get to the speed limit kind of, you know, do like a drag start even if you're not racing and you stop at the speed limit.

Is there any rules that, dictate on how fast you can get up to the speed limit? So what that states, there is a code that says exhibition of power. And so if you're breaking your tires loose and going like that, yeah, you're gonna you're probably gonna be stopped. Now if you're just getting there at a higher rate of speed now you can get there I mean, if you're driving a geo, go ahead and knock yourself out. Get after it.

But, no, if you got a hot rod, you're just breaking your tires loose and lighten them up until you get to the speed limit, we got a problem with exhibition of power. Other than that, if if it could be considered reckless or inattentive in the manner of what you're driving, it's a concern, but there's nothing that says you can only it has to take 3 to 4 seconds to get up the speed limit. Nothing like that. So it told me if your tires are necessarily burning out? Or if you're in a reckless or in a tinting manner.

Yep. Okay. Sounds good. That's what I that's what I wanted to know. And what else matters is how much can your pocketbook handle?

Stick it saying cheap. Well and maintenance on your car is what I'm thinking. Yeah. I know. I the tires thing I talked about earlier.

Yeah. Oh, man. It's fun burning your tires off till you go to the tire store. Yeah. What?

They cost that much now? Oh, are you kidding me? Well, appreciate the call, man. Hope you have a good weekend. Yeah.

You too, guys. Thanks. Right on. See you. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates.

So you said all of those things that you have to do, were physical fitness tests for patrol. Now let's go back to this dispatch thing. Is there a physical fitness test for dispatch? Take your right hand, put it over on your left wrist. Do you have a pulse?

Yeah. I mean, do you have a clear criminal history? Well, what does that mean exactly? Can you answer her phone? No.

Well, let me prove it. K Mary live on traffic school towered by the advocates. Who's this? It's Justin. Justin, what's up?

Well, with harvest going on and everything, farmers dragging the dirt out on the road, is there anything saying that they gotta keep the road clean? We live in an agricultural environment, and so if they're dragging that up because of the environment, because of this rain, snow, sleep, no, there's nothing real now if it becomes a hazard, we probably they probably need to be responsible and get that cleaned off. But, no. You know, we wanna support them. They're the ones that drive our economy.

Right. So and if they don't have their crops out by now, they're in trouble. Yeah. Yeah. It's time to get that stuff dealt with immediately.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you still have crops in the ground, let's get up and get going today. So that good question, man. Alright. Thanks. Yep.

Have a good one. Luckily, we won't see any of that on 17th Street. Supposedly. Some road's a disaster. Don't get me started on driving down 17th.

Oh, K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? Hi. This is Ray. Ray, what's up?

I was wondering if there's a limitation to the brightness of the headlights and if there's, like, a statute of limitations for that because you've got all these projection headlights you can buy for vehicles now. Okay. So what that says is anything coming towards you within 500 feet, it can't be blocking the vision of the oncoming driver. And if you're coming up behind the vehicle, it's 300 feet. 300 feet?

Yep. But there's no per se lumen limitation on what your bulbs can be? Nope. Unless they say off road use only. Okay.

I'm just curious. I've got I mean, I've got a new f 350 that headlights are much brighter than some of these old beaters, and I get flashed all the time. But then, like, I give them an x-ray when I turn my bright on. So I'm just Yeah. You did you did you put a body lift or leveling kit on it?

No. I I just have 37 inch tires. I don't necessarily have a lift kit on it. So so what that's saying is it was, the headlights were aimed for when that was on its stock in its stock position. Where you put the bigger tires on, you've raised your headlights up, you're blinding people, you need to pull it up and adjust your headlights.

You can do that easily by just pulling up in front of your garage door or a building, and make your adjustments, and bring your headlights down. Oh, yeah. I've I've had them recalibrated. It just it they're the new LED, even Marimoto projection headlights. Okay.

Yep. No. As long as you're, going to dams within 500 feet to oncoming traffic, you're okay, and 300 feet, coming up behind somebody. Awesome. Awesome.

Alright, man. Great question, and, enjoy the new headlights. I know that people get irritated by them, but when you're driving with them, it's great. It it's an even better reaction when you're at a stoplight and somebody across the intersection flashes you, and then it's like you give them an x-ray when you flash them out. That's right.

Light them up. It's all about you, isn't it, Victor? Yeah. Exactly. What's best for me Hey, Ed.

And what makes me happy. Screw everybody else. But if they give me an x-ray because of the light, we are having worse. That's right. I'll pull right over.

No. I'll I'll crack my window a half an inch and I'll tell them, you bad person. That's right. I don't like you. Appreciate the call, man.

Yeah. Thank you. See you. 208-535-115, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Anything else going on in the community that you wanted to let people know about?

Man, I'll just hit that we're hiring again. We need at least 4 here just in the Idaho Falls area. Throughout the state, we we could use, like, 24 right now. We still wouldn't fill our ranks, but we would fill our academy. So if you don't have the desire to live here in Idaho Falls, but you'd like to have a job with the state police and live anywhere in the state, let us know.

We have openings throughout the whole state. Our starting wage right now is 27.86 an hour with a dollar an hour pay increase for night shift differential. Nice. And, like I say, that $2,000 sign on bonus. So if you think you got what it takes, we'd love to talk to you.

And, just go to the ISP website. Yep. Or give me a call at that number I give out, 528-3411, and visit. Well, I would love as much of the K Bear Rock Army on the force as possible because then, you know, when I get pulled over, hopefully, they're, you know, using that officer discretion to my benefit. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Who's this? Samus. Samus, what's up? So I'm a taxi driver, and I got told that when I'm taking drunk people home from the bar and they got open containers, it's allowed. That's interesting.

Yeah. No. That's not allowed. No? No.

No. Not allowed. Yeah. No. Because a a passenger can hand you the drink and you can hand it right back.

Now what if you're a cab driver and you drive a van? Oh, the same way in the back. The only time that works out is if you're in a motor home. Okay. You gotta start driving a motor home, bro, and then you could market yourself out.

Tell you this. You're gonna put up with enough obnoxious people just giving them a ride home, let alone let them continue to drink. And they'll spill the beer all over your vehicle. The cab. Yeah.

Yeah. Can I lie to smoke in here, burn a hole in your seat? Yeah. Yeah. That is a problem.

Alright. That's a good question that I I don't think that one's come up on the show before. Yeah. If you got stopped, they could be cited for an open container Okay. Wait.

As a passenger. Yep. Alright, dude. You guys have a good one. You too, man.

Peace. K Bear, you are live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? My name is Stewart. And, Stewart, what's up?

Hey. I have a question for you. Keep your side for a moment. So if, you know how, like, a you can't drink and drive. I do know.

Drink non can you can you drink nonalcoholic like White Claws or beers? Is that legal? Yeah. Nonalcoholic, you're fine. Now some of those have a very small percentage of alcohol.

So, like, if you throw down, you know, 40 beers of nonalcohol You're gonna get yourself to the legal limit if you can pound 40 O'Dules in 5 minutes. So yeah. Yeah. That one's come up before. It seems like a good way to get yourself pulled over though.

Yeah. Yeah. Like if you're just holding the can, it looks like a beer. And it smells kinda like it. You're probably getting out and doing the roadside Olympics.

Yeah. So it might be a hassle. And I mean, nonalcoholic beer sucks anyway. So yeah, I I just go for a nice, Doctor Pepper. Alright.

Well, sounds good. Thanks for the info. Thanks, man. Have a good one. Bye.

You too. Bye. 208-535-1015. If we've got any last callers for Traffic School powered by the advocates, apply for a job with the state police. I was just thinking, you know, we give things away a lot of time when the advocates are here.

They have really cool giveaways. Right? Yeah. We like it when they're here. With that being said, what we should have done is say, hey.

If you call in today, we're gonna put your name on the list, and we're gonna allow you all to come out and perform the physical fitness test. You win a chance to take the physical fitness test with the state police. Dude, that sounds like a great great prize. Do that next week. Say, anybody that calls in, we'll invite you out.

We'll let you come and participate, see what we've gotta pass to become a state trooper, and, give you that opportunity. May I ask someone we can put together? I think it would be really funny to see, Peaches try to do it because, you know, Peaches, he's he's bragged up his, basketball skills and things like that. I've seen it. He always talks about how he goes out and runs every morning and things like that.

I've seen it. I wanna see if Peaches could be hired by the Idaho State Police. And the other thing is they could meet you and I. Yeah. We'll stand there.

Yeah. And we'll we'll conduct the test. Yes. I'll oversee. Yep.

And, Peaches can go ahead and just, we'll see the push ups, the sit ups They can do it along with Peaches. Yeah. Yeah. Let's, let's line it up, listeners. If you wanna get in on this, you just call me throughout the day.

I'll keep a list of people who wanna go do the, and who knows? They might discover, oh, I like it. I did this. Yeah. And I wanna be a state police officer.

You get to wear the cool hat. You know? Local cops, all they get is cowboy hats. Yeah. These are, you know, beyond cowboy hats.

You get us, walk up to cars, stare at them until they wet themselves. That's right. You know why I pulled you over? Because I'm a cop. That's why.

Do you have a disrespect for the law? So, yeah, I hope you guys can find some folks. With with that, it was fun. We were at the track, and this, young lady just showed up to exercise. Right?

She's like, oh, hey. What do you guys do? We're like, oh, we're gonna perform this physical fitness test with these guys. She's like, oh, what do they have to do? She asked the questions.

She goes and does her warm up, comes back, and she goes, okay. Just getting started doing it. Yeah. You care if I work out with them today and do it? She passed it off.

These guys are, like, failing. I was like, oh, this is my dream. My dream. I said, how would you like to come to work for the state police? I can't.

I'm, you know, the kid. Well, you know, one one of these days, I'll be making that call. Come on, please. Let me answer the 911 lines, please. I promise I'll be respectable and normal.

I've got a mortgage to pay. I've got 2 cats to eat food. But they're hungry. Yeah. Let's get that list together.

That'd be fun for us to go out and just put that on for people. I think it'd be pretty fun. Yeah. That'd be a good time. So, good show today.

Thank you to everybody who took part. Traffic School powered by the advocates will be back next Friday, 8:45. And, everybody have a great weekend. You as well, lieutenant Crane. And thank you very much.

Traffic school is a production of river bend media group to get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website,