The Southern Nevada Real Estate Show

Information about the revitalize program, market information from August to inform the September housing market, tips for sellers, and info for investors and 1031 exchanges.

What is The Southern Nevada Real Estate Show?

Every fourth Sunday, Regana Kooman-Henry discusses various aspects of the home buying process and home ownership experience.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
You're listening to special programming brought to you by Regatta. kumin. Henry of Coldwell Banker Premier Realty the content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Regana Kooman Henry 0:40
Welcome to the Southern Nevada real estate show. That's on every third Sunday of the month at 8:30am. I'm your host Fergana with Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, I am a full time real estate agent and broker associate since 1991. And now I would like to talk to you about the revitalize program which allows for repairs and improvements to be completed on your home with no upfront cost to you, as the seller until the home is sold. I actually have a new commercial that's been out this month, if any of any of you have listened that talks a little bit about the revitalise. But, with 30 seconds, I'm not really able to give it some detail like I can now so we'll touch on some other things. So with this program, it's great. If you are low on funds, however, you understand that the home needs to show at its best in order to get the highest price possible for your home. And it's a known fact that homes that show their best have a greater chance of getting the top dollar top price for their home versus homes that need a lot of work and don't look their best. Now, I have worked with many sellers over the years and I can see what a difference it makes with even, let's say small things done on a home. For example, a home that's freshly painted, and professionally clean, and the yard is maintained well versus a home that needs all these things done. And you can really see the difference. And right now since the interest rate has gone up and home prices have not come down. Buyers are more particular about the home's condition since they are already going to be paying a much higher monthly mortgage payment. Buyers these days are adding up in their head, how much it's going to cost them for the homes repairs, and improvements in addition to their much higher monthly mortgage payment because of today's higher interest rate. And this is why it's so important for sellers to pay more attention to the way the home shows and functions and to do the necessary repairs. And improvements before the home goes on the market. For the home to show in its best light in order to get the highest market price possible for your home. If you would like more information, and please don't be shy on this program, you can definitely reach me at 702-596-1267 that 702-596-1267 And also with this revitalized program, homes are selling at least 25% faster. And 75% of homes with this program are selling at or above the list price. Now some of the things that real vitalised can help you with are staging and design services, painting, kitchen and bathroom refresh flooring, cabinetry cabinetry, excuse me, cleaning handyman service electrical and plumbing, landscape and curb appeal moving on storage and project management. And it's so necessary to have your home looking at its best, especially since rates are up and do you know for any purchasers or even potential home sellers, do you know that certain new home builders out there are buying the interest rates down actually for their buyers in order to attract buyers? That's right. There are certain national New Home Builders around town that have brought the interest rate down as low I've seen as 4.99% and you know with rates right now fluctuating around seven or higher and it's a fixed rate to when I quote 4.99 And that's that's the lowest I've seen but you know we would be able to look together and see what the builders are doing current Utley, to buy rates down for the consumers. And you know, the new home builders can afford to do this because they have their own mortgage company internally. That's something that outside lending can't do. It's like all under one umbrella with a lot of these national builders and new homes are the largest competition for sellers right now. And that is why it is so very important to have the home showing at its best sellers. If your home is looking gorgeous, inside and out, the better chances of you not having as many low offers on your home, because the buyers will be too interested in purchasing your home and will also see the value in your home when it's in its top condition, both cosmetically and mechanically know, if you're a homeowner that wants to sell your home, and purchase your next home, however, is your waiting until interest rates come down, then let me know so we can explore all options including your purchasing, like I mentioned a little bit ago, a new construction home with a lower interest rate which would allow you to save money on your new mortgage payment because certain builders can offer you a lower interest rate that would allow you to achieve your goal of purchasing a gorgeous brand new home and also help you realize a good price for exist for your existing home since inventory is still low. Now for the listeners out there that are listening to my show for the first time. My name is regatta kumin Henry. I am a professional real estate agent and broker associate. And I represent assist and guide buyers and sellers with the American dream of homeownership. And I have been in the business since 1991. This is my full time career. And I have helped and guided several buyers several sellers over the years with their real estate transactions. I am a quality service award winner. I am a member of the Veterans Association of real estate professionals. And I do assist a lot of active duty and retired veterans also, and I am a certified corporate relocation agent, with my office with my office and my company as well. And I assist corporate clients moving in and out of Southern Nevada. Now selling a home or purchasing a home is a major step in someone's life. If you've have been thinking about selling or purchasing and need more information, to know if this is a good time for you, you know, because it may be it may not be but let's talk my number is 702-596-1267. And for all the listeners out there that are renting, rent is not cheap anymore. If you think that you cannot afford to purchase a home today, there are options such as purchasing together with someone that you can trust instead of doing it alone. And I had this tremendous opportunity to represent these two people, these two guys that recently that there they were best their best friends. And since each by themselves, it would have been a struggle for them to qualify for a mortgage loan right now. You know, they decided to go in it together. And they are both very happy and pleased and are so thankful that they were so willing to help each other in that way into getting into homeownership. So you don't have to do it alone. If it's a struggle with the payment since the interest rates are higher, you know has to be someone that you'd feel comfortable with maybe a family member or a very good friend. But there are ways if you have complete trust to still realize your real estate goals. And now I'm going to switch gears back to the homeowners out there. I know there are some people that are out there listening that may be going through let's say a divorce. And this is a very tough time for you. You may or may not have the funds to repair or make improvements on your home. However you both want to get the highest market price possible so that you can split the proceeds between you in order to finalize the divorce. Well also with this real vitalize program, it can benefit you because you don't have to pay for the repairs and improvements until the home is sold. And unfortunately it exists divorce First, and it's a sad thing. However, I have assisted with all types of situations, including divorce situations. And some of you listening may not know which real estate professional you want to hire to represent you with the most expensive asset you own and also is normally the most expensive asset to be negotiated as part of the divorce. And if you are ready to take that step to know more about how I can assist you, and the most comfortable way possible without, let's say, for example, you feeling I'm taking sides between the two of you. And by remaining very neutral in the process and in the transaction. While at the same time, I would be focusing on getting you the highest market price for your home, so that you are able to move on with your life. And my goal is to always do a great job for all my clients so that you will remember me as someone that did everything possible to help you. This is why the majority of my business are from past client referrals. I know also, there may be some homeowners listening this morning, that are having a tough time financially. And you know, unfortunately, these things exist too. And you may be thinking of selling your home, however you're depressed, you're stressed out because you really don't want to do it, who would want to give up their home, I completely understand. If you would like to talk about it, I can meet with you and have a one on one private, no obligation consultation with you to see if selling is the best option for you right now. And if it is fine, if it isn't, I'm very honest. That's how I get my repeat business. I'm looking to you first before my bank account, because if I do a good job for you, even though you're having a tough time, you will remember me and hopefully, you know, remain in contact and in the future, I will sell you another home again if you do need to sell. And I know it's very emotional and draining to think about having to sell your home. However, we can weigh out the options together. And if you do need to sell to save your credit, because a foreclosure remains on your credit for several years. If you do because of that reason that you don't want to have a foreclosure on your credit, I promised you that I would be there for you through the entire process and will also help you to get set up in a rental home until you are able to purchase again and you will be able to purchase again there is a home for everyone. The written now there with the real vitalized program that I have mentioned a few times. It can also benefit us since you wouldn't have to pay for repairs or improvement until the home is sold. And it will allow you it will allow their home to be in great showing condition in order for you to get the highest market price possible for the home. And there may also be some investors listening right now I'm switching gears to investors that own investment homes that would like to sell their investment home. You may or may not know that if you sell a rental home, or a home that you don't own or occupy, you will have to pay what we call capital gain taxes unless you do what we call a 1031 exchange. If you don't know what I am talking about, and you would like more information on that on a 1031 exchange process. In order to save on the capital gain tax. Again, my number is 702-596-1267. Or if you just need some clarity about anything, real estate related whether you are trying to decide if it's a good time to purchase or sell a home. If you're in a divorce situation, and or if your finances are not the best right now. And you need to know if now is a good time to sell. I am here to help anyone that would like to talk about it. And I respect all my clients. And I also respect your privacy too. Everything is very confidential between us. Now, I am going to talk about the stats for August. Now you might be saying I'm not interested in the statistics for real estate Well, the stats and numbers for current real estate market is so very important to keep up with. After all, knowledge is power. The more you understand what's happening in detail with the real estate market. We'll help you to make an informed decision on if it's a good time for you to sell or purchase a home right now. Along with no obligation consultation. Even if we can get together and talk about it. And so, here goes, I'm going to talk about the statistics. So in August, this is all statistics for August, there were 2009 single family homes that sold in August. And in August 447,435 was the median sold price of a single family home in August. And there were 2641 new single family listings in August. And the median listing price for single family homes in August was $478,000. And there were 3881 available homes in August, excluding offers. And the median list price for available single family homes was 532,995. Excluding offers. And now we'll switch it up to condos, townhouses. So in August, there were 640 condos or townhouses that sold in August

there were 724 New townhomes and condos that were listed in August. There were 978 townhome and condos available excluding offers. And the median list price of all townhomes and condos, was 285,000 in August. Now in August 69.8% of all single family homes went from available to under contract with a buyer in 30 days or less. And also in August, Sunday 3% of condos and townhouses went from available to under contract with the buyer in 30 days or less. Now can you might be saying to yourself again? Well, that's really nice. But how does that, you know, help me? Well, the more you know, knowledge is power. Right? So along with our conversation, the stats and we'll go through them, I'm expect the listeners to actually remember all of these stats right now. But it's here for you. If, in fact, you are interested in knowing the stats, and I can give them to you every month at 702-596-1267. And now, I want to reach out to whoever is listening right now. And to say from the bottom of my heart, if you are thinking about buying, if you're thinking about selling, if you're listening to the news, I'm not saying the news is all bad or it's wrong. But there are certain parts of the news to take into your truth about what's happening and the area that you live. A lot of times the news will report what they hear, but it doesn't have to mean every certain part of the United States has that same situation. So only a real estate professional like myself, can actually sit down, bring you into the office, show you in black and white, what things are selling for, you know, as a real estate agent, we're tied into what we're calling a multiple listing service. So for example, if you're a seller, if this is your first time selling, once I sign you up to sell your home, your home can be sold by me, or it could be sold by the other 15,000 or so real estate agents in Southern Nevada. And I'm still here to represent you as my seller. Now for buyer, you know, same thing applies just reverse. I can find any property that's listed with any real estate company in town. It doesn't have to be a Coldwell Banker listing, it could be a listing with era center 21 Any company in town we're all pretty much tied together. We pay into belonging to the multiple listing service which will give you the most accurate and up to date information. Now I know a lot of you look on Zillow to try to see what your house is worth or if you're like trying to debate if you want to purchase a property. You're on the internet. You're on Zillow, and those are okay to give you kind of a little general example of what's going on. But to really pinpoint it down the internet. A lot of times doesn't update things But us as realtors, when we put the homes on the market, if we don't keep it updated, let's say from available to pending, pending to sold, we get a fine, you know if we're not up to date with that, but when you're looking at free information on the internet, there's no obligation to to update anything. So I'm here for you. I'm here for whoever's listening that's on the fence, whether you're struggling with your home, whether you want to purchase a home, sell a home, this is what I do. I mean, I consider myself a real estate professional, I really don't like the term salesperson, although in the grand scheme of things, yes, I will be selling you a home if you're a purchaser or I will be selling your home. If you're a seller, this is true. But I like to distinguish myself from the average sales person, I like to educate my clients so that they know what they're signing. I like to spend time, as much time as it takes with my clients one on one, so that they understand the process. So that once let's say, if you're a buyer, if you see something you like, you're not going to have all that hesitation, because we've already had orientation, you've been to my office, we've met face to face to see if we're a good fit for each other. And I've explained everything and complete detail. I'm an open book. Yes, I sell homes for my livelihood. But off the bat, I feel more that I am someone that is an educator, somebody that a consultant, someone that guides people into making good decisions on buying and selling properties. And that's what makes me feel different. I'm in it for the long term. I'm not saying that all realtors or all salespeople in general are bad people. They're not there's a lot, there's the good with the bad. However, the difference I can truly say with me is I look to my customers. First, this is how, how I have been doing this since 1991. I started in 1991. I didn't know a soul out here. And then I went full time in 1995. And I never looked back, it's been my only career. My only job. And even though this is my livelihood, I literally literally could not sleep at night, if I feel like I'm not doing the best job I could do for my clients. And I'm in it to get repeat business from satisfied happy customers. Like my, my past customers are in my present customers are and my future customers. It's listening right now. I want to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Because at the end of the day, we all know real estate, purchasing or selling a home is going to be the most expensive thing. That's the most expensive item that someone will ever have a transaction regarding in their lifetime. This is for most people, you know, and I do take it very seriously. And you know if there's anything I can do for the listeners, you know, if they have any questions at all, please don't hesitate. I am a true open book for for real estate purposes. There's no such thing as a bad question. And I'm very humble without my clients and past clients, I wouldn't be able to do this show. And I take that very seriously. And I don't take anything for granted. You know, I know it's you, the customer or my future customers is why I'm able to keep the show running. It's why I have a fabulous career. And I feel good about it. And I know when I do clients, right? I know, you know my livelihood will come from that. And I really, really hope that you enjoyed my show today. And I hope you got something out of it. We kind of touched on a variety of things. And I'm open to suggestions too. If you ever have anything real estate related, you'd like me to discuss my numbers 702-596-1267 And you know, you're never too old, never too young. My youngest client was 18 turned 19 When I gave him the keys to his house. I've shared that story before if you haven't heard it when I talked to you I will give you the details, my oldest clients 92. So there's a home for everyone. It's never too late to do the right thing. So I hope my show was a benefit today to the listeners out there. And please understand that I am here for you. And I appreciate all my listeners and I do appreciate your business. And I never like I just said take anything or anyone for granted. I'm regatta Kuin. Henry with Coldwell Banker Premier Realty and I am your host for the Southern Nevada real estate show that airs every third Sunday of the month at 8:30am. My number is 702-596-1267 that 702-596-1267 And my license number is BS 27880. Thank you so much for listening to my show this morning. And I hope everyone listening has a great Sunday and a great week.

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