Startup Founder Roadmap

Take a front-row seat with AI technology pioneer Stephan Fair as he unveils the thrilling journey of artificial intelligence from its nascent stage in 2019 to the brink of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which he predicts could arrive by 2026. Stephan shares profound insights into the rapid evolution of AI and stresses the necessity of widespread AI literacy to quell public fear and prepare society for the future. His perspective highlights the crucial need for understanding both the promise and risks that accompany AI advancements.

From boosting productivity with GPT-4 to revolutionizing content creation with Modern IQs, this episode showcases the transformative power of AI for entrepreneurs and content creators. Stephan discusses how AI can streamline marketing and product development, turning traditionally time-consuming tasks into efficient, one-click solutions. We explore the potential for AI to maintain authenticity in automated content creation and the future legal implications for intellectual property. Join us for an enlightening conversation that traces the impactful intersection of AI technology and entrepreneurial innovation.

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Embark on a journey to success with the Startup Founder Roadmap, your go-to guide for navigating the challenging yet rewarding world of startups. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just launching your first venture, this podcast is your compass for building, growing, and leading a thriving startup company.

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The Startup Founder Roadmap Podcast is your weekly dose of practical advice, industry insights, and expert guidance. Hosted by Christopher Hines, a podcast specialist with a passion for empowering startup founders, each episode is crafted to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to not only survive but thrive in the competitive world of startups.

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00:00 - Chris (Host)
What's up, people? Welcome back to the Startup Founder Roadmap. I'm your host Coach, chris. Today we have very special guest, stephan Fair. I hope I'm saying that right. This is one of the people that is knowledgeable about. Ai, artificial intelligence technology, all of that good stuff even leadership and entrepreneurship, which I think are huge. Stephan, welcome to the show, hello, hello. Welcome to the show.

00:26 - Stefan (Host)
Hello, hello, thanks for having me.

00:29 - Chris (Host)
So one thing I always ask my guests when I start these off is why should people listen to you? I think it's always good to start the show with your credibility, because they want to hear from these special guests.

00:41 - Stefan (Host)
So I want people to know why they should listen to you and how great you are they want to hear from these special guests, so I want people to know why they should listen to you and how great you are.

Well, so I guess, when it comes to technology and the AI space, I started using AI in 2019.

So, let's say, in 2019, I was using LLMs the first time, or something some you know childish LLM before open AI, and so that was, I guess, two and a half years before everyone else so, and I could see. So when, when, when, for example, open AI came out the first time, I thought like why is why is there such a fuss? It's like the worst tool I ever used and people were getting crazy because they can kind of talk to it and I was like, well, you probably can, but it's taking it's like super long, it breaks up all the time super slow and the quality of the output is like 10 times worse than what I'm used to since since one and a half years. So this is maybe I would say I started more early, but also, you know, I'm before. I was like heavily involved with software as a service tools. So the whole, you know, software industry is like what I'm doing since, I don't know, four years now or something Actually more like since 2018.

02:11 - Chris (Host)
So yeah, yeah, so you have that longevity, and I think that's important in this AI space because it's the most popular thing everywhere right now Like it's everywhere, which I think is a good thing. I like that everywhere right now, like it's everywhere, which I think is a good thing. I like that. But I do think some of the people are jumping into trying to be the spokesperson for it and they don't really have any kind of like resources or results or tools. Um, so I gotta ask you this too when it comes to ai, does it scare you at all in any way, because you've been in it for years, so does it scare you at all, just yet well, the thing, what people were scared about are scared about now.

02:52 - Stefan (Host)
I was scared about five or six years ago and everything which I was scared about played out exactly the way I was scared about. So I'm seeing, but, but, but this also means that I have a head start not to everyone. So let me say something before. There are no real experts. There are experts in AI, but this is more research. The field is developing so extremely quickly nobody can really keep up. There are some people you you could follow on linkedin which their job is to do nothing else than keep an eye on the development in ai and share that with the world. So those are probably the, the experts where you would need if you really want to know what's the current state and so on. Um, but when, when it comes, because I have such a head start, I'm now seeing how things are playing out on the positive and the negative side. So there's a lot of positives positive, a lot of upside and there's a lot of risk as well. So, yeah, I can, I can see. I can see both.

04:03 - Chris (Host)
Yes, I think that when I talk to normal people, I say normal people, like just the people who have no idea in any capacity what ai is like. They work their regular job or they go to school and they just go home like I think those people are going to be really really far behind when it comes to ai. But then it's people like you and I that are like into it. Like when you say LLM, I know you're talking about learning language model Most people have no idea what that is. That's the part that fascinates me is I think some people's fear of AI is stopping them from even learning about it. No, they're so scared, they're like, ah, I, I gotta get away from that, and I think you should be jumping in now so that in 10 to 15 years you know what's going on. I think that would be good.

04:52 - Stefan (Host)
Well, so, first of all, the the really scary part about ai is all the people that don't know about it. Yeah, because the the really that that the thing that actually scares me the most is when I'm telling somebody, when I'm talking about agi, people are like what is agi? You mean ai. No, I mean artificial general intelligence and ai, which is, by the way, we are this. This is important. We are half the way now to AGI. So, since the launch of ChatGPT in autumn 2022, till today is half the time to AGI has already passed.

So if you listen to the real experts in the AI development field, they tell you that AGI is coming by 2026. And this is like right now, we are in the middle in the AI development field. They tell you that AGI is coming by 2026. And this is like right now, we are in the middle, in the half. So by 2026, we will have an AI that has human capabilities in intelligence, not just in auto-completing text. So we're talking in form of a robot, a robot that can do everything a human can do, and that's one and a half years away. So when I hear that people are pushing this topic away, this is exactly that's the scary part. It would be better if the global population. I made a post yesterday, I believe, where I said there's only one topic the whole world should work on right now, and that is prepare for AGI. Not that this will ultimately be a super horrible scenario, but we should be way beyond the point where everybody knows what's happening right now.

06:43 - Chris (Host)
Yeah, I agree, beyond the point where everybody knows what's happening right now. Yeah, yeah, I agree, and I think, when it comes to sass and software companies, I love what ai is doing in that space too. I love how easy it is for people who don't know how to code, who don't have a bunch of experience in software, to go and make something, because that person could make something that makes all of our lives easier, safer, right, like I think about it from that perspective, not just the monetary route, it's like this person could use AI to make something that makes the world a better place. As corny as it sounds, I think that's very much possible now, you know.

07:18 - Stefan (Host)
Yeah, so I had this question coming up today is what's the current standard of AI and what's the current? What's happening right now and what people don't understand is we, with GPT-4, we created a system. Modern IQs has a system where, for a specific use case, for creating blog articles we're using a GPT-4 level system, but it's a thousand times faster than ChatGPT. So what that means is what's currently possible with AI, even if we stop developing AI to be more potent. What we already have right now is the possibility to create systems where one person can do the job of 1,000 people using ChatGPT people that are using ChatsheepBT. If you max out what AI is able to do today, the maxed out version, this is what we're doing with blog articles, and so that means when you use our system, you can create a blog article in 10 seconds, and with ChatsheepBT, you would need four hours to do the same. So that's a rough 1,000x.

So the risk here just talking about this quickly, there's an enormous upside because if a person can be more productive, the whole world has more money in the end. Right, we get more wealthy the more work we get done. So there's an enormous upside. But also, if one person that doesn't needs more training than a couple of hours can do the job of 1000 people, using chat.

GPT, by the way. I mean so. So we're talking without chat GPT. You would need 20 hours to create a blog article in the same quality as we do now in 10 seconds.

09:24 - Chris (Host)
That's insane to think about how much time is being saved, like if you're a founder. Now, marketing is easier, I think sales is easier, product development is easier. Everything is just sped up if you know how to use the tool. So can you speak to how founders can better use AI to do product development or marketing or whatever it is? How can founders use AI to improve their business?

09:51 - Stefan (Host)
So what's happening right now is what's happening right now, and this is the wrong path we're on. Like in certain things we do is like we develop these systems further because we're not nearly using as much potential of the current state. So so what we are doing is we're using the maximum potential of the current state of ai, and if you would so, so what? So that's why we focus on one click solutions, right? So, for example, an entrepreneur, a founder, who's waiting for the bus somewhere or waiting in the red light, and he has a content idea, something about his company, when you use our tool, you go on our website, he puts in the headline, he presses create and when he comes home, it's an equivalent of 20 hours work is done. So all you have to enter is a sentence and press one button. So if there's more tools like that created so this is a very specific use case it's only for blog articles, but I mean, with blog articles, you can promote your company really, really well. So it's quite a useful tool.

But if we would stop developing AI to be more potent and use it's right now capabilities to develop more one-click AI solutions for other tasks, then we can be so much more productive without running very big risks, like I mean, we could, like I'm seeing a lot, a lot possibilities in the content space, but you know, what we're doing right now is, instead of developing one-click solutions that max out the capabilities, we do something like Copilot.

So what Copilot does is it gives an employee the possibility to create an email two times faster. The possibility to create an email two times faster, so the email in the whole sales process of that person, the email is 0.5% of his work or maybe, what I don't know, 5% of his work. So, having having the job done two times faster, you would you would save 0.25% of of the person's work. This is what's happening, and what we could do is eliminate 100% of the task because we can create an AI that takes over the complete process with one click. So we could be 10,000 times more productive with the current level of GPT-4. Would be totally enough. I mean, even GPT-3 would be enough.

12:32 - Chris (Host)
See that right there is mind-blowing to me, because I do think we're still at stage one of even thinking about how we can use AI. It's always about content or something like that, whereas me, I wanted to get to the point where I can give the AI a prompt to build an entire app and they go and build that with all the pages, all the workflows, with all the functionality.

12:54 - Stefan (Host)
That's like next level.

12:55 - Chris (Host)
To me, that's what I think we need to get to, because, again, you have so many things you can make and just try and figure out, and I think that's how you really get to that. Next level is trying those different things and that kind of evolution. What do you think is holding us back from getting there? Do you think it's the focus or it's just timing?

13:13 - Stefan (Host)
It's. In my opinion, it's the focus. I see this. I see this everywhere. It doesn't really matter.

I used to get mad at dating apps, because the worst dating app which takes the most amount of your data Tinder right Used to be the popular, most popular one. Then you people are using whatsapp, but there is like plenty way better alternatives. So it's like I think it's human nature that we see something new and then we're just just like petrol in a car. Right there used to be. Uh, we could have had way better systems long time ago ago. But what we usually do is we have a problem and we find something that kind of does the job better.

I think one of the bottlenecks right now is that people are you know, there's so many new apps. Which one should I choose? I'm using ChatGPT. I'm used to it, you know. But they don't realize how much work every instance or every output they do with chatGPT, how much work it actually is. They are really happy. They're really like I'm so efficient. I'm getting four times the amount of work done. What they miss out on is there's this other guy who gets 400 000 percent of the work done and that's the guy who's so this is, this is so.

So just just to to let that, this is the specialized ai solution, a specialized solution that can do one job extremely fast, extremely good and and you know we're not talking about fast the quality is like 10 times higher than you can have with ChatGPT.

14:52 - Chris (Host)
Wow. So I need you to talk about that a little more, because I think when you say 400 times the work, most people are going to say I don't believe it. So I need you to explain that a little more. Like, what's this platform and can founders go and use it?

15:09 - Stefan (Host)
So you know what? I give you an example which is maybe more relatable to people instead of blog articles. Let's say you need to write an email in your job. With ChatGPT, you're 400% faster. So you write four emails in the time where you used to write one.

With our system, we have an email, we have an idea generator. So let's say you need to have ideas for emails and then you need to write them. Okay, the idea generator you need to put in your topic, for example I don't know, so like, for example, your email marketing campaign or whatever. So you put in one sentence and then it creates categories and then it fills the categories for your topic with headlines, with ideas. So two minutes later, you have 500 content ideas for emails and then you just copy the content idea, paste it into the other app and it creates the email in one click. Copy paste, copy paste, copy paste, copy paste. This is the difference between. So, on the one hand side, you have this guy who is writing his email by hand and he's kind of getting laughed at from the guy. The guy who is using chachi btn is four times faster. And then there's this other guy and he's copy paste, copy paste, copy paste, right.

So man, this is like the speed you can. You can create an email in five seconds. The other guy with chachi btn needs 10 minutes. So, yeah, and this is what? Exactly. This is what we do with blog articles. And we have another app, which is not that good yet, which is creating 30 social posts with one click and that's creating, you know, the text, the hashtags. It's creating an image by AI, and then it's, it's it's taking your branding as an overlay. It's, it's, it's taking your branding as an overlay, so, so, so, let's say you're, you have your youtube red as a branding, so it's, it's putting the red over the image, then it's putting your headline from the youtube image on top of the image and then it's putting your logo. So it's, it's automating all this work and all you enter is like startup challenges as your main topic and you press create and then it's creating 30 posts, text, images, everything yeah, that's insanely valuable man.

17:38 - Chris (Host)
And thinking about that, the first, my first thought was if I was an author right like if I'm an author.

having this at my disposal would be incredible. Not only can you write the book faster, you can make all your marketing assets faster, like you can present the book faster, like everything just sounds way faster and more efficient. And I think one of the complaints about faster tools like the one you're describing is quality. How can you address the quality kind of problem that people have with this stuff? Because I myself have seen people that take the chat, gpt or the AI content and then they post it and it doesn't do too well because the quality isn't all that good.

18:21 - Stefan (Host)
So I give you a counter question how are you going to manually do quality? It's not really possible. I mean, you can spend a lot. The only thing you can do to manually create quality is spend a lot of time. If you have an automation, you can automate quality. So, for example, when you create a blog article, you should have one big headline, the H1. Then you should have the smaller ones H2, and then the small ones, h3. So this is called the headline structure with blog articles and people. Most bloggers I think do, but it still takes time. So if you say this is the main headline, this is the sub headline, this is the H3. If you don't do this, your quality is lower, right from the blog article. But you can automate this. And the thing is, when it comes to Google ranking, it's Google has a lot of things which is looking for.

19:31 - Chris (Host)
It's too many. It's too many. Google is insane with that.

19:35 - Stefan (Host)
And the thing is you don't really, you never really can do this. This is why people are, you know, doing this and that and maybe this, but then you could do hundreds of things to get the quality almost, almost perfect, and we are automating them, so it's like you can't really have the same quality if you do it by hand.

20:01 - Chris (Host)
it's just impossible yeah, I agree, because I think, with ai having access to all the words, all the stories, all examples, just more information and research than you, it seems like it will be impossible to write better than AI. Like you can write more as a human, I guess you would say with adding in certain mistakes or fallacies or issues, whatever you want to call it but I just I find it hard to believe that I'm going to write better than AI. Like I don't think again. Me, I've been in AI stuff maybe a year and a half now and like every day into the stuff, but I only look at it for content creation and podcasting, Whereas now that I'm using it for more writing, I'm like this thing is very advanced and I I'm not.

I don't think that you should always take all of it and then post it as your work. I do believe that if you're writing a book or something like that, I definitely think you should take the time to break up the content to you know, switch things up, make some alterations and all of that so that it's more of your writing right, Put more of your personality into it. But I don't believe you're just going to make the best possible writing anymore. I don't know. You're just gonna make the best possible writing anymore.

21:08 - Stefan (Host)
I don't know, man, that's tough, yeah, it's tough, look so.

So, just as an example, when you gave me your like this last question, what also could have happened is um, let's, let's assume, in in the after edit, I I am taking the video and I'm creating automatically by AI, creating the transcript, and then I'm asking my AI to answer this question. So I gave you an answer before and I think it was quite okay. But the thing is, if you after edit this and ask AI, it can take the context of our whole episode till that point and it can take the context of everything what you do, your products, your skills, everything you have published and is somewhere in a database accessible for the AI. It can take to answer this question and it would probably come up with something way better than I just answered. Right, I'm actually developing systems like those for myself right now, or actually I'm already using them and we're probably going to get them onto the platform as well. But what I'm saying is you can't really beat, I mean, a system that instantly takes 10,000 pages of text about you to answer one simple question.

22:29 - Chris (Host)
You can't beat that. That's not even comparable.

Like it would take you forever to read those 10,000 pages. It's just not so. I love where AI is going. Last question, before we get out of here Do you think there's something that founders should be watching out for when it comes to AI? Like anything around intellectual property or with legalities and stuff like that? Like how far are you thinking ahead when it comes to AI? Like anything around intellectual property or with legalities and stuff like that? Like how far are you thinking ahead when it comes to AI right now?

22:52 - Stefan (Host)
So, yeah, I'm going to do some advertising now. Our system we got inspired by Mr Beast and we're trying to get the price down. Right now, everybody who is using our system gets one free blog article per month, and that is already very good in the eyes of Google if you blog at least once a month, but what we're trying to do is get this up to 10. So that 10 times a month, you can create a blog article that is plagiarism checked, which is very expensive Right now. This is one of the issues holding us down and like does all the automation and you you can use it from your phone with.

With the next platform, which, which we're launching this or next week, you don't even need to create an account. You just go on modern IQs, enter the headline of your blog article, press enter. Enter your email so we can send it to you, press create and when you look the next time, you have the. Then you just need to copy all the content from the email, paste it on your website, publish, or you should check, yeah, but so watch out for one-click solutions and actually demand one-click solutions. We should demand. If we demand something like Copilot, we'll get something like Copilot and we'll be more productive, but we'll be like 20 times 20% more productive, or maybe a hundred but not a thousand X yeah.

24:23 - Chris (Host)
So watch out for one-click solutions. I would say People are going to love that 400,000 point that you made just that productivity. Founders are obsessed with productivity and saving time, moving faster and all that stuff, so I know this episode is going to do well. I'm super excited for it. Stephan, thank you for being here. Thank you for being a great guest. Where can people find you and work with you?

24:46 - Stefan (Host)
I'm basically everywhere, obviously because we're automating almost everything. So you can find Modern IQs on TikTok, you can find me, Stefan Fair, on LinkedIn. You can find Modern IQs on LinkedIn, on Facebook, on YouTube, but mostly.

25:16 - Chris (Host)
I would suggest everybody to especially like next week and the week after. Go on the Modern IQ's website and create once a month. Create your blog article for free and be present in the eyes of Google.

25:21 - Stefan (Host)
All right, man, that sounds good, Thank you again for being such an amazing guest. Thank you for having me.