Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!
Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, November 4, 2024
Episode summary introduction:
It’s hard to make friends as an adult, this podcast is so brat, Josh hates airheads candy, STOP snoring in my FACE, what are you supposed to say to the lady at the dump, we should have plugged the Christmas lights in before we strung them on the house, Fantasy Football update, Josh finally fixed our daughter’s vanity chair, adventures at the laundromat, and bad marriage advice.
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Full show transcript:
Hey. What's up? This is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. Yours had so perky and fun.
I know. Monday. It's Monday. Time changed. I got an hour of sleep.
4th. On today's show, it is hard to make friends as an adult. Ain't that the truth? This podcast is so brat. It's a brat podcast.
Josh hates Airheads candy. Yeah. What's the deal with that? It's so gross. No mind.
Laffy Taffy is way better. Oh, agreed. 100%. Stop snoring in my face. That is not how you said it.
It is how it is. You said, stop snoring in my face. No. I said And then you shoved my face. You put your whole hand on my face.
No. I did not. Pushed it. I did not. Yeah.
You did. I didn't. Roll that beautiful bean footage. What are you supposed to say to the lady at the dump? Hi.
I'm Josh. Who are you? You shouldn't do that. We should have plugged the Christmas lights in before we strung them on the house. Such solid advice from the almost 20 year old.
We've got a fantasy football update. Josh finally fixed her daughter's vanity chair. You'd think she'd be grateful. Adventures at the laundromat Sure. And bad marriage advice.
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Enjoy today's show. I will. It is Monday. Time changed, and so you're, maybe thinking it's not 6 o'clock, but it is 6. It is 6 o'clock?
It's 6 AM. It used to be 7 o'clock, and now it is 6 o'clock. So here's the thing. I like it, for for right now. I like that it's it's I feel rested.
It's been an hour, all of that. The hard part is later on this afternoon when it's gonna feel like it's time to go, and it's not. And it's not. That's the hardest thing. Hour left.
Yeah. And it's starting to get dark outside, and you go, oh, no. Yeah. No. My day is not.
It's not 6 o'clock yet. It's only 5. I know. That's Or 5, and it's 4. Whatever.
Yep. Yeah. All of that. Yep. So, anyway, welcome to the first Monday since time change.
Hopefully, you remembered that it happened yesterday. If you didn't Here's the worst part is that you have to change all your clocks, but there are some clocks that are really difficult to change like the one in your car. Oh, does yours not automatically change? No. Oh.
I'm not fancy like some of you rich people. What? But I don't do it often enough. And so then I don't I every time there's a time time change Did you figure it out or not? Remember how to do it.
No. Because you're not supposed to do it while you're driving. Well, I know. No. I haven't done it yet.
Alright. Well, we'll get it taken care of anyway. What's going on today? It is job action day. It says discovering vocations that perfectly align with your ambitions where aspirations meet reality is like uncovering a treasure trove of purpose.
Well, well, well. Yep. A treasure trove of purpose. Yeah. It's, It's about what we all want.
Yeah. It's Easy Bake Oven Day. Use Your Common Sense Day. Do they still make Easy Bake Ovens? Oh, I'm sure they do.
Yeah. It's National Candy Day and, National Chicken Lady Day. Hold on. I gotta go back chicken lady. Yeah.
What's chicken lady? Well, it's, it's a day celebrating and honoring doctor Marthenia, went by Tina Dupree, known as the chicken lady. Oh. She's a motivational speaker. She would speak about community involvement and efforts in business development.
She gets a whole day. Mhmm. National chicken lady day. Hold on. We gotta go back to Easy Bake Oven because when Beck was little, he wanted an Easy Bake Oven.
That's right. And my mom bought him an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas. That's right. But she was so disappointed because all the Easy Bake Oven boxes just had girls on them. That's right.
Didn't she put mustaches on them or something? Yes. Is that what she ended up doing? Yes. She drew mustaches on all the the little girls that were playing with the Easy Bake Oven on the box?
To show that boys could also play with Easy Bake Oven. Mustaches. That's hilarious. I forgot about that. That's fantastic.
Well, happy all the days, and, hope you have a good Monday. We are in the studio now, and we'll be here all morning. So All morning? That's right. We have to be here all morning?
Yeah. Alright. Get up. Get going. Happy Monday.
Happy November 4th. Josh, when was the last time you made a new friend? It's it's been a while. A lot of people are saying they haven't made a new friend in an entire year. That's probably true.
In a year. Oh, I'm trying to remember the last time I made a new friend. It's hard as an adult to make new friends. I mean, you're not thrown into a room with 25 people your same age for hours a day. No.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Or And then the same interests. Yeah. Well, it's easier, I think, when you're when you're a kid in elementary school, and they're like, here's 30 peers.
And you're in this class with them, it's it's a lot easier to be like, alright. Who in this class feels like we could we could hang out? And then as you kind of go through elementary and into middle school and high school, you kinda, like, weed that out and you go, yeah. Well, you have certain clubs that you're a part of. You're like, oh, you like this thing too?
Me too. Who do you like? I like that too. Right. So it's easy to find shared interests when you're forced to be in a not forced, but when you're in clubs together.
And then and then you go into, you know, post high school. And whether you go to school or you go to work or whatever it is, you you have coworkers, you have people around, you have these things. But if you stay consistent in a job and you don't see a lot of turnover if it's a healthy work environment and stuff, then you kinda just see the same people all the time. And whether you like them or not, you gotta work with them. And so then you're in a different situation, and then you just have you just have adulting.
Adulting. Right. My sister was looking for a new friend the other day, and she goes, how come it's so easy she took her granddaughter to the park, and her granddaughter is 4 Yeah. And just walked up to a kid and said, hey. You wanna play?
Wanna be friends? Yeah. And the little girl was like, yeah. Let's be friends. And you'll never see that kid again.
Right. For an hour, they were the best of friends. Right. And they had a good time, and they played. Again, it's situational.
Do it. Try it. See what happens. Cool shoes. Do they run fast?
Let's race. Let's be friends. Wanna be friends? Yeah. What else do you like to do?
Oh, I don't like that. But we could still be friends. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
I don't know why I don't know where why it happens. I'm not in a situation where I I go around and go for a new friend. Well, there's that, but then there's also I just like, the things I want to do to have a friend to do things with, I don't know where you go to find a friend. Yeah. Where do you go?
Like, hey. You you into fishing? You into into trucks? You into Just ask somebody. Yeah.
Just ask. Hey. At the gas pump. You know, fishing? From around here?
You like fishing? Me too. You wanna go fishing? Let's do it. Give it a I don't know how I would react to somebody doing that.
Like, if it'd be on the receiving end of that. Okay. Somebody says Somebody says, hey. Hey. Maybe from across the way.
Yeah. Yell it. Hey. Hey, you. You wanna be pals?
I don't Hey. Hey. Hey. You me, buddies? What do you say?
I don't know. It's a little strange. Give it a try. Does it feel strange? No.
I don't think so. I think it feels strange. This is why nobody does. It's supposed to be strange, but maybe we should just not think it's strange anymore. Maybe.
And make it normal. Okay. Let's make it normal. Make make a new friend. Make a new friend.
Although I will say also, sometimes relationships are just hard. It's just Yeah. Time consuming sometimes. No. That makes sense.
Because you have to commit to being a friend. Keep in contact. You have to continually, like, just make sure that relationship is surviving. Right. And it does get tired sometimes.
Tiring. Tiring. Tiring. Tiring. I feel like you're tiring right now I'm tiring.
Right? Conversation. Kinda. Is that is that true? Kinda.
Yeah. It's kinda like making a friend. Kinda you gotta check-in with the conversation as it's going. You gotta make sure everything's cool. Shoot a, hey.
How are you doing? Hey. How you doing? Yeah. Nice little check-in.
And then when you're ready to end it, you just what? You just go like, yeah, okay. That'll do. That if I were to ask you Go ahead. Hang on.
Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on.
Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Okay. You were saying I was saying sheesh.
That was a lot of noise. I know. Okay. If you were to ask me If I were to ask you which word would be the word of the year do you think you could guess? No.
The Collins dictionary made a word of the year. The they'd who's that? Oh, it's a dictionary. No. I gathered, but I've never heard of that one.
I know there's how many did we decide? Too many. About dictionaries a while ago. There's some. There's, like, Webster's.
That's the most common one. It doesn't matter. Okay. Collins dictionary is what we're talking about now. And their word of the year is brat.
Oh, as in, like, it's a brat summer. Brat summer. Yeah. Okay. Yep.
They define brat as confident, independent, and hedonistic. Yeah. Yeah. No. Brat is a good thing.
Where being a brat is not, but being brat without the a in there is super good. Is it? Yeah. Yeah. Because you know and stuff.
I didn't know that. I think this started it was Charlie xCX who started this. You're right. Yeah. Good job, Josh.
Thanks. Look at you knowing stuff. Well, I I I gotta keep up with the trends. Keep up with the no. I try to.
Some other words that were in the running were brain rot. Okay. Brain rot is all of that terrible verbiage middle schoolers are using. But it's also the inability to think clearly because you've got an excessive consumption of online content. Correct.
So you're sitting around rotting your brain. That's true. Then era is on the list. Okay. Era is a big one too.
Again, Taylor Swift and the era's tour kind of inspired a lot of this, but that's gonna be, like, I'm in my me era. I'm in my morning show era. Period of life. Yeah. Looks maxing.
I haven't heard this one. Say that again. Looks maxing. Okay. So maxima like, we talk about minimalism.
Max what's I can't Maximism. Maxism. Something like that, is the exact opposite where instead of having, like, a minimalist design where it's clean and whatever, they're like, no. Bold wallpapers, tons of tchotchkes on the shelf, lots of things. Yeah.
So I think I like that. I think that as a personality. But looks match looks maxing, which is what I'm talking about, is the maximize the attractiveness of your personal appearance. Oh. I'm going the opposite direction of that, I think.
What are you talking about? Alright. Antitourism? Antitourism. DeLulu?
Oh, like, you're delusional. You're DeLulu. What is anti anti tourism? The opposite of Well large scale tourism. Okay.
So So you hit, like, small places Like it. Rather than these big, like Don't go to New York City or Vegas. Go to tiny Oregon coastal town. Kinda. Yeah.
I suppose. K. Yapping, which is talking a lot, romantacy. Romantacy? Which is romantic fiction and fantasy.
Oh, I see what they've done. Isn't your sister into that stuff? My niece. Oh, I thought your sister was reading that too. I think she is too.
Yeah. Well, fantasy. Yeah. BookTok is the whole thing. Yeah.
Big thing on TikTok. Women are doing this. Right. And I suppose men could too if you want. Sure.
Books are they don't care. But Brad Brad is the one that ultimately the one. Alright. Said, yep. I'm top dog.
Checks out. What what era did you say you were in? Morning show era. Morning show era. Yeah.
You've been in morning show era for, like, 5 years? Well, I've been in morning show era for over 3 years, plus another 2, plus another 2a half. So I've been in morning show era a couple of times. I used to be in fill in morning show era for a news talk guy. Yeah.
Ugh. That was pretty awful. I had to be at the station at 3:30. Forget about it. That was so bad for all.
So much to record and get ready to to be able to go on at, like, 5 that show started. Ugh. Yeah. Ugh. That was bad for everybody.
News. Because you were not getting up. I had to wake you up. That was no fun. It was no fun.
What year was that? 2000 5, 2006. Holy moly. Mhmm. I had a baby.
Yeah. We had a baby back. Yeah. Gross. Yeah.
No. I don't I never liked filling in on my I was not a good fill in era. No. That's not it. This is kind of a cool story.
So back in 1985, there, I was 4 years old. I know. Anytime you bring up any 1995. Oh, wow. I was 14.
Yeah. This was in 1985. The charity group called Miracle Flights was founded. Have you heard of these guys? I have not.
So they were founded in Las Vegas in 85 with a mission of providing free commercial flights for children and their families to access medical care far from home Oh. Which is a very cool purpose. This is lovely. Right? So the charity is still thriving today.
And last week, they celebrated their 100 millionth mile flown. Aw. That is a so many miles. They started in 1985? Yes.
When you were 4. I was 4. Which if you didn't know. Yeah. Chantel was 4 in 1985.
Anyway, 100,000,000 miles. Over the last 40 years, Miracle Flights has provided more than a 150,000 free flights to families in need of life saving medical care, and the hard work and dedication of everyone involved has made a big impact on countless lives, providing not just transportation, but also a sense of community and support during difficult times. I think that's so cool. That is cool. 100 million miles flying people around.
Good job. What's it called? It's called, what did I say? It's called miracle flights. Miracle flights.
Mhmm. And they help people All over. All over, like, globally? I believe all over all over America. I don't I don't know the answer to that.
I would assume all over America, but they could probably reach out to that. That's really cool. Yeah. So, here's an example. There's a family, Sarah and Luna Duran, who have been flying to Utah for 8 years, for her ongoing battle with cancer.
She's been through her cancer journey quite a few times. Right now, she's on her 3rd chemo treatment. Her her name is Luna. Sorry. Luna Duran, and her mom is Sarah.
And, she said for us to get to Utah, it's quite a feat, and having to travel up there can be kind of difficult. Miracle flights has been amazing offering to fly us to and from. That's fantastic. That's what they do. Where they fly from?
I would assume they are flying, from Vegas. I don't know the answer to that because it doesn't really say where they're from. Oh. It just says that I mean, this isn't, specifically a Vegas story. It's on it from a a Vegas news source, so I would assume they use that as an example.
Uh-huh. And then she's probably flying up to Primary Children's, if I could guess. So so. Anyway, kinda cool. Fantastic.
Yep. Good job. Before they took this flight on Thursday, they had a celebration at the Harry Reid International Airport for miracle flights, which is pretty cool. They are averaging about 600 flights per month. It's a lot.
That's a lot. Yeah. And they're making it work for some of these families. That's really, really cool. Yep.
Really cool. Good news to get you going. You had an airhead. Worst experience of my life. Why?
Not of my whole life. That's a bad experience. I know that sounds dramatic. I hated every minute of it. I should've just spit it out.
Yeah. Awful. Who decided to make that? I haven't had an Airhead probably since I was in elementary school. And we had some leftover in our Halloween candy, and there were was a mystery flavor one.
Yeah. White mystery. Yep. So I said, I'll try it. Every totally possibly be?
Don't ever eat the white ones because they're always orange. It was not orange flavor. Found out it's a combination of all of the flavors. It's awful. It's terrible.
I didn't mind it. It's gross. I hated the texture. I hated the flavor. The whole thing, just not good.
Yeah. You take a bite. You go, ugh. I remember And then you said, have a bite of this. Yeah.
And I go, alright. I did. It's fine. You said it tasted like jaw chewing on it, and this is new. It tastes like pine trees.
It's gross. They don't eat it. I'm not I will never eat an airhead again. Well, yeah, you gotta finish what you start. You know?
Just You did not have to. You could have just tossed it in the garbage. So awful. Okay. Jeez Louise.
What's wrong with those things? I remember as a kid, like, you'd walked around pretending it was your tongue. Maybe that's just me. Emery said, apparently, you're supposed to, like, squish them before you eat them. It makes them more pliable.
It was gross. The texture of it, or just the taste of it? The taste, the texture, how long it took to chew. The whole situation, I will avoid from now on. How long it took to chew?
How long did it take you to chew it? Too long. Not Not as long as the now and later. Those you start eating them now, and you're still eating it later. So Are they still making now and later?
Sure. I haven't seen those in a really long time. With cavity fillings and, and any sort of metal appliances in their in their mouth or you know? They know all about now and laters. I got sick off of now and laters once because at a slumber party once, my friend Karen and I just ate an entire bag of now and laters.
That'll do it. Oh, I got real sick. I ate too many bugles once. I don't like those either. Same deal.
Too much. I see some big trouble. Yeah. I don't they were so fun to put on your fingers. You know?
And then after the box was gone. 8th grade lunch. Bugles and a Mountain Dew. That's what I ate every day for lunch. Yeah?
In 8th grade. Yeah. Were bugles in a box? No. They were in a bag.
I feel like they came in a box. No. It was a bag. I got them from the vending machine. Well, I know you did, but you were in a weird little town.
In the big city, I think we got our bugles in a box. What are you talking about? No. I think bugles were They came in a box if you got them at the store. That's what I'm saying.
But in the back of the shades of bugles. In a vending machine, it was just a bag. Okay. A crumbed up bugles. No.
Don't say I lived in a small city. I know. You did. Well, I did, but doesn't mean we were dumb. We can't send boxes to that city.
We send everything in bags. They don't put boxes of stuff in vending machines. Sure. They do. Bro, you're being weird.
I'm not being weird. Box of bugles. Yeah. It was a box of bugles. At the store.
Yeah. It's where I bought mine. And then if you got the small bag in the vending machine, it was in a bag. Right. I ate the whole box is what I was saying.
I see what you're saying. I didn't eat a small bag and then go, oh, I've had too many. Oh, I never said I had too many. No. I I did.
I just said that's what I ate for lunch every day. Right. Healthy. Mountain Dew and Bugle. Cool story.
Good for you. This has been a fun time. Couple of Airheads. Just to bring it back around to the front. You know?
The other night, you said that I yelled at you. When? The other night. What happened? You said that I yelled at you in the night.
And what I'd like to clarify is Yeah. That I don't think I yelled at you. I think I very politely said to you, hey. You're snoring in my ear. Okay.
No. That's not what happened. That is what happened. No. Because, I was laying there sleeping away, and I was startled awake by you saying, oh, and shoving.
And you said, you're snoring in my face. So that's what really happened. Okay. I was startled awake by snoring. And then I said You're snoring in my face.
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. No.
No. Not that was it. And then you went back to sleep, and I went, I'll deal with that later. And then I kindly whisked you away. No.
Yeah. Okay. I was Here's what happened. Abruptly told I was snoring in your face. This would happen.
Away. Friday. I think this happened Friday, days ago. And I wrote it down because I was like, we're gonna talk about this because this is what we do is air our grievances on the radio. Why not?
So last night or early this morning, it happens again. I was snoring in your face? Snoring in my face again. And in the wee hours of the morning, I go, did we already talk about this on the radio or not? I could not remember.
So I'm laying there in bed going, have we already talked about this? Because now I have two instances of you snoring in my face. And me don't you handle the one last night? Because I don't remember. Of course you don't remember.
Shake my pillow? No. What I did was I wiggled my body just a little bit to get you to move. You wiggled your bod. Had you had an arm around me.
Okay. And so then I just wiggled underneath your arm to get you to, like Like, oh. To jostle you. I see. Because and it were snoring in your face.
In my face. Because you said I yelled the last time, which I didn't. I said, you're snoring in my face. I heard a I heard a whole lot of your snoring in my face. You're snoring in my face.
Like, I'm sorry. I must sleep. Well, quit snoring in my face. Move your face. Bro.
Bro. Get to your side of the bed. My fault? Yeah. It is your fault.
We're getting rid of the shared bed. We're getting the twins with the, with the nightstand between them. 5. Great. No.
Not doing that. It's awful. We could do the, you know, people call the sleep divorce. No. You sleep in different rooms Nah.
To get an I like snoring in your face. I don't like snoring in my face, so something's gotta give. Snoring in your face is a good time. I like it. I'm gonna snore in your face.
You do. I do not. But I never yell at you Oh. Because I'm kind and patient, and I just jostle you away. Pinch your nose until you go I don't snore on your face.
You know why? Because I don't sleep on my side that's close to you. So I've always got my face away from you. I'm gonna go ahead and grab some video of that for you next time. Alright.
And I'll go, here it is. Sure. K. Do it. I'll need some proof.
It's snowing in my face. I need some concrete evidence for that. You're gonna hate the video. Let's see. Give me some proof.
I don't have one now, but I'll get I'll get one. Go ahead. I will let you know. Waiting. It'll probably be tonight.
Wrong o. Buck o. Sort of my face. So when we left the studio on Friday, I was not looking so forward to the weekend because I knew it was gonna be filled with a long honeydew list of things that have to get taken care of to prepare the house for winter, to kinda get some things squared away. And We nailed it.
Yeah. I got it all done. We got a lot of projects. I think Not all of it. A lot, though.
Like We got a lot done. The got the motorcycle put away, got the side of the house cleaned up, got the trailer emptied, got all the stuff in the backyard, all the furniture, all the patio stuff put away, like, a lot of stuff done. Yeah. A lot. Here's here's the part that I I don't think I enjoy is the dump.
Nobody enjoys that part. I think there are people that love the dump. Why? I like, there are people that just love going to the dump. It smells bad.
Yeah. I get it. I get it. It's depressing. It's I look at all the garbage, and I go, it's gross how much crap we just accumulate.
And then we're like, no. Throw it away. It's awful. And we're in kind of a small metro. So imagine what it looks like in a big city.
Like, I can't even I don't even know. Like, what's a dump like in in a in a large city? I bet it's crazy. The dump is depressing. But there's also they they're heavier on recycling in bigger cities, which I think is important.
But, anyway, I digress. You pull up onto the scale that's supposed to weigh whatever your truck has in it, and you pull up to the window and and the nice lady at the window opens the door or the little sliding door thing. Yeah. What do you say? I don't know.
I don't know what you're supposed to say. You always say the right thing. Do I? I don't know. I realized I've always just said what's in the truck.
Yeah. I don't know if that's what I'm supposed to say. You're right. I almost just wanna sit there and let her start the conversation. They never do, do they make?
She opens the window. And she's a nice lady. And she opens the window, and I always just go, some household garbage and cardboard and stuff. And she's like, okay, go ahead. So but I don't know if that's what I'm supposed to say.
I don't know if I'm hi. Hey. How are you? Good morning. Like, what am I supposed to say?
I don't know. No one has ever clarified They don't really know. That procedure. I literally she opens up the little sliding window, and I immediately go, just a truck of stuff. Dropping it off.
I'll be out of here in 2 minutes. I always get nervous because I'm like, I don't know if we're if we're supposed to dump this here. And so then I always look around going, like, am I supposed to dump this here? I always feel like I'm gonna get in trouble for dumping cardboard in or dumping Yeah. We had a big plastic speaker.
Yeah. I know. I'm like, is this a soft like, oh, wait. I think I had a printer that I threw in there. I'm like Yeah.
Is this supposed to be don't know. Places that you can take things like to like electronics and stuff to be recycled. So but then you end up doing trip and trip and trip, and you're running here and there and there and there. And and it's like, dude, I just can't be bothered anymore. Like, I've got everything loaded up.
I'm just gonna go put it in the hole Yeah. And let the tractor run over it. Like, that's that's a fun job. There was a a couple of years ago, I tripped. Do you remember that when I almost fell into the dump?
Don't remember when you I don't remember you ever almost falling. Every time I go to the dump, I think about it because it was terrifying. Remember when I almost fell it? I There's a little bit of a ledge, and I tripped. We were loading That thing's like 6 or 8 feet away.
It's 8 feet away from the edge. It doesn't matter, Josh. You're not 8 feet long. But if you trip and stumble, you're gaining some ground that way. And we were on the trailer side that doesn't have the little fence.
Exactly. I would have gone right, and can you imagine? Oh, how do you get out? That's almost as scary as you go into trash. Mountain, and you walk out the door.
Awful. The thing I hate to do in the hole. I that's what I'm saying. The thing I hate about the dump too is that you smell it hours after you've been to the dump. You're like, I can still smell it.
In my nose. Yeah. But I still, to this day, I always tell that one. Either. You always do good.
She never says No. I know. That's not what you're supposed to do. Ever say anything. She just goes and points.
Like, there you go. Sounds good. Like, I I really don't know. Like, should I be providing a list of things I have in the truck, or should I just be like, good morning? Obviously, you're not doing it wrong.
If you're doing it incorrectly, she would say, I don't care. I would think, but what like, I just don't know. I I I've made it up. I've made up what I say to the lady at the dump. I don't know if it's the right thing.
I probably never will unless I get really gutsy one day and just pull up and just sit there with my window down. Like, I don't know what to say. If you work there or you know somebody that works there Yeah. You can be clarifying. The rules, Sure.
Give us a call. Leave us a note. I bet it's I bet it's different for somebody who's like a commercial, truck. Right? Like, the city trucks, they they probably have something they have to go through Yeah.
Where they have to be weighed and they have to weigh on their way out so they know how much garbage they dumped and stuff like that. But I don't know how it works for, for just me, just little old me, dropping off some, you know, overflow bags that didn't fit in my garbage bag there or my garbage can this week or whatever. I don't know. You're doing good, Josh. I darn good.
You're doing good. I darn good. You're doing good. You part of one of your goals part of one of your goals. One of your goals this weekend was to I just told you, I go, I feel fine mentally and physically this morning.
I don't feel tired. I don't feel sick, but I feel disconnected somehow. Like, I'm not here. It's a time change. It's gotta be the time change.
Right? That's right. Like, everything feels just off. Anyway, one of your goals this weekend was to hang up Christmas lights. And it was supposed to be a little bit rainy, but you were like, I'm gonna power through and do it anyway.
Yeah. You get on the roof. You have Beck out there helping you. Yeah. What'd you find out?
Well, so we've got, these lights we bought last year. And I remembered as I was hanging them, I remembered something that happened last year, but I didn't remember it until I was, you know, mid stringing these things up. Squirrels or birds or or the combination of the 2 chewed through some of the wires on the lights. And as I'm stringing them, I find the part that's disconnected, and they stole a light. Like, there's a missing light as well.
Sure. And I was like, oh, I forgot about this. Stealing our lights. I know. Yeah.
And and I had totally forgotten that it that it had happened. And so, I I, you know, I was like, well, this isn't gonna work, so I'm gonna have to take these all down now that I've got half this string strung across the roof. So then I started taking them off. Well, we'd gotten the other string run run across the front of the house. And so I was like, alright.
Good. We're in we're in good shape. Let's, let's go ahead and get this string run. Let's test it, make sure everything's good. Couldn't get them to turn on.
I've tried multiple outlets, multiple extension cords. I've gotta try fuses. That's my next step, and I'm gonna try and do that and see if changing the fuses works. If that string doesn't light up and I have to pull that string as well, I don't know what to do. Oh.
I've got no working lights. I'm gonna have to repurchase lights, and we just bought these last year. I don't know what happened. I know the one string got chewed up. I know that happened, but, I don't know what happened to the other string.
The other string should be fine. And they worked great up until, like, we turned them off, and then I didn't take them down until the spring because they were under snow and stuff. Yeah. And so, yeah, I don't know what to do. Dang it.
I'm gonna have to probably buy at least one new string, if not both. My favorite I'm not excited about that. My favorite part was Beck was kind of the runner. You were on top of the roof, and he I was inside doing some stuff inside the house, but he kept coming in, grabbing different things, grabbing extension cords, grabbing this, and I would check-in. Hi.
How's it going? How's it going? Do you guys need anything? He comes in and says, well, none of the lights work. Here's Beck's helpful advice.
Yep. None of the lights work. Yep. I go, oh, no. What happened?
He goes, I don't know. But maybe we should've checked that before we started hanging up lights. Yeah. He said that too, while I was out there, and I went, yeah. Probably should've, but we didn't, and now they're hung up.
So, yeah, he feels like I wasted, you know, part of his day. He got to hang out, so he should be totally cool. No. I said, yeah. That's real that's real helpful advice, Beck.
Go tell dad that. He did. He he delivered that message, and I went, yeah. You're right. Would have been smart.
And then moved on because there's nothing you can do about it now. You're already strung up. He just likes to complain. That's what he does best. Man, though, that string should totally be working, and I don't know why.
So I'm gonna try the fuses. Alright. See what happens. Alright. I'm having a real, Clark Griswold moment right now where the lights aren't working, and I'm going, what is happening?
Going on? It's just that one little switch behind the fridge or whatever. Yeah. Don't have that. But it's that same feeling where I'm like, I got all these hung up, and now they're not working.
What's going on? So yeah. You should've tested it before you hung them up. I should've tested. My fault.
But, also, these lights should last longer than 1 6. Than 1 year? Yeah. Yeah. I agree.
So I'm not stoked about that. But I'll get it done, hopefully, before snow flies, because I don't wanna be up on the roof with snow. No. Snow has already flown. I saw some snow yesterday.
So You know what I mean. I get what you're Real snow. What you're saying. I don't wanna I don't wanna be in the real snow. And, plus, you're in competition with the neighbor.
I know. I don't like that either. That guy, good looking yard, not a leaf on it, mows it. I'm like, I gotta get rid of my leaves. You're supposed to have leaves on your yard.
It helps with biodiversity. I under I get it, but I I can't leave all that 4 inches of leaves on the lawn like that. No way. So, anyway, I got I got the leaves taken care of. I wanted to mow, but I I couldn't do it.
I couldn't get the lawnmower out. I just can't be bothered. There's nothing to mow. The grass isn't grown and No. I know.
But look how nice this looks. His yard looks so nice. He got his Christmas lights up. I bet he tested his before he took them off there. I did.
Yeah. Smart guy. What would a Monday morning be without a little football update? Oh, well, it'd be a better morning for you is what it would be. It would be a better morning without a football.
It would be a better morning for you to not talk about what happened in fantasy football over the weekend. There were some highlights and there were some lowlights during the the football weekend. Yeah. What were your lowlights? My lowlights were that Jeffer Justin Jefferson could have played a little bit better.
Okay. Justin Jefferson, who's on the Minnesota Vikings, wide receiver He played really, really well. 21 and a half points for your fantasy team. He played very well. Played really, really well.
It all boiled down. I'm playing Emery this week, and it all boiled down to Justin Jefferson. He was my last player to play. He was the last player to play of both of our teams. Right.
And she, Emery, was really in the lead. I had a maybe a 12% probability of winning. Yeah. And I was like, no. I need, like, 25 points.
Yeah. You're over there doing calculations on how many points you need to be able to tie. You're like, I you're like, I know this can happen. He can absolutely score 25 points. He's done it before.
He can do it again. And that my probability watching that go from 12% to 60% to 73% down to 60? Oh, it was a roller coaster of emotion. Down to 5, down to Now 0. Yeah.
I was like, no. We need he needs 4 more points. If he had made one more pass there in that 4th If he would have had one more reception. Absolutely. Yep.
I would've I would've beat Emery. Four points is all I needed to win. I know. That was a nail biter. So you you lost your week to our daughter by about 4 points.
I won the week against our son by, nearly 50 points by 48 points. Let's talk about the Vikings, though, because we win, and that was awesome. You did win. Saquon Barkley, who is on the Philadelphia Eagles, he is on my team. What a player.
32 points he gave me. Alright. That's fine. But, also, did you watch him play? Yes.
Like, that guy was running backwards, hurtling over people. That guy is nuts. He is nuts. He backwards hurtling over people. That guy is nuts.
He is nuts. It's wild. Yeah. He was easily my favorite player over the weekend. Also, the pair Carolina at the Carolina.
Mhmm. The Carolina oh my gosh. I said it again. Carolina Panthers. Yeah.
I feel so bad for them. Their standing is 27. They won. There's a lot of there's a lot of players with 27 as their standings. Yeah.
They've won 2 loss Last season, I think they won 0 games. Oh. I might be mistaken about that. So they are kind of the underdog of the NFL, so I'm always rooting for them. I know nothing about their team.
I don't know any of their players, but they won over the Saints. And so I'm happy for the Panthers. If you're a Panthers fan, good luck to you. I'm always rooting for them because I feel bad for them. But the Lions Packers game was a good game.
Good game? It was there were some good football. The Lions are unstoppable right now. You're you're a fan favorite of the Chiefs. They're playing tonight.
I'm not. I won't be watching that game. You're playing against Tampa Bay. I do like the Buccaneers, so I hope they win. Alright.
Obs. Well, of course, you hope they win. Hopes the Buccaneers win. They are currently undefeated, those Chiefs. Not because they're good players.
Alright. Let's let's just, report the facts here. There's a lot of No. A lot of opinion eking in. I only report my opinion.
Yeah. Yeah. No one is a Chiefs fan. That is not true. Facts.
That is absolutely false. No one in this room is a cheeseburger. Now that's a fact. That's a true statement. Emery has had a chair that's been broken for a while and It's a vanity stool.
It is a vanity stool, and she has complained about that chair being broken for a very long time. No one will fix it. No one will fix it. So I wanted her to have the experience of building that. And I wanted her to kind of have a little bit of an investment in understanding how the furniture got put together.
And it was just a, like, a little, I mean, 40, $30 whatever vanity thing we found online, and they ship it to you. And then you build it with Allen wrenches. It's not like a fancy piece of furniture or anything. I just wanted something that was gonna get her by for a little while that was gonna be fine. But the little stool that it comes with, it's pretty chintzy, not really, real durable quality.
It's made out of the same little fiberboard stuff, and, and it got stripped out after, I don't know, a week, and it's been laying there as a stack of little boards and a cushion for a long time. Yes. A good couple months. And she'll go, I wish I had the stool. I wish I had that stool.
Wish I had that stool. I'm like, Glenn, fix the stool. You finally fix it Yeah. Yesterday. Well, be but, again, I wanted her to be involved in that, and I was like, you just left it as a stack of boards.
Like, here it is. It's out of my room. Okay. So I was looking at it, and I went, look. I've already got the air compressor out for other stuff.
I'm just gonna put this thing together. And, and so I'm doing brad nails on this thing. Like, I made it so it was a lot sturdier. You hand tightened all the stuff and really put it together. Yeah.
And I walked down to her room, and I set it in front of her vanity. And she goes, oh, thanks. And I said, you know, you're welcome. And she's as I'm walking out, I said, could you put more holes in it? And I was just like, I'm done.
I'm walking away. I'm I'm out. I'm done. You're welcome, dear. Yeah.
Like, come on. I mean, thanks for fixing it, but could you have put more holes in it? Yeah. Could you put more holes? And by the way, I didn't put any more holes in it.
I put brad nails in it, but I didn't put any additional holes. It just the the holes that were there are all stripped out, so they look all giant. It's not my fault. I didn't even notice that. Sit still on it.
What are you doing? Bouncing around. Yeah. You're standing on it to try and reach up in your closet. Don't do that.
Probably. It's not made for that. I bet that's exactly what she was doing. I just like that you finally fix it. There's no appreciation.
Yeah. Thanks. Thanks, dad. Because you put more holes in it. Oh, she did say thank you?
She said thanks when I set it down, sort of, like, passively. Like, oh, thanks. Oh. Could you put more holes in it? Thanks for making it look more ugly.
Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for that. You have your stool back. Be grateful.
Be grateful. It's only taking me 6 months to get it fixed. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Hey. Hey. I was busy. We have a broken washer. This is week 2 of going to the laundromat.
Yeah. It's awful. I can enjoy it. I am appreciative that that places exist for for times when people need it. I'm very happy that I have a place to go do my laundry.
What I did not enjoy you were gonna say something. Sorry. Go ahead. What I didn't enjoy yesterday, The place that we went last week was fine. We liked it, but it was full when we tried to go again.
So we had to find a new place. And finding a new place is hard because you don't know what the new place is gonna be like, so you're walking in blind going, I don't know about this new place. We walk in. It's fine. It's got washing machines.
And they have an attendant on staff. The attendant was helpful. He was friendly. He was Chatty. It's good.
He was washing out the machines after every use, which was awesome. What I was thrown off by was he was very much like, okay. I've just washed this washer. You're ready to start loading your laundry. And he's next to me washing out the washer next to me.
While you're putting your dirty clothes in. My dirty clothes in. And it's fine. He's chit chatting, being friendly, but then I start to get to my unmeasurables and my You're like, this is this is a strange thing. This is awkward.
Yeah. Please don't please don't. I'm just throwing my laundry in. Just you just do your thing, bud. Don't look at me while you're talking to me because this is very awkward.
I ordered the parts to fix the washer. They're supposed to arrive today. We went back and forth. Our washing machine is 12 years old. They typically last 10 to 14 years.
So we went back and forth whether or not we should just bite the bullet and spend a lot of money to buy a new one, or if we spend a small amount of chump change To try and buy parts, and then I'll try and fix it. So I'm gonna try and fix it. I'm going into appliance repair mode. Because it's right before the holidays. Who wants to spend a I know.
A chunk of change right before the holidays? I don't want to, but it's also it doesn't seem cost effective to continue to go to the laundromat with with the the amount of laundry we have. No. Because now let's see. How much did you spend on the parts for the Like, $50 something like that.
Spend. That's 1 I know. 1 and a half weeks to the laundromat. Correct. So that's why I'm like, I'm not really into Plus it's also it's such a pain.
Load up all the laundry. Load it back home. This week, we did decide to dry the laundry before we left the laundromat. Last week, we just washed it because our dryer's good Yeah. And then brought back the wet laundry and then worked through drying it throughout the throughout the weekend.
But I did kinda like it's dry, and it's done. Yeah. That was kinda nice. It was nice not taking home wet Right. Piles of laundry.
Right. The baskets were lighter. But it does. It is awful. Yeah.
I don't enjoy the laundromat. I'm happy and thankful that it's there, but I just wanna do my laundry on my house. Thing is that, the when we were young and we lived in an apartment that did not have a laundry facility, we had no option. Correct. We had to go, and we we had a new baby.
That's what it takes. Go through laundry a lot. And and, and so I can I I can look back at those days and go, yeah? I learned how nice it is to have a washer and dryer. Nice.
And when we moved into the townhouse that had a washer and dryer, that was awesome. That was so nice. We'll have at least hookups in everywhere we rent from now on because the laundromat love you. Glad you're there. Wish I didn't have to see you.
Could just throw my laundry in because we did we did I did a bunch of cleaning over the weekend, and it would have been so nice just to throw my dirty rags in, wash them, be done. Instead, I had to throw my dirty rags in an extra sack and be like, don't combine these with the other stuff because these are gross ones. And they still end up in with the towels. Yeah. Because we were like, I'm not gonna spend 5 more dollars for it so low.
Wash its own thing. So you you start making decisions, don't you? Yeah. Yeah. It's decisions out of desperation.
So I'll keep you up to date on how the, appliance repair goes, hopefully, swimmingly. It is manifest. Good things. Alright. It's gonna go so smoothly.
I'm gonna have a washer by the end of the week. I hope so. Me too, Josh. Oh, man. I hope so.
Me too. What is some bad marriage advice that you can think of? I don't know if I've if I've received bad marriage advice. I think that there's common advice that people give, like, don't go to bed angry. Somebody specifically this one, somebody said that's the dumbest advice I've ever heard.
I I just don't understand it myself. Like, you know, I I Like, you broke out your disagreements Yeah. You get that. That. Okay.
I get the point. I just don't think I've ever been in a situation where I've been so angry for so long that I'm like, I'm going to bed. Well and this guy who says this is the dumbest advice, he said, I've been married for 23 years. He said, we've had many fights where we just were tired, and so we went to sleep. And when we woke up the next morning Sure.
We either forgot the fight or we just didn't care anymore. Right. And so it was like, who cares? Forget about it. Just let it go.
Yeah. I I just you know, you and I, we've been together now almost I mean, we've been together for 21 years. We're married for, coming up on our 20. Holy smokes. Old people.
And, and and but, you know, we've had disagreements for sure living together with somebody that comes up, but I I've not been in, like, a fight. No. Like, which is good. I think that's great. But we've also been able to compromise and resolve things and talk about stuff.
And we've had moments where it's like, we need to address this thing. Yeah. And, usually, I can read the room, and I go, something's not right. And I go, what's going on? And I'm like, I don't wanna talk about it right now.
And I go, okay. Well, I can tell this is after me trying to get you to talk for, like, you know, a while. This would be, like, the 6th or 7th attempt where I'm like Can you read the room? I've been putting out some good vibes. Today?
No. You're saying that Yeah. I'm pretty good at reading the room. No. I am.
Because I'm setting out Yeah. Lots of feelers of how to read the room. No. I get it, and I do. And then I go, what's going on?
And you're like, I don't wanna talk about it. So keep sending those feelers. That makes a lot of sense. Okay. Here's some advice I thought was funny.
When a woman is mad, just tell her she's overreacting. Yeah. That'll go well. She'll realize right, and she'll calm down right away. Who gave that advice?
That's a great advice for how to not have a wife. What are you talking about? Hey. You know what? You need to calm down.
You're overreacting. That's worked well for everyone who's ever said it. You're right. I'll calm down right now. Okay.
Smart. Stop being so sensitive. Oh, wow. Yeah. If you ever hear those words come out of my mouth, you definitely now look.
There are times when I'd go, no. You're overreacting, but it wouldn't be because you were angry about me or something. I wouldn't be No. Like, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna step on that mind. No.
No way. You have really good advice. You always say, stop giving it more of your time. Right. Not necessarily that you're externally overreacting you.
Things that I am overreacting about. Yeah. You're like, it's not you're not overreacting, but Right. Stop giving it so much of your time. It's not worth it.
Right. I'm like, alright. You're right. Yeah. Why don't let that occupy your space.
You're right. Hate it. I okay. Go on. That's good advice.
What's some other bad advice? Some other bad advice? Those were the only ones I had. Oh. The never go to bed angry is bad advice.
And Never. Yeah. Tell somebody they're overreacting. Hey. You need to calm down.
Calm yourself down. You are overreacting right now. And you're like, no. I'm not. You wanna see overreacting?
Yeah. Yeah. I'll show you overreacting. That's not the way we work. No.
Which I'm grateful for. Me too. Volatile relationships do exist. And if you're if you don't have that compromise and that willingness to work together and to and to listen to it, you got you gotta have that. You've gotta be able to to have adult conversation and adult emotional reaction.
And sometimes that is hard because you just have to sit and listen. Like, that was that's something that took me a long time to learn was that, like, you sometimes you don't have to say something. Yeah. Sometimes you just need to, like, take time, process, feel sad, feel attacked, feel scared, feel those things. And then once you're done feeling, then you're gonna go, okay.
Now I can make a sentence that's not gonna offend or make the situation worse. That's a hard thing to learn, but it helps a lot. So try that instead. Good. No.
You're overreacting. No. Look at Josh dishing out marriage advice. I'm just telling you. Look at you.
Patience. Learn some. It helps a lot. Oh, it's time to ask the question that gets asked every week date about this time. Would you rather this or that?
Would you rather eat all of the turkey by yourself No. Or eat all of the stuffing by yourself? No. I don't wanna eat all of the anything by myself. Those, you're gonna feel so sick afterwards.
The stuffing is I'd probably go with the turkey. And and the turkey, I could probably eat more of than the stuffing because the stuffing is bread, and that bread's gonna fill you up quick. Yes. It is. So I'm going with the turkey for the sake that I could probably eat more of the turkey and then have fewer eating sessions.
Yeah. Gross. Now there's probably gonna be less stuffing than turkey in in all in all. Right? Maybe not.
I don't know. Less turkey than stuffing, you think? I think there might be less stuffing than turkey. But then I'm thinking by the time you no. There's there's casserole dishes full of stuffing.
Plus all the yeah. Multiple because you've got the casserole dish that you put with your stuffing, and then you're gonna have all of the cavity stuffing, which is gross. You love cavity stuffing. It's the grossest name you've ever come up with for it, by the way. Cavity stuffing.
I'm taking stuffing because turkey is gross. Fight me. Do you think meat is gross? Yeah. It is.
Turkey is made of meat. Turkey is so gross. It is the grossest gross. I think it I think it gets a special pass. I think turkey's special.
No. It's not. It's just it's still gross. Do you know the turkey legs that they serve at, like, the fair and stuff? Those that's not turkey?
I just found that out not that long ago. What is it? I can't remember. That is It's a ham. You're walking around eating a ham.
It's a ham. You think you're having a turkey? It's a ham. It's a ham. So the big signs that say turkey legs.
Yeah. It's a ham leg. Oh, gross. I hate those. They look so gross, but I'm a gross.
Caveman. I know. I can't do it either. Love them, and that's fine. No way.
I'm glad that people enjoyed it. Kicking off the bone. I'm not eating a ham leg or a turkey leg or any other leg. Just don't make me eat it. I don't care what you eat.
Just don't make me eat it. But you gotta sit and watch somebody eat it. That's your haunted house. You walk into a room. It's one guy sitting there in a chair eating a ham leg, and you have to stay through the duration.
Eating his ham, Hawk? Is he, like, sucking it off the bone? You know it. Oh, gross. That is a haunted house.
Yeah. Awful. I may have solved all of your problems. What What? What do you got?
Imagine for a minute you could zap away all the voices running through your head Oh. So that you could go to sleep or you could just have quiet for a minute. I would love that. I know. I said.
What's the solution? So researchers at University of Arizona are developing a gadget that uses magnetic pulses to quiet all those thoughts that keep you awake. I don't have a problem falling asleep. That's not my problem. No.
Because you get tired at bay Yeah. During the day. So this device targets the brain's default mode network or what they're calling DMN, or I call demon. DMN. You see?
I see. It's the one it's it's what it's the your brain's, the thing in your brain that's responsible for all the internal chatter. You can use this thing for 40 seconds. K. And it uses these rapid magnetic bursts to specific brain regions, and it silences those noises that keep you busy, that keep your brain just not shutting off.
Fascinating. Yeah. I'm into it. And they say that, like, it's this quick. 40 seconds, it's all quiet, and you can, like, zone out.
You can have nothing. You can go to sleep. Whatever. Yeah. You could meditate.
You could read a book. Right. Gets rid of your brain DMN. DMN. I love it.
Isn't that interesting? I've seen some of that in my life. I've got too much going on in my brain. Yeah. There's a lot of people have an inability to quiet the mind, and, and then it causes things like insomnia and people being able to unable to turn off their thoughts, especially when trying to fall asleep.
And so it's this this brain network called the default mode network that this thing specifically targets, and it can 40 seconds of these little magnetic pulses and zonk you out. Isn't that interesting? Yeah. I had no idea. I wanna try it.
Yeah. I know you do. Gotta go to the University of Arizona to give it a go. That's fine. It's warm there.
It is. It is indeed. You know where else it's warm? On the podcast, I assume. Is it?
I guess. Yeah. It is. The podcast is warm and snuggly. It's so brat.
Listen, if you, have not listened to our show as a podcast, you should give it a shot. You should give it a shot. We take the entire 4 hours of the show from 6 to 10. We condense it down to about an hour. So you can listen at lunch.
You can listen when you're driving. You can listen at night. You can listen when you're trying to quiet the voices in your head. When you try to cook dinner. When you're trying to yawn and keep yourself awake in the middle of the day after time change.
After a time change. If you're yeah. Whenever. When you're trying to demand. Drive your kids to soccer practice in the afternoon.
Sure. Fall soccer. Just almost as warm as spring soccer. And I love soccer, but man, why is it gotta be cold whenever you wanna play? Anyway, check out the podcast.
Just search for wake up classy 97 everywhere you listen to podcasts. That includes Apple, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube Music, the big ones you can find us there, and on all the other ones too. So wherever you listen to podcasts, Wake Up Classy 97. The podcast is available for you. There.
Also, we're on YouTube, so check out our YouTube channel. We'll be there for you. Yeah. Hey, good friend. Hey.
Hey, good friend. We're there for you. Alright. Have a great rest of your Monday. Hope you make it through.
Remember Good luck. Changed on Sunday. So it's, you know, it's an hour different. Good luck making it through. Yeah.
Good luck to all of us. And we'll catch you tomorrow morning. Have a good day. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.
If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.