The Brand ED Podcast

In Issue 39 of "The Brand ED Bullet," you’ll get four powerful pointers to give your weekend a dynamic boost. A blend of practical advice, probing insights with a personal touch perfect for high-integrity, brand-forward solopreneurs, consultants, and coaches.

What You’ll Discover:
  1. Something to Try: Picture Perfect
    Discover a straightforward way to clean up those nearly perfect photos, removing distractions without the need for expensive, complicated software. Perfect for enhancing your online presence with minimal effort.
  2. Client Question: Hiding Beneath the Surface of 'Lead Generation
    Learn a more profound approach to generating leads that goes beyond the surface level desire for more sales. I'll introduce a questioning technique that digs deeper into the 'why' without putting you (or your clients) on the defensive.
  3. Something to Consider: The Personal Brand Power Paradox
    How do you tackle the tough question of power in personal brand business. It's a candid reflection on the difference between empowering oneself and wielding power over others, and I invite you to join the conversation.
  4. Something Personal: My New Year's Intentions
    How do you find balance during challenging days? I'll share the power of routine and a surprising, soul-filling habit that offers both comfort and perspective. 
Dive into this episode for these first-hand insights and methods that could make significant impacts on both your business and personal well-being.

Resources from This Episode:

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  • (00:00) - The Brand ED Bullet, Issue 12
  • (00:07) - Win #1: Something to Try
  • (01:11) - Win #2: Something a client recently asked
  • (02:30) - Win #3: Something to think about
  • (03:17) - Win #4: Something personal...
  • (04:23) - Closing

What is The Brand ED Podcast?

It’s easy for personal brands and SMBs to get overwhelmed in a sea of marketing and branding voices, choices, and channels. Robby Fowler taps into 20 years of personal brand experience to help you clearly connect the dots between your branding, marketing and business strategy. To avoid being another burnt-out leader or under-performing brand or business, tune into this podcast. Build a personal brand and business that breathes life into you and your customer.

Robby: You're listening to the Brand
ED Bullet from the Brand ED Podcast.

Four freaky fast Friday wins to
get you going for your weekend.

Let's go.

Win number one, something to try.

How many times do you find yourself
staring at a great photo on your laptop?

Except there is a pesky unwanted detail,
right in the middle of the photo.

Maybe it's a telephone pole behind you.

Maybe it's a box of Kleenex On
a perfect shot of your desk.

Well, cleaning up photos used
to mean you had to fire up

Photoshop, which is cha-ching
expensive and also very hard to do.

Thankfully you have several online
options now on one of those that's

really simple to use is called Cleanup.

I'll put a link to their
website in the show notes.

Basically you go to the website, you
upload your photo, You use a brush to

delete the unwanted object in your picture
and voila, it magically disappears.

I'll include a link to a sample that
I tried, so you can see how it works.

If you want to specifically remove
the background of a picture, you

can try this free, hidden gym from
Adobe, the makers of Photoshop.

I'll put a link to that
in the show notes as well.

And another resource called

Those are three great options to get that
photo looking exactly the way you want it.

Win number two, something
a client recently asked.

Uh, client called for some
help, generating more leads.

Now business was going well, but
they weren't satisfied and they knew

things could grow exponentially.

First we had to break down and
separate the wants from the needs.

My client started with this.

I want more leads.

I asked him, well, what would having
more leads do for your business?

I followed that with a series of, and
what would that do for your business and

what would that do for your business?

Here's a quick bonus tip.

Notice, I used a, what question
versus why do you want more leads?

Or why do you want this?

Why questions can unnecessarily
put someone on the defensive?

So try a, what question in your coaching
or consulting in these instances?

Now, back to my client.

As we dug deeper, I helped him see, well,
I want more leads because I want more

sales and I want more sales because I
want more revenue and I want more revenue

because ultimately I want more profit.

Perhaps you share my client's
gut instincts where, you know,

you haven't tapped into the
full potential of your business.

If that's, you don't give into
the temptation to just think

you need more leads because like
relationships, the faster you fall

into that, the harder you land.

Tune in next time and I'll share
one of two great ways to scratch

that itch when you want new leads.

I'll give you a hint.

It's called Revy R E V.


Feel free to email me from the show notes
and tell me what your challenges are

when it comes to generating more leads.

Win number three,
something to think about.

Here's a helpful question to
gauge your own internal world.

Is accumulating power the primary means
I'm using to accomplish my business goals.

Perhaps you're like me and you can
sniff out a power grab pretty easily.

And others, whether that's politics
or showbiz, or maybe it's big

corporate or it's a tech startup.

But how about when you hold your
personal brand business up to the mirror?


I don't know about you, but I'm
in a constant dog fight with

ignoring my own power grabs.

It's easy to hide under the banner of,
"Well I'm growing my personal brand

and that's going to help others."

But what if the primary
way I'm getting there is by

accumulating power over others.

What strategies do you use to keep
your own internal powerplays in check

as you build and grow your business?

Email me back with how you're doing this.

I would love all the advice I could get.

Win number four, something personal.

Not long ago.

I was a little under the weather.

I don't know if it was the crud or
maybe a tinge of the flu or COVID,

or just a bad cold, but to add to it.

It happened to land on a day when my older
two kids were heading back to college.

If you hang around me or my podcast
for very long, you'll learn that my

wife and I, we always get the blues
when our kids head back because we

really enjoy our kids and we love them.

And so one thing I rely on when days
like that come, I rely on my routine.

And one of the most helpful parts of
my current routine is that I finished

my morning where I'm working on me.

I finished that time with a poem.

I'll share more about maybe what poem
or resources later, if that's helpful.

But for now I wanted to share the
primary takeaway about finishing

my morning time by reading a poem.

The poet model is a way of
experiencing and expressing both the

sunshiny days and the stormy nights.

And man, do I need to learn that?

Not just to analyze the situation, not
to just dissect it, not to avoid it or

to rationalize it, but to experience it.

And to all the poets out there, thanks
for modeling a much different way

through life than the one I'm usually
surrounded by in our current culture.

Thanks for joining me on this
episode of the brand Brand ed bullet.

Good news.

You don't have to scroll
through the show notes to find

the links to any of the apps.

apps or other wins.

mentioned in this episode.

Instead, just hop on my email
list and you can get these

four wins right in your inbox.

Just go to

That's R O B B Y

I'd also love your help getting
this into the hands of more people.

So go and leave a review on
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was your favorite from this episode.

Have a great weekend and go
and build a life-giving brand.