Everyday Motion: A podcast for the emerging motion designer

Welcome to the Everyday Motion Podcast, where we help the emerging motion designer navigate the muddy waters on their way towards becoming an everyday motion designer. 

We'll discuss everything from practicing the craft, finding your place in the industry, advocating for yourself and others, money, relationship building, networking, and of course everything in between. Now join me as we travel down this path to becoming an everyday motion designer.

What is Everyday Motion: A podcast for the emerging motion designer?

Podcast guiding the emerging motion designer on their path to becoming an everyday motion designer.

Welcome to the Everyday Motion Podcast, where we help the emerging motion designer navigate the muddy waters on their way towards becoming an everyday motion designer. Now, what is an emerging motion designer? Good question. An emerging motion designer is that artist who finds himself on the cusp of entering into the motion design field with little to no experience working in it.

These people can be students, hobbyists, junior designers, or even experienced professionals in a different industry that are looking to enter into ours. Following that, you may ask, what is an everyday motion designer? It's pretty simple actually. An everyday motion designer is one who's working in the field every day as a professional motion designer.

These can be everyone from the freelancers to the agency or studio artists. All the way up to the motion design heroes we know and love. They've trudged through the early years of watching endless After Effects tutorials and learning all of the wrong ways to do business as a motion designer. They started either in the lowest rungs of a studio or agency, or they've tried to go out on their own as a freelancer and made all of the mistakes that everyone makes.

I, uh, have definitely made any and all of those mistakes. Do you know how an agency is set up, and how your role as a motion designer fits into their ecosystem? Do you know how to find your voice when first working at a studio? Have you ever wondered how to level up your game in order to work for the top studios and companies out there?

Do you know what mistakes to make before you even make them? If you're not really sure how to answer those questions, well then, you're in the right place. My name is Kyle Harter and I'll be your host as we sit down and talk with fellow industry pros in depth about the topics that we all wish we knew more about when we first started out.

We'll discuss everything from practicing the craft, finding your place in the industry, advocating for yourself and others, money, relationship building, networking, and of course everything in between. Now join me as we travel down this path to becoming an everyday motion designer.